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sita Lewis, an eighth grader at chickahominy Middle school, represented hanover county in the 49th annual richmond Times-dispatch regional spelling Bee held March 9 in Mechanicsville. she competed against 21 other division winning spellers. sita made it to the eighth round by successfully spelling fraught, depose, redemption, gelatinous, verbena, isting Montpelier building. A pedestrian plaza will make it easy for residents to walk between both facilities.
Another component of the project is a reconstruction of the adjacent Wickham Field. It will be designed to support youth baseball and softball activities with lighting and new restrooms.
“I’m very excited about this project,” said Dibble, in whose district the facility will be located. “I think it will be a great amenity for the citizens of western Hanover and I am looking forward to it opening next year.”
The new library space will be operated by the Pamunkey Regional Library System and will replace the existing branch located within the Montpelier Center for Arts and Education. Hanover County Parks and Recreation will manage facility scheduling and activity planning for the classrooms and gymna- sium.
Dibble and her predecessor in the South Anna District seat on the Board, Wayne Hazzard, had sought community input on the project along with the late Aubrey M. Stanley, longtime Beaverdam District supervisor.
“I think this is a great thing for the residents of western Hanover,” said Beaverdam District Supervisor Rob Manolo.“I know it was very close to Bucky Stanley’s heart and he and Sue Dibble worked so hard on it and it’s great to see that it’s finally coming to fruition.” submitted by hanover county director of communications Kristin smith dunlop
A groundbreaking ceremony is expected this spring with construction slated to take about 18 months.
Video and Renderings Available on Hanover County YouTube: https://youtu. be/7H2Ya_fo-6s.