Local Development Plan 2030 Draft Plan Strategy Self-Assessment of Soundness - March 2021

Page 21

3.3 Coherence and Effectiveness Tests Test


CE1: The plan sets out a coherent strategy from which its policies and allocations logically flow and where cross boundary issues are relevant is it in conflict with the plans of neighbouring Councils.

The draft Plan Strategy is clearly set out and comprises two parts, Part 1 sets out the Strategic Spatial Policies and association policies and Part 2, which sets out the General Policy and the Strategic Subject Policies. Page 21 of the draft Plan Strategy outlines the structure of the document, and illustrates how it flows from the vision, to the strategic objectives, to the Spatial Growth Strategy, to the Strategic Spatial Proposals, through to the General Policy and the Strategic Subject Policies. The vision was based upon that of the Council’s Community Plan, in that it aspires to improve the quality of life for everyone, and the strategic objectives were designed to assist in the delivery of the visions of both the LDP and Community Plan. The LDP Spatial Growth Strategy will help support the realisation of the strategic objectives by broadly setting out where growth should be directed in terms of housing, employment and commercial development over the plan period. In turn, the Spatial Growth Strategy will be primarily delivered through the Strategic Spatial Proposals and Strategic Subject Policies. The LDP Spatial Growth Strategy is a balanced approach which takes account of the evidence base and will help achieve the RDS objectives of promoting growth and economic development opportunities in the ‘main hubs’ of Ballymena and Larne and support the role of Carrickfergus within the Belfast Metropolitan Urban Area, whilst sustaining rural communities living in smaller settlements and the open countryside allowing them to maximise their potential.


See DPS-117 – DPS-141

The LDP Spatial Growth Strategy has informed both the allocation for housing through SGS3 Strategic Housing Allocation Strategy and the allocation for economic development through SGS6 Strategic Allocation of Land for Economic Development, both of which have the principal focus for development within Ballymena, Larne and Carrickfergus. The Technical Supplements illustrate a clear logical flow of consideration of each stage of the LDP process, and how this has informed the formulation of the policies within the draft Plan Strategy. As part of the consideration of potential cross boundary issues Council has taken account of the plans from the three neighbouring Councils, which are at varying stages of the LDP process. Council has considered cross boundary issues throughout the LDP process and this is documented within the ‘Cross Boundary Policy Context’ within the Technical Supplements, which included meetings with officials from adjoining Councils prior to the publication of the draft Plan Strategy to discuss our strategic proposals and policies to enable them to consider any implications for the emerging draft Plan Strategy. Council does not consider the draft Plan Strategy to be in conflict with the plans of neighbouring Councils. In their responses to the draft Plan Strategy consultation the neighbouring Councils did not raise any conflicts with their own plans. CE2: The strategy, policies and allocations are realistic and appropriate having considered the relevant alternatives

Prior to publication of the Preferred Options Paper, Council gathered an evidence base that included information and data on the social, economic and environmental characteristics of the Borough and engagement with a range of statutory consultees, council officials and Elected Members. Generally, the strategic planning issues identified in the Preferred Options Paper either emerged from the evidence base or engagement. The evidence base was published alongside the Preferred Options Paper in a series of position papers.


See DPS-508 – DPS-529

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