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Agestire Rame Yacht è SeaStar Shipping, agenzia mari ima registrata e membro Federagenti.
Oltre ad occuparsi di ogni pratica necessaria per soggiorni in Costa Smeralda, soddisfa le richieste più esclusive ed è in grado di di organizzare servizi aggiuntivi come food & beverage, ori, transfer, car rental, sea toys, spa & beauty, laudry service e assistenza medica.
Rame Yacht is managed by SeaStar Shipping, a registered maritime agency and member of the Federagenti ship agent’s association. As well as taking care of all necessary arrangements for stays on the Costa Smeralda, it caters for the most exclusive requests and can organise ancillary services such as food & beverage, owers, transfers, car rental, sea toys, spa & beauty, laundry service and medical assistance.
Verwaltet wird die Rame Yacht von SeaStar Shipping, einer anerkannten Schi fahrtsagentur und Mitglied von Federagenti. Sie kümmert sich nicht nur um alle notwendigen Formalitäten für Aufenthalte an der Costa Smeralda, sondern erfüllt auch die exklusivsten Wünsche und ist in der Lage, zusätzliche Dienstleistungen wie Verp egung, Blumen, Transfers, Autovermietung, Badespielzeug, Spa & Beauty, Wäscheservice und medizinische Betreuung zu organisieren.
Porto Cervo (SS)
Case del Porto F32
Tel. +39 338 3506169 +39 349 2456184
Porto Rotondo (SS)
Piazzetta Sporting
Molo Levante
Tel. +39 338 3506169 +39 349 2456184 +39 0789 383828
Olbia (SS)
Via Indonesia, 8
Tel. +39 0789 387263 +39 338 3506169 +39 349 2456184
Golfo Aranci (SS) P.zza del Porto, 12 Tel. +39 338 3506169 +39 349 2456184 www.seastarshipping.it -