Infrastructure News: October 2021 - January 2022

Page 76

October 2021 - January 2022



he housing crisis is a human rights crisis in New Zealand according to the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on adequate housing in a new report officially tabled over night at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Housing speculation, a lack of affordable housing options, limited protection for tenants, substandard housing, the absence of an overarching Te Tiriti and human rights based housing strategy, and a lack of adequate social housing or state subsidised housing are the main causes of the crisis according to the report. During a visit to New Zealand from 10 to 19 February 2020, at the invitation of the Government, the UN Special Rapporteur on adequate housing, Leilani Farha, investigated housing as a human right in New Zealand. She spoke with government officials, residents, researchers and representatives of civil society organisations in visits to Auckland, Christchurch, Kaitaia and Wellington. The findings of her visit were published in a report tabled at the UN Human Rights Council on June 22 in Geneva. Farha wrote that “legal protection of the right to adequate housing remains relatively weak” in New Zealand. Housing has become a “speculative asset” in New Zealand rather than a “home” wrote the Special Rapporteur — calling attention to on-going housing speculation due to low interest rates coupled with an underdeveloped rental housing system with inadequate tenant protections. Chief Human Rights Commissioner Paul Hunt has welcomed the report and encouraged local and 76

UN declares New Zealand’s housing crisis a breach of human rights A United Nations report suggests New Zealand follow in Canada’s footsteps by adopting a human rights approach to housing policy and makes 27 recommendations for Government to address the crisis central government to seriously consider the 27 recommendations made by the UN Special Rapporteur Leilani Farha. 1) Acknowledge housing as a human right Recognize the right to adequate housing, as set out in international human rights law, as an enforceable right in national

legislation and in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act. The Canadian model could be an option. This should at minimum include a legal obligation of the State to progressively implement the right to housing and provide suitable and accessible emergency housing to individuals and families at risk or in a situation of homelessness.

A legislated right to housing should render the right justiciable in domestic courts and enable those who have suffered violations access to effective administrative, non-judicial and judicial remedies. 2) Form a human rightsbased housing strategy Develop and implement a comprehensive human

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Articles inside

Wrong name, right product why build-to-rent is struggling

pages 82-84

China builds apartment block in a day

page 79

Kiwi Property kick starts build-to-rent in New Zealand

pages 80-81

New Zealand's housing crisis a breach of human rights

pages 72-75

3D-printed housing

pages 76-78

Tax changes threaten rental market

pages 70-71

Priming your business for post-lockdown recovery

pages 48-49

Site Safe Awards finalists announced

page 65

Where is housing most affordable in New Zealand?

pages 68-69

Facilities management with personal service

pages 66-67

Homebrew 1080 poison hospitalises worker

page 56

Surviving as a modern business

pages 52-53

Is standardised training the way forward?

page 57

Chemical safety relies on meaningful cooperation

pages 54-55

Tips and myths around dogs

pages 46-47

Toxic fumigant banned

pages 34-35

Bastion NZ launch Industrial glove range

pages 36-37

Industry leader in soft fall protection on construction sites

page 41

Safety app a crucial element in building site safety

page 45

Radio technology keeps workers safe and compliant

page 44

Remote working putting organisations at risk

page 38

Unlearning misguided muscle training

pages 42-43

Critical infrastructure vulnerable to hackers

pages 39-40

Has your fuel gone off?

pages 32-33

The fight for common sense and a reasoned debate

pages 26-29

The New Zealand Upgrade Programme cost blowout

pages 22-25

Immigration policies hindering construction sector

pages 14-16

In search of the perfect surface - contractor invents new earth compactor

pages 12-13

Transmission Gully - what went wrong?

pages 18-21

Multi-purpose, safer, faster telehandlers increase productivity

pages 8-9

Australian construction industry cries out for reform

pages 10-11

AC Filter - an engineered solution protecting worker health

pages 5-7

Latest lockdown puts ongoing strain on construction

pages 3-4

How scalable data centres help Mainfreight’s vision

page 17
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