LITERARY TRANSLATION Creative Europe’s Literary Translation funding opportunity supports publishers and publishing houses to translate works from one European language to another. Selected works are also supported in their production and promotion. In 2019 The Poetry Translation Centre was a first-time beneficiary of Creative Europe funding for their project ‘Beyond Europe, Inside Europe’. The project will see new work published by the Lebanese-French poet Vénus Khoury-Ghata, Eritrean-Italian poet Ribka Sibhatu, Georgian poet Diana Anphimiadi and Algerian-French poet Habib Tengour. The fund aims to support cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe, promote the transnational circulation of highquality literary works, as well as to improve access to these literary works so that they can reach new audiences. The translation of books for which the authors have won the EU Prize for Literature is particularly encouraged. 2020 also saw two first-time beneficiaries awarded Literary Translation funding, with Peirene Press publishing three titles in their ‘Anatomies’ series. Centrala Books’ funding will allow them to produce print and eBook editions of seven compelling graphic novels that were originally created in Czech, Polish, and Dutch. In addition, the UK has to date seen more translations of its authors into other languages than any other country, from contemporary fiction from Zadie Smith and Phillip Pullman to literary classics of Virginia Woolf. Here are the funded organisations in the UK in 2019 and 2020 and the projects they were involved in. More details on these projects can be found on our website: REGION 2019 PROJECT PROJECT NAME ORGANISATION LOCATION (IN ENGLAND) TOTAL € Beyond Europe Inside Europe The Poetry Translation Centre England
Parthian- Voice for Margins
Parthian Books
Peirene Press