3 minute read
from Shell CSR Brochure
by mchen27
partnership with the corporation, Energy Transitions Commission.
The platform focuses on developing partnerships for enabling the heavy industry and heavy-duty transport sectors to achieve net-zero carbon emissions.
For example, we joined the Global Maritime Forum’s Getting to Zero shipping coalition announced at the UN Climate Summit in New York in 2019. The coalition brings together more than 90 companies from a
The coalition aims to find a way to put a commercially viable net-zero emissions ship to sea by 2030.
range of backgrounds, including maritime, energy and finance, to engineer clean fuels and vessels while pushing to ensure these are supported by adequate infrastructure, such as ports.
Lower-carbon Electricity
In 2019, we stepped up our activities in generating and trading lower-carbon electricity, as well as providing it directly to customers.These activities are part of our aim to make power a significant business for Shell – a business that, in the future, could sit alongside oil, gas and chemicals.
Electricity from renewable sources, such as wind and solar, can be combined with the electricity produced from natural gas. Providing cleaner sources of power.
Engaging Communities
In countries such as India and across parts of Africa, customers spend a significant share of their income on accessing electricity. Even then, the supply can be unreliable and polluting. Offering a clean and reliable alternative therefore presents a commercial opportunity for local businesses.
Engaging with communities is an important part of our approach to managing human rights and providing access to remedy. The Community engagement helps us design better projects, comply with social and the environmental regulations and align with international standards, including those from the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation. Our approach focuses on investing in proven technologies and
business models that can be deployed at a large scale and replicated. These include mini-grids and decentralised energy systems, such as solar, that can power homes and businesses.
Enterprise Development
For example, Shell Oman has helped the Petroleum Development Oman joint venture create around 17,000 jobs for local nationals since 2011 as part of a partnership to develop the country’s energy industry.
In 2019, Shell Oman worked with PDO and other major operators to open up new opportunities for Omanis. This included using smarter scheduling of maintenance activities for facilities in a local area so nationals could access multiple sites more easily from their homes. Our enterprise development and skills programmes create opportunities, while adding value to our supply chain.
We also sponsor training programmes for people who are not part of Shell’s supply chain. We support the Bridging
Employment through Skills Training programme, which provides training to unemployed adults.

Local Content and Skills Development
Local content is a term we use to describe the ways we contribute to the development of the countries where we operate, beyond paying taxes and royalties to governments.
This mainly involves creating jobs, training people, supporting local businesses and buying goods and services from local suppliers. In 2019, we spent $44.9 billion on goods and services, of which around 65% was in Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA.
In these countries, Shell companies spent around 87%, or around $4.9 billion, with local companies access multiple sites more easily from their homes. In addition our enterprise development and skills programmes creates changes, while adding value to our supply. chain. Continuing to develop local talent can only help us.