Local Development Plan 2030 - Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy - Addendum Report1

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Local Development Plan 2030

Draft Plan Strategy Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy - Addendum Report 1

January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1

Local Development Plan 2030

Non Technical Summary Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is currently in the process of developing a new Local Development Plan (LDP) for the Borough. This will replace the existing Area Plans and provide a revised policy framework to inform planning decision making and guide development in Mid and East Antrim until 2030. The draft Plan Strategy was published on 17 September 2019 and consulted upon, along with its supporting documents, between 16 October and 11 December 2019. Following closure of the public consultation period, the Council received 80 individual representations raising a wide range of issues with a further 10 counter representations. The Council now proposes to make a number of modifications to the draft Plan Strategy prior to submitting for Independent Examination. These amendments include changes to draft policy wording, the provision of additional text for clarification purposes, modification to other text outside of policy and other minor revisions to address editing issues, factual corrections or typographical errors. Sustainability Appraisal is an iterative process that runs in parallel with the preparation of the LDP, including the draft Plan Strategy. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) examines the environmental effects of the LDP proposals and is an integral part of SA. All of the proposed changes were reviewed to determine whether they substantially modify the draft Plan Strategy and to identify whether they would deliver any likely significant effects which have not previously been appraised. The screening found that where implementation of the proposed modifications would result in an effect, it is generally a beneficial one and would result in a minor improvement in the sustainability of the policy. None of the proposed modifications would result in any likely significant effects as a result of their implementation within the draft Plan Strategy. Following consideration of the proposed modifications, the Council has concluded that no further amendments to the SA are required.


January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1


Local Development Plan 2030


NON TECHNICAL SUMMARY ................................................................................................................ I 1

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1

Consultation on the draft Plan Strategy .................................................................................. 1


Current Stage in the Sustainability Appraisal.......................................................................... 1

1.2.1 2

Next Steps ....................................................................................................................... 2


Sustainability Objectives for Mid and East Antrim Borough Council ............................... 3

Figure 2.1

Scoring and definitions for Sustainability Appraisal ........................................................ 5

Table 2.2

Review of the proposed changes to Part 1 of the LDP 2030 draft Plan Strategy ........... 7

Table 2.3

Review of the proposed changes to Part 2 of the LDP 2030 draft Plan Strategy ......... 11


CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................. 21


January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1


Local Development Plan 2030


Consultation on the draft Plan Strategy 1.1

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is currently in the process of developing a new Local Development Plan (LDP) for the Borough. This will replace the existing Area Plans and provide a revised policy framework to inform planning decision making and guide development in Mid and East Antrim until 2030.


The LDP is made up of two documents, the first of which is the draft Plan Strategy, which will then be followed by the Local Policies Plan. The draft Plan Strategy was published on 17 September 2019 and consulted upon, along with its supporting documents, between 16 October and 11 December 2019. Following closure of the public consultation period, the Council received 80 individual representations raising a wide range of issues, with a further 10 counter representations.


All representations received during the consultation period, including those made on the Sustainability Appraisal (SA), have been fully examined and considered. This process has been documented in a Draft Plan Strategy Public Consultation Report, which will be submitted as part of the documentation required for Independent Examination (IE).


Following consideration of the draft Plan Strategy, the SA and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Report and the submissions received, the Council proposes to make a number of modifications to the draft Plan Strategy prior to submitting for Independent Examination. These amendments include modifications to draft policy wording, the provision of additional text for clarification purposes, modification to other text outside of policy and other minor revisions to address editing issues, factual corrections or typographical errors.


For further information on at www.midandeastantrim.gov.uk/ldp








Current Stage in the Sustainability Appraisal 1.6

SA is an iterative process that runs in parallel with the preparation of the LDP, including the draft Plan Strategy. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) examines the environmental effects of the LDP proposals and is an integral part of SA.


The draft Plan Strategy SA Report contains the findings of the assessment on the ‘likely significant effects on the environment’ of the implementation of the draft Plan Strategy. The SA Report built upon and updated the Council’s SA Interim Report, which was prepared alongside the Preferred Options Paper in June 2017. The SA is underpinned by the SA Scoping Report, which presents the evidence base to inform the appraisals of each policy. The SA Scoping Report also establishes the SA Framework for undertaking the appraisal.


The draft Plan Strategy SA Report, published together with the draft Plan Strategy in September 2019 was also subject to statutory and public consultation in accordance with Regulation 12 of The Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2004.


Development Plan Practice Note 04 1 Paragraph 9.1a (vi) provides guidance on whether the SA report should be updated if draft development plan document (Plan Strategy or Local Policies Plan) are modified following responses to consultations. It states “A further appraisal may be required if a change substantially alters the draft plan and may have likely significant effects which have not previously been appraised”. …“Modifications to the SA should be proportionate to the level of change being made to the draft plan. Therefore, changes to the draft plan that are not significant should not require any further SA. A council will need to exercise judgement as whether a revised SA report will be required”.

1.10 The current stage of the SA consists of assessing the likelihood of significant effects on the environment as a result of introducing the proposed modifications.


Department for Infrastructure (2015) Development Plan Practice Note 04 ‘Sustainability Appraisal Incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment’ (found at https://www.infrastructure-ni.gov.uk/publications/development-plan-practice-notes [accessed 09/12/2020).

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January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1

Local Development Plan 2030

1.11 Under the provisions of Regulation 43 of the Habitats Regulations 2, which implements a requirement of the Habitats 3 and Birds Directives 4, the draft Plan Strategy also underwent a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA). The draft HRA identified 14 of the policies in the draft Plan Strategy as having a likely significant effect. The Appropriate Assessment of these policies recommended that mitigation measures, in the form of suggested case-specific policy restrictions or caveats should be included. The Habitats Regulations Assessment of the proposed changes is presented in a separate document. 1.12 This document now forms an Addendum to the September 2019 draft Plan Strategy SA Report, as it identifies whether the outcomes of that original report should be varied or revised from those originally published within that report. 1.13 This document should therefore be read in conjunction with the SA Report of the draft Plan Strategy and the Local Development Plan 2030 Schedule of Proposed Modifications, (‘the Schedule of Proposed Modifications’). 1.14 If any proposed modification is considered to result in a variation to the original assessment, this Addendum will specify where and how this has been done in the SA. Next Steps 1.15 The proposed modifications to the draft Plan Strategy will be subject to an 8-week public consultation from Friday 8 January to Friday 5 March 2021. The purpose of the consultation is to inform interested parties of the Proposed Modifications to the draft Plan Strategy and afford them the opportunity to provide comment for further consideration by the Planning Appeals Commission (PAC) at Independent Examination (IE). 1.16 As soon as reasonably practicable after the expiry date of the 8-week consultation period, the Council will submit the draft Plan Strategy and all associated documents to the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) for IE. All documents submitted to the Department, including those comments received on the proposed modifications, will also be made available for public inspection on the Council’s website. 1.17 Should further modifications to the draft Plan Strategy arise out of the Independent Examination; the implications of these modifications will also be considered in the context of the findings of the SA and HRA. It should be noted that the DfI will ultimately be responsible for determining whether any modifications to the Plan Strategy, as recommended by the PAC after IE, should be implemented. 1.18 On adoption of the Plan Strategy, a SA Post Adoption Statement will be prepared in accordance with Regulation 15(4) of The Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2004 and published on the Mid and East Antrim Borough Council website.


The Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1995 (as amended) Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on the Conservation of Wild Birds (Codified Version)

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Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1


Local Development Plan 2030

Review of the proposed changes to the Draft Plan Strategy


The objective of the SEA Directive is to provide for a high level of protection of the environment and to contribute to the integration of environmental considerations into the preparation and adoption of plans with a view to promoting sustainable development. SA builds on this as it covers the social and economic effects of plans, as well as the more environmentally focused considerations of SEA.


This section presents a screening of the 162 proposed modifications to the draft Plan Strategy as proposed in the Schedule of Proposed Modifications and identification of whether these proposed modifications have the potential to result in likely significant effects on the environment.


The fourteen social, economic and environmental Sustainability Objectives (SOs), as identified in the POP and draft Plan Strategy SA Scoping Reports and applied in the original SA Report are shown in Table 2.1 below. They have been informed by the strategic and policy context, a review of baseline information for the Council and any evidence of trends and issues. The SOs remain unchanged from the original SA.


Tables 2.2 and 2.3 of this SA Addendum report will present the screening of the proposed amendments’ interaction with these SOs.

Table 2.1 SO1






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Sustainability Objectives for Mid and East Antrim Borough Council

1…improve health and wellbeing. Public policy seeks to increase healthy life expectancy, reduce preventable deaths, improve mental health and reduce health inequalities. Evidence shows that there is a need to address obesity, increase physical activity and reduce inequalities in health. It is also necessary to provide for the needs of an aging population and minimise the detrimental impacts of noise. This can be achieved by creating an environment that is clean and attractive; encourages healthy lifestyles; protects tranquil and quiet areas and enables access to health care facilities for all. 2…strengthen society. Regional policy is directed towards improving community relations and creating a safe society which is more united. Success will be represented by places which are inclusive, respect culture and identity, promote social integration and create a sense of pride. They will also be designed to feel safe and to reduce opportunity for crime or anti-social behaviour. 3…provide good quality, sustainable housing. The population is growing and therefore there is ongoing need for new housing in locations that meet regional policy, are accessible and balance the needs of society and the environment. The make-up of households is changing therefore design needs to meet long term requirements with good quality build to be sustainable. This objective should reduce homelessness and ensure decent, affordable homes with a mix of types. 4…enable access to high quality education. Good education improves opportunities for employment and also contributes to avoidance of poverty and healthier lifestyles. The provision of suitable accommodation for educational establishments in appropriate, accessible locations should play a part in making schools more sustainable and reducing inequalities in education. 5…enable sustainable economic growth. Regional policy seeks to develop a strong, competitive and regionally balanced economy. It is necessary to provide suitable locations for employment, with flexibility where necessary, to reflect current and future distribution of jobs across sectors, encourage new business startups, facilitate innovation, regenerate areas, attract investment and make employment as accessible as possible for all. This will reduce unemployment and poverty by helping more people to earn a living and increase their income. 6…manage material assets sustainably. Material assets such as infrastructure and sources of energy production are essential for society and the economy but need careful planning to ensure that they are designed for efficiency and to minimise adverse impacts. The concept of circular economy treats waste as resource which should be managed sustainably to reduce production and increase recovery, recycling and composting rates; new or adapted facilities may be required.

January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1










Local Development Plan 2030

7…protect physical resources and use sustainably. Land, minerals, geothermal energy and soil are resources which require protection from degradation and safeguarding for future use. Sustainable agriculture, tourism and sustainable use of minerals and geothermal energy can help to support the economy. 8…encourage active and sustainable travel. There is a common goal to reduce traffic emissions and congestion which means reducing single-occupancy car use and increasing other forms of transport, especially at peak times. The location of housing and key services can facilitate better access to public transport. Opportunities for active travel makes travel more affordable and may bring added health benefits, while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Measures to manage car demand, such as parking and re-allocation of roadspace, which encourage a shift from car to public transport, walking and cycling will contribute to this goal. 9…improve air quality Air pollution has serious impacts on human health as well as degrading the natural environment. This objective can be achieved through reducing sources of air pollution. Where air pollution cannot be totally excluded careful siting of development should avoid impacts on sensitive receptors. 10…reduce causes of and adapt to climate change. International commitments require greenhouse gas emissions to be reduced to lessen their effects on climate. Measures that help reduce energy consumption and enable renewable energy helps mitigate greenhouse gas emissions however adaption is also required to plan for the impacts of climate change. 11…protect, manage and use water resources sustainably. This objective encompasses reducing levels of water pollution, sustainable use of water resources, improving the physical state of the water environment and reducing the risk of flooding now and in the future. It meets the requirements of Northern Ireland legislation, strategies and plans in support of the Water Framework Directive and other Directives that relate to water and it takes account of the future impacts of climate change. 12…protect natural resources and enhance biodiversity. International obligations which are adopted in Northern Ireland legislation and policies require the protection of biodiversity including flora, fauna and habitats including the marine environment. This is for their intrinsic value and for the wider services that they provide to people, the economy and the environment for example as carbon stores which lessen the effects of climate change. This objective includes protecting and enhancing biodiversity and the coastal and marine environment as well as protection of green and blue infrastructure to enhance the services that natural resources provide. 13…maintain and enhance landscape character. International and national policies seek to conserve the natural character and landscape of the coast and countryside and protect them from excessive, inappropriate or obtrusive development. This objective seeks to maintain the character and distinctiveness of the area’s landscapes and seascapes and to protect and enhance open spaces and the setting of prominent features, settlements and transport corridors. 14…protect, conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural heritage. The historic environment and cultural heritage are resources that inform our history and bring character and sense of place. They also attract visitors and contribute to the economy and bring vibrancy to the places where we live, work and relax. This can be achieved by protecting and enhancing Conservation Areas, townscapes and other sites of historic and cultural value including their setting.

The scoring and descriptions used in the original SA assessment are presented in Figure 2.1.

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Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1

Figure 2.1

Local Development Plan 2030

Scoring and definitions for Sustainability Appraisal


No new policies have been put forward in the Schedule of Proposed Modifications. The SA Addendum will therefore only examine whether the proposed modifications to the existing Draft Plan Strategy are likely to be significant.


The proposed modifications have been assessed with regard to their interactions, if any, with the SOs, and their potential to produce significant effects on the specific components of the environment as identified through the Sustainability Framework.


In assessing the proposed modifications, consideration was given to:  


Would the proposed modification to the policy (either alone or in combination with the other changes) ‘materially’ change what the SA initially assessed or assumed about how the LDP would be implemented, or change the actions that the LDP might inevitably lead to? Would the proposed modification have an effect on the revised policy’s performance against the Sustainability Objectives and, if so, would the effect be significant?

These considerations have informed the assessment of whether the changes would necessitate a revision to the SA. The criteria for assessing the significance of the policy changes are shown below: Likely to have a beneficial effect on original policy status against SOs

Likely to have a minor adverse effect on original policy status against SOs, able to be mitigated

Likely to have a major adverse effect on original policy status against SOs, mitigation necessary.

No change to original policy status against SOs

Not significant

Potentially Significant


Not significant

Screened Out

If mitigation or measures to reduce significance are already present and no additional mitigation is required, can be Screened Out.

SA required to fully examine revised policy against alternatives.

Screened Out

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January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1

Local Development Plan 2030

2.10 Where it is indicated that the proposed modification would result in no change to the original policy status against the SOs it means that the initial evaluation of the policy remains unchanged, i.e. it is the same as indicated in the original SA. 2.11 If the policy change enhances the original policy’s positive effects on a Sustainability Objective, these should serve to strengthen the sustainability of the LDP and will be cumulated with the original evaluation of the draft Plan Strategy SA in the SA Adoption report, once the respective amendments are adopted. 2.12 Where a minor adverse effect on the policy status against one or more SOs is identified, a summary of the policy review has been placed below the proposed amendment to explain the nature of the potential effects in more detail. This summary will demonstrate the process by which a decision was made on whether the change would justify in the proposed modification being ‘Screened In’ to the SA. A ‘Screened In’ policy modification will undergo a full sustainability appraisal against the reasonable alternatives. 2.13 Where a major adverse effect on the policy status against one or more SOs is identified, the policy modification will be ‘Screened In’ to the SA and will undergo a full appraisal against the reasonable alternatives. 2.14 In the event that SA is required for a proposed modification to the draft Plan Strategy, the SA will identify any required measures to ensure avoidance or mitigation of any potential negative environmental impacts.

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January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1

Table 2.2 Proposed Modification Reference Number

Strategic Objectives

PM-001 PM-002 PM-003 PM-004

Spatial Growth Strategy and Countryside Strategy

PM-005 PM-006

Review of the proposed modifications to Part 1 of the LDP 2030 draft Plan Strategy

Policy or Section

Add text to clarify the application of Policy NAT1.

Section 4.2 Social Objective c) SGS3 J&A para 5.3.8 SGS5

Add footnote to provide clarity between the time period used in Social Objective c) and SGS3. Add footnote to first sentence to provide clarity between the time period used in Social Objective c) and SGS3. Under heading ‘Main towns and Greenisland’, after point b) insert additional text to clarify the relationship between policies HOU1 and SGS5. Under the heading ‘Main towns and Greenisland’, after point b) add additional text to clarify when phase 2 housing land will be released. Under the heading ‘Remaining Small towns’ add a new heading and additional text to clarify how housing supply will be managed in villages and small settlements. Add additional text to first sentence to demonstrate the types of local needs. Amend reference to Belfast Region City Deal.





PM-011 PM-012

Page 7

Summary of Issue / Justification

Section 1 para 1.7.8 Section 2.1 para 2.1.11 Section 2.1 para 2.1.18 Section 4.2 Economic Objective a)



Local Development Plan 2030

SGS5 J&A para 5.3.31 Economic Development Strategy Introduction para 5.4.7 SGS7 J&A para 5.5.7 SGS8 J&A New para after 5.6.11

Add reference to the ‘Living With Water Programme’ (LWWP). Add reference to the Northern Ireland Regional Landscape Character Assessment (NIRLCA) 2016. Amend wording of Economic Objective a) to be consistent with the Draft Plan Strategy Economic Development Strategy Proposal Aims and the SPPS Regional Strategic Objectives.

Clarify the difference in Portglenone’s position as a village in the Settlement Hierarchy and a small town in the Retail Hierarchy. All text changes recommended in Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the Draft Plan Strategy, Sept 2019 pages 16-20, must be accepted in full to achieve conformity and meet the legal requirements of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (NI) 1995 (as amended).

Likely to have a beneficial effect on original policy status against SOs

Likely to have a minor adverse effect on original policy status against SOs, able to be mitigated

Likely to have an major adverse effect on original policy status against SOs

No change to original policy status against SOs

All SOs All SOs All SOs


Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1

Proposed Modification Reference Number



PM-015 PM-016


PM-018 PM-019






Page 8

Policy or Section

Local Development Plan 2030

Summary of Issue / Justification

Likely to have a beneficial effect on original policy status against SOs

Likely to have a minor adverse effect on original policy status against SOs, able to be mitigated

Likely to have an major adverse effect on original policy status against SOs

No change to original policy status against SOs


Section 5.7 para 5.7.3 1st and 2nd sentences Section 5.8 Implementation para 5.8.5 SGS9

Amend wording to reflect wording in the updated draft Local Transport Study (DfI).

All SOs

Screened Out

Correct typographical error at the start of the third sentence by changing 'These' to 'There'.

All SOs

Screened Out

All other SOs

Screened Out

5.9 Countryside Strategy para 5.9.2 5.9 Countryside Strategy para 5.9.6 CS2 J&A para 5.9.12 CS3

Correct minor typographical error. All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out


CS3 J&A para 5.9.20 CS3

CS3 J&A para 5.9.22 CS3

Amend text in point seven of Open Space Strategy to widen scope.


Amend to clarify that the LDP aims to facilitate development that contributes to a sustainable rural community. Add the words ‘and character’ to the third sentence of para 5.9.12. Structures not considered ‘High Structures’ should be considered under this policy. Amend the title of Policy CS3 to better align with the rationale for the designation, which is to protect highly sensitive landscapes from the adverse impacts of high structures and obtrusive development. Given the consideration above, amend the wording of the first paragraph of the policy box of Policy CS3 to reflect the amended title of Policy CS3 and remove environmental reference as not in keeping with the intention of the policy. Given the consideration above, amend the wording to better clarify the intention of the policy and clarify what could be considered obtrusive development. Remove the reference to wind turbines, electricity pylons or telecommunications masts/equipment from the policy wording of category 'Structures up to 15m in Height', to clarify that other types of development could be assessed under this category. Change the criteria numbering to letters for ease of reference. Amend the wording to better reflect the intention of the policy.

Amend the wording under category ‘Structures above 15m and up to 25m in Height’ so that the policy wording is consistent across all height categories and to ensure that structures above 15m in height and up to 25m in height are subject to policy test a) of ‘Structures up to 15m in height’.

SO13, SO14


All other SOs

Review of Significance below

SO13, SO14


All other SOs

Review of Significance below

SO13, SO14


All other SOs

Review of Significance below

SO13, SO14

All other SOs

Review of Significance below

SO13, SO14

All other SOs

Review of Significance below

SO13, SO14

All other SOs

Review of Significance below

January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1

Proposed Modification Reference Number


Policy or Section


Local Development Plan 2030

Summary of Issue / Justification

Likely to have a beneficial effect on original policy status against SOs

Likely to have a minor adverse effect on original policy status against SOs, able to be mitigated

Likely to have an major adverse effect on original policy status against SOs

No change to original policy status against SOs

Change the criteria numbering to letters for ease of reference. All SOs










CS3 J&A para 5.9.21 CS3


CS3 J&A para 5.9.26 CS3

CS3 J&A para 5.9.20 CS3 J&A para 5.9.25

SO13, SO14


All other SOs

All SOs

SO13, SO14

All other SOs

All SOs Remove the 1st paragraph on page 97 from policy CS3 to remove direct reference to energy development. Add new wording after para 5.9.20 of the J&A, to indicate it is anticipated that most development proposals within an ACHS will be required to be accompanied by an objective impact assessment. Amend the wording to reflect proposed amendments to TOC1.

All SOs

SO13, SO14

All other SOs

All SOs

CS3 J&A para 5.9.26

Amend wording to reflect proposed changes to policy TOC1 title (retitled TEI1)

CS3 J&A para 5.9.26

Update J&A to reflect policy amendments and proposed new policy name.

Summary of the Review of the Cumulative Effect of the proposed changes to CS3

Page 9

Amend the wording to highlight that there may be a presumption against other types of development, as well as energy infrastructure. Add and remove detail to better inform the intention of policy. For clarity, amend the wording 'regional significance' to 'regional importance' for the category 'Structures above 25m in Height' to make the wording of Policy CS3 consistent with Policy CS2. Amend the policy wording under category ‘Structures above 25m in Height’ so that the policy wording is consistent across all height categories and to ensure that structures above 25m in height are subject to the same policy tests as ‘structures above 15m and up to 25m in height’. Criteria d f would apply for all structures over 15m in height. Remove ii as reference to criteria f) now covers this point. Amend J&A wording to reflect policy wording amendments.

SO13, SO14

All other SOs

SO13, SO14

All other SOs

The appraisal of the original policy wording awarded an uncertain score for SO5, which reflected that the policy would deliver a mixture of positive and negative effects on this Sustainability Objective. The original policy assessment found that the policy would constrain some economic development, including certain types of renewable energy generation, but it would also create the conditions to promote and enhance other types of economic development, such as tourism, through the protection of highly sensitive landscapes. The proposed modification to explicitly refer to ‘other types of development’ as well as energy infrastructure does not change the scope of the policy, which remains balanced in terms of economic development. Any slight additional constraint on economic development which may result will be mitigated by the slight enhancement of positive effects on maintaining and enhancing landscape character and protecting,


Review of Significance below Review of Significance below Review of Significance below Review of Significance below Review of Significance below Review of Significance below Review of Significance below Review of Significance below Review of Significance below Review of Significance below

Screened Out

January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1

Proposed Modification Reference Number

Policy or Section




CS8 J&A para 5.9.50 CS9


Page 10

Local Development Plan 2030

Summary of Issue / Justification

Likely to have a beneficial effect on original policy status against SOs

Likely to have a minor adverse effect on original policy status against SOs, able to be mitigated

Likely to have an major adverse effect on original policy status against SOs

No change to original policy status against SOs

conserving and enhancing the historic environment. The proposed changes to policy CS3 do not introduce any new elements that were not already considered in the original SA and therefore do not alter any of the outcomes or recommendations of the original SA. The proposed amendments to the policy, alone and in combination, are considered to be 'not significant' and can therefore be Screened Out. Amend to replace the words ‘closely interlinked’ with ‘visual link’ to clarify that the consideration of the development’s visual relationship with the All SOs AONB is imperative. The term ‘biodiversity’ should be used instead of ‘ecology’ to ensure All SOs consistency between the policy and the Justification and Amplification. Add new paragraph to clarify relationship with marine policy documents. All SOs


Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out

January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1

General Policy

Table 2.3

Policy or Section


GP1 (d)



GP1 J&A para 6.1.8 GP1 J&A para 6.1.10 Section 7.1 Introduction Footnote ECD1













ECD4 J&A para 7.1.24 4th sentence ECD4 J&A para 7.1.25 3rd sentence RET1



PM-052 PM-053

RET1 J&A para 7.2.17 RET2




Sustainable Economic Growth

Review of the proposed modifications to Part 2 of the LDP 2030 draft Plan Strategy

Proposed Modification Reference Number



Page 11

Local Development Plan 2030

Summary of Issue / Justification

Amend policy to ensure sufficient regard is had to the issue of contamination. Remove references to DCANs which have now been withdrawn by DfI. Amend Justification and Amplification to consider contaminated Land as a risk to safety and the safe guarding of human health and well-being. Amend footnote to address ECD4 (f) Agricultural and Forestry Development’ not being a Class B Use.

Likely to have a beneficial effect on original policy status against SOs SO1, SO6, S011, SO12

Likely to have a minor adverse effect on original policy status against SOs, able to be mitigated

Likely to have an major adverse effect on original policy status against SOs

No change to original policy status against SOs

All other SOs All SOs

SO1, SO6, S011, SO12

All other SOs All SOs

Clarify what is to be included under ‘Industrial Uses’.

All SOs

Amend Title to clarify inclusion of ‘Farm/Forestry Diversification’ and ‘Agricultural and Forestry Development’ in this Policy. Clarify and amend criteria d) i. in relation to demonstrating a need.

All SOs All SOs

Clarify that proposed new buildings will also need to meet all the preceding criteria. Amend policy criterion g) to ensure consistency of terminology, omit the term ‘non-listed’ and replace with ‘unlisted’. Separate out the last paragraph in the Policy box as it appears to sit under g) rather than as a separate aspect. Include ‘transport impacts’ wording to be consistent with paragraph 6.88 of SPPS.

All SOs All SOs All SOs

Clarify which centres a proposal requires Retail Impact Assessment to take account of. Clarify if a) and b) refer to local centres as well as town centres.

Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs All SOs All SOs SO5, SO8

Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out

All SOs

Insert ‘locational’ to reflect policy box wording change.

Policy should include reference to alternative sequentially preferable sites within whole catchment. Amend policy and/or Justification and Amplification to clarify the definition of 'edge of centre'. Amend ‘Suitability’ bullet point to refer to ‘town’ instead of ‘city’ centres.


All other SOs All SOs

Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out

January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1

Proposed Modification Reference Number


PM-056 PM-057 PM-058 PM-059 PM-060




PM-064 PM-065


Page 12

Policy or Section

RET2 J&A para 7.2.19 RET2 J&A para 7.2.21 RET2 J&A para 7.2.21 RET3 RET4 J&A para 7.2.24 TOU2

TOU2 J&A New para after 7.3.11


TOU3 J&A New para after 7.3.14

TOU4 J&A para 7.3.18 TOU5

TOU5 J&A para 7.3.19

Local Development Plan 2030

Summary of Issue / Justification

Likely to have a beneficial effect on original policy status against SOs

Clarify whether RIA thresholds apply to the size of a proposed extension alone, or the combined size of a proposed extension when added to the existing development. Suggest inclusion in Justification and Amplification 7.2.21 of the factors listed in SPPS 6.290 to be included in a RIA. Clarify in what circumstances permission would be refused. Suggest reflecting SPPS 6.276 to highlight circumstances whereby extensions are acceptable in local centres. Typing error, remove the word ‘of’. All text changes recommended in Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the Draft Plan Strategy, Sept 2019 pages 16-20, must be accepted in full to achieve conformity and meet the legal requirements of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (NI) 1995 (as amended). Add additional wording ‘Policy NAT1 and’ to second paragraph. All text changes recommended in Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the Draft Plan Strategy, Sept 2019 pages 16-20, must be accepted in full to achieve conformity and meet the legal requirements of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (NI) 1995 (as amended). All text changes recommended in Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the Draft Plan Strategy, Sept 2019 pages 16-20, must be accepted in full to achieve conformity and meet the legal requirements of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (NI) 1995 (as amended). Add additional wording ‘including Policy NAT1’ to third paragraph. All text changes recommended in Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the Draft Plan Strategy, Sept 2019 pages 16-20, must be accepted in full to achieve conformity and meet the legal requirements of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (NI) 1995 (as amended). Add footnote to allow proposals to be considered in the absence of a published Council tourism strategy. To ensure consistency of terminology, omit the term ‘Non-Listed’ and replace with ‘Unlisted’. Amend section a) Conversion and re-use of an Existing Rural Building To ensure consistency of terminology, omit the term ‘Non-Listed’ and replace with ‘Unlisted’.

Likely to have a minor adverse effect on original policy status against SOs, able to be mitigated

Likely to have an major adverse effect on original policy status against SOs

No change to original policy status against SOs


All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs All SOs S05, SO8

All other SOs All SOs

Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1

Proposed Modification Reference Number


PM-068 PM-069 PM-070 PM-071

Policy or Section

TOU5 J&A para 7.3.20 TOU6 J&A para 7.3.28 MIN Intro para 7.4.1 MIN Intro para 7.4.2 MIN Intro para 7.4.7







PM-075 PM-076 PM-077 PM-078

MIN1 J&A para 7.4.15 MIN1 MIN1 J&A para 7.4.17 MIN1




MIN1 J&A para 7.4.14


Page 13

MIN1 J&A New para after 7.4.17

Local Development Plan 2030

Summary of Issue / Justification

Amend text for Replacement of an Existing Rural Building paragraph to clarify the type of evidence needed and explanation of environmental benefit. To ensure consistency of terminology, omit the term ‘Non-Listed’ and replace with ‘Unlisted’. Amend text to clarify that 84,000 people are employed in Geo-science jobs and not directly employed in the minerals industry. Amend text to reflect the value of minerals industry after processing materials. Add additional text to clarify that existing Areas of Constraint on Mineral Development (ACMD) will be reviewed when additional ACMDs and/or Mineral Reserve Areas (MRA) are being considered at Plan Review stage. Amend text to clarify that a presumption against in SCAs does not imply there is a presumption in favour within designated European sites. Amend text to offer more certainty and a presumption in favour. Suggest adding an additional criteria 'indigenous landscape character' to interests a-f. However, Council consider it more appropriate to amend ‘quality’ to ‘character’ in (c) as it is was agreed with DAERA that impacts to visual amenity effect the landscape character. As above Remove 'well-being' in interest (f) as there is no evidence it relates to minerals development or how to test it. As above Clarify that where a proposal is permitted under an exception in CS2 or CS4, Council still need to be satisfied that the proposal will not have an unacceptable adverse impact on interests a-f. Add text changes recommended in Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the Draft Plan Strategy, Sept 2019 pages 16-20. All text changes recommended in Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the Draft Plan Strategy, Sept 2019 pages 16-20, must be accepted in full to achieve conformity and meet the legal requirements of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (NI) 1995 (as amended). Add additional text to justify reason for presumption against extraction and processing of hard rock and aggregates in Special Countryside Areas, similar to Justification and Amplification 7.4.19 of MIN2.

Likely to have a beneficial effect on original policy status against SOs

Likely to have a minor adverse effect on original policy status against SOs, able to be mitigated

Likely to have an major adverse effect on original policy status against SOs

No change to original policy status against SOs


All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs All SOs All SOs

All SOs

All SOs All SOs

All SOs

All SOs All SOs All SOs

Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1

Proposed Modification Reference Number

Policy or Section
















MIN4 J&A para 7.4.28

PM-090 PM-091 PM-092 PM-093 PM-094 PM-095 PM-096


Page 14

MIN5 J&A para 7.4.29 MIN5 J&A para 7.4.30 MIN6 MIN7 J&A para 7.4.36 MIN8 MIN8 J&A para 7.4.39 MIN8

MIN8 J&A para 7.4.39

Local Development Plan 2030

Summary of Issue / Justification

Clarify the first two sentences of the policy box. Also the 'cautious approach' in all other areas could be construed as too restrictive in terms of the SPPS. Remove double negative from opening sentence in Policy MIN2. Amend text to clarify which parts of Policy MIN1 that proposals under Policy MIN2 have to comply. Add additional text to clarify that proposals under Policy MIN2 also have to comply with Policy MIN8, as is the case with Policy MIN1 proposals. Amend text to clarify there is not a presumption in favour in European Designations. All text changes recommended in Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the Draft Plan Strategy, Sept 2019 pages 16-20, must be accepted in full to achieve conformity and meet the legal requirements of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (NI) 1995 (as amended). Remove the term 'gases' as the term 'hydrocarbons' encompasses gases. Remove reference to a ‘cautious approach’ in line with Policy MIN2 proposed amendment and amend text to clarify that proposals permitted under the exceptions in Policy MIN4 also have to comply with a-f of Policy MIN1 and Policy MIN8. Amend text to avoid confusion with ‘Valuable minerals’ referred to in Policy MIN2. Amend text to clarify that risk of subsidence could be from old and new shafts and old and new mining. Typographical error– Add underscore to the hyperlink for the GSNI GeoIndex map viewer. Amend text to clarify that policy applies to new sites; extensions to existing sites and that extant permissions will not be renewed. Add an additional benefit to the list of benefits to be secured by restoration plans, to allow other sustainable options. As above Amend text to clarify that commencement of restoration programmes is within an agreed timeframe from extraction ceases, either completely or in a particular phase, rather than date in time. Amend text to accept that not all larger schemes can be restored in phases. Add additional text to explain requirements when phased restoration is not possible.

Likely to have a beneficial effect on original policy status against SOs SO5, SO7

Likely to have a minor adverse effect on original policy status against SOs, able to be mitigated

Likely to have an major adverse effect on original policy status against SOs

No change to original policy status against SOs


All other SOs

Screened Out

All SOs All SOs All SOs All SOs

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs All SOs All SOs All SOs SO5

Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out

All SOs All SOs

Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1

Proposed Modification Reference Number

PM-098 PM-099

PM-100 PM-101

Building Sustainable Communities


Policy or Section

MIN8 J&A para 7.4.41 8.1 Intro para 8.1.5 final bullet HOU1 J&A para 8.1.15 HOU3 J&A para 8.1.29 HOU5 J&A para 8.1.38









PM-107 PM-108


Page 15

HOU16 J&A para 8.1.76 OSL5


Local Development Plan 2030

Summary of Issue / Justification

Amend text to clarify that bonds will only be sought in exceptional circumstances. To ensure consistency of terminology, omit the term ‘Non-Listed’ and replace with ‘Unlisted’. Amend first sentence and add additional sentence to clarify the relationship between policy HOU1 and SGS5. Replace the word ‘house’ with the word ‘residential’ to be consistent with policy text. Suggest social housing should be delivered to Department for Communities Housing Association Guide Standard. However, Council consider it more appropriate to amend the second sentence to require both the mix and ‘standard’ of affordable housing to discuss with Housing Associations and NIHE. Amend first paragraph to clarify the need for sufficient provision for smaller homes in new residential developments. Amend first sentence of policy text to clarify it applies to all residential development rather than just ‘a new dwelling’. To ensure consistency of terminology, omit the term ‘Non-Listed’ and replace with ‘Unlisted’ Amend first paragraph text to include NIHE as one of those permitted to make an application and state the onus is on developer to demonstrate that there are no alternative available sites in settlement limits. Amend text to include NIHE as one of those permitted to make an application. All text changes recommended in Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the Draft Plan Strategy, Sept 2019 pages 16-20, must be accepted in full to achieve conformity and meet the legal requirements of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (NI) 1995 (as amended). Amend paragraphs 1 and 2 Sport and Outdoor Recreation in Settlements and Sport and Outdoor Recreation in the Countryside by adding reference to Policy NAT1 in two places. All text changes recommended in Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the Draft Plan Strategy, Sept 2019 pages 16-20, must be accepted in full to achieve conformity and meet the legal requirements of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (NI) 1995 (as amended). Amend paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 Intensive Sports Facilities; Noise Generating Sports and Outdoor Recreational Activities; Development of Facilities ancillary to Water Sports by adding reference to Policy NAT1 in three places.

Likely to have a beneficial effect on original policy status against SOs

Likely to have a minor adverse effect on original policy status against SOs, able to be mitigated

Likely to have an major adverse effect on original policy status against SOs

No change to original policy status against SOs


All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs All SOs

All SOs

All SOs All SOs All SOs

Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1

Proposed Modification Reference Number

Policy or Section



Transportation, Infrastructure and Connectivity








TR6 footnote


TR6 para 9.1.40 TR7


PM-117 PM-118 PM-119


PM-121 PM-122

Page 16

FRD4 J&A para 9.2.39 FRD 6 J&A para 9.2.49 FRD 6 J&A para 9.2.50 1st sentence Section 9.3 para 9.3.1 Last sentence Section 9.3 para 9.3.1 footnote RE1 1st sentence

Local Development Plan 2030

Summary of Issue / Justification

All text changes recommended in Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the Draft Plan Strategy, Sept 2019 pages 16-20, must be accepted in full to achieve conformity and meet the legal requirements of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (NI) 1995 (as amended). Amend paragraph 6 Floodlighting of Sports and Outdoor Recreational Facilities by adding reference to Policy NAT1. Criteria in OSL5 section on Development of Facilities Ancillary to Water Sports should apply in coastal locations. However, Council consider this section refers to inland water sports which can have specific issues. Amend title to include ‘Inland’. Amend policy to include the wording 'and accord with other provisions of the LDP'. All text changes recommended in Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the Draft Plan Strategy, Sept 2019 pages 16-20, must be accepted in full to achieve conformity and meet the legal requirements of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (NI) 1995 (as amended). Amend footnote referenced in policy box to align with the footnote used in Policy GP1 c) iv. Remove references to DCANs which have been withdrawn by DfI since Draft Plan Strategy publication. Amend wording in the policy box to align with the text changes recommended in the Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the Draft Plan Strategy, Sept 2019 pages 16-20, in order to achieve conformity and meet the legal requirements of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.). Amend wording to clarify which SuDS can be adopted by NI Water. Amend reference to reflect the unconfirmed status of reservoirs and the abandonment of a reservoir. Amend typographical error – ‘ensue’ rather than ‘ensure’.

Likely to have a beneficial effect on original policy status against SOs

Likely to have a minor adverse effect on original policy status against SOs, able to be mitigated

Likely to have an major adverse effect on original policy status against SOs

No change to original policy status against SOs


All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs All SOs

All SOs

All SOs All SOs

Remove reference to SCA within policy to ensure consistency with CS2.

Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

Amend renewables figures to latest available.

Amend renewables figures to latest available.

Screened Out Screened Out

All SOs All SOs

Screened Out Screened Out

January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1

Local Development Plan 2030

Proposed Modification Reference Number

Policy or Section


RE1 criterion c)

Amend criterion c) to include coast as well as countryside.


RE1 criterion g)

Amend criterion g) to SPPS wording.


RE1 2nd para 1st sentence RE1 criterion l)

Amend policy wording to ensure consistency with Justification and Amplification text and also SPPS wording in relation to the ‘cautious approach’ Amend policy wording in criterion l) in relation to ‘temporarily unoccupied’ or ‘approved dwelling’ Remove policy wording on Solar to save confusion and instead just rely on first part of Policy RE1 and ‘other provisions of the LDP’ to assess Solar proposals. Remove reference to solar energy infrastructure to be consistent with Policy wording change.

PM-126 PM-127



PM-130 PM-131 PM-132

PM-133 PM-134 PM-135

PM-136 PM-137


Page 17

RE1 last para RE1 J&A para 9.3.10 5th sentence RE1 J&A para 9.3.14, 4th sentence RE1 J&A para 9.3.18 RE1 J&A para 9.3.19 TOC1 Title

TOC1 1st sentence TOC1 1st sentence TOC 1 paras 4, 5 and 6 TOC 1 J&A After para 9.4.13 TOC 1 J&A para 9.4.14 2nd sentence WMT3 J&A para 9.6.25 1st sentence

Summary of Issue / Justification

Remove reference to countryside designations to be consistent with Policy wording change. Insert additional paragraph to reference ‘co-location’. Amend typographical error and insert reference to updated planning guidance. Insert ‘electricity infrastructure’ (instead of suggested ‘energy infrastructure’) to make it clear that other types of electricity infrastructure are included under this Policy. Remove reference to SCA within policy to ensure consistency with CS2. Insert ‘electricity infrastructure’ (instead of suggested ‘energy infrastructure’) to be consistent with policy title change. Remove 3 paragraphs of policy box which part cross-referenced CS3 to simplify policy and ensure WORDING consistency with CS3. Instead, rely on ‘other provisions of the LDP’ line. Insert paragraph on future-proofing new developments for telecommunications and promotion of dig-once principle. Insert ‘electricity infrastructure’ to reflect policy title and policy box wording change. Amend 'environmental heritage assets' wording to 'natural environment and heritage assets'.

Likely to have a beneficial effect on original policy status against SOs

Likely to have a minor adverse effect on original policy status against SOs, able to be mitigated

Likely to have an major adverse effect on original policy status against SOs

No change to original policy status against SOs

All SOs All SOs


Screened Out Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs All SOs All SOs All SOs All SOs

Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1

Proposed Modification Reference Number

PM-139 PM-140

Stewardship of our Built Environment and Creating Places




Policy or Section

WMT4 J&A para 9.6.30 end HE8 Intro para 10.1.4 J&A para 10.1.57 10.1.59 10.1.60 10.1.63 HE1 J&A New para after 10.1.21 HE6







HE8 Policy title




HE9 J&A para 10.1.64 HE9 J&A para 10.1.66




Page 18


Appendix K - subheading, The Number and Location of Advertisements

Local Development Plan 2030

Summary of Issue / Justification

Insert reference to ‘NI Water Development Encroachment - Odour Assessment Policy and Procedure’ Amend text within section 10.1 Historic Environment to ensure consistency of terminology, omit the term ‘non-listed’ and replace with ‘unlisted’.

Insert new paragraph after 10.1.21 clarifying what developers are required to do if they discover archaeological remains when a development commences. Amend policy criterion (a) under the policy subtitle Alteration, Extensions and Change of Use and remove the words ‘materials and finishes’ as these issues are more aligned with criterion (c). Remove the second paragraph from the policy box of Demolition within a Conservation Area as the policy wording affords greater weight to the protection of buildings within a conservation area than that required by the SPPS para 6.18. Amend policy to ensure consistent terminology across the dPS document in relation the use of the term 'non-listed' and ‘unlisted’. Amend criterion (a) under subtitle New Build and Replacement Buildings to ensure that the policy test is consistent throughout with regards to preservation and enhancement. Amend policy headnote. Amend policy to ensure consistency of terminology, omit the term ‘nonlisted’ and replace with ‘unlisted’. Amend text to ensure consistency of terminology, replace ‘significant place’ with ‘heritage asset’. Amend text to provide clarity to applicants of what information is required as part of any submission. Include the following additional wording in the first sentence, ‘setting out the significance of the heritage asset’ and in the second sentence, ‘conservation statement or plans’. Add additional wording to the policy box to ensure that the assessment criteria listed as (a) to (f) also apply to the two policy subheadings; Advertisements and Heritage Assets and Digital Advertising Screens. To provide clarity and avoid conflict between guidance and policy remove the last sentence under sub-heading, The Number and Location of Advertisements in Appendix K.

Likely to have a beneficial effect on original policy status against SOs

Likely to have a minor adverse effect on original policy status against SOs, able to be mitigated

Likely to have an major adverse effect on original policy status against SOs

No change to original policy status against SOs


All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs All SOs All SOs

Screened Out Screened Out Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1

Safeguarding Our Natural Environment

Proposed Modification Reference Number

PM-152 PM-153




Abbreviations and Glossary




Monitor and Review



Page 19

Policy or Section

NAT Intro para 11.1.7 NAT1 J&A para 11.1.8

NAT2 J&A para 11.1.11 NAT4 J&A para 11.1.13 Abbreviations & Glossary: (New) Contaminated Land Abbreviations & Glossary: Historic Park, Garden or Demesne of Special Historic Interest Abbreviations & Glossary: Intermediate Housing Abbreviations & Glossary: Listed Building Monitor & Review: Environmental Objective (a) Monitor & Review: Environmental Objective (e) Indicator 26

Local Development Plan 2030

Summary of Issue / Justification

Amend third sentence to ensure consistency of approach in referencing natural heritage designations. Paragraph wrongly implies that Ramsar sites are designated under European law, under the auspices of the Birds Directive. Remove reference to Ramsar sites in the first sentence and add additional sentence to clarify how Ramsar sites are designated. To ensure consistency of approach in referencing relevant external sources of information include a link to the Priority Species list at the end of the paragraph. Amend first sentence as it wrongly implies that the Ulster Wildlife Trust can establish a Local Nature Reserve and add an additional sentence to provide clarity on who has responsibility for their designation. Add new definition for Contaminated Land.

Likely to have a beneficial effect on original policy status against SOs

Likely to have a minor adverse effect on original policy status against SOs, able to be mitigated

Likely to have an major adverse effect on original policy status against SOs

No change to original policy status against SOs


All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

All SOs

Screened Out

Amend, for clarity, the definition of Historic Park, Garden or Demesne of Special Historic Interest.

Intermediate Housing definition should be aligned with Department for Communities approved definition.

Amend, for factual correction, the definition of a Listed Building.

Loss of open space should be monitored, add additional Indicator Reference Social Objective d). However, Council consider that it would be more appropriate to include a monitoring indicator named Restriction of development on open space under Environmental Objective a). Amend the target and review trigger to capture the impact of proposals involving demolition of all listed buildings to ensure appropriate monitoring of the objective.

January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1

Proposed Modification Reference Number


Page 20

Policy or Section

Monitor & Review: Environmental Objective (g) Indicator 31

Local Development Plan 2030

Summary of Issue / Justification

Amend to measure what the LDP is contributing to climate change and mitigation measures in order to ascertain whether such is sufficient to address the climate and ecological emergencies faced.

Likely to have a beneficial effect on original policy status against SOs

Likely to have a minor adverse effect on original policy status against SOs, able to be mitigated

Likely to have an major adverse effect on original policy status against SOs

No change to original policy status against SOs


All SOs

Screened Out

January 2021

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy Addendum Report 1


Local Development Plan 2030



All of the proposed modifications listed in the Schedule of Proposed Modifications were reviewed in the context of Schedule 1 of The Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2004 to determine whether they substantially modify the draft Plan Strategy and would have any likely significant effects which have not previously been appraised. The proposed modifications were screened against the Sustainability Objectives to identify their potential effects.


The screening of the proposed modifications, presented in Tables 2.2 and 2.3 of this report, has found that the majority of the proposed modifications would not ‘materially’ change what the SA initially assessed, or what it assumed about how the LDP would be implemented.


The majority of proposed modifications to the draft Plan Strategy are minor changes to the document for the purposes of clarification and factual update and are logical and rational updates in response to representations. Those modifications which may not be considered minor in nature are proposed to improve the workability of a Policy or the dPS as a whole. As the majority of the proposed modifications are for the benefit of the reader and so do not in practice change the direction or application of the policy they have minimal influence on the policy effects that have already been identified and described in the SA


A small proportion of the proposed modifications deliver one or more policy elements that would not have been considered in the original SA. Perceptible effects arising from these changes were identified for two of the Spatial Proposals and associated Policies in Part 1 of the draft Plan Strategy and four of the Strategic Subject Policies in Part 2 of the draft Plan Strategy.


The screening found that where implementation of the proposed modifications would result in an effect, it is generally a beneficial one and would result in a minor improvement in the performance of the policy against certain Sustainability Objectives. The implementation of the proposed changes to policy CS3 would result in a slight enhancement of a negative effect against one of the Sustainability Objectives. This does not present any conflict with the original SA, which had identified that the policy delivers a mixture of positive and negative effects on the objective and that the positive effects will counter the negative effects. This remains the case and there is therefore no requirement to ‘Screen In’ the modified policy to the SA.


Taking into account measures which have been already integrated into the draft Plan Strategy to provide for and contribute towards environmental protection, environmental management and sustainable development, it is determined that all potential effects arising from the implementation of the proposed changes are already accounted for in the SA and will not change. Implementing the proposed modifications will have no significant effect on the overall performance of the policy or the draft Plan Strategy against the Sustainability Objectives.


None of the proposed modifications would result in any likely significant effects as a result of their implementation within the draft Plan Strategy. Following consideration of the proposed modifications, the Council has concluded that no further amendments to the SA are required.

Page 21

January 2021

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Planning Office Silverwood Business Park 190 Raceview Road Ballymena BT42 4HZ

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