2 minute read
from Shell CSR Brochure
by mchen27
Workforce Diversity
At Shell, we support and enable remarkable people from every ackground, and strive to be a leader in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender inclusion in corporate workplaces. We have pledged our full support to the UN LGBTI Standards of Conduct for Business.
We benchmark ourselves externally with consistent top-tier results and in 2019 earned a 100% score in the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index, a recognition Shell has earned annually since 2016 and beyond.
Living By Our Principles
Our core values of honesty, integrity and respect for people underpin our work with employees, contractors, suppliers, non-governmental organisations and others. The Shell General Business Principles describe our core values, our responsibilities and the principles and behaviours by which we do business.
Safety and respect for our employees, contractors and neighbours is fundamental to how we do business.
Respecting Human Rights
We focus on four areas where human rights are critical to how wework and where we see the highest risk for potential impact on humanrights: communities, security, labour rights and supply chains.
Our strategy is founded on our outlook for the energy sector and the chance to grasp the opportunities arising from the many substantial changes in the world around us. The rising standard of living of a growing global population is likely to continue to drive demand for energy for years to come.
The world will need to find a way to meet this growing demand, while transitioning to a lower-carbon energy system to counter climate change. While liquid and gaseous fuels, including biofuels and hydrogen, will
unfortunately continue to be an important part of the energy mix, over time electricity needs to play a bigger part in the world if it is to meet the set upon goals of the Paris Agreement. In 2019, we continued to take steps to seek to improve our approach to human rights. This included carrying out an internal assurance review of the processes and systems in our four focus areas.
We also assessed our performance in human rights, and employee and contractor welfare in nine countries. We have made good progress overall, particularly in senior management oversight and reporting. However, the review identified improvement opportunities in the areas of feedback mechanisms, labour rights assessment, training and worker welfare.
Reviewing Our Progress
In 2019, we focused on ▪assessing our community feedback mechanism against the access to remedy criteria of the UN Guiding Principles on Business andHuman Rights, and implementing improvements