1 minute read
The problem with living several decades with a fairly reliable memory is that one recalls dire predictions made by people who should know what they were saying. Well, at least some of them were supposed to be knowledgeable.
Do you recall these knee-knocking predictions:
• 1960s: Oil will be gone… within 10 years
• 1970s: A new ice age… within 10 years
• 1980s: Acid rain will destroy all crops…within 10 years
• 1990s: Ozone layer gone… within 10 years
• 2000s: Glaciers melted… within 10 years
• 2010s: East & west coasts woill be under water…within 10 years
• 2020s: Human race gone… within 10 years without Green New Deal
All of these profound warnings turned out to be wrong … but they did get Congress to raise your taxes.