Local Development Plan 2030 Statement of Community Involvement Compliance Report - March 2021

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Local Development Plan 2030

Draft Plan Strategy Statement of Community Involvement Compliance Report March 2021



Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Section 1: Compliance with Legislation ....................................................................................................................... 4 The Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 .................................................................................................................... 4 The Planning (Statement of Community Involvement) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015 ...................................... 4 Section 2: Compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement ................................................................... 8 Stage 1: Developing the evidence base to commencement of the plan. ...................................................................... 8 Stage 2: Preferred Options Paper ............................................................................................................................... 12 Stage 3: A) Plan Strategy – Preparation ..................................................................................................................... 17 Stage 3: B) Publication of Draft Plan Strategy for Public Consultation ....................................................................... 21 Stage 3: C) Draft Plan Strategy – Public Inspection of Representations .................................................................... 27 Stage 3: D) Draft Plan Strategy – Public Inspection of Counter Representations ...................................................... 29 Stage 3: E) Draft Plan Strategy – Public Inspection of Proposed Modifications to the draft Plan Strategy (If applicable)

.................................................................................................................................................................................... 31

Appendices Appendix 1 Public notice of consultation on the draft Statement of Community Involvement Appendix 2 Examples of local advertisements for the Statement of Community Involvement Appendix 3 Examples of local advertisements for the Local Development Plan Timetables Appendix 4 Record of Pre Preferred Options Paper stakeholder evidence gathering meetings Appendix 5 Example of public notice for the Preferred Options Paper Appendix 6 Example letter sent to consultation bodies regarding availability of the Preferred Options Paper Appendix 7 Examples of public notices of the advance publication and formal publication of draft Plan Strategy Appendix 8 Example letter sent to statutory consultees regarding the publication of the draft Plan Strategy Appendix 9 Availability of draft Plan Strategy Representations on Council website Appendix 10 Example letter notifying consultation bodies of availability of draft Plan Strategy representations for Inspection and invitation to submit counter representations Appendix 11 Example of public notices regarding the availability of draft Plan Strategy representations for inspection and invitation to submit counter representations Appendix 12 Publication of counter representations on Council website Appendix 13 Example of public notices regarding the availability of draft Plan Strategy counter representations for inspection Appendix 14 Example of public notices regarding the availability of the ‘Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the draft Plan Strategy’ List of Tables Table 1 Record of LDP Working Group meetings………………………………………………………………………………8 Table 2 Record of Councillor Workshops – Preferred Options Paper….…………………………………….....................12 Table 3 Record of public engagement events/ exhibitions and drop-in sessions – Preferred Options Paper……………15 Table 4 Record of draft Plan Strategy Councillor Workshops………………………………………………………………...17 Table 5 Record of Project Management Team Meetings……………………………………………………………………..18 Table 6 Record of public engagement events/exhibitions and drop-in sessions - draft Plan Strategy……………………23 Table 7 Record of engagement events – draft Plan Strategy…………………………………………………………………23 Table 8 Availability of hard copies of the draft Plan Strategy within Mid and East Antrim Borough………………………..26




Under Section 4 of the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (‘the 2011 act’), Mid and East Antrim Borough Council are required to prepare and publish a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).


The SCI sets out how Mid and East Antrim Borough Council intends to engage with community through the delivery of its planning functions. In relation to the Local Development Plan (LDP) the SCI describes who, how and when the community will be involved in the different stages of its preparation. It also includes commitments to publish statutory notices, undertake public launches, exhibitions and events that encourage members of the public to comment on the LDP.


The Council published its Statement of Community Involvement in August 2016, having been approved by the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) on 14 June 2016.


This original SCI was then subject to formal revision and amendments in 2019 to reflect relatively minor changes in regard to the discharge of its statutory development plan and development management functions, particularly where this relates to engagement with the public. This was agreed by Council on 7 November 2019 and approved by DfI on 27 November 2019 in accordance with Regulation 7 of the Planning (Statement of Community Involvement) Regulations (NI) 2015.


In December 2020, our SCI was further revised to include arrangements during a pandemic, as well as in relation to the public inspection of proposed modifications to a draft development plan document before submission for Independent Examination. This was agreed by Council on 5 October 2020 and approved by DfI on 23 November 2020.


Regulation 20 (2) of the Planning (Local Development Plan) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015 prescribes a list of the documents a Council must submit, along with its development plan document to the DfI for Independent Examination. This list includes the Council’s statement of community involvement along with evidence that the Council has complied with its statement of community involvement. Section 1 of this compliance document sets out how the LDP draft Plan Strategy preparation and publication has complied with the prevailing legislation in relation to the formulation and content of a statement of community involvement. Section 2 then demonstrates how the Council’s preparation of its LDP draft Plan Strategy has complied with the actions set out in its Statement of Community Involvement.


Section 1: Compliance with Legislation

The Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 Regulation



Evidence where relevant

Part 2: Local Development Plan 4 (1)

A Council must prepare a statement of community involvement.

  

4 (3)

The Council and the Department must attempt to agree the terms of the statement of community involvement.

  

Original – Prepared and published on the Council website: August 2016 1st Revision - Published on the Council website: December 2019 2nd Revision – Published on the Council website: December 2020

Original - Agreed by the DfI: 14 June 2016 1st Revision – Agreed by DfI: 27 November 2019 2nd Revision – Agreed by DfI: 23 November 2020

See DPS-402, DPS-403 and DPS-404


The Planning (Statement of Community Involvement) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015 Regulation



Evidence where relevant

Form and content of the statement of community involvement 4 (a-d)

The statement of Community Involvement must include within it the following matters:

The SCI sets out arrangements as to how the council will involve the community at each stage of the local development plan process:

a) The principles of how the Council will involve the community in exercising its local development plan functions under Part 2 of the 2011 Act; b) The timing of, and the method by which:  Participation will occur at each stage of the development plan procedure;  The Council will respond to the participation process referred to above c) Details of how the Council will use those responses at each stage in developing the content of its local development plan; and

Stage 1: Developing the evidence base to the commencement of the plan (including the timetable), Stage 2: Preferred Options Paper, Stage 3: Plan Strategy; and Stage 4: Local Policies Plan. The SCI sets out how and when participation will occur at each stage of the plan process. The statement sets out how council will deal with any representations received and highlights that the


See DPS-402, DPS403 and DPS-404

d) The principles of how the council will involve the community in exercising its planning control functions under Part 3 of the 2011 Act.

council will take account of any representations at each stage in formulating the local development plan documents. The SCI sets out the principles of how the council will involve the community in exercising its planning control functions under Part 3 of the 2011 Act.

Statement of Community Involvement consultation 5 (1)

Before preparing a statement of community Involvement, a council must also consider whether it is appropriate to invite representations from persons who have an interest in development in its area.

 

5 (2)

If a council decides that it is appropriate to invite representations, it must make such arrangements for the purposes of inviting representations from such persons as it thinks appropriate.

 

5 (3)

In preparing the statement of community involvement, the council must take into account any representations made to it in response to its invitations.

 

Original - It was agreed by the Council Planning Committee on the 5 November 2015 that a six-week period of consultation be undertaken on a draft SCI. A draft SCI was published for a six week period of public consultation ending on 30 December 2015. The Council did not consider it appropriate to invite representations to the subsequent revisions to the SCI given the nature of the proposed changes. 1st Revision – N/A 2nd Revision – N/A


Original – A Public Notice featured in the local papers from week commencing 15 November 2015. The notice advised of the publication of a draft statement of community involvement. It set out where the document could be viewed, along with details of how to make a representation and the timeframe within which to make a representation. In addition, notice was given on the Council’s website and through social media. 1st Revision – N/A 2nd Revision – N/A

See Appendix 1

Original - The Council took into account all representations received before preparing its final SCI. Appendix 4 in the published SCI sets out a summary of the representations received in response to the draft SCI. 1st Revision – N/A 2nd Revision – N/A

See Appendix 4 within the Statement of Community Involvement 2020:


https://www.midand eastantrim.gov.uk/ business/planning/draftstatement-ofcommunity-involvement

Agreement of the Statement of Community Involvement 6 (1) (a &b)

The statement of community involvement must be: a) Approved by resolution of the Council prior to submission to the Department for its agreement, and b) Submitted to the Department for its agreement.

6 (4)

The Council must ensure that its proposals were not advertised until after it was agreed by the Department or after 4 weeks of consulting the department.

Original – Agreed Council: 7 March 2016. Submitted to DfI: 8 March 2016 1st Revision - Agreed Council: 7 November 2019. Submitted to DfI: 8 November 2019. 2nd Revision - Agreed Council: 5 October 2020. Submitted to DfI: 12 October 2020.


Original - Agreed by the Department: 14 June 2016 Advertised: From week commencing 8 August 2016. 1st Revision - Agreed by the Department: 27 November 2019. Advertised: From week commencing 2 December 2019. 2nd Revision - Agreed by the Department: 23 November 2020. Advertised: From week commencing 14 December 2020.


  

Original - 2016 The Council has kept the SCI under review: 1st Revision – 2019 2nd Revision – 2020


Original - A copy of the SCI was made available for inspection at the principal planning office at County Hall, 182 Galgorm Road, Ballymena, BT42 1QF during normal office hours. In addition, copies were also available for inspection at:  The Braid, 1-29 Bridge Street, Ballymena  Carrickfergus Museum and Civic Centre, 11 Antrim Street, Carrickfergus  Smiley Buildings, Victoria Road, Larne


1st Revision - A copy of the first revision of the SCI was made available for inspection at the principal planning office at County Hall, 182 Galgorm Road, Ballymena, BT42 1QF during normal office hours. In addition, copies are also available for inspection at:  The Braid, 1-29 Bridge Street, Ballymena  Carrickfergus Museum and Civic Centre. 11 Antrim Street, Carrickfergus

 

  

6 (5)

The council must keep the statement of community involvement under regular review and any revision must comply with the requirements of these regulations.

Availability of the Statement of Community Involvement

7 (1) (a)

Has the council made a copy of the agreed statement community involvement available for inspection at its principal offices during normal office hours?


Smiley Buildings, Victoria Road, Larne

Further to the relocation of the Council’s principal planning office in March 2020, copies were also made available at Silverwood Business Park, 190 Raceview Rd, Ballymena, BT42 4HZ.

2nd Revision - A copy of the second revision of the SCI was made available for inspection at the principal planning office at Silverwood Business Park, 190 Raceview Rd, Ballymena, BT42 4HZ.

Due to COVID 19 restrictions, viewing of the revised SCI was by appointment only. Those wishing to make an appointment were advised of the availability of the revised SCI on the Council’s website, as well as offered either a hard copy via post or electronic copy via email on request.

7 (1) (b)

The council must advertisement that:  

give notice

by way of


The statement is available for inspection, and The place and times at which it can be inspected

 

7 (1) (c)

The Council must publish the statement on its website.

  

Original – This initial Statement of Community Involvement was advertised from week commencing 8 August 2016. 1st Revision – This revised Statement of Community Involvement was advertised from week commencing 2 December 2019. 2nd Revision - This revised Statement of Community Involvement was advertised from week commencing 14 December 2020.

See Appendix 2

Original - Available on the Council’s website from August 2016. 1st Revision - Available on the Council website from December 2019. 2nd Revision - Available on the Council website from December 2020.



eastantrim.gov.uk/ business/planning/draftstatement-ofcommunity-involvement

Section 2: Compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement

Stage 1: Developing the Evidence base to commencement of the plan Actions: Governance Paragraph 2.16 (page 8) (a) The SCI states: We will set up a steering group/working group comprising the Planning Committee, the Chief Executive, the Director of Development, the Director of Community Planning, the Director of Operations and the Head of Planning. This is the high level co-ordinating body that will ensure oversight and strategic input on behalf of the whole community, as well as from planning professionals. The Council set up a Steering group, also known as the Local Development Plan Working Group comprised of the members indicated above. The group’s Terms of Reference were agreed on the 7 April 2016 and amended Terms of Reference were agreed on the 5 October 2020. The group was set up to oversee and co-ordinate the delivery of the Local Development Plan. The terms of reference set out the main purpose and objectives of the group, meeting arrangements and terms of governance. The first meeting was held on 4 August 2016 and will continue throughout the LDP process, Table 1 below provides details of these meetings to date as an overview of the issues covered. Table 1: Record of Local Development Plan Working Group meetings Date Agenda 4 August 2016

     

Local Development Plan Working Group Terms of Reference Overview of the New Planning System Working towards the Preferred Options Paper – Consultee Engagement, Publication and Public Consultation Resources Monitoring and Review of the LDP Timetable Sustainability Appraisal (including SEA)

6 April 2017

    

Plan Timetable Preferred Option Paper Update Sustainability Appraisal Update Communications Strategy for the LDP Mid Ulster Forum on Cross Boundary Issues

9 November 2017

    

POP Consultation Report Key Issues with Broad Support Key Issues for Discussion (Key Issues 1, 2, 4, 12, 14, 21, 23, 28) Policy Issues for discussion (Policies NH5, AMP3, QD1, HS4, FLD5, CTY10) Next Steps

10 May 2018

  

Post POP engagement with Statutory Consultees and Key Issues Emerging Update on ongoing studies to inform the Plan Strategy Overview of the ongoing working with Statutory Consultees (including MEA and other Councils) Issues to be resolved (status of BMAP, Housing Growth Indicator, Oversupply of housing land, Local Transport Strategy, Coastal Risk/Management)

 7 February 2019

5 September 2019

    

Update on the LDP process Update on ongoing studies to inform the Plan Strategy Overview of ongoing consultation with Statutory Consultees, Councillors, Council Officers and other Councils Challenges to the Existing Timetable Revised Timetable

 

Update on ongoing work of the LDP Presentation on Draft Plan Strategy


6 August 2020

     

Update further to launch of the draft Plan Strategy Next steps in the LDP process Development Plan Practice Note 10 Review of the LDP Timetable Statement of Community Involvement Scheme of Delegation for the LDP

Actions: Community Involvement Paragraph 2.17 (page 8) (b) The SCI states: We will issue a public notice to indicate that the formal commencement of work on the LDP has begun through the publication of the statement of community involvement and the timetable and any subsequent amendments along with how to view or obtain copies of the plan timetable and SCI. The public notice will be placed on the Council website and will appear in the Ballymena Guardian, Ballymena Times, Larne Times, Carrick Times and Newtownabbey Times1. A public notice announcing the publication of Mid and East Antrim Borough Council’s statement of community involvement and the LDP timetable was placed on the Council website and in the specified papers from the week commencing 8 August 2016. Revised Statement of Community Involvement Council have reviewed the statement of community involvement twice, a public notice was placed on the Council website and in the specified papers as follows:  

1st Revision: From week commencing 2 December 2019 2nd Revision: From week commencing 14 December 2020

See Appendix 2. Revised Local Development Plan Timetable Council have reviewed the Local Development Plan Timetable three times, a notice was placed on the Council website and in the specified papers as follows:   

1st Revision: From week commencing 26 June 2017 2nd Revision: From week commencing 8 April 2019 3rd Revision: From week commencing 14 December 2020

See Appendix 3. (c) The SCI states: We will create and maintain a Community Involvement Register of all individuals and groups who have expressed an interest in being informed about the key stages of the LDP. The register will be kept under review. Those included on the register when the timetable is published will be informed of the commencement of work on the LDP. The Council has created and maintained a Community Involvement Register since November 2015 for all individuals and groups who have expressed an interest in being informed about the key stages of the LDP. The register is kept under review and is continually updated. Individuals and/or groups can request to be included on the register at any time by completing and submitting a community involvement form which is available on the Council’s website or at the Council planning office or on request. The Council is proactive in encouraging individuals and groups to sign up to the register in response to any queries received about the LDP either in writing or in person including at any of the public 1

The Larne Times, Carrick Times and Newtownabbey Times have shared pages meaning that the Larne Times is used in all editions across this group of newspapers.


events associated with the launch of LDP documents. In September 2016 all those included on the Community Involvement Register were informed of the publication of the Local Development Plan Timetable and Statement of Community Involvement and advised of the next stage in the plan process; the Preferred Options Paper (POP).

(d) The SCI states: Key consultees will receive written invitation requesting them to participate in the Plan process and to provide information on the key strategic issues the LDP should address. In June 2016 Mid and East Antrim Borough Council advised adjoining Councils of intention to begin work on the Local Development Plan. In the summer of 2016 letters were sent to key consultees advising them that a Local Development Plan timetable had been agreed by DfI and of the plan team’s intention to begin work on the first key stage of the Local Development Plan; the Preferred Options Paper. Consultees were requested to review the evidence base relevant to their area of responsibility as contained in the LDP Position Papers (which were available online), advise of any strategic issues or concerns, advise on the appropriateness of the existing suite of PPSs and to identify if any other stakeholders should be consulted. In addition to a written invitation requesting input from key consultees, a series of theme based stakeholder meetings were held throughout 2016. Appendix 4 provides details of when these took place, topics covered and the organisations which attended. The meetings involved key statutory consultees as well as other relevant stakeholders and helped to inform the key issues and options brought forward in the POP. After each meeting a follow up email was sent to each of the attendees with a copy of the minutes and asking them to provide any written feedback they may have within a specified timeframe. Those who could not attend the meetings were also provided with the relevant information and offered the opportunity to respond. A number of additional meetings were also held with individual stakeholders when considered necessary. An initial consultation/summary document was also sent to those key consultees who did not attend the stakeholder meetings. They were requested to provide feedback on this document along with the evidence base relevant to their area of responsibility as contained in the LDP Position Papers (which were available online), advise of any strategic issues or concerns, advise on the appropriateness of the existing suite of PPSs and to identify if any other stakeholders should be consulted. In addition, they were asked to consider draft Objectives for the LDP that relate to or overlap with their area of responsibility and to consider alternative strategic options (including a preferred option) for meeting the draft objectives.

(e) The SCI states: Under represented (Section 75) groups will be contacted and invited to identify whether there are any types of planning policies likely to have a significant impact on the groups they represent. They will also be provided opportunity to identify any particular issues or needs they consider the plan should address. Any comments received will be taken into account when screening and scoping the Equality Impact Assessment (EIA). In February 2017, prior to the publication of the POP, over 100 organisations who were identified as being representatives of Section 75 interests by the Council were contacted. Council advised that it was progressing the preparation process of the Local Development Plan and that a Plan Timetable and a Statement of Community Involvement had been published and provided details of where these documents could be found. In addition, organisations were invited to:    

Advise of any issues or concerns which they considered the LDP for Mid and East Antrim should address; Advise if they considered the DOE Planning Policy Statements relating to their area of responsibility to be appropriate; Identify any other relevant stakeholder/groups which they consider should be consulted; and Indicate if they have any preferred method of consultation for future engagement.

Any comments received were taken into account when screening and scoping the Equality Impact Assessment.


(f) The SCI states: We will publish all completed papers informing the evidence base for the LDP and Sustainability Appraisal on the Council website.

A comprehensive evidence base comprising of a suite of 14 Position Papers was published on Mid and East Antrim Borough Council’s website as part of the initial plan preparation stage and they remain available on the website and are located here: https://www.midandeastantrim.gov.uk/business/planning/local-development-plan/plan-preparationprocess/ The Preferred Option Paper was published on the Council’s website on the 14 June 2017 along with the accompanying evidence base which included:    

Sustainability Appraisal – Interim Report (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment); Sustainability Scoping Report (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment); Equality Impact Screening Progress Report; Any revisions, amendments or updates to the above listed Position Papers were also published at this time.

All documents published in relation to the Preferred Option Paper remain on the website and are located here: https://www.midandeastantrim.gov.uk/business/planning/local-development-plan/preferred-options-paper The Draft Plan Strategy, District Proposal Maps 1-3 and the Draft Equality (Section 75) Screening of the draft Plan Strategy were published on the Council’s website on 17 September 2019 to allow for a period of four weeks pre consultation, before commencing with the formal eight week consultation period. At the beginning of the formal consultation period on 16 October 2019 the following documents which form the evidence base of the Draft Plan Strategy were available on the website:      

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) Sustainability Appraisal Report; Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Scoping Report; Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) NonTechnical Summary; Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the Draft Plan Strategy; Rural Needs Impact Assessment of the Draft Plan Strategy; and A suite of technical supplements and associated appendices.

All documents published in relation to the draft Plan Strategy remain available on the Council website and are located here: https://www.midandeastantrim.gov.uk/business/planning/local-development-plan/

(g) The SCI states: The SCI and the Plan timetable (and subsequent amendments to either) will be made available for inspection at the Council’s planning office and other offices at The Braid, Ballymena, Smiley Building Larne and the Town Hall, Carrickfergus. The Statement of Community Involvement and the Plan Timetable (including subsequent revisions) have been made available at the Council’s planning office at County Hall, 182 Galgorm Road, Ballymena, BT42 1QF. Further to the relocation of the Council’s principal planning office in March 2020, copies were made available at Silverwood Business Park, 190 Raceview Rd, Ballymena, BT42 4HZ. The documents were also available at:   

The Braid, 1-29 Bridge Street, Ballymena Carrickfergus Museum and Civic Centre ,11 Antrim Street, Carrickfergus Smiley Buildings, Victoria Road, Larne


Stage 2: Preferred Options Paper Actions: Governance Paragraph 2.20 (page 9) (a) The SCI states: A series of Councillor Workshops will be held to seek the views of all Elected Members on the issues and alternative options to be addressed by the POP. A series of Councillor Workshops where held between October 2015 and March 2017 in order to seek members’ views on the issues and alternative options to be addressed by the POP (see Table 2 below). Prior to the workshops members were furnished with a copy of an agenda and a briefing paper on the proposed content of the workshop. Further to each workshop a summary report of the issues and the discussions that took place was sent to each of the members to ensure that their views were accurately recorded and to seek the views of those who were unable to attend. The report set out the main issues and options, a summary of the discussion at the workshop and highlighted the options which gained the most consensus at the workshops. Table 2: Record of Councillor Workshops – Preferred Options Paper Date Workshop Theme 8 October 2015

  

Housing and Settlement Employment and Economic Development Retailing and Town Centres

18 February 2016

 

Settlement Evaluation Settlement Hierarchy

29 November 2016

    

Spatial Strategy Strategic Housing Allocation Existing Zonings Housing Need Open Space

8 December 2016

 

Economic Development Infrastructure

23 January 2017

  

Minerals Resources Subsidence and Land Instability Natural Heritage Built Heritage

9 February 2017

Planning Policy Review: PPS2, PPS3, PPS4, PPS6, PPS7, PPS8, PPS10, PPS11, PPS12, PPS13, PPS15, PPS16, PPS18, PPS21, PPS23, PSRNI

9 March 2017

    

Protection of Proposed Road Schemes Developer Contributions Management of Open Space Review of PPS21 Rural Housing Policies LDP Vision, Strategic Objectives and Overarching Principles

(b) The SCI states: A Public Consultation Report on the POP will be presented to Elected members following the end of the consultation period. The report will contain a summary of representations and Planning officers comment. A written record will be taken of where elected members take differing views to that recommended in the report, along with the rationale for that view. This will be taken into account in formulating the Draft Plan Strategy. Following the consultation period for the POP a Public Consultation Report was prepared which set out a summary of the consultation process. The report also provided a breakdown of the public and statutory consultee responses to


each of the elements and issues consulted on within the POP. In addition, the report set out a summary of the Local Development Plan team’s consideration of the responses, including recommendations for going forward. The Public Consultation Report was brought to the Local Development Plan Working Group on the 9 November 2017. A presentation was given at the meeting which provided an overview of:   

The key issues that had received broad support for their preferred option or approach; The key issues that generated debate among respondents; Policies that raised issues.

A written record of members’ views was taken at this meeting including where any elected member had a differing view to that recommended in the report, this information was taken into account in formulating the draft Plan Strategy.

(c) The SCI states: Subsequent to approval by Council, the POP Consultation Report will be published on the Council’s website. The POP Public Consultation Report (November 2017) was approved by the Council at the Local Development Plan Working Group on the 9 November 2017 before being published on the Council website: https://www.midandeastantrim.gov.uk/business/planning/local-development-plan/preferred-options-paper All those listed on our Community Involvement Register and all of those who had responded to the POP were notified of the publication of the POP Consultation Report on 3 January 2018.

Actions: Community Involvement Paragraph 2.21 (page 9) (a) The SCI states: We will hold a launch event and exhibition for invited persons to announce the publication of the Preferred Options Paper and its period for public consultation. A launch event and exhibition to announce the publication of the POP for Mid and East Antrim Borough Council for invited persons was held in The Braid Ballymena Town Hall, 1-29 Bridge Street, Ballymena, on the 14 June 2017. This event was attended by 49 people including elected members, council officials, representatives from adjoining Councils, representatives from some statutory consultees and stakeholders. The launch event comprised of an exhibition and presentation and all those in attendance where furnished with a copy of the document as well as with details of additional public engagement events scheduled over the consultation period, details on how to respond and the timeframe for responding. (b) The SCI states: We will issue a press release to generate publicity about the publication of the POP, highlighting the Council’s preferred options, and encouraging public response. A press release and photograph was issued on 14 June 2017 which highlighted the subject areas which the proposals and plans within the document covered. The press release encouraged residents, stakeholders and other interested parties to share their views over the 12 week consultation period. Details of where and how to access the POP were provided along with details of the public events and drop-ins. Full details in relation to editorial and social media coverage of the POP is detailed in the Preferred Options Public Consultation Report, see DPS-506.


(c) The SCI states: We will issue a Public Notice to confirm: I. Publication of the Preferred Options Paper and invite comment within the specified consultation period (a period of not less than 8 weeks or more than 12 weeks); II. Details of public engagement events, exhibitions and drop-in information sessions during the consultation period; and III. Publication of the Sustainability Appraisal Interim Report and screening report for Equality Impact Assessment. This public notice will be placed on the Council website and appear in the Ballymena Guardian, Ballymena Times, Carrick Times, Larne Times, and Newtownabbey Times. A Public Notice was published in the specified papers from week commencing 5 June 2017 and notice of the publication of the POP was also posted on the Council website. The notice gave confirmation of the following:    

Publication of the “Local Development Plan 2030 – Preferred Options Paper” on 14 June 2017. Invited comments within a 12 week consultation period closing on 6 September 2017. Details of public and drop in events during the consultation period and the availability of planning staff during normal office hours as part of the public consultation. Publication of the Sustainability Appraisal Interim Report (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment), a Sustainability Scoping Report and an Equality Impact Interim Screening Progress Report.

See Appendix 5. (d) The SCI states: We will hold public engagement events and exhibitions with drop-in sessions at locations throughout the Borough where Planning officials will be available to assist with queries in regard to the LDP in general and this stage in particular. Table 3 below provides details of the nine public engagement events held over the consultation period. These included six ‘public events’ held in the three main towns and three ‘drop-in’ sessions held in smaller settlements across the Borough. At all these events pop-up posters relating to themes covered by different chapters of the POP were on display. In addition, display boards were set up to show maps and other material relevant to the POP. Development Plan staff were present at all events to answer questions and to provide hard copies of the POP documents. The six public events also included a presentation about the POP which covered its scope and purpose, its context within the overall plan process, a chapter by chapter review of the document, details of how to respond, and explanation of the ‘next steps’. In addition to this, for the duration of the consultation an exhibition stand remained in The Braid along with copies of the POP documents. An engagement event was also held for planning agents on 27 June, at County Hall, Ballymena. This event had a similar format as the public events described above, but with additional emphasis placed upon the strategic nature of the POP and the importance of submitting representations to reflect this. This event was attended by 12 persons.


Table 3: Record of public engagement events/ exhibitions and drop-in sessions – Preferred Options Paper Event Types Date Location Time Attendees*

Thursday 22 June 2017 Public Events/Exhibitions Thursday 29 June 2017

Tuesday 25 July 2017

The Braid Ballymena Town Hall 1-29 Bridge Street Ballymena

Session 1: 2pm


Session 2: 7pm


Carrickfergus Town Hall 11 Antrim Street Carrickfergus

Session 1: 2pm


Session 2: 7pm


Larne Town Hall 1-9 Upper Cross Street Larne

Session 1: 2pm


Session 2: 7pm


Wednesday 2 August 2017

Gobbins Visitor Centre Middle Road Islandmagee

7pm to 9pm


Thursday 3 August 2017

Portglenone Community Centre Gortgole Road Portglenone

7pm to 9pm


Wednesday 9 August 2017

Glenlough Community Centre Carnlough

7pm to 9pm


Drop-in sessions

*Attendees includes Elected Representatives

(e) The SCI states: We will write to all Key Consultees and Elected Members providing them with a copy of the POP; invite them to attend the launch; request that they provide comments within the specified consultation period; and inform them of the public engagement events, exhibitions and drop-in sessions. Invites to the launch of the POP were sent out to key consultees and elected members on 31 May 2017. Hard copies of the POP were provided on the day of the launch to all those in attendance along with a postcard setting out details of public events scheduled over the consultation period. Hard copies of the document were provided to any elected members who did not attend on the day. A presentation was given on the day of the launch which provided details on how consultees and the public could engage and the timeframe within which any responses to the document should be made. It also provided details of the public engagement events, exhibitions and drop-in sessions. Further to the launch of the POP a formal consultation letter was then sent to key consultees on 14 June 2017 (see Appendix 6). The consultation advised that the POP and its supporting documents had been published, provided an online link to the POP and its supporting documents as well as providing details of where copies could be obtained. The consultation also provided details of the public engagement events, exhibitions and drop-in sessions. The consultation provided dates within which representations could be made and provided the postal address for representations to be made.


(f) The SCI states: We will contact local community groups and under-represented (Section 75) groups advising them how to obtain a copy of the POP; inviting them to comment within the specified consultation period; inviting them to attend the public engagement events, exhibitions, and drop-in sessions; and offering the opportunity of a meeting with a planning official to record their views. The Community Panel (which included community groups) and under represented (Section 75) groups were consulted on the 14 June 2017. Council advised that the POP had been published, provided an online link to the paper and its supporting documents as well as providing details of where hard copies could be obtained. The consultation provided details of the public engagement events, exhibitions and drop-in sessions and invited those who had been consulted to provide comments within the specified consultation timeframe. Council also offered the opportunity to meet with a planning official to record any views in person.

(g) The SCI states: We will notify all those included on the Community Involvement register of the publication of the POP and carry out the actions as detailed under (f) above. All those on the Community Involvement Register were advised that the POP had been published, provided an online link to it and its supporting documents as well as providing details of where hard copies could be obtained. The consultation provided details of the public engagement events, exhibitions and drop-in sessions and invited those who had been consulted to provide comments within the specified consultation timeframe. Council also offered the opportunity to meet with a planning official to record any views in person.

(h) The SCI states: We will continue to make the evidence base supporting the POP available on the Council website and update this as necessary. As noted under point (f) above of ‘developing the evidence base to the commencement of the plan’ a suite of 14 Position Papers were published on Council’s website. Any subsequent updates to these documents have also been published on the website and continue to remain available along with the original publications. The POP and its Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report, Sustainability Interim Report and Equality Impact Interim Screening Progress Report remain available on the Council’s website.


Stage 3: A) Plan Strategy – Preparation Paragraph 2.23 (page 10) (a) The SCI states: We will hold a series of workshops for all Elected Members to help inform, shape and agree the strategic policies and proposals that will make up the draft Plan Strategy.

A series of six workshops were held for all elected members over a five-month period to help inform, shape and agree the strategic policies and proposals that make up the draft Plan Strategy, see Table 4 below. Further to the workshops, a summary and overview report was presented to Full Council inviting any final comments from elected Members on the emerging strategic policies and proposals. Table 4: Record of draft Plan Strategy Councillor Workshops Date Agenda/Topics

Date of Report to Full Council

28 November 2018

     

Retail and Town Centres Retail Hierarchy Town Centres and Sequential Test Retail Impact Assessments Retail Cores Villages, Small Settlements and Local Centres

7 January 2019

11 December 2018

 

Economic Development Tourism

7 January 2019

31 January 2019

    

Spatial Growth Strategy Settlement Hierarchy Strategic Housing Allocation Managing Housing Supply Operational Housing Policies

4 February 2019

14 February 2019

     

General Policy for all Development Open Space Natural Environment Historic Environment Advertisements Flood Risk

20 March 2019

26 February 2019

   

Waste Management Local Transport Strategy Accessibility Analysis Operational Transport policies

20 March 2019

14 March 2019

           

Strategic Countryside designations & policy Countryside Development General Policy Principles Protection of Main River Corridors Minerals Development policies Development in areas of Risk Renewable Energy policy Telecommunications & Overhead Lines policy Agriculture & Forestry development Retail policy in the Countryside Unresolved Housing Policy and Proposals Unresolved Economic Development Policy and Proposals Unresolved Natural Environment Policy and Proposals

20 March 2019


(b) The SCI states: We will send a report of each Councillor Workshop to Full Council, inviting any comments on the emerging strategic policies and proposals.

A report providing a summary of each Councillor workshop along with an overview of the main issues emerging from the workshop was presented to Full Council, see Table 4 above for details.

(c) The SCI states: We will set up a Project Management Team (PMT) comprising of senior Council officers and representatives from key statutory consultees including government departments and agencies. The purpose of the PMT will be to ensure that key consultees engage in the Plan making process and particularly in the development of the emerging policies and proposals. To this end, meetings chaired by the LDP Principal Planning Officer will be convened at regular intervals leading up to the publication of the draft Plan Strategy.

A Project Management Team was set up and Terms of Reference agreed on 8 February 2018. The team is comprised of senior council officers, the LDP principal planning officer and invited representatives from key statutory/government departments such as the Department for Infrastructure (DfI), Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), Department for Economy (DfE), Department of Communities (DfC), Invest NI, NI Water and Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE). Nine meetings were held between April 2018 and May 2019. Prior to each meeting, all attendees were sent a copy of a proposed agenda and any relevant papers. Minutes were taken at all meetings and circulated to all members of the Project Management Team. Each meeting began with a discussion of the minutes from the previous meeting, an update on the local Development Plan and an update from each of the business areas in attendance. The meeting then progressed through the issues set out in the agenda. Details of the dates of the Project Management Team meetings and subject areas covered are provided in Table 5 below. Table 5: Record of Project Management Team Meetings Date Agenda/Topics 12 April 2018

27 June 2018

    


Business Areas Updates Consultation Process Spatial Growth Strategy Settlement Hierarchy Housing Growth Indicator & Strategic Housing Allocation Strategy Housing Allocation to Settlements

                   

DAERA: Marine and Fisheries DAERA: Natural Environment DfC: HED DfC: Housing DfC: Urban Regeneration DfE: Minerals DfI: Rivers DfI: Transport NI DfI: Strategic Planning DfI: Water policy Invest NI MEABC: Economic Development MEABC: Tourism MEABC: Community Planning MEABC: Environmental Health MEABC: Parks and Open Space NI Water NIHE Shared Environmental Service Tourism NI

    

Business Areas Updates LDP Vision and Strategic Objectives Overarching LDP Principles Using the LDP Plan Strategy General Policy Criteria for all Development

      

DAERA: Marine DfC: Historic Environment Division DfC: Urban Regeneration DfI: Rivers DfI: Transport NI DfI: Transport Planning and Modelling Unit DfI: Water Policy


   

 26 September 2018

     

14 November 2018

   

LDP Update Business Areas Updates LDP Vision, Strategic Objectives General Policy Update Open Space Strategy and Operational Policies Consultation on Housing and Economic Development Sites

LDP Update Business Areas Updates Waste Management Policies Flood Risk Policies

                 

DAERA: Marine and Fisheries DAERA: Natural Environment DfC: Historic Environment Division DfC: Housing DfI: Rivers DfI: Strategic Planning DfI: Transport and Modelling Unit DfI: Transport NI DfI: Water Policy Unit Invest NI MEABC: Community Planning MEABC: Economic Development MEABC: Environmental Health MEABC: Strategic Projects MEABC: Tourism NI Water NIHE Shared Environmental Service

     

DfC: Urban Regeneration DfI: Rivers DfI: Strategic Planning DfI: Transport NI DfI: Transport Planning and Modelling Unit DfI: Water Policy Unit

22 November 2018

MEABC: Community Planning MEABC: Development Management MEABC: Environmental Health MEABC: Waste NI Water NIHE Shared Environmental Service

Natural Environment Policies

    

DAERA: Marine and Fisheries DAERA: Natural Environment Division MEABC: Development Management MEABC: Parks and Open Space Department Shared Environmental Service

   

LDP Update Business Areas Update LDP Economic Development Strategy Economic Development Operational Policies Retail Hierarchy Retail and Town Centres Operational Policies Telecommunications and Overhead Lines Operational Policies

           

DfC: Housing DfI: Strategic Planning DfI: Water Policy Unit Invest NI MEABC: Development Management MEABC: Economic Development MEABC: Environmental Health MEABC: Parks and Open Space MEABC: Retail NI Water NIHE Shared Environmental Service

LDP Update Business Areas Update Strategic Housing Allocation Management of Housing Supply

   

DfC: Historic Environment Division DfC: Housing DfI: Strategic Planning DfI: Transport NI

  

27 March 2019

Invest NI

       

(meeting of 14 reconvened)

16 January 2019

Invest NI MEABC: Community Planning NI Water NIHE Shared Environmental Service

   


18 April 2019

 

Housing Operational Policies Historic Environment Operational Policies

  

LDP Update Business Areas Update Tourism Strategy and Operational Tourism Policies Local Transportation Strategy and Transportation Operational Policies

7 May 2019

      

LDP Update Business Areas Update Strategic Countryside Designations and Policies Landscape Character Assessment Minerals Operational Policies Renewable Energy Operational Policy Development at risk of Coastal Erosion and Land Instability


                   

DfI: Water Policy Unit MEABC: Development Management MEABC: Solicitor NI Water NIHE Shared Environmental Service DfC: Historic Environment Division DfC: Urban Regeneration DfI Rivers DfI: Strategic Planning DfI: Transport NI DfI: Transport Planning and Modelling Unit DfI: Water Policy Unit Invest NI MEABC: Economic Development MEABC: Tourism NI Water NIHE Shared Environmental Service Tourism NI

      

DfE: GSNI DfE: Minerals and Petroleum Branch DfI: Rivers DfI: Strategic Planning DfI: Water Policy Unit MEABC: Development Management MEABC: Environmental Health Shared Environmental Service

Stage 3: B) Publication of Draft Plan Strategy for Public Consultation Actions: Governance Paragraph 2.25 (page 11) (a) The SCI states: At the end of this stage we will report representations to the Elected Members to inform any amendment that may be considered necessary to the draft Plan Strategy, before the formal submission of the Plan to the Department. Elected Members were provided with a copy of the ‘draft Public Consultation Report of the draft Plan Strategy’ and a copy of the ‘draft Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the draft Plan Strategy’ on the 29 October 2020. A Local Development Plan Working Group workshop on both these documents was subsequently held for Elected Members on the 12 November 2020.

Actions: Community Involvement Paragraph 2.26 (page 11) (a) The SCI states: We will hold a launch event for invited persons to announce the publication of the draft Plan Strategy and indicate the period for public consultation. A launch event and exhibition to announce the publication of the draft Plan Strategy for Mid and East Antrim Borough Council was held for invited persons in The Braid Ballymena Town Hall, 1-29 Bridge Street, Ballymena, on the 17 September 2019. This event was attended by 96 people including Elected Members, Council Officials, representatives from adjoining Councils, representatives from some statutory consultees and stakeholders. The launch event comprised of an exhibition and presentation including a promotional video, which gave an overview of the content and structure of the draft Plan Strategy, supporting documents and evidence. An overview was also provided on how the LDP will be assessed at Independent Examination including a summary of the tests of soundness. Details of the public engagement events were provided along with information on how to respond and the timeframe for doing so. All those in attendance where furnished with a copy of the document as well as an information leaflet ‘Have your say’ (see DPS-105) which provided an overview of the soundness tests, details of all public engagement events, how to respond and details of the eight week timeframe for responding.

(b) The SCI states: We will issue a press release highlighting the key elements of the draft Plan Strategy. A number of press releases were circulated to media outlets alongside the publication of the draft Plan Strategy. The first issued on 5 September 2019 giving advance notice of when the draft Plan Strategy would be published, where copies would be available and where to obtain information in relation to upcoming public events. The second issued on 18 September highlighting that the draft Plan Strategy had been officially launched the day before. As part of a wider article about planning in the Borough another press release on 30 September also highlighted the draft Plan Strategy consultation dates. On 14 October a further press release advised that the formal public consultation would open on 16 October 2019 and on the 3 December the press release included a reminder that the deadline for submitting a response was approaching on 11 December. On 17 January 2020 a further press release advised when and where representations could be viewed and that there would be an opportunity for the submission of counter-representations. Further details in relation to editorial and social media coverage of the draft Plan Strategy is detailed in the draft Plan Strategy Public Consultation Report, see DPS-142.


(c) The SCI states: We will issue a public notice to confirm: I. II. III. IV.

Advance Publication of the draft Plan Strategy four weeks in advance of the statutory eight week period of public consultation, how to view or obtain copies; The arrangements for public engagement events during the four week period in advance of the statutory consultation period; The consultation period for the formal eight week period for receipt of representations to the draft Plan Strategy and accompanying draft Environmental Report and other Assessments; and That representations received after the end of the eight week period of public consultation cannot be accepted.

This public notice will be placed on the Council website and appear in the Ballymena Guardian, Ballymena Times, Carrick Times, Larne Times, Newtownabbey Times and Belfast Gazette . Belfast Gazette A public notice confirming advance publication of the draft Plan Strategy was published in in the Belfast Gazette week commencing 2 September 2019. Local Advertisement A public notice confirming advance publication of the draft Plan Strategy was published in the specified papers from week commencing 9 September 2019. Website Notice was also available on the Council website from week commencing 16 September 2019. The notice confirmed:     

Publication of the ‘Mid and East Antrim Local Development Plan 2020 – Draft Plan Strategy’ in advance of the statutory 8 week period of publication; Details in relation to the availability of documents and how to receive copies; Arrangements for public engagement during the four week period in advance of the statutory consultation period; The consultation period for the formal eight week period for receipt of representations; and That representations received after the end of the eight week period of public consultation cannot be accepted.

See Appendix 7. (d) The SCI states: Between the launch event and the commencement of the public consultation, we will hold public engagement events as referred to in the public notices at locations throughout the Borough where Planning officials will be available to assist with queries in regard to the LDP in general and this stage in particular. Table 6 below provides details of nine consultation events held from the launch of the draft Plan Strategy. These included six ‘public events’ held in the three main towns and three ‘drop-in sessions’ held in smaller settlements across the Borough. At all these events pop-up posters relating to themes covered by different chapters of the draft Plan Strategy were put on display. In addition, display boards and tables were set up to show maps and other material relevant to the draft Plan Strategy. Development Plan staff were present at all events to answer questions and to provide hard copies of the draft Plan Strategy, the district proposals maps and its accompanying documents. The six public events also included a presentation of the draft Plan Strategy that provided an overview of the document’s structure, its vision and strategic objectives followed by a summary of the strategic and subject policies. Details of how and where to respond were specified along with the timeframe within which to do so. The presentation highlighted how the LDP will be examined and provided a summary of the tests of soundness. A short promotional video was also shown at the six public events.


Table 6: Record of public engagement events/exhibitions and drop-in sessions – draft Plan Strategy Event Types Date Location Time Attendees Wednesday 25 September 2019 Public Events/Exhibitions Monday 30 September 2019

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Drop-in sessions

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Thursday 24 October 2019

The Braid Ballymena Town Hall 1-29 Bridge Street Ballymena

Session 1: 4pm - 5.30pm


Session 2: 7:30pm - 9pm


Larne Town Hall 1- 9 Upper Cross Street Larne

Session 1: 4pm - 5.30pm


Session 2: 7:30pm – 9pm


Session 1: 4pm - 5.30pm


Session 2: 7:30pm - 9pm


Portglenone Community Centre Gortgole Road Portglenone

6pm – 8:30pm


Gobbins Visitor Centre Middle Road Islandmagee

6pm – 8:30pm


Glenlough Community Centre, Carnlough

6pm – 8:30pm


Carrickfergus Town Hall 11 Antrim Street Carrickfergus

*Attendees includes Elected Representatives

In addition to the above public events the draft Plan Strategy was also presented at the events/meetings listed in Table 7 below. Table 7: Record of engagement events – Draft Plan Strategy Event Types



Planning Agents Event

Monday 21 October 2019

County Hall, Galgorm Road, Ballymena

Development Plan Working Group Meeting

Monday 28 October 2019

Belfast City Council Offices

The Antrim Coast and Glens AONB Management Forum Meeting

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Ballygalley Community Hall

Mid and East Planning Staff (Development Management and Enforcement)

Thursday 14 November 2019

County Hall, Galgorm Road, Ballymena

Department for Infrastructure

Tuesday 26 November 2019

County Hall, Galgorm Road, Ballymena

Mineral Operators Draft Plan Strategy Public Meeting

Friday 29 November 2019

The Braid, 1-29 Bridge St, Ballymena

Mid and East Antrim Community Planning Strategic Alliance and Community Panel

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Des Allen Suite, Showgrounds, Ballymena

Metropolitan Area Spatial Working Group

Tuesday 10 December 2019

The Braid, 1-29 Bridge St, Ballymena


(e) The SCI states: We will contact Statutory Consultees and Elected Members informing them of the publication of the draft Plan Strategy and providing them with a copy; the dates of the public exhibitions; confirmation of the eight week period for public consultation; and the closing date for receipt of representations.

All elected members were invited to the launch of the draft Plan Strategy, where all the above information was provided including a hard copy of the document. An email was also sent to elected members on the day of the launch advising that a full copy of the document had been left for their convenience in the member’s room, including an information leaflet which provided all the consultation and events details. The launch event was also attended by representatives from a range stakeholders where all the above information was provided including a hard copy of the document. Further to the launch of the draft Plan Strategy, all statutory and other key consultees were notified at the start of October advising that the draft Plan Strategy had been published (see Appendix 8). This notification provided an online link to the draft Plan Strategy and its associated documents as well as details of where hard copies could be obtained. The correspondence also advised that that the formal period of consultation was to begin on 16 October 2019 for a period of eight weeks. The letter invited those who had been consulted to provide comments within the specified timeframe and included full details on how to respond. A copy of the ‘Have Your Say’ leaflet accompanied all letters sent which provided details of the public engagement events, exhibitions and drop-in sessions as well as further details on the formal consultation including how to respond and the closing date for receipt of representations.

(f) The SCI states: We will contact those who submitted representations in regard to the Preferred Options Paper to inform them of the publication of the draft Plan Strategy and accompanying documents including the POP Public Consultation Report; details of how to view the documents or obtain copies; the arrangements for public exhibitions; and confirmation of the eight week period for public consultation, and the closing date for receipt of representations.

Further to the launch of the draft Plan Strategy all those who responded to the POP were notified in a letter via their preferred method of contact to advise that the draft Plan Strategy had been published for a four-week period of pre consultation. They were advised that the draft Plan Strategy and its accompanying documents would be available for an eight week period of formal consultation from 16 October 2019, and provided details of how to view the documents or obtain copies. Details were also provided of the public engagement events, exhibitions and drop-in sessions. A copy of the ‘Have Your Say’ leaflet was also provided which set out further details on the formal consultation including how to respond and the closing date for receipt of representations.

(g) The SCI states: We will notify all those included in the Community Involvement register to inform them of the publication of the draft Plan Strategy and accompanying documents including the POP Consultation Report; details of how to view the documents or obtain copies; the arrangements for public exhibitions; and confirmation of the eight week period for public consultation, and the closing date for receipt of representations. Further to the launch of the draft Plan Strategy all those listed on the Community Involvement Register were notified in a letter via their preferred method of contact to advise that the draft Plan Strategy had been published for a four-week period of pre consultation. They were advised that the draft Plan Strategy and its accompanying documents would be available for an eight week period of formal consultation from 16 October 2019, and provided details of how to view the documents or obtain copies. Details were provided of the public engagement events, exhibitions and drop-in sessions. A copy of the ‘Have Your Say’ leaflet was also provided which set out further details on the formal consultation including how to respond and the closing date for receipt of representations.


(h) The SCI states: We will issue a second public notice to confirm: I. Publication of the draft Plan Strategy and accompanying Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating the draft Environmental Report, Non-Technical Summary and Scoping Report), the draft Habitats Regulations Assessment, the draft Equality (Section 75) Screening Report and the Rural Needs Impact Assessment and other supporting documents, and how to view or obtain copies; II. The arrangements for drop-in information sessions during the formal consultation period; III. The date of commencement of the eight week statutory consultation period and the closing date for receipt of representations to the draft Plan Strategy, draft Sustainability Appraisal Report and other Assessments; IV. That representations received after the end of the eight week period of public consultation cannot be accepted. This public notice will be placed on the Council website and appear in the Ballymena Guardian, Ballymena Times, Carrick Times, Larne Times. Newtownabbey Times and Belfast Gazette. Belfast Gazette A second public notice confirming publication of the draft Plan Strategy and accompanying Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating the draft Environmental Report, Non-Technical Summary and Scoping Report), the draft Habitats Regulations Assessment, the draft Equality (Section 75) Screening Report and the Rural Needs Impact Assessment and other supporting documents was published in the Belfast Gazette week commencing 7 October 2019. Local Advertisement A second public notice confirming publication of the draft Plan Strategy and accompanying Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating the draft Environmental Report, Non-Technical Summary and Scoping Report), the draft Habitats Regulations Assessment, the draft Equality (Section 75) Screening Report and the Rural Needs Impact Assessment and other supporting documents was published in the specified papers from week commencing 7 October 2019. Council Website Notice was also available on the Council website from the week commencing 16 October 2019. The notice confirmed:    

details on how to view or obtain copies of the draft Plan Strategy and its associated documents; the arrangements for drop in-in information sessions during the formal consultation period; the date of commencement of the eight week statutory consultation period and the closing date for receipt of representations to the draft Plan Strategy, draft Sustainability Appraisal Report and other Assessments; and that representations received after the end of the eight week period of public consultation cannot be accepted.

See Appendix 7. (i) The SCI states: We will make the draft Plan Strategy, the draft Sustainability Appraisal, the draft Habitat Regulations Assessment, the draft Equality Section 75) Screening Report, the Rural Needs Impact Assessment and other supporting documents available on the Council website and in the Council Planning Office.

The draft Plan Strategy, District Proposal Maps 1-3 and the draft Equality (Section 75) Screening Report of the draft Plan Strategy have been available in the Council Planning Office and on the website from the 17 September 2019, to allow for a period of pre-consultation. Table 8 below illustrates the availability of documents in various Council Offices. From the beginning of the formal consultation period on the 16 October 2019 the following documents were also made available:      

The Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) Sustainability Appraisal Report The Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Scoping Report Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) Nontechnical Summary Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the Draft Plan Strategy Rural Needs Impact Assessment of the Draft Plan Strategy A suite of technical supplements and associated appendices


Table 8: Availability of hard copies of the draft Plan Strategy within Mid and East Antrim Borough Location Planning Office, County Hall, Ballymena and further to relocation Silverwood Business Park, Ballymena

Documents available        

The Braid, Ballymena

 

Smiley Buildings, Larne Carrickfergus Museum and Civic Centre, Carrickfergus

Ardeevin, Ballymena

Ballymena Library Kells/Connor Library Broughshane Library Carnlough Library Carrickfergus Library Greenisland Library Whitehead Library Portglenone Library Larne Library

    

Draft Plan Strategy and District Proposals Maps Sustainability Appraisal of the draft Plan Strategy (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) Sustainability Appraisal Report Sustainability Appraisal of the draft Plan Strategy Scoping Report Sustainability Appraisal of the draft Plan Strategy (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) Non-technical Summary Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the draft Plan Strategy Draft Equality (Section 75) Screening Report of the draft Plan Strategy Rural Needs Impact Assessment of the draft Plan Strategy 13 technical supplements and associated appendices Draft Plan Strategy and District Proposals Maps Sustainability Appraisal of the draft Plan Strategy (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) Sustainability Appraisal Report; Sustainability Appraisal of the draft Plan Strategy Scoping Report Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) Non-technical Summary Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the draft Plan Strategy Draft Equality (Section 75) Screening Report of the draft Plan Strategy Rural Needs Impact Assessment of the draft Plan Strategy

Draft Plan Strategy and District Proposals Maps Draft Equality (Section 75) Screening Report of the Draft Plan Strategy

Draft Plan Strategy and District Proposals Maps


Stage 3: C) Draft Plan Strategy – Public Inspection of Representations Actions: Governance Paragraph 2.28 (page 12) (a) The SCI states: We will report representations to the Elected Members before forwarding to the Department for Infrastructure. Elected Members were provided with a copy of the draft Public Consultation Report of the draft Plan Strategy on the 29 October 2020. (b) The SCI states: We will fully consider representations before submitting the draft Plan Strategy to the Department for Infrastructure for Independent Examination.

The Council has fully considered all representations and counter representations received in accordance with Regulations 16 and 18 to the draft Plan Strategy. The Council has prepared a ‘draft Plan Strategy Public Consultation Report’ which provides an overview of the main issues of the public consultation exercise on the Council’s draft Plan Strategy, see DPS-142. The report provides a summary of the main issues raised in the responses and the Council’s consideration of these. Following consideration of the draft Plan Strategy representations Council has also prepared a ‘Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the draft Plan Strategy’ which was subject to eight weeks of public consultation from 8 January 2021 to 5 March 2021, see DPS-143.

Actions: Community Involvement Paragraph 2.29 (page 12) (a)The SCI states: We will make copies of all representations available for inspection on the Council website and in the Council Planning Office. Copies of all representations were made available for inspection on the Council website from Friday 31 January 2020. Copies of all representations were also made available for inspection at the Council’s principal Planning Office, County Hall, Ballymena 182 Galgorm Road, Ballymena, BT42 1QF. Further to the relocation of the Council’s principal planning office in March 2020, copies were made available at Silverwood Business Park, 190 Raceview Rd, Ballymena, BT42 4HZ. Copies were also made available within the following Council offices:   

The Braid, 1-29 Bridge Street, Ballymena Carrickfergus Museum and Civic Centre. 11 Antrim Street, Carrickfergus Smiley Buildings, Victoria Road, Larne

See Appendix 9 showing availability of representations on the Council website.

(b) The SCI states: We will write to Key Consultees and Elected Members and all those included in the Community Involvement Register informing them that representations are available for inspection and of the arrangements put in place for this purpose. Key consultees, elected members and those included in the Community Involvement Register were contacted on 30 January 2020 advise that representations were available for inspection from the 31 January 2020 to the 27 March 2020 online and at the offices listed above. See Appendix 10.


(c) The SCI states: We will issue a public notice to confirm: i. The availability of all representations for inspection; and ii. The eight week period for public consultation, and the closing date for receipt of representations. This public notice will be placed on the Council website and appear in the Ballymena Guardian, Ballymena Times, Carrick Times, Larne Times, Newtownabbey Times and Belfast Gazette. Belfast Gazette A public notice confirming the availability of representations for inspections and the eight week period for public consultation, and the closing date for receipt of representations along with details of the address to which they should be sent was published in the Belfast Gazette week commencing 20 January 2020.

Local Advertisement A public notice confirming the availability of representations for inspections and the eight week period for public consultation, along with details of the address to which they should be sent and the closing date for receipt of representations was published in the specified papers from week commencing 20 January 2020. Council Website Notice was also placed on the Council website from week commencing 27 January 2020. See Appendix 11.


Stage 3: D) Draft Plan Strategy – Public Inspection of Counter Representations Actions: Governance Paragraph 2.30 (page 12) (a) The SCI states: We will report counter representations to the Elected Members before forwarding to the Department for Infrastructure. Counter representations were reported to elected members at a Local Development Plan Working Group workshop on the 12 November 2020.

(b) The SCI states: We will fully consider counter representations before submitting the draft Plan Strategy to the Department of Infrastructure for Independent Examination. The Council has fully considered all representations and counter representations received in accordance with Regulations 16 and 18 to the draft Plan Strategy. The Council has prepared a ‘draft Plan Strategy Public Consultation Report’, which provides an overview of the main issues of the public consultation exercise on the Council’s draft Plan Strategy, see DPS-142. The report provides a summary of the main issues raised in the responses and the Council’s consideration of these. Following consideration of the draft Plan Strategy representations Council has also prepared a ‘Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the draft Plan Strategy’ which was subject to eight weeks of public consultation from 8 January 2021 to 5 March 2021, see DPS-143.

Actions: Community Involvement Paragraph 2.31 (page 12) (a) The SCI states: We will make copies of all counter-representations available for inspection on the Council website and in the Council Planning Office. All counter representations were made available for inspection on the Council website and at the principal Planning Office, Silverwood Business Park, Ballymena, BT42 4HZ from 10 December 2020. See Appendix 12.

(b) The SCI states: We will write to key consultees, Elected Members and all those included in the Community Involvement Register informing them that counter representations are available for inspection and of the arrangements put place for this purpose. Key consultees, elected members and those on the Community Involvement Register were contacted on 10 December 2020 to advise that the counter representations were available for inspection and the arrangements put in place for this purpose.


(b) The SCI states: We will issue a public notice to confirm the availability of counter representations for inspection. This public notice will be placed on the Council website and appear in the Ballymena Guardian, Ballymena Times, Carrick Times, Larne Times, Newtownabbey Times and Belfast Gazette. Belfast Gazette A public notice was published in the Belfast Gazette confirming publication of the draft Plan Strategy counter representations along with details of how and where they could be viewed week commencing 14 December 2020. Local Advertisement A public notice was published in the specified papers confirming publication of the draft Plan Strategy counter representations along with details of how and where they could be viewed from week commencing 14 December 2020. Council Website Notice was published on the Council website confirming publication of the draft Plan Strategy counter representations along with details of how and where they could be viewed from 10 December 2020. See Appendix 13.


Stage 3: E) Draft Plan Strategy – Public Inspection of Proposed Modifications to the draft Plan Strategy (if applicable) Actions: Governance Paragraph 2.32 (page 13) (a) The SCI states: We will notify Elected Members of all representations on Proposed Modifications to the draft Plan Strategy. The public consultation period for the ‘Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the draft Plan Strategy’ ended on 5 March 2021 and Elected Members were notified of representations received. Actions: Community Involvement Where necessary and prior to submission of the draft Plan Strategy to the Department, we will propose modifications to the draft Plan Strategy. If we consider the proposed modifications go beyond minor changes we will: Paragraph 2.33 (page 13) (a) The SCI states: We will write to key consultees and all those included in the Community Involvement Register informing them that the proposed modifications to the draft Plan Strategy are available for inspections and of the arrangements put in place for this purpose. A letter was sent to key consultees, Section 75 groups and those included in the Community Involvement Register on 5 January 2021 informing them that the ‘Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the draft Plan Strategy’ is available for inspection and of the arrangements put in place for this purpose. (b) The SCI states: We will issue a public notice to confirm:  The availability of the proposed modifications for inspection; and  The eight week period for public consultation and the closing date for receipt of representations. The public notice will be placed on the Council website and appear in the Ballymena Guardian, Ballymena Times, Carrick Times, Larne Times, Newtownabbey Times and Belfast Gazette . Belfast Gazette A public notice confirming the availability of the ‘Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the draft Plan Strategy’ for inspection, the eight week period for public consultation, and the closing date for receipt of representations was published in in the Belfast Gazette week commencing 28 December 2020. Local Advertisement A public notice confirming the availability of the ‘Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the draft Plan Strategy’ for inspection, the eight week period for public consultation and the closing date for receipt of representations was published in the specified papers from week commencing 28 December 2020. Council Website Notice confirming the availability of the ‘Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the draft Plan Strategy’ for inspection, the eight week period for public consultation and the closing date for receipt of representations was published on the Council website from week commencing 4 January 2020. See Appendix 14.




Appendix 1 Public notice of consultation on the draft Statement of Community Involvement Example of local advertisement from week commencing 15 November 2015:

Appendix 2 Examples of local advertisements for the Statement of Community Involvement Example of local advertisement from week commencing 8 August 2016 for the original Statement of Community Involvement:

Example of local advertisement from week commencing 2 December 2019 for the first revised Statement of Community Involvement:

Example of local advertisement from week commencing 14 December 2020 for the second revised Statement of Community Involvement:

Appendix 3 Examples of local advertisements for the Local Development Plan Timetables Example of local advertisement from week 8 August 2016 for the original LDP timetable:

Example of local advertisement from week commencing 26 June 2017 for the first revised LDP timetable:

Example of local advertisement from week commencing 8 April 2019 for the second revised LDP timetable:

Example of local advertisement from week commencing 14 December 2020 for the third revised LDP timetable:

Appendix 4 Record of Pre Preferred Options Paper stakeholder evidence gathering meetings The following formal engagement took place with consultation bodies, consultees and Council officials prior to the publication of the POP, in addition to ongoing informal discussions:


Consultation Meeting Topic

Consultee Representatives

3 August 2016

Natural Environment

• • • • • • • • • • •

Council For Nature Conservation and the Countryside DAERA: Air Quality DAERA: Countryside and Coast DAERA: Fisheries and Forest Service DAERA: Marine DAERA: NIEA MEABC: Countryside Officer MEABC: Environmental Health MEABC: Parks and Open Space Shared Environmental Service Waterways Ireland

9 August 2016


• • • • •

MEABC: Environmental Health DfE: Minerals Branch DfE: GSNI DAERA: NIEA Shared Environmental Service

18 August 2016

Economic Development

• • • • •

DfC: Regional Development Office Invest NI MEABC: Economic and Community Development Manager MEABC: Investment and Funding Delivery Manager Shared Environmental Service

22 August 2016

Sustainable Communities and Neighbourhoods

• • • • • • • • •

DAERA: NIEA DfC Education Authority MEABC: Countryside Officer MEABC: Leisure, Arts and Culture MEABC: Operations Department MEABC: Parks and Open Space NIHE Public Health Agency: Local Commissioning Group Shared Environmental Service

• • • • •

NIHE MEABC: Community Planning MEABC: Environmental Health National House Building Council Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations Shared Environmental Service

26 August 2016


8 September 2016


• • • • •

DAERA: Rural Development MEABC: Parks and Open Space MEABC: Head of Tourism Tourism NI Shared Environmental Service

13 September 2016

Sport NI

Sport NI

20 September 2016

Retail and Town Centre

• • • •

DfC: Regional Development Office DfI: Transport NI MEABC: Carrickfergus Town Centre Project Manager MEABC: Carrickfergus Townscape Heritage Initiative Project Manager

• • • •

MEABC: Economic Department MEABC: Larne Town Centre Project Manager MEABC: Marketing Department Shared Environmental Service

22 September 2016

Development Management and Enforcement

MEABC: Development Management and Enforcement Staff

27 September 2016

Northern Regional College

Northern Regional College

30 September 2016

Archaeology and Built Heritage

• • • • •

DAERA: Historic Environment Division MEABC: Museums MEABC: Carrickfergus Townscape Heritage Initiative Project Manager Ulster Architectural Heritage Society Shared Environmental Service

13 October 2016


• • • • • • •

DfI: Transport NI DfI: Transport Planning and Modelling Unit DfI: Strategic Planning MEABC: Carpark Manager MEABC: Countryside and Access Translink Sustrans

21 October 2016

Public Utilities

• • • • • • • • •

ARC 21 BT DAERA: Rivers DAERA: Waste Management MEABC: Building Control NIHE NIRIG NI Water SONI

25 October 2016

Cemetery Provision

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council: Head of Open Space

31 October 2016

Northern Ireland Housing Executive


Appendix 5 Example of Public Notice for the Preferred Options Paper Example of local advertisement from week commencing 5 June 2017 relating to the publication of the Preferred Options Paper:

Appendix 6 Example letter sent to consultation bodies regarding availability of the Preferred Options Paper

Appendix 7 Examples of public notices of the advance publication and formal publication of draft Plan Strategy Advance notice in the Belfast Gazette week commencing 2 September 2019 regarding the publication of the draft Plan Strategy:

Example of advance local advertisement week commencing 9 September 2019 regarding the publication of the draft Plan Strategy:

Formal notice in the Belfast Gazette week commencing 7 October 2019 regarding the publication of the draft Plan Strategy:

Example of formal local advertisement from week commencing 7 October 2019 regarding the publication of the draft Plan Strategy:

Appendix 8 Example letter sent to statutory consultees regarding the publication of the draft Plan Strategy.

(Letters were accompanied by Have your say leaflets see DPS105).

Appendix 9 Availability of draft Plan Strategy representations on Council website

Appendix 10 Example letter notifying consultation bodies of availability of draft Plan Strategy representations for inspection and invitation to submit counter representations

Date: 30/01/2020

Planning Office 182 Galgorm Road Galgorm Ballymena BT42 1QF Dear Sir/Madam, RE: Mid and East Antrim Local Development Plan 2030 - Draft Plan Strategy

Tel: 0300 200 7830 Email: planning@midandeastantrim.gov.uk

Public Inspection of Representations I am now writing to advise that the Council is making all representations received to its draft Plan Strategy available for public inspection from Friday 31 January 2020. This is in accordance with Regulation 17 of The Planning (Local Development Plan) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015. The representations will be available for inspection at the Council’s Planning Department at County Hall, 182 Galgorm Road, Ballymena, BT42 1QF, during normal office hours. They are also available for inspection on the Council’s website at www.midandeastantrim.gov.uk/LDP and in the following Council Offices: The Braid, 1-29 Bridge Street, Ballymena, BT43 5EJ; Carrickfergus Museum and Civic Centre, 11 Antrim Street, Carrickfergus, BT38 7DG; Smiley Buildings, Victoria Road, Larne, BT40 1RU Please note that the Council accepts no liability in respect of copyright issues pertaining to information provided by third parties. Counter-representation In accordance with Regulation 18 of The Planning (Local Development Plan) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015, the Council is also now undertaking an 8 week period of public consultation for counter-representation. This begins on Friday 31 January 2020 and closes at 12 noon on Friday 27 March 2020. Those received after this deadline will not be considered. A counter-representation may be made on any site specific representation (defined as those that seek change by adding a site specific policy, or altering or deleting any site specific policy contained in the draft Plan Strategy). Each counter-representation must relate to a site specific representation and quote its reference number and must not in itself propose any change to the draft Plan Strategy document. The counter-representation period is an opportunity for interested parties to consider potential changes proposed by representations to the draft Plan Strategy and allow comments to be made on those representations. Counter-representations can be made using the response form available on the Council’s website (see above link) and emailed to the Council’s Planning Department at planning@midandeastantrim.gov.uk Alternatively counter-representations can be posted to or deposited at the Council’s Planning Department, at the address stated above. All counter-representations received within the specified period will be made available for public inspection as soon as reasonably practicable after the expiry of the counter-representation period. Yours faithfully,

for Paul Duffy Head of Planning

Appendix 11 Example of public notices regarding the availability of draft Plan Strategy representations for inspection and invitation to submit counter representations Notice in the Belfast Gazette week commencing 20 January 2020 regarding the availability of draft Plan Strategy representations:

Example of local advertisement from week commencing 20 January 2020 regarding the availability of draft Plan Strategy representations and invitation to submit counter representations:

Appendix 12 Publication of counter representations on Council website

Appendix 13 Example of public notices regarding the availability of draft Plan Strategy counter representations for inspection Formal notice in the Belfast Gazette from week commencing 14 December 2020 regarding the availability of the draft Plan Strategy counter representations:

Example of local advertisement from week commencing 14 December 2020 regarding the availability of draft Plan Strategy counter representations:

Appendix 14 Example of public notices regarding the availability of the ‘Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the draft Plan Strategy’ Formal notice in the Belfast Gazette from week commencing 28 December 2020 regarding the availability of the ‘Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the draft Plan Strategy’:

Example of local advertisement from week commencing 28 December 2020 of the availability of the ‘Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the draft Plan Strategy’:

Local Development Plan Team Silverwood Business Park 190 Raceview Road Ballymena BT42 4HZ Tel: 028 2563 3500 planning@midandeastantrim.gov.uk


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