The Mater Dei Way: A Guide for Students and Parents

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Thank you for being a part of our Mater Dei High School Community!

Founded in 1950, Mater Dei is a co-educational Catholic high school in the Diocese of Orange, California. Beginning with a class of 111 students, the founders’ first priority was to place a statue of the Blessed Mother in the Grotto. For seven decades, this statue, Mary Mater Dei, has been watching over us; reminding us to live lives full of faith, hope, and love; and guiding our quest to develop faith-filled servant leaders. Leaders committed to serving others with a profound sense of Catholic social justice founded in love. Leaders that understand,

At Mater Dei High School, our mission is clear: to provide a holistic education rooted in Catholic faith, values, and the tradition of Honor, Glory, and Love. This mission is more important than ever in a world that needs faith-filled servant leaders. That is why we intentionally integrate Catholic values into every aspect of the student experience, shaping not only minds but also hearts.

What sets Mater Dei apart from other secondary schools is this commitment to forming the whole person While academic excellence is a cornerstone of our education, we go beyond knowledge alone we strive to cultivate the will to choose goodness, to lead with integrity, and to serve with compassion

Whether you are a new or returning family, you are an essential part of our vibrant and supportive Monarch community Mater Dei is more than a school; it is a place to grow in faith, discover talents, and build lifelong friendships We are grateful for the unique gifts your family brings to our community and look forward to a year of faith, learning, and fellowship Together, we will continue to inspire and empower our students to pursue their dreams, nurture their talents, and make a lasting impact in the world

Warm regards,

Mission & Philosophy

Mater Dei High School is a Catholic, co-educational, college preparatory high school of the Diocese of Orange, California. Our mission is to provide a holistic education rooted in Catholic faith, values, and the tradition of Honor, Glory, and Love. We are renowned forbeingawarm,welcoming,anddiversecommunitywherestudents flourish academically, athletically, artistically, and spiritually while embodying servant leadership. We empower our students to develop into ethical and inspirational leaders who positively impact their

Mater Dei High School is dedicated to the mission of Catholic education, as envisioned in Church documents and teachings, rooted in our core values of Honor, Glory, and Love.


Mater Dei High School provides a holistic Catholic educational program, which emphasizes spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physical, social, moral, and creative endeavors, and promotes enthusiasm for life-long learning. The school seal or crest of Mater Dei High School displays the three elements representing our Integrated School Outcomes (ISOs).

Students learn and grow in Gospel values and virtues

Students understand and respect Catholic faith and Tradition

Students participate in liturgical opportunities, prayer celebrations, and Christian service

Students embrace faith, hope, and love as a way of life

StudentsvaluedignityandaffirmtheGod-givendignity ofeachhumanperson

Studentsweighconsequences,actwithintegrity,and takeresponsibilityfortheirdecisions

Studentscommittothephysicalandemotional wellnessofselfandothers

StudentsunderstandandapplyCatholicsocialteaching topromotepeaceandjustice

Studentsidentify,locate,evaluate,synthesize,andapply informationcorrectlyandcritically

Studentsusetechnologyandmediaethicallyand responsiblytoenhancelearning

Studentsengageinconstructivediscussionanddebate whilerespectingdifferingviewpoints

Studentscommunicateeffectivelythroughspeaking, writing,socialmedia,andartisticexpression

The Lion or Monarch is a beacon of light, courage, bravery, agility, and dignity Mater Dei Monarchs embody Honor, Glory, and Love, with strength of character, determination of faith, and servant leadership.

Commonly referred to as the “King of the beasts,” the lion is an emblem of Kingly power and might. The Christ-lion, the Lion of Judah, is a beacon of light,courage,bravery,agility,anddignity. He is a fighter and is symbolic of the line of David, descendedfromthetribeofJudah.Jesusisourlion who retreats before nothing – not temptation, suffering,sin,orevendeath.

The Monarch is the secondary spirit mark of Mater Dei High School As a secondary mark to our interlock logo, the Monarch should be featured in large format whenever possible and should never be scaled too small to prevent loss of effectiveness. The Monarch is allowed as a stand-alone figure representing school spirit including athletics, the arts, and campus life.

The first graduating Class of 1953 selected the Monarch (a lion) as our school’s official mascot along with the colors of red, gray, and white. Over the years, the tradition of the mascot grew to include a male lion named “Monty” and a female lion named “Molly.”

As Monarchs, we know that our bond transcends our high school years: “Once a Monarch, Always a Monarch.”

AsacommunityoffaithboundbyMary,MaterDei, wealsobelievethatGodiseverwithus:“Icommand you: be strong and steadfast! Do not fear or be dismayed, for the Lord, your God, is with you whereveryougo.”-Joshua1:9

The Alma Mater

Our Alma Mater is sung at the end of every schoolrally,atathleticeventslikefootballgames, classcommencements,andmore.

The music was composed by Paul Salamunovich, a Grammy-nominated, American conductor and educator. The lyrics of the alma mater were written by Sr. Bridget Clare McKeever, Sister of Saint Louis (SSL). The SSL order was an integral part of the faculty/staff during Mater Dei’s foundational years. In writing thealmamater,Sr.Bridgetarticulatedtheofficial core principles of Honor, Glory, and Love which all generations of Monarchs continue to uphold today.

An Alma Mater is a reference to describe a school that one graduated from. Alma Mater most directly means generous mother. That is exactly what Mater Dei is, the mother of God who generously intercedes and prays for us When we join in song to sing the Alma Mater we joininprayerwithMary,MaterDei.

Students started the tradition of linking “pinky fingers,” the fifth finger on their hands, as a symbol of our unity, a family brought together in

Alma Mater, Mater Dei, let us join to sing thy praise And blending song in joyous chorus, hearts and voices raise.

Fair thy name, wide thy fame: Patroness who reigns above, To Mater Dei, Alma Mater, Honor - Glory - Love.

Mater Dei, Alma Mater, for God’s Mother proudly named. O through the years may we thy children, as her own be claimed.

Fair thy name, wide thy fame: Patroness who reigns above, To Mater Dei, Alma Mater, Honor - Glory - Love.

Parent-Student Handbook 2025 - 2026

The current year’s handbook for 2024-2025 is available on our website.

The Mater Dei Parent-Student Handbook outlines important policies on academics, attendance, discipline, dress code, and more. It serves as a guide for students and parents to ensure a successfulschoolyear.

The updated handbook for the 2025-206 school year will be published in August, before classes begin. All families must acknowledge they have read and agreed to its policies via ParentSquare before school starts. Look for communication in late July about the updated handbook.

Dress Code

To promote excellence and personal commitment, the dress code has been developed and updated. Detailed guidelines can be found in the Parent/Student Handbook (Section 800, Page 43).

Mater Dei High School believes that a student's appearance influences their attitude and behavior. Dressing professionally shows respect for the school community and fosters a sense of modesty and decorum. The dress code helps students understand appropriate attire for different settings. Three ways to shop all year long:

Uniforms must be purchased through Vicki Marsha Uniform Company (VMU), with fittings, sales, and orders available year-round.

Scan this QR code for more information:

1 In the store - 5292 Production Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649

2 By phone: Customer Service & Order Desk - (714) 895-6371

3 www vickimarsha com


Mater Dei High School upholds a rigorous college preparatory curriculum, requiring dedication and effort from students Parental involvement is key to student success, and we encourage you to stay engaged, supportive, and involved in your child’s academic journey. Regularly monitor their progress, and if concerns arise, collaborate with teachers, counselors, and available resources to support their success. By working together, we can help students make the most of their high school experience.

Academic Support Resources:

To remain at Mater Dei, students must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA. If a student falls below this threshold for two consecutivesemesters,theymaybeasked towithdraw

OfficeHour&Academic AssistanceProgram

Office Hour is offered twice weekly for studentswhoneedextrahelp,tomakeup missedworkincludingtestsorquizzes.

The AcademicAssistanceProgram(AAP) is our after school Math & English tutoring program.

Graduation Requirements and Course Catalog


Center for Learning

Canvas (Learning Management System)

Be Well Mater Dei

Be Well MD is a wellness curriculum designed to enhance students' emotional, social, and spiritual well-being and intelligence.

Developed in collaboration with CHOClicensed clinicians and psychologists, the Be Well Mater Dei curriculum is a comprehensivewellnessprogram.

As Catholic school educators committed to holistic education, we recognize wellnessasanessentialcomponentofour mission.

Mater Dei offers a wide range of activities that help students develop their unique talents, leadership skills, and confidence. Researchshowsthatstudentsinvolvedinextracurricularsenjoy school more and often achieve greater success academically and personally. Some activities may require a commitment of time and financial resources Please consider these factors beforeyourstudentcommitstoaprogram.

The Mater Dei High School Community is a place that authentically and intentionally inspires our office procedures, department policies, curriculum and pedagogy with the Gospel values of Honor, Glory and Love. Our procedures and policies are embeddedwithourCatholicidentityandwitnessed by all members of this community in both word andaction.

How to Model a Life of Honor, Glory, and Love

Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teachings

In a time of widespread violence and diminished respect for human life and dignity in our country and around the world, the Gospel of life and the call to justice need to be proclaimed and shared with new clarity, urgency, and energy. These are the major themes of Catholic Social Teaching as supportedandpreachedwithinthecontextofour Church:

Morning and Afternoon Prayer During Announcements

ASB Leadership and Campus Ministry Commissioners lead and prepare morning and afternoon prayer over the PA system everyday.

Join Us and Pray a Decade of the Rosary Every Morning

Monday through Friday at 8:00 a.m. in the Grotto

Weekday Mass

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays (both lunches)

Weekday Eucharistic Adoration

Fridays (beginning upper lunch until the end of lower lunch)

Important Dates 2025 - 2026


6/16: Start of Summer School

Important Dates 2025-2026

6/19: Juneteenth - No Summer School

6/30 - 7/13: CIF Dead Period

7/18: End of Summer School


8/8-9, 11: MD Days


8/12 & 8/13: Monarch ConnectionFreshman Only

8/14: Sophomores and Juniors Only

8/15: Seniors Only

8/18: All Students on Campus


9/1: Labor Day - No School


11/11: Veteran’s Day - No School

11/24-28: Thanksgiving Break


12/15-18: 1st Semester Exams

12/22/25 - 1/2/26: Christmas Break

1/5: School Resumes

1/19: MLK Day - No School


2/16: Presidents’ Holiday - No School

APRIL 2026

4/2: Holy Thursday - No School

4/3: Good Friday - No School

4/6-10: Easter Break 4/13: School Resumes

MAY 2026

5/25: Memorial Day - No School

5/26-27: Seniors Only - No School (9th11th)

5/30: Graduation

JUNE 2026

6/1-4: 2nd Semester Exams

6/4: Last Day of School


Daily block schedule/classes

Dates Are Subject To Change Revised 11/12/2024

Class of 2029 Welcome Events 2025 - 2026

Class of 2029 Welcome Events

New Student Parent and Welcome Night - 3/12

We're excited to take the next step with you as you prepare to join the Monarch family! Please join us on March 12, at 6pm for our New Student and Parent Welcome Night. This evening is a chance for you to talk with Academic Department Chairs, Counselors, Coaches, Directors and more!ScancodetoRSVP!

Class of 2029 Acceptance Mass – 5/17

Please join us on Saturday, May 17 in the Grotto for the Class of 2029 acceptance Mass This is a beautiful way for our newest Monarchs to come together as a community. Look for more information and the link to RSVP on our website at

Puzzle Dash

Mater Dei Puzzle Dash is a team competition, held on Mater Dei’s campus, that will require students to engage in a thrilling adventure as you rally your team to embark on a puzzle-solving quest, competing against other teams in a race against time. The competition consists of 10 different, puzzle-style stations, each requiring the whole team to work together to complete the task and advance to the next station. Each team will receive a score for every station, and the team with the highest score at the end of the competition wins! Some stations will be scored based on time, and others will be scored based on performance. Look for more information and the link to RSVP on our


Get ready for Monarch Connection, an exciting, highenergy day designed just for incoming freshmen!This is your chance to meet new classmates, connect with upperclassmen Monarch Connection Leaders, and exploreyournewcampus allwhilehavingablast!

Look for more information from the Activities Office this summer and the link to RSVP on our website at

Mater Dei’s campus is open for business from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Exceptions to this would be National or School Holidays and School Breaks including Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break and Easter Break. All dates are listed on the school’s master calendar at

ParentSquare 2025 - 2026

ParentSquare is our primary tool for schoolwide communication via email, text, and app notifications, ensuring parents stay informed, especiallyinemergencies.

ParentSquare automatically creates an account using your preferred email and phone number. You’ll receive an invitation from If you didn’t receive it, you can sign up using your Aeries username and password

1 Receive messages via email, text, or app notifications

2 Choose real-time updates or a daily digest at 6 PM

3 Communicate in your preferred language

4 Engage with the school community by commenting on posts

You can visit for more information and links.

The Office of Communications oversees all aspects of Mater Dei's brand identity (logos, approved colors, and style specifications) and messaging including school publications, the website, social media, and media relations.

A comprehensive brand guide is available on the MD website at This area of the site also has electronic forms to request a copy of the logo(s) or submit an apparel proof for approval.

The brand guide contains instructions about proper usage of our brand assets, apparel ordering instructions, and examples of what not to do with the logos. Please contact with any questions.

School Instagram Directory 2025 - 2026

Program Handle

Academic Decathlon mdacademicdecathlon

ASB materdeiasb

ASL Club mdhsasl

Athletics mdathletics

Baseball materdeibaseball

Basketball, Boys materdeiboysbasketball

Basketball, Girls materdeigirlsbasketball

Beach Volleyball, Girls materdeibeach

Campus Ministry mdcampusministry

Cheer materdeicheerleading

Choir mdchoir

School Instagram Directory 2025 - 2026

Program Handle

Counseling mdhscounseling

Cross Country materdeixcountry

Dance materdeidance

Program Handle

Dining materdeidining

ESports mdhsesports

Football Materdei football

Flag Football, Girls materdeigirlsflagfootball

Golf, Boys materdeiboysgolf

Golf, Girls materdeigirlsgolf

Guitar materdeiguitar

Hip Hop materdei hiphop

Hockey materdeihockey

International Program materdeiinternationalprogram

Lacrosse, Boys materdeilacrosse

Lacrosse, Girls Materdeigirlslacrosse

Main School Account materdeimonarchs

The Monarchy Events themonarchy events

Music materdeimusic

Performing Arts md performingarts

Program Handle

Robotics monarchrobotics

Sailing mdsailingteam

Soccer, Boys materdeiboyssoccer

Soccer, Girls md.girlssoccer

Softball mater dei softball

Song mdsong

Sports Medicine materdeisportsmed

Student Publications mdstudentpublications

Surfing materdeisurfteam

Swimming and Diving Materdeiswimdive

Tennis, Boys materdeiboystennis

Tennis, Girls materdeigirlstennis

Theatre mdhstheatre

Track & Field materdeitrackfield

Visual Arts mdhs visualarts

Volleyball, Boys materdeiboysvolleyball

Volleyball, Girls materdeigirlsvolleyball

Water Polo, Boys materdeiboyswaterpolo

Water Polo, Girls materdeigirlswaterpolo

Wrestling, Boys materdeiboyswrestling

Wrestling, Girls materdeigirlswrestling

Ring of Honor

The Mater Dei High School Ring of Honor debuted in May 2001 at the 50th Anniversary Golden Gala. The Ring of Honor aims to bring the entire Mater Dei community together to celebrate our school, give thanks and recognize people who have made Mater Dei such a great place to learn and grow The dedication and commitment of each member of our extended Monarch family creates the traditional appeal of Mater Dei High School.

The Ring of Honor seeks to recognize individuals who have achieved various levels of recognition through their church, school, community or professional life. The honoree must display commendable character and dedication to the values and mission of Mater Dei High School Inductees are listed on the side of the Lee Family Chapel and on the Mater Dei website at

As the head football coach at Mater Dei from 1957 to 1965, Richard “Dick” Coury led the Monarchs to three CIF Southern Section titles and seven league titles. He coached three CIF Players of the Year, one Heisman Trophy winner and amassed an overall combined record was 85-9-5. After leaving Mater Dei, Coury went onto coach at the collegiate and professional levels.

But of far greater significance is the indelible impression Coach Coury left on his players and the culture defining legacy he established Mater Dei, transcending far beyond football. Many of the time-honored traditions that are a part of the Football Program started with Coach Coury. A memorial plaque for Coach Coury was installed outside the weightroom in May 2023 to inspire current and future generations of Monarchs.

Coach Dick Coury

Sentinels of Freedom

Over the course of Mater Dei High School’s nearly 75 year history, hundreds of Monarchs have served in the United States Armed Forces. For this reason, and many more, Mater Dei High School commemorated the Sentinels of Freedom monument in the Grotto in 2014.

The beautiful circular space features three granite panels surrounded by a water fountain and is accessible at anytime of day. The first panel features the U.S. flag and an excerpt from Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. The second panel has the five seals of the military branches and cross with the names of our fallen Monarchs. The third panel lists the names of all Monarch service men and women. Four benches are available for quiet reflection and paths which allow access to the names on the granite panels. The space is large enough for an entire class to visit during the school day and private enough for individual reflection.

Josef D’Heygers

Josef D'Heygers was Mater Dei's caretaker from 1956 until his passing in April 2010. He emigrated to the U.S. from his native Belgium and lived humbly here on campus adopting Mater Dei as his family. Countless alumni, lifetime parents, grandparents and friends of Mater Dei knew Josef and had special memories of who he was and what he did for Mater Dei.

Josef's life is a true model of Mater Dei's core values of Honor, Glory and Love. It is so important to us as a community that we keep his legacy alive, honor him, and tell his story. Each year on or around April 17 (Josef's birthday) we celebrate Josef Day. In addition to this special day, our legacy society, Josef's Legacy Guild, was named to recognize Josef as one of the founding donors of our estate giving program. Visit for more information.

Parent Association Council (PAC) 2025 - 2026

The mission of Mater Dei’s Parent Association Council (PAC) is to foster a vibrant, positive, and inclusive community in support of the school’s mission and philosophy As a dedicated group of volunteer parents, PAC collaborates and assists with the school’s Leadership Team, Activities, Advancement, Admissions, Communications, and Campus Ministry offices to recruit volunteers, plan, and execute events (including Open Houses, Welcome Nights, Teacher Appreciation Week, and Thanksgiving), and enhance the overall educational experience for our children. By actively involving parents in volunteer activities, PAC aims to strengthen their connection to their child's high school journey while creating a deeper connection and sense of belonging for the entire family.

The PAC has three main objectives: to build community, strengthen community, and to create shared experiences.

Visit for more information or follow them on Instagram @materdeipac

Campus Card for Meal Purchases 2025 - 2026

Signing up for the Campus Card Account allows parents the ability to prepay for your student’s meals online through School Café. Once their account is funded, students will be able to use their MDHS ID card to access their funds in order to make food purchases in the LeVecke Center during lunchtime and after school in a safe, secure and convenient way

Safety. Eliminates the need for you to take money to school.

Convenience. Make payments when it’s convenient for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Flexibility. Make payments using Checking, Savings, Credit/Debit.

Enrollment is easy! The Business Office must set up the new account first before you can utilize the website. Once set up:


Go to

You will need your permanent ID # to register. The ID #, can be found at the bottom of your ID card. Your ID number begins with the number 1. If your ID number starts with ABV, please do not include 2

We are very happy to announce that there is no annual fee to activate your account. Money deposited into your campus card account generally appears in the account within 48 hours. A transaction fee will be charged when you load funds onto your campus card account.

NOTE: If your students wish to purchase lunch and do not have their MDHS ID card yet, please make sure they have cash for lunch (especially during the first week of school for our newest Monarchs).

Have questions or need assistance? Contact

The Mater Dei Campus Store is open to the public!

On Campus

The On Campus Store is open Monday through Friday (on school days) from 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.


The campus store can be found on our Mater Dei website by clicking the campus store icon on the right hand side of the page.

Social Media

Stay up to date on new arrivals and general campus store information.


Refer to the phone lists or the online faculty/staff directory on



Religious Studies



World Languages

Performing Arts

Visual Arts

Film and Media Arts


Gina Hanson

Kendra Hart

Kali Gomez

Eunice Kim

Zeyda Marsh

Fernando Martinez

Kyle Roberts

Andrew Roberts

Who to Contact, cont.

Question or Need

Absence Reporting

Aeries Access or Issues

Athletics Tickets

Refer to the phone lists or the online faculty/staff directory on Refer to the phone lists or the online faculty/staff directory on

Campus Card (Meal Purchases)

Campus Store

Canvas Access

CIF Eligibility Paperwork


Current Parent Relations


Financial Aid and Tuition


Health and Wellness

International Admissions/Support

iPad Assistance

Health Office/School Nurse

Monarch Television

CHOC or Mandated Reporting Referrals

ParentSquare Communication


Who to Contact

Aracelia Hernandez or Sonia Novella

Sam Kozak, Omar Peraza

Kevin Kiernan, Kelly Dullard, Jessica Perry

Katie Vu

Julie Stokes

Sam Kozak

Emily Dunn

Olivia Huie

Whitney LeVecke

Tim O'Hara, Maria Corona, Jason Quinn

Joenah Tolentino and Janet Cruz

Scott Melvin

Aimee Boyles

Gloria Guzman

Sam Kozak, Maria Hertzberg or Knute Kraus

Aimee Boyles

Andy Roberts

Kellie Bauer

Allison Bergeron

Dan Worrell

Who to Contact,


Question or Need

Performing Arts Tickets

Refer to the phone lists or the online faculty/staff directory on

Who to Contact

Marisa Winch

Prayer Requests Helen Steves

Retreats Anthony Bravo

School Dances and Events

Jeanette Costa, Art Hinojosa, Dana Whelan

Security Dan Worrell or Jack Conklin

Service Hours/Opportunities

Shadow Program (Admissions)

Maurissa Talarico

Jennifer Hornbuckle, Nathan Underwood, Jody Wynn

Student Withdrawals Colleen Nanry

Student Work Permits Colleen Nanry and Michelle Crosby

Summer School Eunice Kim

Yearbook (Orders/Pick Up) Nicole Howard

Performing Arts Tickets

Marisa Winch

Prayer Requests Helen Steves

Retreats Anthony Bravo

School Dances and Events

Jeanette Costa, Art Hinojosa, Dana Whelan

Retreats Anthony Bravo

School Dances and Events

Jeanette Costa, Art Hinojosa, Dana Whelan

Retreats Anthony Bravo

School Dances and Events

Jeanette Costa, Art Hinojosa, Dana Whelan

Who to Contact, cont.

Question or Need


School Dances and Events


Refer to the phone lists or the online faculty/staff directory on

Service Hours/Opportunities

Student Withdrawals

Student Work Permits

Summer School

Wellness Counseling/CHOC referrals

Who to Contact

Anthony Bravo

Jeanette Costa, Art Hinojosa, Dana Whelan

Dan Worrell or Jack Conklin

Maurissa Talarico

Colleen Nanry

Colleen Nanry and Michelle Crosby

Eunice Kim

Kellie Bauer

Campus Map 2025 - 2026

Refer to the phone lists or the online faculty/staff directory on

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