May edition mrh 2018

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Mediaroomhub May


The real Doublewahala

BBNaija House mates

Contents MAY


The recently concluded big brother double wahala game was almost nothing without the most controversial housemates, Tobi and Ceec. They actually started leaving no room for penetration not until the game swings like a pendulum; needless nagging, gossips and mind games.





LOOK BOOK Sunny Rose

Miss Wanneka

EDITOR IN CHIEF Azuka Ogujiuba

HEAD OF GRAPHICS Oluwatobi Ogidiolu


CORRESPONDENTS Daniel oluseyi Oluwatobi olawuni Samantha atomon


Abiodun pickspeaks

CREDITS Editor-in-Chief : @zukiliciouz Styling : @moashystyling Photographer : @rezebonna Hair stylist: @ferdinandshair Content writers: ocheibi_abigail X @pricelessloba The black suit: @kimonokollection The black dress: #Stylistcloset Shoes : @overallspremiumbrands Gold dress: #Stylistcloset Navy blue Suit: @bosiandcharles

CIRCULATION C-CHELSEA COMMUNICATIONS CONTACT US MEDIAROOMHUB 7 Panti street, Adekunle, Sabo Yaba, Lagos, nigeria Mediaroomhub is a bimonthly publication in Nigeria by c-chelsea communications.


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| MAY 2018



biggest fashion brand, Funke, Ijeoma and Abi of TheFiaFactory where they talk fashion, creativity, challenges and visions for the the brand under our Interview Concierge. Miz Wanneka graces our Style Focus pages with some amazing, elegant and stylish outďŹ ts as the style Piper that she is. Do enjoy our Fashion Trends for this edition as we bring you some of your favourite celebrities rocking all shades of waist bags.

Azuka Ogujiuba Photo by Tybello

The Month of May has been amazing so far and I am so excited to share our May edition cover with you all. I always ensure to give you something out of the norm with each cover we publish at Mediaroomhub and this is no exception as we've got the ' CEEBI' , CeeC and Tobi who of course we're the real 'double wahala' in the just concluded Big PG | 6 | MAY 2018

Brother Naija TV Reality Show. I must say as a journalist, getting these two together for was the most diďŹƒcult in my entire career. Well, they bare it all out to us as regards their journey as lovers in house, to 'not so good friends' as well as moments that mar or made their stay in the house a success among other interesting things.

We can't wait for you to also look up our Asoebi Circuit because we are all about #thatcurvylife in this issue. We sure couldn't have gone for no other than media girl, Toolz because she's made every asoebi look sexy, edgy and gorgeous in every way over time. Fashion entrepreneur, Efe Tommy graces our Men's Fashion pages for this edition. His street, urban, formal , casual and classy styles will sure keep you glued to the pages because he knows how to keep simple yet wow! Do have a good read.

Azuka Ogujiuba

We did talk to creative trio and founders of one of Nigeria's WWW.MEDIAROOMHUB.COM


The real

Double wahala

Cover Story by Azuka Ogujiuba

The recently concluded TV reality show, Big Brother Naija Double Wahala edition, was almost nothing without the most controversial housemates, Tobi and Cee-C. They actually started leaving no room for interference until the game swung like a pendulum; needless nagging, gossips and mind games would later become a seed of discord between a pair who once shared an inseparable bond. Given the buzz of their supposed relationship delineated by instances too numerous to mention, it was truly a subject that only grace and the double ‘wahala challenge’ could attract such a startling attention. This and more would compel you to enjoy this exclusive interview with CEEBI.



Cee-c – Yeah…of course, I will speak for myself I’m very much aware that it was all a game. Tobi - It’s a game but then you play it in a certain type of way, there are certain parts that can be played, the rest of it can't be. There's a natural part of it, then there's a part you have to play. For 95 days you can't be playing games. The game part was the nominations and some certain tasks we planned to do.

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Gold dress : #stylistcloset Navy blue Suit: @bosiandcharles Shoes: @overallspremiumbrands


Gold dress : #stylistcloset Navy blue Suit: @bosiandcharles Shoes: @overallspremiumbrands

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.MEDIAROOMHUB.COM BOTH OF YOU WERE THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL IN THE HOUSE, CAN YOU TELL US IF THE WHOLE DOUBLE WAHALA DRAMA WAS SCRIPTED OR IT JUST HAPPENED WHILE YOU GUYS WERE IN THE HOUSE? Tobi – In the Bigbrother house generally, nothing was scripted, everything that happened in there was very natural. Even at a point, we thought we were boring and they might probably want to scrap the show that was how bad it was. So, nothing was predetermined everything was totally natural and that’s the nature of the game. Cee-c – Eeeeerm… I totally agree with what Tobi said, in the house nothing was scripted. None of us were given any script to work on, everything that happened in the house was normal day to day activities. TOBI THERE WAS THIS MAGICAL THING ABOUT YOU TWO WHEN YOU JUST GOT INTO THE HOUSE, SO WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO HER? Tobi- In the game, it all started when we had the head of the house challenge. `First of all, before we got on stage I saw this beautiful lady that was wearing a nice dress, so I complimented her. When we got to the house, we fakely got evicted and went back to the house. Then I won head of the house, I was meant to choose Koko, but she denied knowing me at a point prior to winning the head of house that she didn't remember me, so I chose Cee-c as my partner. Naturally, we started to bond, for the first two weeks it was more like sharing and knowing someone you kind of have like minds with, so we used to share thoughts and we kind of built a safe space around each other at that point. SO CEE-C WHAT IS YOUR ATTRACTION TO TOBI? Cee-c- I got into Bigbrother house and among all the guys in the house, I saw this very nice looking young man. Of course, he is mentally attractive too and I watched him every day, watched

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the way he handled the task, he pays attention to details. He is this guy that always cares about me, asking me questions about my well-being, more like we built a home together in the first few weeks because every night we come back to the bed to talk about the day. For me, the attraction was the total package, it was amazing, he was an amazing guy too. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY ABOUT PEOPLE’S OPINION ON YOU BEING POSSESSIVE IN THE HOUSE? Cee-c- The truth is YES, Cee-c is possessive, what belongs to me belongs to me. For a guy to say he likes me, and I like him too, it’s very normal for me not to want any girl around him. It wasn’t all about me being possessive, I think also I was scared about the fact that it’s a game and many girls would like to play dirty in there, so I didn’t want him to get close to these girls because they could use him to get to me. SO TOBI WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY TO A WOMAN BEING POSSESSIVE? Tobi - Well, it’s normal for a woman to be possessive but not to be over possessive. Its okay to want something and want it to yourself, but you can’t be extreme about it. That is just my opinion about a woman being possessive. YOU A VERY STRONG CONTENDER IN THE HOUSE, DO YOU THINK ONE OF THE DRAMA BETWEEN YOU AND CEEC COST YOU THE PRIZE? Tobi- For me, I went into the house to be myself and I will never sacrifice being myself for 25million Naira or 45million Naira prize. Like if I’m going to win let me win as myself. Of course, I had my flaws. THERE WAS A TIME IN THE HOUSE CEE-C ASSAULTED YOU VERBALLY, DO YOU THINK YOU MUST HAVE DONE SOMETHING WRONG TO MAKE HER REACTED THE WAY SHE DID? Tobi- I did not particularly do anything to get what I got from Cee-c, we were all been ourselves and natural. So I’m not responsible for people’s actions, in fact, nobody is responsible for anybody’s actions. Actions or reaction is totally dependent on who you are as a person.

WAS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH ALEX TO SPITE CEE-C OR WHAT? Tobi – At no point did I do anything to spite Cee-c, even Alex sometimes preach to me about her, she’s the kind of girl who sees good in everybody, even when she thinks you are not so cool. I actually learnt that from Alex, I learnt to see good in people because it gives positive energy. BEFORE YOU LEFT THE HOUSE, EBUKA ASKED IF YOU WERE GOING TO DATE ALEX OUTSIDE THE HOUSE, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THIS? Tobi- Truth be told, that question was a very objective question, it’s like me getting to know you and I was asked that kind of question at that time. Alex is a good girl, why won’t I want to date her? For me to say I can’t date her means there is something wrong with her, but there is nothing wrong with her. Even without the last couple of weeks trying to know each other, I still think she is a good girl and I would give the same response. You see something good; you accept and acknowledge it is good. YOU TWO GAVE US TOUGH TIME TRYING TO GET A PERFECT COUPLE PICTURE OF BOTH OF YOU FOR OUR COVER, ARE YOU STILL ANGRY WITH CEE-C OR ARE YOU GUYS COOL NOW? Tobi- As far as being professional and working together, definitely I’m sure we are both open to that. Nothing stops us from been cordial, but at the same time, we are human beings. You saying we just drop whatever happened in the house is like asking us not to be human and that’s not fair if you ask me. I mean, we are human beings. Definitely, lines were crossed, things were said, and things were done. And it’s different when you come out of the house and you apologize genuinely for the things you did, like oh!! whatever thing I did or said that was me playing a gam. Outside the house sorry that wasn’t me, it was a different ball game sorry, then we access the whole situation and be like, okay it’s was just a game. But when you come out and even almost after leaving, you getting the same vibe, same responses, the same verbal interaction, it’s no more a game. That is the real situation, the real you, so I’m


Black dress : #Stylistcloset Gold dress : #stylistcloset Black suit : @kimonokollection Shoes: @overallspremiumbrands

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| MAY 2018

WWW.MEDIAROOMHUB.COM not upset, I’m not angry. For me it was a ‘let it out’ you know when you are angry with someone and you have exhausted your energy, you will be like come and give me a hug and everything will end there. I was thinking we would get to that point but we didn’t. What will end all this is a genuine apology, bigbrother quoted one and she apologized for that, but that wasn’t the first time it was going to happen. It was more like the 3rd time, at a point I almost felt like, yo man… it’s like this thing is partial, Bigbrother you are seeing this, this is not right. You don’t apologize for the one Bigbrother saw, if you want to apologize, you do it genuinely, and you apologize in totality. If you want to change as a person, you acknowledge and accept your mistakes, apologize and then try to be better, that’s just it for me. BASED ON WHAT WE WATCHED ON OUR SCREEN, BOTH OF YOU OFFENDED EACH OTHER AND YOU OWE EACH OTHER APOLOGY. SO ARE YOU GUYS READY TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT? Tobi- Yeah, I agree. I have been the one talking since; to be honest, nobody can tell me that part in the house was a game. Of course, professionally I don’t hate her. A lot of things I did do in the house, how I was able to handle a lot of things in the house was because I still see her as a friend. But for me, for this relationship to continue three things are involved. Accept you were wrong, apologize and then try to be better. Cee-c- I don’t want to sound defensive in here but the truth is I don’t think I owe Tobi any apology as at now. You know why? Because I have already apologized for using certain words at him that is, what I know I said wrong. When I went into the house, I didn’t ask Tobi to come around me, I didn’t force him to like me. He should have simply walk up to me to tell me what I did wrong. One thing I know I did very wrong was the day that I used a lot of bad words to him, for that I apologized to Tobi.

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Tobi- It wasn’t the first time. Cee-c- I apologized not because he wasn’t wrong or didn’t do anything for me to do what I did, but because no matter what, attitude is good with all regardless and I feel like that is not who I want to be. I don’t what to hear Cee-c is this Cee-c is that, and I don’t want that for myself either. Everybody watched the show; you all saw what went down in the BigBrother house. You all saw what Cee-c did wrong, what Tobi did wrong. I agree I was wrong by using certain words for Tobi and I apologized to him. Whether he thinks it was a game of whatever, that’s his cup of tea and he can drink it. SO TOBI, DO YOU STILL HAVE FEELINGS FOR CEE-C? Tobi- We are friends; I just really need her to learn. Learning is vital, even when we were romantically involved, we were friends and we had issues, nobody is against you. So from a friend to a friend, learn to be a better person. SO IF MO’ABUDU CALLS YOU GUYS FOR A SET TOGETHER, WILL YOU ACCEPT OR DECLINE THE OFFER? Tobi- We can work together, I am very professional or let me say I have to be professional. When I was head of the house, I had issues with a lot of people. People didn't like me but regardless we come together and achieve. Smile when we have to smile, get the job done. For me, I would like to get the job done regardless of personal issues. So working professionally? Definitely, we can but to try and be in a relationship, we can’t. We just have to be friends, I repeat just friends. Looking at the kind of support she is getting, she feels there is nothing wrong with what she did or said in the house. Before leaving the house she felt that way, leaving the house now she even feel more like that. Cee-c- Sorry about what exactly, like I said earlier I owe Tobi no apology. IN YOUR OPINION, WHO WAS THE STRONGEST CONTENDER IN THE HOUSE AMONG THE GIRLS? Cee-c – I think Anto was my strongest contender in the house. WHY ANTO?

Cee-c- I chose Anto because she is never vocal, she never got involved in any fight or argument in the house, so I felt like she was more composed than I am. For the ladies, it's either you want the one who is very quiet ( Anto) or the one who is crazy ( Cee-c). WHAT WAS YOUR HAPPIEST MOMENT IN THE HOUSE? Cee-c- I think it was the day I won the Payporte Arena game because I was really sick. I had a panic attack before the task, biggie didn't even think I could participate in the task. I went there and I won the game, that day was my happiest day in the house. SO WHY DID YOU HAVE A PANIC ATTACK? Cee-c- To me that environment was new, I’m not used to staying in a place with so many people. I’m not used to a lot of things that happened in the house. I had a lot in my head, thinking about my family, thinking about the people out there and how they see me, there was Tobi’s issue too. DO YOU THINK TOBI HAD A HAND IN THE WAY OTHER HOUSEMATES SAW YOU IN THE HOUSE? Cee-c- No, I wouldn’t do that to Tobi. I feel like he is an adult, you should be able to see things for yourself. You shouldn’t form an opinion based on what people tell you, people say what they want to say. IN THE HOUSE, SOME OF THE HOUSEMATES SAW TOBI AS A GOSSIP, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY TO THIS? Cee-c- Tobi talks about people a lot, to him it might not be gossiping but I call that gossiping. He talks about people when they are not there; he does that a lot with his friends so I see Tobi as a gossip. DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU WERE THE DOUBLE WAHALA? Cee-c – Yeah!!! I’m surprised to hear that, I felt like I was doing my thing. All Stylist :@moashystyling that happened was just Cee-c being Hair: @creamyshair Hair Stylist: @ferdinandshair Cee-c.Location: Honestly, when I came out and I Fiki Marina on Ozumba Mbadiwe by @boboebalogun saw some of the videos I was shocked Makeup: @sutchay Photography:@anny_robert and surprised to see what I did. Though Creative Director: @zukiliciouz Outfits: @enemaya I started watching from BigBrother Accessories: #stylistcrown @moashystyling house, when we were about to get a strike, biggie showed us the video.


Black dress : #Stylistcloset Gold dress : #stylistcloset Black suit : @kimonokollection Shoes: @overallspremiumbrands

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Its okay to want something and want it to yourself, but you can't be extreme about it. Navy blue Suit: @bosiandcharles Shoes: @overallspremiumbrands

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Yes…cee-c is possessive, what belongs to me belongs to me

Gold dress : #stylistcloset

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Cee-c – Whatever they are doing is their business, not mine.

Cee-c- I have a lot of plans funny enough because before I went for BigBrother I wanted to go for my masters (MBA) and I wanted to finance it myself because I’m very independent. I wanted to go into the house and win the money so I can further my education. Unfortunately, I didn't win the money so I have to stay here and make this money. While I’m here, I want to go into everything entertainment; acting, hosting, modeling, fashion, but I don’t want to be an artist. I’m not going to leave my father’s business, I’m also an advertising practitioner, but then I’m not going to be doing a 9-5, Probably going to be doing freelance. For me now, it’s all about entertainment so I can be able to get money to fund my masters.


DO YOU THINK OTHER HOUSEMATES WERE TRYING TO FRUSTRATE YOU INTO DEPRESSION? Cee-c – Yeah…coming out of the house now, I realized that other housemates saw me as a threat to them and they tried to pull me down. I feel like people were intentionally doing certain things to frustrate me. DO YOU ALSO THINK ALEX BROKE THE ‘GIRL CODE’ BY BEING TOO CLOSE TO YOUR MAN INSTEAD OF TRYING TO RECTIFY THE DAMAGES THAT HAS AFFECTED YOUR RELATIONSHIP? Cee-c - In the house we were just trying to be friends and not to build a relationship. I had nothing against them being together, but the only thing I have against Alex is the fact that, you are a woman for God sake, you sit with him and discuss your fellow woman, giving false information about her. So I don’t think Alex snatched anybody from me, Tobi was never mine in the first place. The only thing I frowned at was Alex gossiping about me with Tobi, she painted an ugly picture of me and for whatever reason, she did that, I don’t know. DO YOU THINK THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS OR THEY ARE SECRETLY DATING?

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Cee-c – She’s just like every other housemate to me, because out of this place, we are trying to see what we can all do together. SO IF TOMORROW, YOU HEAR THAT ALEX AND TOBI ARE OFFICIALLY DATING, HOW WOULD YOU FEEL? Cee-c - Its fine really, because if I’m not with Tobi, he should be with someone else and if it’s Alex. For me, it is the same thing as being with another girl. So it’s no big deal. YOU MENTIONED A NAME ‘DIDI’ IN THE HOUSE, WERE YOU IN ANY RELATIONSHIP BEFORE GOING INTO BIGBROTHER HOUSE? Cee-c - There is actually a Didi, he is my best friend. He was the one who told me and pushed me into this in the first place; he has always been there for me. We were never dating, we are just friends, so any time I’m lonely I just call the name Didi. THERE HAVE BEEN SPECULATIONS THAT YOU AND EBUKA DATED IN THE PAST, BUT HE WENT ON AIR TO DENY KNOWING YOU IN PERSON, SO WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU, DO YOU KNOW EBUKA IN PERSON? Cee-c – Actually, this was the first issue I addressed immediately I got out of the house, he is a married man for Christ sake. The first time I mentioned Ebuka’s name was when they asked us about role model and I said Ebuka because he is a lawyer, so am I. I kept wondering how he was able to make it in the entertainment industry; somehow he is very relevant in the industry. I've always looked forward to a time when I can ask him how he was able to achieve all these. I also want to do what he is doing, I want to remain relevant in the industry, and the only thing that got me attracted to Ebuka was his career transition. We never had a personal meeting before the BigBrother's game. I saw Ebuka at a beauty pageant, I can understand that Ebuka may not remember me; definitely, he must have met a lot of

faces being an influence, so it’s okay for him not to remember me. Even when I was doing my Bigbrother registration, I never contacted him. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THE PICTURE OF YOU TWO THAT WENT VIRAL? Cee-c – That was a picture from the beauty pageant and that was the first time I met Ebuka. SO WHO IS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH? Cee-c – Coming out of the house to see all the things Uti did for me, I’m crushing on him right now. So, I would say Uti is my celebrity crush. Shout out to Uti and thank you for everything. YOU WERE THE ONLY HOUSEMATE THAT HAD THE EFFRONTERY TO RIP THE OUTFIT GIVEN TO YOU BY PAYPORTE, WAS THAT ALSO YOU BEING YOURSELF OR A MISTAKE FROM PAYPORTE? Cee-c – I always try to express myself through my dressing, so when it comes to fashion I’m always conscious of what I wear. I have plans of doing things that have to do with fashion, so it wasn’t about payporte giving me a bad dress, it was just Cee-c being Cee-c. I always like to look the way I want to be addressed. YOU SAID YOU WERE PLANNING ON GOING FOR ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES, WHAT STEPS HAVE YOU TAKEN CONCERNING THIS DECISION? Cee-c – I won’t say because someone did one or two things and I reacted, I don’t have an anger issue. You can be angry but don’t react that way, that’s not cool. For me it’s all about learning, knowing the fact that bottling thing inside is not good enough, you can explode at any time and hurt the other person. DO YOU REGRET YOUR ACTIONS TOWARDS TOBI? Cee-c - Yes, I used certain words at Tobi which weren’t good enough. I shouldn’t have acted that way, just realized there are better ways to talk things out without insulting anybody.


I will never sacriďŹ ce being myself for 25million naira or 45million naira prize

Black suit : @kimonokollection Shoes: @overallspremiumbrands

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It wasn't all about me being possessive, I think also I was scared about the fact that it's a game and many girls would like to play dirty in there, so I didn't want him to get close to these girls because they could use him to get to me

Gold dress : #stylistcloset

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What will end all this is a genuine apology Navy blue Suit: @bosiandcharles Shoes: @overallspremiumbrands

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For the ladies, its either you want the one who is very quiet ( Anto) or the one who is crazy ( Cee-c) Black dress : #Stylistcloset

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Alex is a good girl, why won't I want to date her

Navy blue Suit: @bosiandcharles Shoes: @overallspremiumbrands

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Gold dress : #stylistcloset Navy blue Suit: @bosiandcharles Shoes: @overallspremiumbrands

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If you want to change as a person, you acknowledge and accept your mistakes, apologize and then try to be better, that's just it for me

Navy blue Suit: @bosiandcharles Shoes: @overallspremiumbrands

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Coming out of the house to see all the things Uti did for me, I 'm crushing on him right now

Marriage is what happens when you go into your room between husband and wife, it doesn’t matter what anybody thinks

Gold dress : #stylistcloset

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Marriage is what happens when you go into your room between husband and wife, it doesn’t matter what anybody thinks Gold dress : #stylistcloset Navy blue Suit: @bosiandcharles Shoes: @overallspremiumbrands

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nce you get a touch of EmmyKasbit in your wardrobe, you stay connected! Because EmmyKasbit reflects your feelings, mood, thoughts and that lasting impression you wish to create as far as fashion is concerned. The brand's Autumn Winter 18 Collection is definitely an evidence that fashion goes beyond looks and mere appearances, it's an expression in itself. It says alot about your mood and especially your personality. So , why don't you let your outfits do the introduction first? Check out the creativity being poured out on EmmyKasbit's Autumn Winter 18 Collection:

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Men's Fashion

Efe Tommy

Abigail Ocheibi lot of people keep off from trending fashion not necessarily because they are not so into it, but basically because they tend to go out of ideas on how to often pull off such trends differently. Now, that should tell you alot about our choice for Men's Fashion in this edition.


We've got a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Barr. Eyimofe Akate whom we can boldly tell you that his sense of fashion is one, all men should Envy. He particularly caught our fancy among other reasons due to his love for stripe pants and more so his ability rock them in just different stylish ways. Having been following him on Instagram for some time now, we couldn't hold ourselves back any longer as from casual, corporate and sporty looks, Akate just knows how keep us wanting more. So we have decided to share some of his styles with y'all:

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Asoebi Circuit


INSPIRATION Oluwatobi Olawuni


ometimes the size or the shape of your body does not determine how an outfit will fit you , but what make your outfit speak for you is how you are able to rock you outfit. Under our aso ebi circuit for May edition we bring you different styles from our curvy radio queen , Tolu-oniru Demuren . The plus size Mediate Mogulette has made the curvy fashion an interesting one for other plus size ladies. Over the years, @toolz has been able to communicate to different curvy ladies through her choice of fashion. Check out the beautiful pictures of our plus size model.

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Style Focus

Miss Wanneka by Abigail Ocheibi


uys, we've got a woman that needs no introduction under of Style Focus for this edition. Known as one of the best brains behind good hairs in Nigeria and beyond, Miss Wanneka is also fashionable and stylish. She knows how to combine pieces and colours perfectly leaving us gasping for air every time she dishes out photos on social media. What's more interesting about Wanneka's fashion style is the fact she is fearless in her choices, she tries on just anything and comes up with a perfect ďŹ nish at all times. From casual to formal looks, irty and chic, Wanneka just knows how to get it right with fashion. So much to say about the young entrepreneur' s fashion style but we rather you see for yourself:

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Beauty Tips

The Benets of Manicure

and Pedicure

A good manicure will clean and shape your nails and treat your cuticles, which is vital for keeping your nails healthy and strong.

ooking after feed and hands is nowadays a must. Soft and good-looking hands and feed is an immaculate impression of a well groomed appearance. Nothing looks better than clean well-maintained fingernails and freshly painted toenails in summer. Regular manicures and pedicures will enhance the health of your fingernails and toenails, promoting faster growth and maintaining well moisturised cuticles. Benefits of Manicures A good manicure will clean and shape your nails and treat your cuticles, which is vital for keeping your nails healthy and strong. During a manicure your hands will be exfoliated to remove dead skin cells

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and to improve circulation and stimulate blood flow. A manicure generally but not always includes painting the nails. Not only will having a manicure make your nails and hands look good, it is also very relaxing. Benefits of Pedicures Not only can the client fore come ingrown nails and other painful sores but with regular visits at the Beauty Centre, it is a good way to keep your feet healthy. The feet endure a cumulative force of several hundred tons and healthy feet are vital to overall health. A pedicure cleans feet, provides nail care and foot massages. A good pedicure can be very relaxing and if you have foot problems it can be very therapeutic. Feet are one of the most neglected parts of our

bodies and often get left off our regular beauty routine. Pedicures are similar to manicures except they are specially designed for feet. During a pedicure your nails will be cleaned, shaped and trimmed to prevent ingrown nails. The exfoliating and massage elements can relieve aching feet and muscles and stimulate circulation. The oils and moisturising elements will keep feet well-hydrated and prevent dry cracked heels, which can be painful and unsightly. Pedicures generally include application of a toenail varnish. Beautiful nails are an asset and can be obtained by everyone and our therapists can assist to make your nails looking glamorous and stylish with top notch nail polish. And for the gentleman, natural, well filed and shaped. WWW.MEDIAROOMHUB.COM

Mrh Trends


BAGS By Oluwatobi Olawuni

Waist bags were considered "old fashioned " in Nigeria about two decades ago as it was mostly used by aged market women. Currently, Your casual or peng look is never complete without a bag round your waist. Waist bag can be worn either on your waist or round your neck depending on how you want to rock your it. A lot of celebrities have been seen rocking their outďŹ ts using dierent brands of waist bags . Check out some of your favorite celebrities stylishly rocking their waist bags below:

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Interview Concierge


he FIAFactory was birthed in 2015 by creative trio, Funke, Ijeoma and Abi (thus the name FIA) out of their individual yet unanimous passion for fashion and since then it has been three women making history through their creative pieces in Nigeria and the world at large. In this interview, the brand shades light on some of its challenges, how pieces and colours are combined and how it stays afloat amidst competitions. Read through: Within the space of 3 years, The FIA Factory has not only achieved domestic success here in Nigeria but has broken into the global market as well, what would you say has been your challenges since 2015? Fashion is our passion and our first love and with the multiple obligations we collectively juggle, FIA stays being our baby. It’s straining from time to time and takes its toll on us personally, but when you love something and you sometimes feel like you can’t go on, you just pick yourself up, say a little prayer and push even harder!! Having showcased at Arise Fashion Week 2018, is there anything you would have loved if the organizers did it differently? We were just so grateful to be a part of Arise Fashion week. At first, we were skeptical about the sizing/fittings and aggressive timelines as we were unsure what to expect, but it ultimately all came together at the end. Other than that, a two minute sit down with Naomi Campbellwould have been amazing *wink. Your pieces as well as colour combination have not only PG | 43 | MAY 2018

been unique but creative as well, what are the things you put into perspective when picking pieces and colours? Firstly, we always look to find innovative ways to construct a well fitted garment. We make sure its wearable and different from what is available in the market – plus, our color palette is quite diverse. Usually when we picture a piece, each of us has a color that we instantly visualize, and in most cases that’s eventually what we use. Sometimes we go the opposite route where we visualize a fabric and use the fabric as the inspiration for each piece. The fashion industry is a very competitive one, how do you keep it going amidst other successful and similar brands? Our team and support system keeps us going. We are backed by a supportive group of individuals that constantly remind us why it’s all worthwhile. Our customers who we see as our family keep us going as well. With regards to competitiveness in the industry, we honestly believe that there is room for everyone, so we just have fun and focus on our customers while doing it. Do you think that Nigeria is getting it right when it comes to fashion designing or we still have a long way to go? The Nigerian fashion industry has tremendously improved, we remember when DeolaSagoe, Mudi and just one or two others WWW.MEDIAROOMHUB.COM were alone in the fashion industry. From then to now there has been a shocking progression in the level of technique, design, aesthetic and construction from some of our counterparts and we are so grateful to be part of the Nigerian fashion industry at such a transformative period. How is your daily routine like at The FIA Factory?

Chimamanda Adichie and other celebrities who have rocked FIA over and over, are there particular personalities you like them to wear FIA? For one Michelle Obama, Asa, Solange, Lupita Nyongo, of course Beyoncé and Patience Ozokwo because she’s simply amazing! The list is endless to be honest, but any powerful, sophisticated, strong, fun and happy woman is one we would love to wear FIA.

We focus onbrand awareness daily day through social media and working closely with our social media expert to curate content and show‘who wore FIA’ because we take pride in showcasing our customers on our social media page, our customers are the reason why we still exist. Abi is our manufacturing and production expert making sure that the pieces are ready to be shipped out, Funke is our money cautious finance maven making sure we stay profitable, while Ijeoma handles the customer and marketing side of the business, dealing with our customers on a day to day basis. All in all, we are each a piece of the puzzle that meshes well to create the brand FIA. You just conclude "FIA Mail" show, please tell us about its success. We were grateful for the turn out and even more grateful for the vendors and partners that gave their all to make the event a success. We are thankful for our PR agency, CEOPR for being able to pull the event together with the help of some of our most trusted friends and family! Aside the likes of

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Happy Birthday

Kiss Daniel May

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Mrh events

UBA CEO AWARDS by Abigail Ocheibi

The annual #ubaceoawards which took place on the 21st of April at Eko Hotel and Suites, was in deed a grand one. The star studded event had the likes of Aliko Dangote, Femi Otedola, Tony Elumelu, Omotola Jalade, Ik Osakioduwa, Richard Mofe Damijo , Basketmouth and more in attendance. Among other side entertainments was the super amazing performance by Nigeria's highlife singer, Flavour who also brought on stage his little friend and an amazing singer, Semah Weifur. It was also great night for StylePlus who came through with a great performance as well as other artists like Olamide, Falz and Kiss Daniel among others. Check out some of the photos from the award night:

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Don Jazzy and Lilian Afegbai

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BBNAIJA Mrh events


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by Abigail Ocheibi


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