Stage 3: B) Publication of Draft Plan Strategy for Public Consultation Actions: Governance Paragraph 2.25 (page 11) (a) The SCI states: At the end of this stage we will report representations to the Elected Members to inform any amendment that may be considered necessary to the draft Plan Strategy, before the formal submission of the Plan to the Department. Elected Members were provided with a copy of the ‘draft Public Consultation Report of the draft Plan Strategy’ and a copy of the ‘draft Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the draft Plan Strategy’ on the 29 October 2020. A Local Development Plan Working Group workshop on both these documents was subsequently held for Elected Members on the 12 November 2020.
Actions: Community Involvement Paragraph 2.26 (page 11) (a) The SCI states: We will hold a launch event for invited persons to announce the publication of the draft Plan Strategy and indicate the period for public consultation. A launch event and exhibition to announce the publication of the draft Plan Strategy for Mid and East Antrim Borough Council was held for invited persons in The Braid Ballymena Town Hall, 1-29 Bridge Street, Ballymena, on the 17 September 2019. This event was attended by 96 people including Elected Members, Council Officials, representatives from adjoining Councils, representatives from some statutory consultees and stakeholders. The launch event comprised of an exhibition and presentation including a promotional video, which gave an overview of the content and structure of the draft Plan Strategy, supporting documents and evidence. An overview was also provided on how the LDP will be assessed at Independent Examination including a summary of the tests of soundness. Details of the public engagement events were provided along with information on how to respond and the timeframe for doing so. All those in attendance where furnished with a copy of the document as well as an information leaflet ‘Have your say’ (see DPS-105) which provided an overview of the soundness tests, details of all public engagement events, how to respond and details of the eight week timeframe for responding.
(b) The SCI states: We will issue a press release highlighting the key elements of the draft Plan Strategy. A number of press releases were circulated to media outlets alongside the publication of the draft Plan Strategy. The first issued on 5 September 2019 giving advance notice of when the draft Plan Strategy would be published, where copies would be available and where to obtain information in relation to upcoming public events. The second issued on 18 September highlighting that the draft Plan Strategy had been officially launched the day before. As part of a wider article about planning in the Borough another press release on 30 September also highlighted the draft Plan Strategy consultation dates. On 14 October a further press release advised that the formal public consultation would open on 16 October 2019 and on the 3 December the press release included a reminder that the deadline for submitting a response was approaching on 11 December. On 17 January 2020 a further press release advised when and where representations could be viewed and that there would be an opportunity for the submission of counter-representations. Further details in relation to editorial and social media coverage of the draft Plan Strategy is detailed in the draft Plan Strategy Public Consultation Report, see DPS-142.