“Leaders imagine a world that they would like to be part of, a world worth fighting for.” Seth Godin
MCP 16.17 AIESEC in Argentina
Take a deep breath, close your eyes, smile and think about what is the world you would like to fight for…
And with this image, ambiIon, dream in your mind, start reading this applicaIon! Remember every leader starts with WHY!
Dear potenIal applicant, When the 'me to apply came, I had this gut feeling that showed me it was the right decision; it was not about my past experiences but about the future that I wanted to build. “Turn ambi2on and feelings into reality, walk my own talk,… One year ago a I was dreaming an AIESEC in Argen2na that as one, with the work of every member, every day, from all the en22es; turned all the poten2al into achievements. Living heart-‐s2rring team experiences, membership is strong and fully understand AIESEC’s impact model, work hard towards solu2ons and growth. They not take for granted the AIESEC experience. As they’re self aware of who they are that give them a huge source of energy and passion to do whatever is needed in order to achieve remarkable results with constant ac2ons. I had the dream to lead with passion and simplicity and. The dream to become AIESEC a GCP in our society as we keep growing and growing despite the VUCA country in which we live in, because in every experience we provide, we develop real entrepreneurial young leaders protagonist of change. “
This image of the future is something that will stay with you forever, is that clear purpose and ambiIon that is going to give you strength, calm, clarity, passion. It’s that dream that will push you, challenge your own limits. Being responsible of one country, of its youth, dreams, ambiIons, behaviours, can be as rewarding as mind-‐blowing too. Yes, being MCP is one the most challenging and mind-‐blowing experiences that one person can live in AIESEC. You’ll lead yourself, you fail, you doubt yourself, but at the same Ime, you stand up stronger than you ever were or could imagine!! So, BELIVE. “To be a champ, you have to believe in yourself when nobody else will”. If you’re reading this is because, you also have a dream, you believe in what we do and you know how much our country deserves our impact and how much we need to grow! Get prepared as much as you can, clarify your intenIons, write down your dreams, think about what it takes to achieve them in only 365 days! Be authenIc and transparent, humble and simple, this builds trust and without it, it is completely not worth it. Remember what be a protagonist means… Remember, you are the protagonist of your own story. Enjoy the journey. Yours, Emi
MCP 15.16
THIS BOOKLET INCLUDES ๏ MCP 1516 Le^er ๏ The ApplicaIon Process
Timeline ๏ MCP 1617 JD ๏ MC Living CondiIons ๏ Candidate’s Profile
General ๏ QuesIonnaire ๏ Candidate’s Checklist
INTRODUCTION In this applicaIon you will be able to use all your creaIvity when creaIng and designing your own applicaIon form to stand for AIESEC in ArgenIna 2016|17. The process has been designed to help you step out of the crowd and feel completely comfortable with your applicaIon making sure that it reflects you; it reflects your personality and your perspecIves. Note: You can present the applica2on ques2onnaire in the best manner you consider with the only restric2on of no micro fonts (less than 10 in size) and that you do not exceed the 11 pages.
THE  PROCESS Applica>ons%Launch% 8th%of%November%2015% Applica>ons%Close% 29th%of%November%23.59%hs%(GMTV3)% OďŹƒcial%Candidates%Release% 30th%of%November% Interviews%
30th%November,%1st,%2nd,%3th%December!%% Interview%with%external% 9th%&%10th%of%December% Speeches,%panel%discussion,%task%presenta>on%&%plenary%Q&A**% 17th,%18th,%19th%&%20th%of%December%in%LEADCO%
THE PROCESS In our na2onal compendium, BOOK VI you can find all the informa2on regarding: vo2ng process, minimum of the process, MCP JD and more! Please check it out!
THE APPLICATION The applica2on package with all the items men2oned below must be sent to maria.saley@aiesec.net & mcp1617argen4na@gmail.com in a ZIP/RAR file named: MCP_Applica2on_2016_2017_Name_LC/MC (eg. MCP_Applica2on_2016_2017_JuanPerez_Junin). Applica4ons will be only received un4l 29th of November 23.59 GMT-‐3. Confirma2on of recep2on will be made within 24hs. No applica2ons will be accepted afer DDL regardless of the reason. Therefore you are strongly encouraged to send your applica2on over 24hs before the DDL so that you receive confirma2on within the DDL. T In case an applica2on is submiged within the DDL but is incomplete or does not follow completely the guidelines of this booklet, the process with the applicant will con2nue. However, such applica2on will be considered only upon acceptance of the assembly during LEADCO. If the assembly does not accept the applica2on, it will be disregarded and the candidate will not par2cipate of the process in LEADCO. In case you have any doubts regarding this applica2on please contact Maria Emilia Saley at maria.saley@aiesec.net
THE APPLICATION PACKAGE CV with AIESEC Experience and external experience relevant to the role. Belbin test & h^p://bit.ly/core-‐values-‐test Signed endorsed le^ers from: ๏ ๏ ๏ ๏
The en2ty where you are performing your current role (MCEB or LCEB) An external (alumni, partner or someone completely unrelated to AIESEC) A former leader you have had in AIESEC Someone you have lead.
White paper challenge -‐ one page of any format for you to freely express yourself ApplicaIon quesIonnaires -‐ max 11 pages. (Must be in English) ExecuIve Summary -‐ it’s a concise summary of your applicaIon Personal biography
MCP JD MoS: #RE of all our programs EnIty growth and sustainability Planning • Organize the process of planning • Build and implement tracking systems and decision making process • Track, review and coach MCVPs on the strategic plan • Support on budgeIng and financial decision making Team Management • Build and implement management tools and principles • Organize and run MCEB Team Days • Align and coordinate MCVPs during conferences and events • Run MCEB weekly meeIngs • Ensure all MCVPs have a correct plan and job descripIon • Run HR processes in the MCEB Governance • Manage Supervisory Group Chair, send reports and implement outputs from SG meeIngs • Make Compendium be followed accordingly • Facilitate and parIcipate on BoP meeIngs
Organisa4onal Development Support • Build relaIonship and negoIate with other MCPs about country partnerships • Track organisaIonal goals and indicators • Ensure conferences are being used strategically • Ensure alignment of BoP on the strategy for LC development • Ensure alignment of MCVPs on the strategy for LC development and support • Support the development of strategies for posiIoning to stakeholders External Rela4ons • Represent AIESEC in ArgenIna as an enIty on events and meeIngs • Track MC main accounts • Go on sales and manage some of the accounts • Support on product development and on the strategy for external relaIons • Deliver all requirements for Country Membership
Criteria • Ensure financial transparency to the network
MCP LIFE & CONDITIONS Living Condi2ons Current MC Flat is located in Buenos Aires, in the nice neighbourhood of Palermo, with easy access to public transport and different recreaIonal parts of the city (such as parks, bars and important avenues). The current address is: Julian Alvarez 1449, 17 B, CABA. Working Condi2ons Buenos Aires Office is located in downtown of the city (40 minutes away from the apartment by public transportaIon). Salary The monthly salary is a minimum of 300 USD but it may vary upwards depending on the budget. It is paid in local currency (ARS) with the official rate. For further informaIon please check: www.bna.com Salary is enough for a normal living in Buenos Aires if the person measures his/her expenses. Other cost Covered Apartment AIESEC ArgenIna naIonal conferences fees and travel expenses Coaching travel expenses
MCP LIFE & CONDITIONS Other responsibili2es you can have -‐ Be part of Global Steering Team -‐ Be Chair of Global Sub Commi^ees -‐ Be Member of Global Sub Commi^ees -‐ Facilitate regional conferences -‐ Be Chair of LaIn America The MCEB Budget of ARGENTINA covers the transporta2on for the following travels: -‐ NaIonal Conferences -‐ InternaIonal Conferences: IC, IPM, Latam Summit, MCP Summit
Addi2onal Informa2on -‐ For LC visits hosIng is normally provided LC members -‐ NaIonal Conference FEE is covered -‐ Travels around ArgenIna are normally done by bus and in some very specific cases we cover flight Ickets -‐ Apart from the flight Icket to internaIonal conferences the MCEB budget also covers the, delegates fee and insurance for both MCP current and elects. -‐ However this costs may also depend on cash flow so reimbursement 2me may vary.
Empower%others% Global%mindset% Socially%Responsible% Solu9on%orientated%%
Communica9on%and% Presenta9on%Skills% Long%Term%Vision% Leadership%and%Team% Management%Skills% Decision%Making% Personal%Effec9veness%
In general, Member Commigee President requires a diverse range of skills and knowledge, besides certain fundamental aItudes and values. Member Commigee President must have a mul2-‐func2onal ability. Below you can find outlined some of the skills and knowledge that would be valuable.
AIESEC%Way%|%AIESEC% 2020% AIESEC%Structure%and% Process% Governance%and% Compendium% Stakeholder%Focus% Strategic%Planning%and% Func9onal%Alloca9on% Opera9ons% Management%
*You can also check Na2onal Compendium.
QUESTIONNARIE Part 1 -‐ Personal : self-‐awareness and purpose 1. Introduc2on: your picture, your name, place and date of birth, contact number, email, skype, studies. 2. Who are you? Everybody is looking something in life, what are you looking for? 3. Why are you standing for MCP of AIESEC in Argen2na? 4. What are your personal values? How do those values shape your leadership style? 5. Why do you represent the leadership that AIESEC in Argen2na needs for the next term? Why do you represent the leadership Argen2na needs? Part 2 -‐ Organisa2onal Understanding 1. What does AIESEC give to the world and what does AIESEC in Argen2na give to Argen2na? What is the relevance of youth leadership in the Argen2nean society? 2. Please design a SWOT of AIESEC Interna2onal, as a global organisa2on. 3. ? How AIESEC 2020 is going to challenge AIESEC in Argen2na to grow like never before? Part 3 -‐ Your proposal 1. What will AIESEC in Argen2na remember about the 2016/17 term? Describe which will be the key milestones you commit to strive for during the next term. Please include but do not limit yourself to organisa2onal goals. 2. What are the next steps for the network development path? Consider OD Model, expansions, conferences, structures, organisa2onal culture and behaviours. 3. What will be the changes that will leverage the volume of AIESEC in Argen2na ELD realiza2ons during the 2016|17 term? How are those connected with the value to the member, to the external environment and to the organisa2on. 4. What are top 3 strategies to make sure that all our programs (GIP, GCDP, TMP, TLP) grow like never before, develop leadership for every of its par2cipants and creates loyal customers? 5. What’s going to be the role of MC EB? What about the BoP? What’s the unique role that each body and people can play? 6. What do you think is the role of AIESEC in Argen2na in La2n America, and how would you like to shape, as MCP of this region, La2n America as one and make LATAM the region number one? Part 4 -‐ To close this applica2on, please fill this sentences: -‐ What if…. -‐ Imagine….
CHECK LIST ๏ CV with AIESEC Experience and external experience relevant to the role (max. 2 pages) ๏ Belbin test and Core value test h^p://bit.ly/core-‐values-‐test ๏ Signed endorsed le^ers from: ‣ The enIty where you are performing your current role (MCEB or LCEB)*. ‣ An external (alumni, partner or someone completely unrelated to AIESEC) ‣ A former leader you have had in AIESEC ‣ Someone you lead ๏ White paper challenge (1 page) – one page of any format for you to freely express yourself. ๏ ApplicaIon quesIonnaire (max. 11 pages – including cover page if put). It must be in English. ๏ ExecuIve Summary (Max. 1 page) – It is a concise summery of your applicaIon. ๏ Personal biography ๏ DDL: 29th of November 23.59 GMT-‐3 ๏ Be yourself. The applica2on package with all the items men2oned below must be sent to maria.saley@aiesec.net & mcp1617argen2na@gmail.com For any ques'on, informa'on required please feel free to contact the following people. Maria Emilia Saley | President 2015-‐2016 | maria.saley@aiesec.net Ailen Vega| Chair Gobernabilidad | ailen.vega@aiesec.net Sean Ashe| Chair Supervisory Group | ashe.sean@gmail.com Guilherme SeganIni| President 2014-‐2015 | gui.seganlp@gmail.com Lucia Taboada | President 2013-‐2014 | lucia1.taboada@gmail.com Fernando Kamachi| President SCON 2012-‐2013 | fernando.kamachi@gmail.com
“Leaders imagine a world that they would like to be part of, a world worth fighting for.” Seth Godin
MCP 16.17 AIESEC in Argentina