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Conclusions Summarizing the results of the survey, we can state that most of respondents asserted that they need materials, tools which will help them to implement trainings about entrepreneurship and also they need trainings about how to use funding programs to start business, how to analyze market, how to sell online. Participants indicated that knowledge and skills are important for improving entrepreneurial abilities and personal qualities. Especially important mentioned to have individually or in group trainings about entrepreneurship. Emphasized possibilities to have online trainings. Respondents thinks that migrants do not have enough knowledge of relevant financial support structures and regulatory requirements or even don’t have opinion about it. Relevant barriers in the first place were mentioned linguistic barriers, after that regulatory barriers and non-recognition of foreign qualifications and skills and less mentioned racial discrimination. Survey results shows that only less than 3 proc. of respondents mentioned that it is easy for a migrant to start own business. Most of respondents agree that it is not easy to establish own business. Respondents asserted that sometimes they can turn for help/support from adult educator working with migrants, business registration specialist, other migrants mentioned as also possible supporters. Less supportive are language course educator, however they are in the first steps helping successfully integrate in communities and search/create job possibilities. Bigger number of respondents stated that are there official and specific guidelines on the steps that someone should follow in order to establish his/her own business. We can conclude from this, that people who are interested they are able to find information which they needed.

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