Media 4 Women Marketing Strategies

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Media 4 Women Enterprises, Inc.

Media 4 Women Enterprises First and foremost, the heart of M4W is in MARKETING

MARKETING How will you or your product or service ever be FOUND?

Media and Marketing are Absolutely Essential in today’s business world MEDIA


No One Tool is Enough‌ most popular forms of Media. Blogs


Social Media

Radio TV Events


MARKETING Email Marketing

Print Materials Commercials

Books/ Articles

Start with basic questions…  What are my Goals? (help someone, make money,  

build a business, personal mission, etc) What is my TimeFrame: Short-term and Long-term? What are my Expectations? (global mission, local outreach, small business online, get rich, support my family, fulfill my dreams, etc) How much can I realistically invest in Time, Money and Resources? (must have BUDGET for your Investment) Am I supported and encouraged? (by family, friends)

First Step…Develop a PLAN  Write out your goals…ideas…where you want to end

up or what you would like to achieve. Branding Identity.

 What do you want the end result to be?

Common Mistakes that lead to Little to No Results or Success  MOST people do these things next:  Pick a name  Buy a domain name  Put together a Website  Get a Facebook  Maybe do a YouTube account  Maybe a Blog

A Marketing Plan helps identify the Media Tools you will need‌


“If you build it, they will come” NOT! Before you jump into the website design and development…take a step back and develop a PLAN.

With MILLIONS of websites online…how will yours be found?

ANSWER: A Strategic Marketing Plan that capitalizes the effectiveness of all available MEDIA tools to Promote and Dominate your Niche.

Strategic Marketing Plan KEYWORDS…everything starts with the NAME and the KEYWORD phrases Does it make sense to your business? Your message? It’s all about the NICHE!

Secret Weapons of Marketing SUBMIT…SUBMIT…SUBMIT Strategic Marketing Plan must include a plan for online marketing penetration…you must submit information to multiple locations… with strategy.

Multiple and Consistent Submissions

Videos, articles, blogs, RSS feeds (Podcasts), events, forums, organizations…anywhere you can put your information using keywords and website url.

Marketing Tip Make Your Content Effective Why does your audience care? What’s in it for them? Describe the problem. Use questions…statistics…grab them. Give a Solution to the problem. Give an Offer. Have a clear “Call to Action” as the follow up.

Media 4 Women Enterprises was created to help you to be Successful

Free Consultation Call 800-992-0369 email Schedule your appointment today!

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