President Chris McKeag
President-Elect Mireya Cruz Vice-President
Gerald Lorance
Secretary Jolene Hinojosa
Treasurer Paul Cerniauskas
Executive Director Marvin Harris HQ, Joint Forces Jolene Hinojosa HQ, TXARNG Vacant
71st Troop Command
Paul Cerniauskas HQ, 36TH ID
Amanda Roberts 56th IBCT Wesley Hall
72nd IBCT Marius Pusar
36th CAB Joshua Bain
176th Engr Bde Vacant
71st EMIB Ruben Wilson
36th Sustainment Bde
Tielow-Taneesha Henson
136th MEB Max Puckett HQ, TXANG Lonnie Dunkin 136th AW Nate Norton
147th ATKW Emily Martinez
FW Bryan Shreve
Rec & Ret Vacant
Rec & Ret
Gerald Lorance
Richard Newby
Guy Schultz
Oliver Mintz
Readiness Rep Talia McKinnis
Jr Enlisted Vacant
Jr Enlisted Vacant
NGAT News (usps 015-752) published quarterly by the National Guard Association of Texas, 3706 Crawford Avenue, Austin, Texas 78731-6308.
Periodicals postage paid at Austin, Texas 78710 and additional offices.
POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: NGAT News, 3706 Crawford Avenue, Austin, Texas 78731-6308
WHERE HAS THE YEAR GONE? It seems like 2022 just started and now we are almost at the end of the year.
We had great participation and fun in August at the national level conferences of the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) and the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS). Congratulations to our very own President-Elect SFC Mireya Cruz for being voted in on the EANGUS Executive Council as the EANGUS Secretary. Also, congratulations to Col Hector Camacho and his unit the 147th Attack Wing for receiving the NGAUS Mission Support Trophy at the NGAUS conference.
As we go into the Texas legislative session next year, please let us know what is important to you and what issues you would like your Association to work on in your behalf. If you have an idea for a resolution that benefits Texas National Guard members, families, or retirees please contact the NGAT Resolutions Committee at resolutions@ngat.org. We want to hear from you on how the Association can assist.
Mark your calendars for March 23-26, 2023 for the 64th Annual NGAT Conference at the Las Colinas Entertainment District in Irving, Texas. All conference meetings, breakout sessions, and most optional events will be held in the Irving Convention Center. Come a few days early or stay a few days later and enjoy what the Las Colinas “Toyota Music Factory” has to offer. Come balance work and play with music venues, movies, performing arts and unique dining options.
We will be voting in a new President-Elect at our next conference and nominations are now being accepted. One of the requirements is you must have served at least one year as member of the NGAT Board of Directors. If you are interested in running for this position, please contact the NGAT Executive Director Marvin Harris at mharris@ ngat.org or visit www.ngat.org for additional information.
As the holiday season approaches, I ask that you remain diligent in keeping you and your family and friends safe. We are going into the biggest traveling season of the year. So please be smart and careful while you’re enjoying all the festivities.
From myself, the NGAT Board of Directors and staff, we want to be the first in wishing you Happy Holidays! We have our NGAT Holiday Open House on December 1, 2022, and hope to see you there!
THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD hosted a delegation of senior officers from the Egyptian Armed Forces for the Egypt-Texas International Summit (ETIS) in Texas. The weeklong summit provided a collaborative environment for Texas and Egypt’s senior military leaders to discuss the future of the Egypt-Texas partnership and learn more about each other’s respective organizations. The Texas National Guard formally established a partnership with the Arab Republic of Egypt through the National Guard State Partnership Program (SPP) at a signing ceremony in Cairo in June 2021. COL Paul Cerniauskas, Commander of the 136th Regiment (RTI-TX) accepts a coin from BG Essam, Chief Instructor from the Egyptian NCO Institute. (PhotobySFCElizabethPena)
President NGAT president@ngat.org
The 136th Civil Engineer Squadron receives the Col William Deneke Award for Outstanding Civil Engineer Squadron September 17, 2022, at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth, Texas. The 136th CES accomplishments included deployments, on-base maintenance and construction, base safety, and cutting energy costs as well as the unit’s ability to remain focused and dedicated to its work. The Deneke Award winner, chosen annually from nearly 100 civil engineer units throughout the 54 states and territories, is presented to the top Air National Guard civil engineer unit based upon installation and expeditionary engineering, emergency services, environmental leadership and community support. The trophy is designed and built each year by the previous year’s award winners. (Photo by MSgt Lynn M. Means)
NATIONAL GUARD ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS 3706 Crawford Ave, Austin, TX 78731 512 454 7300 www.ngat.org
October 31, 2022
Please join us at the Las Colinas Entertainment District in Irving, TX as we come together for the 64th Annual National Guard Association of Texas (NGAT) Conference from March 23-26, 2023 All conference meetings, breakout sessions, and most optional events will be held in the Irving Convention Center. Come a few days early or stay a few days later and enjoy what the Las Colinas “Toyota Music Factory” has to offer. Come balance work and play with music venues, movies, performing arts, and unique dining options.
Conference Registration – Registration will open on November 1, 2022, at www.ngat.org Check out the meal packages and you’ll see that membership has its privileges. So, become a NGAT member now to take advantage of those membership privileges immediately. A $20 late fee will be added after March 11, 2023, and registrations made after March 18, 2023, can only be made onsite.
Room Reservations – The host hotel is the Westin Hotel located right across the street from the Irving Convention Center and immediately adjacent to the Toyota Music Factory. The hotel rate will be $147 per night. We cannot guarantee this room rate for reservations made after March 1, 2023 So please make your room reservations now to take advantage of the discounted rate before they sell out.
• Thursday, March 23 (1700 1930) Defense Symposium/Reception – An invite only event with Texas Military Department leadership and Corporate Partners. Learn what is going on in the Texas National Guard and with our Corporate Partners.
• Friday, March 24 (1300) Exhibit Hall Ribbon Cutting Ceremony – Join us as we open the Exhibit Hall with our great Corporate Partners.
• Friday, March 24 (1830 2100) Welcome Party – Come to the Welcome Party in your favorite Sports Teams Jersey and play Corn Hole, Giant Jenga, Giant Connect Four, and table games while enjoying some DJ Music, game time food and networking with friends. And for our cigar fans and aficionados, enjoy a nice “Stogie” on the balcony in the NGAT Cigar Lounge.
• Saturday, March 25 (0800 1130) NGAT Annual Meeting and General Session – All conference attendees are invited to the NGAT annual meeting and general session. Find out what is going on in your Association.
• Saturday, March 25 (1915 2100) Awards Banquet – Join us as we recognize our members for outstanding achievement and present our NGAT Minuteman Award.
We were supposed to be in Irving, TX in 2020. But as you know that conference was cancelled due to the start of the COVID pandemic We’re finally going back to enjoy what the Las Colinas Entertainment District has to offer. It’s an amazing place and will be fun for all. Please watch our website, Facebook page, and NGAT App for updates on the conference.
in Irving!
Marvin E. Harris Executive DirectorThe
The National Guard Association of Texas Educational Foundation (NGATEF) announces its annual scholarship competition. Educational grants for attendance at colleges or universities will be awarded to active and life members of the National Guard Association of Texas and/or their spouses, sons or daughters. The foundation will award multiple educational grants of various amounts ranging from $500 to $5,000. High school seniors, college undergraduates and graduate students will be considered for these educational grants.
Two scholarships have very specific requirements, so if you meet these requirements, we encourage you to apply for NGATEF scholarships.
• Scholarship available for a NGAT member currently serving in the Texas State Guard or a spouse/child of a NGAT member currently serving in the Texas State Guard.
• Scholarships available to a NGAT Member currently serving in the Texas Army or Air National Guard.
• All applicants must be an Annual or Life Member of NGAT or the spouse, son or daughter of an Annual or Life Member of NGAT.
Individuals interested in running for the position of NGAT President-Elect must meet the following qualifications:
• Be an NGAT Annual or Life Member in good standing.
of a life or the attempt to save a life.
Service Awards: NGAT Minuteman Award Davy Crockett Award
Jose Navarro Award Spirit of Texas Award
Heroism Awards: General K.L. Berry Award
LTC James A. Spring Humanitarianism Award Visit the NGAT website at www.ngat.org/awards.htm for submission requirements and criteria.
• Must have served at least one year as a member of the NGAT Board of Directors. Current and former member of the NGAT Board of Directors are eligible to apply.
• Must complete a nomination application available on the NGAT website on the Board of Directors page.
• Must be able to serve the next four years on the NGAT Board of Directors. (Two years as President- Elect and two years as President.)
For additional information contact the NGAT Executive Director, Marvin Harris at mharris@ngat. org. Nomination will be accepted through February 28, 2023.
Registration (ONLINE REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN) All attendees must pay the registration fee. Registration fee is $15.00 per person for NGAT member/guest and $30 for a non-NGAT member/guest.
• NGAT Members/Guest Full Meal Package & Registration fee is $175.
• Non-NGAT Member/Guest Full Meal Package & Registration fee is $195.
(The deadline for online meal packages is March 18, 2023)
• A $20 late fee will be added to all registrations received after March 11, 2023.
• All cancellation requests must be received prior to March 11, 2023. No refunds after that date.
Westin Hotels & Resorts, 400 West Las Colinas Boulevard, Irving, Texas 75039
• Make your reservations directly with the hotel at: 1-888-627-8457. Make sure to identify yourself as a member of the National Guard Association of Texas.
• Attendee Hotel rate: $147 single/double plus tax per night, plus $10 per night for parking.
• Hotel reservations can also be made online at the NGAT website. (NGAT cannot guarantee rooms after March 1, 2023)
• NGAT Welcome Party: Wear your favorite Sports Teams shirt
• NGAT Business Session: Business Casual
• NGAT Banquet: Army — Class A/Service Dress/ Mess Dress; Air — Mess Dress/Service Dress; Civilians — Business Suit/Evening Formal Wear; Spouses — After-Five Attire.
• Golf Tournament at Bear Creek Golf Club: Shotgun, Florida scramble with low net/low gross competition. The golf tournament is open to both registered and non-registered attendees of the conference. Registration includes green fee,
Teams Jersey and challenge each other at Corn Hole, Giant Jenga, Giant Connect Four, and table games including Domino’s, Cards, Jenga. Come prepared to eat some “game time food” of hot dogs and hamburgers and the fixings. Have a fun-filled night listening to our DJ and networking and socializing with friends. For our Cigar fans come enjoy a “Stogie” on the patio and enjoy the evening stars.
Enjoy a leisurely lunch and a Guest Speaker (TBD) on Saturday.
Help NGAT recognize our award winners and present our NGAT Minuteman Award. After dinner, guests will have the opportunity to visit hospitality suites.
cart, breakfast tacos, lunch, and award plaques. Tournament benefits the NGAT Educational Foundation.
• The annual 5K Fun Run/Walk: Come enjoy a leisure run/walk along Lake Carolyn on Friday morning. The registration fee includes a t-shirt, award medals and refreshments.
• 19th Annual Silent Auction: Bid on over 200 auction items and take advantage of some great bargains on gift baskets, jewelry, weekend getaways, and tickets to music, sports and other entertainment venues. Donations for the auction are always accepted at the NGAT office.
• Wine Tasting: Sip, savor, relax and enjoy some exquisite wines at our wine tasting at Nosh & Bottle Market.
Back by popular demand is our License to Carry Certification class that is offered free of charge to all registered NGAT Conference attendees.
Come to the Welcome Party in your favorite Sports
Hospitality Suites will be in the Westin Hotels & Resorts. Units will compete for the “Best Themed Hospitality Suite” award.
Close out the conference with a delicious breakfast, fellowship, and prayer during the NGAT Prayer Breakfast on Sunday morning.
Reserve your room today on the NGAT Website.
For more information visit the NGAT website at www.ngat.org/ngat-conference.
The Westin Hotel in Irving, Texas will serve as the NGAT Conference host hotel. Located adjacent to the Irving Convention Center and the Toyota Music Factory (TMF) makes it the perfect location for our 64th Annual NGAT Conference. The TMF provides everything you need in walking distance for a exciting night out.
The TMF is one of the most comprehensive entertainment venues in the country. They play host to the best national and international touring music acts arranged by Live Nation. Unique special events, outdoor concerts, and movie screenings can be found at the Texas Lottery Plaza, a relaxed outdoor space ideal for an evening under the stars.
Pizza. Burgers. Japanese. Texas BBQ. Cajun. You name it, they have it. But it’s much more than food. With multiple bars and live music everywhere it’s a great place to meet friend and relax after a hard day’s work. Maybe take in a movie at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, a dine-in movie theater with a full bar, expansive food menu, and comfy seats. Are you are looking for some excitement. If so,
Less then 5 minutes away from the Westin Hotel along the banks of Irving’s Lake Carolyn, Water Street is home to a growing number of restaurants and shops. The Mandalay Canals connecting with Lake Carolyn, wind through restaurants, shops, hotels, residences, and office buildings, offering visitors scenic views of waterfalls, vine-covered bridges, and “Old World” charm. Finally, don’t miss the Mustangs of Las Colinas, a breathtakingly realistic sculpture of nine bronze mustangs galloping across a granite prairie stream. H
Our Goodrich® hoists have saved countless lives across the globe. Trusted by crews aboard the major international airborne platforms, the hoists have built a legacy of unmatched reliability and safety –holding the most EASA and FAA certifications in the industry. Our rescue hoists operate non-stop until every life is saved.
• High efficiency motor for a continuous duty cycle
• Translating drum technology to reduce cable stress
• Single point payout reduces potential for hoist-induced load swings
CONGRATULATIONS TO COL (RET) OLLIE MINTZ a member of the NGAT Board of Directors.
Ollie was recently sworn into the Federal Court bar by United States District Judge Alan Albright (left). This means that in addition to practicing law in all Texas and military courts, Ollie can now fight for clients in Federal Court. Currently he works at O’Connell West, PLLC.
MEMBERS OF CHARLIE BATTERY 1-133rd Field Artillery out of Houston takes a break during Annual Training at Fort Hood, Texas, on their M777 155mm Lightweight Towed Howitzer. Soldiers were conducting crew certifications in preparation for their Precision Guidance Kit (PKG). (Photocourtesyof1-133rdFA)
GUARDSMEN OF 2ND BRIGADE, Texas State Guard, at the invitation of the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets Commandant’s office, meet with cadets to highlight service opportunities with the Texas State Guard, at the Duncan Dining Hall, College Station, Texas, September 10, 2022. Pictured left to right is: CPL Nicholas Martin, PFC Ashley Gibson, PVT Kyle Rayburn, wearing the Corps of Cadets uniform, is their Infantry Band Drum Major while currently serving with 3rd Battalion, 2nd Brigade of the Texas State Guard, CPT Carl Ivey, Bravo Company Commander, 3rd Battalion, 2nd Brigade and recent Texas A&M graduate PFC Mary Beth Grundman (PhotocourtesyoftheTexasStateGuard)
CSM (RET) DONNA BALDERSTON gives a thumbs up after completing the Army 10-Miler in Washington, D.C. on October 9, 2022. It was 33 years ago that she had competed in her very first Army 10-Miler. Although she has not made it in person every single year, she has done her best and is still going strong after all these years. Congrats!
The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) creates federal rights and protections for employees who serve or have served in the uniformed services. In addition, the State of Texas provides its own cause of action for similar claims under the Texas Government Code, which extends protections for Servicemembers to allow for punitive damages. One of the rights afforded under federal and Texas state law is the right to reemployment upon return from a period of service.
In general, an employer must not deny reemployment to an employee based on the employee’s uniformed service. However, many employees don’t know the steps they must take to protect their eligibility under USERRA for reemployment.
First, employees must provide employers advanced notice of their intent to leave employment to perform service in the uniformed services. There is no prescribed method to give notice to an employer. Any verbal or written notice will suffice, although a written record will provide better protection in the event a dispute over reemployment arises. Notice of training or a deployment should be given reasonably in advance. A good rule of thumb is to provide notice at least 30 days prior to departure for service. There is no requirement to notify an employer of intent to seek reemployment upon return from service.
Second, an employee must timely return to work or apply for reemployment. Whether an employee must merely return to work or undergo an application process for reemployment depends on the length of service. If the period of service is less than 31 days, an employee must report to work on the next regularly scheduled workday. If the period of service is more than 30 days but less than 181 days, then an employee must apply for reemployment no later than 14 days after completing service. Lastly, if the period of service was greater than 180 days, the deadline to apply is 90 days.
Both federal and state laws provide flexibility when it is time to return to work, but the best practice is to meet prescribed deadlines and keep the boss informed. Keep in mind also that you lose your right to reemployment if your combined periods of service while working for a single employer total more than five years. H
Richard Hood is an Associate Attorney at the law firm of O’Connell West, PLLC. Before attending law school, Richard spent 8 years in the U.S. Army serving as an Infantry Officer. If you would like to know more about your reemployment rights or think you may have a claim, call O’Connell West, PLLC at 512-547-7265.
THE 51ST ANNUAL EANGUS CONFERENCE HELD IN LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, WAS A HUGE SUCCESS. NGAT was represented by 22 attendees that included the Senior Enlisted Advisor of the Texas Army National Guard, CSM Michelle Thompson, the Senior Enlisted Advisor of the Texas Air National Guard, CCMSgt Matthew Crawford, and Senior Enlisted Advisor for the 36th Infantry Division, CSM Jose A. Escobedo.
Throughout the conference our attendees spent time participating in committee meeting, visiting EANGUS Corporate Partners and listening to National Guard leaders from NGB and across the United States. They also had the opportunity to enjoy the many evening activities planned at the conference.
EANGUS hosted 150 National Guard Enlisted Soldiers and Airmen ranging from the rank of E4 to E6 to participate in professional development at the conference.
Texas sent 3 Army Soldiers and 2 Airmen on Professional Development. These Soldiers and Airmen heard from and interacted with Senior Leaders of the National Guard in addition to participating in question and answering sessions. Texas native CSM (Ret) John Sampa, the 12th Command Sergeant Major of the Army National Guard served as the EANGUS Professional Development Team Chair.
During the Conference the NGAT News Magazine was selected as the Best Publication of a Combined Association. Congratulations to MSG (Ret) Theresa Billeck-Zuniga and Terri Sheets from MediaNation.net, they put their heart and soul into the quarterly magazine. The NGAT website www.ngat.org was also selected as the Best Website of an association. Congratulations again to MSG (Ret) Theresa Billeck-Zuniga and SMSgt Michael Wolff who maintain our website and strive to keep us informed. H
The following is our new EANGUS leadership which includes our very own SFC Mireya Cruz who won a reelection bid to continue to serve as the EANGUS Secretary.
President Daniel Reilly CT
Vice President Robert Sweeney WA
Secretary Mireya Cruz TX
Treasurer Stephen Hagan MT Parliamentarian Ethan Toyama HI
Past President Karen Craig AZ Area IV Chair Ashley Brodnax AR Area IV Director Marion Logan OK Area IV Director Eugene Bradley KS
CCMSGT MATTHEW CRAWFORD (center), Senior Enlisted Advisor for the Texas Air National Guard poses with Texas Air National Guard Professional Development attendees at the EANGUS Conference TSgt LaTrivia Edwards (right) and TSgt Ada Ramirez (left).
be held August 13-16, 2023, in Rochester, Minnesota.
The National Guard Association of Oklahoma will host the EANGUS Area IV Mid-Winter Meeting on January 13-14, 2023, at the Embassy Suites, Oklahoma City Downtown Medical Center, 741 N. Phillips Ave, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73104. Reserve your hotel room by calling 1-800-445-8667 and ask for the NGAOK rate. Attendee registration is $75 per person and can be made on the NGAT website or at www.ngaok.org/2023-eangus-mid-winter-conference-oklahoma-city.
The 144th NGAUS General Conference & Exhibition was held August 26-29, 2022, at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. A Texas delegation of 34 represented NGAT during the multiple day event. Speakers included General James C. McConville, Army Chief of Staff; General Charles Q. Brown, Jr., Air Force Chief of Staff; and General Daniel R. Hokanson, Chief of the National Guard Bureau; to name a few.
During the conference WO1 Timothy Steward, a member of the 176th Engineer Brigade, delivered the Texas Roll Call at the opening session. CW4 (Ret) Terri Marshall was selected to serve a 3-year term as the NGAUS Area IV Warrant Officer Representative. At the Air Separate Session, Col Hector Camacho, Commander of the 147th Attack Wing, accepted the Mission Support Trophy on behalf of the Wing. Maj Paula Palacios agreed to serve an additional year in support of the NGAUS Company Grade Committee.
COL Paul Cerniauskas and Capt Nate Norton, who spearheaded the NGAT Resolutions Committee for the Army and Air, were successful in getting several
resolutions passed that Texas was a co-sponsor on. A resolution is a legislative idea that a member or state would like NGAT to work on. If it is a state issue, NGAT works with the Texas State Legislature. For Federal issues, NGAT works with NGAUS or EANGUS to help ensure our voices are heard. As memberbased organizations, NGAT, NGAUS and EANGUS solicit proposed resolutions from its membership aimed at enhancing the National Guard, its equipment, capabilities, and the quality of life for Soldiers, Airmen and their families. Contact the Resolutions committee at resolutions@ ngat.org to submit ideas that benefit Texas National Guard members, their families or retirees.
The exhibition of military product, vendors and sponsors was the largest in over 10 years and showcased the newest technology and services available to service members and their families. The conference ended with a Tailgate Party for the States Dinner with everyone wearing jerseys from their favorite sports teams, eating dinner family style, and being entertained by the Ohio State Cheerleaders and an array of Mascots from various Ohio sports teams. H
Task Force Mustang is an aviation task force led by the 36th Combat Aviation Brigade of the 36th Infantry Division, Texas Army National Guard, comprising of Soldiers and aviators from Texas, New York, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Wyoming, and Louisiana, currently providing aviation operations to Combined Joint Task Force — Operation Inherent Resolve, and adjacent mission support to Task Force Spartan of Operation Spartan Shield in the Middle East.
LTG PATRICK D. FRANK, commanding general of U.S. Army Central (center), gathers with Soldiers and command leadership from 36th Combat Aviation Brigade, Texas Army National Guard, at the Udairi Landing Zone in Camp Buehring, Kuwait, September 17, 2022. 36th CAB, mobilized as Task Force Mustang, is deployed in support of the Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve mission to advise, assist, and enable partnered forces in the enduring defeat of ISIS, within designated areas of Iraq and Syria.
ALPHA COMPANY AND CHARLIE COMPANY of the 2-149th Aviation Regiment, conduct Cross-National Medevac Training with Norway at Al Assad Airbase in Iraq on September 22, 2022. The Soldiers are training in support of the Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve mission to advise, assist and enable partnered forces in the enduring defeat of Da’esh, the common Arabic term for ISIS, within designated areas of Iraq and Syria. (Photo by 1LT Meagan O’Leary)
The National Guard Association of Texas thanks our Corporate Partners. Together we will continue to make great things happen.
SSG Harrol Alexander, Life Member #20516, Retired, Canyon Lake
**SPC Anthony Acosta, Plainview, Co G 949 BSB
MSgt James Henry Anthony, Life Member #6394, Retired, Houston
MSgt James R. Blout, Life Member #20345, Retired, Paris
SFC Jerry W. Britton Jr., Life Member #5973, Retired, Granbury
MSgt Robert Burke, Jr., Retired, Walsenburg, CO
COL Bernard Butler, Life Member #13426, Retired, San Antonio
CMSgt Curley L. Campbell, Life Member #12656, Retired, Venus
CW4 Albert “Sid” Childs, Life Member #5179, Retired, Houston
SFC David Cuellar, Life Member #409, Retired, San Antonio
Lt Col Charles M. Dooley, Life Member #12779, Retired, Waxahachie
Lt Col Charles D. “Tad” Foran, Life Member #1714, Retired, San Antonio
SSG Michael R. Funderburg, Life Member #32528, Retired, Coleman
SMSgt Jerry Wilson Grace, Retired, Wolfe City
SGT Robert Green Jr., Life Member #23170, Retired, Houston
Wiley D. Green, Life Member #9440, Ranger
SGM Jerry “Sarge” D. Huff, Life Member #17396, Retired, Mount Vernon
CPT Henry L. Jones Jr., Life Member #24829, Leakey
CMSgt Rudolfo “Rudy” M. Mata, Life Member #2789, Retired, San Antonio
CW4 Donald “Don” L. McDonald, Life Member #30500, Retired, George West
Col Michael L. McKinney, Life Member #2579, Retired, Mansfield
Jimmy Mitchell, Life Member #1805
Alicia Ybarra Nino, Retired, Houston
SGT Isidlo “Sid” Nunoz, Retired, San Antonio
**SGT Christopher L. Obrien, Wichita Falls, Region 1, Co A R&R Bn
Celestion O. “Pingo” Ramos, Life Member #6383, Retired, Robstown
SFC Billy C. Smith, Life Member #14145, Retired, Denison
LTC Gerrit K. Spieker, Life Member #12160, Retired, Richland Hills
SFC Michael G. Thomas, Life Member #20890, Retired, McDade
*SPC Demetrio Torres, Houston, Co D 3-144 Inf Bn
*SPC Ivan Velez, El Paso
Bascom D. Warden, Life Member #3472, Retired, Grand Prairie
SGT Floyd J. Watkins, Life Member #27829, Retired, Conway, AR
SSG Kalyn Wehmeyer, Retired, Fredericksburg
1SG Henry Wood, Life Member #5871, Retired, San Antonio
**CPT Justin C. Zielinski, Willow Park, HHC 949 Spt Bn
Had No-Cost Active Guard Policy of $1,000
AFBA survivor benefits are funded by life insurance underwritten by 5Star Life Insurance Company E Eligibility: All current and former military, federal employees and contractors, government groups, first responders, and spouses between the age of 50
24 hour coverage. No war or terrorism exclusions. Coverage on and off duty with no hazardous, line of duty or occupational restrictions.
Emergency death benefit. Once you have coverage for two years, up to $15,000 of the total death benefit is released as an Emergency Death Benefit (EDB).* No emergency death benefit if Terminal Illness rider exercised
Terminal illness benefit. Receive 50% of the death benefit in a lump sum amount in the event of a terminal illness with less than one year of life expectancy (24 months in Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, and Washington). The money can be spent entirely at your discretion to pay medical bills, out of pocket expenses, or anything else. The remainder benefit amount is paid to the beneficiary upon death
Keep the coverage. After you retire or separate, you can continue coverage for you and your spouse.
Family survivor college scholarship. Benefit of $10,000 per year per family, up to a total of $40,000 towards an undergraduate college degree for the surviving spouse and children in case of death as a result of operations going to, coming from, or at the scene of an incident (Not available in Virginia)
The Armed Forces Benefit Association (AFBA) was established in 1947 to promote the general welfare and economic interests of military families during war and peace At the time, service members could not purchase life insurance that would pay a benefit if the member was killed in a war zone Today, we serve over 535,000 members in the armed forces, government employees and contractors, law enforcement, firefighters, and emergency medical personnel
Since 1947, we have paid over $2 billion of survivor benefits to the families of our members Survivor benefits are funded by life insurance underwritten by 5Star Life Insurance Company