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Udine Aquileia Where patriarchs once ruled &Aquileia
Dominata dal castello in collina, Udine ha antichissime origini e vanta un centro storico reso unico da gioielli come Piazza Libertà, scenario di grande armonia che ricorda nelle sue architetture i fasti veneizani. Fu sede dei patriarchi di Aquileia, località che divenne importante snodo mercantile in epoca romana. Da vedere l’imponente sito archeologico e la bellissima chiesa del III secolo d.C., impreziosita da magnifiche pavimentazioni a mosaico.
Dominated by the castle on a hill, Udine has very early origins and a historic centre made unique by jewels such as Piazza Libertà, an impressive centrepiece with architecture reminiscent of the splendours of Venice. It was once the seat of the patriarchs of Aquileia, a centre which became an important commercial hub in Roman times. Must sees include the archaeological site and the beautiful church dating from the 3rd century A.D., embellished with magni cent mosaic ooring.