Florence Maps: Dicembre 2013 / Gennaio 2014

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events dec 13 - jan 14 The Russian Avant-garde Palazzo Strozzi - Piazza Strozzi, 1 055.2469600 - www.palazzostrozzi.it The first international exhibition to examine the fundamental importance of the Oriental and Eurasian connection to Russian Modernism, follows the destinies of Russia’s self-proclaimed “Barbarians” in their search for new sources of artistic inspiration. Neolithic stone figures, Siberian shaman rituals, popular Chinese prints, Japanese engravings, Theosophical doctrine and Indian philosophy are some of the elements which inspired Russia’s new artists and writers as they developed their aesthetic and theoretical ideas just before and after the Revolution of October, 1917. The exhibition demonstrates how modern Russian culture experienced a deep attraction to—and an apprehension of—the exotic, the unknown and the “other”, qualities which artists and writers identified with the spirit of the taiga, the virgin territories of desert and steppe and the “otherness” of Oriental culture. Emphasising the key role which radical Russian artists played in the development of Modern art over a century ago, the exhibition underscores their complex relationship with the Orient. Léon Bakst, Alexandre Benois, Pavel Filonov, Natalia Goncharova, Wassily Kandinsky, Mikhail Larionov, Kazimir Malevich and other prime movers of the avant-garde were deeply aware of the importance of the East and contributed to the rich debate which left a profound and permanent imprint upon their creative imagination. September 27th - January 19th 2

UNSTABLE TERRITORY CSSS STROZZINA - Piazza Strozzi, 1 055.2645155 - www.strozzina.it Unstable Territory. Borders and identity in contemporary art, curated by Walter Guadagnini and Franziska Nori, showcases work by international artists which will encourage visitors to reconsider the notion of territory. Whilst the latter is increasingly characterised by the obsolescence of such concepts as the nation state and borders, there is, at the same time, a return to new forms of nationalism and renewed interest in the individual in relation to a specific area or community. The astonishing development of mobility, the digitisation of communication and knowledge have all radically changed people’s perception of territories. Two different trends appear to be taking shape: one based on seeking shelter in the safety and proximity of the micro-territory; the other involving a new conception of cosmopolitanism in its most democratic and egalitarian sense. September 27th - January 19th


events dec 13 - jan 14

Renaissance from Florence to Paris - the Jacquemart-André collection Museo Bardini Costa San Giorgio, 2 - 055.20066206 www.bardinipeyron.it Forty masterpieces of the Florentine Renaissance from the JacquemartAndré Museum in Paris will be exhibited for the first time in Italy at the Museum Bardini. Paintings by Paolo Uccello, Sandro Botticelli, Andrea Mantegna, Luca Signorelli, sculptures by Giambologna and Donatello. September 6th - December 31st. Mattia Corvino the King of Hungary Museo di San Marco Piazza San Marco, 1 - Tel. 055.294883 www.unannoadarte.it The exhibition sets out to reconstruct the trends in the king’s taste, setting them against the backdrop of the Florentine context of his time, while also endeavouring, by drawing a number of parallels, to identify the possible influence on those choices exercised by Lorenzo the Magnificent and his entourage of thinkers and artists. October 6th - January 6th impressionist paintings at pitti palace Gallery of Modern Art- Pitti Palace Piazza Pitti - 055.294883 www.impressionistiafirenze.it Twelve masterpieces from the Musee d’Orsay will be displayed in the winter quarters ballroom of Pitti Palace. Two Degas, two Monets, two Cezannes two Renoirs, one Fantin-Latour and one work by Paul Guigou in this exhibition will be in the good company of two Pissarros and one small oil painting by Alphonse Maureau. September 24th January 5th Giorgio Vasari the Allegory of Patience Galleria Palatina - Pitti Palace Piazza Pitti - 055.294883 www.polomuseale.firenze.it The Galleria Palatina is organizing an exhibition focusing on one of the most important paintings from the Medici collections, the Allegory of Patience by Giorgio Vasari. Now preserved in the Hall of Prometheus of the Pitti Palace, the painting belonged to Cardinal Leopoldo de ‘Medici. November 25th January 5th


events dec 13 - jan 14

Izis - Poet of Photography MNAF - Museo Nazionale Alinari della fotografia - Piazza S. M. Novella 14a/r 055.216310 - www.mnaf.it The exhibition dedicated to Izis Bidermanas, is a chance to discover something really new, as well as find out more about the intense activity of this author; he is considered one of the greatest humanist photographers of the last century and a poet of imagery, portraitist and reporter who, after being exiled from Lithuania as a young man, tried to find rest in the ‘Paris of his dreams’. October 25th - January 6th Pietro Annigoni Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze - Via Bufalini, 6 - 055.2612012 www.entecarifirenze.it This exhibition highlights the main issues addressed by the Master Pietro Annigoni during his long personal and professional militancy: the portraits and self-portraits, landscapes, religious themes. For the first time this peolple will have the chance to see never seen or unpublished art materials out of the Annigoni Fund of the Ente Cassa or from other public or private collections. October 16th - January 6th Sara Gitto m’illustro di immenso Palazzo Strozzi - Piazza Strozzi, 1 055.2469600 - www.palazzostrozzi.it An exhibition dedicated to the world of illustration for children with published and unpublished works by the young Tuscan artist Sara Gitto. Ranging from water to collage, the works exposed trace the path of the artist in search of the sign and the most appropriate technique, maintaining as the objective of her research the beauty of the images as a necessary education for children. October 16th - January 19th

Florence Maps

year 15 - issue 6 - december 13 - january 14 magazine of tourist information, circulation 25.000 copies distributed free and edited by Marked srl The editor is no way responsible for any changes in dates, timetables or programmes of exhibitions or other events

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museums a-z

2 Academy Gallery D1 Via Ricasoli, 60 - Tel. 055.294883 8.15-18.50 - Closed Mon. Michelangelo’s David, sculpture, paintings and casts by various artists. Галлерея Академии известна шедеврами Микеланджело: Давид, Пленники. Скульптуры, живопись и наброски известных художников.

Archeological Museum E1 Via della Colonna, 38 - Tel. 055.294883 Tue.,Thur. 8.30-19 - Wed., Fri.,Sat., Sun. 8.30-14. Closed Mon. One of the most important Etruscan, Egyptian and Greek collections in Europe. Археологический музей Исскуство и цивилизация этрусков помимо коллекций египта и греции. 1 Baptistery of S. Giovanni D2 Piazza San Giovanni - tel. 055.2302885 11.15-19.00 - Sun. 8.30-14.00 Romanesque temple. Outside, the doors by Lorenzo Ghiberti. Баттистерий Святого Иоанна Nмский храм посвященный Иоанну Крестителю. 2 Bargello Museum D2 Via del Proconsolo, 4 - Tel. 055.294883 8.15-17.00 - Closed 2nd, 4th Monday & 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday Masterpieces of painting and sculpture. Frescoes by the school of Giotto. Музей Барджелло скульптура, живопись изящные исскуства. Афрески школы Джотто в Капелле. 4 Brancacci Chapel B3 Piazza del Carmine - Tel. 055.2382195 Work. 10-17 - Hols. 13-17- Closed Tues. The great cycle of frescoes of the Stories of St. Peter, masterpiece of Masaccio. Капелла Бранкаччи Цикл афресок истории Святого Петра, шедевр Мазаччо. 1 Cupola of the Duomo D2 Piazza Duomo - Tel. 055.2302885 Cupola 8.30-19.00 - Sat. 8.30-17.40 Crypt 10-17.00 Tues. 10-16.00 - Cl. Sun. The masterpiece of Filippo Brunelleschi. Suggestive itinerary to the top of the dome with a breathtaking view. Купол Брунеллески Поражающий воображение путь вдоль афрески Последнего Суда Федерико Цуккари внутри купола и вид с макушки купола на город.


Galileo Museum D3 Piazza Giudici, 1 - Tel. 055.265311 9.30-18.00 - Tuesdays 9.30-13.00 Always Open. Collection of scientific instruments and equipment from the Medici and Lorraine families. Музей Галлилео Коллекция научных инструментов и аппаратов, принадлежащих семье Медичи и Лотаргийским герцогам. 1 Giotto Belltower D2 Piazza Duomo - Tel. 055.2302885 8.30-19.30. Колокольня Джотто

House of Dante D2 Via S. Margherita, 1r - tel. 055.219416 10.00-17.00. Built in the early 20th century on what was then thought to be the site of the Alighieri houses. Costruita all’inizio del 900 nel luogo ove si pensava abitassero gli Alighieri. Дом-Музей Данте построенный в начале '900 в месте где предположительно жили Алигьери. 3 Medici Chapels C1 Piazza Madonna degli Aldobrandini Tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-13.50 The Old Sacristy, the New Sacristy, with architecture and sculpture by Michelangelo, and the Chapel of the Princes. Капелла Медичей Старая Ризница, Новая Ризница с архитектурой и скульптурами Микеланджело и Капелла дей Принчипи, декорированная мрамором. 1 Opera of S. Croce E3 Via Alfani, 78 - Tel. 055.294883 Piazza Santa Croce, 16 Tel. 055.244619 - 9.30-17.00 Sundays & holidays: 14-17.00 The Basilica, with the Giotto frescoes, and the ancient convent with the Crucifix by Cimabue, destroyed in the flood of 1966. Works by Donatello, Orcagna, Bronzino, Cimabue. The Pazzi Chapel, masterpiece by Brunelleschi. Санта Мария дель Фиоре Шедевры Домского Собора, Баттистерия и Колокольни. Скульптуры, модели, ювелирные изделия, редкие молитвенные книги.

Opificio delle Pietre Dure D1 Via Alfani, 78 - Tel. 055.294883 Monday-Saturday 8.15-14 - Closed Sundays & holidays.. Collections of creations in hard stones, inlays and mosaics. фабрики твердых камней Колекция произведений и обстановки из твердых камней и флорентийской мозаики. 2 Palazzo Medici-Riccardi D1 Via Cavour, 1 - Tel. 055.2760340 9-18 - Closed Wednesdays. Built by Michelozzo, it contains the famous frescoes of the Cavalcade of the Magi towards Bethlehem (1459-60) by Benozzo Gozzoli. Палаццо Медичи Риккарди Построена Микелоццо , там находятся знаменитые афрески Поход Волхвов в Ирусалим мастера Беноццо Гоццоли. 2 Palazzo Vecchio D3 Piazza Signoria - Tel. 055.2768465 9-19 - Thur 9-14 - 13-,28,29,30,31 Oct, 1-2-3-10 Nov: 9-24 Residence of the Priors and the Medici. Paintings, sculpture and furniture. Палаццо Веккио Старинная представительская резиденция Медичей. Скульптуры живопись и предметы обстановки. 1 Pitti Palace Museums C4 Piazza Pitti - Tel. 055.294883 Palatine Gallery & Monumental Apartments 8.15-18.50 - Closed on Mondays Палатинская Галерея и Королевские покои. Gallery of Modern Art - 8.15-18.50. Галерея современного Gallery of Costume Oct 8.15-18.30 - Nov 8.15-16.30. Галерея искусства Silver Museum Oct 8.15-18.30 - Nov 8.15-16.30. Музей серебра

Porcelain Museum Oct 8.15-18.15 - Nov 8.15-16.15. Музей Керамики Boboli Gardens Oct 8.15-18.30 - Nov 8.15-17.30. Сад Боболино 1 San Marco Museum D1 Piazza San Marco, 1 - Tel. 055.294883 Mon-Fri 8.15-13.50 - Saturdays & Sundays 8.15-16.50 The convent, cells, cloisters and Pilgrim’s Hospice. Frescoes and paintings by Fra Angelico and school. Музей Сан Марко содержит монастырь, кельи и крытую аркаду Приюта Пеллегринов. Афрески и картины Беато Анджелика и мастеров его школы.

museums a-z

1 Opera of S.Maria del Fiore Piazza Duomo, 9 - Tel. 055.2302885 Mon-Sat 9-19.30 - Sun. 9-13.45 Capolavori dal Duomo, dal Battistero e dal Campanile. Scultura, modelli, oreficeria, messali rari. Музей Санта Мария дель Фиоре Шедевры Домского Собора, Баттистерия и Колокольни. Скульптуры, модели, ювелирные изделия, редкие молитвенные книги.

1 Santa Maria Novella C2 Piazza S.Maria Novella - Tel. 055.28218 10-16 - Closed tues. wed. & thur. The Green Cloisters, with frescoes by Paolo Uccello, the Spanish Chapel, the Cloisters of the Dead. Санта Мария Новелла Аркада с афресками Паоло Учелло, Орканья и других. Испанская капелл, Аркада дей Морти.

Stefano Bardini Museum D4 Via dei Renai, 37 - tel. 055 2342427 Mon, Fri, Sat & Sun 11.00-17.00. The Antiquarian collection: art from the Romans to the 18th century Музей Стефано Бардини Коллекция римской эпоха до '700. Synagogue & Jewish Museum F2 Via Farini, 4 - Tel. 055.2346654 10-17.30 - Fridays 10-15. Closed on Sat. The museum covers the history of the Jews in Florence. The green dome is a characteristic point of the city landscape. Синагога и музей еврейской Музей ритуальных принадлежностей и истории евреев Флоренции. 3 Uffizi Gallery D3 Loggiato Uffizi, 6 - Tel. 055.294883 8.15-18.50 - Closed Mondays. One of the most important collections of art of all time, classical sculpture and 13th to 18th century paintings. Галлерея Уффици С 1591 года одна из наиболее важных коллекций всех времен, античные скульптуры и живопись итальянской и мировых школ с XII по XVIII века.


around the cathedral The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore


One of the first places tourists visit when they come to Florence is the Cathedral with its cupola by Brunelleschi, the Giotto Belltower and the Baptistry, famous for its bronze doors by Ghiberti. The Gothic Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore as we see it today is the end result of years of work that covered over six centuries of history. It was built on a project by Arnolfo di Cambio from 1296 over the remains of the ancient Basilica of Santa Reparata, which can still be visited from the interior of the building. The cupola that has made it a symbol for the whole of Tuscany was created by that genius of the Renaissance, Filippo Brunelleschi, while the facade that completed it was carried out as late as the late 19th century. A whole series of structural and decorative interventions to both the exterior and the interior that were to enrich the history of the monument were carried out during this space of time: these range from the construction of the two sacristies to the 16th century marble flooring, and from the execution of the sculptures to the frescoes, signed by Paolo Uccello, Andrea del Castagno,


Giorgio Vasari and Federico Zuccari (the Last Judgement in the cupola) The Basilica has witnessed a great many important moments in the history of the city. Among them we should remember the opening of the Council of Florence (March 2nd 1439), which led to the temporary union of the Orthodox Church and Catholic Churches, and the tragic Easter morning of April 26th 1478, when Giuliano de’ Medici was murdered in the “Pazzi Plot” and his brother Lorenzo il Magnifico only just managed to avoid the weapons of his assassins by taking refuge in the Sacristy of the Messe. The Giotto Bell Tower stands on the righthand side of the Cathedral and was designed in 1334 by the great artist nominated overseer for the building site in 1334 on the death of Arnolfo. Based on a square plan it is notable for its coating in green, red and white marble decorated panels and its sculptures. The Baptistery (1128) standing opposite the main façade of the Cathedral, is a masterpiece of Florentine Romanesque style, faced in green and white marble. The interior, with its domed ceiling, is lined throughout with mosaics. The splendid bronze doors (including the Door of

Paradise) are the work of Andrea Pisano and Lorenzo Ghiberti. The Museum of the Opera del Duomo completes the tour of the Cathedral area: once used for storing marbles for the building of the Cathedral now houses dismantled elements, statuary, paintings, furnishings and works of art from Santa Maria del Fiore, the Baptistery and the Bell Tower, including the sculptures carried out for the Cathedral façade.

Санта Мария дель Фьоре

увидеть под современным собором. Построенная по плану квадрата, колокольня Джотто поднимается справа от собора. Она была разработана Джотто и завершил ее посторойку Франческо Таленти. Она украшена 56 барельефами плитки Андреа Пизано и Лука делла Роббиа. восьмиугольной формы Баптистерий в честь Св. Иоанна Крестителя, покровителя города, является прототипом романской архитектуры. Великолепные двери являются работой Пизано и Гиберти.

Собор Флоренции, каким мы видим его сегодня, является конечным результатом более чем шести веков работы. Его основной архитектурный проект был разработан Арнольфо ди Камбио в конце 13 века; а его купол, который стал символом всей Тосканы, был создан гением эпохи Возрождения Филиппо Брунеллески. Фасад был завершен в конце 19 века. Он был построен непосредственно над старым собором эпохи ранней христианской Флоренции, который носит название Санта Репарата. Значительные остатки этой конструкции сегодня можно 9

Around the Cathedral 10

Palazzo Medici Riccardi


Palazzo Medici Riccardi, the old family home of the Medici dominates Via Cavour. Huge and powerful with solid ashlar walls, was commissioned by Cosimo the Elder to the architect and sculptor Michelozzo Michelozzi, a student of Ghiberti and one of Donatello’s assistants, between 1444 and 1460. It was to be the prototype for all the Florentine Renaissance palaces. Built with great blocks of stone that diminish in size from storey to storey, a style introduced by Brunelleschi, it is topped by a beautiful cornice in classical style. During the reign of Lorenzo the Magnificent, it became a lively centre of artistic and spiritual life. The beautiful airy courtyard has remained intact but the Medici apartments were unfortunately altered by the Riccardi. However it is still a fascinating place to visit, with its Museum and the splendid Chapel of the Magi by Benozzo Gozzoli (1459-70), one of its most treasured jewels. The chapel is decorated with the procession of the Magi Kings through a fantastic landscape and portrays famous personages from the Medici circle, including the young Lorenzo the Magnificent, side by side with some of the participants from the Eucumenic council. The Marquises Riccardi purchased the palace in 1655. The Riccardi owned the palace until 1814. It became the headquarters of the Ministry for Internal Affairs while Florence was the capital of Italy and was later taken over by the Prefecture, still there today.

Палаццо Медичи Риккарди Палаццо Медичи Риккарди был построен по заказу Козимо Старшего маэстро Микелоццо. Настоящим сокровищем дворца является недавно восстановленная Часовня волхвов с портретами многих членов семьи Медичи. Палаццо Медичи Риккарди был построен по заказу Козимо Старшего маэстро Микелоццо. Настоящим сокровищем дворца является недавно восстановленная Часовня волхвов с портретами многих членов семьи Медичи. Палаццо Медичи Риккарди был построен по заказу Козимо Старшего маэстро Микелоццо. Настоящим сокровищем дворца является недавно восстановленная Часовня волхвов с портретами многих членов семьи Медичи. Палаццо Медичи Риккарди был построен по заказу Козимо Старшего маэстро Микелоццо.


Brunelleschi carried out the Medici Church of San Lorenzo by enlarging a mediaeval church consecrated by St. Ambrose, the Bishop of Milan in 393. The interior exemplifies Renaissance religious architecture and contains many important works of art, among them two pulpits in bronze by Donatello and the Old Sacristy by Brunelleschi. The church became a Medici family sepulchre because all the first Medicis were buried there. The New Sacristy contains four very important Medici sepulchres designed by Michelangelo in andcompleted by Vasari. The low entrance crypt inside the Medici Chapels leads up to the octagonal Chapel of the Princes, started in 1604. The huge room is characterised by its unusual walls that are faced with various polychrome marbles, hard stones, precious stones and gilded bronzes. Michelangelo carried also out the elegant Medici Laurentian Library, vestibule and reading room.

Церковь Сан-Лоренцо Медичи и часовни Брунеллески был архитектором Медичей в постройке церкви СанЛоренцо, увеличив средневековую церковь, освященную Святой Амвросией в 393. Новая Ризница содержит четыре важных гробницы Медичей, она была разработана Микеланджело и закончена под рукодством Вазари. Низкий склеп входа внутрь

Il Grande Nuti Borgo S. Lorenzo 22-24 - 055.210145 www.ristorantenuti.com Only a few metres away from Piazza San Lorenzo, “Il Grande Nuti” restaurant and pizzeria has been functioning for 50 years in the heart of the old city centre of Florence. The venue gives onto a historic Florentine courtyard beside a 13th century tower house. The restaurant serves Tuscan specialities like “ribollita”, typical Florentine steaks, pasta and homemade cakes, as well as pizzas baked in the wood oven.

Around the Cathedral

San Lorenzo & Medici Chapels

Trattoria Il Porcospino Piazza Madonna degli Aldobrandini 11 - 12r - 055.217700 www.il-porcospino.it Enjoy the traditional flavours and perfumes of Tuscany matched with Ligurian Cuisine surrounded by the frescoed walls just in front of the Medici Chapels. The Cellar below the Trattoria hosts a splendid wine bar for food and wine tastings.

часовен Медичей ведет к восьмиугольной часовне Великих князей, которая характеризуется тем, что в ее отделке сталкиваются различные оттенки мрамора и других твердых отделочных камней. Микеланджело построил также и элегантную Лаврентьевскую библиотеку Медичей, вестибюль и читальный зал. В библиотеку можно попасть через крытую аркаду.


Around the Cathedral 12

The Market of San Lorenzo


The quarter of San Lorenzo is one of the busiest areas in the old city centre and the Church and square are surrounded by a colourful cosmopolitan open-air market that sells all kinds of leather goods, handmade knits, textiles, woolens and a vast assortment of typical Florentine crafts. As you pass through the busy market stalls, look out for the Liberty style San Lorenzo Market, a huge construction in cast iron with large glazed windows that was built in the 19th century. The marketlike interior is divided up into a series of corridors hosting some fascinating shops, many of which offer free tastings, where you can buy fine wines and really fresh food products, from meat, cheese and fish to dressed meats, oils, wines and gastronomic specialties, most of them from the Tuscan countryside. where you can buy fine wines and really fresh food products, from meat, cheese and fish to dressed meats, oils, wines and gastronomic specialties, most of them from the Tuscan countryside. where you can buy fine wines and really fresh food products, from meat, cheese and fish to dressed meats, oils, wines and gastronomic specialtie.

Рынок Сан-Лоренцо Квартал Сан-Лоренцо является одним из самых оживленных районов в центре старого города. Церковь и площадь находятся в окружении красочного космополитического рынка под открытым небом, который продает все виды изделий из кожи, ручной трикотаж, текстиль, шерсть и огромный ассортимент типично флорентийского ремесела. Когда вы проходите через ряды рыночных киосков, обратите внимание на стиль либерти рынка Сан-Лоренцо, огромное сооружение из чугуна с большими стеклопакетами, которое было построено в 19 веке. Интерьер рыночного типа разделен на ряды из коридоров, в которых распологаются разнообразные магазины, многие из которых предлагают бесплатную дегустацию, где можно купить вина и по-настоящему свежие продукты, мясо, сыры и рыбу, масла, вина и исконно Тосканские гастрономические блюда.

around San Marco Piazza San Marco


The Museum of San Marco is situated inside the ancient Dominican convent, the spiritual centre of 15th century Florence, and contains the splendid frescoes carried out by Fra Angelico to decorate the monks’ cells. This was where Fra Girolamo Savonarola preached, note the elegant Library, designed by Michelozzo in 1448, with its rich collection of illuminated manuscripts, the first public library of the Renaissance.

The Academy Gallery


The Academy Gallery is one of Florence’s best known museums because it boasts many sculptures by Michelangelo, including the famous David. Pietro Leopoldo, one of the most illuminated of the Lorraine Grand Dukes, commissioned this museum in 1784 creating a real citadel of the arts containing the Academy of Fine Arts and a gallery of paintings and sculptures by old masters to help the studies of the young artists. The rooms contain statues by Giambologna and Michelangelo (from David to the Captives and St. Matthews to the unfinished Pietà of Palestrina) Flemish tapestries, Medieval furnishing, the famous Adimari Cassone carried out by Masaccio’s brother, Giovanni di Ser Giovanni, a Madonna and Child attrib-

uted to Botticelli, and many works by Perugino and other Florentine artists. A large collection of plaster casts by 19th century Tuscan artists is contained in the room on the left. Several rooms are dedicated to 13th and 14th century works of art, including many paintings from the school of Giotto while The last room exhibits a fine collection of Byzantine painters of the same period.

Piazza Santissima Annunziata


The first square of the Renaissance, created by Brunelleschi in the early 15th century boasts many masterpieces of renaissance architecture. The splendid Basilica of Santissima Annunziata was built by Michelozzo over the earlier oratory of the Servants of Mary and contains the miraculous image of Our Lady of the Annunciation. Michelozzo built the First Cloister in the mid 15th century and Alberti created the Tribune on the right-hand side and also altered the main body of the Church. The Ospedale degli Innocenti built by Brunelleschi was

Пьяцца Сан Марко Музей Сан-Марко находится внутри доминиканского монастыря и содержит фрески Фра Анжелико, которые украшают кельи монахов. В этом монастыре проповедовал фра Джироламо Савонарола; обратите внимание на элегантную библиотеку, созданную Микелоццо в 1448 году, первую публичную библиотеку Возрождения.

Галерея Академии Галерея Академии находится на вия Риказоли 60, попасть на эту улицу вы можете с противоположной стороны площади. Это один из самых известных музеев Флоренции, потому что в нем имеется множество скульптур Микеланджело, в том числе знаменитый Давид. Он также содержит большое количество картин и статуй.

the first institution in Europe to take care of abandoned children, The loggia above the portico (once the children’s sitting room) can be reached from the pretty central courtyard below. Today it contains a small museum of works of art gathered together over the centuries thanks to bequests and donations. th cloister contains detached works by Luca della Robbia, Sandro Botticelli, Piero di Cosimo and the splendid Adoration of the Shepherds by Domenico Ghirlandaio.

Пьяцца Сантиссима Аннунциата Базилика Аннунциата была основана в 1250 году и расширена несколько раз. Интерьер содержит фрески Андреа дель Сарто, Россо Фиорентино и Понтормо. Прямоугольная площадь была создана в1252 году. Элегантная больница Инноченти (Филиппо Брунеллески), которая изначально предназначалась для брошеных младенцев-сирот , находится слева от базилики.

around piazza signoria Piazza della Repubblica


Piazza della Repubblica marks the site of the forum, the centre of the ancient Roman city. The exact present site of the Colonna dell’Abbondanza marks the intersection of the axes of the cardo and decumanus. In medieval times it became the square of the market and later it accomodated the Jewish Ghetto. The present appearance of the square is the result of the city planning announced and carried out on the proclamation of Florence as the capital of Italy with particularly intense activity in this Piazza between 1885 and 1895.

Piazza della Signoria


Via dei Calzaiuoli leads into Piazza della Signoria. The centre of Florentine civic life. After the construction of the Uffizi the square took on the scenic and cultural importance of today. The bronze equestrian statue of Cosimo I by Giambologna, stands near the fountain of Neptune, known as Il Biancone, carried out by Bartolomeo Ammannati. A grey marble plaque in front of the fountain marks the spot where Girolamo Savonarola and his fellow monks were burned at the stake. A copy of the Marzocco, the heraldic lion symbolising Florence, stands on the left of the entrance into Palazzo Vecchio. The Judith and Holophernes by Donatello is also a copy, the original is in the Hall of the Lilies, in Palazzo Vecchio. Michelangelo’s David, is also a copy, the original is in


the Academy Gallery. Baccio Bandinelli’s Hercules and Cacus stands opposite. The eye-catching Loggia of Orcagna also known as dei Loggia Lanzi stands on the corner with the Uffizi square. We can admire 15 statues by the great masters of the Renaissance, among them the Rape of the Sabine, the masterpiece by Giambologna and Benvenuto Cellini’s wonderful bronze statue of the Perseus, recently restored, holding up the head of the Medusa.

Пьяцца Репубблика Пьяцца делла Репубблика обозначала центр древнего римского города. В средние века она была рыночной площадью, а позже там разместилось еврейское гетто. Современный вид площади это результат реорганизации города после провозглашения Флоренции столицей Италии.

Площадь Синьории Вия дей Кальцаиоли ведет к площади Синьории, центру флорентийской общественной жизни. Бронзовая статуя конного Козимо I работы Джамболонья, стоит возле фонтана Нептуна, известного как Бианконе работы Амманнати. Юдифь и Олоферна работы Донателло, Давид Микеланджело и Геркулес побеждающий Какуса Баччо Бандинелли стоят прямо напротив дворца. Лоджия дей Орканья или Ланци расположена на углу с площадью и Уффици. В ее трех стрельчатых арках, мы можем любоваться 15 статуями великих мастеров Возрождения и Персей Бенвенуто Челлини.

contrasto aveda Lifestyle salon & spa on appointment only Via de’ Neri 53-55/r - 055.2398553 concept salon Via de’ Neri 49/r - 055 282841 Via dei Benci 5/r - 055 219227 www.salonecontrasto.it A stone’s throw from Piazza della Signoria, you will find Contrast AVEDA lifestyle salon & spa, an innovative proposal where the “salon” becomes an oasis for a relaxing break in full harmony of body and spirit. Nearby, two other contrasto AVEDA concept salon, receive without an appointment, leaving freedom of choice to the customer.


Around piazza signoria

Palazzo Vecchio Topped by a projecting battlemented gallery, this majestic palace, with its rusticated ashlar facing and elegant trefoil windows, dominates the square. The 94 metre tower, the highest in the city, rises off-centre to the right. It is the result of several successive building stages between the 13th-16th centuries. The early palace was built by Arnolfo di Cambio in 1298 for the Priors, or representatives of the Guilds, who then governed the Republic. The Palace lost its exclusive political role after 1565, when this was transferred to the Uffizi (Offices) and the royal Pitti Palace. It reclaimed its former glory in the late 19th century when it became the temporary seat of the Italian government and parliament and has housed the City Council since 1872. A tour of the interior includes Michelozzo’s courtyard, the “Dogana” courtyard, the splendid Hall of the Five Hundred. Of note, the Hall of the Two Hundred, the Quarters of Eleanor of Toledo, the Residence of the Priors and the Quarters of Leo X. Most rooms are frescoed. Many artists worked here, including Leonardo and Michelangelo, leaving statues, paintings, ornaments and splendid furnishings in their wake.

Farmacia Molteni Via Calzaiuoli, 7r - 055.215472 Few steps from Piazza della Signoria www.farmacia-molteni.com Open every day from 8am until 10pm, this ancient pharmacy sells a wide choice of derma-cosmetics and gifts, with an expert staff always on hand to offer advice.


Палаццо Веккьо Этот величественный дворец, с его простой облицовкой из тесаного камня и элегантными окнами трилистника, доминирует на площади. 94 метровая башня, самая высокая в городе, поднимается вправо от центра. Дворец был построен Арнольфо ди Камбио в 1298 году для Приори которые были правителями Республики. Дворец потерял свою исключительную политическую роль после 1565 года, когда правительство переехало в Уффици и королевский дворец Питти. Былая слава вернулась к нему в конце 19 века, когда он стал временной резиденцией итальянского правительства и парламента и там, с 1872 года, размещается городской совет. Осмотр интерьера включает двор Микелоццо, двор «Догана»и великолепный зал пятьсот( зал Чинкуеченто).

Around piazza signoria

The Uffizi Gallery


Situated in the harmonious colonnaded square designed by Vasari, a symbol of 16th century Florentine architecture, the Uffizi Gallery was also the first museum to be opened to the public: the Grand Duke in fact gave permission for visitors to tour it from the year 1591. Its four centuries of history make the Uffizi Gallery the oldest museum in the world. The palace was later completed by Buontalenti, who also designed the famous Tribune, to house the administra tive offices (or “uffizi”) of the Government, because Palazzo Vecchio, which also overlooks Piazza della Signoria, had become too small to hold them all. However it was Cosimo’s son Francesco I who was responsible for the palace’s gradual transformation into a museum from 1581, when he closed the Gallery on the second floor with huge windows and arranged part of the Grand Ducal collection of classical statues, medals, jewellery, weapons, paintings and scientific instruments there. Altered and rearranged several times over the centuries, the exhibition rooms are now composed of over 45 rooms containing about 1.700 paintings, 300 sculptures, 46 tapestries and 14 pieces of furniture and/or ceramics. In actual fact the Uffizi owns about 4.800 works, the remainder of which are either in storage or on loan to other museums.

Галерея Уффици Символ флорентийский архитектуры16-го века, галерея Уффици была также первым музем, открывшимся для публики в 1591 году. Инициатива Франциска I, который отвечал за постепенное превращение дворца в музей с 1581 г., когда закрыл галерею с огромными окнами на втором этаже и разместил там выставку великокняжеской коллекции античных статуй, медалей, ювелирных изделий, оружия, картин и научных приборов. На протяжении столетий музей претерпевал изменения и перестановки несколько раз, в выставочных залах в настоящее время находится 45 залов, содержащих около 1700 картин, 300 скульптур, 46 гобеленов и 14 предметов мебели и / или керамики. На самом деле Уффици хранит около 4800 работ, часть которых находится либо на хранении или в других музеях. 20

restaurants 1

Boccanegra Via Ghibellina, 124r tel. 055.2001098 Closed on Sundays


Cucina Torcicoda Via Torta, 5r tel. 055.2654329 Always open


i Toscani Via Maggio, 1r tel. 055.289841 Always open


i Toscani Via Pietrapiana, 11-13r tel. 055.241060 Always open Il Grande Nuti Borgo S. Lorenzo, 22-24 tel. 055.210145 Always open



Il Guscio Via dell’Orto, 49 tel. 055.224421 Closed on Sundays


Il Porcospino P.zza Madonna degli Aldobrandini, 11-12r tel. 055.217700 Always open La Spada Via della Spada, 62r tel. 055.218757 Always open Le Antiche Carrozze Borgo SS. Apostoli, 66 tel. 055.2658156 Always open Ostaria dei Centopoveri Via Palazzuolo, 31r tel. 055.218846 Always open Osteria Santo Spirito Piazza Santo Spirito, 16r tel. 055.2382383 Always open Pitta M’Ingolli Piazza Santo Spirito, 17r tel. 055.264256 Always open Trattoria 4 Leoni Via dei Vellutini, 1r (Piazza della Passera) tel. 055.218562

Always open





Osteria Santo Spirito Typical & Traditional Tuscan platters



Piazza Santo Spirito, 16r - Tel. 055.2382383 www.osteriasantospirito.com

ice creamery 1

Gelateria Santa Trinita P.zza Frescobaldi, 11-13r tel. 055.2381130

services 1

Contrasto Aveda

Via de’ Neri, 53-55r

tel. 055.2398553

Via de’ Neri, 49r

tel. 055.282841 2

Contrasto Aveda Via de’ Benci, 5r

tel. 055.219227 3

Farmacia Molteni

Via Calzaiuoli, 7r

tel. 055.215472

shopping 1

Angela Caputi Giuggiù Via S. Spirito, 58r tel. 055.212972


Angela Caputi Giuggiù Borgo Ss. Apostoli, 44r tel. 055.292993


Bottega Quattro Via de’ Rondinelli, 11r tel. 055.2382016


Erboristeria San Simone Via Ghibellina, 190r tel. 393.8234575

Rimowa Via Porta Rossa, 95r

tel. 055.2382635


6 Sotto Sotto Fashion Outlet

Via Pietrapiana, 67r

tel. 055.2478850

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v. de’ Sassetti

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v. Roma

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p.zza S. Giovanni

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FORTE BELVEDERE Collezioni del Novecento


v. S


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Museo delle Porcellane


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on t


Street names

A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acciaiuoli (Lung. degli) . . . C 3 Adua (Piazza) . . . . . . . . . . C 1 Agnolo (Via dell’) . . . . E 2 F 3 Alamanni L. (Via) . . . . . . . B 1 Albero (Via dell’) . . . . . . . . B 1 Albizi (Borgo degli) . . . . D-E 2 Alfani (Via degli) . . . . . . D-E 1 Alfieri V. (Via) . . . . . . . . . . F 1 Alighieri D. (Via) . . . . . . . D 2 Allegri (Borgo) . . . . . . . .E 2-3 Amendola G. (Viale) . . . . . F 3 Anguillara (Via dell’) . . . D-E 3 Antinori (Piazza degii) . . . . C 2 Ardiglione (Via dell’) . . . . . B 3 Ariento (Via dell’) . . . . . . . C 1 Ariosto L. (Viale) . . . . . . . A 3 B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Banchi (Via dei) . . . . . . . . . C 2 Bardi (Via de’) . . . . . . . . . D 4 Bastioni (Via dei) . . . . . . . . F 4 Beccaria C. (Piazza) - . . . . . F 2 Belfiore (Viale) . . . . . . . . . B 0 Belle Donne (Via delle) . . . C 2 Bellosguardo (Via di) . . . . A 4 Belvedere (Via di) . . . . . D-E 7 Benci (Via de’) . . . . . . . D-E 3 Benevieni G. (Via) . . . . . . . F 1 Borgo Pinti . . . . . . . E 2-3 F 1 Borgo Allegri . . . . . . . . . E 2-3 Brunelleschi (Piazza) . . . D-E 1 Bruno G. (Via) . . . . . . . . . . F 2 Bufalini M. (Via) . . . . . . . D 2 Buonarroti M. (Via) . . . . E 2-3 C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calimala (Via) . . . . . . . . . D 2 Calzaiuoli (Via dei) . . . . D 2-3 Campuccio (Via del) . . . . . B 4 Capponi G. (Via) . . . . . . . . E 1 Capponi R (Via) . . . . . . . . . E 1 Carducci G. (Via) . . . . . . . . F 2 Carmine (Piazza del) . . . . . B 3 Carraia (Ponte alla) . . . . B 2-3 Casine (Via delle) . . . . . . . F 3 Castellani (Via de’) . . . . . D 3 Cavour C. (Via) . . . . . . . . D 1 Cellini B. (Lungarno) . . . . . F 4 Cerchi (Via dei) . . . . . . . . D 2 Cerretani (Via de’) . . . . . . . C 2 Cestello (Piazza di) . . . . A-B 2 Chiesa (Via della) . . . A 3 B 4

Ciompi (Piazza de’) . . . . . . E 2 Cittadella (Via) . . . . . . . . A 1 Colonna (Via della) . . . E 1 F 1 Conce (Via delle) . . . . . . . . F 3 Conti (Via de’) . . . . . . . . C 1-2 Corsini (Lungarno) . . . B 2 C 3 Corso (Via del) . . . . . . . . D 2 Costa Scarpuccia . . . . . . . D 4 Curtatone (Via) . . . . . . . . . C 2 D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D’Azeglio M. (Piazza) . . F 1-2 Da Vinci L. (Via) . . . . . . . . . F 1 Demidoff (Piazza) . . . . . D-E 4 Diacceto J. (Via) . . . . . . . . B 1 Diaz (Lg.arno) . . . . . . . . . D 3 Dolfi G. (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . C 1 Donatello (Piazzale) . . . . . F 1 Drago d’oro (Via del) . . . . A 3 Duca d’Aosta (Via) . . . . . . C 1 Duomo (Piazza del) . . . . . D 2 E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Erta Canina (Via dell’) . . E 4-5 F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Faenza (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . C 1 Farini L. C. (Via) . . . . . . . . . F 2 Ferrucci E (Lungarno) . . . . . F 4 Ferrucci E (Piazza) . . . . . . . F 4 Ficino M. (Via) . . . . . . . . . . F 1 Fiesolana (Via) . . . . . . . . . E 2 Finiguerra (Via) . . . . . . . . . B 2 Fiume (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . . C 1 Fonderia (Via della) . . . . . A 2 Fortezza (Via della) . . . . . . C 1 Fossi (Via de’) . . . . . . . . . . B 2 Fratelli Rosselli (Viale) . . . . B1 Fra’ Giovanni A. (Via) . . . . F 3 G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Galilei G. (Viale) . . . . . . F-E 5 Garibaldi G. (Via) . . . . . . . A 1 Ghibellina (Via) . D 2 E 2-3 F3 Ghiberti (Piazza) . . . . . . . . F 2 Giambologna (Via) . . . . . . F 1 Giglio (Via del) . . . . . . . C 1-2 Ginori (Via de’) . . . . . . . . D 1 Giovine Italia (V. della) . . . F 3 GiraldiPecori (Lg.arno) . . . F 3 Giudici (Piazza de’) . . . . . D 3 Giusti G. (Via) . . . . . . . . E-F 1 Goldoni C. (Piazza) . . . . . . B 2

Gondi (Via de’) . . . . . . . . D 3 Gramsci A. (Viale) . . . . . . . F 1 Grazie (Lungarno delle) . D-E 4 Grazie (Ponte alle) . . . . . D 4-5 Greci (Borgo de’) . . . . . . D-E 3 Guazza S. (Via) . . . . . . . . . C 3 Guelfa (Via) . . . . . . . . B 1 C 1 Guicciardini (Lungarno) B-C 3 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Il Magnifico L. (Via) . . . . C-D 1 Il Prato (Via) . . . . . . . . . . A 1 Indipendenza (Pzza) . . . C-D 1 Italia (Corso) . . . . . . . . . A 1-2 L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Croce (Borgo) . . . . . . . . F 2 La Pira G. (Via) . . . . . . . . . E 1 Lamarmora A. (Via) . . . . . . E 1 Lambertesca (Via) . . . . . C-D 3 Laura (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . . E 1 Lavagnini S. (Viale) . . . . . . C 1 Leone (Via del) . . . . . . . . A 3 Leone X (Via) . . . . . . . . C-D 1 Leoni (Via dei) . . . . . . . . . D 3 Libertà (Piazza della) . . . . . E 1 Lupi B. (Via) . . . . . . . . . . D 1 M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Macci (Via de’) . . . . . . . F 2-3 Maffia (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . . B 3 Magenta (Via) . . . . . . . . . A 1 Maggio (Via) . . . . . . . B 4 C 3 Magliabechi A. (Via) . . . . . E 3 Malcontenti (Via dei) . . . . . F 3 Mantellate (Via delle) . . D-E 1 Manzoni A. (Via) . . . . . . . . F 2 Marcello B. (Via) . . . . . . . . B 1 Martelli (Via de’) . . . . . . D 1-2 Masaccio (Via) . . . . . . . . . F 1 Maso F. (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . B 2 Matteotti G. (Viale) . . . . . . E 1 Mattonaia (Via della) . . . . F 2 Mazzetta (Via) . . . . . . . . . . B 4 Mazzini G. (Viale) . . . . . . . F 1 Melarancio (Via del) . . . . . C 1 Mentana (Piazza) . . . . . . D 3 Mercato Centrale(P.za) . . . . C-D 1 Metastasio R (Via) . . . . . . A 5 Mezzo (Via di) . . . . . . . . E-F 2 Michelangelo (P.zzal) . . . E-F 4 Michelangiolo (Viale) . . . . . F 5 Micheli R A. (Via) . . . . . . . E 1

N Nazionale (Via) . . . . . . . . . . C 1 Neri (Via de’) . . . . . . . . . . D 3 Nerli (Piazza de’) . . . . . . . . A 3 Niccolini G. B. (Via) . . . . . . . F 2 O Ognissanti (Borgo) . . . . . . . B 2 Ognissanti (Piazza d’) . . . . . B 2 Orcagna (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . F 3 Oricellari Orti (Via) . . . . . . . B 1 Oriuolo (Via dell’) . . . . . . D-E 2 Orto (Via dell’) . . . . . . . . . A 3 P Palazzuolo (Via) . . . . A 1 B 1-2 Palestrina L. (Via da) . . . . . A 1 Palestro (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . A 2 Pandolfini (Via de’) . . . . . D-E 2 Panicale (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . C 1 Panzani (Via dei) . . . . . . . C 1-2 Parione (Via del) . . . . . . . . . C 2 Pecori (Via de’) . . . . . . . . . . C 2 Pellicceria (Via) . . . . . . . . . . C 2 Pepi (Via de’) . . . . . . . . . . . E 2 Pergola (Via della) . . . . . . E 1-2 Petrarca R (Via) . . . . . . . . . A 4 Piattellina (Piazza) . . . . . . . A 3 Piave (Piazza) . . . . . . . . . . . E 3 Pietrapiana (Via) . . . . . . . . . E 3 Pilastri (Via de’) . . . . . . . . E-F 2 Pinti (Borgo) . . . . . . . E 2-1 F 1 Pisana (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2 Pitti (Piazza de’) . . . . . . . . . C 4 Pitti (Sdrucciolo de’) . . . . C 3-4 Poggi E. (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . C 1 Poggi G. (Piazza) . . . . . . . E-F 4 Ponte all Mosse (Via) . . B-C 1 Por Santa Maria (V) . . . . . C-D 3 Porcellana (Via del) . . . . . . . B 2 Porta Romana (Piazzal) . . . A 5 Porta Rossa (Via) . . . . . . . C-D 3 Porta a Prato (Piazzale) . . . A 1 Porte Nuove (Via) . . . . . . . A 1

Presto S. Martino (Via ) . . . . C 3 Proconsolo (Via del) . . . . . D 2 Pucci (Via de’) . . . . . . . . . . D 1 R Redi R (Viale) . . . . . . . . . . A 1 Renai (Via dei) . . . . . . . . D-E 4 Repubblica (P.zza ) . . . . C-D 2 Ricasoli (Via) . . . . . . . . . . D 1-2 Ridolfi C. (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . C 1 Roma (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . . D 2 Romana (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . C 4 Rondinelli (Via dei) . . . . . . . C 2 Rosselli F.lli (Viale) . . . . . . . . A1 Rucellai B. (Via) . . . . . . . . A-B 1 Ruote (Via delle) . . . . . . . . D 1 S S. Agostino (Via) . . . . . . . B 3-4 S. Ambrogio (Piazza) . . . . . . F 2 S. Antonino (Via) . . . . . . . . . C 1 S. Caterina d’A. (Via) . . . . . . C 1 S. Croce (Borgo) . . . . . . . . . E 3 S. Croce (Piazza) . . . . . . . . . E 3 S. Egidio (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . E 2 S. Felice (Piazza) . . . . . . . . . B 4 S. Firenze (Piazza) . . . . . . . D 3 S.Francesco Paola (Via) . . . C 3 S. Frediano (Borgo) . . . . . A-B 3 S. Gallo (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . D 1 S. Giorgio (Costa di) . . . . . D 4 S. Giovanni (Piazza) . . . . . . D 2 S. Giuseppe (Via di) . . . . . E-F 3 S. Jacopo (Borgo) . . . . . . . . C 3 S. Leonardo (Via di) . . . . . . D 5 S. Lorenzo (Borgo) . . . . . . D 1-2 S. M. Nuova (Piazza) . . . . D-E 2 S. Marco (Piazza) . . . . . . . . D 1 S. Maria (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . B 4 S. Maria Novella (Piaz) . . C 1-2 S. Miniato Monte (Via) . . E 4-5 S. Monaca (Via) . . . . . . . . . . B 3 S. Niccolo’ (Ponte) . . . . . . . . F 4 S. Niccolo’ (Via di) . . . . . . D-E 4 S. Reparata (Via) . . . . . . . . D 1 S. Rosa (Lungamo di) . . . . A 2 S. Spirito (Piazza) . . . . . . . . B 3 S. Spirito (Via di) . . . . . . . B-C 3 S. Trinita (Ponte) . . . . . . . . . C 3 S. Zanobi (Via) . . . . . . . . . . D 1 SS. Annunziata (Piazza) . . . . E 1 SS. Apostoli (Borgo) . . . . . . . C 3 Salvemini G. (Piazza) . . . . . . E 2 Scala (Via della) . . . . . . . A-B 1

Scarpuccia (Costa) . . . . . . . D 4 Serragli (Via de’) . . . . B 3-4 A 4 Serristori (Lungarno) . . . . . . E 4 Servi (Via de’) . . . . . . . . . D 1-2 Signoria (Piazza della) . . . . D 3 Soderini (Lungarno) . A 2 B 2-3 Solferino (Via) . . . . . . . . . . A 1 Speziali (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . D 2 Sprone (Via dello) . . . . . . . . C 3 Stazione (Piazza della) . . . B-C 1 Strozzi (Piazza degli) . . . . . . C 2 Strozzi (Via degli) . . . . . . . . C 2 Strozzi R (Viale) . . . . . . . . . . C 1 Studio (Via dello) . . . . . . . . D 2 T Tasso T. (Piazza) . . . . . . . . . A 3 Tegolaio (Borgo) . . . . . . . B 3-4 Tempio (Lungarno del) . . . . F 4 Terme (Via delle) . . . . . . . . . B 3 Tintori (Corso dei) . . . . . . . . E 3 Tornabuoni (Via de’) . . . . C 2-3 Torrigiani (Lungarno) . . . . D 3-4 Toscanella (Via) . . . . . . . . . . C 3 Toselli R (Via) . . . . . . . . . . A 1 Tosinghi (Via de’) . . . . . . . D 2 Tripoli (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . E-F 3 U Uffizi (Piazzale degli) . . . . . D 3 Unità italiana (Piazza ) . . . C 1 V Valfonda (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . B 1 Vecchietti (Via de’) . . . . . . . C 2 Vecchio (Ponte) . . . . . . . . . . C 3 Vellutini (Via dei) . . . . . . . . . C 3 Velluti (Via de’) . . . . . . . . . . C 3 Venezia (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . . E 1 Verdi G. (Via) . . . . . . . . . .E 2-3 Vespucci (Lungarno) . A1-2 B 2 Vespucci A. (Ponte) . . . . . . A 2 Vettori R (Piazza) . . . . . . . . A 2 Vigna Nuova (Via) . . . . . . . . C 2 Vigna Vecchia (Via) . . D-E 2-3 Vinegia (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . D 3 Vittoria (Ponte della) . . . . . A 1 Vittorio Veneto (Piazza) . . . A 1 XX Settembre (Via) . . . . . C-D 1 XXVII Aprile (Via) . . . . . . . . C 1 Z Zara (Via) . . . . . . . . . . . . D-E 1 Zecca Vecchia . . . . . . (L.Ar.) F 3

Street names

Milton G. (Viale) . . . . . . . C-D 1 Minzoni D.G. (Viale) . . . . E-F 1 Monaco G. (Via) . . . . . . . . . B 1 Monte Uliveto (Via) . . . . . A 2-3 Monte alle Croci (Via) . . E 4-5 Montebello (Via) . . . . . A 1 B 2 Montelungo (Piazzale) . . . . . C 1 Moro (Via del) . . . . . . . . . . . B 2 Mozzi (Piazza dei) . . . . . . . D 4

Around piazza signoria Ponte Vecchio


From the Loggia del Mercato Nuovo where you can find the famous porcellino you can take Via Por Santa Maria, once the main route into the city center, heads straight down to the Ponte Vecchio, the oldest bridge in the city. Orginally constructed with stone fore-starlings and paved in wood, it was the first bridge to be built in Florence in the time of the Roman Legion and crossed the Arno at its lowest lowest fordable point. It was completely rebuilt in stone in 1177 and paved in brick. Note the plaque on the right, on the Por Santa Maria side of the bridge, recalling its destruction in the disastrous flood of 1333. It was on this occasion that the Roman statue of Mars that decorated the bridge was swept away by the flood waters and was never to be found again. The bridge was reconstructed twelve years later with the addition of the shops (1345) by either Taddeo Gaddi or Neri Fioravanti. The design made use of wider arches, rather than the formerly-used round arches, which aided the flow of water, especially when there was a risk of floods and was to set the style for many other bridges in Italy. The new Ponte Vecchio cost 70.000 florins to build and the butcher’s, grocer’s, smith’s and cobbler’s shops on it, 48 in all, had to contribute 600 florins towards the cost. They were replaced by the gold and silversmiths we see today in 1593. Giorgio Vasari built the Vasari Corridor above the bridge for Cosimo I in 1565. It linked the political and administrative Palazzo Vecchio with the royal residence at the Pitti Palace. Crossing the bridge the extremely characteristic Borgo San Jacopo leads towards Via Maggio and the colorful Santo Spirito area. 30

Понте Веккио Двигаясь от Лоджии Меркато Нуово, где находится известная статуя бронзового кабана, по улице Пор Санта Мария, которая когда-то являлась главной улицей городского центра, можно добраться до самого древнего моста города Понте Веккио. Изначально он был построен на каменных столбах и покрыт деревянным настилом. Это был самый первый мост, построенный во Флоренции еще во времена Римской Империи, который пересекал реку Арно там, где дно было мельче всего. Сооружение было полностью перестроено в камне в 1177-ом году и вымощено кирпичом. Обратите внимание на табличку, которая подвешена на мосту со стороны улицы Пор Санта Мария, которая гласит, что в 1333 мост был разрушен вследствие ужасного наводнения 1333-го года. Именно тогда римская статуя бога Марса, украшавшая мост в те времена, была снесена бурными водами и так никогда и не была найдена. Мост восстановили двенадцатью годами позже с надстройкой лавочек (1345), благодаря архитекторам Таддео Гадди или Нери Фьораванти. Новый Понте Веккио обошелся в 70.000 флоринов, а владельцы мясных, бакалейных лавок, кузнецы и сапожники, всего 48 человек, внесли свою лепту в размере 600 флоринов. В 1593-ем году им на смену пришли золотых и серебряных дел мастера, магазины которых мы видим и по сей день. Джорджио Вазари воздвиг свой Коридор над мостом для Козимо I в 1565-ом.

Oltrarno district Pitti Palace


The southern side of the Ponte Vecchio leads towards the quarter of Santo Spirito, where popular and artisan traditions are still very much alive. The Pitti Palace has housed three royal dynasties, the Medici, the Lorraine and the Savoy families, and contains their prestigious collections in the Palatine Gallery, the Silver Museum and the Gallery of Modern Art. It is certainly the largest museum complex in the city. Filippo Brunelleschi designed the original square-shaped building for the merchant Luca Pitti; the Medici family bought it in 1550 and work immediately got under way on the enlargements under Bartolomeo Ammannati. The left-hand wing contains the wonderful collection of paintings and statues made up of masterpieces from private Medici collections that includes many masterpieces by artists like Filippo Lippi, Raphael, Andrea del Sarto and the famous portraits by Titian, Veronese and Tintoretto, as well as important works by Caravaggio, Rubens, Pietro da Cortona and other Italian and European masters of the Renaissance and the 17th century.

Trattoria 4 Leoni Piazza della Passera - 055.218562 www.4leoni.com In Piazza della Passera, a corner of the old Florence, just off the main tourist tracks that lead from the Ponte Vecchio to the Pitti Palace, an area full of craftsmen workshops and most loved by artists and intellectuals. Not only a simple trattoria where to find a genuine Tuscan cooking with local products of high quality, but also a warm place to shelter on a cold winter day, bustling with friendly people.

Дворец Питти Дворец Питти был резиденцией королевских династий - Медичи, Лотарингии и Савойи и содержит их престижные частные коллекции, расположенные в Галерее Палатина. Филиппо Брунеллески спроектировал дворец в 1440 году для купца Луки Питти, Медичи купили его в 1550 году, во время правления Козимо. Дворец содержит великолепную коллекцию картин и статуй из частных коллекций Медичи, включая в себя работы таких художников, как Филиппо Липпи, Рафаэля, Андреа дель Сарто и знаменитые портреты Тициана, Веронезе и Тинторетто, а также шедевры Караваджо, Рубенса, Пьетро да Кортона и других итальянских и европейских мастеров эпохи Возрождения и 17-го века.

Сады Боболи Форта-Бельведер Двор дворца Питти выходит на необыкновенной красоты Сады Боболи в чисто итальянском стиле. Сады растянулись по холмам до самого Форта Бельведер, крепости 16 века, построенной Бернардо Буонталенти в качестве монетного двора казны Медичей. .с Форта открывается захватывающая панорама на город и его окраины.


Boboli Gardens to Fort Belvedere


The courtyard gives on to the huge and very beautiful Boboli Gardens in Italian style created for the Medici family by architect and sculptor Niccolò Pericoli. The garden itself started a fashion that laid the basis for all the royal gardens in Europe, including Versailles. Buontalenti invented a great many Mannerist elements to decorate these splendid gardens, among them the Large Grotto, with fountains and statues by Ammannati, Giambologna and Tacca. In the 17th century, Giulio and Alfonso Parigi carried out the stone Amphitheatre, where many theatrical performances were held, the great cypress alley and the square and pool of Isolotto. The last additions, like the Coffee house, the Lawn of the Columns and the Lemonary, were built in 18th century by the Lorriane family. Pietro Leopoldo opened the gardens to the public in 1776. The gardens stretch up the hill as far as Fort Belvedere, a 16th century fortress, built by Bernardo Buontalenti as a stronghold for the Medici treasury, which offers a really unique view over the city from its grounds.

Angela Caputi Giuggù Via S. Spirito, 58r - 055.212972 Borgo SS. Apostoli, 44r - 055.292993 www.angelacaputi.com Angela Caputi, “Giuggiù” since 1975, is one of the most important firms in Italy for high fashion costume jewellery. Angela’s beautiful creations reflect her character for she loves to mix different materials together to create interesting combinations of colours and shapes. All made in synthetic materials, the final results are the uniquely original pieces that characterise her brand. i Toscani Via Maggio, 1r - 055.289841 www.itoscani.it - (corner with Via dello Sprone and Piazza De’ Frescobaldi) You will find food of the highest quality produced locally and supplied directly by small Tuscan suppliers. Fresh bread and Bozza Pratese made with natural rising agents is available every day. You can stop for a quick lunch or dinner, enjoy a delicious and rich snack with i Toscani’s specialties... while comfortably seated in the restaurant section of the store. 33

oltrarno district The Square & Church of Santo Spirito



Площадь и церковь Святого Духа

A series of narrow streets link Piazza Pitti with Via Maggio, which hosts the showrooms of the famous Florentine antiquarians. From here, Via Sant’Agostino leads to the picturesque square of Santo Spirito surrounded by 15th century palaces and completed by a pretty garden with a fountain in the centre. Enjoy the popular and rather bohemian atmoshere of the square which is always a hive of activity, due partly to the area market held here every morning, but also to the fact that many Florentines still live and work here. The Church of Santo Spirito, standing at the far end of the square is one of the most important monuments in Florence and a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture. The starkly imposing facade with its characteristic ‘orillons’ and elegant bell tower (Baccio d’Agnolo), closes off one end of the square. The octagonal Sacristy, designed by Giuliano da Sangallo and Simone del Pollaiolo, known as Cronaca, contains the ‘Crucifix’ in wood, a youthful work by Michelangelo, and other works of art.

Живописная площадь СантоСпирито, в окружении дворцов 15века, завершается прекрасным садом с фонтаном в центре. Наслаждайтесь популярной и довольно богемной атмосферой площади, которая полна жизни как улей, отчасти благодаря деятельности рынка, который вы найдете здесь каждое утро, но также и потому, что это центр жизни и работы многих флорентийцев. Церковь Санто-Спирито, на дальнем конце площади это шедевр архитектуры эпохи Возрождения. На площади выделяется ее фасад с его характерной аскетичной красотой и элегантная колокольня (Баччо д'Аньоло), которые дополняют самобытность площади. Восьмиугольная ризница, спроэктированная Джулиано да Сангалло и Симоне дель Поллайоло, известного как Кронака, содержит резное деревянное «Распятие», работы молодого Микеланджело, и другие произведений искусства.

pitta m’ingolli Piazza Santo Spirito, 17r 055.264256 The colorful and lively scene of Piazza Santo Spirito has just enriched with a new venue: a rustic style, charming bistrot, reminiscent of some French Bar au Vin. Open from morning to late night, starts with the breakfast, but stands out for a wide variety of sandwiches, fish specialities, milkshakes, centrifugal fresh fruit, coffee and appetizers. Interior is coated in warm wood, with high stools and newspapers.

Gelateria Santa Trinita P.zza Frescobaldi, 12/13r 055.2381130 Wine & Pastry Shop: Real Artisan Ice Cream hand-made with the fresh fruits of the season, homemade cream as in ancient florentine recipes of the past, the very latest flavours of ice-cream and confectionary. Wide choice of typical Tuscan sweetmeats, gift packs and vast selection of wines with the chance to ship your gifts all over the world.

oltrarno district

Piazza del Carmine & the Brancacci Chapel


The Church of Santa Maria del Carmine in the Oltrarno area is situated in characteristic Piazza del Carmine. The church is well worth visiting for the Brancacci Chapel, the masterpiece of Renaissance painting. The entrance to the Brancacci Chapel is on the right of the steps up to the church. Masolino di Panicale, originally Masaccio’s teacher, was commissioned to do the cycle of frescoes, but Masaccio, whose talent had surpassed his master, took over from him in 1424-5. In 1428 Masaccio died at the age of 26 and the cycle was completed only after 1480-85 by Filippino Lippi. These frescoes, were to influence generations of artists and pave the way for the Florentine Renaissance. The Brancacci Chapel became the school of the Florentine Renaissance painters, Alberti and Leonardo wrote about it, Michelangelo studied it, it was mentioned by historians and writers and found immediate fame among his contemporaries.

Пьяцца дель Кармине и Часовня Бранкаччи Церковь Санта-Мария дель Кармине, расположена на характерной площади Пьяцца дель Кармине, в области Ольтрарно. Церковь стоит посетить также ради часовни Бранкаччи, шедевра живописи эпохи Возрождения. Мазолино ди Паникале, первому учителю Мазаччо, было поручено сделать цикл фресок, но Мазаччо, чей талант превзошел своего маэстро, продолжил их роспись в 1424-5. В 1428 Мазаччо умер в возрасте 26 лет и цикл был завершен только в 1480-85 мастером Филиппино Липпи. Эти фрески, оказали влияние на поколения художников и стали основополагающими для флорентийского Ренессанса.

Osteria Santo Spirito Piazza S.Spirito 16r - Tel. 055.2382383 www.osteriasantospirito.com Lunch or dine at the tables overlooking enchanting Piazza Santo Spirito or in the colourful rooms inside the Osteria Santo Spirito, situated in the Oltrarno, one of the most characteristic areas in Florence. The menu includes typical and traditional Tuscan platters accompanied by some interesting new variations. The wines and desserts are excellent. Ristorante Il Guscio Via dell’Orto, 49 - 055.224421 www.il-guscio.it Typical Tuscan cuisine the dishes are all “home made”, from the starters to the desserts. The cuisine is inspired by traditional dishes found in long-forgotten recipes. For lunch you can choose to eat on a small menu. The cellar boasts an excellent choice of more than 500 wine labels. Monday to Thursday we offer a complimentary bottle of Rosso di Pomino, Villa Petrognano 2009 (worth 20 euro) on a lunch or dinner for a minimum total cost of 50 euro. Prior reservations are advised.


around S. MAria Novella Santa Maria Novella


Piazza Santa Maria Novella is dominated by the breathtaking facade of its Basilica, the masterpiece of Leon Battista Alberti (1456-70), though the lower part dates from the 14th century. The church was founded in 1246 and built in typical Gothic style by Dominican architects (Fra Ristoro da Campi and Fra Sisto). The bell tower was used as a watch tower for locating fires in the city. The interior was originally frescoed throughout but Vasari had the walls whitewashed, the choir demolished and tabernacles installed. It still contains many wonderful masterpieces, from the great rose window, attributed to Andrea Bonaiuti (after 1365), to the lunette with Nativity attributed to Botticelli; worth noting, the Rucellai Chapel (works by Nino Pisano and Lorenzo Ghiberti), the Bardi-Ilarioni Chapel (14th century frescoes), the Strozzi Chapel (murals by Filippino Lippi, sculpture by Benedetto da Maiano), the Chancel (frescoes by Domenico Ghirlandaio and school, Crucifix by Giambologna), the Gondi Chapel (décor by Sangallo, wooden Crucifix attributed to Brunelleschi), the Gaddi Chapel (décor by G.A.Dosio, murals by Alessandro Allori, altarpiece by Bronzino, bas-reliefs by Giovanni dell’Opera), the Strozzi Chapel (altarpiece by Orcagna, murals by Nardo di Cione), and lastly the Sacristy with the painted

LA spada Via della Spada, 62r - 055.218757 www.laspadaitalia.com Recently restored La Spada Restaurant welcomes you in a familiar atmosphere in a large room with the kitchen on view, several private corners and an exclusive private room for more intimate dinners. With menus also in Japanese and Russian, La Spada is specialized in skewered and grilled meats, especially the famous Florentine steak, and many other typical Tuscan platters with a creative twist. Try a light informal lunch or a refined and elegant dinner. The staff is friendly and competent, service is fast, and it has a great value for money. 36

cross attributed to Giotto above the door (works by Giovanni della Robbia, Maso di Bartolomeo, Masaccio, Davide and Benedetto Ghirlandaio, Neri di Bicci, pulpit designed by Brunelleschi). From here you can visit the Green Cloisters (with frescoes illustrating the Old Testament by Paolo Uccello), the Spanish Chapel (altarpiece by Bernardo Daddi, murals by school of Allori), the Cloister of the Dead (murals from the circle of Maso and Nardo di Cione) and the Refectory (murals by Allori). Outside in the square, whose limits were established by decree in 1287, you can see the two obelisks set on turtles by Giambologna, once used as markers for chariot races. The Loggia of the old Hospital of S. Paolo dei Convalescenti (with glazed terracottas of Della Robbia school), stands right opposite the Basilica. The house with the tabernacle on the corner previously belonged to the Guild of Doctors. All that remains of the old Chapel of S. Nicola (1333) is at no. 16, Via della Scala, replaced in 1612 by the Pharmacy of Santa Maria Novella. Nearby you can find the Croce al Trebbio, erected in 1308 to commemorate St. Peter Martyr’s Dominican militants.

Санта Мария Новелла Над площадью Санта Мария Новелла доминирует захватывающий фасад его базилики, шедевр Леон Баттиста Альберти, хотя постройка самой базилики началась задолго до 14-го века. Церковь была основана в 1246 году и построена в типичном готическом стиле Доминиканскими архитекторами. Интерьер содержит много замечательных шедевров, начиная от больших ветражей, люнет с темами Рождества , предположительно работы Боттичелли. Стоит отметить часовню Ручеллаи, часовню БардиИллариони, часовню Строцци, часовню Гонди, часовню Гадди и, наконец, ризницу с росписным распятием над дверью, предположительно работы Джотто. Здесь же вы можете посетить Зеленые крытые аркады, испанскую часовню , обитель мертвых и трапезную. На площади, которая была построена на указу в 1287 году, вы можете увидеть два обелиска установленых на бронзовых черепахах работы Джамболонья, которые когдато использовали в качестве маркеров для гонок колесниц.

Ostaria dei Centopoveri Via Palazzuolo, 31r - 055.218846 www.centopoveri.it Its name is ancient and comes from time when the nobility offered one hundred poor people a free meal on the last day of Carnival at the Church of San Francesco once in this same street. Today the Ostaria’s menu is typically Tuscan, like the interior with its terracotta floors and wood-panelled ceilings, and the white ceramic tiles covering the counter. It is just like walking into a warmly hospitable house in the country. Since 2008 the Restaurant has doubled itself adding a new area for Pizzeria. 12% Discount on everything except fixed price menu if you show up with your copy of Florence Maps.


around s. maria novella

Via della Vigna Nuova & Via Tornabuoni


One of Florence’s main shopping streets, it takes its name from an old vineyard that belonged to the monks of San Pancrazio. The street boasts several fascinating and very beautiful monuments, among them the splendid Palazzo Rucellai, composed of a series of small mediaeval houses incorporated behind a single façade. It was carried out by Bernardo Rossellino. Leon Battista Alberti is attributed the elegant Loggia Rucellai opposite. Today this street, an off-shoot of Via Tornabuoni, hosts some of Florence’s most elegant and exclusive fashion stores. The beautifully arranged windows, displaying some of the best designed haute couture, leather goods, jewelery and knits in the world, often Florentine-made, are a joy for the eyes and not necessarily a pain for the purse. Lined with elegant houses Via Tornabuboni is Florence’s most exclusive and fashionable shopping street, whose shop windows flaunt all the most famous names in international haute couture. It is well worth walking along the entire length of the street as far as Piazza Antinori, with its Palace and Baroque church, and Via Rondelli, to be able to fully appreciate all its fashionable stores.

Виа делла Винья Нуова и Вия Туорнабуони Одна из самых известных улиц Флоренции для шоппинга, берет свое название от старых виноградников, принадлежавших монахам СанПанкрацио. Улица имеет несколько достопримечательностей и красивых памятников, в том числе великолепный Дворец Ручеллаи, состоящий из ряда небольших средневековых домов обьедененных одним фасадом. Сегодня эта улица, где расположены самые элегантные и эксклюзивные магазины моды Флоренции. Наравне с элегантными домами Виа Торнабуони - наиболее эксклюзивной и модной торговой улицей Флоренции, чьи витрины щеголяют всеми самыми известными именами международной моды, стоит площадь Антинори, с его дворцом и церковью в стиле барокко, Виа Ронделли.

bottega quattro Via Rondinelli 9-13 - 055.2382016 www.bottegaquattro.com A new lifestyle store that combines personality with an exclusive but welcoming environment. Carefully selected products and personalized service. A tailor-made shopping experience where every client is unique. The boutique is designed with furniture from reused materials to create a real the vintage atmosphere. Le Antiche Carrozze Borgo SS. Apostoli, 66 (Piazza S. Trinita corner) - 055.2658156 www.leantichecarrozze.it One of the first Trattoria to open in the heart of Florence & once a popular diner for carriage drivers. Overlooking Piazza Santa Trinita, home-cooked food with quality ingredients, pizzas cooked in a wood burning oven & a wide selection of Tuscan wines. 38

around s. maria novella

Palazzo Strozzi


One of the finest examples of Renaissance domestic architecture. Palazzo Strozzi was commissioned by the Florentine merchant Filippo Strozzi and the foundations were laid in 1489 according to a design by Benedetto da Maiano. A year later the project was given to Simone del Pollaiolo, known as Cronaca, who worked on it until 1504 but the Palazzo was only finally finished in 1538. The Palazzo remained the property of the Strozzi family until 1937, and since 1999 it has been managed City of Florence. Since the Second World War the Palazzo has been Florence’s largest temporary exhibition space. The Palazzo Strozzi now hosts three major exhibitions annually, and is open year-round with a café/bar, and a permanent exhibition on the history of the Palazzo Strozzi. In November 2007 the spaces under the courtyard were re-opened as the Centre for Contemporary Culture Strozzina and host a wide variety of activities including exhibitions and events designed to appeal to a broad spectrum of users of all ages. Some of the finest wrought-iron work can be admired on the exterior walls of the Palace: rings for tethering horses during completion of the building, hooks to hold the rods on which caged birds or festive hangings were suspended, while the great spiked lamps on the corners, designed by Benedetto da Maiano, were a sign of dignity and rank that could only be granted by the City Council. They were made by Niccolò Grosso, known as “il Caparra” (advance down-payment), because he refused to give his clients any credit. When news reached Florence of Amerigo Vespucci’s discoveries, the Lords of the city, sent torches to the house which were lit for three days and three nights.

rimowa Via Porta Rossa, 95r - 055.2382635 vwww.rimowa.com RIMOWA is one of the world’s leading premium brands in the luggage segment. This is a real German success story that boasts over 100 years of history: created by a visionary idealist and continued by his family, its continuous success has gained it a leading position on the global market. It is now 75 years since RIMOWA produced the first aluminium suitcase, RIMOWA polycarbonate suitcases are 40

Палаццо Строцци Палаццо Строцци был построен по заказу флорентийского купца Филиппо Строцци в 1489 году по проекту Бенедетто да Mайано. Дворец оставался в собственности семьи Строцци до 1937 года, а с 1999 года поступил в собственность города Флоренции. После Второй мировой войны дворец стал крупнейшим выставочным центром Флоренции . Палаццо Строцци в настоящее время предлагает три крупные выставки ежегодно, помимо постоянно действующей экспозиции по истории Палаццо Строцци.

produced for 15 years. Technical precision, high-quality materials and a continuous pursuit of innovation and product improvement lie behind its success. RIMOWA luggage is a symbol of the culture of exclusive travel. The sixth RIMOWA Flagship Store in Europe opens in Florence in May 2013! The exclusive cases will then be presented in the usual modern, classy atmosphere - the new point of attraction for sophisticated travellers in Via Porta Rossa, 95r.


Piazza Santa Trinita is dominated by the Baroque façade of the Church of Santa Trinita containing the Sassetti Chapel, with frescoes by Ghirlandaio. The church stands opposite Palazzo Spini Ferroni. This ancient fortress was one of Arnolfo di Cambio’s first works and today the home of the Ferragamo fashion house. The river is crossed at the end of Via Tornabuoni by the Ponte Santa Trinita, built in 1557 by Ammannati, destroyed in 1944 and rebuilt in 1958, after dredging as many of the original stones as possible from the Arno. The four statues of the seasons, set on the corners of the bridge, are still the originals.

Lungarno Acciaioli The Arno end of Via Tornabuoni cuts into Lungarno Acciaiuoli, which follows the river and gives onto a magnificent and perhaps unique view of the Ponte Vecchio. The Arno itself is lined with many imposing palaces, one of the most impressive of which is Palazzo Corsini on Lungarno Corsini in the opposite direction.

Borgo Ognissanti The Church of Ognissanti is one of the few examples of Baroque architecture to penetrate this Renaissance city. Started around 1250 it was completely restyled during the 17th century, Fifteenth-century frescoes by Domenico Ghirlandaio and Sandro Botticelli are preserved in the nave; Botticelli is buried in the church. Ghirlandaio also frescoed a renowned Last Supper in the refectory between the two cloisters

Санта Тринита На площади Санта Тринита доминирует фасад в стиле барокко церкви Санта-Тринита со знаменитой часовней Сасетти и фресками Гирландайо. Церковь стоит напротив Палаццо Спини Феррони. Это древняя крепость была одной из первых работ Арнольфо ди Камбио и сегодня там располагается дом дом моды Ферагамо. Река протекат в конце Вия Торнабуони от Понте Санта Тринита, построенном в 1557 году Амманнати, который был уничтожен в 1944 году и восстановлен в 1958 году.

around s. maria novella

Santa Trinita

Набережная Аччайоли Набережная Аччайоли вдоль Арно начинается сразу за вия Торнабуони. Вдоль набережной распологаются множество величественных дворцов, один из самых впечатляющих это Палаццо Корсини на Набережной Корсини.


around Santa croce Santa Croce


The huge rectangular square, one of the busiest in Florence, was where the population once listened to the preaching of the Franciscan friars or watched tournaments, like the Florentine football game, still played here even today. The Basilica was originally a small oratory founded, according to tradition, by St. Francis when he passed through Florence between 1217 and 1221. The construction of the new Basilica is attributed to Arnolfo di Cambio. His design was based on spatial grandiosity, with the structural elements carried out with rational clarity and sobriety. It is built on the plan of an Egyptian cross, with the interior divided into three naves, a chancel and a transept full of chapels whose patronage was reserved for the most illustrious families in this quarter of the city: the Bardi and Peruzzi families were the foremost, but there were also the Tosinghi, Pulci, Rinuccini and Alberti families. The walls of these chapels and the entire church were immediately covered in frescoes by Giotto and his school, who turned the basilica into a museum of Florentine Trecento painting. The same artists also designed the wonderful luminous stained glass windows.


When at last the church was finished in 1442, it was consacrated by Pope Eugene IV. The facade was left undecorated, in fact it was not completed until 1857-63, more or less at the same time as the Belltower was rebuilt to replace the original one which had been struck by lightning. New architectural additions were introduced thanks to the patronage of Cosimo “the Elder” de’ Medici and Andrea de’ Pazzi. The former had the Chapel of the Novitiate built next to the Sacristy in 1434-45 by Michelozzo and decorated by Andrea della Robbia and Mino da Fiesole; the latter sponsored the Pazzi Chapel, in the first cloister or Cloister of the Dead, designed by Filippo Brunelleschi and started in around 1430. Brunelleschi also designed the second Cloister of the Convent, or Greater Cloister, continued after his death by Bernardo Rossellino with a fine entrance door by Benedetto da Maiano. The Basilica also contains numerous examples of typically Renaissance sculpture. The most famous of these is the Crucifix by Donatello and his aristocratic Annunciation in grey stone with gilded highlights recently restored by the Opificio delle Pietre Dure. Nor should we forget

Церковь Санта-Кроче Базилика была первоначально построена как небольшой ораторий, основанный, в соответствии с преданием, святым Франциском Ассизким, когда он проходил через Флоренцию в 1217 году. Строительство новой базилики приписывается Арнольфо ди Камбио. Интерьер разделен на три нефа, алтарь и поперечные нефы с множеством часовен. Посетите Часовню послушников, рядом с Ризницей Микелоццо, Часовню Пацци, в первом монастыре, проэкта Филиппо Брунеллески. Базилика также содержит многочисленные произведения скульптуры эпохи Возрождения. Самым известным из них является Распятие Донателло. Присутствие множества погребальных памятников и надгробных плит привело к тому, что Базилика считалась своего рода Пантеоном, местом захоронения самых выдающихся граждан Флоренции. Здесь находятся могилы Таддео Гадди и графа Уголино делла Герардеска, а также другие знаменитости, прославившие Италию , такие как Микеланджело, Галилео Галилей, Витторио Альфьери.

SOTTO SOTTO FASHION OUTLET Via Pietrapiana, 67/r - Florence 055.2478850 Via di Fibbiana, 10 - Campi Bisenzio 055.898443 www.sottosotto.it Luxury shopping for less. Finest name brands – men’s / women’s clothing, shoes, accessories. Sotto Sotto is the finest solution for outlet shopping in Florence. Our selection includes the most wellknown and beloved name brands in Fashion. New collections are continually being added to offer the best of designer clothing at discount price. Sotto Sotto is located in the heart of Florence near Santa Croce and in Campi Bisenzio, near shopping centre I Gigli. i Toscani Via Pietrapiana, 11-13r - 055.241060 - www.itoscani.it (near Sant’Ambrogio Market) You will find food of the highest quality produced locally and supplied directly by small Tuscan suppliers. Fresh bread and Bozza Pratese made with natural rising agents is available every day. You can stop for a quick lunch or dinner, enjoy a delicious and rich snack with I Toscani’s specialties... while comfortably seated in the restaurant section of the store. 43

around santa croce 44

the Pulpit by Benedetto da Maiano or the Madonna of Milk by Antonio Rossellino, placed above the tomb of Francesco Nori, prior of the Republic and who died saving Lorenzo the Magnificent’s life at the time of the “Pazzi Conspiracy”. Lastly, the two funeral monuments by Bernardo Rossellino and Desiderio da Settignano. The former, dedicated to Leonardo Bruni, humanist and Chancellor of the Republic, is considered a prototype among Renaissance tomb monuments. The presence of a great many funeral monuments and tombstones has led to the Basilca being thought of as the National Pantheon, the burial place of Italy’s most illustrious citizens. Somewhere here lie the tombs of Taddeo Gaddi and Count Ugolino della Gherardesca. Other famous inmates include Michelangelo, Galileo Galilei, Vittorio Alfieri. Unfortunately the monument to Dante, whose remains repose at Ravenna, is only a cenotaph. Other tombs can be found in the first cloister, beneath the loggia attached to the church, and in an undergound corridor. The latter form a complete range of Neoclassical and Romantic sculpture. The Cloister, which also contains the entrance to the Museum, can be reached from the Church

The Bargello & Dante neighborhood 2 The Bargello was built between 1255 and 1261 for the Captain of the People and was therefore once a symbol of authority and power in Florence. Its unknown architect (or architects) took his inspiration from the Castle of the Counts Guidi at Poppi and the same design was used for almost all the town halls in Tuscany. The building later became the residence of the Podestà (1261) and other magistrates. However, in 1574, it was downgraded to become the headquarters of the Captain of Justice, the Bargello or head of the police force. It served this purpose for three centuries, earning itself a sorry fame as a prison but, after the Risorgimento, it

cucina torcicoda Via Torta, 5r - 055.2654329 www.cucinatorcicoda.com Cucina Torcicoda, stretching over 1000 square meters, is actually three different venues in one: a restaurant, a pizzeria and an osteria, each one with its own vocation, menu and atmosphere. The restaurant serves Mediterranean and Tuscan cooking reworked by the chef, with a special attention to grilled meats. Wooden tables, candles, and a convivial atmosphere are the main characteristics of the Osteria. And finally, the pizzeria with wood-burning oven serves pizzas ​​with outstanding raw materials.

around santa croce

was completely restored, becoming the National Museum in 1865. The fine Hall of the General Council, also designed by Neri di Fioravante, now the Hall of Donatello, contains many works by the great Florentine sculptor, among them the bronze ‘David’ (1430 ca.) and the St. George carried out for Orsanmichele. Apart from sculptures by Desiderio da Settignano, Michelozzo and Verrocchio and ceramics by Luca della Robbia, the museum also contains works in bronze by Giambologna and Benvenuto Cellini, as well as the two bronze panels by Ghiberti and Brunelleschi for the competition of 1401 for the North Door of the Baptistery, won by Ghiberti. The Michelangelo Room contains the great sculptor’s Bacchus, Pitti Tondo, David Apollo and the Bust of Brutus, together with works by Jacopo and Andrea Sansovino, Ammannati, Baccio Bandinelli and Tribolo. This is a very old part of Florence, as it ios called the Dante neighorhood, in the vicinity you can find the House of Dante and the splendi church of Santa Maria Assunta or Badia Fiorentina, Florence’s oldest monastery.

Барджелло Повернув направо на Виа дель Проконсоло, следуя древней линии расположения римских стен, вы попадаете к Барджелло. Это часть средневекового дворца сначала являлась тюрьмой и местом Верховного Судьи. Сегодня этот музей скульптуры содержит шедевры Брунеллески, Микеланджело, Челлини, Джамболонья и Донателло.

Boccanegra Via Ghibellina, 124 r - 055.2001098 www.boccanegra.com Situated in 16th century Palazzo Salviati this restaurant, with its period styled interior and 19th century furniture, offers an elegant environment. The Restaurant offers a haute cuisine based on meat and fish, cooked using ancient but revisited local recipes, all spectacularly arranged. The cellars, which contain a carefully selected range of wines, are situated in the foundations of the building, built onto the lower parts of the ancient walls of Florence. antica Erboristeria San simone Via Ghibellina, 190r - 393.8234575 safenaturasas@libero.it Ancient Erboristeria San Simone estabilished in early XVIII cent. is one of the oldest shops in Florence. In three centuries of experience it has developed a scientific knowledge of the therapeutic effect of herbs, flowers and fruits. Showcasing 500 different types of tisane and herb teas, it has recently enlarged its offers to cosmetic products, own-produced creams for all kind of skins, shampoos and bath foams. The shop also has its own line of ambience perfumes and essences both for the house and the body. Antica Erboristeria San Simone offers the possibility to create custom perfumes for his clients and organizes courses in artisan perfumery. 45

around santa croce 46

San Niccolò, San Miniato al Monte & Piazzale Michelangelo 3

Сан - Никколо Церковь Сан-Миниато Площадь Микеланджело

The walk up to Piazzale Michelangelo starts out from Porta a San Niccolò (Piazza Poggi), the only gate whose original high tower of defence is still complete. The first part of the pedestrian ramp leads up to Piazzale Michelangelo and then on to the church courtyard of San Miniato. The huge square of Piazzale Michelangelo is famous throughout the world for its view over the monumental city center. The square, the gardens and the boulevards leading down to Florence, together with the other avenues encircling the city, were created by Giuseppe Poggi in 1869 when it was temporarily the Capital of Italy. Built on an even older church, the basilica and attached Benedictine monastery were founded by Bishop Hildebrand on the site where, according to tradition, the martyr St. Miniato was buried. The church is a masterpiece of Tuscan Romanesque architecture. Its green and white marble façade is considered one of the finest examples of the Romanesque style. Built between the 11th and 13th centuries, it contains many fine artworks such as the chapel of the “Crucifixion” by Michelozzo and the chapel of the Cardinal of Portugal both decorated by Luca della Robbia and the splendid frescoes by Spinello Aretino, depicting “Scenes from the Life of St. Benedict”.

Выйдя из стен древней Флоренции через ворота Сан-Миниато, е следуя по живописной аллее в окружении кипарисов , направляемся к церкви Сан Миниато аль Монте. Ее белозеленый мраморный фасад считается одним из лучших примеров флорентийского Базилика и Бенедиктинский монастырь Сан Миньато а Монте один из шедевров Тосканского зодчества Римского периода был построен между 11 и 13 веками , фасад созданный в бело-зеленом мраморе является одним из лучших образцов Римского стиля. В нескольких шагах от Сан Миньато находится знаменитая во всем мире смотровая площадка Микеланджело, предлагающая незабываемый вид на город и его монументы. Сама площадка, сады и дорога к ней были построены во времена, когда Флоренция была столицей Италии. Огромный квадрат площади Микеланджело известен во всем мире как смотровая площадка, с которой открывается захватывающее зрелице на центр города, на площади, сады и бульвары Флоренции, а также на ее холмистые окрестности


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