Local Development Plan 2030
Draft Plan Strategy Addendum to draft Rural Needs Impact Assessment
January 2021
Executive Summary A Rural Needs Impact Assessment (RNIA) was prepared by Mid and East Antrim Borough Council and published along with the Council’s draft Plan Strategy (dPS) and other associated assessment documents on 17 September 2019. A formal public consultation period on the dPS ran from 16 October 2019 to 11 December 2019. Following consideration of the representations received, the Council has suggested a number of 'proposed modifications' to the published dPS, and these are contained within the Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the dPS. This Addendum to the RNIA of the dPS has been prepared alongside the Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the dPS and both documents will be subject to an eight-week period of formal consultation from 8 January 2021 to 5 March 2021. This addendum to the RNIA considers the proposed modifications to the dPS in the context of the statutory requirement to have due regard to rural needs and comprises of the following stages: • •
Screening of proposed modifications within the dPS to determine whether further assessment is required; and If necessary, to undertake an assessment of the proposed modifications that have not been screened out.
The findings of this screening exercise are contained within Table 1 of this document. Following consideration of the proposed modifications to the dPS in the context of the requirement to have regard to rural needs, it has been concluded that the proposed modifications do not alter the outcomes of the RNIA of the dPS.
1.0 Introduction 1.1. A Rural Needs Impact Assessment of the draft Plan Strategy (RNIA) was prepared by Mid and East Antrim Borough Council and published along with the Council’s draft Plan Strategy (dPS) and other associated assessment documents on 17 September 2019. 1.2. A formal public consultation period on the dPS ran from 16 October 2019 to 11 December 2019 and Council has considered the representations received. In response to these representations, Council has suggested a number of 'proposed modifications' to the dPS. These proposed changes and the rationale for them are contained within the Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the dPS. 1.3. Given the statutory requirement to have due regard to rural needs when developing, adopting, implementing or revising policies, strategies and plans, it is imperative for Council to screen proposed modifications to the dPS in order to identify if those proposed modifications will affect the level of influence that the dPS was predicted to have on the ability to meet the needs of the rural community, as assessed in the RNIA. 1.4. This document, which is an addendum to the RNIA, has been prepared alongside the Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the dPS, and identifies whether the outcomes of the RNIA should be amended as a result of the proposed modifications to the dPS. Therefore, this addendum should be read in conjunction with the RNIA. 1.5. This addendum to the RNIA includes: •
Screening of proposed modifications to the dPS to determine whether any of the proposed modifications ‘materially change’ the outcomes of the RNIA i.e. whether any proposed modification alters the assessed impact that the dPS is likely to have on the rural community or alters the influence rural needs has had on the dPS; and Conclusions of the screening of proposed modifications to the dPS in the context of the requirement to have due regard to rural needs.
2.0 Statutory Requirements 2.1. The Rural Needs Act (Northern Ireland) 2016 (‘the Rural Needs Act’), which came into operation on 1 June 2017, places a duty on councils to have due regard to the needs of people in rural areas (referred to as the ‘due regard duty’) when developing, adopting, implementing, or revising, a policy, strategy, or plan, and when designing and delivering public services. 2.2. The DAERA publication ‘A Guide to the Rural Needs Act (Northern Ireland) 2016 for Public Authorities (Revised)’ (April 2018) (hereafter referred to as ‘the DAERA guidance’) states that the purpose of the Rural Needs Act is to ensure public authorities have due regard to the social and economic needs of people in rural areas when carrying out certain activities and to provide a mechanism for ensuring greater transparency in relation to how public authorities consider rural needs when undertaking these activities. The DAERA guidance recommends that a Rural Needs Impact Assessment (RNIA) should be conducted to assist public authorities in fulfilling their due regard duty. 2.3. Rural proofing seeks to identify the potential impacts that a policy or strategy would have on a rural area, to make a proper assessment of those impacts if they were deemed to be significant and, where appropriate, to make adjustments to the policy or strategy to take account of rural circumstances. DAERA guidance states that the principles of rural proofing are incorporated in the RNIA. 2.4. Various policies within the dPS relate directly to the rural area and will therefore have some impact on the rural community. Other policies relate to both rural and urban areas, and could, therefore, impact on the rural community in cases where such policies are applicable. It is recognised that rural communities are likely to have some specific needs that are not applicable to, or so pronounced for, urban communities. For example, rural communities have lower
population densities and can experience geographical isolation which can lead to specific needs for those areas, such as problems with local service provision and public transport provision etc. Therefore, a policy or public service that is appropriate for an urban area may not be as effective in rural areas. 2.5. The Rural Needs Act seeks to help deliver fairer and more equitable treatment for people in rural areas by requiring public authorities to have due regard to rural needs. This will help to deliver better outcomes for people in rural areas and help make rural communities more sustainable. 2.6. This addendum screens proposed modifications to the dPS in order to ensure that Council has had due regard to the needs of the rural community of Mid and East Antrim during this stage of the Local Development Plan process.
3.0 Consideration of Representations Received 3.1. A formal consultation period on the dPS ran from 16 October 2019 to 11 December 2019. During the consultation period the plan team held a series of events to promote consultation and encourage engagement with the dPS process. 80 representations were received, and these were available for inspection from 31 January to 27 March 2020. A further 10 counter representations were submitted. All representations received remain available to view on the Council website. No respondents commented directly on the content of the RNIA. 3.2. Following detailed consideration of the representations received and the issues raised, the Council is proposing a number of changes to the dPS. The proposed changes are set out in the Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the dPS. The proposed changes vary in nature and include minor editing corrections to address typographical errors along with corrections to ensure factual accuracy. Other amendments have been included as logical changes to a strategy or policy and/or associated text in order to provide, or increase, clarification and transparency.
4.0 Screening of Proposed Modifications 4.1. In bringing forward the LDP, the Council is committed to ensuring that due regard is had to the needs of the rural community. 4.2. This document forms an addendum to the original RNIA (September 2019) and as such should be read in conjunction with it. The Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the dPS provides a detailed inventory of the proposed modifications to the dPS. However, for the purposes of this document, it was considered more appropriate to provide an overall summary of the proposed modifications to allow for consideration of the impact of the cumulative changes to a policy or strategy (see Table 1). 4.3. The proposed modifications to the dPS have been ‘screened’ to determine whether any of the proposed modifications ‘materially change’ the outcomes of the RNIA i.e., whether any proposed modification alters the assessed impact that the dPS is likely to have on the rural community or alters the influence ‘rural needs’ has on the dPS and the policies and strategies contained within it. Each proposed modification was assessed for any differential impact that it may have when compared to the original dPS strategy or policy in terms of the aim of the policy or strategy, the likely impact on the rural community and the influence of rural needs on the dPS approach. The assessment of the likely impact of each proposed modification in regard to rural needs and the rural community is contained within Table 1. 4.4. Table 1 contains the following: • •
A summary of the modifications to a number of individual strategies and policies as set out in the Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the dPS; An assessment of whether the proposed modification(s) impacts on the overall aim/purpose of the policy or strategy; and
An assessment as to whether the proposed modification(s) effects the original RNIA assessment of the likely impact(s) of the dPS on the rural community and/or the influence ‘rural needs’ has on the dPS policy or strategy.
5.0 Conclusion 5.1. The proposed modifications to the dPS do not introduce any new policies and they vary in nature, including minor editing corrections to address typographical errors along with corrections to ensure factual accuracy. Other amendments have been included as logical changes to a strategy or policy and/or associated text in order to provide or increase clarification and transparency. 5.2. The assessment which has informed this addendum has determined that the proposed modifications do not materially change the aims or influence of the policies or strategies to which the proposed modifications relate; nor have any of the proposed modifications impacted on the overall ‘Vision’ for the Borough as set out in the dPS. 5.3. The assessment did identify that proposed modifications to HOU16 ‘Affordable Housing in the Countryside’ would potentially widen the scope for delivery of Affordable Housing in the countryside, thereby increasing the potential for positive benefits within the rural community. However, any uplift in positive benefit is not likely to be of a scale that could lead to a significant differential impact than the original policy in terms of its impact on the rural community. 5.4. In reassessing the outcomes of the original RNIA with regard to the proposed modifications, it is considered that those outcomes are unchanged from the original assessment. Therefore, it is considered that the proposed modifications do not alter the likely impact of the dPS policies and strategies on the rural community, nor do they alter how much regard the dPS has had to rural needs.
6.0 Assessment of the Impact of the Proposed Modifications to the Draft Plan Strategy in regard to Rural Needs
Table 1: Assessment of the Impact of the Proposed Modifications to the Draft Plan Strategy in regard to Rural Needs Topic
Housing Allocation Strategy
Proposed Modification Reference Number PM-005
Policy or Section
Proposed changes
Will the proposed change(s) impact on the aim of the policy?
SGS3 Strategic Allocation of Housing to Settlements – justification and amplification paragraph 5.3.8
Include footnote to justification and amplification to provide clarity between the time period used in Social Objective c) and SGS3.
No Minor modification for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the Strategy from that originally assessed.
PM-006 PM-007 PM-008 PM-009
SGS5 Protection of Zoned Housing Land and justification and amplification paragraph 5.3.31
No Minor modifications to the Strategy and its associated justification and amplification for clarification purposes that do not change the aim/purpose of the strategy from that originally assessed.
Economic Development Strategy
5.4 Introduction text paragraph 5.4.7
Addition of text to the Strategy to clarify the relationship between policies HOU1 and SGS5, to clarify when phase 2 housing land will be released and to clarify how housing supply will be managed in villages and small settlements. Addition of text to justification and amplification to demonstrate the types of local need. Amend reference to Belfast Region City Deal.
Retail Strategy
SGS7 Retail Hierarchy – justification and amplification paragraph 5.5.7
Addition of text to clarify the difference in Portglenone’s position as a village in the Settlement Hierarchy and a small town in the Retail Hierarchy.
Tourism Strategy
SGS8 Tourism Strategy – justification and amplification new paragraph after 5.6.11
Addition of text to justification and amplification as recommended in the draft HRA Report (September 2019) pages 16-20 to conform with and meet the legal requirements of the Conservation
No Minor modification to the justification and amplification for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the strategy from that originally assessed. No Modification to the justification and amplification for clarification purposes, it does not change the aim of the strategy from that originally
No Minor modification to text for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the strategy from that originally assessed.
Likely impacts of the proposed change(s) in regard to Rural Needs Further to modification, the Strategy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the Strategy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
Further to modification, the strategy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the strategy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the strategy will have no differential impact than the original in
(Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (NI) 1995 (as amended).
assessed, as it has always been the case that other policies and provisions of the LDP would also be applicable. Additional text is for purposes of transparency. No Minor modification to the text for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the strategy from that originally assessed.
Transport Strategy
5.7 Transport Strategy paragraph 5.7.3
Amend wording to reflect wording in the updated draft Local Transport Study (DfI).
Open Space Strategy
5.8 Implementation paragraph 5.8.5
Correction of a typographical error – change ‘These’ to ‘There’.
No Minor modification to correct a typing error that does not change the aim/purpose of the strategy from that originally assessed.
SGS9 Open Space Strategy
Amend text in point seven of the Open Space Strategy to include reference to need identified by Council or other public bodies.
Yes The proposed modification is a minor widening of the scope of the strategy.
PM-016 PM-017
5.9 Countryside Strategy Introduction and proposal/policy aims paragraph 5.9.2 and paragraph 5.9.6
Correct typographical error and amend to clarify that the LDP aims to facilitate development that contributes to a sustainable rural community.
CS2 Special Countryside Areas – justification and amplification paragraph 5.9.12
Add the words ‘and character’ to the third sentence of paragraph 5.9.12.
No Minor modifications to correct a typographical error and to clarify rather than change the aim of the LDP in relation to development in the countryside. No Modification to the justification and amplification for clarification purposes that does not change the aim of the
Countryside Strategy
terms of its impact on the rural community.
Further to modification, the strategy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the strategy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. The modification widens the scope of the strategy in terms of the delivery of public playing pitches therefore increasing the potential for benefit. No differential impact on the rural community has been identified as a result of this modification. Further to modification, the strategy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in
PM-019 PM-020 PM-021 PM-022 PM-023 PM-024 PM-025 PM-026 PM-028 PM-029 PM-030 PM-034
CS3 Areas of Constraint on High Structures (ACHS) and justification and amplification paragraph 5.9.20
CS3 Areas of Constraint on High Structures and justification and amplification paragraph 5.2.26
CS3 Areas of Constraint on High Structures and justification and amplification paragraph 5.9.20
PM-032 PM-033 PM-034
CS3 Areas of Constraint on High Structures justification and amplification paragraph 5.9.25 and 5.9.26
CS5 Antrim Coast and Glens Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Amend policy wording and justification and amplification to standardise numbering and terminology thorough each height category, clarify which criteria apply to which height restrictions, clarify that policy purpose is to protect these areas from inappropriate obtrusive development as well as high structures which don’t meet criteria and to move away from highlighting energy infrastructure as only possible type of high structure or obtrusive development. Amend policy and justification and amplification wording from regional ‘significance’ to ‘importance’ in keeping with CS2 wording.
Add new wording after paragraph 5.9.20 of the justification and amplification, to indicate it is anticipated that most development proposals within an ACHS will be required to be accompanied by an objective impact assessment. Amend justification and amplification paragraphs to reflect proposed policy title and policy detail change to Policy TOC1.
Amend to replace the words ‘closely interlinked’ with ‘visual link’ to clarify that the consideration of the
strategy from that originally assessed. No Modification to the policy and justification and amplification for clarification purposes that does not change the aim of the strategy from that originally assessed.
terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
No Modification to the policy and justification and amplification to ensure consistency with another Countryside policy, it does not change the aim of the policy from that originally assessed. No Modification to the justification and amplification text for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
No Modification to justification and amplification to ensure consistency with another policy amendment, it does not change the aim of the policy from that originally assessed. No Modification to the policy text for clarification purposes that does not change the
Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact
Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
General Policy for all Development
Economic Development
development’s visual relationship with the AONB is imperative.
aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Modification to the justification and amplification to ensure consistency with the policy, it does not change the aim of the policy from that originally assessed. No Modification for the purposes of transparency and clarification as it has always been the case that that other policies and provisions would also be applicable. No Modification to the policy and the justification and amplification for clarification purposes and for purposes of factual correction that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Minor modification to the text for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
CS8 Protection of Main River Corridors – justification and amplification paragraph 5.9.50
Replace ‘ecology’ with ‘biodiversity’.
CS9 Development at Risk from Land Instability or Coastal Erosion
Add new paragraph to clarify relationship with marine policy documents.
PM-038 PM-039 PM-040
GP1 General Policy for all Development and justification and amplification paragraph 6.1.8, paragraph 6.1.10
Amend policy section (d) and its associated section in the justification and amplification to ensure sufficient regard given to the issue of contamination.
7.1 Introduction footnote
Amend justification and amplification to remove reference to DCAN’s withdrawn by DfI. Amend footnote to address ECD4 (f) ‘Agricultural and Forestry Development’ not being a Class B Use.
ECD1 Economic Development in Settlements
Clarify what is to be included under ‘Industrial Uses’.
No Minor modification to the text for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
PM-043 PM-044 PM-045 PM-046 PM-047
ECD4 Economic Development in the Countryside and justification and amplification paragraph7.1.24 and paragraph 7.1.25
Amend Title and text to clarify that this policy covers Agricultural and Forestry Development uses. Amend text to clarify criteria i. in part d.
No Minor modifications to the text for clarification purposes that does not change the
than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
Further to modification, the strategy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in
Retailing and Town Centres
PM-048 PM-049 PM-050 PM-051 PM-052
RET1 Retail in Town Centres and justification and amplification paragraph 7.2.17
PM-053 PM-054 PM-055 PM-056 PM-057
RET2 Retail Impact Assessment (RIA) and justification and amplification paragraph 7.2.19 and paragraph 7.2.21
Also amend text to clarify criteria to be met for criteria iv. in part f. Amend policy to include reference to alternative sequentially preferable sites within whole catchment, to clarify the definition of ‘edge of centre’ and amend justification and amplification to refer to town centres instead of city centres. Amend policy to clarify that a RIA is required in relation to any town centre rather than the relevant town centre in the catchment. Amend policy to clarify that points a) and b) refer to area between town centre boundary and same towns settlement limit boundary.
aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Modifications to the policy and the justification and amplification for factual corrections in line with SPPS and for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Minor modification to the policy for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
No Modifications to the policy for factual corrections in line with SPPS and for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No
Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the
Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
Amend justification and amplification to clarify RIA thresholds apply to combined size of proposed extension and existing development. Amend justification and amplification to list factors to be addressed in RIA rather than signpost to them in SPPS.
RET3 Retail in Villages, Small Settlements and Local Centres
RET4 Rural Shops and Roadside Service Facilities –
Amend justification and amplification to clarify in what circumstances permission would be refused. Amend policy to reflect paragraph 6.276 of the SPPS to highlight circumstances whereby extensions are acceptable in local centres.
Typing error, remove the word ‘of’.
justification and amplification paragraph 7.2.24
PM-060 PM-061
TOU2 Tourism Development in Settlements and Tourism Opportunity Zones and justification and amplification new paragraph after 7.3.11
Addition of text to policy and justification and amplification as recommended in the Draft HRA Report, Sept 2019, pages 16-20 to conform with and meet the legal requirements of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (NI) 1995 (as amended).
PM-062 PM-063
TOU 3 All Tourism Development in the Countryside and justification and amplification new paragraph after 7.3.14
Addition of text to justification and amplification as recommended in the Draft HRA Report, Sept 2019, pages 16-20 to conform with and meet the legal requirements of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (NI) 1995 (as amended).
TOU4 Tourist Amenities in the Countryside – justification and amplification paragraph 7.3.18
Add footnote to allow proposals to be considered in the absence of a published Council tourism strategy.
PM-065 PM-066 PM-067
TOU5 Hotels, Guest Houses and Tourist Hostels in the Countryside and justification and amplification paragraph 7.3.19 and paragraph 7.3.20
Amend policy and justification and amplification to replace term ‘nonlisted’ with term ‘Unlisted’. Amend justification and amplification to clarify the type of evidence needed and explanation of environmental benefit.
Minor modification to correct a typing error that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Modification for the purposes of transparency and clarification as it has always been the case that that other policies and provisions of the LDP would also be applicable. The proposed modification does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Modification for the purposes of transparency and clarification as it has always been the case that that other policies and provisions of the LDP would also be applicable. The proposed modification does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Minor modification to the justification and amplification of the proposed policy for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Modifications to the policy and the justification and amplification for factual corrections and for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
TOU6 Self Catering Accommodation in the Countryside – justification and amplification paragraph 7.3.28
Amend justification and amplification to replace term ‘nonlisted’ with term ‘Unlisted’.
PM-069 PM-070 PM-071
7.4 Introduction – paragraph 7.4.1, paragraph 7.4.2, paragraph 7.4.7
PM-072 PM-073 PM-074 PM-075 PM-076 PM-077 PM-078 PM-079 PM-080 PM-081
MIN1 Mineral Development – Extraction and Processing of Hard Rock and Aggregates and justification and amplification paragraph 7.4.14, paragraph 7.4.15, paragraph 7.4.17, paragraph 7.4.18
PM-082 PM-083 PM-084 PM-085 PM-086
MIN2 Valuable Minerals
PM-087 PM-088
MIN3 Hydrocarbons
Amend text to clarify that 84,000 people are employed in Geoscience jobs and not directly employed in the minerals industry. Recognise value of industry after processing raw products and clarifying that existing ACMDs will be reviewed at Plan Review stage. Amend text to clarify there is not a presumption in favour in European Designated Sites. Addition of text to policy as recommended in the Draft HRA Report, Sept 2019, pages 16-20. Clarify reasons for presumption against in SCAs. Replace or remove individual words to best suit available evidence, change emphasis from ‘can’ to ‘will’ in keeping with other policies and clarify which parts of this policy the exceptions under CS2 will apply to. Re-word policy to clarify there is not a presumption for development in European Designated Sites. Remove reference to ‘cautious approach’, clarify which parts of other minerals policies that approvals under MIN2 have to comply with. Addition of text to policy as recommended in the Draft HRA Report, Sept 2019, pages 16-20.
No Minor modification to the justification and amplification for the purposes of factual correction that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Minor modification to the text for clarification and factual correction that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
No Modification to the policy and the justification and amplification for clarification purposes and for purposes of factual correction that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
No Modifications to the policy in line with wording in SPPS and for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
No Modifications to policy text and justification and amplification for the purposes of transparency and clarification
Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in
Further to modification, the strategy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
Remove the term 'gases' as the term 'hydrocarbons' encompasses gases.
MIN4 Areas of Constraint on Mineral Development – justification and amplification paragraph 7.4.28
Remove reference to a ‘cautious approach’ in line with Policy MIN2 proposed amendment and amend text to clarify that proposals permitted under the exceptions in Policy MIN4 also have to comply with a-f of Policy MIN1 and Policy MIN8. Amend text to a ‘valued’ mineral to avoid confusion with ‘Valuable minerals’ referred to in Policy MIN2 and to clarify that risk of subsidence could be from old and new shafts and old and new mining. Typographical error– Add underscore to the hyperlink for the GSNI GeoIndex map viewer.
PM-090 PM-091
MIN5 Area of Salt Reserve, Carrickfergus – justification and amplification paragraph 7.4.29 and paragraph 7.4.30
MIN6 Development at Risk of Subsidence due to past or present underground mineral extraction
MIN7 Peat Extraction – justification and amplification paragraph 7.4.36
Amend text to clarify that policy applies to new sites; extensions to existing sites and that extant permissions will not be renewed.
PM-094 PM-095 PM-096 PM-097 PM-098
MIN8 Restoration and Management of Mineral Sites and justification and amplification paragraph 7.4.39 and paragraph 7.4.41
Amend policy and justification and amplification to add an additional benefit to the list of benefits to be secured by restoration plans, to allow other sustainable options. Amend policy to clarify that that commencement of restoration
as it has always been the case that that other policies and provisions of the LDP would also be applicable. The proposed modification does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Modification to the justification and amplification to ensure consistency with another policy, it does not change the aim of the policy from that originally assessed.
terms of its impact on the rural community.
No Modification to justification and amplification for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
No Minor modification to correct a typing error that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Modification to the justification and amplification for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Modification to policy for clarification purposes and to align with the justification and amplification that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
programmes is within an agreed timeframe from extraction ceases, either completely or in a particular phase, rather than date in time. Amend text to accept that not all larger schemes can be restored in phases.
Housing in Settlements
Amend justification and amplification to explain requirements when phased restoration is not possible and to clarify that bonds will only be sought in exceptional circumstances. Amend to replace term ‘non-listed’ with term ‘Unlisted’.
8.1 Introduction paragraph 8.1.5
HOU1 Quality in New Residential Developments in Settlements – justification and amplification paragraph 8.1.15
Amend to clarify the relationship between policy HOU1 and SGS5.
HOU3 Residential Extensions and Alterations – justification and amplification paragraph 8.1.29
Replace the word ‘house’ with the word ‘residential’ to be consistent with policy text.
HOU5 Affordable Housing in Settlements – justification and amplification paragraph 8.1.38
Amend to require both the mix and ‘standard’ of affordable housing to be discussed with Housing Associations and NIHE.
Additional benefit widens options for restoration plans.
No Minor modification for the purposes of factual correction that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Minor modifications to the justification and amplification for clarification purposes that do not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Minor modification to the justification and amplification to ensure consistency with policy text that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Minor modification to the justification and amplification for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
Further to modification, the strategy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
Housing in the Countryside
HOU6 Housing Mix (Unit Types and Sizes)
Amend to clarify the need for sufficient provision for smaller homes in new residential developments.
No Modification to policy for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
HOU7 Adaptable and Accessible Homes
Amend to clarify it applies to all residential development rather than just ‘a new dwelling’.
HOU9 Replacement Dwelling
Amend to replace term ‘non-listed’ with term ‘Unlisted’.
PM-106 PM-107
HOU16 Affordable Housing in the Countryside and justification and amplification paragraph 8.1.76
Amend text to include NIHE as one of those permitted to make an application and state the onus is on developer to demonstrate that there are no alternative available sites in settlement limits.
No Modification to policy for clarification purposes and to align with the justification and amplification that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Minor modification to policy for the purposes of factual correction that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Minor modification to justification and amplification for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. Modification has the potential to increase delivery.
Open, Space, Sport and Leisure
PM-108 PM-109 PM-110 PM-111 PM-112
OSL5 Sport and Outdoor Recreation Facilities and justification and amplification new paragraph before 8.2.22
Addition of text to policy as recommended in the Draft HRA Report, Sept 2019, pages 16-20 to conform with and meet the legal requirements of the
No Modification to policy text and justification and amplification for the purposes of transparency and clarification
Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. The modification potentially widens the scope for delivery of affordable housing in the countryside, thereby increasing the potential for positive benefits within the rural community. However, any uplift in positive benefit is not likely to be of a scale that could lead to a significant differential impact than the original policy in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in
Flood Risk and Drainage
Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (NI) 1995 (as amended) and include additional explanatory text in justification and amplification.
PM-114 PM-115
TR6 Parking and Servicing – Footnote and paragraph 9.1.40
TR7 Provision of Car Parks
FRD4 Sustainable Drainage (SuDS) – justification and amplification paragraph 9.2.39
PM-118 PM-119
FRD6 Development in Proximity to Controlled Reservoirs – justification and amplification paragraph 9.2.49 and paragraph 9.2.50
Amend policy text to clarify that the section in relation to ‘Development of Facilities Ancillary to Water Sports’ refers to inland water sports. Amend footnote referenced in policy box to align with the footnote used in Policy GP1 c) iv and remove references to those DCANs which have been withdrawn by DfI. Amend wording in the policy box to align with the text changes recommended in the Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the draft Plan Strategy, Sept 2019 pages 16-20, in order to achieve conformity and meet the legal requirements of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.). Amend wording to clarify which SuDS can be adopted by NI Water.
Amend reference to reflect the unconfirmed status of reservoirs and the abandonment of a reservoir, and amend typographical error – ‘ensue’ rather than ‘ensure’.
as it has always been the case that that other policies and provisions of the LDP would also be applicable. The proposed modification does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
terms of its impact on the rural community.
No Minor modifications to the text for purposes of factual correction that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Modification to policy for the purposes of transparency and clarification as it has always been the case that that other policies and provisions in the LDP would also be applicable.
Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
No Modification to policy text for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
No Minor modifications to the justification and amplification for the purposes of factual correction and to amend a typing error that do not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
Renewable Energy
PM-120 PM-121
Section 9.3 Introduction – paragraph 9.3.1 and associated footnote.
Amend renewables figures to latest available.
No Minor modifications to the text for purposes of factual corrections that do not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
PM-122 PM-123 PM-124 PM-125 PM-126 PM-127 PM-128 PM-129 PM-130 PM-131
RE1 Renewable Energy Development and justification and amplification paragraph 9.3.10, paragraph 9.3.14, paragraph 9.3.18 and paragraph 9.3.19.
Yes Proposed modifications alter the scope of the policy but do not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
Telecommunications and Overhead Cables
PM-132 PM-133 PM-134 PM-135 PM-136 PM-137
TOC1 Telecommunications and Overhead Cables and justification and amplification after paragraph 9.4.13, paragraph 9.4.14
Amend policy wording to align with the wording of the SPPS. Amend criteria l) to avoid any ambiguity around definitions. Also, simplify policy wording by removing cross references to countryside designations and instead rely on ‘other provisions of the LDP’ wording. Remove section on solar development to enable assessment of solar against main policy criteria.. Amend title and policy wording to include specific reference to electricity infrastructure. Also, simplify policy wording by removing cross references to countryside designations.
Waste Management
WMT3 Waste Disposal Sites – justification and amplification paragraph 9.6.25
Amend 'environmental heritage assets' wording to 'natural environment and heritage assets'.
WMT4 Development in the vicinity of a Waste Management Facility – justification and amplification paragraph 9.6.30
Insert reference to ‘NI Water Development Encroachment Odour Assessment Policy and Procedure’.
No Minor modification for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
10.1 Introduction
Amend text to replace term ‘NonListed’ with ‘Unlisted’.
No Modifications to the introductory text for factual correction that does not
Historic Environment
Yes Proposed modifications widen the scope of the policy to specifically reference electricity infrastructure but do not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Minor modification for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
Further to modification, the strategy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the strategy will have no differential impact
HE1 Archaeological Remains and their settings – justification and amplification new paragraph after 10.1.21
Insert new paragraph after 10.1.21 of the justification and amplification clarifying what developers are required to do if they discover archaeological remains when a development commences. Amend policy text to align with the SPPS in relation to demolition of buildings in a Conservation Area, to replace term ‘Non-Listed’ with ‘Unlisted’ and to ensure policy test is consistent throughout with regards to preservation and enhancement. Amend policy title and policy to replace term ‘Non-Listed’ with ‘Unlisted’.
PM-142 PM-143 PM-144 PM-145
HE6 Conservation Areas
PM-146 PM-147
HE8 Non-listed Locally Important Building or Vernacular Building and justification and amplification paragraph 10.1.57, paragraph 10.1.59, paragraph 10.1.60 and paragraph 10.1.63
PM-148 PM-149
HE9 Enabling Development for the Conservation of Heritage Assets – justification and amplification paragraph 10.1.64 and paragraph 10.1.66
Amend justification and amplification text to replace ‘significant place’ with ‘heritage asset’ and to provide clarity to applicants of what information is required as part of any submission.
PM-150 PM-151
AD1 The Control of Advertisements and Appendix K
Amend policy to ensure that the assessment criteria listed as a) to f) also apply to the two policy subheadings; Advertisements and Heritage Assets and Digital Advertising Screens. Amend Appendix K to remove ambiguity between guidance and policy.
change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Modification for clarification of other legislative requirements that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Modifications to the policy for clarification purposes in line with SPPS, and for factual corrections, that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Modifications to the policy and the justification and amplification for factual corrections that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Modifications to the justification and amplification for clarification purposes and to ensure consistency of terminology that do not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Modification for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
Natural Heritage
11.1 Natural Heritage section paragraph 11.1.7
Amend third sentence of paragraph 11.1.7 to ensure consistency of approach in referencing natural heritage designations.
No Minor modification for clarification purposes that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
NAT1 European and Ramsar Sites – International justification and amplification paragraph 11.1.8
Amend justification and amplification to ensure correct reference to natural heritage designations, remove inference that Ramsar sites are designated under European law clarify how Ramsar sites are designated.
NAT2 Species Protected by Law – justification and amplification paragraph 11.1.11
Amend justification and amplification to include a link to the Priority Species list.
NAT4 Sites of Nature Conservation Importance – Local – justification and amplification paragraph 11.1.13
Amend to remove reference to the fact that Ulster Wildlife Trust can establish a Local Nature Reserve and add an additional sentence to provide clarity on who has responsibility for their designation.
No Modification to the justification and amplification for purposes of factual correction and to ensure consistency of approach in referencing natural heritage designations that do not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Minor modification to ensure consistency of approach in referencing relevant external sources of information that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed. No Minor modifications to the text for purposes of factual correction that does not change the aim/purpose of the policy from that originally assessed.
Further to modification, the strategy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community. Further to modification, the policy will have no differential impact than the original in terms of its impact on the rural community.
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Planning Office Silverwood Business Park 190 Raceview Road Ballymena BT42 4HZ