Daily Disciples Newsletter March/April 2012

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Daily Disciples


MARCH 2012

In 1 Kings 8:12, Solomon began his sermon of praise to God by saying, “The Lord said He would dwell in the dark cloud.” Many times, Christians also sense the dark cloud of God rather than the light He has placed within us. In darkness, we question God’s will and His ways. In darkness, we sense a lack of direction and even confusion. In darkness, we wonder if we are sensing His Spirit and our faith becomes challenged to the core. Why does God allow darkness? We know from Genesis 1:4 and Isaiah 45:7 that He created the light and the darkness. So how does the Christian survive the dark times? We, Bobbye and Tonilee, have experienced many dark days and confusing times. But we are also assured of God’s promise to “give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places.” (Isaiah 45:3) Just because we are limited by darkness does not mean that it limits the God we serve. It is in those dark times that our primary focus needs

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God Works in Darkness to be “I will trust You, Lord” regardless of how thick the darkness might be. In November 2011, we faced an intense time of challenge that tested our faith in many ways. The Lord clearly instructed us to step aside from the ministry. What? How can that be from God? But we both knew that God desires and requires obedience, regardless of what made sense to us. Our desire has always been to teach, train and lead others in their walk with the Lord through His Word. But we knew that God raised up a new thing with the development of Media 4 Women, not sure of the purpose but trusting the Lord. This new company grew very fast, maybe too fast. But, what about our ministry. How could we do both? Was God implying that we needed to stop working for Him? At the time, both of us were confused and uncertain of the direction of the ministry and media company. We did not keep the message a secret but we were struggling to understand what God was doing.

A new entity called “Real Issues Real Answers” became a growing outreach as we tackled sensitive topics like divorce and depression, still seeking God’s guidance on how to communicate His message. The Lord showed us the depths of where people are hurting in real life issues. We found ourselves not just ministering through the organization of Daily Disciples but through avenues we had not planned. We desired to reach the lost and hurting but our plans for how to do that were being changed...by God. He made us take a step back, to trust Him, in order to go forward with clarity and in strength. We spent a long year working and walking it out with the Lord, much of it in darkness. But, praise God, His light has lifted to show us a much bigger, more powerful plan. We are back in full swing with Daily Disciples Ministries. Media 4 Women and its services are thriving. We have a broader outreach than ever before with a cross-over global network.

Bobbye & Tonilee are back on KPRZ 1210AM every Sunday at 10am. Sign up to stay involved with The Way 4 Today Radio Show through their website at www.theway4today.com For more information, or to be a guest or sponsor on their show, please contact them at info@dailydisciples.org

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The Study of Exodus

Learn-2-Teach Seminar

Starting Monday, April 2 at 7pm

Starting Tuesday, May 8 at 10am

Bobbye & Tonilee are beginning a new Bible study on the amazing book of Exodus starring Moses & the 10 Commandments.

Tonilee will be training and teaching whomever the Lord prompts (and yes, that might be YOU) how to teach the Word of God.

On April 2nd, we are starting a new Subscribe to our Blog

Bible study in the book of Exodus. Go through the summer with us, staying in God’s Word. This is a 22 week study, in person at the Toyota Corporate Center in Carlsbad, and available on

Watch our Videos

video, as each week’s teaching session is recorded. You can join us from anywhere in the world. You do not want to miss out on this powerful study. Register online or call 800-992-0369 www.exodusbiblestudy.eventbrite.com

We are excited to bring back our radio program in San Diego on KPRZ 1210AM. We are archiving the shows on iTunes and broadcasting the messages to the world, things we learned this past year through our media and marketing company. We are opening up Daily Disciples’ resources to a global audience through digital tools; e-studies, online videos, social media and a new App for the daily devos. It was one full year to the day that the darkness was lifted and the sun peaked through the clouds. Looking back, we see more clearly how God was changing us to use us for His purposes, in a much different way than we thought. Our faith has been tested and strengthened through the journey...in the darkness. God laid a new, stronger foundation for the expansion of His work. We are His workmanship and if He wants to move us from a tent to a tabernacle, He will do it! If you are sensing the darkness right now, hold on! Keep the Faith! And considered yourself blessed. God does not necessarily answer the words of your mouth, but the desires of your heart. It is not easy and sometimes, it does not even seem right. But be obedient and do not doubt. He is faithful even when we are not.


There is a Great Commission that is sometimes interpreted as the Great Suggestion...NOT! It is not an option. We are to GO and MAKE Disciples. Maybe it’s time to face your fears and pursue your faith in FAITH. Join Tonilee in a 4-week class that will teach you how to: • Lead prayer time • Lead a small group • Teach a group with notes • Teach a group without notes and so much more. For more info: email tladamson@dailydisciples.org

We are thankful to the Lord for entrusting us to the next steps. We appreciate the opportunity to help educate others, and continue to inspire women to pursue their God-given gifts and talents to honor the Lord. In These last days, we have been able to reach out in amazing ways such as: Bible studies, radio shows, internet programs, teaching and training seminars, websites, webinars, television, live events and varied types of social media. We know that all things are possible, but we also know that we cannot do it alone and we are not alone. God has given us the message but we need you to help us with the means. We are the body of Christ. Each of us needs to do our part to participate in the Great Commission to “Go and make Disciples.” Please consider giving a financial gift to Daily Disciples Ministries. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit that donates 100% to the ministry. Every penny goes to the outreach of the gospel. We appreciate those who partner with us in prayer, time, finances and attendance. Love and Prayers, Bobbye & Tonilee

Daily Disciples

Check out the Resources in our new online Store HERE Choose from our selection of Bible studies including DVDs and CDs. You can order and download online or have them mailed to you in hard copy. Books, audio and video series, devotionals and other resources are available.


“Bobbye and Tonilee,

“Bobbye & TL, tonight I am sitting here

Thank you for your Power of Hope Conference!

“You are both wonderful women whom I'm

reflecting on the Retreat and just wanted You two were so much fun ;) My friend Renee

sure have blessed many. We were very happy ( my friend Annette ) to have been able to talk

to send a thank you to you (and your

Kohn did an amazing job and I was especially

assistants). I appreciate your servants

touched by Laura Cain's story since someone

to you during lunch on Saturday afternoon.

hearts and what you do for women

in my family has been battling drug abuse for

Your words are words of inspiration. I cannot

through your Ministry. I pray that the

years. It is comforting to know that I am not

wait till the next time we see each other.

Lord will continue to cover you w/ His

the only one who didn't recognize the problem

Thank you SO much for a blessed weekend.”

love and mercies every day. Again,

in him before it was too late. Thanks again!

thank you for a blessed weekend!”

May God bless you both abundantly!”

TRAINING CHURCHES & MINISTRY LEADERS ...to spread the Gospel through Social Media Sandy Goe, the founder of the Women Christian Business Network in Santa Barbara, asked Bobbye and Tonilee to challenge invited ministry leaders to spread the Gospel through Social Media. At first, Sandy met some resistance as many of the participants were not, as of yet, registered on Facebook. She got the sense that there was fear and skepticism of whether it was “worth” getting started. When we think that Jesus was accused of hanging out with drunkards and gluttons, it is difficult to believe that He would not have been involved with social media. Jesus met the people where they were and communicated to them there. He is still doing that today through us. Stay-athome moms are using social media. The fastest growing group on Facebook is women aged 55-65. Social Media is not going away, instead it is becoming a new way of communicating. Thirty ministry leaders attended Sandy’s event. There were a lot of questions from a variety of perspectives, but the take away point was clearly embraced: We have reached an age that we finally have something to say and can communicate it clearly and with wisdom. Why shouldn’t we be the ones to say it to the next generation? They are online. We need to be there too. Thank you Sandy for your boldness to challenge those of us who are called but not necessarily prepared to preach in a changing world.

Real Issues Real Answers Conference Thank you to all who attended the Power of Hope Conference. It was a different type of day for us, as we did not advertise it under Daily Disciples Ministries. Every year we have women of all ages, backgrounds and religious

affiliations attend our conference. But throughout the year, we hear of their prayer requests...women are hurting and their prayers are consistently for their health, their families and their finances with a lot of these prayers based on fear. God’s people perish because of a lack of knowledge. Our churches are filled with people hearing the Word of God from very gifted men, but women’s fears and needs are not being met. The Lord has instructed us to develop the Real Issues Real Answers platform to first minister to the woman’s basic needs (James 2:16)and then reach out and touch their hearts as we all understand that real hope is found in Jesus Christ. We are thankful for all the Christians who had the discernment to reach out to the unsaved that day. It was a day to give to the lost, instead of filling the needs of the found.

Vestibulum ante:


If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? James 2:16


Promise of a Future Hope

TELE: 760.487.5080 CELL: 800.992.0369


DDM Women’s Retreat We have done many retreats but for some reason, this past retreat ministered primarily to the victims of sexual abuse. Many of them began their healing process. Please pray for them! It is good to get the darkness exposed to the light but keeping it in the light can be the challenge moving forward. We greatly appreciate you! Be sure to tell your friends about our daily devotionals!

Bobbye & Tonilee

Follow us on Facebook & Twitter: www.bobbyeandtonilee.com www.dailydisciples.org www.media4women.com www.theway4today.com

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