2017 Edition
Your GuIDE to DInInG out Eat DESSErt FIrSt: LocaL FavorItES Signature crème Brulee from Martini Grill in Wood-ridge “Baked-to-caramelized-perfection”
Directory Listings & Select Profiles Ideas For Your Special Event
DIScovEr LocaL FavorItES
hen it comes to dining, Metropolitan a New Jersey an e brings so much to the tab ey a le—an ab a d an that a is why at h we ar hy a e bringing you Th T e Ta T ble l . Our ar le a ea off ffe ff fers a vast div i ersity iv t of cuisine, ty a biance and concepts. An am A d there ar a e so many n delicious estab ny a lishments to choose fr ab f om. W ether you wan Wh a t something new or something traditional an a , we promise you will never run al out of delectab a le options here. We ab W produce this guide, in conj n unction wi nj wit ith the Me M adow owl ow wlan a ds L bert Li rty rt ty Co C nv n ention & Vi V sit i ors Bureau it a an au a d the Me M adow owl ow wlan a ds Re R gional a Ch al C am a ber, r to provi r, v de vi our residents an a d vi v sitors with a tasting of some of the best fo f od our region has to off ffe ff fer— a d with the info an f rmat fo a ion you need to mak at a e choices that ak a will please your pal at a at al a e! Here at a the vi v sitors bureau a , we heed the sound adv au dvi dv vice of not missing out on dessert. Al A l too oft f en we pass it ft i up becau a se we’re too fu au f ll fr f om the meal a . Wi al Wit ith that a in mind, we hav at a e a fe av f at a ure a ticle on pag ar a e 18 where we present a sam ag a pling of desserts fr am f om a fe f w ar a ea restau a ran au a ts that an a at will surely l motiv ly i at iv a e you to sav a e some room. av W oft We f en fi ft f eld questions fr f om indiv ivi iv vidual a s an al a d businesses looking fo f r recommendat a ions on at where to host their events, both big an a d smal a l. Par al a ties should be as unique as the people ar throwing them an a d ar a ea venues ar a e mak a ing sure that ak a each special at a event is a memorab al a le ocab casion fo f r al a l who at att ttend. In this guide, we hav a e a fe av f at a ure ar a ticle that a looks at at a some special a al event venues we hav a e here in the region. av The directory r off ry ffe ff ferings in this guide ar a e of a wi w de ran a ge, as we present you wi an wit ith a selection of eat a eries, fo at f ur-star a ran ar a ked restau an a ran au a ts, event venues, pizzerias, diners, cat an a erers fo at f r your ow own wn events, pub fa far are an a d of course a mult lti lt tip iplicit ity it ty of eth t nic cuisine. Perhap th a s yo ap y u wi wilillll fi f nd a new e local ew a al gem right in your backy kya ky yar ard—please let us know o ab ow a out your exp x eriences at xp a these restau a ran au a ts an a d al an a so let us know o if you hav ow a e a suggestion fo av f r wh w at a we should include next x time. xt W thank you fo We f r coming to Th T e Ta T ble l and we of course we invite you back fo le f r our next edition in the Wi W nter of 2017! Buon ap a petito! Judith Ro R ss V ce President, Meadowl Vi w an wl a ds Re R gional a Ch al C am a ber/ r/M r/ /Meadowl w an wl a ds Li L berty t Convention & Vi ty V sitors Bureau a au jross@meadowl w an wl a ds.org | (201) 939-0707
The MRC/MLCVB received funding through a grant from the NJ Department of State, Division of Travel & Tourism www.visitnj.org
A D V E RT I S E R S I N D E X A plebee’s Grill & Bar Ap ar, ar r, 17
Pink at a The Mead a owlan ad a ds Ra an Rac acetrac a k, 23 ac
Car a rab ar a ba’s, coupon, 25 ab
Lincoln Har arb ar rbor, r Inside Front Cover r, C ar Ch a t House Houlihan a ’s an Jac a k Au ac A stin’s Eat a & Drink at R th’s Ch Ru C ris Steak a House ak Mar a tini Grill, 20 ar
Bonefi f sh Grill coupon, 25 fi
Mead a owlan ad a ds Ra an Rac acing & En E tertai a nment, 23 ai
Spirit Cruises, 17
C ar Ch a t House, 13
Nan a ina’s, Bac an a k Cover ac
Spuntino Wi W ne Bar ar, ar r, 27
C evy Ch v ’s Fresh Mex, 17 vy
NJ Beer Compan any an ny, y, 14
Stony n Hill Inn, 11 ny
C owderfe Ch f st, Inside Bac fe a k Cover ac
Olive Gar a den Secau ar a cus, 7 au
The Plaz a a at az a Har a mon Mead ar a ow, ad w 21 w,
Elegan a t Desserts, 11 an
Par a k Ch ar C ât â eau a , Bac au a k Cover ac
The Shan a non Ro an R se, 27
Houlihan a s, 11 an
Par a k Sav ar a oy av oy, y, Bac a k Cover ac
The Ve V netian a ,9 an
Bah a am ah a a Breeze, 15 Bah a am ah a a Breeze coupon, 25 Baz a zar az a elli’s Re ar R stau a ran au a t, 12 an
R M Ra RP Rac aceway a coupon, 25 ay San a zar an a i’s New Bridge Inn, 11 ar Seasons Cat a ering & Special at a Ev al E ents, 9 Shad a owb ad w rook at wb a Shrewsbury ry, ry y, 9
Meadowlands Regional a Ch al C amber & Meadowlands Liberty t Convention & Vi ty V sitors Bureau Meadows Off ffi ff fice Complex, 201 Route 17 North, Ru R therfo f rd, NJ 07070, (201) 939-0707 fo Publisher: Meadowlands Publishing, 201 Rt R . 17N., Ru R therfo f rd, NJ • Managing Editor: Joseph Garav fo a ente av Art Director: Susan Reid, Bloomfi f eld Design • Ad Sal fi a es: Martha Morley al ey, ey y, (201) 679-5102
Nanina’s in the Park 540 Mill Street (973) 751-1230 naninasinthepark.com
Rudy's Italian & Seafood Restaurant 591 Anderson Avenue (201) 943-9252 rudysseafood.com
See our ad on back cover
Applebee’s 375 NJ-3 (973) 471-6161 www.applebees.com
The Balcony 491 Broad Street (201) 933-0071 thebalconylounge.com
$ ➐
Biggies Clam Bar 430 Route 17 South (201) 933-4000 biggiesclambar.com
Buco Ristorante 953 Allwood Road (973) 779-3500 bucoristorante.com
Gianna’s Restaurant & Bar 843 Washington Avenue (201) 460-7997 giannas.biz
Chevys Fresh Mex 365 Route 3 East (973) 777-6277 chevys.com
Hunkar Tu T rkish Restaurant 319 Hackensack Street (201) 507-0606 hunkarrestaurant.com Il Villaggio 651 Route 17 North (201) 935-7733 ilvillaggio.com Mr.r.r G’s 335 Paterson Plank Road (201) 460-0100 mrgs.restaurant Redd’s Restaurant & Bar 317 Washington Avenue (201) 933-0015 reddsrestaurant.com
See our ad on page 17
See our ad on page 17
$ ➐ Istanbul Café & Restaurant 1378 Main Avenue (862) 238-8888 istanbulcafeandrestaurant.com Matthew’s Italian Restaurant 1131 Bloomfield Avenue (973) 928-4300 matthewsitalian.com Mighty Quinn’s Barbeque The Promenade Shops at Clifton 850 Route 3 West (973) 773-6400 mightyquinnsbbq.com Key to Symbols $ Entrees $15 & under $$ Entrees $15 - $20 $$$ Entrees $20 & over Caterers
Full Bar service Handicap Accessible Entertainment Open 7 days Special Events Venue
The TA T BLE Ent En ntert r ai rt a nment n Cr nt Cru ruises: Spirit i , El it E it i e Priv iva iv vat ate Ya Yac ach cht hts, Bat a eau at aux au ux, x, Ne New ew Yo Y rk r Locat a ion: We at W are conveniently l locat ly a ed at at a tw t o locat a ions: at Lincoln Harbor Marina, 1500 Harbor Blvd, We W ehaw a ken, New Jersey aw e 07086 ey and directly l across the river at ly a Ch C elsea Piers, Pier 61, New Yo Y rk, NY N 10011 C isine Ty Cu Typ ype: Freshly l prepared and seasonal ly a ly al l inspired, our onboard buff ffe ff fet-sty t le menu on ty Spirit and onboard plat a ed menu which fe at f at a ures cheff curat fa ed cuisine on Bat at a eaux, New Yo at Y rk is the perfe f ct sampling of fl fe f av a ors to sat a isfy at f al fy a l tastes. Our signat a ure menu is included in the base at ticket price fo f r al a l standard dining cruises. Hours of Operat a ion: For schedules and info at f rmat fo a ion go to ww at www ww.entertainmentcruises.com R serv Re r at rv a ions: Required Menus Av A ai a lab a le: Breakfa ab f st, Lu fa L nch, Dinner, r Wi r, W nes, Cocktails Par a king: Public Lot, Street Parking, Limited Parking ar Serv r ice Ty rv Typ ype: Sit Down, Fine Dining Price Ra Ran ange of En E trĂŠes: Tickets are al a l inclusive of a fr f eshly l prepared and seasonal ly a ly al l inspired meal a , onboard entertainment, a cruise around New Yo al Y rk Harbor, r and wat r, a er, at r coff r, ffe ff fee, tea and iced tea. Food and bar upgrades are av a ailab a le fo ab f r an additional a cost. Ticket prices range fr al f om $49.90 and up (*Ti T cket prices do not includes tax Ti a es & service fe ax f es) Pay a ment Ty ay Typ ypes: Cash, Cr C edit Card/Debit Card, Ch C eck, Corporat a e/Personal at a Account al
There’s more to discover on New York Harbor.
Your Special Event
Ideas fo f r celebrat a ing your next personal at a or corporat al a e occasion at
E ery Ev r one loves a par ry a ty ar ty. y. An A d there ar a e plenty t of reaty sons to hav a e one: birthday av a s, an ay a niv i ersar iv a ies, weddings, ar holiday a s, retirement, corp ay r orat rp a e events or even just at becau a se! Par au a ties should be as unique as the people ar throwing them an a d ar a ea venues ar a e mak a ing sure that ak a at each special a event is a memorab al a le occasion fo ab f r al al who at att ttend.
Lav a ish af av aff ffa fai airs
W en it comes to elegan Wh a ce, Na an Nan anina’s In Th T e Par ark ar rk in Bellevi v lle, N.J., stan vi a ds out am an a ong the rest. Nestled a ong the cherry am r blossoms of Bran ry a ch Brook Par an a k, ar the lav avi av vishly l man ly a icured grounds an an a d traditional a ar al a chitecture provi v de the perfe vi f ct scenic backdrop fo fe f r an a outdoor ceremony ny, ny y, cocktai a l hour an ai a d, of course, photo opportunity t to fo ty f rever memorial a ize that al a special at a day al ay. ay y. General a Ma al Man anag a er Julian a Re an Rey eyes say a s the lav ay avi av vish gar aar dens, complete with wat a erfa at fal fa alls, a bridge, stream a an am a d pond in the historic par a k-like sett ar t ing ar tt a e what a mak at a e ak Nan a ina’s ext an x ra special xt a fo al f r its guests. Once indoors, the Gran a d Bal an a lroom adorned with Au al A strian a cry an r stal ry a al chan a deliers an an a d a star a lit pat ar a io “creat at a e a one-ofat f a-kind fa bian am a ce fo an f r a once-in-a-life f time celebrat fe a ion.” at G ests at Gu a Nan a ina’s hav an a e a wide ar av a ray a of culinar ay ary ar ry options, including an a ext x ensiv xt i e cocktai iv a l hour an ai a d dinner menu that a include items such as a seaf at afo af food raw a bar aw ar, ar r, multip i le car ip arv ar rvi ving stat a ions, a mac an at a d cheese stat a ion at ( ith lobster) an (w a d an a outdoor grill. Gu G ests can a al an a so choose items fr f om the “Over the To T p” menu which includes customizab a le stat ab a ion options. Af at Aft fter al a l, who can a an real a ly al l resist shrimp crepes an a d hot ap a ple pie zeppole?
Rey Re eyes adds that a Nan at a ina’s cat an a ers to one event at at a a time, ensuring only l the best personal ly a ized serv al rvi rv vice fo f r your special a event. Vi al V sit ww www ww. w.nan a inasinthepar an a k.com ar f r complete menu, photo gal fo a leries of the grounds an al a d bal a lroom, as well as links to the fa al f cilit ity it ty’s recommended vendors fo f r bak a eries, fl ak f owers, near a by ar b guest accommodat a ions an at a d other am a enities. (Other properties ar a e the Par a k Sav ar a oy av o in Florham a Par am a k an ar a d The Par a k Ch ar C at a eau a au in Ea E st Brunswick.)
E citement at Ex a every r turn ry
Since it i s opening in 1976, the Me M ad a ow owl wlan a ds Ra R cetrack has undergone man any an ny chan a ges but none so spectacular an a ar as the reincar a nat ar a ion of the last fe at f w year a s. Now cal ar a led al M ad Me a ow owl wlan a ds Ra Rac acing & En Ent ntert r ai rt a nment n , the stat nt a e-ofat f fthe-ar a t venue boasts multip ar i le entertai ip a nment spaces ai that a ar at a e sure to mak a e your next ak x event exceptional xt a, al say a s Ra ay R chel Ry R an a , mar a keting man ar a ag an a er. r r. The Vi V ctory r Sports Bar ry a & Cl ar C ub can a host up to 350 an guests an a d fe f at a ures copper pan a eled wal an a ls, multip al i le fl ip f at a screen HD TVs V an Vs a d “one of the best sound sy s stems
you’ll ever fi f nd!” say a s Ry ay R an a , adding that a The Lounge, at which overlooks the room an a d the racetrack, is a crea iv at i ely l decorat ly a ed ar at a ea that a can at a accommodat an a e par at a ties ar of up to 600 guests an a d can a be booked in conj an n unction nj with the Vi V ctory r or independently ry l of it. ly The Sky kyb ky ybox Suites can a hold up to 200 people fe an f ature outdoor decks with a great a vi at v ew of the New Yo Y rk C ty Ci t sky kyl ky yline, mak a ing it a perfe ak f ct venue fo fe f r a summertime event. Li L kewise, the Vi V ctory r Te ry T rrace is a beau a tifu au f l fu outdoor rooft f op bar ft a that ar a al at a so boasts the stunning sky k ky line vi v ew fo f r up to 500 guests. The Backy k ar ky a d is a tw t o-an a d-a-hal an a f acre outdoor al dining an a d entertai a nment section that ai a is av at a ai a lab a le fo ab f r div i erse par iv a ty ar t options, complete with par a ty ar t tents, picnic tab a les, outdoor gam ab a es an am a d activ ivi iv vities an a d ext x ensiv xt i e iv bar a becue cat ar a ering options. The Gal at a lery al r is a multip ry i urip pose room that a is ideal at a fo al f r lar a ger corp ar r orat rp a e events an at a d meetings. Wit Wi ith so man any an ny diff ffe ff ferent spaces, Ry Rya yan an say a s, there ar ay ae a unlimit an i ed number of events people can it a hav an a e at av a the track. “People hav a e hosted birt av r hday rt a an ay a d retirement par a ties, reunions, graduat ar a ions, corp at r orat rp a e seminar at as ar a d trade shows. It is al an a so great a fo at f r fa fan antasy s draf sy aft af ft par a ties, bachelor/ ar r/b r/ /bachelorett t e par tt a ties an ar a d Bar a an ar a d Bat a Mi at M tzvah a s since it provi ah v des a ‘club fe vi f el’ that a so at man any an ny teenag a ers ar ag a e eag a er fo ag f r. r” A l cat Al a ering is done on-site an at a d the menu options include buff ffe ff fet-sty tyl ty yle dining, action stat a ions, passed hors at d’oeuv uvr uv vres an a d BBQ packag a es. Special ag a menu requ al q ests qu a e av ar a ai a lab a le fo ab f r guests wi wit ith fo f od sensit i iv it ivi vit ities or vegetar a ian ar a prefe an f rences, an fe a d the Me M adow owl ow wlan a ds Ra R cing & En E tert r ai rt a nment chefs f can fs a al an a so work wi wit ith outside vendors if dietar ary ar ry restrictions ar a e a concern, Ry Rya yan an ad a ds. Meadowl w an wl a ds Ra R cing & En E tertai a nment is the ai perfe f ct venue fo fe f r an any ny event, big or smal a l, corp al r orat rp a e or at social a , fo al f rmal a or casual al a . “We al W hav We a e hosted ext av x rav xt a ag av a an a t black-tie events fo f r U.S. Senat a ors with President Bill at C inton an Cl a d singer Gl G oria Gay ayn ay ynor as the fe f at a ured guests, a fa f shion show with cat atw at twal a k in Vi V ctory r an ry a da mag a azine lau ag a nch par au a ty ar t in the Sky kyb ky yboxes,” say a s Ry ay R an a . V sit ww Vi www ww. w.play aym ay ymeadowl w an wl a ds.com to book an a event or a personal a ized tour. al r r.
Local a comfo al f rt, casual fo a & complete al
Fam a ily am l -ow ly o ned Re ow R dd’s Re R stau a ran au ant an nt & Pub u in Ca ub Car arlstad adt ad dt, N.J. has every ryt ry ything a local a eat al a ery at r needs—a perfe ry f ct fe locat a ion in the hear at a t of the Meadowl ar w an wl a ds, ext x ensiv xt i e iv
menu wi wit ith homemade special a ties, a uniqu al q e pub at qu a mosphere fo f r a casual a night out an al a d a beau a tifu au f l ban fu a quet an f cility fa t fo ty f r priv i at iv a e par a ties an ar a d special a occasions. Oh, al a d then there ar an a e a fe f w other am a enities, like the popular a tai ar a lgat ai a e par at a ties on the premises befo ar f re big events fo a MetLi at L fe Li f Stadium an a d a shutt t le serv tt rvi rv vice to an a d fr f om the stadium—exclusiv i e to Re iv R dd’s. O ner Doug Pal Ow a si say al a s the idea of ad ay a ding a shutt ttl tt tle serv rvi rv vice grew out of his customers’ complai a nts ab ai a out access an a d par a king chal ar a lenges while gett al t ing to an tt a d leav avi av ving sporting events, concerts an a d other events at a the stadium. “We W ’ve tak We a en the worry ak r out of it fo ry f r our customers,” Pal a si say al a s, adding, “The shutt ay t le serv tt rvi rv vice real a ly al l put us on the map a .” ap
The tai a lgat ai a e par at a ties befo ar f re events ar fo a e a “real a fu al f n a mosphere,” he say at a s. “We ay W ’ve ext We x ended our liquor xt license to the par a king lot, so people can ar a eat an a an at a d han a g an out, hop on the shutt t le an tt a d relax a . An ax A d af aft fter the event, they e get back qu ey q ickly ly. ly y.” Back indoors at a Re R dd’s, customers can a enj an n oy nj o Hap a py ap p Hour fr f om 4-7 p.m. Monday a through Friday ay a ay (excluding event nights at a the Meadowl w an wl a ds) with traditional a pub fa al far are. The restau a ran au a t is open seven day an a s ay a week fr f om 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. fo f r lunch an a d dinner a d fe an f at a ures an a al a l-inclusiv i e menu with original iv a items al such as cheese steak a eggrolls an ak a d grilled steak a house ak bacon; pretzel-crusted chicken an a d beer-bat att at ttered grouper sandw d ich; and an excellent selection of dw martinis an a d bott t led an tt a d drau a ght beers. au The priv i at iv a e ban a quet space on the second fl an f oor has a 2,000 squar a e fo ar f ot bal a cony al ny, ny y, an a d can a accommodat an ae at par a ties of up to 200 people. Re ar R dd’s off ffe ff fers a both a buff ffe ff fet an a d sit-down menu options, hors d’oeuvres an a d casual a cocktai al a l par ai a ty ar t packag a es. ag “The best par a t of this business is when we hav ar a ea av christening or a fi f rst communion par a ty ar t an a d those sam a e am customers come back ag a ai a n,” Pal a si say al a s. “Re ay R peat Re a busiat ness is a big par a t of what ar a we do.” at R dd’s al Re a so off ffe ff fers an a off ffff f-site cat a ering menu (av at a ai av a la le fo ab f r pick-up or deliv i ery iv ry) ry y) an a d can a accommodat an ae at par a ties of al ar a l sizes. Vi V sit ww www ww. w.reddsrestau a ran au a t.com fo an f r a complete look.
Sergio’s Bistro 327A Lakeview Avenue (973) 772-1655 sergiosbistro.com The Shannon Rose 98 Kingsland Road (973) 284-0200 theshannonrose.com See our ad on page 27
$$ ➐ Spuntino Wine Bar & Italian Tapas 70 Kingsland Road (973) 661-2435 spuntinowinebar.com See our ad on page 27
$$ ➐
CLOSTER Locale Cafe & Bar 208 Piermont Road (201) 750-3233 locale208closter.com
EAST BRUNSWICK Park Château 678 Cranbury Road (732) 238-4200 See our ad on back cover
EAST RUTHERFORD Al Di La 1 Hoboken Road (201) 939-1128 aldilatrattoria.com Annabella’s Fine Foods, Inc. 246 Hackensack Street (201) 804-0303 annabellasmozz.com 6
The Asian Grill 20 Route 17 North 201) 933-0988 thebestasiangrill.com Caffe Capri 119 Park Avenue (201) 460-1039 caffecaprirestaurant.com Mr.r.r Bruno’s Pizza and Beyond 53 Route 17 South (201) 531-8900 Pink at Meadowlands Racing & Entertainment 1 Racetrack Drive (201) 843-2446 playmeadowlands.com/dining/pink.html See our ad on page g 23
$$$ Saladworks 30 Route 17 North (201) 939-8886 www.saladworks.com T os Restaurant & Lounge Ta 356 Paterson Avenue (201) 460-8988 villagerestaurantgroup.com Vesta Wood Fired Pizza & Bar 64 Hoboken Road (201) 939-6012 vestapizzeria.com
EDGEWATER Cafe Archetypus 264 River Road (201) 941-0609 HAV A EN Riverfront Restaurant & Bar AV 2 Main Street (201) 943-1900 havenedgewater.com
You can still enjoy Olive Garden specialties when you don’t have time to dine with us at our table. Order your favorites from our selection of craveable appetizers and soups, handcrafted italian entrées and delicious desserts. Of course, don’t forget our signature salad and breadsticks! We’ll prepare your order and have it ready for you to pick up. It’s easy and convenient when you place your order online!
Mitchell’s Fish Market 541 River Road (201) 840-9311 www.mitchellsfishmarket.com The River Palm Te T rrace 1416 River Road (201) 224-2013 riverpalm.com
ELMWOOD PARK Royal Warsaw Restaurant & Fine Martini Bar 871 River Drive (201) 794-9265 royalwarsaw.com T verna Mykonos Ta 238 Broadway (201) 703-9299 tavernamykonos.com
ENGLEWOOD Baumgart’s Café 45 E Palisade Avenue (201) 569-6267 baumgartscafe.com Blue Moon Mexican Café 23 E Palisade Avenue (201) 541-0600 bluemoonmexicancafe.com Daruma Neighborhood Japanese Restaurant 45 N Dean Street (201) 567-9600 darumaenglewood.com
FAIRLAWN Oceanos Restaurant 2-27 Saddle River Road (201) 796-0546 oceanosrestaurant.com 8
The River Palm Te T rrace 41-11 Route 4 (201) 703-3500 riverpalm.com
FLORHAM PARK The Park Savoy 236 Ridgedale Avenue (973) 377-7100 theparksavoy.com See our ad on back cover
GARFIELD Goodfellas 661 Midland Avenue (973) 478-4000 The Venetian Catering & Special Events 546 River Drive (973) 546-2250 venetiannj.com See our ad on page 9
HACKENSACK Chit Chat Diner 515 Essex Street (201) 820-4033 chitchatdiner.com The Crow’s Nest 309 Vincent Avenue (201) 342-5445 crowsnest.com Morton’s The Steakhouse One Riverside Square (201) 487-3614 mortons.com Oceanaire Seafood Room 175 Riverside Square Mall (201) 343-8862 theoceanaire.com
Picco Ta T vern 160 Prospect Avenue (201) 880-8750 piccotavern.com Rosa Mexicano 390 Hackensack Avenue (201) 489-9100 rosamexicano.com Stony Hill Inn 231 Polifly Road (201) 342-4085 stonyhillinn.com
HO-HO-KUS The Ho-Ho-Kus Inn & Ta T vern 1 East Franklin Tu T rnpike (201) 445-4115 hohokusinn.com
$$$ ➐
Segovia Steakhouse & Seafood 217 Main Street (201) 814-1100 segoviasteakhouse.com
See our ad on page g 11
Bistro Six-Five-Zero at Hilton Hasbrouck Heights/Meadowlands 650 Te T rrace Avenue (201) 288-6100 Gabriel’s Grille & Bar 283 Rt. 17 South (201) 288-9600 gabrielsgrille.com Houlihan’s 5 Route 17 South (201) 393-9330 houlihans.com See our ad on page 11
$$ ➐ Ivy Inn 268 Te T rrace Avenue (201) 393-7699 ivyinn.com
HOBOKEN Arthurs 237 Washington Street (201) 656-5009 arthursofhoboken.com 10
Pure Pita 324 Washington Street (201) 217-9777 www.purepita.com
The 3rd Wave Cafe Crepes 525 Riverside Avenue (201) 528-8163 the3rdwavecafecrepes.com Angelo’s Restaurant 263 Ridge Road (201) 939-1922 Colonial Diner 27 Orient Way (201) 935-3192 Elegant Desserts 275 Warren Street (201) 933-0770 elegantdesserts.net See our ad on page 11
$ Mazur’s Sugarflake Bakery 323 Ridge Road (201) 438-8500 mazursbakerynj.com Medieval Times Dinner & To T urnament 149 Polito Avenue 1 (800) 935-6878 medievaltimes.com
We make our food the hard way—from scratch and cooked fresh with quality ingredients. And whatever your food mood or lifestyle needs, our menu is flexible, with bold flavors, lighter bites, classics and vegetarian-friendly options. Satisfy your every craving at Houlihan’s.
ecognized in the finer hotels,
restaurants, country clubs and catering establishments as a premier dessert company serving award-winning European tortes, individual plated desserts and Venetian pastries.
Elegant Desserts 275 Warren Street, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 201.933.0770
Thistle Restaurant 442 Valley Brook Avenue (201) 935-0004 T attoria Il Cafone Tr 7 Ridge Road (201) 933-3355 trattoriailcafone.com
MAHWAH The River Palm Te T rrace 209 Ramapo Valley Road (201) 529-1111 riverpalm.com
MOONACHIE Bazzarelli Restaurant & Pizzeria 117 Moonachie Road (201) 641-4010 bazzarellirestaurant.com See our ad below
$$ ➐ Bistro 507 107 Moonachie Road (201) 440-3339 bistro107nj.com
Segovia Restaurant 150 Moonachie Road (201) 641-4266 segoviasteakhouse.com
NEW MILFORD Sanzari’s New Bridge Inn 105 Old New Bridge Road (201) 692-7700 sanzaris.com See our ad on page 11
$$$ ➐
NEWARK Redd’s Biergarten 218 Market Street (201) 933-1204 reddsbiergarten.com Fornos of Spain Restaurant 47 Ferry Street (973) 589-4767 fornosrestaurant.com
NORTH ARLINGTON Lassoni Restaurant 602 Ridge Road (201) 998-0911 lassonirestaurant.com
WATERFRONT TERF R RO RF R NT DININ DINING! Our beautifully-remodeled restaurant and private event spaces are sure to enjoy.
Pier D-T/Lincoln Harbor Weehawken • (201) 348-6628 Reservations available online at chart-house.com
NJ Beer Co. 4201 Tonnelle Acenue njbeerco.com See our ad below
Biggies 1315 Route 17 South (201) 962-9096 biggiesclambar.com
Sabor Latin Bistro 8809 River Road (201) 943-6366 saborlatinbistro.com
Brady’s At the Station 5 W Main St (201) 327-9748 bradysatthestation.net
Waterside Restaurant and Catering 7800 B River Road (201) 861-7767 watersiderestaurantandcatering.com
Lakeside Grille & Bar A Ramsey Golf & Country Club At 105 Lakeside Drive (201) 327-0009 lakesidegrilleandbar.com
NUTLEY Mamma Vittoria Restaurant & Catering 160 N Franklin Avenue (973) 662-0242 www.mammavittoria.com
The Shannon Rose 1200 Rt. 17 at Franklin Tpk (201) 962-7602 theshannonrose.com See our ad on page 27
$$ ➐
PARAMUS Bahama Breeze 1600 Town Center (201) 368-5860 www.bahamabreeze.com See our ad on page 15
$$ ➐ Biagio’s Ristorante 299 Paramus Road (201) 652-0201 www.biagios.com Legal Sea Foods, LLC 1 Garden State Plaza (201) 843-8483 legalseafoods.com Olive Garden 1620 Bergen To T wn Center (201) 368-1090 olivegarden.com 14
Key to Symbols $ Entrees $15 & under $$ Entrees $15 - $20 $$$ Entrees $20 & over Caterers
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RIDGEWOOD Baugmart’s Café 158 Franklin Avenue (201) 612-5688 baumgartscafe.com Café 37 37 S. Broad Street (201) 857-0437 cafe-37.com Cravings Ta T pas Bistro 8 Wilsey Square (201) 857-8533 cravingstapas.com Finca –The Estate of Small Plates 20 E. Ridgewood Avenue (201) 444-1199 La Lanterna 29 West Ridgewood Avenue (201) 444-5520 lalanternaofridgewood.com Le Bon Choix 11 Godwin Avenue (201) 689-0400 lebonchoixcafe.com Novo 37 Chestnut Street (201) 444-4910 novomediterranean.com Radicchio Pasta & Risotto Co. 34 Franklin Avenue (201) 670-7311 Roots Steakhouse 17 Chestnut Street (201) 444-1922 rootssteakhouse.com Sakura-Bana 43 Franklin Avenue (201) 447-6525
T attoria La Bocca Tr 13 Godwin Avenue (201) 445-8410
RIVER EDGE Sanducci’s Tr T attoria 620 Kinderkamack Road (201) 599-0600 sanduccis.com
ROCHELLE PARK The Dog and Cask 55 Route 17 South (201) 845-5101 thedogandcask.com
RUTHERFORD Cafe Matisse 167 Park Avenue (201) 935-2995 Finch’s (at The Renaissance Hotel) 801 Rutherford Avenue (201) 231-3141 Gain Ville Café 17 Ames Avenue (201) 507-1800 gaincontact.com Paisanos Ristorant 132 Park Avenue (201) 935-5755 paisanos.com Rutherford Pancake House 40 Park Avenue (201) 340-4171 www.rutherfordpancakehouse.com Key to Symbols $ Entrees $15 & under $$ Entrees $15 - $20 $$$ Entrees $20 & over Caterers
Full Bar service Handicap Accessible Entertainment Open 7 days Special Events Venue
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Refresh with
Weekdays 3-6pm & Nightly 10pm-Close
Eat Dessert First
Desserts that a ar at a e perfe f ct endings—or beginnings—to an fe any ny meal a al
Martini Grill - Zab a aglione ab
A wise man a once sai an a d, “Ea ai Eat Ea at dessert fi f rst.” His reasoning was we tend to pass up dessert becau a se we’re too au f ll fr fu f om the meal a , an al a d how oft f en do we ask fo ft f ra “doggie bag a ” fo ag f r a piece of pie or cak a e? So, star ak a t off ar f ff with something you’d real a ly al l enj n oy nj oy. y. Yo Y u can a al an alw lway a s tak a e your meal ak a home fo al f r the next x day xt a ! ay W th that Wi a in mind, we present a sam at a pling of am desserts fr f om a fe f w ar a ea eat a eries that at a will surely at l ly please no mat att at tter when you indulge—an a d they an e can ey a an mak a e an ak a excellent “fi f rst course” to an fi any ny meal a , too. al
Ral Ra alph Ma Mag agliocchett t i, owner of Il Vi tt V llag agg ag ggi gio in Ea E st R therfo Ru f rd, say fo a s no Ital ay a ian al a meal an a is complete without a al traditional a Ital al a ian al a dessert. He recommends the house an C eesecak Ch a e an ak a d a customer fa fav avorite, Zab a ag ab a lione. There is cheesecak a e an ak a d then there is Il Vi V llag a gio ag cheesecak a e. Wh ak W ole milk ricott t a mak tt a es it ext ak x ra rich xt a d cream an amy am my an a d, Ma Mag agliocchett t i adds, the crust is made tt f om Ital fr a ian al a biscott an t i, not grah tt a am ah a crackers as is oft f en ft used in other kitchens. Biscott t i (biscuits or cookies) tt a e traditional ar a ly al l bak a ed with al ak a monds an a d a touch of a ise fl an f av a oring an a d tw t ice cooked fo f r ext x ra crunch, xt mak a ing this crust a delicious surp ak r rise. rp Zab a ag ab a lione is a light, whip i ped custar ip a d made of ar eggs, sugar a an ar a d a sweet wine, serv r ed in a cham rv a pag am a ne ag glass (cal a led a coupe) with fr al f esh berries or peaches.
Il Vi V llaggio - Ch C eesecake Made Wi W th Fresh Ri R cotta & Biscotti Crust
Il Vi V llag a gio adds a bit of blackberry ag r bran ry a dy an d fo f r ext x ra xt f av fl a or – not that a it needs an at any ny help! Vi V sit ww www ww. w.ilv lvi lv villag a ag gio.com Bah a am ah a a Breeze in Par a am ar a us liv i es up to its tropical iv a al theme with its lunch an a d dinner fa far are as well as its dessert selection. One of its signat a ure menu items at is Ru R m Ca Cak ake, made with Bacar a di Oak ar a hear ak a t Ru ar R m a d topped with raisin butterscotch sauce—made an in-house—and served with vanilla ice cream. N te No t : Becaus u e it us i conta t in ta i s alc l ohol,l,l mus lc u t be 21 us 2 to t ord rde rd der.r No worries, though. An Any nyone can a enj an n oy nj o the Wa War arm C ocolat Ch a e Pineap at a ple Upside-Down Ca ap Cak ake, an a incredible new tak a e on a pineap ak a ple fa ap fan an fa fav avorite. This version f at fe a ures a slice of war a m chocolat ar a e cak at a e with molten ak
chocolat a e center, at r car r, a am ar a elized pineap a ples, serv ap r ed with rv raspberry r sau ry a ce an au a d fr f esh islan a d fr an f uit. K ds can Ki a try an r the Ma ry Man ango Sorbet with fr f esh fr f uit. V sit ww Vi www ww. w.bah a am ah a ab a reeze.com
C ocolat Ch a e rules at
A pleb Ap e ee’s, with locat eb a ions in Cl at C ift f on, Ke ft K ar a ny n an a d Hackensack, giv i es a cal iv a orie count fo al f r its desserts, so you can a order accordingly an ly. ly y. One of the nicest options is the Blue Ri R bbon Brownie, av a ai a lab a le in bite size (380 ab cal a ories) or big-enough-to-shar al a e size (1,670 cal ar a ories). al Both off ffe ff fer a super moist brownie with chunks of dar ak ar chocolat a e an at a d nuts, drizzled with hot fu f dge an a d van a illa ice cream an a on the side. Desserts on the kids’ am menu al a so help par a ents keep track of cal ar a ories, with al diff ffe ff ferent fl f av a ored sundaes an a d shak a es to choose fr ak f om. V sit ww Vi www ww. w.ap a plebees.com
Bahama Breeze - Ru R m Cake
Oliv ive iv ve Ga Gar arden in Secau a cus off au ffe ff fers an a ar a ray a of ay desserts that a is certai at a n to hav ai a e every av r diner hap ry a py ap py. y. C ocolat Ch a e lovers should sav at a e room fo av f r the Black Ti Te Mousse Ca Cak ake—rich lay a ers of chocolat ay a e cak at a e, dar ak ak ar chocolat a e cheesecak at a e an ak a d cream amy am my custar a d mousse, ar topped with chocolat a e icing an at a d miniat a ure chocolat at ae at chip i s. A chocoholic’s litt ip t le slice of heav tt a en. av For the non-chocolat a e lovers—yes, there ar at a e a fe f w out there—try r the Lemon Cr ry C eam a Ca am Cak ake. Tw T o lay a ers ay of delicat a e white cak at a e with lemon cream ak a fi am f lling an a d van a illa crumb topping an an a d a sprinkling of confe f cfe tioner’s sugar ar. ar r. Li L ght, yet perfe f ct with fr fe f eshly l brewed ly cap a puccino or espresso. Vi ap V sit ww www ww. w.oliv i egar iv a den.com ar Shan a non Ro an R se Irish Pub u in Cl ub C ift f on combines ft t o simple yet fa tw fav avorite tastes in its Irish Soda Bread Pudding. Irish soda bread, made with butt t ermilk an tt a d bak a ing soda instead of yeast, is a quick bread popular ak a ar f r St. Pat fo a rick’s Day at a celebrat ay a ions. Bread pudding uses at stal a e slices of crusted bread, bak al a ed with eggs, milk, ak sugar ar, ar r, van a illa an an a d spices, into a soft f pudding. Add ft
(To T p) Ap To A plebee’s - Blue Ri R bbon Brownie; (Bottom) Olive Garden - Lemon Cream Cake
A the Ch At C ar art rt House in We W ehaw awk aw wken, guests will f nd one item on the dessert menu—the Signat fi a ure Hot at C ocolat Ch a e La at Lav ava Ca Cak ake. It’s been done befo f re, but not fo like this: the molten center is made with Godiv i a® iv liqueur an a d serv r ed war rv a m, topped with chocolat ar ae at sau a ce, Heat au a h® bar at a crunch an ar a d van a illa ice cream an a . am G ests can Gu a request homemade straw an awb aw wberry r ice cream ry a am instead of van a illa fo an f r a modest char a ge. An ar A d becau a se au each dessert is made to order, r the chef asks that r, a guests at a low 30 minutes fo al f r prepar a at ar a ion. Perhap a s while you ap wai a t, you might try ai r a Blood Oran ry a ge Pal an a oma Ma al Mar artini or a Pomegran a at an a e Moj o ito, each delicious enough to oj count as dessert. Vi V sit ww www ww. w.char a t-house.com ar
Martini Grille - Jackie O
The TA T BLE these tw t o fa fav avorites an a d top with Bai a ley ai e s whip ey i ped cream ip a am a d there’s no need to wai an at ai f r a special fo a occasion. al W at Wh a can a be bett an t er than tt a an sau a téed peaches in browned au butt t er an tt a d bran a dy an d ? To T p it with crispy p gran py a ola, an a a dollop a, of van a illa ice cream an a an am a d sal a ted al car a am ar a el sau a ce an au a d the Peach C isp is a meal Cr a on its own. al Martini Grille Stay ayi ay ying true to its Ital a ian al a an A mond Joy Al o oy roots, Spunt n ino Wi nt W ne Bar a ar & It I al a ian a Ta an Tap apas a in Cl C ift f on ft presents traditional a fa al fav avorites with its own special a touch. The al C ocolat Ch a e Ch at C ip i Zeppole (p ( opular a deep-fr ar f ied Ital fr a ian al a an pastry ry) ry y) hav a e a hint of oran av a ge zest in the dough fo an f r an a ext x ra sweet surp xt r rise. rp Likewise, the Ci C ambelle (a bundt or circular cake which vary r by ry b region in Ital aly al ly) are homemade doughnuts that a come with a choice of dipping at sauces: chocolat a e sauce, Nutella or sal at a ted caramel. al Diff ffi ff ficult choice indeed.
W at Wh a a way a to end—or star ay a t—a meal ar a al
Har a ry ar r Par a ut, man ar a ag an a er of Go G urmet Infl f igh fl g t Ca gh Cat atering (an a d co-owner with Ar an A et Ta Tak akir of the Ma Mar art rtini Gr G ill in W od-Ri Wo R dge) say Ri a s chan ay a ge is key an e to keeping the menus ey f r both businesses fr fo f esh an a d exciting. The bar a tenders ar a d wai an a t staf ai aff af ff ar a e al alw lway a s coming up with new recip i es ip f r the mar fo a tini list, Par ar a ut say ar a s. “That ay a ’s what at a we’re at known fo f r so we’re al alw lway a s try ryi ry ying something new. w” w. The summer mar a tini fl ar f av a ors include Cu C cumber M nt, Wa Mi Wat atermelon Pat a ch, Jal at a ap al a eno Grilled Pineap a ple ap (“So popular ar, ar r,” Par a ut stat ar a es) an at a d the Jackie O, made with Stoli Ohran anj an nj vodka, a ap a, a ricot bran a dy an dy, y, trip i le sec ip a d pineap an a ple an ap a d cran a berry an r juices. Al ry A so new to the list is the Al A mond Joy o Ma oy Mar artini – Bacar a di Co-Co rum, ar A ar Am a ett t o, chocolat tt a e liqueur, at r splash of cream r, a – serv am r ed rv in a chocolat a e swirled glass with al at a mond pieces an a d coconut shav avi av vings. Oh my m ! For a more traditional a dessert, Par al a ut suggests the ar C ème Brulee (egg yolk, heav Cr avy av vy cream a van am a illa bean an a , an van a illa ext an x ract, sugar xt ar, ar r, bak a ed-to-car ak a am ar a elized-perfe f cfe tion) or the Zab a ag ab a lione (egg yolks, sugar ar, ar r, whip i ped ip cream a , trip am i le sec, Ma ip Mar arsal a a wine, cooked an al a d poured over fr f esh berries), both made in-house of course. “Wh W ether you’re ordering as an Wh a ap a petizer or complementing your meal a , you’ve made the right choice,” al sai a d Par ai a ut. ar
Martini Grill - Cr C eme Brulee
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The TA T BLE Pink n nk Locat a ion: Pink Restaurant is locat at a ed at at a Meadowlands Ra R cing & Entertainment, 1 Ra R cetrack Drive, East Ru R therfo f rd, NJ fo C isine Ty Cu Typ ype: Fresh & Local a with American/Ital al a ian fl al f are. Hours of Operat a ion: Friday at a s & Sat ay a urday at a s 5:30pm - 10pm. Pink is al ay a so av a ailab a le fo ab f r privat ae at events and parties. R serv Re r at rv a ions: Strongly l Suggested ly Menus Av A ai a lab a le: Dinner, ab r Privat r, a e Ev at E ents, Cat a ering, Wi at W ne/Cocktail, Ve V getarian/Special a al Dietary ry, ry y, Holiday ay/ ay y/Special a Ev al E ents Par a king: Privat ar a e Lot at Serv r ice Ty rv Typ ype: Bar, r Cat r, a ering, Sit Down, Fine Dining at Price Ra Ran ange of En E trées: Buff ffe ff fet is $29.95 on Friday a evenings and $39.95 on Sat ay a urday at a nights. ay Signat a ure Dish: Va at V ries with buff ffe ff fet assortment Pay a ment Ty ay Typ ypes: Cash, Cr C edit Card/Debit Card A cohol: Bar Service Al C ef: Ch f Ex f: E ecutive Ch C ef Dennis Sammarone has over 25 years experience in the culinary r world. ry He previously l worked as Ex ly E ecutive Ch C ef fo f r the Carnival a Cab al a le Beach Hotel and the NY ab N Helmsley e Hotels. He has ap ey a peared on CBS LIVE @ 4, Good Morning America, News12 NJ and authored recipes fo f r In I sid ide id de Je J rs r ey e Ma Mag agaz a in i e, the St Sta tar Le L dg dge ger, Berg rge rg gen Re R cord r , and Ne rd N w Je J rs r ey e M nth Mo t ly th l . R stau Re a ran au a t Description: Pink’s tiered dining area combines upscal an a e buff al ffe ff fet with amazing views of the live horse racing action fr f om every r seat ry a in the house. Ta at Tab able-side cocktail service complements the delicious buff ffe ff fet fa f re. The indoor restaurant al a lows seat a ing fo at f r up to 270 guests to eat a and drink, with the convenience of individual at a TV and betting terminal al a s. The al décor fe f at a ures swanky k stained gunmetal ky a fl al f oors and white subway a tiles behind the bar, ay r with r, bright pink, wool chairs to complement the restaurant name. W bsite: http:// We //p // /play a meadowlands.com/dining/p ay / ink.html /p Social a Media Links: https:// al //w // /ww www ww.fa f cebook.com/m fa / eadowlandsracetrack/ /m
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More than horses.
Sabor Peru 8 Highland Cross (201) 935-7378 saborperunj.com Village Gourmet 75 Park Avenue (201) 438-9404 villagerestaurantgroup.com Volare’s 7 Station Square (201) 935-6606
SECAUCUS Bareli’s Restaurant, LLC 219 Route 3 East (201) 865-2766 barelisrestaurantandbar.com Bonefish Grill 200 Mill Creek Drive (201) 864-3004 bonefishgrill.com Buffalo Wild Wings 470 Harmon Meadow Boulevard (201) 348-0824 buffalowildwings.com BurgerFi 700 Plaza Drive #4 (551) 257-7979 burgerfi.com Cafe Four Fifty Five 455 Plaza Drive (201) 864-7300 Carrabba’s Italian Grill 475 Harmon Meadow Boulevard (201) 330-8497 carrabbas.com See our coupon on page 25
$$ ➐ 24
Cheeseburger In Paradise 700 Plaza Drive (201) 392-0500 cheeseburgerinparadise.com Chili’s Restaurant 700 Plaza Drive (201) 319-0804 chilis.com Chipotle Mexican Grill 700 Plaza Drive (201) 223-0562 chipotle.com Cosi - Harmon Meadow 700 Plaza Drive (201) 330-1052 getcosi.com Houlihan’s 700 Plaza Drive (201) 330-8856 houlihans.com See our ad on ppage g 11
$$ ➐ La Reggia Ristorante Banquets & Lounge 40 Wood Avenue (201) 422-0200 lareggiaus.com Olive Garden Secaucus Harmon Meadow 500 Route 3 West (201) 867-3543 olivegarden.com See our ad on ppage g 7
$$ ➐ Outback Steakhouse 455 Harmon Meadow Boulevard (201) 601-0077 outback.com Panera Bread 200 Mill Creek Drive (201) 348-2846 panerabread.com
200 MILL CREEK DR. • SECAUCUS • (201) 864-3004 601 FROM RD. • PARAMUS • (201) 261-2355 *Get 10% off guest check (excluding alcohol, applicable taxes and gratuity) with show of certificate. Valid for dine-in only for dinner (after 4pm) at the Secaucus, NJ or Paramus, NJ Bonefish Grill locations. One offer per table, per visit. Not valid in conjunction with any other offer, discount or gift card purchases. Certificate must be surrendered upon redemption. No cash value. Void where prohibited by law. Prices, product participation and restaurant hours may vary by location. Excludes Group & Event Dining. Distribution of this coupon belongs exclusively to authorized representatives of Bonefish Grill, LLC and/or its affiliates. Bonefish strictly prohibits the reproduction of this certificate in any form or the sale or exchange of it in any forum. NOT VALID FOR HOOKED ON TUESDAY 3 COURSE MENU, 12 DAYS OF BONEFISH GRILL OR DINE & DISCOVER.
VALID 10/31/2017
Red Lobster 700 Plaza Drive (201) 583-1902 Stefanos Mediterranean Grille 700 Plaza Drive (201) 865-6767 stefanos-mg.com T kyo Hibachi & Buffet To 700 Plaza Drive (201) 863-2828 www.toky k ohb.com ky
Seasons Catering 644 Pascack Road (201) 664-6141 seasonscatering.com See our ad on page 9
WEEHAWKEN Chart House Restaurant Pier D/T Lincoln Harbor (201) 348-6628 chart-house.com See our ad on inside front cover
$$$ ➐
SHREWSBURY Shadowbrook at Shrewsbury 1 Obre Place (732) 747-0200 shadowbrook.com See our ad on page 9
Houlihan’s - Weehawken 1200 Harbor Boulevard (201) 863-4000 houlihans.com See our ad on inside front cover
$$ ➐
Jack Austin’s Eat & Drink 1200 Harbor Boulevard (201) 348-4444 sheratonlincolnharbor.com/jack-austins
TENAFLY Axia Ta T verna 18 Piermont Road (201) 569-5999 axiataverna.com
See our ad on inside front cover
$$ ➐
Ruth’s Chris Steak House 1000 Harbor Boulevard (201) 863-5100 ruthschris.com
iFish 114 County Rd (201) 569-1111
See our ad on inside front cover
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Sal’s Good Eats 80 Green Street (201) 375-4949 salsgoodeats.com
Key to Symbols $ Entrees $15 & under $$ Entrees $15 - $20 $$$ Entrees $20 & over Caterers
Full Bar service Handicap Accessible Entertainment Open 7 days Special Events Venue
Martini Grill 187 Hackensack Street (201) 939-2000 martini-grill.com See our ad on page g 20
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CHOWDERFEST Cook Off Classic on Sunday, October 1, 2017 Named one of the top fo f od fe f stival a s on the East Coast, Ch al C owderfe f st celebrat fe a es its 29th year at of serving up the restaurant competition the stat a e. at Ticketholders get unlimited chowder sampling, live music, gourmet fo f od court with seasonal a al beers and hard ciders on tap a . Ev ap E ery r one gets to vote fo ry f r their fa fav avorite in fo f llowing cat a egories: at Red, Wh W ite and Cr C eat a ive Cl at C ass Ch C owders. For more info f go to ww fo www ww. w.chowderfe f st.com or fo fe f llow us on Facebook: The Off ffi ff ficial LBI C owderfe Ch f st fe Locat a ion: Beach Hav at a en, Long Beach Island, NJ av Feat a uring: Unlimited tasting of red, white and creat at a ive chowders at Hours: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. T ckets: General Ti a Admission $25, Ch al C ildren $10 $55 VIP with exclusive 10 a.m. entry r and Off ry ffi ff ficial a Ta al T ster Te T e shirt Free parking and shuttle service av a ailab a le ab For more info f rmat fo a ion Contact: at Southern Ocean County t ty C amber of Commerce Ch 265 W Ninth St, Ship Bottom NJ (609) 484-7211• (800) 292-6372 visitlbiregion.com www ww ww.chowderfe f st.com fe