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Sheriff’s office arrests two for commercial sex trafficking
Contributed Report
Investigators with the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office have arrested two individuals in connection with a solicitation of prostitution case that was initiated by the law enforcement agency.
In January 2023, investigators conducted an operation at a residence in the 9200 block of Tall Oaks Lane. This operation was initiated to target the solicitation of prostitution believed to be occurring at this location.
As a result of evidence garnered from the operation, a residential search warrant was obtained and then executed. During the search, numerous incriminating items were collected. As a result, arrest warrants
FEB. 10
Grand larceny at a building was reported on the 7000 block of covenant Woods drive.
Grand larceny, auto theft was reported on the block of 7100 block of White Pine court a simple assault was reported on the 10200 block of Waxcomb Place. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 9300 block of studley Plantation drive.
FEB. 11 destruction of property, monument was reported on the 8100 block of atlee road. driver did not report accident; damage over or equal to $250 was reported on the 9300 block of atlee road. driver did not report accident; damage over or equal to $250 was reported on the 9300 block of atlee road. destruction of property, monument was reported on the 6600 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike. a simple assault was reported on the 16400 block of West crescent rested and charged on March 2 with the following crimes: Maintaining a Bawdy Place (M – x2), Commercial Sex Trafficking (F), Child Neglect (F – x2), Possession of Schedule I/II Narcotics (F). were obtained for Tara Rhiannon Inman, 45, and James Louron Inman, 49, both of Mechanicsville.

Tara Inman was arrested and charged on March 1 with the following crimes: Prostitution (Misdemeanor – x3), Maintaining a Bawdy Place (M – x3), Commercial Sex Trafficking (Felony), Child Neglect (F – x2) and Possession with Intent to Distribute a Controlled Substance (F).
James Inman was ar- dWI, second offense in 10 years was reported on the 7000 block of covenant Woods drive.
FEB. 12 a simple assault was reported on the 7100 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike. defrauding hotels, motels under $200was reported on the 7400 block of sandy Lane. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 12300 block of Lees Lane. driver did not reporting accident with damage less than $250 was reported on the 7400 block of Bell creek road. a simple assault was reported on the 6400 block of cardinal Way. dWI: First offense was reported on the 9100 block of atlee road.
FEB. 13 dWI: First offense was reported on the 14300 block of Washington highway/cross corner road. damage of a catalytic converter was reported on the 10000 block of Pamunkey road. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 20100 block of Beaver dam road. damage of a catalytic converter was reported on the 10200 block of Timber ridge drive. defrauding hotels, motels less than $200 was reported on the 7100 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike. assault of an emergency worker in facility was reported on the 8200 block of atlee road driver did not report an accident with damage less or equal to $1000 was reported on the 7000 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike.
Tara Inman was released on a secured bond and James Inman is currently incarcerated at Pamunkey Regional Jail with no bond. Anyone with further information about these cases is asked to contact the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office at (804) 365-6140 or the Metro Richmond Crime Stoppers at (804) 780-1000. Citizens can also download the “P3 Tips” app for their mobile device to submit their tip. Both Crime Stoppers methods are anonymous.
Identity thief, Id to defraud less or equal to $200 was reported on the 8300 block of n ew a shcreek road.
Possession of schedule I,II controlled substance was reported on the 7000 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike.
Petit larceny from auto was reported on the 11500 was reported on the Verdon road.
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