President's Message
Welcome back everyone! I hope you all enjoyed winter break and the holidays. Our first meeting of the year will be Tuesday the 10th of January in the auditorium. There will also be a meeting for those who are interested in attending DCON Thursday the 12th of January in Ms. Lee’s room (room 321). Keep an eye out on discord, teams, and our meetings for upcoming volunteer opportunities and events. Happy new year!
In caring and service, Emma Smith
Meetings continue to be Tuesdays biweekly in the Auditorium. Any changes will be notified and updated. Upcoming meetings: Jan 10, 24 Feb 7.
Exec Contacts
President - Emma Smith
Email: Instagram: @emmasmit h
VP - Naomi Hawreluk
Email: naomihawreluk@gmail com Instagram: @naomihawreluk
VP - Astrid Wehner
Email: Astridawehner@gmail com Instagram: @astrid w11
Exec Contacts
Secretary - Jeanne Chen
Email: jeanne71518@gmail com Instagram:
Webmaster - Vivien Chen
Email: vivenchen998@gmail com Instagram: @vivien c
Treasurer - Angela Fong
Email: fonghoiming8@gmail com Instagram: @fhmm86
Editor - Megan Ho
Email: Instagram: @mehgu.oh