November art matters

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t ar matters

Week of Sunday, October 27, 2013

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■ November 2013

■ Covering the Arts throughout the Philadelphia Region


By Burton Wasserman

he called metaphysical art. The places that appear in his pictures reveal a world drawn he human capacity for wanfrom the subconscious. Typically, they include dering through the depths of strange mannequin figures, an atmosphere of dreamland provided a basis troubled anxiety, repeating archways and venfor what became modern-day ues focused on the peculiar and the puzzling. Surrealism. It was an influenJoan Miró broke with conventional modes tial art movement that flourof painting by joining together an abstract ished in Europe and America lexicon with references to objects observed by for several years after the end conscious awareness. He also explored the use of World War I and then pretty of collage, assemblage and boldly simplified much went out of vogue with references to animals, offbeat places and huthe onset of World War II. man anatomy. In time, the original poets and painters who Jean Arp made use of torn fragments of paidentified with surrealism, passed on. Today, per and references to such biomorphic shapes few serious artists still pursue the idiom. found in the world of nature as roots, bones, In spite of this, the original style leaves and fruits. continues to attract the attention of Perhaps the best known of all the artists connoisseurs and provide them with consider- represented by examples of their work in able aesthetic stimulation. This is true of the the exhibition is Salvador Dali. His paintshow focused on the moveing “Soft Construction with ment currently on view at the Boiled Beans (Premonition Philadelphia Museum of Art. of Civil War)” must surely be Titled “Surrealist Works one of the most disturbing and “Surrealist Works from the Permanent Collecstartling images of the entire from the Permanent tion,” the display is installed installation. Collection” in the Special Exhibitions With meticulous brush will be on display Gallery of the Perelman Buildstrokes, he has painted in the Perelman Building ing, across the Parkway at disjointed parts of a person of the Philadelphia 26th Street from the landmark ravaging other anatomical parts Museum of Art, Greek-revival structure on of its own being. An emotion2525 Pennsylvania Ave., Fairmount. It is set to remain ally stunning metaphor, it Philadelphia, PA 19130, there, on public view until symbolizes different elements through March 2, 2014. Info: 215-761-8300 or March 2, 2014. of a country seeking to wreak Sigmund Freud’s explorahavoc and destruction on other tion of free-association-talkparts of itself, as indeed takes therapy, dream analysis and his place in the body politic during decoding of mysteries from the subconscious a civil war. Exactly such a war did take place mind were of major importance to helping in Spain, Dali’s homeland, in 1937, a year after the surrealists liberate a rich flow of fantasy he painted it. As a hallucinatory image, it is images. They also made use of myth and absolutely unforgettable. automatic or undirected-spontaneous drawing When World War II broke out in Europe, techniques in their pursuit of profound visual many of the surrealists came to the United expression. States. Max Ernst was a highly regarded GerGiorgio de Chirico contributed an approach man artist at the time. When he came to live


‘Surrealists’ rise again at PMA


“Soft Construction with Boiled Beans (Premonition of Civil War),” 1936, Salvador Dalí, Spanish, 19041989. Oil on canvas, 39 5/16 x 39 3/8 inches (99.9 x 100 cm), Philadelphia Museum of Art, © Salvador Dali, Gala Salvador Dali Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

and work in the American West, he also married a talented artist named Dorothea Tanning. Her masterpiece, a self-portrait, semi-nude titled “Birthday,” is one of the highlights of

the exhibition, as are several of her husband’s works in both two and three dimensions. Please see Surrealists on a19

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architecture Barnes Foundation thriving in new home

Week of Sunday, October 27, 2013 by Diane M. Fiske

Barnes Foundation reflecting pool. Photo courtesy of Michael Moran/OTTO.

By Diane M. Fiske

visitors the foliage-filled ambiance of the old building ighteen months in Merion. At the same time, ago, the Barnes it adds new spaces, with an Foundation Phila- interior garden and a tower delphia campus for classrooms and adminisopened to accotrative space. lades from Center One Saturday mornCity officials, ing in early October, the cultural leaders museum was just about and members of filled to capacity, according the general public who didn’t to the woman charged with really want to trek to Merdispensing tickets and, more ion even to see the world’s importantly, reservations for most extensive collection of a lucky few who arrived at impressionistic paintings. the last minute to obtain the By now the protestors ralfew remaining openings. Most lying against defying Alfred reservations were dispensed Barnes famous will and mov- weeks in advance. ing the collection to the city Inside the large entry galhave disappeared. So has the lery, under the famous Matisse ubiquitous emails from their mural “The Dance,” there organization, “The Friends of were some happy visitors the Barnes,” sent by members standing looking up at the trying to thwart the move mural. to the city from the Merion Diego Ruiz said of the building, designed by famous museum. “It looks more like French architect Paul Cret, rooms where you can get to who also helped design the know the art.” Benjamin Franklin Parkway “It is in fact very different in the early 20th century. from an ordinary museum,” The museum and school said his companion, Allison. opened at 20th and the “The argument by Barnes Parkway in May 2012. The that the placement is impornew building designed by the tant is very interesting to me,” renowned architectural team said Tinj Zhou of Peking, of Billie Tsien and Tod WilChina. liams of New York provides “It is like heaven,” said


A serene space in the new Barnes Foundation building.

Cathy McDowell of San Francisco who, with Cathy Graff and Bair Avery of Indiana, spent their junior college year abroad in Paris in 1960. They said they lived near the Cézanne studio. “It was incredible seeing all the art and particularly the Cézannes,” McDowell said. On the other hand, a man sitting on one side of the gallery looking at a brochure admitted, “It is not my thing.” Tom Leinico of Chester said he was waiting for his wife, who was looking at the exhibits. The professionals who helped design and install the museum said the new Barnes Philadelphia campus is not “complete.”

Achievements in Architecture: Local Luminaries The annual American Institute of Architect Awards last month recognized the firm of Erdy McHenry with its Gold, or highest award, for the design of a teaching Dairy Barn at Cornell University. The award was for a building in the “built” category. Two awards in the second place, or Honor Category, were given to the Digsau Group of Philadelphia for two built structures: the Frankford Friends School and the pavilion and Children’s Discovery Garden at Sister Cities Park.

Also Interface Studio Architects received an Honor award for its design of Flexhouse in Chicago, Ill. Finally, Aileen K. Roberts received recognition, as a non-architect, for her leadership as chair of the Barnes Museum Building Committee and her guidance in selecting Tod Williams and Billie Tsien as architects for the building. — Contact Diane Fiske at dfiske_19118@

“An enterprise like this is never complete in general; there is still more work to do,” said renowned landscape architect Laurie Olin, the principal of the Olin Group, who designed the campus to surround the building with trees and bushes that separate the traffic and noise of the Parkway from the new Barnes building. Olin said he visits the site several times a month and often is asked to provide tours of the grounds to groups of visitors. He said the foliage helps shield the museum building from the city surrounding it. The building faces 20th Street rather than the Parkway. A reflecting pond with benches and a wall separating the parking lot are supposed to add to the bucolic envelope surrounding the museum. Last year, the plantings were new and the green cocoon was a work in progress. Olin said, “I am delighted that the trees have survived and have thrived and the sweet gum and ginkgo trees in the interior garden are doing well and even, since it is fall, losing leaves. The interior garden places three-story trees on a pedestal, which reaches from the library on the ground floor to offices

on the second. The interior garden is glassed in on its sides. The trunks of trees are encased in a glass box surrounded with fallen leaves, just like their relatives growing outdoors. “The vines are growing on the walls next to the parking lot, and the bushes have filled in, which is nice, but, in landscaping, there is always work to do,” Olin said. Architect Philip Ryan, now with his own firm, StudioModh, who practices in New York and Philadelphia, was project architect for the Barnes during his 15 years with Tod Williams and Billie Tsien Architects. He said flexibility is also important in the office tower. “The building was designed so the office space could be readjusted and furniture could be moved around,” he said of the tower housing office and classroom space. “As opposed to the galleries, the office was designed for changes. Now the office workers need more furniture and they are getting it,” he said. Ryan said, “The visitors seem to like the lounge and they congregate, having coffee on the ground floor and just prepare for their visit or relax before leaving.” At the old Barnes, there was no coffee bar and no café. The restaurant in the new building

seems to be so successful that the foundation is considering expanding it, Ryan said. “The lobby should be serene and eventually they will place flower arrangements in the center,” he said. Ryan has started his own firm, and said that is one of the lessons he learned from Tod Williams and Billie Tsien: “They taught us to prepare to break away and take care of ourselves,” he said. Visitors have flocked to the transplanted Barnes. There have been about 450,000 visitors to the museum in the past year and a half. Visitors to the old Barnes registered about 62,500 a year before the Merion museum closed. The old building was only open three days a week. The new museum is closed on Tuesdays so that students of the Barnes Art School can have free access to the exhibits. “We are flexible, but the maximum we can allow at any time is 800,” a museum spokesman said. “If people leave, more people can come each day,” he said. It seems that the new Barnes is successful and that the peaceful atmosphere the architects and landscape designers tried to create has resulted in success as visitors break attendance records to visit the galleries.

Week of Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dali and the surrealists triumph again

Surrealists, from A17

French artist Yves Tanguy also came to reside, paint and marry in America. He and his wife, Kay Sage, have several interesting selections in the show. Other notable figures represented in the exhibition include Stanley William Hayter, Pablo Picasso, Roberto Matta and Leon Kelly. Photography, still a bold new visual means of expression in the first half of the 20th century, was put to work by several artists associated with surrealism. Typically, the American expatriate Man Ray was especially drawn to such practice. He made concentrated use of photographic procedures that helped

him voice offbeat ways of evoking dream and reality states with imaginative daring and psychic intensity. The exhibition at the art museum includes several of these avant-garde explorations. Like his friend Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray also made artworks that were reinventions of assorted odds and ends called found objects. One called “Gift,” also in the show, consists of a flat-iron, normally used for pressing clothes, with a row of sharply pointed tacks glued permanently to its bottom surface. Another example consists of a musician’s metronome with a picture of a human eye attached to its pendulum.

To say it’s an extraordinarily startling artwork is to possibly offer the ultimate understatement of the year. Without question, this is a theatrically exciting exhibition. It really would be a shame to miss out on seeing what’s on view when it’s so close at hand. Right, “Birthday,” 1942, Dorothea Tanning, American, 1910-2012. Oil on canvas, 40 1/4 x 25 1/2 inches. Philadelphia Museum of Art, © Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VG Bild Kunst, Bonn. Right, “The Poet and His Muse,” c. 1925, Giorgio de Chirico, Italian (born Greece), 1888-1978. Oil and tempera on canvas, 35 7/8 x 29 inches. Philadelphia Museum of Art, © Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / SIAE, Rome.

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Week of Sunday, October 27, 2013

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Call For Artists & Entries Beauty Art Gallery

Chester County Art Association

CALL FOR ENTRIES: 2013 “Small Treasuresâ€? Exhibit Works eligible: • Oils, acrylics, pastels, watercolors, drawings, photography, glass and sculpture in any medium. • All works must be 16 X 16â€? [256 sq. inches] or smaller (framed or unframed), or smaller than 1 cubic foot. • Works must be priced at $300 or less. • Work must be original and never shown before at Beauty. • Artists may submit a max. of 3 works. • Juror: Edna Davis, former director Tyme Gallery Delivery: Friday, Nov. 15 and Sat., Nov. 16: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Awards: More than $1,400 in cash and merchandise. Exhibit: Dec. 7, 2013 to January 9, 2014 Prospectus:


Call for Art • Under 30 / Over 30 Exhibition • Calling artists younger than, equal to, and older than age 30 • Submit work in all media. (3D work like jewelry must have a display case) • Maximum 1 piece. $10 to enter for CCAA Members $15 for Non-members

Call for Artists Information: CFA Them “Winter Folly� December 2 - 23, 2013 For prospectus send SASE to CFA/SNJ, 123 S. Elmwood Road, Marlton, NJ 08053

Telephone: 856-985-1009

Receiving dates: Saturday, November 16 and Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Visit for a prospectus Call 610/696-5600

3857 Providence Rd. (near West Chester Pike) Newtown Square PA T: 610-353-4569

Main Line Unitarian Church

Call For

Environmental Art


0 8 6 ( 8 0

83&20,1* (9(1766

Works depicting climate change issues for a one to three person show in the Fireside Gallery mid-March thru April 2013

Send a CD with your information and images to: Mary Kane 5 Rachel Drive, Chester Springs, Pa 19425


7+ $8&7,21

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Your resource for ďŹ nding artists, soliciting entries, renting art studious and for promoting your service. For more information call 215-628-9300, ext. 226

November 2013 Listings … DELAWARE CO .NEW CASTLE COUNTY THE BLUE STREAK GALLERY 1721 Delaware Ave. Wilmington DE, 19806 p: 302-429-0506 Tues-Fri 10am; Sat 10am-4pm Become a Fan on Facebook Exhibit Info.: Blue Streak Gallery is presenting the work of Carol Tippit Woolworth and Patricia Tippit Crandall Opening Reception is Nov 1 5-8 pm continues until Dec 3 Carol's show , "South by Southwest" is of Oil and Gouache paintings she has done in the Southwest of this country and the South of France Patricia"s show is Bronze and Gold Jewelry

DELAWARE ART MUSEUM – 2301 Kentmere Pkwy., Wilmington, DE 19806 p: 302-571-9590. Wed-Sat 10am4pm, Sun 12pm-4pm. Free admission Sundays. Exhibits: American Moderns, 1910–1960: From O’Keeffe to Rockwell: Through Jan. 4: This exhibition from the Brooklyn Museum features paintings and sculptures that highlight American art and culture from 1910 through 1960 and includes work by N.C. Wyeth, Georgia O’Keeffe, Norman Rockwell, Max Weber, and more. Femfolio Through Jan.12: This print portfolio assembles 20 women artists important to the feminist art movement of the 1970s. The Topography of Oz Nov. 29Dec. 29: This brilliant video art display by Jeffrey Moser maps light used in the1939 classic, The Wizard of Oz. How Art Transforms Law: From Whistler to Rauschenberg Nov. 7, 6-8pm: Join Anne-Marie Rhodes of Loyola University for a fascinating presentation about the wide-ranging legal issues that relate to the art world. Free for Members, $10 for Non-Members. Family Exploration Day: American Moderns Nov. 10, Noon-3:30pm: Explore America through paintings and sculptures that capture modern life in the early 20th Century. Kids and their families will learn about popular American artists featured in the exhibition American Moderns with art projects, family tours, and other activities. Free. Artful Zumba Nov. 15, 7-9pm: Get fit with this Latin-inspired fitness

party surrounded by art! No experience necessary. Cash bar available. $5 Members, $10 NonMembers.



.…ATLANTIC COUNTY…_ RICHARD STOCKTON COL. OF NJ 101 Vera King Farris Dr. Galloway, NJ p: 609-652-4214 Hours: Monday – Saturday 12-7:30pm; Sunday 12 – 4pm

Through January 5, 2014, in the Museum of American Glass: Celebrating 50 Years: American Studio Glass. This exhibit accompanies “Wheaton Glass: The Art of the Fellowship” by showcasing selected works made during the fellowship sessions of the featured artists.

Exhibit info: Through November 15 - lower gallery: Jacob Feige: Paintings, 20082013. Paintings, 2008-13 presents a survey of Jacob Feige's abstraction-inlandscape paintings from the past five years. upper gallery: Tomorrow is Never: Artists Explore the Fantasy Space of Architectural Ruins. Featuring Brian Artigue, Tom Costa, Emily Davidson, Jonathan Ehrenberg, Timothy Hull, Ruby Sky Stiler, Emily Weiner. Curated by Jacob Feige. November 24 – December 8 (closed Nov. 27-Dec. 1) Studies in the Arts: BA/BFA Senior Exhibition Sunday, November 24, 1-3pm Reception Stockton Gallery

BURLINGTON COUNTY… CENTER FOR THE ARTS IN SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY 123 South Elmwood Rd. Marlton, NJ 08053 Mon-Fri 10am-3pm; Wed 7-9pm p: 856-985-1009; fx: 856-985-7555 Exhibition Information: General listing info: No change from last issue Exhibition Information: CFA Annual Open Juried Photography Exhibition November 4 - 25, 2013 Exhibit Reception: Thursday, November 14 from 7p to 9p

.…CAPE MAY COUNTY … OCEAN CITY ARTS CENTER – 1735 Simpson Ave. Ocean City, NJ p: 609-399-7628 fx: 609-399-6145 Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, Sat 9am-3pm admission Free; parking available in adjacent lot. Exhibit info: November--Juried Art Show, 50 artists will be exhibited during November and awards will be presented Friday, November 8 at a reception, free and open to the public, at 7 pm. December--Ocean City Arts Center pottery students exhibit their work. Work is for sale. Reception, free and open to the public, Friday, December 6, at 7 pm. Exhibit info: Through January 5, 2014 in the Museum of American Glass: Wheaton Glass: The Art of the Fellowship. In celebration of the Creative Glass Center of America Fellowship Program’s 30th Anniversary this invitational exhibit illustrates the wide variety of glass created by this diverse group of international artists, many of whom remain linked by their fellowship experience.

A dress is brought to life by the form and movement of the body beneath it. The attitude and gesture of the figure and the emotion conveyed both by the design of the dress and the way it is worn are ideas that intrigue me as an artist. –

Renee Weiss Chase William RIS Gallery

9400 Second Avenue Stone Harbor, NJ 08247 609-368-6361 Stay current on WRG happenings on:



CAMDEN COUNTY COLLEGE ART GALLERY 200 College Drive, Blackwood, NJ 08012 Hours: Tues – Thurs: 1pm – 3pm Additional hours by request p: 856-227-7200; ext 4201 Exhibit info: Marion Spirn - Dates: Through Nov. 1 Annual Faculty Exhibit Dates: Nov. 13-Dec. 13 Artists’ Reception: Nov. 13, 5 p.m.-7p.m.

CUMBERLAND CO.U CLAY COLLEGE CERAMIC ARTS STUDIO, Cumberland Co College 108 High Street, Millville, NJ 08332 phone: 856-765-0988 Exhibit: Doug Herren: "The Power of Clay" Clay Christmas Tree, Saturday, Nov. 16, 11 am-2 pm Pottery Wheel, Sunday, Nov. 17, 2-4 pm Pottery Wheel, Saturday, Nov. 23, 2-4 pm Third Friday: Nov. 15: Browse the Millville Glasstown Arts District

WHEATON ARTS & CULTURAL CENTER – 1501 Glasstown Rd., Millville, NJ 08332 p: 800-998-4554 Open Tues-Sun 10am-5pm;

Through January 5, 2014, in the Museum of American Glass: Remembering Ginen: Haitian Vodou Bottles, Flags and Vèvè. This exhibition aims to inspire understanding and appreciation of Haitian creativity and artistic expressions. Vodou is an official Haitian religion, combining beliefs of African religious practice and Christianity. The exhibition’s major focus is on the artworks of the Haitian artist Kesler Pierre. Each of Kesler’s bottles is designed to incorporate the vèvè, or symbol, associated with the individual lwa for whom it is intended. Kesler uses paint to present a contemporary artistic vision of the traditional beaded bottles. Through December 24, 2013 in the Gallery of Fine Craft: All Good Things Great and Small, Handcrafted Holiday Gifts. All items in this holiday themed show range from $1.50 to $150.00. These fun and unique gift ideas include metal ornaments, garden art, wooden instruments, clocks, and brightly colored ceramics.

..GLOUCESTER COUNTY GLOUCESTER COUNTY COLLEGE ART GALLERY 1400 Tanyard Rd, Sewell, p: 856415-2236 Mon-Fri 8am-10pm, Sat 8am-3pm

Exhibit Info: "Mixed Messages" Sculpture by members of the Philadelphia Sculptors; Photographs by Lee Peters and Burnell Yow! Show runs through Nov. 25

…MERCER COUNTY…... EDUCATIONAL TESTING SERVICE 660 Rosedale Rd., Princeton, NJ, All exhibits are Free to the public. Hrs: Mon -Fri 9am-4pm p: 609-921-9000 Exhibit info: Karen Starrett of Ocean NJ exhibiting at the Chauncey Conference Center in the Brodsky Gallery through December 16, 2013 Conant Hall Lounge B Gallery will have a Hispanic American exhibit. .

.PENNSYLVANIA. . …BERKS COUNTY…...... GoggleWorks Center for the Arts 201 Washington St. Reading, PA 610.374.4600 Hrs: Open Daily - 11am-7pm. email: Exhibition: Cohen Gallery - Centered: GoggleWorks Artists 9th Annual Exhibition, November 6 through January 5, 2014. Opening reception December 5 from 5:307:30 p.m Social Studies: William Coupon through November 10, includes ethonographs of various cultures and commercial works such as portrait photos of Keith Haring, Neil Young, Miles Davis and every president since Richard Nixon. Aerial Tapestry: PA’s Farmland and Natural Beauty by Blair Seitz, through Nov. 10 Schmidt Gallery - Eccentric Art & Fashion for the Gods and Goddesses: Allison Shannon and Ed Terrell, November 2 through November 27. Opening reception November 16 at 5:30 p.m. Green Wall - Ruined, now through November 10, features work by GoggleWorks Studio Artists, including Mary Lou Creyts, Suzanne Fellows, Sharon McGinley, Elaine Soltis, Barbara Thun, Lauralynn White and Birdie Zoltan, in conjunction The Greater Reading Alliance of Community Theatres upcoming presentation of playwright Lynn Nottage’s 2009 Pulitzer-Prize winning play RUINED.

FREEDMAN GALLERY – Albright College

13th & Bern Streets, Reading, PA p: 610921-7541 fx; 610-921-7768 Hours: Tues 12-8pm, Wed-Fri 12-6pm, Sat & Sun 12-4pm Exhibit Info: Canceled: Alternative Manifestations and Productive Failures Through Nov. 17, this exhibition presents canceled or otherwise prohibited exhibitions that now exist as publications or in other formats. Curated by Lauren van Haaften-Schick. A special gallery talk, led by curator Erin Riley-Lopez will be offered for free to the public on Saturday, November 2, 3-4pm; to sign up, please call Beth at 610-9217776. George Jenne, Spooky Understands - Through Nov. 17, Freedman Gallery The gothic and the humorous converge in a single high definition video titled, Spooky Understands Reflections, a Museum Retail Experience

November 2013 Listings Vvisit us for artistic treasures and unique gifts inspired by artwork in the Freedman Gallery Collection and the whole season of programs at the CFA. Grand Opening, Sat., Nov. 23, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Music Appreciation Day, Sun., 1-6 p.m.


500 Museum Rd., Reading, PA p: 610371-5850 fx: 610-375-5632 Tues - Sat 11am-5pm; Sun noon-5pm Exhibits: Carol Brown Goldberg Through1/12/14 - Features a group of large paintings and recent small scale bronze sculptures; Norman Rockwell: Boy Scouts – Through1/12/14 – Drawing upon the archival collections of the Norman Rockwell Museum, as well as additional oil-on-canvas paintings from the National Scouting Museum, this special exhibition offers a glimpse into the artist’s body of work for the Boy Scouts of America; Scouting Through the Years; Through 1/12/14 - This exhibition, presented in partnership with the World of Scouting Museum in Valley Forge, Pa., is a look at the evolution of Scouting over the past century, and includes historical ephemera such as uniforms, badges/patches, awards, flags, photos, equipment and more; ReDress: Upcycled Style by Nancy Judd – Through 3/16/14 – This exciting and inspiring exhibition features 18 one-ofa-kind recycled fashion sculptures.



Muse of director Alfred Hitchcock, winner of a best actress Oscar for her performance in The Country Girl, and Princess of Monaco upon her marriage on April 18, 1956, to Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, Grace Kelly had an enormous influence on women around the world. This exhibition traces the unique path Grace Kelly took from Philadelphia to Monaco, inviting viewers to discover the life of Grace Kelly (1929-1982) This exhibition brings us up close to the stage and screen legend, fashion icon, princess, United Nations advocate for children, and international spokesperson for arts and culture. Fred Beans Gallery –October 26, 2013 through March 2, 2014 The story of this historic New Hope landmark and its impact on American theater as well as the regional economy and cultural life is told through a collection of diverse material, including artwork by Charles Child, John F. Folinsbee, Ben Solowey, Al Hirschfeld, Robert Beck. and others. This exhibition celebrates the players, productions, and producers who made the Playhouse a legend. Pfundt Gallery

…CHESTER COUNTY... . BRANDYWINE RIVER MUSEUMU.S. Rte. 1 & Creek Rd., Chadds Ford, PA p: 610-388-2700 Hrs: Daily 9:30am4:30pm Exhibits: Jamie Wyeth, Rockwell Kent and Monhegan continues through November 17. A Brandywine Christmas opens November 29 and continues through January 5. Extended hours until 9 p.m. on December 5, 12, 19 and 26 and until 6 p.m. December 27-30. Discover dozens of rare antique dolls, dressed in beautiful period clothing, some on view in rooms filled with exquisite hand-crafted furnishings and miniature paintings by members of the Wyeth family. Experience the popular O-gauge model train display, one of the largest in the country, with five trains running simultaneously on nearly 2,000 feet of track through a landscape inspired by southeastern Pennsylvania. Marvel at thousands of whimsical “Critters,” ornaments and decorations handcrafted from natural materials by Conservancy volunteers and displayed on towering trees soaring up through the museum's three-story rotunda.

CHESTER CO. ART ASSOCIATION100 North Bradford Ave. West Chester PA p: 610-696-5600 fx: 610-918-1327 Hrs: Note exhibitions on our website

JAMES A. MICHENER ART MUSEUM 138 S. Pine Street, Doylestown, PA p: 215-340-9800 Hrs: Tues-Fri 10am4:30pm, Sat 10am-5pm, Sun. 12-5pm

Exhibit Info: From Philadelphia to Monaco: GRACE KELLY—Beyond the Icon - October 28, 2013 through January 26, 2014

West Chester: Members’ Juried Exhibition, through November 15, 2013 Eye of the Artist - Two Perspectives: Donald Leong and Angel Reed Breese, through November 15, 2013 Under 30 / Over 30 Show: November 22 – December 20, 2013 Opening Reception, Thursday November 21, 5- 8pm/ Free Gallery Hours: Tues – Sat, 9:30am - 4pm / Free, Closed Sundays and Mondays Exton Square Studio:

Holiday Shop Featuring Local Artists, In All Media, Through January 1, 2014 Gallery and Shop Hours: Wed, Thurs, Saturday 11am - 5pm; In the Exton Square Mall 610/524-1925

PHOENIX VILLAGE ART CENTER – 207 Bridge Street, Phoenixville, PA p: 610-983-9430 fx: 610-983-9431: Gallery hours are 12-5pm Mon-Thurs, 128 Fri, 12 to 6 Sat. and Exhibit Info: 10th Annual Upstairs Studio Artist Exhibit including: Leslie Bowen, Neil R. Dreibelbis, Shannon Hill, Annalie Hudson, Janice LaBarge, Janice LaPorte, Robert Libby, Sirish Nidamarthy, Danielle Paddick, Sally Ritter, Denise Romano Bright, Jessica Sanchez and Veronica Tronoski. Opening Reception: Friday 11/1 6:00 to 9:00 Coffee Talk: Sunday 11/17 12:00 to 2:00




COMMUNITY ARTS CENTER – 414 Plush Mill Rd., Wallingford, PA : 610-566-1713 Mon-Thurs 9am-7:30pm, Fri 9am-3pm, Sat 10am-2pm. Closed Sun Closed July 4 – 6 and will reopen July 8th Classes – Adult: Register for workshops in painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, jewelry, mixed media, printmaking, photography, music, and yoga – Register at or call the office for more info at 610-566-1713. Classes - children: Register for Art Start Pre-School, Lucky Charms afternoon arts enrichment program and After-School and Weekend ART Adventures- Plus Teen Workshops - Call 610-566-1713 or visit Duke Gallery - Exhibit – POINTS OF VIEW: Opening November 3rd 2 – 4 p.m. Through November 27th Stairwell Gallery - Exhibit – “Multi-Media,” the students of Nancy Barch: pening November 3rd 2 - 4 p.m. BeaDazzle Gallery Wall - Exhibit – Michele Southworth; Opening November 3rd 2 – 4 p.m. Through December 14 Lounge Galler - Fall Semester Featured Teachers – 2 D art: Gail Herring, paintings and 3D art: Kate White, ceramics Through November 27th Library and Mezzanine - Young Artist Exhibition, November 10, 2 – 4 p.m. Fay Freedman Gallery - Lucy Edwards, Yarn Scapes, Opening November 3rd 2 – 4 p.m. Special Events - Holiday Family Photo Portraits - By Suzanne Baker, November 16 – 17, Noon – 5 p.m. Friday Night Live Concert – Live music and live art ; 7 – 10 p.m. November 22nd, $15 at the door, $10 for CAC members Tri-State Jazz Society Concert, November 24th 2 – 5 p.m.

DARLINGTON ARTS CENTER – 977 Shavertown Rd., Garnett Valley PA 19060

p: 610-358-3632 fx: 610-358-2018 Gallery Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, Sat 9am-4pm, Clsd Sun November Art Gallery: The Art of Landscape, Opening Reception on Sunday, November 3 from 2-4pm. Impressions and Interpretations of Geographical Environments by Wilmington painter Cindy Brinker. Free. November Concert: Craig Bickhardt, Saturday, November 16 at 8pm. With his trusty acoustic guitar, Bickhardt presents the stories of a lifetime, vividly translated into words and melody. BYOB, free coffee, tea, and desserts! $15 GA Election Day Workshop, Monday, November 5. Music Mania, for ages 7-13. 9am – 3pm, $48. Pre-registration required. Thanksgiving Break Workshops, Monday, November 25 – Wednesday, November 27. For ages 7-12, 9am – 3pm each day. Themes include “A Play in a Day,” “Cooking & Crafts,” and “Art Adventures.” Pre-registration required. $48/day.

...LANCASTER COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF ART & DESIGN 204 North Prince Street, Lancaster, PA p: 717-396-7833 Gallery hours: MondayFriday 8 a.m. –8 p.m.; First Friday until 9 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Gallery is closed on Sundays and during the Thanksgiving holiday (Nov. 28-Dec. 1). All events are free and open to the public. The College is handicapped accessible. November 1 at 4 p.m.: Artist talk by design team Nancy Skolos and Thomas Wedell. November 1 from 5 – 9 p.m.: First Friday opening of the “Skolos and Wedell: A Poster Retrospective." Exhibit continues through January 3. Details at November 16 from 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.: Admissions Open House. Learn about BFA degree programs in digital media, illustration, graphic design, photography, and fine art. Portfolio reviews; meet faculty, students and alumni; tour campus and downtown Lancaster; see student artwork. Learn about financial aid, housing options, and pre-college offerings for high school students. Info at



DELAWARE VALLEY ART LEAGUE 2013, 250 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, PA 19087 Bryn Mawr Medical Arts Winter Show November 2, 2013 through February 1, 2014 General Meeting - November 8: Sarah Yeoman will be giving a watercolor demonstration 1-3pm - open to the public Watercolor workshop - November 15 workshop by Sarah Yeoman 9:30a.m. to 3p.m. $30 members, $40 non-member; both take place at Paoli Presbyterian

Church 225 South Valley Road, Paoli, PA. 19301 DVAL, founded in 1947, is a non-profit association of professional artists that exists to promote interest in the fine arts within the community & to advance the skill and creativity of its membership. Check for more exhibits, workshops. opportunities and information about membership: LIKE us on Facebook at

THE GREAT FRAME UP302 West Lancaster Ave. Wayne, PA 19087 p: 610-687-3060 fx: 610-995-2215 Hrs: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm, Wed. 10am-9pm, 1st Fridays 10am-8pm, Sat 10am-5pm Exhibit Info: Our November First Friday Show will feature photography by Bruce Feldman and oil paintings by Julie Patterson. Come check out the beautiful work of these talented individuals. We are celebrating six years of First Friday Art Shows, and we want to show our appreciation for everyone who has come to our shows. The opening reception is from 5pm to 8pm on Friday November 1st, 2013 and will include refreshments and light fare. The photography and artwork will be shown and for sale the entire month of November. Come celebrate with us and check out the amazing art! ! LAWRENCE GALLERY – Rosemont College 1400 Montgomery Ave, Rosemont PA p: 610-526-2967 Mon-Fri 9am-8pm; and weekends by appointment. on=ViewSinglePublic&LinkID=751&ModuleID=19 Exhibit: Various Artists. Exhibit runs November 7, 2013 - January 9, 2014. The exhibit contains more than thirty artists’ work and recognizes Sande Webster Gallery as a unique voice in the art community emphasizing diversity in her artists for over four decades. Exhibiting artists include: Sam Gilliam, Berresford Boothe, Arlene Love, Moe Brooker, James Brantley, Charles Searles, Syd Carpenter, Kathleen Spicer, and many others.

MAIN LINE ART CENTER – 746 Panmure Rd, Haverford, PA phone: 610-525-0272 fx: 610-525-5036 Hrs: Mon-Thurs 10am-8pm; Sat 10am-4pm, Clsd Sun. For information on activities: Lots of Free pkg. Exhibit Info: Welcome Back Bash & Ribbon Cutting - Saturday, November 9, 4-6:30 pm Welcome back to your creative home for the arts! Experience our brand new spacious jewelry and painting studios, to our renovated ceramics studios, to our beautiful gallery featuring the work of our talented community in the Annual Members’ Exhibition. Ribbon cutting celebration at 4:30 pm featuring live

November 2013 Listings and much more! EnA Fine Jewelry will also be on hand selling their architecturalinspired jewelry, and will donate a portion of the proceeds to Main Line Art Center. A donation of $10 per person or $20 per family is suggested, which includes all food, refreshments, and activities. Annual Members’ Exhibition November 9-22 - Members’ Exhibition, our inaugural show in the newly renovated and expanded Main Line Art Center. Fall Session 2 Begins November 11 Now registering for Fall Session 2 classes for all ages, levels and abilities in the newly renovated and expanded Main Line Art CenterCall 610.525.0272 for a brochure or register online at


816 S. Valley Forge Rd, Devon, PA 484-341-8014 or visit for info/directions Hrs: Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm; Sun 9am-2pm The Public is Welcome! Contact Mary Kane at 484-341-8014 for information. Exhibit: " AL MOST AL L TREES" Laszlo Bagi, guest artist of the month. His hand pulled serigraphs will be on display in the Fireside Gallery through December 1, 2013. The Opening reception will be Sunday, October 27th from 2:00 to 4:30. He will give a short talk about his work at 3:00. The public is invited

ST JOSEPH’S UNIVERSITY GALLERY Saint Joseph's University Gallery, Merion Hall Nov 15 - Dec 10 - "Abandoned America" photographs by Matthew Christopher Reception: Thursday, Nov 21, 5-7 PM Boland Hall Student and Alumni Gallery Nov 6-29, 2013 Drawings by Sequoia Collier-Hezel, class of 2015, Summer Scholar recipient.


Connelly Center, 2nd Flr., 800 Lancaster Ave, Villanova p: 610-519-4612 Open Weekdays 9am-5pm. Call for weekend and extended hrs., or visit website: Exhibit info: Frank Stephens: “Honoring My Heritage”, A Retrospective – Through Through Thursday, Dec 5th.


413 Maplewood Ave, Wayne, PA p: 610-688-3553 f: 610-995-0478, visit for full schedule of events, pricing and to register for classes. Exhibition: In our Davenport Gallery: Delaware Valley Art League (DVAL)Juried Exhibition, through November 23, 2013 In our Davenport Gallery: Delaware Valley Art League (DVAL)Juried Exhibition, through November 23, 2013 ESCS Gallery - Attraction to Abstraction, an invitational exhibition of recent work by 7 Philadelphia based abstract painters who work in large format. Classes & Workshops: Breakway Art with Val Rossman; Fridays: November 15 & 22 and December 6 & 13 10- 3:00pm Shadow Box Construction with Zan Klain - No v em b er 2 & 3 10-

3: 00p m Critter Creatures with Abby Laible: Wednseday, Nov.13 12:00 2:00pm Block Printing Plus: A Crash Course with Diane Podolsky - No v em b er 16 & 17 10-3: 00p m Making Star Pendant with Valerie Coulson - November 23 & 24 10-3:00pm PRESCHOOL: Two For Art: TRY IT! November 9th & Dec. 7th , 9:30-11:00AM Saturday Music Circle - Saturdays, 9:30-10:15AM, October 19thNovember 16th (no class 11/9) Mom & Me Music CircleThursdays, 11/712/19 (no class 11/28) / 9:30-10:00AM (018mo) / 10:15-10:45AM (1.5-3ys) Pre-Twinkle Violin Class -Tuesdays, 11/512/10 / 9:30-10:15AM (3-4 years) / 10:3011:15AM (5-6 years) BOY SCOUTS: Ceramic Merit Badge Weekends Sunday, Nov 3rd & Sunday, Nov 17th / morning (9:30-12:30) or afternoon (1:00-4:00) FAMILY PROGRAMS: Fall Harvest Cooking, Saturday, Nov 2nd, 1-3PM Family Day of Clay – Gingerbread Man Mugs! Saturday, November 16th, 1:003:00PM


Greater Norristown Art League offers Beginner to Advanced Adult classes in Watercolor, Pastels, and Acrylic/Oil & Children’s Sat. Classes Fal l Reg i s t r at i o n No w Op en 21s t Annual Theme Show “Music, Music, Music!” J u r o r : K i m New el l No v em b er 2-3, Sat u r d ay & Su n d ay , Gal l er y Ho u r s 12-5p m No v . 3, Su n d ay , Rec ep t i o n 2-5p m Mo n t h l y Meet i n g No v em b er 10, Su n d ay , 2p m (n o t e d ay an d t i m e c h an g e) Cl ay Po r t r ai t Sc u l p t o r , Mar i a Hy er d em o n s t r at es t h e i n t r i c at e p r o c es s es s h e em p l o y s t o c r eat e s u c c es s f u l p o r t r ai t s c u l p t u r es u s i n g c l ay . Wo r k s h o p w i t h J i m Mc Far l an e “Distinguish Your Paintings with the Use of Thoughtful Color” No v . 16, Sat u r d ay , 10am -3p m Th i s w o r k s h o p w i l l c o n c en t r at e o n t h e u s e o f t h e c o l o r w h eel t o f i n d n ew an d m ean i n g f u l w ay s t o u s e c r eat i v e c o l o r . Cal l J i m Mc Far l an e, 610-287-3252 $55 m em b er s /$65 n o n -m em b er s St u d i o In c am m i n at i Fi g u r e St u d y Wo r k s h o p Cal l J o an Ro s i ak , 215-234-9138 $30 m em b er s /$40 n o n -m em b er s For information call 610-539-3393 or visit 800 W. Germantown Pike, East Norriton, PA


Ambler Center, 45 Forest Avenue Ambler, PA. Secure parking lot! Elevator! Beautiful facility! Call for brochure. 215-653-0878 Visit us at our new location -- call or check our website for directions Call for a brochure or go online

for our fall lineup: Felicia Foster! Howard Watson! Diane Maurer! Demonstrations, Open Workshops and more...

MONTGOMERY COUNTY GUILD OF PROFESSIONAL ARTISTS (MCGOPA) Interested in joining MCGOPA? Send email to Meanwhile, "LIKE" MCGOPA on Facebook: for exciting "MCGOPA ARTISTS' HOLIDAY SHOW" Exhibit Dates: November 9, 2013 -January 4, 2014 FREE Opening Reception: Saturday, November 9, 2013 from 5-7pm Venue: SPP Galleries, Philadelphia Inquirer Building 800 Schuylkill River Road; (Rte. 23 W. between Rtes. 202 & 320) Conshohocken, PA 19438 Interested in joining MCGOPA? Send email to "LIKE" MCGOPA on Facebook: for exciting art happenings. MCGOPA is a 501c3 non-profit organization. For more info, visit g art.

CHELTENHAM CENTER FOR THE ARTS 439 Ashbourne Rd., Cheltenham, PA 19012 215.379.4660

1:00 pm to 4:00 pm (closed Monday and major holidays). The exhibition is free with regular museum admission: $4 adults, $3 seniors (60+), $2 children (4-17).


315 Old York Road, Jenkintown, PA 19046 215-935-6948 ArtOfItJenkintown FeaturedCOPY Artists: HERE PLACE NEW • Andrea Abrams-Herbert ~ Knitting and Felting • Lynda K. Boardman ~ Fabric Collage Art Quilts • Lynne Fleming creator of Petite Chic ~ Designer SEE ATTACHED Children’s Clothing and ToysLAYOUT • Addie Hocynec ~ Wearable, Functional and Framed Dyes on Silk Art • Shari Johnson ~ Crocheted Baby Creation & Baby Accessories • Marryanne McDevitt the Whitemarsh Weaver ~ Woven Accessories, Jewelry & Toys • Kathy Robinson ~ Wearable Silk Handmade Batiks & Accessories • Ilanit Yampolsky ~ Hand Bags Fiber Arts Exhibition Friday, November 15th 6:00pm to 9:00pm Meet the artists, explore their techniques and unique creations. All Sales Support Local Charities Thinking About The Holidays? Layaway is Currently Available Gift Cards Holiday Hours: Monday& Tuesday ~ Open by Appointment Only Wednesday & Thursday ~ 11:00am to 7:00pm Friday & Saturday ~ 11:00am to 9:00pm Sunday ~ 11:00am to 5:00pm

Exhibit info: Philadelphia Portraits Opening – Sunday, November 17th 2-4pm November 17 – December 13, 2013 Gallery Hours 10am -3pm M-F Clay Guild Holiday Sale - Sunday, November 24, 2013 10am -4pm


1201 Pawlings Rd, Audubon p: 610-6665593; ext 101 Hrs: Tues-Sat 10am-4pm; Sun 1pm-4pm; Clsd Mon & major holidays http://prs. Dec.

Exhibit Info: t h r o u g h February 21, 2014, the John James Audubon Center at Mill Grove (JJAC) will display its changing gallery exhibition, titled B i r d t i q u es : in Center’s second-floor gallery. The show features the work of Alison Auth, a freelance artist and designer from Richmond, Virginia. Alison is also a regular contributor to Birds & Blooms Magazine where she creates bird and garden art out of household castoffs. She began making “Birdtiques” as an expression of her love for birds, houses, and architectural salvage. Birdtiques are little jewels of bird devotion. Combining salvaged wood and architectural cast offs, bits of tin turned to flowers or flying insects, each Birdtique is one-of-a-kind. Please call JJAC at 610-666-5593 ext. 101 for details. Guests may view the show during regular museum hours: TuesdaySaturday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm & Sunday


420 E. Packer Ave., Bethlehem, PA p: 610-758-3615 Exhibits: Lehigh University Art Galleries/Museum: Rauch Business Center Gallery – Thru December 13th. Faces, Printmaking from the LUAG Teaching Collection. Works by Leonard Baskin, Graham Ovenden, Joseph Hirsch, Alex Kats, Carlos Lizama, and Luis Cruz Azaceta Dubois Gallery, Maginnes Hall – Thru December 13th. Time & Place: Photography from the LUAG Teaching Collection. Works by Lou Stoumen, Robert Doisneau, Laurence Salzmann, William Coupon, Garry Winegrand, Danny Lyon, and Peggy Fleming. Prested as par of Lehigh Valley Photography Mont in conjunction with ArtsQuest’s inVision Photo Frestival, Novermber 2013. Through December 8: Main Gallery, Zoellner Arts Center: Anthony Viscardi: Tracing Time to Measure Space - New Drawings and Constructions. Zoellner Lobby: LUAG Virtual Gallery: Four Artist-Photographers: Ed Vatza, Karina Skivirsky, Anne Gridley, and Thomas Shillea with Steven Lichak. thru Dec.

Siegel Gallery, Iacocca Hall: Through Dec 14: Lehigh Art Alliance, 77th Annual Fall Juried Exhibition, mixed media.


– The Community Art Gallery

1234 Market St., Suite 1800, Phila. PA p: 215-563-6417. Hrs: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Exhibit info:I Contain Multitudes Perspectives from People Experiencing Homelessness An exhibition featuring work by participants in Depaul USA’s art programs. Depaul shares the stories of people experiencing homelessness to aid in understanding and solving the problem. This exhibit features work from projects exploring identity and autobiography through different media. Exhibition open through Jan. 24th, Groups wishing to tour the exhibit during business hours may contact Maggi Kirk:, 215-863-8105

PHILADELPHIA SKETCH CLUB 235 S. Camac St. between 12th & 13th, Locust & Spruce Sts. Wed., Fri - Sun 1 - 5pm Visit our website call 215-545-9298 Where artists grow to November 8 Philustration Show Juried Exhibition November 1 to November 30 Annual Volunteer Leaders Exhibition In the Stewart Gallery November 15 to December 8 Legacy Holiday Art Show & Sale Reception Sunday November 17th 2PM to 4PM Visit above website for life, clothed model and print workshop schedules. THE AMERICAN COLOR PRINT SOCIETY’S intriguing Members

Exhibition, 3-21 November, will be located in the Historic Plastic Club,[1903]. Our exhibit will feature an innovating restriction: creating a vision and variety with a pallet limited to Black, White and One artist selected Color. This is an innovating challenge in keeping with the Society's adventurous spirit. Multiple Juried awards will be selected by Hester Stinnett, Professor of Printmaking , Tyler School of Art at Temple University. The Society features a special dedication: there will be a Memorial Award dedicated to Victor Lausuchin, and an Exhibit of his works in the Jackson Gallery. The Plastic Club's Street venue , 247 S. Camac Street, Philadelphia, offers a

November 2013 Listings by artist Jessica Barber. We invite you to see the awards, the blending of the historic and the avantgarde, the visions and the beauty, the creative and the daring: Print making at its finest. The American Color Print Society's opening Reception is Sunday, 3 November, 2-5 p.m. Join Us. .


November 3, 2013 from noon to 3:00 P.M. Admission is free, donations encouraged. Presented in MRAC’s gallery at 419 Gr een L an e (rear), Philadelphia, PA 19128; the exhibit runs through Sunday, November 24th. Gallery hours are Saturdays and Sundays, 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. For more information see MRAC’s website: m r ar t c en t er .o r g or telephone 215. 482.3363.


9201 Germantown Ave. Corner of Germantown Ave. and Bells Mill Rd. p: 215-247-0476 Hrs: Tues-Thurs 10am5pm; Fri 10am-8:45pm; Sat 10am-6pm; Sun 10am-5pm Free admission to special exhibitions on Sundays. Schedule and tickets: Ongoing: Classes and workshops for adults, teens and children. Information and schedules online. Ongoing through November 3: Dumbledore's Powers. Woodmere Art Museum's annual straw maze for families and children ages 4-11. November 3 through December 15: Kids Care 20: Wild About Nature. Artworks by children and delivered as holiday presents to patients at St. Christopher's Children's Hospital. Ongoing through December 17: Tuesday Nights at the Movies. Ongoing through December 20: Friday Night Jazz. Ongoing through December 22: Classic Sundays: Opera, Chamber, & Classical. Ongoing through December 22: Family Happenings. November 23 through January 5, 2014: A Christmas Past in the Pennsylvania German Tradition. Children's toys and holiday decorations of the 19th century from the collection of the Germantown Historical Society. November 23 through January 5, 2014: Chestnut Hill Past: Photographs from the Chestnut Hill Historical Society. Ongoing through January 19, 2014: Wild Flowers: Paintings and Drawings by Peter Paone. A visual diary of Philadelphia artist Peter Paone’s fantastical flowers and vegetal forms is unlocked for the public for the first time. November 16 through February 15, 2014: On Paper: the Gift of Ann and Don McPhail. A special exhibition in gratitude and honor of one of Philadelphia's great collections of prints and drawings. Ongoing : Selections from the Charles Knox Smith Collection.


419 Green Lane(rear), between Mitchell & Pechin Sts., Phila PA, 19128

Exhibit: The Manayunk-Roxborough Art Center (MRAC) will present “MRAC Photo Art Exhibition” featuring photography by twelve members of the ManayunkRoxborough Artists’ Co-Op. The opening reception for this show is Sunday,


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58 N. 2nd Street, Phila., PA 19106

p: 215-625-0933 Hrs: Wed-Sun, noon5pm Exhibit Info October 30 thru December 1, First Friday: November 1: 5-9 pm Artist Reception: Sunday November 3, 14 pm RECENT WORK - Oil paintings by Kristine Flannery INTERACT - New wood assemblage and paintings by Heather Riley :


52 N. 2nd Street, Phila., PA 19106 p: 215627-5310 Hrs: Wed, Thurs 3-8pm, FriSun, noon-5pm. During NOVEMBER 2013 Muse Gallery will feature CONNECTED DISCONNECTED: Observations of the “socially linked”, an exhibit new paintings by NANCY KRESS. The Muse Gallery is the longest co-operatively run gallery in Philadelphia. Oct. 30th thru Dec 1st, 2013 Opening Reception: First Friday, November 1st, 5-8 pm Artists Reception: Sunday, November 10th, 3-5 pm Gallery Hours: Wed thru Sun, noon -5pm; Hours by Appointment



INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART – University of Pennsylvania

118 S. 36th Street(at Sansom) 215-8985911 Hrs: Wed-Fri, noon-8pm, Sat & Sun 11am-5pm Exhibit Info: Jason Rhoades, Four Roads (September 18 – December 29, 2013) Upcoming: ICA@50: Pleasing Artists and Publics Since 1963 (February 12 – August 17, 2014) Ruffneck Constructivists (February 12 – August 17, 2014)



Portside Arts Center

2531 East Lehigh Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19125 Phone: 215-427-1514 Fax: 215-427-1514 Email Website Blog: m/ Forty-foot donated bus to be transformed into a mobile arts classroom called the “Portside ArtsMobile” "Help us Drive the Arts Back into Philadelphia Schools" You’re invited to the Portside ArtsMobile Fundraising Reception, Thursday, November 7, 2013 from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm at 2531 East Lehigh Avenue, Philadelphia PA, 19125. 215-427-1514 Proceeds will be used to convert a donated forty-foot bus to a mobile arts classroom called the “Portside ArtsMobile” which will partner with 10 local schools in the 2014-2015 school year impacting over 800 children, each receiving 30 hours of arts education. The night will highlight amazing Portside ArtsMobile projects by the students, a silent auction of two tickets to Pennsylvania Ballet, dinner for two at Cuba Libre just to name a few and hors d'oeuvres with refreshments with be provided. Tickets can be purchased @

Openings thatmatter Friday, November 1 Blue Streak Gallery, 5 – 8pm, Wilmington, DE Phoenix Village Art Center, 6 – 9pm, Phoenixville, PA The Great Frame Up, 5 – 8pm, Wayne, PA Muse Gallery, 5 – 8pm, Philadelphia, PA Sunday, November 3 Third Street Gallery, Philadelphia, PA Community Arts Center, 2 – 4pm, Wallingford, PA American Color Print Society, 2 – 5pm, Philadelphia, PA Manayunk – Roxborough Art Center, Noon – 3pm, Philadelphia, PA Greater Norristown Art League, 2 – 5pm, Norristown, PA Saturday, November 9 Main Line Art Center, 4 – 6:30pm, Haverford, PA Montgomery County Guild of Professional Artists, 5 – 7pm, Conshohocken, PA Sunday, November 10 Muse Gallery, 3 – 5pm, Philadelphia, PA Wednesday, November 13 Camden County College Art Gallery, 5-7pm, Blackwood, NJ Thursday, November 14 Center for the Arts in Southern New Jersey, 7 – 9pm, Marlton, NJ Friday, November 15 The Art-of-It, 6 – 9pm, Jenkintown, PA Saturday, November 16 GoogleWorks Center for the Arts, 5:30pm, Reading, PA Sunday, November 17 The Philadelphia Sketch Club, 2 -4pm, Philadelphia, PA Cheltenham Cente for the Arts, 2 – 4pm, Cheltenham, PA Thursday, November 21 Chester County Art Association, 5 – 8pm, West Chester, PA St. Joseph’s University Art Gallery, 2 – 5pm, Merion, PA Saturday, November 23

Freedman Gallery – Albright College, 10am -– 7pm, Reading, PA Sunday, November 24 Richard Stockton College of NJ, 1 – 3pm, NJ

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