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International Journal of Business and Management; Vol. 8, No. 8; 2013 ISSN 1833-3850 E-ISSN 1833-8119 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education

Open Innovations and International Collaboration in the Context of Emerging Economies Abdullah Abuhamad1 & Abdel Monim Shaltoni1 1

The Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences, Petra University, Amman, Jordan

Correspondence: Abdullah Abuhamad or Abdel Monim Shaltoni, the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences, Amman, 962744, 11196 Jordan. Tel: 962-6-571-5546. E-mail:, Received: December 28, 2012 doi:10.5539/ijbm.v8n8p12

Accepted: January 28, 2013

Online Published: March 13, 2013


Abstract In this paper we examine how firms perform open innovation in the context of an emerging economy. Specifically, we investigate how Jordanian pharmaceutical firms collaborate internationally, over a period of time, for open innovations and how this influences their innovation performance. The research is based on four detailed case studies of leading firms. We find that participating in international collaboration has a positive influence on open innovation performance, but only when the form of collaboration is highly integrated and the internal R&D can absorb and adapt innovation. In particular, the greater the degree of open innovation, the higher the innovation performance. Internal R&D and external innovation strategies are found to complement each other, demonstrating that a strategy of open innovation is not a substitute for internal capabilities, but rather a development path to developing higher innovation performance. Keywords: open innovations, pharmaceuticals, emerging economies, R&D investment, international collaboration 1. Introduction Firms in emerging economies tend to catch up with the technology frontier in advanced economies through formal and informal knowledge transfer channels (Forbes & Wield, 2008). Whilst the empirical support for open innovation is growing, there are still many questions regarding the role and limits to its application in different contexts and cases (Trott & Hartmann, 2009; Wang et al. 2011). For example, most of the research has been in the context of firms in advanced economies, and has focused on the role of intellectual property. In this paper we examine the role of innovation in an emerging economy context, and the potential contribution of international collaboration to the development of innovation capabilities and performance. We operationalize open innovation in terms of the degree of knowledge integration in a collaborative relationship. We identify how firms in this context organize themselves for innovation, both internally and externally to investigate what effects participation in international collaboration have on the degree and type of innovation performed, as shown in Figure 1.

Organizing for

Levels of


International Collaboration

Innovation Performance

Figure 1. The relationships explored in the study 2. The Literature Review The literature on firms in emerging economies suggests several innovation strategies and different evolutionary 12

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