4 minute read
from Shell CSR Brochure
by mchen27
At Shell, we are doing everything we can to help in the global response to the virus.
Early 2020 has been a time of extreme turbulence because of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has affected so many people around the world. Many have lost their lives.
We are commited to protecting our staff and customers and supporting communities where we operate. We are working to ensure that our operations are resilient so we can continue to provide energy, helping to power hospitals and supplying fuel forships to get goods around the world. Our chemical plants are stepping up production of isopropyl alcohol, a key ingredient use in the manufacturing of hand-sanitising liquid.
How this will all unfold in the short term is still uncertain, of course, but as the world battles to overcome what it is struggling with today, Shell will seek to assist in any way we can. At the same time, Shell remains keenly aware of the longer-term challenges facing our society.
In 2019, demands for urgent action on climate change grew ever louder. All of society, from consumers, to businesses, to governments, recognised the need to accelerate global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We continue to take climate action on many fronts, including tackling our own emissions and helping customers reduce theirs by expanding the choice of lower-carbon products we offer. We are working hard to play our part in the global transition by providing more and cleaner energy.
Sustainability at Shell focuses on these three concerns.
Contribution To Society
The most important area of sustainability for us – and it is a critical one – is to make a positive contribution to society. Meeting society’s expectations involves playing a positive role in communities where we operate and in a wider society.
We do this by creating jobs, developing talent and using local suppliers. We also invest in education programmes to equip young aspiring engineers and scientists with the tools and skills needed to become future innovators. In 2019, we made further progress in providing energy to people who would otherwise go without basics such as electric lighting. We mades everal investments to help provide reliable electricity across Africa, Asia and beyond. This supports the effort to help to achieve universal access to clean, affordable energy, one of the many UN goals to which we contribute wholeheartedly.
Responsible Business
We have made progress on improving the safety of our operations since the early 2000s. This is largely due to more effective standards and requirements, such as the Life-Saving Rules. Our goal every year is
to achieve a fatality of zero. Sadly due to some of the working conditions which call for heavy machinery, It is also the result of a stronger safety culture, guided by our Goal Zero ambition to achieve no harm and no leaks. But sadly we have not been able to eliminate all fatal incidents involving Shell employees and contractors alike.

Sustainable Energy Future

The last area we focus on is to help shape a more sustainable energy future. That is why we are taking action to provide lower-carbon products to help customers reduce their emissions. These are products that people rely onto live their lives, in their homes and businesses, and for transport.
We continue to work towards delivering on our Net Carbon Footprint ambition to cut the intensity of the greenhouse gas emissions of the energy products we sell by about 50% by 2050, and 20% by 2035 compared to our 2016 levels, in step with society as it moves towards meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. We will continue to evolve our approach over time.
Our contribution to society focuses on creating jobs and supporting local communities with social investment.
Our People
Our people are essential to the successful delivery of the Shell strategyand to sustaining business performance over the long term. Weaccelerate development of our people, grow and strengthen ourleadership capabilities and enhance employee performance throughstrong engagement.
Collaborating with our governments, non-governmental organisations, industry bodies, national oil and gas companies and many other businesses. These collaborations range from working together on a project to sponsoring a particular group. Collaborating and engagement with these groups helps us in many different ways. It is a proven way to learn new things, share best practice, achieve specific objectives, set future goals and build trust with the stakeholders who have an interest in Shell. In 2019, we made significant progress in our work with stakeholders in, among other areas, tax and transparency, corporate good practice and tackling plastic waste.
Employee Engagement
The Shell People Survey is one of the principal tools used to measure employee engagement, motivation, affiliation and commitment to Shell. It provides insights into employees’ views and has had aconsistently high response rate. Our diversity and inclusion approach focuses on hiring, developing and retaining the best people.
Embedding the principles of diversity and inclusion in the way we do business gives us a better understanding of the needs of our people, partners, suppliers and customers. We believe a diverse workforce, and an inclusive and caring environment that respects and nurtures diverse people, is a way to improve our safety and business practice and performance.