Yearbook 2020
Developing a 2050 vision is the top priority to safeguard infrastructure By Paul Blair Chief Executive of Infrastructure NZ
Through 15 years of creating positive change in infrastructure, Infrastructure NZ has identified five key elements that are fundamental to having a world class infrastructure system. 1) Vision and leadership Our country needs to collectively debate and then commit to a vision of the lifestyle (economic, social, cultural and environmental) we want Kiwis to be living in 30-plus years’ time. 2) Long term and integrated plans We need to translate our long-term vision into practical and coordinated steps to reach those goals. 3) Reliable sources of funding and adequate financing tools Infrastructure needs a reliable, long-term funding (income) stream divorced from the whims of politics. Financing tools, including the ability to raise debt or equity based on assets or revenue streams, is equally important in making sure we pay the best price for infrastructure and that all generations fairly pay their way for the infrastructure they benefit from. 4) Laws, regulations, and incentives Without the right structure and tools, even the best vision, plan, and funding will not be able to overcome poorly designed legislation, unsound regulation, or bad incentives. 5) Capability and capacity Our industries need to be healthy, well-supported, with a strong pipeline of talent and innovation in order to succeed. 8