December art matters

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t ar matters

Week of Sunday, November 24, 2013

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■ December 2013

■ Covering the Arts throughout the Philadelphia Region

ExhibitionsInSight By Burt Wasserman

Emma Amos, “Identity,” 2006, Digital print with hand lithography, 12 x 12 in. (30.5 x 30.5 cm). Gift of Danielle Rice in memory of Anne d’Harnoncourt and Sylvia Sleigh, 2010. On view in the “Femfolio exhibition at Delaware Museum of Art.

‘Femdom’ highlights graphics by women at Del Art

uring the 1960s, identity became a very hot topic for many women artists in the American art scene, especially in the vicinity of New York City. Special interest groups came into being with an emphasis on such matters as race and gender. In addition, communities of like-minded individuals arose to protest both social inequities domestically and the war in Vietnam, beyond the Pacific rim. In addition, imagery based on feminist themes became an especially important area of expression. Interestingly, womenonly collectives and galleries came into being. Several of the artists partial to this notion chose to focus on the appearance of the female body, in part or in whole. Some even turned to performance art as a supplement to their more traditional efforts. Other critical areas included the exploration of traditional roles of the mother as a caregiver and

investigations of feminine roles along mythological and spiritual lines. At Rutgers University in New Jersey, the Brodsky Center for Innovative Editions published a group of original graphic prints by 20 well-known women artists. At this time and until Jan. 12, 2014, the Delaware Art Museum in Wilmington is showing these artworks in a distinctive installation titled “Femfolio.” It consists of Joyce Kozloff, “Maui: Sugar Plantation,” 2007. Digital print with hand diverse examples by such lithography. outstanding personalities as Eleanor Antin, Faith Ringgold, Carolee Schneeman able idiom. Instead, it’s body. It parallels her work in and June Wayne. an open-ended approach the field of painting, which The entire folio was accommodating a decidedly has dealt with nude couples donated to the museum by wide spread of individual as well as reflections of Dr. Danielle variations of herself posing uncovered and Rice, the style, each seen from above. museum’s appropriate Emma Amos’ print, titled recently to the unique “Identity,” is a combination “Femfolio” resigned personalfull-front and profile image continues at director, who ity, aesthetic of her head that is someDelaware Art Museum, will soon be manner and what reminiscent of Pablo 2301 Kentmere Parkway, undertaking expressive Picasso’s great painting “The Wilmington, DE 19806, a challenging needs of the Girl in the Mirror.” through Jan. 12, 2014. new position person who It appears to probe aspects Info: 302-571-9590 or in higher brought it of her being that education into being. ously show elements of her at Drexel Typically, conscious and subconscious University in Philadelphia. Joan Semmel’s untitled print nature, both of which come As the exhibition demdeals with the subject of hu- to affect the way she is onstrates, feminist art is not man sexuality in a represena single, readily recogniztational treatment of her own Please see Femdom on a23


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by Diane M. Fiske

— a prelude to modern architecture

as an architectural draftsman, curatorial fellow at the muwork he hated, but this led to seum in modern and contemsome of his drawing techporary art who was curator for he connection nique. the show, said that the year between the artLéger joined the military that Léger and Le Corbusier ist Fernand Lé- again during World War I became friends was the same ger and modern and produced sketches of year the pair met Amedee architecture in fellow soldiers, military pieces Ozenfant and the three were the first half of and airplanes, possibly the influenced by the evolution of the 20th century beginning of his fascination modern industry. is an important with machinery and vehicles. The three considered cubist aspect of the In 1920, he met architect Le painting: “prewar and that exhibit at the Philadelphia Corbusier and began a lifelong industrial development was Museum of Art. friendship and started trying the basis of a new aesthetic.” While Léger’s monumental to reproduce the features of The three worked together and geometrical work “The urban life: backdrops, walls and developed a school of art City” is the focal point of of buildings, cars and trains. called “purism,” which they the show, the Philadelphia Léger’s background in archi- felt was a development after museum’s exhibit combines tecture and his training were the outdated cubism. 179 works, including early evident in these early works. As the exhibit reflects, their geometric paintings, architecAnna Vallye, a postdoctoral belief was that mass productural drawings, films, motion pictures and a host of other examples of the diversity of Léger’s talent. One of the most dramatic aspects of the exhibit is that it puts to rest any idea that modern architecture began in the ‘40s and ‘50s and had roots in the work of mid-century practitioners such as Walter Gropius and Frank Lloyd Wright. The exhibit “Léger: Modern Art and the Metropolis” shows how Léger, the son of a French cattle rancher, began working as an architectural draftsman in 1900 in Paris. He served in the military from 1902 to 1903 and applied to L’ecole des Beaux Arts, but was turned down. He attended classes at the Julien Academy as well as L’ecole des Beaux Arts and began painting and associating with other leaders of the avant-garde movement such as Marcel Duchamp, Marc “Nature Morte (Les Carnées),” Fernand Léger, 1926, oil on canvas, Chagall and Robert Delaunay. framed: 51 × 39 inches (129.5 × 99.1 cm). Bruce and Robbi Toll. While he studied, he worked

By Diane M. Fiske


Week of Sunday, November 24, 2013

tion was good and it would usher in all sorts of social improvements. Le Corbusier, who painted in his real name Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, was a serious painter, He was quoted as saying, “A good painting captures good architecture.” He was fascinated with mass-produced art and liked to show all sorts of things in everyday homes from bottles, cups and glasses. He said these shapes survived because “people liked them” and wanted things in those shapes. Le Corbusier’s painting was abstract and similar to Léger’s compositions. The two became interested in film and moving away from the static image to moving ones, having architecture flow from one side of a building to another. Their work “Vertical Still Life,” Le Corbusier, 1922, oil on canvas, 57 5/8 × 35 3/16 often showed various views of buildings with inches (146.3 × 89.3 cm), framed: 62 13/16 × 40 3/8 × 2 3/8 inches (159.5 × 102.5 × 6 cm). Schenkung Dr. H.C. Raoul La Roche, 1963. camera views moving from ramps to gardens. vertising billboards and brand- room or in the official museAll this is shown in ums.” the huge exhibit, which moves ing. Le Corbusier designed some of the most influential In 1955 Fernand Léger through about 50 years from buildings in the world and won the Grand Prize at the prints, through films and spread the minimalist school São Paulo Biennial. After his even movies starring Charlie of architecture through the death, the Musée Fernand LéChaplin. world and saw his philosophy ger was inaugurated in 1960 in It was said that Le Corbeing picked up by architects Biot, France. busier wanted to be a sucand planners in later years. The 179-piece exhibit will cessful painter, but luckily, In one of the plaques in the continue at the Philadelphia he excelled in architecture. Museum of Art to Jan. 5. After Léger originally wanted to be exhibit, Léger was quoted leaving Philadelphia, it will go an architect, but ended up as a as saying, “The beautiful is everywhere; perhaps more to Venice. successful painter. Both had legendary success. in the arrangement of your saucepans on the white walls — Diane Fiske may be Léger was recognized for of your kitchen than in your reached at dfiske_19118@ his work as an artist and film eighteenth–century living maker and for producing ad-

Week of Sunday, November 24, 2013

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by Burton Wasserman

Women’s graphic art in the spotlight map of land divisions used to designate areas of sugar cane production by early inhabitants who were subjected to difficult and unjust labor practices. Beside her involvement in the feminist movement, she is also a prominent practitioner of the Pattern and Decoration style that emerged in the 1970s as an offshoot of feminism. Martha Wilson, “I Make Up the Image of My Perfection/ I Make “Dance of Death” is a comUp the Image of My Deformity,” 2007. Digital print, 12 x 12 in. position by the multitalented (30.5 x 30.5 cm). Gift of Danielle Rice in memory of Anne Eleanor Antin, based on the d’Harnoncourt and Sylvia Sleigh, 2010. theme of a human skeleton, Femfolio, from A21 viewpoint. “Coming to Jones actively bobbing and weaving Road: Under a Blood Red across the surface of the paper viewed by others in society. Sky # 8” is a picture of a road on which it’s printed. She is Faith Ringgold is especially situated among a group of a filmmaker, photographer well regarded for her story trees under a vivid expanse of and performance specialist quilts and award-winning bright scarlet color. besides her accomplishments children’s books covering Joyce Kozloff is represented as a graphic artist. She is also themes that examine life from by a digital print titled “Maui: especially concerned with the an African American female Sugar Plantation.” It refers to a notion of transcending such

biological limitations as sex and age that have otherwise limited access to opportunity for great numbers of women. The recently departed June Wayne is widely remembered for her role as the founder of the Tamarind Lithography Workshop in New Mexico, back in 1960. Her prominence as an advocate for this printmaking technique energized a renaissance of interest in lithography that was further supported by her gifts as an

artist. In this show, she is represented by a print titled “Zinc, Mon Amour,” expressing her love of the metal from which her printing plate was made. Martha Wilson is both a feminist performance artist and the maker of graphic images. In this show, she offers the double portrait titled “I Make up the Image of My Perfection / I Make up the Image of My Deformity.” They present a vision of herself as

an attractive model and a view of herself beclouded with assorted blemishes. Pointedly, they reveal how overt appearance is used in our society to characterize personal identity. Today, feminism is no longer the strident stylistic direction it once was. However, the quality and depth of what its followers had to say in the language of vision still maintains its original timbre and pitch.

Make it a Handcrafted Holiday gifts created locally with love for the ones you love.

The Community Arts Center & The Potters guild’s

HOLIDAY Sale Fine Craft &Pottery December 7 – 14, 2013 PREVIEW PARTY Friday, Dec. 6 • 7 – 9:30 pm • $5 MEn’s shoPPIng nIghT Wednesday, Dec. 11 • 5 – 8 pm hoLIDAY TIE-DYE Saturday, Dec. 14 • 1 – 3 pm opens daily at 10 am • closes weekends at 5 pm, weekdays at 8 pm

CoMMunITY ARTs CEnTER 414 Plush Mill Road, Wallingford, Pennsylvania 19086

610-566-1713 •

Week of Sunday, November 24, 2013

Page 24

Call For Artists & Entries OPEN CALL ARTISTS NEEDED for our new, larger gallery space Saint Joseph’s University Gallery 2014-2015-2017 exhibition schedule Please send the following by January 31, 2014

Call for Entries The Philadelphia Sketch Club

The 2014 PSC Annual Domenic DiStefano Memorial Works on Paper Juried Exhibition Jan 3 to 25, 2014 Exhibition of 2D works on paper only any medium at the PSC’s historic gallery in center city Philadelphia. Jurors: Charles McVicker, Lucy Graves-McVicker & James Toogood All entries submitted online by Dec 6, 2013 atďŹ cial-online-submission-site/ Prospectus can be downloaded from or send S.A.S.E. to: Philadelphia Sketch Club 235 S. Camac Street Philadelphia, PA 19107


Twenty JPEGS. No more than ďŹ ve detail shots. Title each ďŹ le with your last name followed by the number in which you wish you images to be viewed. For example: Smith1, Smith2, Smith3, etc. No powerpoint presentations. Image list eight numbers that correspond with your JPEGS. Include Title, size, medium and year. Include this on the disc and a hard copy as well. Resume with mailing address, email address and phone number. Include this on the disc and a hard copy as well. Artist’s statement. Include this on the disc and a hard copy as well. Self-addressed stamped envelope only if you would like your disc returned. Mail to: Saint Joseph’s University University Gallery, Boland Hall 5600 City Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19131-1395Attn: Open Call

Deck your Walls with Art FINE ART GALLERY

“Gifts & Jewelry�

Featuring Mixed Media Arts

Mixed Media Arts Exhibition Friday, December 13th 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm Meet the artists. Explore their techniques and unique creations. All Sales Support Local Charities Classes Now Available They are offered in various mediums and ranges. Come hone your skills or learn brand new ones. Our own gallery artists teach all of the classes. Call for class schedule or check our Facebook page. Holiday Hours Mon. & Tues. By appointment only Wed. & Thur. 11-7 Fri. & Sat. 11-9 Sun. 11-5


2013 Annual Juried Show Juror: Ross Mitchell, Executive Director, Violette de Mazia Foundation. Submission delivery dates: Sculpture Park Invitational Professional artists invited to submit proposals for consideration to create and install sculpture on the grounds of our 27-acre, outdoor Sculpture Park. Â

315 Old York Road, Jenkintown, PA 19046 215-935-6948 theartoďŹ ArtOtJenkintown

Your resource for ďŹ nding artists, soliciting entries, renting art studious and for promoting your service. For more information call 215-628-9300, ext. 226

December 2013 Listings … DELAWARE CO .NEW CASTLE COUNTY THE BLUE STREAK GALLERY 1721 Delaware Ave. Wilmington DE, 19806 p: 302-429-0506 Tues-Fri 10am; Sat 10am-4pm Become a Fan on Facebook Exhibit Info.: The Blue Streak Gallery will have an Opening Reception on December 6 from 5-8 pm Wes Memeger will present ,"Ziptych", his latest work exploring the square as a subject for art making. The work ranges from acrylic on canvas, canvas collage to a shaped canvas in the form of reversed Z diptych. The Annual Jewelry Show will include Kristin Landon, Pamela Levin, Maxine Rosenthal and Susan Schulz Exquisite jewelry in silver, gold and leather with precious and semi precious stones. Anne Oldach's show, "Small Wonders " will feature her beautiful hand carved natural forms Lulu Delacre will have a book signing of "How Far do you Love Me?" The show continues until January 11, 2014 Blue Streak Gallery is presenting the work of Carol Tippit Woolworth and Patricia Tippit Crandall

DELAWARE ART MUSEUM – 2301 Kentmere Pkwy., Wilmington, DE 19806 p: 302-571-9590. Wed-Sat 10am4pm, Sun 12pm-4pm. Free admission Sundays. Exhibits: American Moderns, 1910–1960: From O’Keeffe to Rockwell: Through Jan. 4: This exhibition from the Brooklyn Museum features paintings and sculptures that highlight American art and culture from 1910 through 1960 and includes work by N.C. Wyeth, Georgia O’Keeffe, Norman Rockwell, Max Weber, and more. Femfolio Through Jan.12: This print portfolio assembles 20 women artists important to the feminist art movement of the 1970s. The Topography of Oz Through Dec. 29: This brilliant video art display by Jeffrey Moser maps light used frames from the1939 classic, The Wizard of Oz. Winter Art Fair Dec. 7 & 8, noon4pm: Browse paintings, drawings, jewelry, ceramics, and more for this festive art fair. This event will also feature live music presented by the Music School of Delaware and Strings Plus One. 25% of proceeds will benefit the Museum’s Education Department. Free. The Great Confusion: The 1913 Armory Show Dec. 7, 1pm-

3pm: Join us for a screening of The Great Confusion: The 1913 Armory Show (2013); a film celebrating the centennial anniversary of the landmark International Exhibition of Modern Art in New York. Q&A with director and writer Michael Maglaras after the film. Free with Museum Admission. New Year’s Eve Celebration Dec. 31, 10pm–1am: Ring in the New Year with art, music, late-night snacks, and champagne! Valet parking available. Cocktail attire encouraged. Visit for details.

PRESENTS "Andante" , 13x54x4 , by Sandra Schow A one-of-a-kind sculptural assemblage constructed from recycled materials.

Through January 5, 2014, in the Museum of American Glass: Celebrating 50 Years: American Studio Glass. This exhibit accompanies “Wheaton Glass: The Art of the Fellowship” by showcasing selected works made during the fellowship sessions of the featured artists. Through January 5, 2014, in the Museum of American Glass: Remembering Ginen: Haitian Vodou Bottles, Flags and Vèvè. This exhibition aims to inspire understanding and appreciation of Haitian creativity and artistic expressions. Vodou is an official Haitian religion, combining beliefs of African religious practice and Christianity. The exhibition’s major focus is on the artworks of the Haitian artist Kesler Pierre. Each of Kesler’s bottles is designed to incorporate the vèvè, or symbol, associated with the individual lwa for whom it is intended. Kesler uses paint to present a contemporary artistic vision of the traditional beaded bottles.

…NEW JERSEY….. .…ATLANTIC COUNTY…_ RICHARD STOCKTON COL. OF NJ 101 Vera King Farris Dr. Galloway, NJ p: 609-652-4214 Hours: Monday – Saturday 12-7:30pm; Sunday 12 – 4pm Exhibit info: Through Dec. 8 Studies in the Arts BA/BFA Senior Exhibition Photography and Visual Communications, Graphic Design

BURLINGTON COUNTY… CENTER FOR THE ARTS IN SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY 123 South Elmwood Rd. Marlton, NJ 08053 Mon-Fri 10am-3pm; Wed 7-9pm p: 856-985-1009; fx: 856-985-7555 Exhibition Information: CFA Theme "Winter's Folly" Exhibition December 2 - 23, 2013 Exhibit Reception: Thursday, December 12 from 7p to 9p

.…CAPE MAY COUNTY … OCEAN CITY ARTS CENTER – 1735 Simpson Ave. Ocean City, NJ p: 609-399-7628 fx: 609-399-6145 Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, Sat 9am-3pm admission Free; parking available in adjacent lot. Exhibit info: Ocean City Arts Center Pottery students present an exhibit of their work. The "Meet the Artists" reception will be held the First Friday, December 6 from 7 pm to 8:30 pm. Pottery will be for sale and makes a perfect Christmas gift. The Arts Center will be closed December 23 through January 4.

2014 in the Museum of American Glass: Wheaton Glass: The Art of the Fellowship. In celebration of the Creative Glass Center of America Fellowship Program’s 30th Anniversary this invitational exhibit illustrates the wide variety of glass created by this diverse group of international artists, many of whom remain linked by their fellowship experience.

William RIS Gallery

9400 Second Avenue Stone Harbor, NJ 08247 609-368-6361 Stay current on WRG happenings on:



CLAY COLLEGE CERAMIC ARTS STUDIO, Cumberland Co College 108 High Street, Millville, NJ 08332 phone: 856-765-0988 Exhibit: "Christmas Market": Cumberland County College students Cat Carosiello and Tessa Peterzak from the Craft Business Practice class turn the Clay College gallery into a "craft shop" as the final project before graduating from the Ceramic program. Outside craftspeople as well as Clay College ceramic artists will have their work for sale. Pottery Wheel, Saturday, Dec. 7, 2-4 pm Third Friday: Dec. 20: Browse the Millville Glasstown Arts District

WHEATON ARTS & CULTURAL CENTER – 1501 Glasstown Rd., Millville, NJ 08332 p: 800-998-4554 Open Tues-Sun 10am-5pm; Exhibit info: Through January 5,

Through December 24, 2013 in the Gallery of Fine Craft: All Good Things Great and Small, Handcrafted Holiday Gifts. All items in this holiday themed show range from $1.50 to $150.00. These fun and unique gift ideas include metal ornaments, garden art, wooden instruments, clocks, and brightly colored ceramics.

..GLOUCESTER COUNTY GLOUCESTER COUNTY COLLEGE ART GALLERY 1400 Tanyard Rd, Sewell, p: 856415-2236 Mon-Fri 8am-10pm, Sat 8am-3pm Exhibit Info: Annual Gloucester County College Student Art Exhibit

Hours: Mon – Fri., 8am – 10pa, Sat, 8am – 3pm Opening Reception – Thurdsay, Dec. 5, 2013, 11:30am – 1:30pm

…MERCER COUNTY…... EDUCATIONAL TESTING SERVICE 660 Rosedale Rd., Princeton, NJ, All exhibits are Free to the public. Hrs: Mon -Fri 9am-4pm p: 609-921-9000 Exhibit info: Karen Starrett of Ocean NJ exhibiting at the Chauncey Conference Center in the Brodsky Gallery through December 16, 2013 Conant Hall Lounge B Gallery will have a Hispanic American exhibit. .

.PENNSYLVANIA. . …BERKS COUNTY…...... GoggleWorks Center for the Arts 201 Washington St. Reading, PA 610.374.4600 Hrs: Open Daily - 11am-7pm. email:

Exhibition: Cohen Gallery Centered: GoggleWorks Artists 9th Annual Exhibition, Now through January 5, 2014. Opening reception December 5 from 5:30-7:30 p.m

FREEDMAN GALLERY – Albright College

13th & Bern Streets, Reading, PA p: 610921-7541 fx; 610-921-7768 Hours: Tues 12-8pm, Wed-Fri 12-6pm, Sat & Sun 12-4pm Exhibit Info: Reflections, a Museum Retail Experience - Nov. 23, 2013 – Feb. 2, 2014, Freedman Gallery (PS) For a unique shopping experience, visit us for artistic treasures and unique gifts inspired by artwork in the Freedman Gallery Collection and the whole season of programs at the CFA. Grand Opening, Sat., Nov. 23, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Music Appreciation Day, Sun., 1-6 p.m. Drawn from the Collection Dec. 5, 2013 – Feb. 2, 2014, Freedman Gallery (MG Under the direction of curator Erin RileyLopez, students in the gallery management course will research and curate an exhibition as part of their final project using works that will be drawn from the collection of the Freedman Gallery. Panel Discussion with Exhibition Team – Thur., Dec. 5, 4 p.m., Klein HallTAD Reception – Thur., Dec. 5, 5-7 p.m. TAD

READING PUBLIC MUSEUM 500 Museum Rd., Reading, PA p: 610371-5850 fx: 610-375-5632 Tues - Sat 11am-5pm; Sun noon-5pm Exhibits: Carol Brown Goldberg 9/21/13-1/12/14 - Features a group of large paintings and recent small scale bronze sculptures; Norman Rockwell: Boy Scouts – 10/5/13-1/12/14 – Drawing upon the archival collections of the Norman Rockwell Museum, as well as additional oil-on-canvas paintings from the National Scouting Museum, this special exhibition offers a glimpse into the artist’s body of work for the Boy Scouts of

December 2013 Listings America; Scouting Through the Years; 9/21/13 – 1/12/14 - This exhibition, presented in partnership with the World of Scouting Museum in Valley Forge, Pa., is a look at the evolution of Scouting over the past century, and includes historical ephemera such as uniforms, badges/patches, awards, flags, photos, equipment and more; ReDress: Upcycled Style by Nancy Judd – 9/14/13-3/16/14 – This exciting and inspiring exhibition features 18 one-of-a-kind recycled fashion sculptures.



JAMES A. MICHENER ART MUSEUM 138 S. Pine Street, Doylestown, PA p: 215-340-9800 Hrs: Tues-Fri 10am4:30pm, Sat 10am-5pm, Sun. 12-5pm Exhibit Info: From Philadelphia to Monaco: GRACE KELLY—Beyond the Icon - October 28, 2013 through January 26, 2014 Muse of director Alfred Hitchcock, winner of a best actress Oscar for her performance in The Country Girl, and Princess of Monaco upon her marriage on April 18, 1956, to Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, Grace Kelly had an enormous influence on women around the world. This exhibition traces the unique path Grace Kelly took from Philadelphia to Monaco, inviting viewers to discover the life of Grace Kelly (1929-1982) This exhibition brings us up close to the stage and screen legend, fashion icon, princess, United Nations advocate for children, and international spokesperson for arts and culture. Local Mill Makes Good: Celebrating 75 years of American Theater at the Bucks County Playhouse --through March 2, 2014 The story of this historic New Hope landmark and its impact on American theater as well as the regional economy and cultural life is told through a collection of diverse material, including artwork by Charles Child, John F. Folinsbee, Ben Solowey, Al Hirschfeld, Robert Beck. and others. This exhibition celebrates the players, productions, and producers who made the Playhouse a legend.

…CHESTER COUNTY... . BRANDYWINE RIVER MUSEUMU.S. Rte. 1 & Creek Rd., Chadds Ford, PA p: 610-388-2700 Hrs: Daily 9:30am4:30pm Exhibits: A Brandywine Christmas November 29 through January 5 Open until 9 p.m. on December 5, 12, 19 and 26 (with musical entertainment) Open until 6 p.m. December 27 – 30 Enjoy this holiday favorite for all ages! Discover dozens of rare antique dolls, dressed in beautiful period clothing, some on view in rooms filled with exquisite hand-crafted furnishings and miniature paintings by members of the Wyeth family. Experience the popular O-gauge model train display. Marvel at thousands of whimsical “Critters,” ornaments and decorations handcrafted from natural

materials by Conservancy volunteers and displayed on towering trees soaring up through the museum's three-story rotunda. and click on events for a full list of December events and programs.

CHESTER CO. ART ASSOCIATION100 North Bradford Ave. West Chester PA p: 610-696-5600 fx: 610-918-1327 Hrs: Note exhibitions on our website

West Chester: Under 30 / Over 30 Exhibition Through December 20, 2013 Gallery Hours: Tues – Sat, 9:30am - 4pm / Free Closed Sundays and Mondays Exton Square Studio: Holiday Shop Featuring Local Artists In All Media Through January 1, 2014 Buy Local ! Gallery and Shop Hours: Monday – Saturday, 10am – 6pm Sundays –11am – 5pm in the Exton Square Mall

BeaDazzle Gallery Wall - Exhibit – Exhibit – Michele Southworth Through December 14 Special Events - The Community Arts Center’s Holiday SaleFine Craft & Pottery Featuring the work of the Potters Guild and other local artists - December 7 – 14 Preview Party: Dec 6, 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. $5 Preview Admission - Free to CAC Benefactors Men’s Shopping Night: Dec 11, 5 – 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7 & 14 and Sunday, Dec. 8 - 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday, Dec. 9 through Friday, Dec. 13 – 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. The Community Arts Center’s Holiday Sale at Springfield Mall Featuring the work of the Potters Guild and other local artists Located outside Macy’s Court – 1st Floor



Saturday, Dec 14, 1 – 3 p.m.

207 Bridge Street, Phoenixville, PA p: 610-983-9430 fx: 610-983-9431: Gallery hours are 12-5pm Mon-Thurs, 128 Fri, 12 to 6 Sat. and

Purchase a shirt for $10 and tie-dye for free – all ages welcome!


NEW - Holiday Tie-Dye Event



COMMUNITY ARTS CENTER – 414 Plush Mill Rd., Wallingford, PA : 610-566-1713 Mon-Thurs 9am-7:30pm, Fri 9am-3pm, Sat 10am-2pm. Community Arts Center is closed for holiday break from December 18th through January 1st. Classes – Adult: Register for winter classes and workshops in painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, jewelry, mixed media, printmaking, photography, music, and yoga – Register at or call the office at 610-566-1713 for more information. Classes - children: Register for Art Start Pre-School, Lucky Charms afternoon arts enrichment program and After-School and Weekend ART Adventures- Plus Teen Workshops Call 610-566-1713 or visit

12/14: Holiday Cooking & Crafts Workshop For Ages 6 – 10. Discover your inner chef! Students will learn how to prepare an assortment of holiday snacks while creating seasonal crafts to take home, along with copies of their new favorite recipes. Pre-registration required. 12/30: Winter Creations Workshop For Ages 7 – 12. It may be frosty outside, but art is blooming at Darlington! Join us for an exciting day exploring color, shape, line, and more, while getting your hands into a variety of fun materials. Preregistration required.

Selected Fine Craft & Pottery

Saturday Dec.7, Sunday, Dec.8, and Monday, Dec. 9, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Exhibit Info: Phoenix Village Art Center hosts our 10th Annual Holiday Arts and Crafts Exhibit, opening on December 6th from 6:00 to 9:00. Coffee Talk and Meet the Artists will be Sunday 12/15 from 12:00 to 2:00. The Firebird Festival is Saturday 12/14. There will be special events at the art center all day, including a book signing for “Phoenixville Rising” by Robb Cadigan. See our website for full festival information

to print your personal designs. Preregistration required.

DARLINGTON ARTS CENTER – 977 Shavertown Rd., Garnett Valley PA 19060 p: 610-358-3632 fx: 610-358-2018 Gallery Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, Sat 9am-4pm, Clsd Sun Music, Art, Dance, Drama – Every Art for Everyone! Registrations are being accepted for Winter classes, beginning in January. Download a catalog online at or call (610) 358-3632 to request a catalog by mail. 12/8: Ceramic Plate Design Workshop For Adults. Learn how to form a simple slab plate, tray, or shallow bowl and decorate it with sgraffito (scratching through layers of color to create designs). Great for personalized gifts! Preregistration required. 12/8: Louise Herring Gallery Opening 2-4pm, FREE! Oil/mixed media paintings inspired by nature and travel. Meet the artist and hear the stories behind her pieces. 12/14: Dan May Coffee House Concert Singer-songwriter Dan May weaves together a seamless tapestry of unforgettable melodies and clever, engaging lyrics with his deep, soulful voice. BYOB, free coffee and snacks. Tickets: $15 or $10 for members. Purchase tickets online or call (610) 3583632. 12/14: Printmaking, Holiday Cards Workshop For Ages 8 & up. Learn how to make your own holiday cards and envelopes by designing and carving your own printing blocks and stamps, and using colorful inks

...LANCASTER COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF ART & DESIGN 204 North Prince Street, Lancaster, PA p: 717-396-7833 Gallery hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. –8 p.m.; First Friday until 9 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Gallery is closed on Sundays and during the winter holiday (Dec. 24 - Jan 1). y All events are free and open to the public. The College is handicapped accessible. Dec. 6, 5-9 p.m.: First Friday features “Skolos and Wedell: A Poster Retrospective." Husband and wife, Skolos and Wedell work to diminish the boundaries between graphic design and photography by creating collaged threedimensional images influenced by cubism, technology and architecture. Through Jan. 3. Details at Jan. 18 from 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.: Admissions Open House. Learn about BFA degree programs in digital media, illustration, graphic design, photography, and fine art. Portfolio reviews; meet faculty, students and alumni; tour campus and downtown Lancaster; see student artwork. Learn about financial aid, housing options, and pre-college offerings for high school students. Register at February 7 at 4 p.m.: Artist talk with renowned illustrator James Ransome about PCA&D gallery exhibit “Robert Cunningham: Artist/Illustrator,” which opens that same day from 5-9 p.m.



THE GREAT FRAME UP302 West Lancaster Ave. Wayne, PA 19087 p: 610-687-3060 fx: 610-995-2215 Hrs: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm, Wed. 10am-9pm, 1st Fridays 10am-8pm, Sat 10am-5pm Exhibit Info: Our December First Friday Show will featu re our annual Miniature Art and Gift Show. We will be showing acrylic and oil paintings, as well as watercolors. We are

also featuring our American-made crafts, including Jewelry, Art Glass and Decorative Eggs. Some of the decorative eggs have lights in them and make great gifts. In addition, we have many handcrafted leather boxs and frames made in Peru. The opening reception is from 5pm to 8pm on Friday December 6th, 2013 and will include refreshments and light fare. The artwork will be shown for the entire month of December. Come meet the artists, and enjoy some good conversation,while you pick up a few gifts for the holiday season! . LAWRENCE GALLERY – Rosemont College 1400 Montgomery Ave, Rosemont PA p: 610-526-2967 Mon-Fri 9am-8pm; and weekends by appointment. ?pageaction=ViewSinglePublic&LinkID=75 1&ModuleID=19 Exhibit: AGAINST THE ODDS A tribute to Sande Webster Gallery The following info should also be in the listing… Exhibit runs though January 9, 2014. The exhibit contains more than thirty artists’ work and recognizes Sande Webster Gallery as a unique voice in the art community emphasizing diversity in her artists for over four decades. Exhibiting artists include: Sam Gilliam, Berrisford Boothe, Arlene Love, Moe Brooker, James Brantley, Charles Searles, Syd Carpenter, Kathleen Spicer, and many others.

MAIN LINE ART CENTER – 746 Panmure Rd, Haverford, PA phone: 610-525-0272 fx: 610-525-5036 Hrs: Mon-Thurs 10am-8pm; Sat 10am-4pm, Clsd Sun. For information on activities: Lots of Free pkg. Exhibit Info: Holiday Fine Craft Sale December 5 – 15 Monday-Friday, 10 am-7:30 pm, Saturday 10 am-5 pm, Sunday 12-5 pm A popular Main Line tradition, this 10-day shopping extravaganza features an assortment of hand-crafted jewelry, ceramics, glass art, woodturnings, fabric and more, all handmade by professional artists from the region. Proceeds from the Holiday Fine Craft Sale support Main Line Art Center’s award-winning programs, including the scholarship program and unique series of classes for children and adults with disabilities. This year, Main Line Art Center has 3 associated events: Opening Reception: December 5, 6 - 8 pm, Men’s Night: Craft Beers at the Craft Sale: December 10, 6 - 8 pm, Bubbles & Baubles: December 12, 6 - 8 pm. Entry to the Craft Sale and associated events is free. Visit for more info.

December 2013 Listings Mid-Week Mingle BYOB Workshop: Hand-Painted Wine Glasses December 11, 7-9 pm Schedule a date night or call up your friends for our fun BYOB mid-week sampler workshops! No experience necessary; just come ready to have fun and try something new. You've seen them in the store, but why buy them when you can create your own unique set of handpainted wine glasses? We'll provide colorful glass paints, instruction about technique and design inspiration. Perfect for holiday cheer or to give as gifts! Click here to register for this fun workshop online, or call us at 610.525.0272. Adult Workshops in December Creative Sketchbook Workshop: Tues., Dec. 3 & 10, 6:30-9:30 pm Enameling Workshop: Fusing Glass to Metal: Sat., Dec. 7, 10 am-2 pm The Expressive Figure: Sat., Dec. 7 & 14 ,1:30-4:30 pm Batik Designs on Silk: Sat., Dec. 14, 12-4 pm Cuff Bracelet Workshop: Sun., Dec. 15, 14 pm

Beauty Art Gallery Newtown Square, PA Presents …

Small Treasures 2D & 3D Works


816 S. Valley Forge Rd, Devon, PA 484-341-8014 or visit for info/directions Hrs: Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm; Sun 9am-2pm The Public is Welcome! ARTWell - We are pleased to show the art work of the youth in the Philadelphia ARTwell program December 7th thru January 12th. The public is invited to an opening on December 7th from 3:00 to 5:00 in the Fireside Gallery where they will share their poetry and music. ArtWell awakens dreams and inspires growth in young people and their communities by nurturing creativity. We engage young people in self-reflection and creative expression to discover and honor their strengths and those of others. By fostering creativity, enhancing communication and literacy skills, ArtWell helps individuals from diverse cultures and faith traditions to deepen their understandings of themselves and their community and to ultimately reduce violence and increase peace within our city and region. ArtWell has worked with more than 350 public and private schools, congregations, and organizations, helping over 28,000 people create lasting solutions for personal achievement and social change in their communities. Over 85% of our program participants are residents of low-income neighborhoods in the greater Philadelphia area. ArtWell lifts up the voices of those unheard, helping individuals work together to build stronger communities.

ST JOSEPH’S UNIVERSITY GALLERY Saint Joseph's University University Gallery, Merion Hall "Age of Consequences" Matthew Christopher - photography Through December 10, 2013 "Testaments" Jay Walker - sculpture December 20, 2013 - February 4, 2014 Closed for Winter Break December 22, 2013 – January 5, 2014 Boland Hall Student and Alumni Gallery December 4 - Jan 31, 2014 Recent Student Work from Traditional Black and White Photography class, Professor Susan Fenton

Sneak Preview Vote for People’s Choice Award Winner: Nov. 30 thru Dec. 7, 2013 Artist Opening Reception 5 to 8 p.m., Sat., Dec. 7 View and purchase art and artful objects, enjoy light refreshments and wine. Shop local, shop handmade. 3857 Providence Rd. (near YBH Audi) Newtown Square PA T: 610-353-4569


Connelly Center, 2nd Flr., 800 Lancaster Ave, Villanova p: 610-519-4612 Open Weekdays 9am-5pm. Call for weekend and extended hrs., or visit website: Exhibit info: Frank Stephens: “Honoring My Heritage”, A Retrospective –Through Thursday, Dec 5th.


413 Maplewood Ave, Wayne, PA p: 610-688-3553 f: 610-995-0478, visit for full schedule of events, pricing and to register for classes. Exhibition: In our Davenport Gallery: Craft Forms 2013, 19th Annual International Juried Exhibition of Contemporary Craft December 6, 2013 – January 25, 2014 An exhibition of 104 emerging and professional craft artists from around the world juried by Lena Vigna,Curator of Exhibitions, Racine Art Museum, Racine Wisconsin. Preview Party: Friday, December 6, 2013, 610pm. Please call for ticket information. In our ESCS Gallery: Nature in Craft An invitational exhibition of contemporary work by 49 internationally recognized craft artists who use nature as their works’ inspiration. December 6, 2013 – January 25, 2014 Preview Party: Friday, December 6, 2013, 6-10pm. Please call for ticket information. Related Craft Forms and Nature in Craft Events:


Classes and Workshops Make Great Gifts for the Artists on your List!! New Classes Beginning Soon Beginner to Advanced classes in Watercolor, Pastels, All Media, Drawing and Image Transfer. Children’s Saturday Classes Studio Incamminati Figure Study Workshop/Demo Sat. Dec. 7, 10am-3pm Call Joan Rosiak, 215-234-9138 $30 members/$40 non-members

Juror’s Talk by Lena Vigna and Meet the Artists Saturday, Dec.7, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Free and Open to the Public.

Monthly Meeting Annual Holiday Social & Art Exchange Sun. Dec. 8, 4pm

Nature in Craft Artists Gallery Talk Saturday, Dec.7, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Free and Open to the Public.

Non-Professional Show Feb. 1 & 2

Private Patron Craft Collection Tour Barbara and Alan Boroff Residence Wednesday, Dec 11, 1:30 – 4:00p.m. Please call for tickets. Holiday Shopping Day - Craft & Cuisine Vendor Day perfect for Holiday Gifts Sat, December 14, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Printmaking Family Workshop Sat, December 14, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.. Printmaking Techniques Workshop In our ESCS Gallery Shops: Gallery Shops: Open Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm and Sat 9am – 4pm Classes & Workshops: PRESCHOOL: Two For Art: TRY IT! December 7th, 9:30-11:00AM FAMILY PROGRAMS: Mom & Daughter Jewelry: Charming Winter Necklaces: Saturday, December 14th, 1:30-4:00PM HOLIDAY PROGRAMS: Gingerbread Decorating with JAM Catering Saturday, December 7th & 14th, 1:003:00PM Holiday Drop & Shop Saturday, December 14th, 10AM-2:30PM TEENS: Wayne Art Center String Orchestra Audition Registration Open Now through December 20th, 2013 Audition Date: January 5th, 2014, Noon – 6PM (pre-registration required) SCHOOL’S OUT CAMPS: Dec 23 (AM/PM/ Full), Dec 24 (AM only), Dec 26-30 (weekdays AM/PM/Full), Dec 31 (AM Only) (AM: 9-Noon / PM: 12:303:30PM/ Full Day: 9AM-3:30PM) Culinary Classes and Demos: Holiday Appetizers and Wine Tasting Thursday, Decr 5, 6:30-8:30 pm $45 New Lecture Series: HomeGrown L3 Lecture Cusine Classes and Demos:

Like us on Facebook To receive updates on local Artistic Happenings Call or visit our website for more information: 610-539-3393 800 Germantown Pike, East Norriton, PA 19403


Ambler Center, 45 Forest Avenue Ambler, PA. Secure parking lot! Elevator! Beautiful facility! Call for brochure. 215-653-0878 Visit us at our new location -- call or check our website for directions Call for a brochure or go online for our fall lineup: Felicia Foster! Howard Watson! Diane Maurer! Demonstrations, Open Workshops and more...


1201 Pawlings Rd, Audubon p: 610-6665593; ext 101 Hrs: Tues-Sat 10am-4pm; Sun 1pm-4pm; Clsd Mon & major holidays http://prs. Dec. lExhibit Info: B Running through

February 21, 2014, the John James Audubon Center at Mill Grove (JJAC) will display its changing gallery exhibition, titled Birdtiques: Not Just for the Birds, in the Center’s second-floor gallery. The show features the work of Alison Auth, a freelance artist and designer from Richmond, Virginia. Birdtiques are little jewels of bird devotion. Combining salvaged wood and

architectural cast offs, bits of tin turned to flowers or flying insects, each Birdtique is one-of-a-kind. Whether for chickadees, wrens, bluebirds, or titmice, you will find a respect for the birds in these houses: no naughty perches and plenty of drainage holes, clean-out doors and hole/house sizes scaled correctly to the bird, and finally, inside of each house, a printout telling you all about your bird. Please call JJAC at 610-666-5593 ext. 101 for details. Guests may view the show during regular museum hours: TuesdaySaturday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm & Sunday 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm (closed Monday and major holidays). The exhibition is free with regular museum admission: $4 adults, $3 seniors (60+), $2 children (4-17).

MONTGOMERY COUNTY GUILD OF PROFESSIONAL ARTISTS (MCGOPA) Interested in joining MCGOPA? Send email to Meanwhile, "LIKE" MCGOPA on Facebook: for exciting "MCGOPA ARTISTS' HOLIDAY SHOW" Exhibit Dates: Now through January 31, 2014 Exhibit HOURS; Daily (Mon-Sun) MCGOPA Artist Tour: W & F, 11am – 1pm Venue: SPP Galleries, Philadelphia Inquirer Building 800 Schuylkill River Road; (Rte. 23 W. between Rtes. 202 & 320) Conshohocken, PA 19438 Interested in joining MCGOPA? Send email to "LIKE" MCGOPA on Facebook: for exciting art happenings. MCGOPA is a 501c3 non-profit organization. For more info, visit g art.


420 E. Packer Ave., Bethlehem, PA p: 610-758-3615 Exhibits: Lehigh University Art Galleries/Museum: Rauch Business Center Gallery – Thru December 13th. Faces, Printmaking from the LUAG Teaching Collection. Works by Leonard Baskin, Graham Ovenden, Joseph Hirsch, Alex Kats, Carlos Lizama, and Luis Cruz Azaceta Dubois Gallery, Maginnes Hall – Thru December 13th. Time & Place: Photography from the LUAG Teaching Collection. Works by Lou Stoumen, Robert Doisneau, Laurence Salzmann, William Coupon, Garry Winegrand, Danny Lyon, and Peggy Fleming. Prested as par of Lehigh Valley Photography Mont in conjunction with ArtsQuest’s inVision Photo Frestival, Novermber 2013.

December 2013 Listings Through December 8: Main Gallery, Zoellner Arts Center: Anthony Viscardi: Tracing Time to Measure Space - New Drawings and Constructions. Zoellner Lobby: LUAG Virtual Gallery: Four Artist-Photographers: Ed Vatza, Karina Skivirsky, Anne Gridley, and Thomas Shillea with Steven Lichak. thru Dec. Siegel Gallery, Iacocca Hall: Through Dec 14: Lehigh Art Alliance, 77th Annual Fall Juried Exhibition, mixed media.



235 S. Camac St. between 12th & 13th, Locust & Spruce Sts. Wed, Fri, Sat & Sun 1 - 5pm Visit our website call 215-545-9298 Where artists grow November 15 to December 26 Legacy Holiday Art Show & Sale November 3 to November 30 In the Stewart Gallery Annual Member Volunteer Show Visit above website for our life, clothed model and print workshop schedules. PHILADELPHIA FOUNDATION – The Community Art Gallery 1234 Market St., Suite 1800, Phila. PA p: 215-563-6417. Hrs: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Exhibit info:I Contain Multitudes Perspectives from People Experiencing Homelessness An exhibition featuring work by participants in Depaul USA’s art programs. Depaul shares the stories of people experiencing homelessness to aid in understanding and solving the problem. This exhibit features work from projects exploring identity and autobiography through different media. Exhibition open through Jan. 24th, Groups wishing to tour the exhibit during business hours may contact Maggi Kirk:, 215-863-8105 .



9201 Germantown Ave. Corner of Germantown Ave. and Bells Mill Rd. p:

215-247-0476 Hrs: Tues-Thurs 10am5pm; Fri 10am-8:45pm; Sat 10am-6pm; Sun 10am-5pm Free admission to special exhibitions on Sundays. Schedule and tickets: Ongoing: Classes and workshops for adults, teens and children. Information and schedules online. Saturday, December 7: Holiday Open House. 1-4 p.m. Ongoing through December 15: Kids Care 20: Wild About Nature. Artworks by children and delivered as holiday presents to patients at St. Christopher's Children's Hospital. Ongoing through December 17: Tuesday Nights at the Movies. 7-9 p.m. Ongoing through December 20: Friday Night Jazz. 6-8 p.m. Ongoing through December 22: Classic Sundays: Opera, Chamber, & Classical. 3-4:30 p.m. Ongoing through December 22: Family Happenings. This month: Make Your Own Wrapping Paper, Victorian card making, Celebrate the Winter Solstice and Make Your Own Toys. Ongoing through January 5, 2014: A Christmas Past in the Pennsylvania German Tradition. Children's toys and holiday decorations of the 19th century from the collection of the Germantown Historical Society. Ongoing through January 5, 2014: Chestnut Hill Past: Photographs from the Chestnut Hill Historical Society. Ongoing through January 19, 2014: Wild Flowers: Paintings and Drawings by Peter Paone. A visual diary of Philadelphia artist Peter Paone’s fantastical flowers and vegetal forms is unlocked for the public for the first time. Ongoing through March 2, 2014: On Paper: the Gift of Ann and Don McPhail. A special exhibition in gratitude and honor of one of Philadelphia's great collections of prints and drawings. Ongoing : Selections from the Charles Knox Smith Collection

…MANAYUNK COUNTY MANAYUNK –ROXBOROUGH ART CENTER 419 Green Lane(rear), between Mitchell & Pechin Sts., Phila PA, 19128 Exhibit: The Manayunk-Roxborough Art Center (MRAC) will present its “Inaugural MRAC Co-Op Artists’ Juried Show” featuring artwork in various media and styles by members of the ManayunkRoxborough Artists’ Co-Op. Work submitted by Co-Op members will be juried by a panel of judges chosen by MRAC’s Board and by the Co-Op members themselves. The opening

reception for this show is Saturday, December 7, 2013 from noon to 4:00 P.M. Admission is free, donations encouraged. Presented in MRAC’s gallery at 419

Openings thatmatter

Green Lane (rear), Philadelphia, PA 19128; the exhibit runs through Sunday, December 15th. Gallery hours are Saturdays and Sundays, except holidays, from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. For more information see MRAC’s website: or telephone 215. 482.3363.


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Thursday, December 5 Goggle Works, 5:30 – 7:30pm, Reading, PA Freedman Gallery – Albright College, 5 -– 7pm, Reading, PA Main Line Art Center, 6 –8pm, Haverford, PA

58 N. 2nd Street, Phila., PA 19106 p: 215-625-0933 Hrs: Wed-Sun, noon5pm Exhibit Info: December Exhibition December 4 thru 29, 2013 First Friday: December 6: 5-9 pm Artists' Reception: Sun. Dec. 8, 1-4 pm "SHARED ORIGINS" Paintings and works on paper by Jean Burdick "SEEING THROUGH" Recent Photographs by Keith Sharp


52 N. 2nd Street, Phila., PA 19106 p: 215627-5310 Hrs: Wed, Thurs 3-8pm, FriSun, noon-5pm. The 36th Anniversary exhibit entitled, SOURCE OF INSPIRATION. Muse is the longest running cooperative gallery in Philadelphia and for this anniversary exhibition, each artists is submitting a piece that explains their source of inspiration for their art making. Oil paintings, mixed media, printmaking, photography and sculpture will all be on display. DECEMBER 4th through DEC 29th 1ST FRI. RECEPTION- Dec 6th, 5-8pm ARTISTS RECEPTION- Dec 14th, 5-8pm GALLERY HOURS- Wednesday through Sunday, 12-5pm - Hours by appointment



INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART – University of Pennsylvania

118 S. 36th Street(at Sansom) 215-8985911 Hrs: Wed-Fri, noon-8pm, Sat & Sun 11am-5pm Exhibit Info: Jason Rhoades, Four Roads (September 18 – December 29, 2013) Upcoming: ICA@50: Pleasing Artists and Publics Since 1963 (February 12 – August 17, 2014) Ruffneck Constructivists (February 12 – August 17, 2014)

Friday, December 6 Blue Streak Gallery, 5 – 8pm, Wilmington, DE Phoenix Village Art Center, 6 – 9pm, Phoenixville, PA Community Arts Center, 7 – 9:30pm, Wallingford, PA The Great Frame Up, 5 – 8pm, Wayne, PA Muse Gallery, 5 – 8pm, Philadelphia, PA Ocean City Art Center, 7 – 8:30pm, Ocean City, NJ

Saturday, December 7 Manayunk – Roxborough Art Center, Noon – 4pm, Philadelphia, PA Main Line Unitarian Chuch, 3 –5pm, Haverford, PA Beauty Art Gallery, 5 – 8pm, Newtown Square, PA Woodmere Art Museum, 1 -4pm, Phila., PA

Sunday, December 8 Third Street Gallery, 1 – 4pm, Phila., PA

Thursday, December 12 Center for the Arts in Southern New Jersey, 7 – 9pm, Marlton, NJ

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