McKay Nilson
Though impaired in some areas,
Personal Interview Physical Therapist
What is play?
This tends to cause self-esteem issues
Observation Kauri Sue Elementary
What is rehabilitation?
many students excel in others
works primarily with CP and autism
What is a toy?
Many schools and therapy programs
focus on changing “abnormalities” TED Talks, articles, documentaries
Play is rehabilitation! Any toy can be a rehabilitation toy
So, design a toy to: Autistic people think differently, not wrongly
Autistic kids perform well at certain tasks What does it mean to be normal?
focus on building and exploring strengths
Standard school systems try to force children with autism to learn in the same ways as neurotypical children. Many rehabilitation programs focus on fixing a child’s weaknesses so that they can behave more like “normal” children. These approaches can cause a child to experience a great deal of frustration and low self esteem, which at an early age can impact the child for the rest of his life.
NORMAL : conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern
Autism affects 1 in 68 children. Boys are nearly 5 times as likely as girls to have autism. It is the fastest growing developmental disorder.
: occuring naturally.
Autism costs a family $60,000 a year on average. There is no cure for autism.
: of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or development.
The disability typically occurs before age 3. It’s prevalence is not affected by race or region.
40% of children with autism do not speak. Early intervention is key to developmental progression.
PDD-NOS Target Audience
Though impaired in some areas, autistic children tend to be very gifted in others.
Strength: Ability to solve logical problems, decision making. Weakness: Ability to solve problems where emotions are involved. Strength: Different ways of looking at things and approaching problems. Weakness: Can have difficulty learning through traditional methods. Strength: Average to above average intellectual intelligence. Weakness: Below average emotional intelligence. Strength: Tendency to think logically. Weakness: difficulty perceiving emotional states of others.
Help autistic children explore and build their strengths in logic and problem solving rather than trying to fix their weaknesses.
Design a toy to build the strengths of logic and problem solving that are commonly found in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Strength: Often highly skilled in a particular area. Weakness: Uneven set of skills. Strength: Usually visual processing. Weakness: Difficulty with language. Strength: Attention to detail. Weakness: Grasping the big picture.
PRECEDENTS & INSIGHTS Toys with social contexts like characters or pictures can be a problem for autistic children.
Repetitive procedures and motions can be very enjoyable and therapeutic for an autistic child.
A parent or teacher who supplies an enjoyable toy is seen by an autistic child as a valuable part of their support system.
REHABILITATE: : to bring (someone or something) back to a normal, healthy condition after an illness, injury, drug problem, etc.
$180 Children with autism are drawn to logical problem solving toys like puzzles.
: to teach (a criminal in prison) to live a normal and productive life : to bring (someone or something) back to a good condition
AUTISM AND SHAPE Children with autism are drawn to geometric shapes. Geometric shapes hold an autistic child’s attention longer. This is because geometric shapes follow rules and patterns.
LOGIC: : the relationship between elements and between an element and the whole in a set of objects, individuals, principles, or events. PUZZLE : a question or problem that requires thought, skill, cleverness, or logic to be answered or solved. : a toy, problem, or other contrivance that requires one to put pieces together in a logical way in order to arrive at the correct solution.
AUTISM AND COLOR Children with autism see colors with far greater intensity. Color differentiation is heightened. Reds can make a child with autism angry or irritated. Whites can be too bright and overwhelming. Saturated yellows can be overstimulating. Blacks and greys may be suppressive. Every child with autism has their own preferences. Blues are soothing and stress reducing. Green restores emotional balance and is calming. Purple encourages higher thought and creativity.
PUZZLE BLOCKS Interlocking and stackable blocks that can be formed into a variety of different structures. Allows a child to explore interactions between physical objects while playing in a logical way.
PUZZLE CARDS Provide a more structured option for play with problems to be solved. Cards show abstract image of a structure that can be created.
COLORS/GRADIENTS Color schemes chosen to encourage relaxation, enjoyment, and creativity. Gradients help distinguish different sized pieces;as the color gets lighter the piece gets smaller.
interlo ck i n g
bra nde d disp la y c a se nes ti n g
s tac king
puzzle cards & solutions
d ifямБf u l ty l ev el
pu z z l e card
Injection molded plastic. Provides structural rigidity and accurate tolerances and dimensions. Colors can be changed and modified easily.
Surface will me smooth to decrease draft. Mold will incorporate slides to create the inner interlocking elements.
BUSINESS MODEL mold inserts for vertical notches
P l a s t i c s m a n u f a c t u re r : S u p pl y a n d m a n u f a c t u re of all components i n c l u di n g p a c ka g i n g . Re t a i l e r s : S e l l i n g o f p ro d u c t .
Fi n d m a n u f a c t u re r m a ke m o l ds m a n u f a c t u re pro d u c t Set-up website S e l l i n g t o re t a i l e r s . S h i ppi n g f o r o n l i n e s a l e s .
Co n n e c t i o n s y s t e m a l l o w s f o r h u n dre ds o f po s s i b l e a r ra n g e m e n t s . Le t s c h i l d re n ex p l o re t h e w a y s t h at s h a p e s c a n i n t e ra c t .
N i c h e m a r ke t : C h i l d re n w i t h A u t i s m . M a s s m a r ke t : Pe o p l e w h o e n j o y p u z z l e s .
S h a pe s c h o s e n s p e c i fi c a l l y t o b e pl ea s i n g t o c h i l dre n w i t h autism. I n c o r p o rat i o n o f c o l o r t h e ra py t o e n h a n c e l ea r n i n g a n d enjoyment. P l a y c a n be e i t h e r f re e f o r m o r s t r u c t u re d w h e n u s i n g t h e c h a l l e n g e c a rd s .
shear line
Ae s t h e t i c a l l y att ra c t i v e pu z z l e t h at c a n b e a ppre c i at e d by b o t h c h i l dre n a n d a du l t s . Physical: Plastics for manufacturing. Fi n a n c i a l : Money to cover initial mold costs.
C u s t o m e r s w i l l b e rea c h e d t h ro u g h b o t h o n l i n e a n d p h y s i c a l re t a i l s t o re s .
Intellectual: Bra n d t ra d e m a r k , Pro d u c t p at e n t .
Ra i s e a w a re n e s s t h ro u g h s e n d i n g p ro d u c t t o a u t i s m blogs and websites to get f eat u re d a n d re v i e w e d o n l i n e . Rea c h t h e m a s s m a r ke t t h ro u g h l a rg e c h a i n t o y s t o re s a n d re t a i l e r s .
Connection system allows for hundreds of possible arrangements.
Lets children explore the ways that shapes can interact. Shapes chosen specifically to be pleasing to children with autism. Incorporation of color therapy to enhance learning and enjoyment. Play can be either freeform or structured when using the challenge cards.
Th e m a j o r i t y o f i n i t i a l c o s t s w i l l c o m e f ro m c reat i n g t h e m o l d s f o r ea c h p i e c e a s w e l l a s fi l i n g f o r pat e n t s t o p ro t e c t t h e d e s i g n . O n c e t h e m o l d s a re pa i d f o r, pro d u c t i o n c o s t s w i l l d ro p dra m at i c a l l y.
Th e p ro d u c t w i l l b e s o l d b a s e d o n a fi xe d l i s t p r i c e t h ro u g h v a r i o u s p l at f o r m s i n c l u d i n g re t a i l s t o re s , di re c t o n l i n e s a l e s , a n d t h i rd p a rt y l i c e n s i n g .
3D printed PLA plastic. Provides good simulation of how pieces will interact. Tolerances are not entirely accurate.
Surface finish is different from what the final product will be.
Children enjoy finding real life parallels to the sculptures they make. It is easier for a child to build something they can relate to the real world.
“I’ll MAKE MY OWN TOWER” Some children prefer an unstructured form of play. They take pride in coming up with their own structures.
“LOOK, I DID IT!” Children receive a lot of satisfaction from completing a puzzle problem. They like having someone to show their creations to.