Support the communities within the historic conservation area of Carrickfergus, contributing to the sustainability of the local economy
? Why?
• Carrickfergus Castle is a key landmark and popular visitor attraction. • Significant factory closures, changes in buying habits and proximity to Belfast have led to a decline in Carrickfergus’ traditional town centre economy.
• Up to 10 buildings of historical and architectural interest restored (including 8 existing awarded schemes), through the Townscape Heritage Initiative, with Council and Heritage Lottery grant assistance, by March 2022 or beyond.*1
What you will see
• The local community will have a better understanding of built heritage. • Increased inward investment and local employment opportunities related both directly and indirectly to heritage and tourism growth. • Up to 2 new grants awarded by March 2022 or beyond, to be measured in line with revised programme timescales*2. • Education Programme delivered by March 2022. • Increased town centre footfall by March 2022 or beyond*3.
How we will measure progress
• Lower levels of town centre vacancy by March 2022 or beyond*3. • Increase floor space for retail, commercial or residential use by March 2022 or beyond*3.
• Director of Development
Who is responsible? *1 The full impact of COVID 19 on the overall programme and budget is as yet unknown. There are anticipated delays in programme arising from the management of construction projects within safe distancing guidelines. Programme delays are likely to incur additional project costs, bringing additional pressure on THI budget and the availability of grant across THI properties. *2 The principal funder, National Lottery Heritage Fund, have further offered flexibility over the proposed new grant expiry date of March 2022 during this period of uncertainty. *3 A full evaluation will take place at the end of the project and will inform future town centre regeneration initiatives. Indicator will be measured in line with revised programme timescales.
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PIP Consultation 2021/22
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