5 Ways to boost your marketing strategy with data
Submitted by : Megan Barnett
Introduction ●
Data driven marketing helps businesses to utilize precious data in order to achieve success.
To use this data effectively, every business requires an efficient team of analytics and some popular tools such as Google Analytics, LoginRadius, etc.
Here are five ways how one can boost marketing strategy with data. References : ● http://missocial2.tripod.com/ ● http://research.gigaom.com/report/data-driven-marketing-for-the-lean-organization/
1. More efficient marketing budget management
The prime challenge faced by marketers is to maximize business benefits without increasing marketing budget.
But when you use data driven marketing, you are able to find out which of your marketing efforts are driving you most traffic and put your effort on the same.
Data helps marketers to create more focused marketing strategies thereby optimizing budget.
References : ● http://missocial2.tripod.com/ ● http://research.gigaom.com/report/data-driven-marketing-for-the-lean-organization/
2. Helps in more in-depth competitor analysis
With data driven marketing, you can find out where you rank compared to your competitors and how to beat them.
For eg, one of the most popular data type is Social Data which is gathered using social media analytics tools.
This social data helps you to explore social media presence of your competitors and to make better marketing strategies compared to them.
References : ● http://missocial2.tripod.com/ ● http://research.gigaom.com/report/data-driven-marketing-for-the-lean-organization/
3. Helps in creating more efficient buyer personas
User profile data helps a lot in creating more efficient buyer personas.
With precious user profile data, businesses can gain access to over 200 data points including gender, address, history, interests and many more.
By in-depth analysis of this data, businesses can understand their user base and create focused strategies accordingly.
References : ● http://missocial2.tripod.com/ ● http://research.gigaom.com/report/data-driven-marketing-for-the-lean-organization/
4. Helps in providing better content to your audience
With data driven marketing you are able to find out which of your content, audience is finding more engaging and which is not.
That way you can plan your topics and base of the future content accordingly.
Tools like Google Adwords’ keyword planner help you to find out most popular phrases and by using them in your content, you can attract huge audience.
References : ● http://missocial2.tripod.com/ ● http://research.gigaom.com/report/data-driven-marketing-for-the-lean-organization/
5. Helps in discovering better marketing techniques
It is very essential for marketers to analyze the numbers to improve their marketing efforts.
Many of the marketers are still not aware of the importance of data analysis but the truth is that in-depth data analysis can become a strong pillar of their upcoming marketing strategies.
References : ● http://missocial2.tripod.com/ ● http://research.gigaom.com/report/data-driven-marketing-for-the-lean-organization/
Conclusion Businesses are always looking for several ways to enhance user experience and data helps exactly with that. With data driven marketing businesses can enhance their audience experience thereby improving overall business. Know more on this here : 8 ways data can boost your marketing strategy
References : â—? http://missocial2.tripod.com/ â—? http://research.gigaom.com/report/data-driven-marketing-for-the-lean-organization/