Myong Chong, Founder & CEO of Hanna Isul

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H A N N A I S U L ® SKIN THERAPY, INC. The Pioneer Inventor of the First Cosmetic Firming Formulation

THE INSPIRATION FOR HANNA ISUL During a three-day feast of extravagant proportions, a King hosted the most important dinner party in the history of the world.While searching for a new bride, he observed the most beautiful women in the land, each treated with the finest oils and perfumes. As the King noticed one young woman of exceptional beauty, he looked on her with favor and provided her with special, more exclusive beauty treatments. Because of her great loveliness, she was chosen to be Queen and as Queen, was able to save her people from the plot of a wicked, powerful man who sought to destroy them. Queen Esther is the inspiration for Myong’s mission in helping women attain true beauty. Hanna means "gift of god" and Isul means "morning dew". The seven grapes on Hanna Isul’s logo signify perfect and abundant life. MISSION STATEMENT OF HANNA ISUL HANNA ISUL is a unique company with a mission to provide the finest products and treatments for dermatological health, beauty, and conditioning. Our products are specifically formulated to reduce aging, remove fine lines, as well as provide essential elements for a healthy and attractive appearance. The health and condition of our skin is directly related to the health of our self-image and well being. When our skin is healthy and vibrant, we feel beautiful, desirable, and project a positive energy to the world around us. As babies, our skin is flawless and glowing. Over time and lifestyle choices, many women find the natural glow of their skin fading and hide behind a cosmetic mask, tragically never realizing the full potential of their skin’s beauty. Hanna Isul products combine the properties of the purest botanical essences, vitamins, and moisturizers in their unique, patented formulations to create products that nourish the skin and nurture its ability to heal and protect itself. Hanna Isul clients experience the “miracle” of renewed, glowing, firmer skin and the joy of “timeless beauty”.

Hanna Isul products combine the properties of the purest botanical essences, vitamins, and moisturizers in their unique, patented formulations to create products that nourish the skin and nurture its ability to heal and protect itself.

MYONG CHONG – FOUNDER/CEO OF HANNA ISUL SKIN THERAPY, INC. Originally from South Korea, Myong Chong moved to the United States at the age of 14. Struggling with acne and all the emotional pain that accompanies it, she desperately wanted to improve her skin, leading her to enroll in a specialized cosmetology program to study the skin and skin care products. In 1982, she was licensed as an aesthetician and trained at various salons in the Houston area, including the Vidal Sassoon Salon, the Alan Murphy Salon, and Elia Cosmetics. As a business partner of Elia, she traveled extensively to expand her knowledge of product development. Working closely with her clients, Myong knew that the products currently available were lacking critical elements necessary to attain their claims. After an exhaustive and futile effort to find a product line capable of living up to its promises, Myong decided to formulate her own skin care products using all natural ingredients and in 1997, founded Hanna Isul. To date, she has created the finest skin care products in the world and now enjoys the pleasure of witnessing the transformation of her clients’ skin as the aging process is put into reverse.


Hanna Isul Skin Therapy is the first to create age management skin therapy products that “break” the skin barrier, as documented by the latest skin cell research. A great majority of skin care products on the market moisturize the superficial layer of skin cells and our body replaces these cells every 3 to 4 weeks.



BEGINNING OF YOUTH, END OF AGE® Inner beauty is timeless, yet environmental factors and sun exposure can prematurely age the skin, the foundation of our outer beauty. For many young women entering their 30’s and 40’s, the years of basking in the sun to get that perfect tan is coming back to haunt them; therefore, it is critical for young women to start caring for their skin at an early age to protect and nourish it in order to age with beauty and grace. As well, for women more mature in age, it is important to begin a disciplined skin care program to help diminish the signs of aging and restore the natural glow of their skin.

Isul. Passing the Japan Food and Drug Administration regulations, an organization well known in the skin care industry to carry the most stringent regulations in the world, gave way to the creation of SOVAS 5. These relentless efforts resulted as the pinnacle of many years of testing and reformulating each and every product to Myong’s rigorous satisfaction. With Japan leading in skin care information, this was no simple feat.

SOVAS 5 MEDICAL SKIN CARE After nine years of extensive research, Hanna Isul has unveiled SOVAS 5, a perfectly formulated skin care line providing nutrients to the deeper layers of the epidermis through a patented delivery system known as “Synergistic Transdermal Delivery”. This revolutionary pathway of delivery creates the end result of Transdermal Firming™. Simply put, SOVAS 5 penetrates the top layers of skin, while delivering nutrients and vitamins to the growth cells beneath. This new line of products has been tested by numerous doctors, including Dr. Robert Gracy and Dr. S. Dan Dimitrijevich, whose invention of a progressive, patented research tool called “Human Skin Tissue Equivalent” enabled them to test the efficiency of SOVAS 5 to ensure the safety and true benefits of the skin. In thorough studies using the Human Skin Tissue Equivalents, Myong discovered that her patented AHA Serum and Recovery Ointment penetrated the superficial layers of the skin, reaching the skin’s “producer” cells through the “Synergistic Transdermal Delivery” system. The results: Skin cell nourishment for rejuvenation at the source. Hanna Isul Skin Therapy is the first to create age management skin therapy products that “break” the skin barrier, as documented by the latest skin cell research. A great majority of skin care products on the market moisturize the superficial layer of skin cells and our body replaces these cells every 3 to 4 weeks. Yes, it is important to moisturize and protect this layer of skin, but in reality the majority of skin care products may protect and moisturize these dead skin cells, but they do not penetrate deep enough into the skin to nourish the living growth cells. SOVAS 5 stands for the five natural ingredients for cell rejuvenation that compose its superior formulation. These natural ingredients provide the most power anti-oxidants, such as AHA of Ursolic Acid, Vanillic Acid, Chlorogenic Acid, Ferluic Acid, and Amino Acids. The SOVAS 5 U.S. FDA-Approved Ingredients Include: Sugar Maple Orange Extract and Lemon Extract Vaccinum Mytillus (Bilberry) Ascorbic Acid and Aloe Barbadenis Leaf Juice Sodium Hyaluronate


EASTERN PHILOSOPHY MEETS WESTERN SCIENCE A cornerstone of Myong’s success has been her embrace of Eastern beauty treatments combined with Western technology, as demonstrated in her commitment to scientific research. In blending Asian skin care beauty secrets with Western science and technology, she has undeniably developed the finest, most powerful skin care products available in the world. After precise screening methods and meticulous guidelines, 130 of Japan’s top Plastic Surgeons were carefully selected to represent the number one Medical Skin Care line in Japan, Hanna

Myong is held in the highest regard in the Orient as a pioneer of modern skin therapy. She has not only secured the number one position, but remains in demand as a trainer and educator of her innovative products and techniques. Since 2002, she has frequently lectured at the most prestigious symposiums to a standing-room-only crowd of doctors and surgeons in Japan who are anxious to hear about her conclusive studies, latest developments, and products. Taking her notoriety to the United States, she is now excited to contribute her years of knowledge with plastic surgeons within the U.S. SETTING THE STANDARDS Being a recognized pioneer in the leading technologies of skin care involves not only creation and development, but the responsibility of teaching others about the existence of these products and the benefits available to those who use them. Myong is regarded as one of the world’s foremost experts in the fields of skin care and anti-aging.With 23 years dedicated to the commitment of health and beauty, combined with over 9 years of research leading to unprecedented scientific breakthroughs, her vision of creating the ideal skin care product line that would meet and exceed her clients’ expectations, as well as meet her own high standards, has arrived. Acclaimed worldwide by physicians and master estheticians, Hanna Isul’s radiant CEO has earned recognition in more than 100 national and international publications, with appearances on television and radio around the world. A SPOTLIGHT ON SIGNATURE PRODUCTS Hanna Isul’s signature formulation is the Firming AHA Serum, which is the first U.S. Patented cosmetic firming formula (U.S. Patent No. 6,426,081). Known worldwide as the “60-Second Facelift”, AHA is formulated to help refine pores, renew skin, and create a smoother texture. It is also outstanding pre-op and post-op treatment for Botox injections, laser surgery, facelifts, and glycolic or chemical peels, as well as everyday use for anti-aging, enlarged pores, acne, wrinkles, and sun damaged skin. If that weren’t enough, AHA has also proven to be remarkably effective in regenerating and promoting vibrant, healthy skin cells. RECOVERY OINTMENT is another incredible SOVAS FIRMING AHA SERUM SOVAS 5 product in Hanna Isul’s highly refined product line. This remarkable ointment has proven SILVER ROUND GLASS SERUM BOTTLE THEME to be effective in aiding the skin’s natural healing properties to promote health and recovery from Morning Dew ( Water Drops ) Pureness burns, cuts, abrasions, and other skin ailments. A Medical clinical formulation, this product provides the vital nourishment needed to rejuvenate and enhance the Silver Gradation skin’s own recovery and repair processes. It works immediately upon contact to gently sooth and ISUL comfort, making it invaluable for recovery from Mirror Print itching after laser or face lift surgery, glycolic peels, Black and micro-dermabrasion procedures, as well as every-day use for optimum hydration. Donned as Transdermal the new “Aspirin for the Skin”, Recovery Ointment is the healing portion of Hanna Isul’s “Reverse-Aging” therapy. Transperant letter & 7 Grapes


Letter & 2 LINES, CROSS


S O V A S 5

Firming AHA Serum NET 30ML / 1FL OZ

12 Morning Dew


HANNA ISUL SKIN THERAPY LINE OF UNIQUELY FORMULATED SKIN CARE PRODUCTS For the last two years, Hanna Isul has donated Recovery Ointment to a local cancer center for use on patients who have cancer of the face. The Recovery Ointment is used to help prevent the skin from breaking down due to the radiation treatments. Hanna Isul has received heartwarming testimonials from the patients using Recovery Ointment, and continues to have an active relationship with the cancer center. Currently residing in Texas, Myong is very aware of the powerful effects of the sun. To care for her many clients with damaged skin due to years of sun exposure, she created Vita-C SPF-30 Hydra, the first organic sunscreen enriched with natural ingredients and loaded with Vitamins A, C, and E.What sets this sun block formula apart from all others is its light, smooth consistency and wonderfully fragrant protection. Vita-C SPF30 Hydra not only has superior Vitamin C penetration, but is water resistant and blocks both UVA & UVB radiation.Vita-C SPF-30 Hydra is the prevention portion of Hanna Isul’s “Reverse-Aging” program. The SOVAS 5 Wrinkle Peel is the most powerful anti-aging formula available for dramatically effective skin resurfacing. It is also an essential replacement for Retin-A or Renova for those with sensitive skin. With the Hanna Isul’s Wrinkle Peel, the dry, red, itchy skin from harsh chemical peels is no longer an issue. The Wrinkle Peel is the next generation of age management, undeniably diminishing wrinkles, photodamage, enlarged pores and even hyper-pigmentation. Clients rave about the positive results of the specially formulated Seaweed Mask, which is a multi-vitamin clinical cooling mask, formulated to help clogged pores, aged, sun damaged and stressed skin. To completely energize your skin, this mask is used twice weekly. With an all-encompassing range of products, SOVAS 5 represents the newest innovation in skin care therapy.


A WORK OF ART The incredible interest in re-constructive surgery and makeovers has created an undeniable boom for plastic surgeons and cosmetic dermatologists. Consequently, Myong’s most enthusiastic clients are plastic surgeons, of which she considers to be the true heirs to Michelangelo.“The plastic surgeon does not sculpt stone, but living beings, shaping and remodeling the individual into a beautiful work of art.” The “artist”surgeon is a master at creating beauty with the stainless steel instruments of their craft, but one area the scalpel cannot venture into are the living skin cells. The instruments of skin therapists are skilled hands used to promote healing as they apply the finest skin care products to each client. As a master esthetician, Myong has years of experience in working hand-in-hand with plastic surgeons, providing pre- and post-op care for their clients while providing the best products to enhance the artist’s masterpiece.

ARE FOR THE BEGINNING OF YOUTH AND THE END OF AGE HANNA ISUL SKIN THERAPY MEDSPAS A sanctuary has been created for Myong’s clients through Hanna Isul’s MedSpa. This is not a medical spa, but a spa that embraces a holistic approach to wellness with a focus on healthy, vibrant skin. The Hanna Isul MedSpa in Plano is an elegant retreat for the busy woman or man who desires a place to get away from the world and be pampered, while receiving luxurious skin care treatments second to none. To compliment their services, Hanna Isul’s Signature Wrinkle Filling Treatment, using her SOVAS 5 skin care products, is now available as a non-invasive wrinkle-filling treatment. The products, as well as the specialized treatments, especially the non-invasive transdermal therapy, sit on the cutting edge of skin care technology. As a visionary, Myong is looking to the future with the possibility of licensing additional Hanna Isul MedSpas in targeted locations worldwide. These intimate, zen-ish sanctuaries will be luxurious and cozy with a limited number of treatment rooms for experiencing specialized treatments such as the Korean Sook bath, the Hanna Isul Signature facials (trademarked), age management treatments, and unique spa services for ultimate indulgence. BEST KEPT SECRETS… Although in rigorous demand, the SOVAS 5 product line is not available to the general public, but rather, is exclusively available and distributed through handselected plastic surgeons and medical spas with strict guidelines. With virtually no advertising other than word of mouth from ecstatic clients, it appears be true that if you have the best products, people will find them – and want them. Of course, when the First Lady of Korea is using your products, it probably doesn’t hurt your reputation either. The caliber of cliental who favor Hanna Isul products is quite astounding. Ranging from Hollywood celebrities to royalty, the private list is steadily growing. What is quite interesting is that once her clients find her products, they become addicted to the results and remain the loyalist of clients. EMBRACE THE DREAM Hanna Isul Skin Therapy is much more than just age-management skin care. To touch a person and transform a life; this should be the passion for every skin care specialist holding the honor of nurturing and nourishing the natural beauty of their client’s skin. The skin of a woman is her most beautiful attribute and holds the ability of becoming soft and tender, without wrinkle or blemish, aglow with the natural beauty of health. Myong carries a deep belief that God has created every person to be beautiful and unique. She has seen her formulated products help men and women alike as they begin to see their weary wrinkles diminish and allow the glow of youth to resurface. The combination of science and dedication is the driving force behind Hanna Isul. That, along with products that rejuvenate skin cells and aid in the healing of damaged skin.“The beauty of youth should not be lost as we age.” Myong and the Hanna Isul family realize that the Beginning of Youth is today, for everyone who desires true beauty, but there is more to beauty than looking younger. There is the beauty of the heart, which is nourished by time and the experiences of life. The beauty of the soul is what captures the glow of true beauty.

To compliment their services, Hanna Isul’s Signature Wrinkle Filling Treatment, using her SOVAS 5 skin care products, is now available as a non-invasive wrinklefilling treatment. The products, as well as the specialized treatments, especially the noninvasive transdermal therapy, sit on the cutting edge of skin care technology.



The Pioneer Inventor of the First Cosmetic Firming Formulation

3501 Bernie Anderson Avenue, Suite 320 Fort Worth, TX 76116 Tel: 1-866-307-4331 • 817-377-4331 Fax: 817-763-8343


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