Mid & East Antrim

As Mayor of Mid and East Antrim Borough Council I am delighted to have been invited to provide the introduction to the programme for Positive Ageing Month 2023 in our area. Council is committed to working in partnership with other stakeholders to establish Mid and East Antrim as a place where our older people can live active and engaged lives, making a valuable contribution to their communities.
Positive Ageing Month is one such initiative where, in association with our partners, Northern Health and Social Care Trust, Public Health Agency and Mid and East Antrim Agewell Partnership, our Council is working collaboratively to put together an extensive and diverse range of events and workshops. The programme is a mix of in person and virtual events from across our Borough and Northern Ireland and there is something there for everyone.
I am proud to be one of Council’s Champions for Older People, as well as Dementia Champion with ‘This is Me’ Dementia Friendly Choir in Larne as one of my official charities for the year ahead, along with Women’s Aid. Both of these charities are close to my heart, I feel that ageing is a privilege and Council is keen to support all our residents in their journey.
I would encourage as many of you as possible to attend these events, whether in person, or by joining virtually from the comfort of your own home.
Alderman Gerardine Mulvenna, Mayor of Mid and East AntrimInternational Day of Older People
Christmas Small Grants Scheme Applications
LGNI are inviting applications for small grants of £125 to bring generations together during December.
Remember to ring Council to ask about a free home safety check for Over 65s!
What is a Home Safety Check?
Every Wednesday 7.15pm from The Swift, Carrickfergus Castle car park
Dementia Support Information Session
Bank of Ireland
Age Friendly
Artisan Market
Free Storytelling and Reminiscence Sessions with The Armstrong Storytelling Trust
11am at Whitehead Community Centre
It is an opportunity to help those over 65 identify potential risks and provide information, advice and support to help keep safe in the home. It also gives the chance to ask safety related questions about your home and to be informed of other relevant services that are available from the Council.
028 25 633394
Weekly walks with Carrickfergus Hub, improving lives locally. Walks are no longer than an hour, routes are short and accessible with rest stops available. Free Energy Efficiency Advice
If you live in M&EA and would like advice, or are interested in a free home energy visit, please contact:
028 25 633394 wellbeing@ midandeastantrim. gov.uk
6.30pm via free online Zoom session Learn about support services available.
Amanda.cotter@ midandeastantrim. gov.uk
Financial Wellbeing
11am - 12.30pm
via free online MS Teams session
Meeting ID: 383 288 270 925
Passcode: Yh2JTS
03000 132 132
John Clifford’, a talk by Lolly Spence
11am - 3pm
Launch of ‘John Clifford - 40th Anniversary Exhibition’
Larne Museum
Larne Drama Circle, Free 7.30pm - 10.00pm
Larne Drama Circle
’One of Those Days’ and ’An Upset House’ by John Clifford. Book in advance
028 28 262443
marian.kelso@ midandeastantrim. gov.uk
7.30pm - 10.00pm
Requires advanced booking.
028 28 262443
marian.kelso@ midandeastantrim. gov.uk
2pm On display to the public from Monday 9 October until Thursday 23 November 2023.
028 28 262443
marian.kelso@ midandeastantrim. gov.uk
Sunday 9 Monday 10 Tuesday 11 Wednesday 12 Thursday 13 Friday 14 Saturday
Check where hearing aid clinics are (see page 15)
Free Storytelling and Reminiscence Sessions with The Armstrong Storytelling Trust
World Mental Health Day
Energy Efficiency in the Home: National Energy Action
Remember to ring about tomorrow’s Tea Dance
Free Carrickfergus
Community Forum Tea Dance
Good Vibrations: Over 50’s Men-Only Health Programme
Find out how to look after your health an stay strong. Learn expert tips for minding your head. If you’re in a job, plan your later working yearand more.
07436 581 437
07816 247 624 good-vibrations@ ageni.org
11am Whitehead Community Centre
Free Chill N Chat
7pm - 8.30pm
Caretaker’s House Antrim Street, Carrickfergus
Register for the Mid and East
Antrim Agewell
Partnership Cost of Living Workshop - taking place this Wednesday
An opportunity to meet new people and have a chat over a cuppa. Everyone welcome.
10am - 11.30am via Zoom session Register via: tinyurl.com/ t8b75dy7 Nichola. macdougall @nea.org.uk
MEAAP Cost of Living Workshop
10am - 11.30am via free Zoom session
Loads of useful info on how to make your money go further this winter!
028 28 262443 meaap.co.uk/ costofliving
11am - 3pm
Jubilee Hall, Carrickfergus Town Hall
02893 359777 carrickcommu nity@btconnect. com Free Virtual Tea Dance 3pm - 4pm
For more information, contact: seniorsinfo@ belfastcity.gov.uk
15 Sunday 16 Monday 17 Tuesday 18 Wednesday 19 Thursday 20 Friday 21 Saturday
Free RNID Hearing Aid Support Session
10am - 12noon
Open Door Centre, 32 Bridewell Drive
BT38 8JW
Help with new batteries, cleaning and re-tubing earmoulds, information on how to look after and fit hearing aids as well as signposting to other services.
Free money and Pensions Talk
11am via MS Teams
Meeting ID: 392 141 323 32
Passcode: kebr25 03000 132 132
Free MEA Agewell Partnership Health Fair
10am - 1pm Larne Market Yard
Drop in for a health check and advice.
028 25 658604 connectnorth.
Free Cyber Safety for Older Adults
10.30am via Zoom
Sing for Victory Workshop with Karen Diamond
Restart a Heart Day
Check train times to Larne tomorrow - use my Smartpass
Free Big Quiz
3pm - 4pm via Zoom
For more information contact: seniorsinfo@ belfastcity.gov.uk
Interactive training covers common online scams, fraud protection, and cybersecurity awareness, including password protection and privacy settings.
Register via: tinyurl. com/5h42ehm8
allstatecyber safety@allstate.com
Look back at life in the past and sing along to songs from the 1940s with live piano. Music has the power to unlock memories and participants are encouraged to reminisce in this dementia friendly workshop. lasts 1hr Numbers are limited to 15 participants so please get in contact to book your place. 02890 320392 option 3 outreach@ niwarmemorial.org
22 Sunday 23 Monday 24 Tuesday 25 Wednesday 26 Thursday 27 Friday 28 Saturday
Free Age NI: Move More Live More
2pm - 3pm via Zoom
Regional online session to promote falls prevention messages and inform individuals how they can access the 6 week Move More Live More programme.
For more information contact move-more@ ageni.org
Belfast Blitz
Cathedral Quarter Walking Tour
In this walking tour of Belfast’s Cathedral Quarter, join staff from the Northern Ireland War Memorial to uncover the history and impact of the Belfast Blitz of 1941. Look at images from the time and compare them to how the streets look today. Perfect for the active history lover. The tour lasts approximately 1hr 30 mins. Numbers are limited. outreach@ niwarmemorial.org
02890 320392 option 3
Free MEAAP Scam Awareness Pop Up
10am - 12noon Market Yard, Woodside Road
Stop with our team to find out more about scams that are in circulation and how to keep yourself safe.
Flooded with Nuisance Calls?
If you live in Ballymena, Carrickfergus or Larne MEAAP can fit a call blocking device to help reduce the number of nuisance calls coming through.
Contact for more information:
028 2565 8604
Free Information
Session: What is Glaucoma?
2.30pm - 3.30pm via Zoom Introduction to treatment, where to go for help and further information.
078 370 695 04
h.mcvittyohara@ glaucoma.uk
Remember to ring ‘Make the Call’just to be sure! A free phone call could make a difference - call to check your entitlements now!
makethecall@ dfcni.gov.uk
Freephone 0800 232 1271 (Network Charges May Apply) or text ADVICE to 079 8440 5248
Phone lines are open Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm (excluding public holidays)
nidirect.gov.uk/ contacts/make-callservice
It’s Halloween!
Free Hearing Aid Support Service
RNID face to face support session for NHS hearing aid users.
Receive help with:
• New batteries
• Cleaning and re-tubing of earmoulds
• Information on how to look after and fit hearing aids
• Signposting to other services
The Open Door Centre, 32 Bridewell Drive Carrickfergus
The Auction House, Larne Market Yard Station Road
Larne BT40 3AA 11 October 8 November, 13 December 10am - 12noon
Dementia Awareness Training
Coming in October 2023
Free training for Businesses & Groups to become ‘Dementia Friendly’
Amanda.cotter@ midandeastantrim.
Ballykeel Community Centre, 20a Crebilly Road Ballymena BT42 4ND 18 October
Tuesday 17
Larne Town Hall
10.30am - 12noon
Wednesday 18 The Braid Ballymena
2.30pm - 4pm
Thursday 19 Carrick Town Hall
10.30am - 12noon
Tuesday 24 Online via Zoom 6pm - 7.30pm
(This session is open to residents)
Women’s Aid Antrim, Ballymena, Carrickfergus, Larne and Newtownabbey
Women’s Aid
ABCLN provides confidential support, information and emergency accommodation for women and children who are affected by domestic abuse.
It’s never too late.
028 25 632136
Or freephone our 24 hour Domestic and Sexual Abuse
Helpline at: 0808 802 1414
Ageing has been described as the greatest challenge facing the world.
Following public consultation an Age Friendly Alliance will be set up in the coming months in Mid and East Antrim, with representatives from community, voluntary/statutory organisations, as well as interested individuals being welcomed to work together to help ensure that our older people are active, respected and supported in their community.
If you would like to get involved please get in touch with Helen McClean, our Age Friendly Co-ordinator.
age.friendly@ midandeastantrim. gov.uk
028 2826 2353
Chat to an Agewell team member about what help, and support is available in the local area!
Tuesday 3
Portglenone 2pm - 4pm
Thursday 5
Carnlough Pharmacy
Carnlough 10am - 1pm
Thursday 12 Caldwell Spar Islandmagee 10am - 1pm
Tuesday 17
Donnellys of Rathkenny
10am - 12noon
Libraries NI provides free access to Wi-Fi for Members so you can bring along your mobile phone, laptop or tablet computer and use our high speed Wi-Fi. Find out more or check what’s on at:
Your local library has a Tea and Newspapers group giving adults the opportunity to meet new people, socialise and discuss local and national affairs in the newspapers while enjoying complimentary tea/coffee and biscuits.
Remember to check for updates or see what else is on at librariesni.org.uk