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ROBERT M. GOLDMAN, MD, PhD, DO, FAASP World Chairman-International Medical Commission Co-Founder & Chairman of the Board-A4M - President of A4M Conferences Founder & Chairman-International Sports Hall of Fame Co-Founder & Chairman-World Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine President Emeritus-National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)

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DR. RONALD KLATZ, MD, DO, is the physician founder and President of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. In 1984, Dr. Klatz was a pioneer in the clinical specialty of preventative medicine: as a principal founder of the National Academy of Sports Medicine and researcher into elite human performance and physiology. Dr. Klatz is a best-selling author, and is columnist or Senior Medical Editor to several international medical journals. He is the inventor, developer, or administrator of 100-plus scientific patents, including those for technologies for brain resuscitation, trauma and emergency medicine, organ transplant and blood preservation.

GREEN MEETING MONTHLY Chief Operating Officer, ANNE BOLDUC Systems Manager, DANIEL DOREY Director Human Resources, ESTHER AMAR Treasurer, STARR WYLKIE Group Publisher, ANNE BOLDUC Chief Editor, GUY J. JONKMAN

DAVID B. MANDELL, JD, MBA, is a former attorney and author of ten books for clients, including For Doctors Only: A Guide to Working Less & Building More, as well a number of state books. He is a principal of the financial consulting firm OJM Group He has co-authored the Category I CME Monograph Risk Management for the Practicing Physician which has gone through 5 editions since 1998 & is certified for 5-hour business of medicine CME MANON PILON, Speaker, International Educator, SPA & Wellness Meetings Specialist – Mrs. Manon Pilon’s background spans over twenty-seven years of professional experience in SPA and MEDICAL SPA operation and management, marketing strategies, Medical Spa concept and development, and motivation methods. She is holding senior management positions in companies such as Europe Cosmétiques, CurAge Med, CurAge Spa, and Europelab. Founder of a private Aesthetics Professional School in Montreal, Canada.

MEMBER American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine American Med Spa Association

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MONTE ZWANG is a principal of Wellness Capital Management, providing cash flow and financial strategies to businesses in the wellness industry. Monte has been a consultant for more than 25 years, teaching entrepreneurs and company leaders in health care, real estate, food and beverage, day spa, resorts and hotels, and retail dispensary industries the strategies of cash flow management. Monte is driven to the wellness industry because of a personal passion for healthy lifestyle choices, and a professional passion to work with wellness entrepreneurs as they achieve their business goals by helping people live a healthy lifestyle.

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BRENT A. BAUER, M.D. as director of the Mayo Clinic Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program, Brent A. Bauer, M.D., has broad and varied research interests. Dr. Bauer's personal goal is to ensure that research conducted under the auspices of the Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program is always held to the same high standards as all other research at Mayo Clinic. He brought real, evidence-based knowledge to patients and physicians trying to incorporate the best of conventional and complementary medicine practices.

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ALEX R. THIERSCH - President of Wellness Medical Meetings Founder and director of the American Med Spa Association (AmSpa), an organization created for the express purpose of providing comprehensive, relevant and timely legal and business resources for the medical aesthetic industry throughout the United States.







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CHERYL WHITMAN, is a published author, a popular speaker and a beauty-industry consultant with more than 30 years experience, including 15 years as the owner of Face Fantasie Day Spa in Fort Lee, New Jersey. As founder and CEO of Beautiful Forever, Cheryl spearheads a successful team of medical spa consultants and business professionals. In addition, Cheryl developed the Medical Spa Success System, a revolutionary program that provides a turnkey educational success system and consulting services package to help clients jumpstart brilliantly successful medical spa businesses.

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1 a manifesto

Walk the labyrinth, quiet your mind and brace yourself, you are about to hit your blisspoint.


There is a place your soul longs to be, a land of limitless possibility, a wonderland of abundant fun. Glen Ivy is a utopian expanse under a vast open sky, nestled in a valley beneath the Santa Ana Mountains. A mere 50 minutes, yet a land apart, from the big c ity. Here you let go, breathe deep, giggle and open your heart to your self and the huge diversity of kindred spirits. This is a place that feeds your soul, nourishes your spirit, rejuvenates body and mind, and will leave you longing to return again and again.

With 19 pools, our signature red clay and grotto experiences, 61 treatment rooms, 9 mani/pedi stations, two savory eateries, and 17 acres of meandering garden pathways, Glen Ivy is one of the largest spa wellness destinations in America.

2 timelessness

AGELESS BEAUTY Generations of Native Americans soaked in these mystical waters, as have countless travelers since 1860. Today 170,000 people a year enter our grounds to heal and soothe soul, spirit and body. COLD


Laps, cold plunge, hot pool; these are your only dec isions for the day. What will you do next?


Nature’s magic conspired here to create an ecotone, a sweet spot of two converging, distinct ecosystems, where nature’s abundance — an astounding 250 spec ies of birds, animals and plants — thrive unlike anywhere else. So it goes with their human counterparts: thrive, ourish, renew. A fusion of past and present, Glen Ivy is ageless beauty.

Swim laps, take an aqua class or sit in the quiet tranquility of the naturally thermal mineral baths.

3 inclusiveness

6 OF CONNECTEDNESS Feel the energy and hear the song of birds when you walk the lush, verdant grounds. Splash, touch, immerse, wander, oat, slather, taste, sip and restore a feeling of connectedness to yourself and to friends in a veritable playground of bountiful options. We’re all in this together. Embracing life and one another is somehow easier here, where ancient voices resonate in a wondrous palette of nature. Soaking in the mineral-rich thermal waters and red clay mud baths is a tradition practiced around the world since ancient times.

4 healing

SAVOR THE RITUAL The ancient rite of healing recalls a deeper part of one’s self. Whether you are drawn to a therapeutic massage or a thick tribal-like smear of red-mineral clay — baked warm in the sun — you are encouraged to savor the rituals of healthy joy here. Deep in the Grotto, in this darkened cave, delight in being painted from head to toe with a delic ious mix of hydrating aloe, shea butter and coconut oil. The options are both immersive and over owing. There’s no end to the delight you’ll feel both on the surface and deep inside, here at Glen Ivy.

We use only products that boast nature’s best and highest-grade ingredients to detox, moisturize and replenish you and the skin you are in.



Hidden at the outermost edge of the sanctuary is a place where solitude and quietude reign.

5 services


Paradise bar, paradise pavilion, paradise falls – are you catching a theme here?

Our unique year-round wellness experience is o ered under a boundless, brilliant sky. Enjoy an outdoor massage beneath the shade of anc ient oaks or “om” in the cool reserve of comfortable cabanas. Whet your imagination with 17 acres, 19 pools and spas, including naturally thermal mineral baths, a cold plunge and a saline pool. Our fruit and herb-infused organic facials, body treatments, manicures/pedicures and massages nurture wellness and health. Daily classes include our very own JoyFitness yoga, tai chi, aqua aerobics and workshops to inspire. The open grounds beckon you to discover and rejuvenate. The goal here is simple; awaken your bliss.

Our indoor-outdoor open architecture o ers room to breathe. Unlike most spa experiences we invite you to roam freely to discover your delight.







t might be the best thing since sliced (organic) bread.

wellness movement. Your choice – to climb aboard or be

After decades of indulging in Twinkies and

swept aside – will have a profound impact on the fate of

three-martini lunches, first world consumers are

your spa business.


VIVIENNE O’KEEFFE, AAD, PEA, CIBTAC, is President of Spa Profits Consulting Inc., and an expert in designing successful spa concepts. She is also an international consultant in developing product lines, treatment plans and training programs, a member of ISPA and Spa Industry Association of Canada (for which she won an Outstanding Service Award in 2012), and a member of International Management Consultants Inc.

suddenly on a health kick. I have just returned from a most impressive Global Wellness And it’s not just about diet. Demands for filtered water and

Summit in Kitzbühel, Austria, an invitation-only gathering

air, yoga and TM classes and even wristwatches that record

of wellness industry providers put on by the Global Wellness

your heart rate and sleep patterns are part of a

Institute (GWI), and was privileged to come away with what

tsunami-sized shakeup we will loosely describe as the

I believe is a glimpse at the future of the spa industry.




IT IS NOT JUST ABOUT DIET The traditional spa is about to get a giant makeover. Instead

The irrefutable need for wellness is evident in the alarming

of a place for the occasional massage, pedicure or facial, it’s

spread of such modern ailments as obesity, depression and

poised to become a refuge from the noise and stress of

diabetes. People around the world suffering from higher

technology, traffic and crammed schedules. Armed with

stress and chronic disease are turning to wellness to

mounting evidence linking general wellness to improved

maintain and improve their health. Just as people have

disease prevention, happiness, and longevity – brought

largely rejected smoking, consumers are increasingly

about by factors including healthier eating, better sleep,

spurning chemical additives, sugar, poor-quality sleep and

meditation and spirituality – the spa could experience a

other evils in favour of healthier physical and spiritual

consumer-driven convergence of suppliers – a melding of


traditional skills incorporating aspects of the traditional gym, doctor’s office and drug store.

In his hour-long keynote speech at last year’s GWI summit in Mexico City, internationally acclaimed physician, guru

The trend is well under way. According to the GWI’s

and author Deepak Chopra talked about an exploding area

numbers, while the world economy shrank by 3.6% in the

of modern medical research: epigenetics – the body’s

years 2013-2015, the wellness industry in all its forms grew

amazing ability to literally respond and adapt to external

by an astounding 10.6%. The most active areas were:

forces in a way that strengthens it against disease and degeneration. The epigenome – the body’s chemical record

1) Preventative/personalized medicine and public health (+23.5%),

of changes to DNA and histone proteins – is like a light switch and thermostat that regulates the body.

2) Fitness and mind-body (+21.4%) 3) Wellness lifestyle real estate (+18.6%)

“We can prevent most chronic illnesses and even reverse a

4) Wellness tourism (+14%)

lot of diseases,” Chopra told a rapt audience.

5) Healthy eating, nutrition and weight loss (+12.8%).



IT IS A WELLNESS MOVEMENT SHAKE UP In her book The Hunger Fix, American MD Pamela

These services will be but one component of a paradigm

Peeke says effective epigenetic management can

shift – from the concept of the spa as a mere location to the

produce powerful outcomes anytime, even before birth.

spa as a department store stocked with a panoply of

In lab tests, supplementing the diets of overweight,

wellness products and services.

yellow-colored mice called agouti with healthy substances like vitamin B12 and folic acid caused the

I believe educated and evolving consumers will inevitably

epigenetic controllers in their foetuses to spawn

cast aside the many culprits in our disease-ridden society –

completely normal babies – lean, brown and

chemical-laced processed food, sedentary lifestyles, sleep

disease-free. The histones – proteins surrounding

deprivation and addictions to devices, to name a few – in

genes that tell them how to behave – can themselves be

favour of a new commitment to healthier physical and

managed by healthier actions to deliver more beneficial

spiritual living. I see no reason why spas – particularly

instructions to the genes via a process called

medical spas – can’t be major deliverers of these new types

methylation, where methyl groups are added to DNA.

of services.

It’s complicated biochemistry, but the results are plain to

The GWI apparently agrees. Says GWI’s senior research

see: ditching bad habits for good habits can make

fellow Ophelia Yeung: “We predict that consumers,

permanent improvements in our future genetic makeup –

governments and employers will continue to spend big on

meaning we are no longer prisoners of the genes we were

wellness because of these megatrends: an emerging global

born with. This and other equally astounding discoveries

middle class, a rapidly aging world population, a chronic

are dramatically changing the strategies that societies and

disease and stress epidemic, the failure of the ‘sick-care’

individuals will be using to deal with their health issues.

medical model (resulting in uncontrollable healthcare costs), and a growing subset of (more affluent, educated)

The more science unravels the incredible mysteries of

consumers seeking experiences rooted in meaning,

epigenetics, the greater will be the need for carefully

purpose, authenticity and nature.

structured, epigenetics-based dietary and lifestyle therapy.





TRADITIONAL RESORT IS ABOUT TO GET A GIANT MAKEOVER “As people around the world suffer from higher stress and

“The staffing crisis gets bigger every year, making it harder

chronic disease, they are turning to wellness approaches to

to recruit and retain qualified, motivated spa managers and

maintain and improve their health,” she says. “Wellness is

directors,” he warns. “As savvy clients request more

preventive; it relies on individual responsibility to integrate

therapists trained in high touch and wellness modalities,

a holistic health paradigm into everyday life – how we live,

we need to attract more talents and offer careers, not simply

eat, work, play, travel, maintain vitality, deal with stress, and

9 to 5 jobs. Exciting compensation plans, better incentives

respond to the first signs of illness.”

and advanced training programs are essential to retain the best people and help them thrive and flourish into Spa and

In the GWI’s Wellness Economy Report coming out next

Wellness therapists. This new breed of professionals can

January, to which the conference attendees were treated to a

lead more loyal clients into transformational experiences

sneak preview, Yeung and fellow GWI researcher Katherine

and programs.”

Johnston project the spa industry will grow over the next 5 years by an estimated 2.8 million persons (1 million in

Wellness is changing the way buildings and even whole

Asia-Pacific, 950,000 in Europe and 540,000 in North

communities are designed. Wellness-themed resorts and

America), with an additional 400,000 trained therapists

retirement communities springing up in the UK, Australia,

and 70,000 experienced spa managers/directors needed by

China, Malaysia, Dubai, the Yucatan, Canada, the U.S. and


other countries come with features like eco-friendly materials and energy use, community gardens, fitness and

With wellness sectors already representing a $3.7 trillion

aquatic centers, spa and medical facilities and social areas

economy, the demand for services is outpacing their supply.

where neighbors can meet and greet.

Jean-Guy de Gabriac, founder of Tip Touch and Chairman of GWI’s Global Career Development initiative, says spas will require an additional 400,000 trained therapists and 70,000 experienced managers/directors by 2020.









RESORT OF THE FUTURE: GYM - CLINIC - PHARMACY In downtown Toronto, the newly renovated offices of the TD

A second –‘gamification’ – will bring more adult play into

Bank are the first in the world to be WELL Certified™

the workplace to foster a healthier work environment and to

(under v1 of the WELL Building Standard™ as applied to

attract more dedicated, socially aware employees. The third

new and existing interiors). The facility promotes health

is eco-consciousness: authentically and holistically

and wellness by including more than 60 WELL features in

leveraging the value proposition of a product or service,

its design, including optimal lighting, enhanced water and

taking into account where it is produced, how it is sourced,

air filtration, vending machines that dispense nutritious

who builds it, how it is shipped, and how it is disposed of. In

items, custom-designed, more ergonomic chairs and desks,

other words, giving back more to the environment than you

and something called a tranquility lounge.

take out.

It's easy to get so absorbed in the details of your business

As Yeung asserts, there’s a lot people can do on their own to

that you completely lose track of the big picture. The big

benefit from new advances in wellness – but also a huge

picture, in this case, consists of the global trends that will

role for spas to fill. I believe it is imperative for us as an

affect every entrepreneur – no matter how far removed

industry to recruit talented individuals who can take up the

from them, or how 'safe' your company seems to be. In a

torch and walk forward to enlighten and empower

speech at New York University's Women Entrepreneurs

themselves and our valued patients with the knowledge of

Festival, trend consultant Erica Orange of The Future

the power we hold within ourselves.

Hunters corporate think tank identified no fewer than three wellness-related movements in her top 10 themes affecting

In their quest to strengthen their personal five pillars of

business in the future. One is design, which will evolve from

wellness – sleep, meditation, movement, emotions and

merely "good" or "bad" to design that is (or is not)

nutrition – meeting planners will be clamoring for

considered age-friendly, female-friendly, cultural, or

services far beyond traditional treatments.

sustainable. And they’ll go where they have to get them. Will that place be your next meeting?



Providing meeting services to travellers and spa guests By JP Kepinski and M. Palkova


its 160 guest rooms, the Carlsbad Plaza offers comfortable and luxurious accommodation and all the services that may be required by modern 21st century travellers. The first 5star spa & wellness hotel in Karlovy Vary, opened in December 2005. Located in the quiet ambience of the spa zone, in the vicinity of the spa facility Láznû. (Spa). Here, you will find everything what you expect from a deluxe and top class international hotel, including a swimming pool and conference facilities and equipment. An exquisite menu with international cuisine, which would be relished even by the most fabled of fairy tale kings, world wine brands and a pleasant relaxing atmosphere is offered by three restaurants, cafés, and bars. The cosy interior of the Sorrento Restaurant, which will take you on a short journey back to the time of your summer vacation by the sea, with its abundant buffet tables available throughout the day, or perhaps the refined atmosphere of the "La Bohéme" Restaurant with its marvellous French cuisine and a not less outstanding French chef, an

ACCOMMODATIONS AND ALL THE SERVICES THAT MAY BE REQUIRED enticing wine card and irresistible desserts will create a private oasis of peace and ease especially for you. You may end your pleasurable afternoon spent at the cosy "Bon Soir" Café in the private atmosphere of the "Old Times" Bar with excellent music and an alluring air of the Victorian era. The nostalgic picturesque ambience of the ancient spa town with its typical atmosphere and “genius locci” of the old times may be found in the first Wellnessland in Karlovy Vary, in the “Alt Karlsbad”. Take advantage of actively regenerating your mental and physical strength and select from a wide variety of procedures in the "Wasserplatz" with a thermidarium, two pools with a whirlpool and thermal mineral water, or a large swimming pool with a counterflow jet. You will personally experience the effect of seven kinds of sauna in the "Saunadorf", slow down your pulse in the tranquil atmosphere of the "Relaxgarten" with heated sunbeds and water beds and relaxing music, and indulge in the pampering experience of unbelievably pleasant and effective Thai massages that will undoubtedly get you in a pleasant mood. Moreover, you can complement your lost calories with a small dainty in the Kaiserhof Bar and hush up your twinges of conscience by thorough exercise in the fitness centre.

THE MEDICAL SPA GALLERY A unique balneologic complex applying not only traditional methods and procedures and particularly natural thermal and mineral water, but also new methods of treatment. The well-established tradition of Carlsbad spa treatment in a central balneologic facility utilizing top technology for treatment, will aid you in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and locomotive organs, endocrine glands, especially diabetes mellitus, and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. To improve health, they offer a large variety of spa procedures, which will help regenerate your health condition with the active support of qualified medical personnel: "STILLHOF" – They offer a rest room with classic beds, water beds, heated sunbeds and relaxation music to soothe and relax your organism. Or perhaps the "RELAXGASSE" – an enchanting place, where the dexterous fingers of masseurs will drive away the last remnants of fatigue and stress from your body. And how about a traditional massage, a fragrant aroma massage, an appealing stone massage topped with a "Caracalla" bath in the end? By now, you must be certain that you cannot let slip such an offer.


Grand Spa Hotel Marienbad Welcome to


s s e n l l We ING T E E M


RAND SPA HOTEL MARIENBAD is the second largest Czech spa, which is very rich in mineral springs. There are forty springs within the area and one hundred in the immediate vicinity. It is doubtlessly one of the most charming spa places in the Czech Republic. The spa history is not long but for that, all the more interesting. In the place, where in the 18th century it was still dominated by swamps and impenetrable forests, this elegant town grew with modern buildings and large public interest.

ONE OF THE MOST CHARMING MEETING PLACES IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC Not in the least bothered by playing second fiddle to Karlovy Vary, Marianske Lazne is quieter, but just as elegant as its more famous cousin. It is located on a major train route some three hours from Prague, about 45 minutes from Karlovy Vary. The town, once a favorite of Chopin and Mark Twain, was planned in such a way that at every step, visitors could soothe their frayed nerves by feasting their eyes on lush greenery. The park-like town center is dotted with fountains, colonnades and elaborate spa houses. The most stunning interiors are those of Nove Lazne (New Spa), part of which was built to serve exclusively Edward VII, the King of England, who visited the spa town no fewer than nine times. (To this day, visitors can take a bath in the sumptuous "Royal Chamber," beautifully decorated with mosaics and tiles). Its Roman baths, complete with Doric columns and elaborately painted ceilings, are among the most sumptuous spa interiors in the country. Fifty-three different mineral springs (from a total of about 100) are used by the spa today to treat a wide range of disorders; however, many clients come to Marianske Lazne for its attractive combination of charm, peace and luxury. Curiosity: The Singing Fountain in front of the main colonnade performs every odd hour to the accompaniment of music, and at 9 and 10 p.m. with a light show.

CLASSICAL SPA STAYS Types of Spa stays Classical spa stays are intent on curing disorders of the locomotive system, kidney and urinary tract disorders, respiratory system disorders, metabolic disorders, gynaecological disorders, including curing sterility and oncological disorders. It is a complete spa care, which includes a medical examination and an individually compiled cure plan, which respects the guest’s actual health condition. The absolute priority of the cure is the usage of local natural medicinal sources. Recommended length of the cure is 3 - 4 weeks. Classical spa stay includes: n initial and final medical examination, check-up examination by a specialist if needed; n lab tests; n individual cure plan set by the doctors (3 - 4 spa procedures a day, except Sundays); n drinking cure according to doctor´s recommendation; n 24-hour medical emergency service; n 24-hour nurse on call; n medical lecture; n accommodation; full board including diets according to doctor´s recommendation; with accommodation for 3 weeks, there is one spa procedure free; Programs Wellness & Beauty Programs wellness & beauty are one and two week stays with a special program aimed at relaxation, improvement of visceral condition as well as overall health condition of the organism. Programs include: medical examination or consultation with a doctor; spa procedures according to the type of program; drinking cure; accommodation; full board or half board. We offer the guests, who do not stay in spa hotels, the possibility to attend non-resident cure. It includes individual procedures or all-inclusive one day cures, which contain several spa procedures. Within the scope of these cures, we recommend a large non-resident cure package or a number of freely purchased spa procedures.


One of the most beautiful hotels in Central Europe invites you to combine modern life with elegance and respectability of last centuries. n

Tradition since 1701 n Comfortable accommodation in 228 rooms (112 five-star de Luxe rooms,117 fours-star First Class rooms) n Restaurant, CafĂŠ, Bars - first-class cuisine and excellent service are taken for granted n Variable-size rooms for conferences, seminars and social events n Spa Clinic Harp, comprehensive spa care n Use of sauna, steambath,whirlpool and fitness centre



Comfort you Deserve



he Grandhotel Pupp is located in the biggest and the most prestigious spa city, Karlovy Vary. The spa and hospitality history of the town began already in the XV century, when the King and Emperor Charles IV founded a spa village in the valley. At the beginning of the 90 s the majority of clients were formed by tourists. In the recent years the hotel saw constant increases on business, incentive clients and spa guests who require overstandart services. Grandhotel Pupp now represents one of the most prestigious places in Karlovy Vary and the whole Western Bohemia. The Grandhotel Pupp now owns and operates the complex of Grandhotel, Parkhotel Pupp and Golf Clubhouse with own golf course. This resort has made large investments to establish and maintain the high and contemporary standards and quality, that have always been the attributes of Grandhotel Pupp.

SPA CLINIC HARP – Symphony of Health Complete spa treatment, complete relaxation programmes and stomatology center direct in the hotel The comfortable relaxation and treatment center is a direct part of the famous hotel. All areas are newly built and offer customers a wide variety of treatment and relaxation programmes. You can take a classical spa treatment for metabolism, digestive and motor disorders, treat yourself to a rejuvenation with oxygen therapy treatment programme or try an anti-stress programme with acupuncture and homeotherapy. An entire list of other services provided by friendly personnel would be difficult to name. We will name only the complete dental care, entire body cosmetics and cellulite treatments. For every patient there, an individual treatment plan is drawn out with the help of professionals which constist mainly of basic, clean and natural treatments. Especially women can spend moments of relaxation and rest in the company of expert staff, using the range of Dr. Babor cosmetics. Castle Bath A unique spa complex the Castle Bath is located only 5 minutes of walk away from the Grandhotel Pupp and is open every day from 7.30 until 19.30. This spa facility was created as a result of a very costly and delicate reconstruction of a state-of-the art historical monument – the Castle Colonnade. Today, it proudly endorses the best of traditions of the Carlsbad balneology and it is considered one of the most beautiful ones in Europe.

Nowadays, offering accomodation in de Luxe category, it makes the property ideal for guests who look for quality. Maintaining a close co-operation with the spa facilities of the city, with the intention to provide the guests a complete and expert-lead spa cure treatment. The Festive Hall of Grandhotel Pupp means the cultural life centre of Karlovy Vary too, it feasts concerts of Karlovy Vary Symphonic Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra Karlovy Vary. That resort successfully entered the third millenium as the most beautiful hotel of the Czech Republic, which reveres its 300 years long tradition. Everything they do, they do for their guests and clients. Keeping on improving and extending all the provided services, the offer is getting wider.

The uniqueness of the Castle Bath – in comparison to other similar facilities - consists mainly in: Reversion to the proven tradition of the Carsbad treatment in the central balneooperation centre, as it really is the only place in which the client receives a complex treatment including the maximum use of the original Carlsbad thermal mineral water. n The Cast Bath take the advantage of their two own springs – the Upper and Lower Castle Spring. n Original environment achieved by the combination of large natural rocky surfaces with the contemporary architecture of the early 20th century. n One of a kind in the Czech Republic swimming pool with a thermal mineral water is the most valuable jewel of the Castle Bath. n Relaxation in the curative swimming pool is prepared for each client as an extra and free treatment. n Each client undergoes the entire daily prescribed treatment within a single two-hour visit to the Castle Bath. n

West Bohemia Healing Journeys The CZECH REPUBLIC boasts an extraordinary number of natural mineral springs, which gave rise to famous spa towns such as Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) and Marianske Lazne (Marienbad). The spa towns have a long tradition, dating back several centuries. Their past clients include royalty (Czar Peter the Great, King Edward VII of England), composers (Bach, Beethoven, and Wagner), and writers (Casanova, Goethe, and Mark Twain). Since the 1990s, the spa houses have been lovingly restored and the lavish spa architecture and ambience are as much of a draw as the spa treatments themselves. Many people come to the spas not for a "cure" but to relax, increase their energy level, and get away from the grind of their daily life. New programs such a stress-relief, beauty and relaxation weekend as well as “pampering� stays have become very popular. Some spa hotels cater exclusively to a leisure clientele, with luxurious rooms, gourmet restaurants, and Western-style spa facilities. Both Carlsbad and Marienbad have excellent golf courses, shopping (such as the celebrated Moser glass factory), parks, and plenty of other historical site in the surrounding area. Both spa towns offer regular concerts and annual cultural festivals. Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) The iconic Czech spa town. With its elaborate architecture and cosmopolitan clientele, it is the largest and liveliest of all Czech spas. Located just 2 hours west of Prague, Carlsbad offers hotels and spa houses in all price ranges, from five-star deluxe to tourist-class. A brand new five star CARLSBAD PLAZA SPA & WELLNESS HOTEL just opened last year. Offering comfortable and luxurious accommodation and all the services that may be required by modern 21st century travellers and spa guests.

THE GRAND HOTEL PUPP: Nowadays, offering accommodation in de Luxe category, makes this property ideal for guests who look for quality. Maintaining a close co-operation with the spa facilities of the city, with the intention to provide the guests a complete and expert-lead spa cure treatment. Marianske Lazne (Marienbad) Located some 45 minutes further west from Carlsbad, some three hours from Prague. West Bohemia's newest addition.... GRAND SPA HOTEL MARIENBAD is the second largest Czech spa, which is very rich in mineral springs. There are forty springs within the area and one hundred in the immediate vicinity. It is doubtlessly one of the most charming spa places in the Czech Republic. The park-like town center is dotted with fountains, colonnades and elaborate spa houses. The most stunning interiors are those of Nove Lazne (New Spa), part of which was built to serve exclusively Edward VII, the King of England, who visited the spa town no fewer than nine times. To this day, visitors can take a bath in the sumptuous "Royal Bath," beautifully decorated with mosaics and tiles. Elegant town with modern buildings and of large public interest. Never been to these properties before? you'll be impressed with de diversity of each resort. Top-notch food, services, hospitality and memorable spa experiences from these world-famous spa towns.

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