Florence Concierge: Marzo / Aprile 2014

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Free copy courtesy of Chiavi d’Oro Toscana

FLORENCE concierge

INFORMATION mar | apr 2014

Флоренция Консьерж

focus | exhibition

Pontormo & Rosso Fiorentino Diverging Paths of Mannerism

Palazzo Strozzi will be hosting from 8 March to 20 July 2014 a major exhibition entitled Pontormo and Rosso Fiorentino. Diverging Paths of Mannerism, devoted to the work of Pontormo and of Rosso Fiorentino, the two painters who were without question the most original and unconventional adepts of the new way of interpreting art in that season of the Italian Cinquecento which Giorgio Vasari called the 'modern manner'. Pontormo and Rosso Fiorentino trained under Andrea del Sarto while maintaining a strongly independent approach and enormous freedom of expression. Pontormo, always a favourite with the Medici, was a painter open to stylistic variety and to a renewal of the traditional approach to composition. Rosso Fiorentino, on the other hand, was more tightly bound to tradition, yet at the same time he was fully capable of flights of originality and innovation, influenced also by Cabalistic literature and esoteric works. Mirroring the precepts underlying the Bronzino exhibition, this exhibition opted for a broad and multifaceted overview of the two great painters' masterpieces, according priority to the formal splendour and lofty poetry of Pontormo and of Rosso Fiorentino so that the exhibition appeals in its clarity not only to the specialist but also to a wider audience thanks to themed sections set out in chronological order. A unique and unrepeatable event bringing together for the very first time a selection of masterpieces by the two artists in Italian and foreign collections, many of them specially restored for the occasion. The exhibition Pontormo and Rosso Fiorentino. Diverging Paths of Mannerism in Palazzo Strozzi celebrates two of Tuscany's most outstanding and most original artists. 8 march - 20 july


focus | exhibition

palazzo strozzi Piazza Strozzi, 1 - 055.2469600 www.palazzostrozzi.org


Понтормо & Россо Фьорентино Во Дворец Строцци с 8 марта по 20 июля будет открыта выставка, названная «Понтормо и Россо Фьорентино». Разветвляющиеся пути маньеризма, посвященные работам Понтормо и Россо Фьорентино, —двум мастерам, которые без сомнения являлись наиболее самобытными и нетрадиционными приверженцами нового метода интерпретации в искусстве итальянской живописи пятнадцатого века, названного Джорджио Вазари «современным методом». Понтормо и Россо Фьорентино, находившиеся на обучении у Андреа дель Сарто, сохранили совершенно независимый подход и огромную экспрессивную свободу. Понтормо, любимец семейства Медичи, был живописцем открытым к стилистическому разнообразию и обновленному видению традиционного подхода к композиции. Россо Фьорентино, с другой стороны, был более тесно связан с традиционной школой, несмотря на что был способен демонстрировать определенный полет индивидуальности и инновации, вдохновленный также кабалистической литературой и экзотеризмом. Отражая во многом основные принципы выставки Брондзино, эта выставка решила развернуть более широко панораму шедевров этих двух великих живописцев во всем ее разнообразии форм, делая акцент на формальном блеске и высокой поэтичности Понтормо и Россо Фьорентино таким образом, чтобы осветить их творчество не только для искушенного зрителя, но и для гораздо более широкой публики, благодаря тематическим разделам и хронологическому порядку в экспозиции. Выставка Понтормо и Россо Фьорентино. «Разветвляющиеся пути маньеризма» во Дворце Строцци посвящена двум наиболее значимым и наиболее самобытным живописцам Тосканы. 8 марта - 20 июля


March | April 2014


Pontormo & Rosso Fiorentino Diverging Paths of Mannerism Focus Exhibitions Focus events

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Michelangelo Celebrating 450 years from his death Cappelle Medicee between past and present Galleria dell'Accademia Not just Michelangelo Museo dell'Opera del duomo the Treasures of the Cathedral Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

18 24 54 61 64


Rimowa Tradition & innovation Florentine craftsmanship The glorious traditions of

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Simply Fish The best fish restaurants in Florence Restaurants List Restaurants Map Restaurants Reviews

96 100 102 104

index | march april 2014

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The Spa at the Four Seasons Hotel Firenze Hotels List


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Florence ConciergE n°2 /Mar+Apr 2014 bimestrale d’informazione turistica bilingue Reg. Tribunale di Firenze No. 2941 Direttore Responsabile: Ugo Rossi Coordinamento: Sergio Iannotta e Alessandro Marchese. Editore Marked srl Via Vasco De Gama, 33/9 - tel. 055.412199 - commerciale@megareview.it - in collaborazione con Ass. Portieri d’Albergo Chiavi d’Oro Toscana La Redazione non è responsabile di eventuali cambiamenti di date, orari e programmi delle manifestazioni The Editor is in no way responsible for any changes in dates, timetables, programmes of exhibitions and events. In copertina / Cover page: rimowa

massimo parlanti Presidente dell’Associazione “Le Chiavi d’Oro Toscana” Member of Union Internationale Des Concierges D’hotels “Les Clefs D’or”



Добро пожаловать

Dear Guest,

Gentile Ospite,

Уважаемый Гость!

We would like to wish you a very warm welcome to Tuscany from all the “Golden Keys” Hotel Concierges.

Desideriamo esprimerLe un cordiale benvenuto in Toscana a nome di tutti i Portieri ‘Chiavi d’Oro’.

Florence Concierge Information, conceived and published with the idea of making your stay in Tuscany as enjoyable as possible, is just one of our ways of showing our dedication towards making you feel at home.We offer you this carnet personally because we are sure it can provide you with all the ideas and information you need during your stay here. Our long experience means that we have also been able to include a series of specific proposals selected especially for you. We are looking forward to seeing you at our desk, delighted to help you in any way we can.

Il nostro impegno nel farLa sentire a suo agio è testimoniato anche dal Florence Concierge Information pensato con lo scopo di facilitare e rendere più lieto il suo soggiorno nella nostra Regione. In questa rivista, che Le abbiamo personalmente consegnato, troverà molte informazioni ed indicazioni che ci auguriamo Le possano essere utili. Le segnaliamo le migliori proposte selezionate con la nostra esperienza che, grazie a Lei, maturiamo giornalmente. L’attendiamo come sempre al nostro banco felici di poter accogliere ogni sua richiesta.

Мы желаем сердечно поприветствовать вас в Тоскане от имени всех Портье "Золотого Ключа".

Golden Keys Magazine Network


Наше обязательство дать Вам почувствовать себя у нас уютно, о чем свидетельствует также Флоренс Консьерж Информатион,мы хотим сделать ваше пребывание в нашем Регионе наиболее приятным. В этом журнале вы найдете много информации которая, как мы надеемся,сможет помочь вам.Пользуясь нашим опытом, который, благодаря Вам ежедневно растет, мы отобрали для Вас лучшие предложения. Ждем Вас у нашей стойки и будем рады помочь любой Вашей просьбе.



Michelangelo Painter, sculptor, architect and poet he was born in 1475 in Caprese, a village in the province of Arezzo some 60 miles east of Florence, and died in Rome in 1564. The complete artist, he expressed the ideas of the Renaissance, passing from "realism" to the "beautiful" as the quintessence and glorification of the capacity of man. After completing his humanistic studies, he started work in Ghirlandaio's workshop in Florence while still only a youth. Художник, скульптор, архитектор и поэт Микеланджело Буонарроти родился в деревне Капрезе в провинции Ареццо около 60 миль к востоку от Флоренции в 1475 году и умер в почти 90-м возрасте в Риме в 1564 году. Он выразил идеи эпохи Возрождения, переходя от "реализма" к "искусству" как квинтэссенции и прославлению возможностей человека.






Cappelle Medicee Florentine The austere construction that hosts Craftsmanship

the Medici Chapels, created by the family as a huge mausoleum, can be reached from the apse of the Church of San Lorenzo in Piazza Madonna degli Aldobrandini. It is composed of two main parts, the New Sacristy, built by Michelangelo from 1519, and the great Chapel of the Princes, where the Grand Dukes of Tuscany and their families are buried, which dates from a century later . Строгость форм, которая отличает Капеллы Медичи, построенные в качестве величественного семейного мавзолея, была украшена апсидой церкви СанЛоренцо на Пьяцца Мадонна дельи Альдобрандини. Это сооружение состоит из двух частей: Новой Сакристии, построенной Микеланджело в 1519-ом году, и большой Капеллы Монархов, где были похоронены Великие Герцоги Тосканы и члены их семьи, постройка которой датируется веком позже.

Michelangelo, Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, Cellini great artists, but great artisans. The hand skills were essential to express their undisputed genius. This spirit, knowing how to use the hands giving life to unique objects, has been preserved over time. It is part of the DNA of Tuscany. The handicraft workshop, although transformed over the years, is still now a school where one learns a profession. Микеланджело, Брунеллески, Джиберти,Челлини были великими мастерами, но прежде всего они являются духом и частью ДНК Тосканы. Ремесленные лавочки до сих пор являются главным мотором экономики характерным для Тосканы, лежат основе преизводства знаменитых Домов Моды представленых на территории.







Medici Chapels

Opera del Duomo Simply Fish

The austere construction that hosts the Medici Chapels, created by the family as a huge mausoleum, can be reached from the apse of the Church of San Lorenzo in Piazza Madonna degli Aldobrandini. It is composed of two main parts, the New Sacristy, built by Michelangelo from 1519, and the great Chapel of the Princes, where the Grand Dukes of Tuscany and their families are buried, which dates from a century later and is lined throughout with marble and semi-precious stones.

The Museum of the Opera del Duomo, part of an institution set up in the late 13th century to superintend the construction of the new cathedral of Florence, is today only one of the monuments administered by the board of the Opera del Duomo. Due to lack of space, the Opera moved to its home of today in the 15th century. The new premises were housed in a palace built on an earlier cottage that stood next door to the kilns of the Lorenzo Ghiberti workshop.

Fish dishes are always very popular, even in an inland city like Florence. The traditional Florentine dish is of course dried cod or “baccalà”, served up in a manner of ways, however the delicious seaside fish dishes are eaten more and more now, especially because today transport ensures freshness, and can be found in many excellent restaurants in Florence. The Italian genius for inventing new and exciting recipes guarantees that eating fish is real adventure for the palate!

Аскетичное здание , в которой находятся Капеллы Медичей было создано как гигантский мавзолей ,вы можете найти спустившись со ступеней церкви Сан Лоренцо на площади Мадонны дей Альдобрандини . Они состоят из двух частей, одна из которых Новая Ризница созданная Микеланджело начиная с 1519 года, и большая Капелла дей Принчипи (капелла принцев), где покоятся Великие герцоги Тосканы и их семьи...

Mузей Домского собора, орган, созданный в конце 13 века для наблюдения за восстановлением собора во Флоренции, в настоящее время только один из памятников, находящихся в ведении Опера дель Дуомо. После завершения постройки базилики, общество продолжает наблюдение за поддержанием религиозного комплекса, состоящего из Домского собора , Баптистерия и Колокольни.

Рыбные блюда всегда очень популярны, даже в городах, отдаленных от моря как Флоренция. Вкусные блюда из морской рыбы едят больше и больше сегодня, особенно потому, что быстрая доставка рыбы обеспечивает ее свежесть. Блюда из свежайшей рыбы можно продегустировать во многих ресторанах Флоренции. Итальянский кулинарный гений подарил миру много великолепных рыбных рецептов...


Maddalena VerzĂŹ Art historian and tour guide of Florence introduces


personality | michelangelo


Celebrating 450 years from the death of the Artist Микеланджело Буонарроти

Painter, sculptor, architect and poet he was born on 6 March 1475 in Caprese, a village close to Arezzo some 60 miles east of Florence, and died in Rome in 1564. The complete artist, he expressed the ideas of the Renaissance, passing from "realism" to the "beautiful" as the quintessence and glorification of the capacity of man. In 1481, only six years old, he lost his mother and around the age of ten was sent by his father to the grammar school of Francesco da Urbino to start his studies of letters and law, then in 1488 he could start his artistic career entering in the Ghirlandaio's workshop in Florence; in 1489 he is admitted to the Garden of St. Mark where the Medici family had put together a sizeable collection of classical statuary and where he develops his interest in ancient sculpture. His first attempts at sculpture were noticed by Lorenzo dei Medici, who took Michelangelo to live with his family in his palace in Via Larga (now Via Cavour). He fled from Florence in 1494, to return in 1495 in the period in which Savonarola was preaching against luxury and pagan art. Then he went back to Rome (1496) where he created the Bacchus (Bargello) and a few years later he sculpted the famous Vatican Pietà. He re-

Художник, скульптор, архитектор и поэт Микеланджело Буонарроти родился в деревне Капрезе в провинции Ареццо около 60 миль к востоку от Флоренции в 1475 году и умер в почти 90-м возрасте в Риме в 1564 году. Он выразил идеи эпохи Возрождения, переходя от "реализма" к "искусству" как квинтэссенции и прославлению возможностей человека. После окончания учебы, он начал работать в мастерской Гирландайо во Флоренции в очень молодом возрасте (1488), его интерес к античной скульптуре вскоре привел его к частному саду Сан-Марко, где семья Медичи уже собрала значительную коллекцию классической скульптуры. Его первые попытки создания скульптур были замечены Лоренцо деи Медичи, который взял Микеланджело жить в свою семью, в дом на улице Ларга (ныне Вия Кавур) Он бежал из Флоренции в 1494 году и вернулся в 1495 году и в это время создал скульптуру Вакх (Барджелло). Затем он отправился в Рим, где он вылепил знаменитую Ватиканскую «Пьета». Он вернулся во Флоренцию, между 1501 и 1505 и, по предложению Леонардо, приступил к созданию ряда


personality | michelangelo

turned to Florence between 1501 and 1505 and, proceeded to carry out a series of masterpieces: the Pitti Tondo(Bargello), the lost cartoon for the fresco of the Battle of Cascina and the marble statue of David (Academy Gallery), which was placed outside the entrance to Palazzo Vecchio as a symbol of the Florentine Republic but also of the Renaissance ideals of free men and masters of fate. Some times later (probably 1507) he painted the Doni Tondo (Uffizi). On Michelangelo's return to Rome, Pope Julius II gave him a commission that was to weigh heavily on him for over forty years: the monumental tomb of the Pope, conceived as a typical classical mausoleum that united sculpture and painting. In 1508 the Pope gave him another extremely important task to carry out: the decoration of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. This man managed to decorate the five hundred square metre area in four years of very hard work and this Neoplatonic interpretation of the Book of Genesis fully expresses the artistic шедевров: «Дони Тондо» (Уффици), «Питти Тондо» (Барджелло), наброскам для фресок «битвы Кашины» и мраморной статуи «Давида» (Галерея Академии), которая была размещена у входа в Палаццо Веккьо, как символ Второй республики, а также эпохи Возрождения — идеала свободных людей , мастеров собственной судьбы. По возвращении Микеланджело в Рим, папа Юлий II дал ему чрезвычайно важную задачу: украшение купола Сикстинской капеллы. Пятьсот квадратных метров площади были им расписаны в течение четырех лет очень тяжелой работы. В последующие годы он работал в базилике СанЛоренцо во Флоренции, опять же под патронажем Медичи, в первую очередь над дизайном


above: Bandini Pietà Museo dell'Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence on the right: Portrait of Lorenzo de'Medici Duca di Urbino Cappelle Medicee, Firenze

Frilli Gallery Sculpture Art Studio in Florence Since 1860


ince 1860 Frilli Gallery is a manufacturer of handcarved marble and hand-chiselled bronze sculptures for interior and garden decoration. The Gallery presents a wide range of Greek, Roman, Classical, Renaissance, Art Nouveau and Contemporary statues. The top quality replicas produced are highly valued “lost wax” bronze castings from original molds or hand carved white Carrara marbles, alabasters and stones. During 150 years of activity, Frilli Gallery has become the name of reference for private collectors , hotels, i nterior designers, worldwide museums. Over the years Frilli Gallery pieces have been purchased by royal families, shown at international exhibitions . Throughout this time, the Frilli Gallery has remained true to its mission: to bring “authentic” replicas of pieces of classic and modern sculpture to contemporary residences, villas and parks. “Authentic” replicas may sound as a contradiction in itself. But not many people know that replicas were already popular in antiquity. Most of the classical pieces shown in museums today are actually replicas of lost originals that became even more popular in the Renaissance as Roman and Greek art was rediscovered. There are few private art galleries in the world that can still bring new emotions to the visitors. The Frilli Gallery in Florence is one of those. Masterful replicas to be touched, caressed probed freely with your own hand, fingers. This experience will not leave one unmoved.


1860-го года Галерея Фрилли является изготовителем произведений из инкрустированного мрамора и бронзовых статуй ручной работы для интерьера и садовых декораций. Галерея представляет широкий спектр статуй в греческом, римском, классическом стиле, в стиле эпохи Ренессанса, стиле «модерн» и современном стиле. Высококачественные копии, сделанные с применением техники «потерянного воска» из бронзового литься с использованием подлинных опалубок или выполненные вручную из белого каррарского мрамора, алебастрового камня и других каменных материалов. В течении 151 года деятельности Галерея Фрилли стала отправным пунктом для многих коллекционеров, отелей, дизайнеров интерьера, а также музеев всего мира. За эти годы произведения Галереи Фрилли заказывались королевскими династиями и выступали в качестве экспонатов на международных выставках. Миссия Галереи Фрилли заключается в том, чтобы украшать «подлинными» частицами классической и современной скульптуры нынешние резиденции, виллы и парки. «Подлинные» копии — звучит противоречиво на первый взгляд. Однако, немногие знают, что копии имели огромную популярность уже в древности. Большинство классических произведений, выставляемых на показ в музеях, на самом деле являются копиями утерянных подлинников, которые приобрели особое признание в эпоху Возрождения, когда имело место переосмысление канонов красоты древнегреческого и древнеримского искусства.

Via dei Fossi 26r - Florence - phone/fax +39.055.210212 - www.frilligallery.com

personality | michelangelo

ideals of the Renaissance. In the years that followed he worked on the Basilica of San Lorenzo in Florence, again under Medici patronage, first on the design for the facade (1516, later interrupted) and then on the construction of the New Sacristy (1520-34) - opposite the Old Sacristy by Brunelleschi -, with the tombs of Giuliano Duke of Nemours and Lorenzo Duke of Urbino. Here the rules of composition and the Humanistic sense of space are placed in discussion and the dialectic relationship between the architectural elements already expresses the Mannerist doubts. Between 1527 (the Sack of Rome) and 1530 (the siege of Florence), Michelangelo directed the building of the fortifications for the Florentine Republic but, with the fall of the city to Clement VII, he went back to work for the Medici family. Michelangelo spent the last twenty years of his life working in the field of architecture: he started the construction of the Laurentian Library in Florence (later completed following his project and designs by Niccolò Tribolo, Giorgio Vasari and Bartolomeo Ammannati), designed Piazza del Campidoglio and, modifying the project of Bramante, also built the Cupola of St. Peter's in Rome. His last sculptures, carried out between 1547 and 1555, developed the subject of the Pietà: the Palestrina Pietà (Academy), the Bandini Pietà (Museum of the Opera del Duomo), the Rondanini Pietà (Milan, Castle Sforzesco). Michelangelo died in Rome at the age of eighty-nine. His mortal remains were removed from Rome in secret by his nephew to Florence where he is buried in the Holy Cross Church.


above: Tondo Doni, Uffizi Gallery, Firenze

фасада (1516), а затем над строительством новых ризниц (1520-34). Между 1527 и 1530 годами, Микеланджело работал в Флорентийской республике, его работа была направлена на строительство укреплений, но с падением Климента VII, он вернулся на работу в семью Медичи. Микеланджело провел последние двадцать лет своей жизни, работая в области архитектуры: он завершил строительство Лаврентьевской библиотеки во Флоренции, перестроил Пьяцца дель Капитолии и, изменив проект Браманте, построил Купол собора Святого Петра в Риме. Его последние скульптуры, выполненные им между 1547 и 1555 годами , это вариации на тему знаменитой Пьета: Палестрина Пьета (академия), Пьета в Домском соборе Флоренции (Музей Опера дель Дуомо), Пьета Ронданини (Милан, Кастелло Сфорцеско). После его смерти, его останки были востребованы Флоренцией, они в конечном итоге были втайне вывезены из Рима племянником Маэстро .

itinerary | cappelle medicee

Leonardo Morozzi Concierge Grand Hotel Baglioni +39.055.23580 introduces

The austere construction that hosts the Medici Chapels, created by the family as a huge mausoleum, can be reached from the apse of the Church of San Lorenzo in Piazza Madonna degli Aldobrandini. It is composed of two main parts, the New Sacristy, commissioned to Michelangelo by the Medici Pope Leo X in 1519, and the great Chapel of the Princes where the Grand Dukes of Tuscany and their families are buried, which dates from a century later and is lined throughout with marble and semiprecious stones. From entrance the visit of the museum starts with the Crypt (probably designed by Bernardo Buontalenti) underneath the Chapel of the Princes. The tombstones of the Grand Dukes, their wives and immediate family can be seen on the floor of this low vaulted room. Here a rich collection of 17th-18th century reliquaries linked to the magnificent grand ducal patronage is arranged in a series of glass cases. Two staircases lead up to the Chapel of the Princes above. This sumptuous octagonal environment

above: Michelangelo, the tomb of Giuliano Duke of Neimours


is 28 metres wide and topped by the cupola of San Lorenzo, which reaches a height of 59 metres, the second in grandeur in the city after the cupola by Brunelleschi. It was conceived by Cosimo I, but not carried out until later by his successor Ferdinando I, who, in 1605, commissioned the architect Matteo Nigetti to build it on a design by Don Giovanni de' Medici. Its dazzling splendour comes from the rich inlay work typical of Florence, and the glorious Opificio delle Pietre Dure (Hard Stone Workshop) that was created especially to carry it out. This typically Florentine form of art is still practiced, especially for the decoration of furniture and vases, and reached its greatest heights here, even though the funereal key of the work meant using the more subdued and sombre colours of porphyry and granite.

Капеллы Медичей Аскетичное здание , в которой находятся Капеллы Медичей было создано как гигантский мавзолей ,вы можете найти спустившись со ступеней церкви Сан Лоренцо на площади Мадонны дей Альдобрандини . Они состоят из двух частей, одна из которых Новая Ризница созданная Микеланджело начиная с 1519 года, и большая Капелла дей Принчипи (капелла принцев), где покоятся Великие герцоги Тосканы и их семьи, которая относится к следующему веку . Капеллы полностью покрыты мрамором и полудрагоценными камнями. Склеп это первый зал от входа в музей. Богатая коллекция церквных реликвий XVII-XVIII веков является свидетельством великолепия меценатства великих герцогов. Лестница ведет в Капелла дей Принчипи.Этот роскошный восьмигранный зал 28 метров длинны венчает купол

Cappelle Medicee between past and present

Сан Лоренцо и достигает высоты 59 метров. Этот купол является вторым по величине после купола Брунелески. Постройку начал Козимо I, но закончена она была при его преемнике Фердинанде I, который в 1604 году заказал архитектору Меттео Нигетти достройку по проекту Дон Джованни Медичи. Их ослепительное великолепие привнес знаменитый флорентийский инкрустатор благодаря знаменитому Заводу Твердых Камней. Эта типично флорентийская декоративная форма мебели и керамики наиболее ярко выражена именно в


itinerary | cappelle medicee

More colorful stones were instead used for the wainscoting, together with mother-of-pearl, lapis lazuli and coral, in order to reproduce the coats of arms of the sixteen Tuscan cities loyal to the Medici family. The niches were supposed to contain statues of the Grand Dukes, but only those of Ferdinando I and Cosimo II were actually carried out, both of them by Pietro Tacca between 1626 and 1642. The other grand ducal tombs belong to Cosimo I (1519-1574), Cosimo II (the

on the right: Michelangelo, Lorenzo, Duke of Urbino below:

Michelangelo, Detail from the tomb of Giuliano, Duke of Nemours

этом зале. По проекту в нишах должны были находиться статуи великих герцогов, но были реализованы только статуи Фердинанда I и КозимоII. Новая Ризница была построена в несколько этапов Микеланджело в период с 1521 по 1534 года . Попасть в нее можно из корридора из Капелла дей Принчипи. Свой проект Микеланджело основал на идее Брунелески для Старой Ризницы, но при этом сделал разделение пространства более сложным , с приглушенными арками которые чередуются с пространствами аспидов, создал углубления для монуметальных усыпальниц для Джулиано герцога Немоурс и его племянника Лоренцо герцога Урбино , с изумительными скульптурами Аллегории Времен, расположенными выше. Статуи смотрят в центр капеллы где Микеланджело расположил статую Мадонны с младенцем во чреве. Декорации капелл заканчивают статуи Святых Козьмы и Дамиано, реализованные


itinerary | cappelle medicee

below: Michelangelo, Aurora (The Dawn)


successor of Ferdinando I, 1590-1621) and Cosimo III (who succeeded Ferdinando II, 1643-1723). The sarcophagi are really empty and the real remains of the Grand Dukes and their families (about fifty major and minor figures), up to Anna Maria Luisa de' Medici (the last heir of the dynasty, 1667-1743), are preserved in simple environments underneath the crypt. The New Sacristy was built in various stages by Michelangelo between 1520 and 1534 and can be reached along a corridor from the Chapel of the Princes. Michelangelo based his design on the same plan that Brunelleschi had used for the Old Sacristy though he divided the area into more complex shapes, with triumphal arches opening out onto apse-like spaces. He created recesses in the two side walls to hold the monumental tombs dedicated to Giuliano Duke of Nemours and his nephew Lorenzo Duke of Urbino. Two sculptures dedicated to the Allegories of Time are placed on top of each tomb and, above these, one statue

with the portrait of the Dukes. Michelangelo chose the subject of Day and Night for the tomb of Giuliano deĂ­ Medici, seated, with a proud bearing; and Dawn and Dusk for that of Lorenzo, shown in a melancholy and thoughtful pose. Both the statues look towards the centre of the chapel where Michelangelo carried out and placed a Madonna with Jesus on her lap. By looking towards the sacred likeness, the dukes express the religious inclinations of the artist, who believed that only spirituality and religion can give relief and set manĂ­s mind at ease when all earthly glories are past. The decoration of the chapel is completed by the statues of Sts. Cosmas and Damian by collaborators of Michelangelo. Lorenzo the Magnificent and his brother Giuliano de' Medici are buried under the simple basement where is the statue of the Madonna, as Michelangelo never found the time to build them a monumental tomb, in fact, he left Florence forever in 1534, leaving the chapel uncompleted.

itinerary | cappelle medicee

Микеланджело . Лоренцо Великолепный и его брат Джулиано де Медичи были погреблены под алтарем - у Микеланджело не было времени построить для них монументальную усыпальницу, так как он оставил Флоренцию навеки в 1534 году , так и не достроив капеллу.и была украшена статуей Изобилия в 1721 мастером Джован Баттиста Фоджини города. Постройка Колонны относится к 1431 году и была украшена статуей Изобилия в 1721 мастером Джован Баттиста Фоджини к 1431 году и была украшена статуей Изобилия в 1721 мастером Джован Баттиста Фоджини города. Постройка Колонны относится к 1431 году и была украшена статуей Изобилия в 1721 мастером Джован Баттиста Фоджини к 1431 году и была украшена статуей Изобилия в 1721 мастером Джован Баттиста Фоджини города. Постройка Колонны относится к 1431 году и была украшена статуей Изобилия в 1721 мастером Джован Баттиста Фоджини к 1431 году и был


on the right: Monumental Tomb of Granduke Ferdinand I next page: Interior fo the Cappella dei Principi

Cappelle medicee Piazza Madonna degli Aldobrandini, 6 Tel. 055.294883 Open 8.15-13.50 - Closed 2nd, 4th Sunday; 1st, 3rd, 5th Monday of month. www.firenzemusei.it


domo - F.LLI tRAvERsARI








Shopping Map

A. uGoLInI A. uGoLInI

moREschI moREschI

bEmpoRAd bEmpoRAd

scuoLA scuoLA dEL cuoIo dEL cuoIo

ottIno ottIno

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Oltre 100 anni di tradizione - Le migliori confezioni italiane e straniere A tradition of over one hundred years - The best fashions from Italy and abroad

The refined Bemporad boutique in Via dei Calzaiuoli, just off beautiful Piazza della Signoria, has been one of the most prestigious names in clothing in Florence since 1885. Here the experience and competence matured in over a century makes it possible to offer a wide selection of products: exclusive classical and ceremonial collections from the best houses of fashion as well as a vast selection of sports and casual wear for all occasions. The large show room contains a huge assortment of refined fashions, evening wear, coats, raincoats and sheepskin jackets and overcoats for men and women. The huge collection of skirts, suits and outfits for women or jackets and trousers for men is completed by accessories and ties, available in many models and designs. The experienced staff can help the client decide what to add to his wardrobe or propose original and elegant solutions for special events. Large or extra-large sizes no longer need to renounce perfect elegance or a preferred colour or material, because Bemporad’s made-to-measure fashion service offers qualified solutions for tailored clothing. After the client has chosen the most suitable drop and selected the material he prefers, the prestigious Florentine tailor’s shop will make him up an elegant piece of clothing, all by hand, right there inside the boutique. Highly qualified craftsmen use their wonderful manual skills to create articles of clothing that bear some of the most prestigious labels. One of the most important aspects of Bemporad tailoring is the choice of classical and sporting quality textiles, produced in a wide choice of materials, designs and shades by prestigious Italian and British fashion houses. Bemporad is also: Valentino, Canali, Mabrun, Cinzia Rocca and Gimo’s. С 1885 Bemporad одна из самых престижных марок одежды во Флоренции с большим ассортиментом элегантных вещей высокого класса: вечерние платья и костюмы, пальто, плащи, дубленки и верхняя мужская и верхняя одежда, юбки, деловые женские костюмы. Опытные продавцы-консультанты смогут помочь Вам в выборе комплекта одежды наиболее отвечающего Вашим требованиям и предложить решение как элегантное, так и оригинальное для Ваших специальных выходов. Стоит посмотреть коллекцию одежды из кожи высочайшего качества , которая прославила марку Bemporad во всем мире. Для клиентов с мягкими размерами или размером экстра ладж есть сервис «мода по размеру», который гарантирует элегантность в цвете и материале который вы выбираете. Прямо в бутике, после выбора размера и ткани которая Вам подходит, ателье высочайшего уровня пошьет полностью вручную, одежду экстра качества, элегантную и рафинированную. Необходимая характеристика ателье Bemporad это качество используемых тканей. Широкий выбор материалов, рисунков и оттенков как классических , английского стиля так и спортивных, изготовленных престижными фирмами Италии и Англии. Собственная лаборатория ателье предлагает также возможность персонализировать и подогнать под размер всю одежду бутика.

Tutte le misure in pelle e tessuto per uomo e donna All sizes for men and women in leatherwear and textiles


dal 1885


Via dei Calzaiuoli, 11-13-15-17r. - Tel. 055.216833/2648410 fax 055.216833

shopping | rimowa


The perfect combination of tradition & innovation RIMOWA Store Firenze Via Porta Rossa 95r - Tel. +39.055.2382635 info@rimowastorefirenze.it www.rimowa.com Opening hours: Monday – Saturday: 10.00 a.m. – 7.00 p.m. Sunday: 11.00 a.m. – 7.00 p.m.

Besides its historic district and its amazing cultural heritage, Florence has one more attraction to offer. RIMOWA, the luxury travel brand known for its quality, the technological advancement of its products and the instantly recognizable grooved design, has opened its first store in Florence. The store is located in an ideal city center location on Via Porta Rossa, in a wonderful fourteenth-century building. The elaborately restored facilities underline the classy, elegant design of the new RIMOWA store – the perfect environment for the exclusive cases. Besides Milan, Florence already is the second store in Italy. Worldwide RIMOWA has about 100 stores to present the beautiful range of traditional aluminum and high-tech polycarbonate cases. The RIMOWA factory (named after Richard Morszeck, the son of the founder) has been based in Cologne since 1898 and is now in the third generation of family management under owner Dieter Morszeck. With a long history in Cologne, the family business has grown to conquer the travel industry and is now one of the world’s leading premium brands in the luggage segment. In 1937 RIMOWA revolutionized the world of travel when it developed the first-ever lightweight metal suitcase using aircraft aluminum. Since then, the grooved appearance has become the trademark feature of the long-established company. It is no surprise that the elegant design and especially light material of


shopping | rimowa

the products have always been admired by cosmopolitan people who appreciate good style. For around 116 years, the headquarters and internal production facilities of the company have been located in Cologne. Of the 200 processes involved in making a suitcase, most are carried out by hand. ‘We make no compromises when it comes to the quality of our products,’ says Dieter Morszeck, President and CEO of RIMOWA. "Made in Germany" and "German Engineering" mean: outstanding materials, brilliant technology and extraordinary product design, crafted to the highest possible quality. The characteristic grooves in the outer shell of a RIMOWA design make it unmistakable at first sight. Even without a visible logo – when used as a prop in many international film productions, for example – the ‘luggage with the grooves’ is easily recognizable.

above: Rimowa Store Florence on the left: Rimowa Topas Cabin Multiwheel IATA prevoius page: Rimowa Classic Flight Cabin Multiwheel IATA


shopping | gazzarrini

Valigeria Gazzarrini

Via Porta Rossa, 71-73r Tel. +39.055.212747 www.valigeriagazzarrini.com www.luxuryluggage.it


Until the beginning of the Nineteenth century, in Porta Rossa, at number 13, now 71/73r, was located a shop for production and commerce of saddles and suitcases. In 1911, Giuseppe Gazzarrini, who worked there bought the firm, and specialized in suitcases. The Gazzarrinis, continued with the business in the same place for four generations, with an always renewed commitment. In the Twenties, the firm attended national and international exhibits, with important recognition for the productions’ quality. Despite the 1966 flood damage, the Gazzarrini family activity carried on, so much so, that the firm was the first in Florence to introduce “rigid suitcases”, an American novelty. The fine leather sector, traditionally a quality sector, has its own standing among the best Italian products for the accuracy of the craftsmanship. Here you will find countless precious leather goods and travel accessories, including the brands Porsche Design, Samsonite and Rimowa. The prestigious line Longchamp (of which Gazzarrini is exclusive dealers) completes the bags line. Valigeria Gazzarrini has recently opened a new e-commerce platform called Luxuryluggage. Here you will find the best softside and hardside luggages, shoulderbargs, backpacks and bags from universally acknowledged brands such as Samsonite, Labiena, Orobianco, Tumi and Eastpak. The site offers an exclusive Shop on-Line Live experience: a service that allows you to contact the seller and have immediate feedback to all of your questions or to have a Personal Shopper that a will show live online the desired products and get in touch with what you are going to buy.

shopping | malìparmi

Malìparmi Thanks to its products, interior styling and welcoming atmosphere, the Malìparmi boutique in Via del Parione 11, Florence, is perfect for describing Malìparmi world and women and therefore is both ideal for shopping and perfect as a meeting-place. Colour, prints and embroidery characterise the craftsmanship in the 2014 Spring Summer Gathering collection. The geometric patterns and graphics stand out for their pictorial lines, while embroidered, printed or quilted flowers blend in with painted brushstroke strips in various shades. Cashmere spirals and Mediterranean tiles are inspired by the colours of the sky and the sea. The Malìparmi silhouette meets up with the taste of many different types of women: the more masculine types wear trousers with overlays that give them a special look, while the more feminine prefer dresses or skirts with jackets or very feminine buttoned blouses, or, alternatively, long shirt-dresses, for a more informal style, coupled with infrabijoux®. Fine craftsmanship can be seen in the handbags with their two-toned black and white interlaced leathers or in crocheted raffia, which gives them an urban style, or in the beaded and sequined embroidery used for the clutch bags. The footwear includes the laced shoes with small contrasting perforations or patch sandals with touches of colour and multi-coloured tassels and, of course, flat or medium heeled infrabijoux®, which combine femininity with dignity and comfort. The Malìparmi collection is composed of a great many “unique” handcrafted and decorated elements, with which any woman can identify herself and freely mix colours, prints and embroideries to create varying degrees of eccentricity.

Via del Parione, 11 Tel. +39.055.2717706 boutiquefirenze@maliparmi.it www.maliparmi.it



The Romanelli Studio and Gallery, founded in 1860, is located in a charming historical building in the artistic heart of Florence, the Oltrarno. Here one may find not only a Gallery full of magnificent sculptures but, also an active Studio where the fifth generation of Romanelli sculptors continues to work. Raffaello Cosimo Romanelli specialises in portraits and offers an extraordinary chance to model for him and get an exclusive bust created, which can be produced in plaster, bronze or marble. The Studio also provides the opportunity to attend sculpture classes and courses for all levels, focused on clay modelling, plaster and bronze casting and marble sculpting. According to its long-standing tradition, the Gallery keeps realizing works on commission as well as high-quality replicas in plaster, bronze and marble. The sculptures produced by the studio are easily delivered directly to destinations around the world. Apart from attracting art lovers’ attention, the Gallery appeals to architects, interior designers and those searching for unique, decorative artworks.

Borgo San Frediano 70 - 50124 Firenze T +39 055 2396047 www.raffaelloromanelli.com Monday to Saturday : 10.00-13.00 / 15.30-19.00

Студия и Галерея Романелли, основанная в 1860-ом году, расположена в очень красивом историческом здании в самом центре старинной Флоренции, в районе Олтрарно. Здесь можно не только полюбоваться великолепными статуями, представленными в Галерее, но и посетить действующую Студию, где и по сей день вот уже пятое поколение семьи Романелли продолжает творить статуи. Рафаэлло Козимо Романелли специализируется на портретах и предоставляет уникальный шанс стать для моделью для создания эксклюзивного бюста, который может быть выполнен из гипса, бронзы или мрамора. Студия также предоставляет возможность посещать школу искусства скульптуры с курсами для любого уровня. В Галерее выставлены как работы, выполненные под заказ, так и высококачественные копии из гипса, бронзы и мрамора. Скульптуры, производимые в Студии, легко могут быть отправлены в любую точку мира. Галерея является центром притяжения для ценителей искусства, архитекторов, дизайнеров интерьера и всех тех, кто выискивает уникальные предметы декоративного искусства.

As seen on Lonely Planet, Blue Guide, House & Garden, Marie Claire Maison, Sunday Telegraph, BBC and Travel Channel

shopping | arts & crafts

The glorious traditions of

Florentine craftsmanship Michelangelo, Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, Cellini great artists, but great artisans. The hand skills were essential to express their undisputed genius. This spirit, knowing how to use the hands giving life to unique objects, has been preserved over time. It is part of the DNA of Tuscany. The handicraft workshop, although transformed over the years, is still now a school where one learns a profession, where the culture of things hand-made, of the taste and of the genius is exalted and handed down. The traditional craftwork lies at the basis of most of the great houses of fashion because they have always made use of the creative talents and manual skills of the local craftsmen, skills usually passed down from father to son, to produce their wares. Florence is therefore a fascinating place to explore when searching for handmade articles. Ornate jewellery, beautiful handmade paper, high quality leather bound books, personalized mosaics and uniquely designed purses and bags are only a few of the treasures hidden within the city. The quality displayed in this craftwork is one of Florence’s distinguishing qualities, giving visitors a reason to make their way into local shops.

Микеланджело, Брунеллески, Джиберти,Челлини были великими мастерами, но прежде всего они являются духом и частью ДНК Тосканы. Ремесленные лавочки до сих пор являются главным мотором экономики характерным для Тосканы, лежат основе преизводства знаменитых Домов Моды представленых на территории. Флоренция, таким образом, со своими тысячами ремесленных лавок открытых для посещения идеальный пункт для начала изучения ремесленного мастерства made-in-italy.

shopping | arts & crafts

Parri's The woman who visits Parri's is a woman looking for something distinctive. A woman who feels the need to add some really exclusive items to her wardrobe, something with that ‘extra touch’ of newness and uniqueness. One of those clothes to wear when you want to get noticed while walking in the street. Impossible, in fact, to not attract attention while wearing bags and clothes in exotic leather. Parri's is synonymous with leather of the highest quality, especially exotic skin and hides. Its leather objects in crocodile, ostrich, python and iguana come from a strict selection of breeding farms. Entering the shop in Via Guicciardini 18/r in Florence, you will be greeted by the courtesy of Mr. Marco Nardi and his staff, and led to the upstairs showroom through a path full of charm. Wrapped in a delicate fragrance of leather, you will access a colorful world of bags, belts and polychromatic refined clothes, you will be spoiled by the great choice of colors and sizes. All creations are handcrafted by the workshop Bianchi and Nardi, which guarantees impeccable quality control, the finest raw materials and a very high standard of craftsmanship. A video in the store hall shows the skilful work process on the hides, a top level quality that only ten years' experience is able to offer. Parri's tailors custom clothes and make changes in the shortest times, even one day. That is why its customers - among which, the Queen of Holland - have been rewarding the workshop with their loyalty for more than 50 years.

Via Guicciardini, 18r Tel. +39.055.282829 www.parris.it


shopping | arts & crafts

Fratelli Traversari Daniele and Letizia are the fourth generation of the family Traversari devoted, with rare craftsmanship, to the art of creating mosaics. "Our great-grandfather’s workshop was in his house. At that time his specialisation was the creation of refined costume jewelry, objects which are still in our production." From generation to generation the Traversari have guarded secrets and techniques that no school can teach. A tradition began in the end of the Nineteenth century. Three are the craft techniques used to carry out the famous artistic masterpieces: mosaic with cut Murano glass, micromosaic with Murano glass canes and Florentine mosaic in natural semi-precious stones. In the first, the glass tesserae are hand-shaped, one by one, then laid on the supports; in the second, the glass is reduced into rods of different thickness, and their length is tens of meters.In the showroom in Via Senese 68/r, the finished artworks which fill the shelves are joined by

workshop: Via Senese, 68b Tel. +39.055.221685 DOMO SHOP: Via della Scala, 19r Tel. +39.055.2381343 www. traversarimosaici.it


the many thin coloured glass canes similar to "spaghettis," raw material for the creation of the most subtle nuances in the compositions. A marvel. Finally, the result of the Florentine mosaic in natural semi-precious stones are artworks created by this traditional inlay technique of cut and fitted stones, that reproduce images through their natural colours. Pride of the Traversari are objects created on commission, like reproductions of the tabletops preserved in the Museum Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence. The original works are also wonderful, created from the sketch to the very last tessera, in months and months of careful craftmanship, or mosaic reproductions of famous sculptures, like Michelangelo’s Pietà. Authentic beauty and uniqueness of the pieces: even the frames are carved by hand. Owning a mosaic Traversari means preserving a unique and original piece of art, because it is handmade in Italy: you will never find another one like yours in the entire world.

shopping | arts & crafts

Scuola del Cuoio Santa Croce is one of the most important churches and monasteries in Italy. In the ancient dormitory of the Novitiates, frescoed by the school of Ghirlandaio, Scuola del Cuoio offers a memorable experience in the heart of Florence's leather craftsmanship, by sharing with its guests the atmosphere of a Renaissance workshop. Their master craftsmen create a variety of products, blending tradition with contemporary taste. Witness the Florentine art of engraving leather with gold. Admire exquisite calfskin, ostrich or crocodile bags that are proof of the daily commitment to the highest artisanal quality. Everything rigorously "fatto a mano". After many years following the designs and techniques of the master craftsmen, Laura, Francesca, Barbara and Tommaso, daughters and grandson of the founder Marcello Gori, create collections of exclusive products, offering a unique bespoke service. The staff of Scuola del Cuoio will be glad to welcome visitors to witness first-hand the authenticity of its "Made in Firenze". Scuola Del Cuoio welcomes groups for guided technical visits (approximate duration: 1 hour) that includes a demonstration of the gilding of the leather with 22 kt gold and an outlook on the historical and cultural background of the leather craftsmanship in Florence, as well as an explanation on the various techniques and materials in use and a full display of the collections. Visits can be reserved Monday to Friday, from 10.30 to 12.30 and from 14.30 to 16.30. Maximum number of participants for each visit is 20. To reserve a visit, send an email to info@scuoladelcuoio.com with the date and time you wish to schedule. Scuola del Cuoio continues to enroll students and offer scholarships to need-based applicants reaffirming the important social commitment that has distinguished Scuola del Cuoio from its inception. Full courses range from three months to full year and short courses are offered from even three hours to a week for students, visitors and tourists alike. Piazza Santa Croce, 16 (through the Church) or Via San Giuseppe, 5r (through the garden) Tel. +39.055.244534 www.scuoladelcuoio.com


shopping | arts & crafts

Ottino The firm's pride and long tradition date back to 1830 when, soon after the opening, the royal and aristocratic families of Europe chose its leather creations. Exclusive shopping destination in Florence, the store later became official supplier of the Royal House of Savoy, hence the coat of arms in the brand. In 2011, Ottino was guest of Officine Grandi Riparazioni di Torino, at the great opening ceremony for the 150th, anniversary of Italy’s unification, with the other Royal official suppliers. This long tradition continues to this day, with the creation of a wide range of bags: briefcases, satchels and traveling bags and you can also find wallets and belts. All these items are made in top quality leather and fabric. The production is also enriched with a selection of scarves and shawls in cashmere and silk, all in appealing designs and colors. A special praise goes to the new and very stylish line of luggage. The concept of suitcase has changed within the years: today style must be combined with functionality; these principles have inspired Ottino for this new line: simple, smart, elegant and yet practical like Ottino. Times have changed and so have trends, but not Ottino’s originality and elegance which have remained in line with the evolution of taste and quality. Via Porta Rossa, 69r - Tel. +39.055.212139 www.ottino.com

Indaco: the Healing Stones Indaco is a new concept store dedicated to the healing properties of stones. As you enter this unique place, with the walls and vaulted ceiling painted with intertwining plants and rocks that open onto an indigo sky, you almost immediately get wrapped by a feeling of wellbeing and relaxation. In this magical atmosphere, the skill and experience of jewelery designer Rita Simonetta Frascione will help you choose the stones that better suit your personality, according to their beneficial properties, to create a unique and personalized jewel. Indaco creations are handcrafted using semi-precious stones, fossils and minerals of rare origin, mounted in silver, brass and copper. Borgo San Jacopo 76r - Tel. +39.055.291111


shopping | arts & crafts

Alvise Giustinian

Antique Clocks & Jewels Nuti A stylish shop located at the end of Via della Scala, almost in Piazza Santa Maria Novella and recognizable both for the wonderful decorated windows dating back from the first half of the XX century, and or the elegant and antique table clocks, on sale. An ideal place for lovers of pocket watches, wrist watches or wall pendulums, here you will also find antique clocks and vintage watches of various brands such as Longines or Omega everything full working, original in all their parts and guaranteed. The shop is also specializes in the repair and reconstruction of old clocks gears and inner parts, artisans of great know-how, quality and reliability in their work from more than fifty years. The activity started in 1956 by Valerio Nuti when he was only fourteen years old, first while studying at the school of watchmaking, then practicing in the Florentine workshops and specializing in the repair of antique clocks. His passion for this work and his experience has been handed down to his daughter Claudia, who continues the family business of repairing and selling antique clocks and eventually supplementing it with the sale of vintage jewelry. Having worked for the most ancient and noble Florentine families, the Nutis are able to repair watches of rare beauty. Via della Scala, 10r - Tel. +39.055.294594 antichiorologi@gmail.com


For over 30 years Alvise Giustinian, named after a 13th century Venetian Doge, has been selecting blown glass objects of rare beauty produced by the skilled glass makers of Murano, a small island in the Venetian lagoon worldly famous for this craft. Here you can find some really beautiful hand blown and designed glassware, each one a unique piece, some locally made, some from elsewhere, for crafted glass cannot be produced in series. Here you will be able to find murano glass chandeliers both in the venetian style or out of modern design, precious jars and other household items as well as elegant murrina glass jewels. Alvise Giustinian products are the fruit of collaboration with several designers and architects from all over the world. Alvise Giustinian can ship your purchase with adequate packaging throughout the world. Corso Tintori, 19r - Tel. +39.055.2466295 www.alvisegiustinian.com

focus | frilli gallery

Frilli Gallery

Two major projects for this coming Spring From April 8th till April 13th the Frilli Gallery will be at the International Salone del Mobile Fair in Milan. Our marble and bronze statues will be exhibited inside the Pavillion 3, booth B29. During the fair, Frilli Gallery will host a live session of marble sculpting, bringing a 4 tons white Carrara marble block to its stand. One of Frilli master craftsman, directly from the Frilli Gallery Marble Studio in Pietrasanta, will show how to hand carve a faithful full size replica of the famous "Kiss" by Rodin. At the fair, we will present the Frilli Limited Edition collection of medium and small bronzes, replicas of classical pieces of sculpture. Precious gold leaf details and gilded patinas make each piece unique. We look forward to welcoming you at the next Salone del Mobile International Fair in Milan!

On March 29th, the Guild of the Dome Association in collaboration with the Dr. Bhau Daji Lad Museum, will open the exhibition "The Florentine Renaissance: the city as the crucible of arts" in Mumbai, India. The mission of the Guild is: "sharing universal value through art"-www.guildofthedome.org The full size museum quality replica of the Gates of Paradise, cast by the Frilli Gallery will be the centerpiece of the exhibition. It took Lorenzo Ghiberti from 1425 through 1452 to complete this acclaimed masterpiece of the florentine renaissance. The Renaissance in Florence was the result of humanism, artistic innovation, technical mastery, organizational skills, international contacts and wealth, all contributing to the artistic and economic development of the city and its territory in the first decades of the 15th century, and thus setting new standards. For these reasons, the exhibition will show the Gates of Paradise not as an isolated token of artistic and technical excellence, but within the urban and historical context which allowed its creation and formed the stage for the centuries to come. By doing so, the exhibition will present the replica of the bronze gates as an “ambassador” of Renaissance Florence, surrounding them with a collection of historical and contemporary photographs from the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence. The photographic exhibition and other visual material will allow the Indian public to experience the urban environment and the public spaces of Florence which were the stage and the expression of a dynamic world-open society. At the Frilli Gallery we are honoured and proud to contribute to the very first visit of Florentine Renaissance Art to India. Via dei Fossi, 26r - Tel. +39.055.210212 www.frilligallery.com



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Massimo Parlanti

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Michelangelo's David


itinerary | galleria dell'accademia

Galleria dell'Accademia Not just Michelangelo

The museum is situated in Via Ricasoli 60, just past the Academy of Fine Arts. Pietro Leopoldo, one of the most illuminated of the Lorraine Grand Dukes, commissioned this Gallery in 1784 by decreeing that all the schools of drawing in Florence were to be united into a single Academy (keeping to the same name and Statute conceived by Vasari in 1561) and that it was to contain a gallery of paintings by old masters to help the studies of the young artists. It is still here in the buildings that once belonged to the Hospital of San Matteo and to the nearby convent of San Niccolò. The Grand Duke also decided to include music (the Cherubini Conservatory of today) and restoration (the Opificio delle Pietre Dure) among the arts. This was a real citadel of the arts which occupied, and still occupies, almost the entire block between Piazza San Marco, via Ricasoli, via degli Alfani, piazza Santissima Annunziata e via Battisti. The buildings assumed their present appearance in 1935, when the open loggia onto St. Mark's Square, was discovered (ascribed to either Brunelleschi or Michelozzo, but really a work by an anonymous architect of the end of the XIV century). Both the Academy Gallery and the future classrooms were designed and restructured in 1781 by Gaspare Maria Paoletti. The first room contains the original plaster model by Giambologna for the marble sculptures of the Rape of the Sabines (the original statue is in the Signoria Square under the Loggia dei Lanzi) and paintings mainly from the early 16th century. Among the several works is the famous Adimari Cassone (around 1450), showing an elegant wedding procession, probably carried out by Masaccio's brother, Giovanni di Ser Giovanni known as Lo Scheggia, a Madonna and Child, attributed to Botticelli. In the futher room the powerful Prisoners (originally for the tomb of Julius II) and St. Matthew (1505) by Michelangelo act as a guard of honour to Michelangelo 's David (1501-4), in the beautifully lit Tribune - designed specifically by architect De Fabris- situated at the far end of this spectacular gallery. Substituted by a copy in Piazza della Signoria in 1873, the sculpture

Galleria dell'accademia Via Ricasoli, 60 - Tel. 055.294883 Open from 8.15.00 until 18.50 - Closed on Mondays www.uffizi.firenze.it/musei/accademia

Ruggero Vannini Chef Concierge Hotel Savoy +39.055.27351 introduces


itinerary | galleria dell'accademia

Галерея Академии

above: Annunciation Tryptchic, by Lorenzo Monaco


The Tree of Life, by Pacino di Bonaguida


Музей расположен на Вия Риказоли, 60, рядом с Академией изящных искусств. Пьетро Леопольдо, один из самых просвященных из Лотарингских великих князей, в 1784 году издал декрет, что все школы рисования во Флоренции должны были быть объединены в единую Академию (сохраняя в то же имя и Устав который был задуман Вазари в 1561 году ), и что галлерея Академии будет содержать картины старых мастеров, чтобы помочь в исследованиях молодых художников. Галлерея и сегодня находится на месте ее основания, в зданиях, которые когда-то принадлежали больнице Сан-Маттео рядом с монастырем Сан Николо. Великий князь также решил создать училище по изучению музыки ( сегодня консерватория Керубини) и восстановить (Гранильную мастерскую по твердым камням) среди искусств. Это была настоящая цитадель искусства, которая и до сих пор занимает почти целый квартал между площадью Сан-Марко площадью Сантиссима Аннунциата соединенные вия Риказоли или вия Дельи Альфани. Здание в нынешнем виде было восстановлено в 1935 году, с открытием лоджии на площади СанМарко, (приписывается либо Брунеллески или Микелоццо, но на самом деле работы неизвестного архитектора конца XIV столетия). Галерея Академии и будущие ее классы были спроектированы и реконструированы в 1781 году Гаспаре Мария Паолетти. Первая комната содержит оригинальную гипсовую модель Джамболонья для мраморных скульптур Похищение сабинянок (Лоджия деи Ланци) и работы 16-го века школы маньеризма. За ними следуют Пленники (первоначально для гробницы Юлия II), которые выступают в качестве почетного караула, знаменитый Давид Микеланджело (1502-4), в красиво освещенной трибуне - разработанной специально по проекту архитектора де Фабрис, расположенной в дальнем конце этой зрелищной галереи. Подлинник, находится в Галлерее , а знаменитая копия на площади Пьяцца делла Синьория была выставлена в 1873 году. Скульптура представляет собой героического юношу со спортивной фигурой, и являлась символом свободы Флорентийской республики . Справа от знаменитой статуи можно увидеть бронзовый бюст Микеланджело

itinerary | galleria dell'accademia

выполненый его учеником и другом Даниэле да Вольтерра, известным как "Брагеттоне" (человек, носящий широкий бриджи), который позже приказал покрыть обнаженные фигуры “ Страшного суда» Микеланджело драпировкой. Фламандские гобелены с изображением Истории Бытия, работы Ван Орли (1552), выставлены на стене позади Пленников и Матфея Микеланджело (1505). Так называемая Пьета Палестрина, которая, как полагают некоторые критики , не является на самом деле работой Микеланджело, а всего лишь работой его мастерской, находится далеее по правому краю. Далее следует серия работ, которые содержат известные Адимари Кассоне, изображая элегантную процессию свадьбы на площади Пьяцца Дуомо, вероятно, работы брата Мазаччо - Джованни ди сер Джованни (1420), Мадонна с Младенцем, приписываемая Боттичелли, и произведения флорентийских художников и Перуджино. Большая коллекция гипсовых слепков тосканских художников 19 века содержится в левом зале. У выхода можно найти несколько залов содержащих произведения искусства 13 и 14 веков, в том числе много картин учеников Джотто: Мария Магдалина Джотто, Пьета Джованни да Милано (1365), Рассказы святого Франциска и Христа Таддео Гадди . В последнем зале выставки прекрасная коллекция византийских и флорентийских художников того же периода. Если пройти вдоль вия Риказоли в сторону Кафедрального собора, то приходишь к Площади изящных искусств, где находится Музей музыкальных инструментов из консерватории Луиджи Керубини (в настоящее время закрыт на реставрацию). Музей полудрагоценных камней и мозаики находится далее по улице, по 78, вместе с Гранильней, которая первоначально была создана Фердинандо деи Медичи (1588) для создания великолепных украшений для часовни Великих князей в Сан-Лоренцо , и семейного Пантеона. Этот институт является уникальным в мире и воспитывает мастеров , которые впоследствии создают самые самобытные и оригинальные произведения во всех частях земного шара. Музей содержит мебель, картины, статуи, камеи, шкатулки и различные виды инкрустированных работ, выполненых из мрамора и полудрагоценных камней со всего мира.

above: Vallombrosa Alterpiece, by Pietro Perugino below:

Santo Stefano tra i santi Jacopo e Pietro, by Domenico Ghirlandaio


itinerary | accademia

represents a heroic and athletic figure, the symbol of the freedom of the Florentine Republic. Close to the Prisoners there is a bronze bust of Michelangelo by his collaborator and friend Daniele da Volterra, known as "Il Braghettone" (the painter of underwear) because he was later ordered to cover Michelangelo's nude figures in the Last Judgment with drapery. The so-called Palestrina PietĂ , which some critics believe is not by Michelangelo but by a follower of the artist, is placed further forward to the right. A large collection of plaster casts by 19th century Tuscan artists some of them active as masters in the colse Accademy of Fine arts is contained in the room on the left of the famous David. Near the exit one can find several


on the right: Detail of the Michelangelo's David below:

Cassone Adimari by Giovanni di Ser Giovanni, known as Lo Scheggia

itinerary | galleria dell'accademia

on the right: Agony in the Garden by Lorenzo Monaco

rooms containing 13th and 14th century works of art, including many paintings by pupils of Giotto: Mary Magdalen by an unknown master of the end of the 13th century, Stories of St. Francis and Christ by Taddeo Gaddi. Among the remarcable pieces of the museum is also a PietĂ by Giovanni da Milano (1365), and a fine collection of Byzantine and Florentine painters of the same period that can be found at the upper floor. In the Gallery can be seen also a section dedicated to the Musical Instruments collected by the Medici and Lorraine Grandukes of the Luigi Cherubini Conservatory. Close to the Accademia and the Cherubiny Conservatory is the Museum of Semi-precious Stones and Mosaics, together with the Opificio, which was originally set up by Ferdinando I dei Medici(1588) to create the magnificent decorations for the Chapel of the Princes in San Lorenzo. This institution is quite unique in the world and provides materials and highly specialized labour for original works and restoration in all parts of the globe. The museum contains furniture, paintings, statues, cameos, caskets and various kinds of inlaid work carried out in marble and semiprecious stones from all over the world.


itinerary | opera del duomo

Museo dell'Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore

the Treasures of the Cathedral

The Museum is part of an institution, the Opera del Duomo, set up in the late 13th century to superintend the construction of the new cathedral of Florence. The Opera moved to the present location in the 15th century. The new premises were housed in a palace built on an earlier cottage that stood next door to the kilns of the Lorenzo Ghiberti's workshop (where the artist smelted his bronze Doors for the Baptistery). Moreover it was also here that Michelangelo sculpted his famous David from a block of marble that had already been started by two less talented artists working for the Opera del Duomo. Once the basilica had been completed (1436), the Opera remained in function in order to take care of the religious complex composed of the Cathedral, the Baptistery and the Bell Tower. Untill today in the Operaís Bottega or workshop, closely linked to the museum, marble workers and stonemasons carry out the restoration and maintenance on all the art works and monuments. The Museum houses many works of art that, for reasons of conservation, have been removed from the Cathedral, the Baptistery and the Bell Tower, and therefore testifies to centuries of Florentine sculpture. Designed by architect Luigi del Moro, this important Church Museum opened to the public in 1891. Completely renovated after the 1966 flood, re-arranged in 1999 is partly closed for renovation at the moment. Is anyway possible to see the splendid Gate of Paradise created by Lorenzo Ghiberti for the Baptistery of St. John recently restored and the mooving Pietà started by the almost eighty years old Michelangelo with the intention to put it on his own tomb. Among the other pieces of the museum are the statues of the old facade (designed and started from the end of the thirteen century by Arnolfo di Cambio and demolished in 1587) including a huge statue of Bonifax VIII. The museum hosts as weel two Cantorias by Luca Della Robbia and Donatello, the Mary Magdalen in wood by Donatello, statues and panels originally located on the Bell Tower, paintings on gold, ancient codices, Brunelleschiís models for the cupola, the gilded Altar of San Giovanni (by Michelozzo, Verrocchio, Pollaiolo and Cennini, topped by the Cross by Pollaiolo), then also the Cathedral treasury, liturgical furnishings and hangings, as well as a vast collection of religious art (reliquaries, crosses, chasubles and pastoral staffs).

previous page from the left:

Arnolfo di Cambio Portrait of Bonifacio VIII Michelangelo Pietà Bandini

Enzo Calamini Chef Concierge Hotel Bernini Palace +39.055.288621 introduces


itinerary | Opera del duomo

Музей ди Санта Мария дель Фиоре

Mузей Домского собора, орган, созданный в конце 13 века для наблюдения за восстановлением собора во Флоренции, в настоящее время только один из памятников, находящихся в ведении Опера дель Дуомо. После завершения постройки базилики (1436), общество продолжает наблюдение за поддержанием религиозного комплекса, состоящего из Домского собора , Баптистерия и Колокольни. Музей, построенный Луиджи дель Моро открыт для посещений в 1891 году. Полностью отремонтированный после наводнения в 1966 году, был также отреставрирован в 1999 году , в нем находятся многие произведения искусства, которые, по соображениям лучшей консервации, были удалены из помещений собора и являются одной из крупнейших европейских коллекций, свидетельством истории флорентийской скульптуры .

above: Donatello, Madeleine on the right: Museo del'Opera del Duomo: the room of Bonifacio VIII


itinerary | Opera del duomo

Здесь вы можете найти оригинальные статуи работы Арнольфо ди Камбио украшавшие первый фасад собора, который был снесен в 1587 году. В музее оригинальные панели Гиберти для двери Баптистерия, святыни и древние рукописи. Он также содержит Пьета (Скорбь) работы Микеланджело, хоры работы Донателло и Лука делла Роббиа, Мария Магдалина в дереве, резки Донателло, панели и статуи для Колокольни, модели купола Брунеллески, сокровища из собора, и литургические облачения, а также золотой жертвенник Св. Иоанна (1366-1480) работ Микелоццо, Верроккьо, Поллайоло и Ченнини и великолепное Распятие работы Поллайоло. Музей также имеет большое количество скульптур римского периода которые были использованы в храме и большая коллекция реликвий религиозного искусства (реликварии, кресты, облачения и скипетры).

Museo dell'opera di santa maria del fiore Piazza del Duomo, 9 Tel.+39.055.23022885 Open everyday from 9.00 until 19.30 and on Sundays from 9.00 until 13.45 Closed on Easter day www.operaduomo.firenze.it


Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana You can find the entrance to the Laurentian Library to the left facing the facade of the beautiful Basilica of San Lorenzo inside the cloisters projected by Brunelleschi. The collection was started by Cosimo 'the Elder' and enlarged by his son Piero and Lorenzo the Magnificent. It is an extraordinarily rich library containing handwritten documents and illuminated manuscripts, purchased in the markets of the Orient by the merchants and agents in the Guild of Physicians from the time of Giovanni di Bicci, and further increased after the Council of Florence in 1439, when the Greek scholars who were part of the following of the Patriarch of Constantinople and the Emperor, stayed in the city and were welcomed with all honours. This cultural environment, which was generously hosted by Cosimo 'the Elder', was to nurture the ideals of Humanism, then in its earliest stages. The most important codes preserved here include the so-called "Codex Mediceus of Virgil" (4th-5th century), the Justinian "Pandects" (a digest of 6th century law that forms the basis of modern law), as well as the famous Amiatinus Bible, in other words, the oldest complete edition of the Bible with the text of the Vulgate of St. Jerome, and rare examples of Italian-Saxon illumination. The Laurentian Library building was started in the summer of 1524 by Michelangelo, who, in three years, created its beautiful entrance hall with an artificial play of windows, pilasters and friezes, the incredible staircase (added later by Ammannati following his ideas), which looks more like a piece of sculpture, thanks to the imaginative curving lines used for the treads and spirals, and then the huge elegant reading room. Lastly he also wanted to leave his mark on the design of the ceilings, the reading desks and the seats, created in various types of precious wood. From the architectural point of view, the building is a fine example of the Mannerist style. Work on the building was interrupted after MichelangeloĂ­s departure from Florence in 1534 and then completed following his designs and advices by Ammannati and Vasari until 1568.


itinerary | biblioteca laurenziana

Библиотека Медичи Лауренциана Вход в Библиотеку Лауренциана находится внутри патио Брунеллески справа от фасада Базилики Сан Лоренцо. Эта удивительно богатая библиотека содержит коллекцию рукописных документов и ценнейших манускриптов, приобретенных во время торговли на Востоке купцами и агентами Гильдии Медичи во времена Джованни ди Биччи, заметно пополнившуюся после Унии, подписанной во Флоренции в 1439-ом году, когда греческие ученые, прибывшие в свите Патриарха Константинопольского и императора в город, были приняты со всеми подобающими почестями. Эта культурная среда, которая щедро поощрялась Козимо Старшим, была пропитана идеалами Гуманизма, на его самых ранних стадиях. Постройка Библиотеки Лауренциана была начата Микеланджело летом 1524-го года, который за три года успел создать красивый вестибюль с его искусственной игрой окон, пилястров и фризов, широкой лестницей, которая кажется больше скульптурной композицией, благодаря фантазийным изгибам линий ступеней и спиралям, а также большой и элегантный читальный зал. И, в конце концов, он также пожелал отметить своим гением потолки, столы для чтения и сидения, выполненные из различного рода инкрустированного ценного дерева. С архитектурной точки зрения, здание является прекрасным примером маньеризма, однако великолепие стиля маэстро уже несет в себе элементы эпохи барокко. Постройка здания два раза прерывалась и возобновлялась, чтобы быть завершенной Амманнати и Вазари в 1559-ом году. Paul Lydka Chef Concierge Four Seasons Hotel +39.055.26261 introduces


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Baccio Bandinelli Sculptor & Master (1493-1560)

Museo Nazionale del Bargello Via del Proconsolo, 4 Tel. +39.055.2388742 www.unannoadarte.it

Vasari offers his final judgement of Baccio Bandinelli in his Lives, defining him as “an artist of eternal fame”; this is what the exhibition almost defiantly hopes to confirm as it wishes to redeem Bandinelli’s important position in the panorama of Italian Mannerist sculpture and re-establish the truth about an artist who, for the past two centuries to today, has been ostracised by critics. The exhibition will present all his sculptures and paintings, or at least those that it has been possible to transfer, his drawings and prints, bronzes and medals, as well as a rare wax model from Montpellier. Various works in relief that have been definitely attributed to him and loaned by various foreign museums, are also on display (in marble, plaster and bronze), together with others copied directly from the originals using the preparatory graphic sketches. from april 9th. Baccio Bandinelli, “artista di fama eterna”: è questo il giudizio conclusivo della Vita dedicatagli da Vasari, che la mostra intende quasi provocatoriamente confermare per restituire infine al Bandinelli la sua posizione di merito nel panorama della scultura italiana della Maniera e per ristabilire la verità su un artista condannato all’ostracismo dalla critica negli ultimi due secoli, fino ad oggi. La mostra presenterà tutte le sue opere di scultura e di pittura il cui trasferimento sia possibile, i disegni e le stampe di sua invenzione, bronzetti, medaglie e un raro modello in cera proveniente da Montpellier. Saranno esposti inoltre i rilievi (in marmo, stucco e bronzo, provenienti da vari musei esteri) che gli sono riferiti con certezza, o che direttamente derivano da suoi originali, a confronto con studi grafici preparatori. Dal 9 aprile

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Michelangelo Re-Known

Buonarroti in 20th cent. painting, sculpture & photography

Galleria dell'accademia Via Ricasoli, 6 Tel. +39.055.2388742 www.unannoadarte.it

The exhibition presents the work of sculptors, painters and photographers who have looked to the figure of Michelangelo and to his works as iconographic reference for their achievements: from representations in historicist key of Michelangelo and his personality, with works by Delacroix, Rodin, Baldus or Alinari, to the total visual independence achieved in the twentieth century as to create new points of view around the work of art with works by Medardo Rosso, Henri Matisse, Carlo Mollino, Emmanuel Sougez, Herbert List, Horst P., passing through thee staged photography of Horst Frank Horvat, Youssef Nabil, Kim Ki Duk to end up in the 'absence' of images by Thomas Struth and Candida Höfer. until may 18th. La mostra presenta l’opera di scultori, pittori e fotografi che hanno guardato alla figura del Buonarroti e alle sue opere come riferimento iconografico per le loro realizzazioni: dalle rappresentazioni in chiave storicistica della personalità di Michelangelo, con opere di Delacroix, Rodin, Baldus o gli Alinari, per giungere alla totale autonomia rappresentativa nel novecento tale da creare nuovi punti di vista intorno all'opera d’arte con Medardo Rosso, Henri Matisse, Carlo Mollino, Emmanuel Sougez, Herbert List, Horst P. Horst fino alla staged photography di Frank Horvat, Youssef Nabil, Kim Ki duk e alla ‘assenza’ di Thomas Struth e Candida Höfer. fino al 18 maggio


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Once in a lifetime

Treasures from Florentine Archives Three archival documents by Michelangelo, a drawing by Raphael, the baptismal certificate of Leonardo da Vinci and other documents that bears his marginal notes, a written lesson of Galileo on Dante's Hell; works by Andrea Mantegna, Alessandro Allori and Giovanni Stradano, autographs of Girolamo Savonarola, Poliziano, Cosimo I de 'Medici, Joachim Winckelmann, Ugo Foscolo, Giuseppe Pelli Bencivenni, John Fabbroni, Eduardo de Filippo, Dino Campana and the Nobel Prize Eugenio Montale, here also with two watercolors. The objective of the exhibition is to give everyone the "unique" opportunity to admire some of the best kept paper treasures of the city. until april 27th. Tre documenti archivistici di Michelangelo; un disegno di Raffaello; il certificato di battesimo di Leonardo da Vinci e un altro testo che reca le sue postille; una lezione scritta di Galileo sull’Inferno di Dante; opere di Andrea Mantegna, Alessandro Allori e Giovanni Stradano; autografi di Girolamo Savonarola, Poliziano, Cosimo I de’ Medici, Joachim Winckelmann, Ugo Foscolo, Giuseppe Pelli Bencivenni, Giovanni Fabbroni, Pietro Vieusseux, Eduardo De Filippo e Dino Campana e del Premio Nobel Eugenio Montale, presente anche con due inediti acquerelli. Obiettivo dell’esposizione è offrire a tutti l’opportunità “unica” di ammirare tesori cartacei custoditi in alcuni dei principali “scrigni” culturali della città. fino al 27 aprile.

Galleria Palatina Palazzo Pitti, Piazza Pitti, 1 Tel. +39.055.2469600 www.polomuseale.firenze.it


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Family Matters Portraits of family today

Family Matters. Living and Portraying the Family Today displays works by eleven international artists (Guy Ben-Ner, Sophie Calle, Jim Campbell, John Clang, Nan Goldin, Courtney Kessel, Ottonella Mocellin and Nicola Pellegrini, Trish Morrissey, Hans Op de Beeck, Chrischa Oswald and Thomas Struth) that allow us to investigate the images, dynamics and structures that define the family concept in the world of today. The idea behind the exhibition itself follows two main directions with, on the one hand, an analysis of the dynamics that characterise a family and, on the other, a survey of the family image and what lies hidden behind it. The videos, photographs and installations in the show analyse and deconstruct this concept, combining the suggestive autobiographical subjects of each artist with a collective research for their meanings and reflecting on the cultural, moral, ethical and biological ties that define and identify a family. From March 14th Questioni di famiglia. Vivere e rappresentare la famiglia oggi propone opere di undici artisti internazionali (Guy Ben-Ner, Sophie Calle, Jim Campbell, John Clang, Nan Goldin, Courtney Kessel, Ottonella Mocellin e Nicola Pellegrini, Trish Morrissey, Hans Op de Beeck, Chrischa Oswald, Thomas Struth) che permettono di investigare immagini, dinamiche e strutture che definiscono il concetto di famiglia nel mondo contemporaneo. La riflessione della mostra è dedicata a due fronti principali, da una parte l’analisi di quelle dinamiche che caratterizzano una famiglia, dall’altra una ricognizione sull’immagine della famiglia e su ciò che si nasconde dietro di essa.I video, le fotografie e le installazioni in mostra affrontano e decostruiscono questo concetto, unendo la soggettività autobiografica di ciascun artista a una ricerca di significato collettivo e riflettendo su quei legami culturali, morali, etici, biologici che definiscono e individuano una famiglia. dAL 14 marzo

CCCS STROZZINA Palazzo Strozzi - Piazza Strozzi, 1 Tel. +39.055.391711 www.strozzina.org


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Hats, between Art & Eccentricity The Costume Gallery throws open its doors to an artefact designed not to go unnoticed. This is a monographic show devoted to the hat. The museum indeed possesses collections – deriving from the generosity of numerous donors – amounting to over a thousand exemplars, normally stored in the repositories and only a part of which is destined to the exhibition. Despite the prevalence of famous fashion houses, including Christian Dior, Givenchy, Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, John Rocha, Prada, Gianfranco Ferré and celebrated international milliners of the past and present such as Philip Treacy, Stephen Jones, Caroline Reboux, Claude Saint-Cyr, Paulette, it is also the first time that creations by Italian and Florentine milliners whose existence was hardly known of have been put on display. . Until May 18th. La Galleria del Costume apre le porte ad un manufatto destinato a non passare inosservato. Si tratta della mostra monografica dedicata al cappello, le cui collezioni, patrimonio del museo - ascrivibili alla generosità di molti donatori - ammontano a oltre mille unità custodite solitamente nel deposito, di cui soltanto una parte sarà destinata alla mostra. Pur prevalendo esemplari di note firme di case di moda fra cui Christian Dior, Givenchy, Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, John Rocha, Prada, Gianfranco Ferré e celebri modisti internazionali del presente e del passato come Philip Treacy, Stephen Jones, Caroline Reboux, Claude Saint-Cyr, Paulette, è anche la prima volta che sono presenti in esposizione manufatti di modisterie italiane e fiorentine, di alcune delle quali si conosceva appena l’esistenza. fino al 18 maggio GALLERIA DEL COSTUME Palazzo Pitti - Piazza Pitti, 1 Tel. +39.055.294883 www.polomuseale.firenze.it


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Rooms of the Muses

Paintings from the collection Molinari Pradelli Since the fifties the orchestra conductor FRANCESCO MOLINARI PRADELLI has cultivated a growing passion for art collecting paintings, driven by an original attraction to baroque painting and the genre of still life whose studies, then, were at the beginning. As the exhibition documents through a selection of one hundred paintings, the master gave priority strictly to seventeenth and eighteenth century paintings documenting the various Italian schools with a specific attention to sketches. To give the collection a very early international reputation, however, were the many still life by artists such as Jacopo da Empoli, Luca Forte, Giuseppe Recco, Cristoforo Munari, Arcangelo Resani, Carlo Magini, a sign of an out of the ordinary insight that made of Molinari Pradelli a true connoisseur of Italian baroque painting and the forerunner of the modern still life studies. until may 11th. A partire dagli anni Cinquanta il maestro d'orchestra FRANCESCO MOLINARI PRADELLI ha coltivato una crescente passione per la pittura rivolgendosi principalmente al barocco spinto da un’attrazione del tutto originale verso il genere della natura morta i cui studi erano allora alle origini. Come la mostra documenta attraverso la selezione di cento dipinti, il maestro privilegiò rigorosamente la pittura del Seicento e del Settecento documentando le diverse scuole italiane, senza eccezione, con specifica attenzione ai bozzetti e ai modelletti. A conferire alla collezione, molto precocemente, una notorietà internazionale furono tuttavia i numerosi dipinti di natura morta di artisti come Jacopo da Empoli, Luca Forte, Giuseppe Recco, Cristoforo Munari, Arcangelo Resani, Carlo Magini, segno di un intuito fuori dal comune che fece del noto direttore d’orchestra un autentico conoscitore della pittura barocca italiana, antesignano dei moderni studi sulla natura morta. fino al 11 maggio

Galleria degli Uffizi Piazzale degli Uffizi, 1 - Tel. +39.055.2388742 www.unannoadarte.it


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The seduction of the Etruscans For the very first time the public can admire some truly “symbolic masterpieces” by this ancient people – among them the bronze of the Arringatore or Orator, from the Archaeological Museum in Florence, and the “Putto Graziani” – alongside some of the original drawings from the Royal Hetruria and a series of wonderful Etruscan testimonials that have come to form part of the collections of the British Museum during its three centuries of collecting, clashes and acquisitions: this great London museum has in fact loaned over forty artefacts. The exhibition first explores the atmosphere of the eighteenth century Grand Tours and then goes on to trace the figure of Coke, a lover of antiquity, and his sojourns in Italy, through original documents, reproductions, drawings and prints; after this it continues to follow the route, arranged at Palazzo Casali by architect Andrea Mandara, displaying various books and images that recall the figure of Filippo Buonarroti, another key personality in this story, and Etruscan works from the Buonarroti House. From March 21st. Per la prima volta al pubblico alcuni “capolavori simbolo” dell’antico popolo – come il bronzo dell’Arringatore, dal museo archologico di Firenze e il “Putto Graziani” – accanto ai disegni originali del De Etruria e una serie di meraviglie etrusche confluite nelle raccolte del British Museum in tre secoli di collezionismo, contese e acquisizioni: solo oltre quaranta le opere prestate dal grande museo londinese. Dopo un tuffo nel clima del Grand Tour settecentesco, la mostra ripercorre attraverso documenti originali, riproduzioni, disegni, stampe la figura di Coke cultore dell’antico e i suoi soggiorni in Italia, quindi, nel percorso allestito dall’architetto Andrea Mandara a Palazzo Casali, volumi e immagini a ricordare la figura di Filippo Buonarroti, altra personalità chiave della vicenda; e le opere etrusche di Casa Buonarroti. dal 21 marzo MAEC Piazza Signorelli 9, Cortona Tel. +39.0575.637235 www.cortonamaec.org


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Aldo Fallai

From Armani to the Renaissance Photographs1975 - 2013 Aldo Fallai conquered the world of fashion at the end of the 1970’s thanks, above all, to his collaboration with Giorgio Armani, for whom he collaborated in the creation of some of the most important advertising campaigns of the last decades, thus giving his name to some of the most exciting chapters in the history of the Made in Italy logo. This is the first time however that an in-depth monographic show has been dedicated to this extraordinary photographer, one of the most talented and original of our time, and an artist famous throughout the world. It reassumes his creative career with about 180 spectacular photographs, mainly in the Armani colours (black, grey, sand), and includes several extra large in size, all of them reprinted under the supervision of the author. Until March 16th. Aldo Fallai ha conquistato il mondo della moda alla fine degli anni Settanta soprattutto grazie alla collaborazione con Giorgio Armani, con cui ha contribuito a creare le più importanti campagne pubblicitarie degli ultimi decenni, firmando così alcuni dei capitoli più esaltanti della storia del Made in Italy. Nonostante questo, è la prima volta che a questo straordinario fotografo, fra i più dotati ed originali del nostro tempo, artista noto in tutto il mondo, viene dedicato un approfondimento monografico che ne riassume il percorso creativo in circa 180 fotografie spettacolari, per lo più nei colori Armani (bianco, grigio, sabbia), di dimensioni extra large, tutte ristampate sotto la supervisione dell’autore. Fino al 16 Marzo.

Villa Bardini Costa San Giorgio 2 Museo Bardini Via dei Renai 37 Tel. +39.055.20066206 www.bardinipeyron.it


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Giuggiù for Santo Spirito Viva-nde Via Santo Spirito will be opening its doors to Italian Taste on March 8th and 9th, from 4pm to 8pm, to mark the occasion of FuoriDiTaste 2014. Two days for strolling through ateliers, admiring craftsmen and enjoying the best wine and food products in one of the streets that has become a symbol of Italian “know-how”. The entire street will be mobilized for the very first time to create an event that involves the ateliers, craft workshops and shops as well of the Art and Antiques Galleries. For the occasion the Angela Caputi Giuggiù Boutique will be presenting a collection of bijoux dedicated specifically to the culinary theme. It will also host florentine “Dolcissima” pastry shop with artistic specialities that recall the world of bijoux, with brightly coloured red peppers from “Peperita” at Cecina, excellent oil from the “Cavallino” at Bibbona and various delicacies prepared by the “Osteria la Terra di Nello” from Castiglion della Pescaia. Specially created food matches with the wonderful “Casavyc” wines of Scansano will also be available! March 8th-10th. In occasione di FuoriDiTaste 2014, l’8 e 9 Marzo dalle16:00 alle 20:00, Via Santo Spirito apre le porte al Gusto Italiano. Due giorni di promenade tra atelier, arwww.angelacaputi.it tigiani ed eccellenze eno-gastronomiche, in una delle vie simbolo del “saper fare” italiano. Per la prima volta, un’intera strada si mobilita per creare un evento che coinvolge gli atelier, le botteghe artigiane, i negozi, oltre alle gallerie d’Arte e d’Antiquariato. La Boutique Angela Caputi Giuggiù per l’occasione presenterà una collezione di bijoux appositamente dedicata al tema culinario. Ospiterà inoltre: la pasticceria “Dolcissima” di Firenze con dolci artistici che richiameranno il mondo del bijoux, i coloratissimi peperoncini di “Peperita” di Cecina, l’ottimo olio del “Cavallino” di Bibbona e alcune prelibatezze preparate dalla “Osteria la Terra di Nello” di Castiglion della Pescaia. Verranno studiati degli accostamenti ad hoc con i meravigliosi vini “Casavyc” di Scansano! 8-9 Marzo Via Santo Spirito


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Taste & FuoriDiTaste 2014 Taste, which this year celebrates its ninth birthday, is a major event that will be staged at the Leopolda Station in Florence from March 8th to 10th. Taste is a trade fair organised by Pitti Immagine and dedicated to excellence in taste and food lifestyle. Taste has established itself as the Italian show of how to eat well and keep healthy, an event that not only attracts some of the finest international gastronomic operators, but also an ever-growing and enthusiastic public of “foodies”, connoisseurs of quality food and new trends in taste. The "Fuori di Taste (Outside Taste)" programme includes a large number of appointments to add to the off-salon events that involve all the most popular sites in Florence, all of them dedicated, in the name of taste and conviviality, to tasting, performances, exhibitions, shopping, presentations and much more besides! March 8th-10th. Taste è l'immancabile appuntamento, giunto al suo nono compleanno, in scena dall'8 al 10 marzo alla Stazione Leopolda di Firenze. Taste è il salone che Pitti Immagine dedica alle eccellenze del gusto e del food lifestyle. Taste si è affermato come il salotto italiano del mangiare bene e dello stare bene, dove si danno appuntamento i migliori operatori internazionali dell'alta gastronomia, ma anche il sempre più vasto e appassionato pubblico dei foodies, i cultori del cibo di qualità e delle nuove tendenze del gusto. Tanti gli appuntamenti che saranno in programma al "Fuori di Taste" il ricco calendario di eventi off salone che coinvolgerà i luoghi più cult di Firenze, all'insegna di degustazioni, performance, mostre, acquisti, presentazioni e tanto altro ancora, nel nome del gusto e della convivialità! 8-10 Marzo


Stazione leopolda Viale Fratelli Rosselli, 5 Tel. +39.055.055 212622


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2. 1.


1. Measha Brueggergosman 2. Henrik Nánási 3. Silvia Colasanti

Henrik Nánási & Giuseppe Albanese Henrik Nánási will direct pianist Giuseppe Albanese with Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino performing Giuseppe Martucci: Concert n. 2 in B flat minor op. 66 for piano and orchestra; Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij: Sinphony n. 4 in F minor op. 36 March 7, 8: 20.30 - Teatro Comunale, Corso Italia, 1 La metamorfosi by Silvia Colasanti, staging by Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino based on the tale by G. Kafka. Conductor Marco Angius, director Pier’Alli, with Edoardo Lomazzi as Gregor Samsa and Laura Catrani, Orchestra e Coro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Maestro del Coro Lorenzo Fratini March 9, 11, 12, 13: 21.00 - March 16: 15.30 - Teatro Goldoni - Via Santa Maria n. 15 McAdams, Marzocchi, Sklyarov Ryan McAdams will direct pianist Paolo Marzocchi and Harpist (and glass player) Igor Sklyarov with Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino performing Henry Dutilleux: Métaboles for orchestra; Paolo Marzocchi: Fantasia dall'assenza for piano, orchestra Harp and glasses; Ludwig van Beethoven: Sinphony n. 5 in C minor op. 67 March 14, 15: 20.30 - Teatro Comunale, Corso Italia, 1 Measha Brueggergosman the Art of Singing Pianist Justus Zeyen accompanies soprano Measha


Brueggergosman performing Ravel: Shéhérazade; Britten: On this Island op.11; Wagner: Wesendonck Lieder; Poulenc: Hôtel (da Banalités); L’Anguille (da Quatre poèmes de Guillaume Apollinaire); Violon (da Fiançailles pour rire); C’est ainsi que tu es (da Métamorphoses); Voyage à Paris (da Banalités); Turina: Tres Sonetos op.54. March 16: 21.00 - Saloncino del Teatro della Pergola - Via della Pergola, 18 La fiaba di Tristano e Isotta The legend of Tristan and Isolde is one of the most romantic and exciting dating back from the Middle Ages. Many authors in the distant past have told the intrigue from Chrétien de Troyes to painting to the most recent novels. Wagner composed the opera inspired by the text of Godfrey of Strasbourg and was able to stage it for the first time in Monaco in 1865. Conductor Giuseppe La Malfa, director Manu Lalli with Ensemble orchestrale del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino in collaboration with Compagnia Venti Lucenti. March 20: 20.30 - Teatro Comunale, Corso Italia, 1 Stomp With its unique combination of theater, dance and music, Stomp, this award-winning production continues to attract audiences around the world. Half a Circus, half a pop culture tribal ritual blending into an urban opera. March 21, 22, 23: 20.45 - Teatro Verdi - Via Ghibellina, 99

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4. Xu Zhong 5. Camerata Salzburg

Quartetto Pacifica & Marc-André Hamelin Quartetto Pacifica & pianist Marc-André Hamelin will perform Hamelin: Passacaglia; Dvorak: Quintet in A majpr op.81; Ornstein: Quintet. March 24: 21.00 - Saloncino del Teatro della Pergola - Via della Pergola, 18

Black Swan Gran Galà Following the success of the movie, the BLACK SWAN Grand Gala will be present the stars of the American Ballet Theatre, Paris Opera, Teatro della Scala in Milan, Maggio Danza and Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. April 1: 20.45 - Teatro Verdi - Via Ghibellina, 99

Xu Zhong Xu Zhong will direct Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino performing Claude Debussy: Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Concert in E flat major K. 271 for piano and orchestra "Jeunehomme". March 28, 29: 20.30 - Teatro Comunale, Corso Italia, 1

Zubin Mehta & Denis Matsuev Zubin Mehta will direct pianist Denis Matsuev and Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino performing Franz Liszt: Concert n. 2 in A major R. 456 for piano and orchestra; Anton Bruckner: Sinphony n. 8 in C minor April 5: 20.30 - Teatro Comunale, Corso Italia, 1

Camerata Salzburg & Angela Hewitt Pianist Angela Hewitt with Camerata Salzburg perofming Bach: Concert for piano in D major BWV 1054 (transcr. from Concert for violin BWV 1042); Concert for piano in F majpr BWV 1057 (transcr. form Concert Brandeburghese n.4); Concert Brandeburghese n.5 in D major BWV 1050; Concerto in D minore BWV 1052. March 31: 21.00 - Saloncino del Teatro della Pergola Via della Pergola, 18 Carl Orff Lorenzo Fratini and Joan Yakkey will direct Coro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino and Coro di voci bianche della Scuola di Musica di Fiesole performing Carl Orff: Carmina Burana for soloists, cori, piano and percussione. April 1: 20.30 - Teatro Comunale, Corso Italia, 1

Paolo Carignani & Laura Polverelli Paolo Carignani will direct mezzosoprano Laura Polverelli performing Beethoven: Le creature di Prometeo ouverture op.43; Berio: Folksongs for mezzosoprano and orchestra; Schubert: Sinphony n.4 D.417 ‘Tragica’. April 8: 21.00 - Teatro Verdi - Via Ghibellina, 99 Easter Concert Orchestra della Tocana with director Daniel Smith and First Violin Cloë Hanslip will perform Beethoven: Romanza n.2 for violin and orchestra op.50; Adams Concert for violin and orchestra; Ives: The unanswered question; Beethoven: Sinphony n.7 op.92. April 16: 21.00 - Teatro Verdi - Via Ghibellina, 99


1. Medici Chapels

Cappella dei Principi


2. Uffizi Gallery

Venus by Botticelli

3. Palazzo Vecchio External view


Principal Museum • Cappelle Medicee The Old Sacristy, the New Sacristy, with architecture and sculpture by Michelangelo, and the Chapel of the Princes, decorated with inlaid marble and hard stones. La Sagrestia Vecchia, la Sagrestia Nuova con architetture e sculture di Michelangelo e la Cappella dei Principi, decorata con marmi e pietre dure. P.zza Madonna degli Aldobrandini, 6 - tel. 055.294883 8.15-13.50. Closed 2nd, 4th Sunday; 1st, 3rd, 5th Monday of month. • Galleria dell'accademia Michelangelo’s masterpieces: the David and the Slaves. Sculpture, paintings and casts by various artists. I capolavori di Michelangelo: il David ed i Prigioni. Sculture, dipinti e gessi di varii autori. Via Ricasoli, 60 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-18.50pm. Closed Mondays. • Museo del Bargello Residence of the Captain of the People, of Justice and ancient prison. Masterpieces of painting and sculpture, plus minor arts. Frescoes by the school of Giotto in the Chapel. Residenza del Capitano del Popolo, della Giustizia e antica prigione. Scultura, Pittura, ed arti minori. Affreschi della scuola di Giotto nella Cappella. Via del Proconsolo, 4 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-13.50. Closed 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday; 2nd, 4th Monday of month.



• Galleria degli uffizi Open since 1591, the Uffizi hosts one of the most important collections of art of all time, classical sculpture and 13th to 18th century paintings, on an area covering about 8.000 sq.m. Dal 1591 gli Uffizi ospitano, una delle più importanti collezioni artistiche di tutti i tempi, comprendente sculture antiche e dipinti su tavola e tela di scuole italiane e straniere dal XIII al XVIII secolo. Loggiato degli Uffizi - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-18.50. Closed Mondays. • Palazzo Vecchio quartieri monumentali Residence of the Priors, the Signoria and the Medici. Paintings, sculpture, furniture and hangings. Residenza dei Priori, la Signoria ed i Medici. Oggi sede del Comune di Firenze. Dipinti, sculture, arredi. Piazza della Signoria - tel. 055.2768224 - March 9-19. April 9-19. Thursdays 9-14. • museo archeologico One of the most important museums in the world for Etruscan art and culture. Egyptian and Greek collections. Fra i principali musei del mondo per l’arte e la civiltà etrusca. Una prestigiosa collezione egizia e greca. Via della Colonna, 38 - tel. 055.23575 - Tuesdays-Fridays 8.30-19 - Saturdays and Sundays 8.30-14. Closed on Mondays.

itinerary | museums

5. 4.

Palazzo Pitti Museums • Galleria Palatina e Appartamenti Reali The Palatine Gallery occupies the whole left wing of the first floor of the Pitti Palace, which was the residence of the Medici grand-dukes. In 1828, when Tuscany came under the rule of the Lorraine, the most important paintings in the Palace, most of which had been collected by the Medici; the Royal Apartments consist of fourteen magnificent rooms which were the home of the Medici and Lorraine grand-ducal families and of the king of Italy. La Galleria Palatina, situata nell’ala sinistra del Palazzo, fu creata tra la fine del Settecento e i primi decenni dell’Ottocento, dai Lorena che collocarono nelle sale di rappresentanza i capolavori provenienti soprattutto dalle collezioni dei Medici; Gli Appartamenti Reali occupano le quattordici magnifiche sale dell’ala destra del Palazzo, già residenza privata delle famiglie regnanti, e sono allestiti con mobili, arredi ed opere d’arte dal Cinquecento all’Ottocento. Piazza Pitti - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-18.50. Closed Mondays. • Galleria d'arte moderna Paintings and sculptures related to the art in Tuscany from the late 18th century to the period between the two world wars. Temporary shows of contemporary art. Dipinti e sculture dell’arte figurativa in Toscana dalla fine del XVIII secolo al periodo tra le due guerre mondiali. Piazza Pitti - tel. 055.2388601-616 - 8.15-18.50. Closed on Mondays.

4. Palazzo Pitti from Boboli Gardens 5. Academy Gallery Michelangelo‘s David

• giardino di Boboli Started in 1550 on a design by Tribolo after the Medici family purchased the Pitti Palace. Iniziato nel 1550 su un progetto di Tribolo dopo l’acquisto di Palazzo Pitti da parte dei Medici. Piazza Pitti - tel. 055.294883 - March 8.15-16.30. April 8-15-18.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month. • giardino Bardini These beautiful gardens, recently restored, contain many rare plants and specialised areas, such as Italian and English gardens, as well as a fine Baroque staircase, statues, fountains, a small amphitheatre and panoramic views. Il bellissimo parco, recentemente restaurato, possiede molte piante rare ed aree specializzate, dal giardino all’italiana al giardino all’inglese, al parco agricolo, oltre alla bella scalinata barocca, statue, fontane, un anfiteatro e scorci panoramici. Entrances: Via dei Bardi, 1r and Boboli Gardens. Info and reservations: tel. 055.294883 - March 8.15-16.30. April 8-15-18.30 Closed 1st and last Monday of month. • galleria del costume Museum on the history of costume. Museo di storia della moda. Palazzina della Meridiana, Boboli Gardens, Pitti Palace - tel. 055.294883 - March 8.15-16.30. April 8-15-18.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month.


itinerary | museums 1. Cappella Brancacci 2. Cappella dei Magi 3. Chiesa di Santo Spirito

2. 1.


• Museo degli Argenti Summer apartments of the Grand Dukes. It contains vases in hard stone that belonged to Lorenzo the Magnificent, and the jewellery that belonged the Electress Palatine. Appartamenti estivi dei granduchi. Conserva i vasi in pietre dure di Lorenzo il Magnifico, la raccolta di gioielli dell’Elettrice Palatina Anna Maria de’ Medici. Piazza Pitti - tel. 055.294883 - March 8.15-16.30. April 8-15-18.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month. • Museo delle Porcellane Collections of porcelain from reigning royal families. Collezioni di porcellane delle case regnanti. Palazzina del Cavaliere, Boboli Gardens, Piazza Pitti, 1 - tel. 055.294883 - March 8.15-16.30. April 8-15-18.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month.

Frescoes • cappella Brancacci The great cycle of frescoes of the Stories of St. Peter, masterpiece of Masaccio. Il grande ciclo di affreschi, con Storie di San Pietro, capolavoro di Masaccio. Piazza del Carmine - tel. 055.2768224 - Monday-Saturday 10-17 - Sundays & Holidays 13-17. Closed on Tuesdays.



• Cappella dei Magi di Benozzo Gozzoli Built by Michelozzo, it contains the famous frescoes of the Cavalcade of the Magi towards Bethlehem (145960) by Benozzo Gozzoli. Costruita da Michelozzo, vi si trovano i famosi affreschi della Cavalcata dei Magi verso Betlemme (1459-60) di Benozzo Gozzoli. Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Via Cavour, 3 - tel. 055.2760340 - 9-18. Closed on Wednesdays. • Cenacolo di Santo Spirito e Fondazione Romano The ancient Refectory of the Convent of Santo Spirito hosts the Crucifixion and Last Supper by Andrea Orcagna. L’antico Cenacolo del convento di Santo Spirito ospita la Crocifissione e l’Ultima Cena di Andrea Orcagna. Piazza S. Spirito, 29 - tel. 055.287043 - Mondays, Saturdays and Sundays 10-16. • Cenacolo di Andrea del Sarto The ancient Vallombrosan refectory contains the famous fresco of the Last Supper by Andrea del Sarto and other 15th and 16th century paintings. L’antico refettorio Vallombrosiano ospita il celebre affresco dell’Ultima Cena di Andrea del Sarto. Oltre a dipinti e sculture del ’400 e del ’500 nel museo. Via San Salvi, 16 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-13.50. Closed Mondays.

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5. 1.

4. Piazza San Giovanni, Duomo e Battistero


5. Cappella dei Pazzi e Chiostri di Santa Croce

• Museum of San Marco The convent, cells, cloisters and Pilgrim’s Hospice with frescoes and paintings by Fra Angelico and school. Comprende il convento, le celle, i chiostri e l’Ospizio dei Pellegrini. Affreschi e dipinti del Beato Angelico e scuola. Piazza San Marco, 1 - tel. 055.294883 - Monday-Friday 8.1513.50 - Saturday-Sunday 8.15-16.50. Closed 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday; 2nd, 4th Monday of month

• Cupola del Brunelleschi The masterpiece of Brunelleschi. Frescoes of the Last Judgement by Federico Zuccari. Suggestive itinerary to the top of the dome with breathtaking views over the city. Il capolavoro di Brunelleschi. Affreschi del Giudizio Universale di Federico Zuccari. Suggestivo itinerario fin sulla cima della cupola con vista mozzafiato della città. Piazza del Duomo - tel. 055.2302885 - 8.30-19.00 - Saturdays 8.30-17.40pm. Closed Sundays.

Antique Art & Renaissance

• museo dell'Opera di Santa Croce The Basilica, with the Giotto frescoes, and the ancient convent with the Crucifix by Cimabue, destroyed in the flood of 1966. Works by Donatello, Orcagna, Bronzino, Cimabue. The Pazzi Chapel, masterpiece by Brunelleschi. Basilica e antico convento, con gli affreschi di Giotto, il Crocifisso di Cimabue, devastato dall’alluvione del 1966. Opere di Donatello, Orcagna, Bronzino, Cimabue. La Cappella dei Pazzi, capolavoro di Brunelleschi. Piazza Santa Croce, 16 - tel. 055.2466105 - 9.30-17.00 - Sundays and holidays 14.00-17.00.

• Battistero di San Giovanni Romanesque temple dedicated to St. John the Baptist, patron saint of the city. Outside, the doors by Ghiberti. Tempio romanico dedicato a San Giovanni Battista, patrono della città. All’esterno le famose porte del Ghiberti. Piazza San Giovanni - tel. 055.2302885 - 11.15-19.00 Sundays, 1st Saturday of month, holidays 8.30-14.00. • casa Buonarroti Michelangelo built this house for himself and his relations, but never actually lived here. Drawings, paintings, sculpture. La casa che Michelangelo costruì per sé e la famiglia, anche se egli non la abitò mai. Disegni, dipinti, sculture. Via Ghibellina, 70 - tel. 055.241752 - 10.00-17.00. Closed Tuesdays.

• Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore Masterpieces from Cathedral, Baptistery and Belltower. Sculpture, models, and objects in gold and silver. Capolavori dal Duomo, dal Battistero e dal Campanile. Scultura, modelli, oreficeria, messali rari. Piazza del Duomo, 9 - tel. 055.2302885 - 9.00-19.30 Sundays 9.00-13.45.


itinerary | museums

1. Chiostri di Santa Maria Novella 2. Casa di Dante 3. Museo Stibbert

2. 1.

• museo fondazione Horne House of the erudite collector of art, Sir Herbert Percy Horne (1864-1916). Paintings, sculpture and furniture. Casa di Sir Herbert Percy Horne (1864-1916), erudito e collezionista d’arte. Dipinti, sculture, mobili. Via de’Benci, 6 - tel. 055.244661 - 9.00-13.00. Closed Sundays and holidays. • chiostri di Santa Maria Novella The Green Cloisters, with frescoes by Paolo Uccello, the Spanish Chapel, the Cloisters of the Dead. Chiostri con affreschi di Paolo Uccello, Orcagna ed altri, il Cappellone degli Spagnoli, il Chiostro dei Morti. Piazza S. Maria Novella - tel. 055.282187 - Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays 10.00-16.00. Closed 1st January. • Museo Stibbert Frederick Stibbert collections (1838-1906). Armour, sculpture, paintings, furniture, costumes, drawings, tapestries. Collezioni del collezionista anglo-fiorentino Federico Stibbert (1838-1906). Armi e armature, sculture, pitture, arredi, costumi, disegni, arazzi dal medioevo fino ai paesi orentali. Via Stibbert, 26 - tel. 055.475520 - Monday-Wednesday 10.00-14.00 - Fridays-Sunday 10.00-18.00. Closed Thursdays.



• Museo stefano Bardini The Collection of Stefano Bardini the most importante Italian antiquarian of the past century. Art from the Romans to the 18th century La Collezione Stefano Bardini, il più autorevole antiquario italiano dello scorso secolo. Dall’epoca romana fino al '700. Via dei Renai, 37 - tel. 055 2342427 - Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays 11.00-17.00.

Modern Art • museo Marino Marini The former Church of San Pancrazio hosts sculpture, paintings, by sculptor Marino Marini (1901-1980). L’ex chiesa di San Pancrazio ospita sculture, dipinti, disegni ed incisioni di Marino Marini (1901-1980). Piazza San Pancrazio - tel. 055.219432 - 10.00-17.00. Closed Tuesdays, Sundays & holidays.

Monumental Apartments • casa museo di Dante Built in the early 20th century on what was then thought to be the site of the Alighieri houses. Costruita all’inizio del 900 nel luogo ove si pensava abitassero gli Alighieri. Via S. Margherita, 1r - tel. 055.219416 - March 10-17. April 10-18. Closed on Mondays.

itinerary | museums


1. Inlay work at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure


2. Certosa del Galluzzo 3. Campanile di Giotto

• museo di Palazzo Davanzati Ancient Florentine house recently restored with furnishings of the middle age. Antica dimora trecentesca recentemente restaurata. Mobili dell’epoca. Via Porta Rossa, 13 - tel. 055. 2388610 - 8.15-13.50. Closed 2nd, 4th Sunday; 1st, 3rd, 5th Monday of month.

Crafts, design, fashion • Museo dell’Opificio delle Pietre Dure “Art and nature” could be the motto of this singular museum, dedicated to creations in hard stones where artistic refinement competes with the splendour of the materials. “Arte e natura” potrebbe essere il motto di questo singolare museo, dedicato a creazioni di pietre dure dove la finezza artistica fa a gara con lo splendore dei materiali. Via degli Alfani, 78 - tel. 055.294883 - Monday-Saturday 8.15-14.00. Closed Sundays. • museo Salvatore Ferragamo The history of footwear. Designs, patents, photos and 10000 examples of shoes created by Ferragamo. La storia della calzatura. Disegni, brevetti, foto, 10000 esemplari di scarpe create da Ferragamo. Palazzo Spini Feroni - Via Tornabuoni, 2 - tel. 055.3360456 - 10.00-18.00. Closed Tuesdays.


Monuments • campanile di Giotto Famous belltower, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture by Giotto, built between 1334 and 1359. Celebre torre campanaria, capolavoro di architettura gotica di Giotto, edificato fra 1334 e il 1359. Piazza del Duomo - tel. 055.2302885 - 8.30-19.30. • Certosa of Galluzzo Monastic complex founded in the 14th century. the picture-gallery include frescoes by Pontormo, works by Perugino and Ghirlandaio. Complesso monastico trecentesco. La pinacoteca comprende opere del Pontormo, del Perugino e del Ghirlandaio Via Senese 206-208, Galluzzo - tel. 055.2049226 - guided visits every hour 9.00-11.00 - 15.00-16.00. Sundays 15.00-16.00. Closed Mondays. • Sinagoga e Museo Ebraico Built in the Moorish manner by the architects Micheli, Falcini and Treves between 1874 and 1882. The museum covers the most important moments in the history of the Jews in Florence. Edificio in stile moresco costruito dagli architetti Micheli, Falcini e Treves tra il 1874 e il 1882. Il museo ripercorre i momenti più importanti della storia degli ebrei a Firenze. La sua cupola verde è celebre nel panorama cittadino. Via Farini, 6 - tel. 055.2346654 - 10.00-17.30. Fridays 10.00-13.30. Closed Saturdays.


itinerary | museums

1. Wax Model Museo La Specola 2. Old Map of Florence Museo Firenze Com'era 3. Armillary sphere


Museo Galileo




Education & Science • Museo Galileo Collection of scientific instruments and equipment that belonged to the Medici and Lorraine families. Collezioni di strumenti e apparecchi scientifici, appartenenti alle famiglie dei Medici e dei Lorena. Piazza Giudici, 1 - tel. 055.265311 - 9.30-18.00 - Tuesday 9.30-13.00. • Department of Musical Instruments The collection comprises instruments, dating from the late 17th to early 19th centuries, formerly belonging to members of the Medici and Lorraine families, which later passed to the Cherubini Conservatory. Il Museo espone strumenti musicali provenienti dalle collezioni dei granduchi di Toscana, Medici e Lorena, raccolti tra il XVII e il XIX secolo e passati successivamente al Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Via Ricasoli, 60 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-18.50. Closed Mondays. • Orto Botanico “Giardino dei Semplici” Important Botanical Gardens dating from 1545. The museum contains 16th century herbariums and paintings. Fondato nel 1545, è il più importante Orto Botanico d’Italia. Contiene erbari storici dal XVI secolo e dipinti. Via Micheli, 3 - tel. 055.2757402 - Daily 9.00-13.00 Saturdays 9.00-17.00. Closed Wednesdays.



• Museo Zoologico La Specola Founded by the Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo of Lorraine, it is the oldest scientific museum in Europe. It owns the largest collection of anatomical wax models in the world. Fondato dal Granduca Pietro Leopoldo di Lorena, è il più antico museo scientifico d’Europa. Possiede la più grande collezione al mondo di cere anatomiche settecentesche. Via Romana, 17 - tel. 055.2288251 - Daily 9.00-13.00 Saturdays 9.00-17.00. Closed Wednesdays.

Guided Tours • CAF TOUR & TRAVEL Tours and excursions Walking Tours of Florence, regular guided tours of the Uffizi and Academy Galleries, Outlet shopping tour Gucci and Prada, Cooking Courses and other activities of interest. Excursions to Siena-San Gimignano, Pisa, Chianti, Lucca, Venice, Rome and many more. Tour di Firenze, visite guidate regolari ad Uffizi ed Accademia, tour guidati a piedi, Outlet shopping tour Gucci e Prada, Corsi di cucina ed altre interessanti attività. Escursioni a: Siena-San Gimignano, Pisa, Chianti, Lucca, Venezia, Roma e in molte altre destinazioni. Via degli Alfani, 151r - 50121, Florence tel. 055 283200/210612 - tours@caftours.com PERSONalised tours: 055 2302283 incoming@caftours.com - www.caftours.com

itinerary | churches

2. 1. Santa Croce 2. San Lorenzo 3. Santa Maria Novella


Monumental Churches • Duomo Piazza S. Giovanni. Gothic, started by Arnolfo di Cambio (1296). Dome (Brunelleschi), works by A. del Castagno, P. Uccello, B. da Maiano, G. Vasari, Michelangelo, Della Robbia and others. Piazza S. Giovanni. Iniziato da Arnolfo di Cambio (1296), gotico, cupola (Brunelleschi), opere di A. del Castagno, P. Uccello, B. da Maiano, G. Vasari, Michelangelo, Della Robbia ed altri. 10-17 - Thursdays 10-15.30 - holidays 13.30-16.45. • Battistero di San Giovanni Piazza S. Giovanni. Romanesque, bronze doors by A. Pisano and L. Ghiberti, mosaics in cupola.es. Piazza S. Giovanni. Romanico, porte bronzee di A. Pisano e L. Ghiberti, mosaici della cupola. 12-19 - holidays 8.30-14. • Basilica di San Lorenzo Piazza S. Lorenzo. Romanesque building altered by Brunelleschi; Pulpits by Donatello, Old Sacristy, cloisters. Piazza S. Lorenzo. Romanico rimaneggiato dal Brunelleschi; Pulpiti di Donatello, Sagrestia Vecchia, chiostro. 10-17 - closed holidays. • Basilica di Santa Maria Novella Piazza S. Maria Novella. Gothic, started in 1246, completed in 1360. Piazza S. Maria Novella. Gotico, iniziata nel 1246, terminata nel 1360. 9.30-17 - Fridays and holidays 13-17.


4. San Miniato al Monte 5. San Marco


• Basilica di Santa Croce Piazza S. Croce. Gothic, built in 1294, attributed to Arnolfo di Cambio; Pulpit by Benedetto da Maiano; frescoes in Bardi and Peruzzi Chapels (Giotto); Annunciation (Donatello); Pazzi Chapel (Brunelleschi). Piazza S. Croce. Costruita nel 1294, attribuita ad Arnolfo di Cambio, gotico; Pulpito di Benedetto da Maiano; Cappelle Bardi e Peruzzi affrescate da Giotto; Annunciazione (Donatello); Cappella dei Pazzi (Brunelleschi). 9.30-17.30 - holidays 13-17.30. • Chiesa di Orsanmichele Via dei Calzaiuoli. Reconstructed (1337) by F. Talenti and others, Tabernacles of Patrons of the Guilds (Ghiberti, Verrocchio, Donatello and others), Tabernacle (Orcagna). Via dei Calzaiuoli. Ricostruita (1337) da F. Talenti e altri, Tabernacoli dei Patroni delle Arti (Ghiberti, Verrocchio, Donatello ed altri), Tabernacolo (Orcagna). 9-12 - 16-18. • Chiesa di Santa Trinita Piazza S. Trinita. Romanesque, facade by B. Buontalenti. Piazza S. Trinita. Romanico facciata di B. Buontalenti. 8-12 - 16-18 - holidays 16-18. • Chiesa di SS. Annunziata Piazza SS. Annunziata. Built in 1250, rebuilt by Michelozzo; Nativity of Mary (A. del Sarto), Holy Trinity (A. del Castagno). Piazza SS. Annunziata. Costruita nel 1250, rifatta da Michelozzo; Natività di Maria (A. del Sarto), SS. Trinità (A. del Castagno). 7.30-12.30 - 16-18.30.

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• Chiesa di San Miniato al Monte Via Monte alle Croci. Florentine Romanesque, Chapel of the Crocifisso by Michelozzo, Stories of St. Benedict. Viale Galileo. Romanico fiorentino, Crocifisso del Michelozzo, Storie di S. Benedetto, Cappella di S. Jacopo. 8-19.30. • Chiesa di Santo Spirito Piazza S. Spirito. Gothic, rebuilt in 1444 by Brunelleschi; Bell tower (Baccio D’Agnolo), Vestibule, Sacresty, Last Supper of S. Spirito frescoed by Orcagna. Piazza S. Spirito. Gotico, rifatta nel 1444 dal Brunelleschi; Campanile (Baccio D’Agnolo), Vestibolo, Sagrestia, Cenacolo di S. Spirito affrescato dall’Orcagna. . 8.30-12 - 16-18. Saturday 16-18. Closed Wed. • Chiesa di Ognissanti Borgo Ognissanti, 42. Rebuilt on a drawing by Pettirossi (first half of the XVII cent.); Last Supper by Ghirlandaio in the Refectory. Borgo Ognissanti, 42. Ricostruita Disegno del Pettirossi (prima metà del '600); Ultima Cena (Ghirlandaio) nel Refettorio. Monday, Tuesday and Saturday 9-12 • Chiesa di Santa Maria del Carmine Piazza del Carmine. The church hosts the famous Brancacci Chapel with frescoes by Masaccio, Masolino and eventually finished by Filippino Lippi. Piazza del Carmine. Ospita la famosa Cappella Brancacci affrescata da Masaccio e Masolino e successivamente portata a compimento da Filippino Lippi. 13-17. Holidays 10-17. Closed Tues.

• Chiesa di S. Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi Borgo Pinti, 58. Beautiful entrance cloister (14921505) by Giuliano da Sangallo. The Capitular Hall hosts the great Crucifixion fresco by Perugino. Borgo Pinti ,58. Splendido chiostro d'ingresso di Giuliano da San Gallo. La sala capitolare ospita l'affresco della Crocifissione del Perugino 10-12.30 e 15-17; Closed on Wednesdays • Chiesa di Santa Felicita Piazza di Santa Felicita. Rebuilt in 1736 by F. Ruggeri; porch of Vasari, paintings by Pontormo. Piazza di Santa Felicita. Ricostruita nel 1736 da F. Ruggeri; portico del Vasari, dipinti del Pontormo. 9.30-12.30 e 15.30-17.30 • Basilica di San Marco Piazza San Marco. Expanded in 1437 by Michelozzo. Hosts a large crucifix by the school of Orcagna, the "Transfiguration" by Giovan Battista Paggi, the precious altar crucifix by Fra Angelico, Passignano and Giambologna's works and decorations of Alessandro Allori. Piazza San Marco. Ampliata nel 1437 dal Michelozzo, All’interno è presente il grande crocifisso della scuola dell’ Orcagna, la “Trasfigurazione” di Giovan Battista Paggi, sull’altare Maggiore il prezioso crocifisso del Beato Angelico, opere del Passignano e di Gianbologna e decorazioni di Alessandro Allori. 9.30-19 • Chiesa di SS. Apostoli Piazza del Limbo. Preromanique style. Piazza del Limbo. Stile Preromanico


wellness | spa

The Spa at the Four Seasons Hotel Firenze

СПА в «Four Seasons Hotel» Флоренция СПА в «Four Seasons Hotel» Флоренция находится в самом центре садов Герардеска. Это единственное СПА во Флоренции, которое использует неожиданную смесь традиционной косметической продукции местного производства, поставленной прямиком из знаменитой парфюмерно-фармацевтической лаборатории «Санта-Мария Новелла»; причем комбинируя ее с современными высокотехнологичными достижениями для салонов красоты, включающими в себя также продукцию Rephase. Многообразие различных процедур для лица и тела включает в себя несколько линий для детей и подростков. Отель предлагает различные формы посещения с программами в виде абонемента на месяц, три месяца, шесть месяцев и год. Пакеты для индивидуальных занятий в тренажерном зале или индивидуальных занятий в тренажерном зале и бассейне включают бесплатный вход в спортклуб, оборудованный тренажерами, а также залом для кардио-фитнеса с тренажерами и местом для занятий под руководством тренеров. Эксклюзивный оазис салона красоты занимает 791 кв. метр и имеет десять процедурных кабинетов, СПА люкс-кабинет, открытый бассейн, джакузи с подогревом, турецкие бани, сауну и зал, полностью оборудованный самыми современными тренажерами.


The Spa at the Four Seasons Hotel firenze is just a short way away from the city’s Duomo and lies plunged in the midst of the wonderful Gherardesca Gardens. It is the only Spa in Florence that can offer the appeal of an unusual mixture of traditional and locally-sourced products, provided by the age-old Officina Profumo Farmaceutica of Santa Maria Novella; this is combined with the high-tech beauty facilities, which include an exclusive cooperation with Rephase, the Italian company that specialises in top-quality beauty products and also created a facial and body treatment line combining miraculous and active principles with nanotechnology. The many different facial and body treatments also include various lines for children and teenagers. The Fitness Centre is not only open to the hotel’s guests, but also to all those wanting to take advantage of its offers: the hotel offers various forms of membership with monthly, three-monthly, six-monthly and yearly subscriptions. The Individual Gym and Individual Gym & Pool packages include unlimited access to the Club’s gym, which is equipped with strength machines, a cardio-fitness room with Techno-gym machines and a stretching area guided by experts. An exclusive oasis of wellness taking up 791 sq.m., in the midst of the ancient trees in the park; it features ten treatment rooms, a Spa Suite, an outdoor pool, a heated Jacuzzi, steam baths, a sauna and a fully equipped state of the art gym. Borgo Pinti, 99 Info & booking: Tel. +39.055.2626631 or email: spa.firenze@fourseasons.com www.fourseasons.com/spa

Hotels in Florence

= Concierge “Chiavi d’Oro - Golden Keys”

 Bernini palace tel. 055.288621 - Piazza S. Firenze, 29 FOUR SEASONS FIRENZE tel. 055.26261 - Borgo Pinti, 99 grand hotel villa cora tel. 055.228790 - Viale Machiavelli, 18 Helvetia & Bristol tel. 055.26651 - Via dei Pescioni, 2 il salviatino tel. 055.0150201 - Via Salviatino, 21 J.K. Place tel. 055.2645181 - Piazza Santa Maria Novella, 7 Montebello Splendid tel. 055.27471 - Via Garibaldi, 14 Regency tel. 055.245247 - Piazza M. D’Azeglio, 3 Relais Santa Croce tel. 055.2342230 - Via Ghibellina, 87 Savoy tel. 055.27351 - Piazza della Repubblica, 7 the St. Regis Florence tel. 055.27161 - Piazza Ognissanti, 1 the Westin Excelsior tel. 055.27151 - Piazza Ognissanti, 3 Villa La Massa tel. 055.6261 - Candeli - Bagno a Ripoli Villa La Vedetta tel. 055.681631 - Viale Michelangelo, 78 Villa Medici tel. 055.2381331 - Via Il Prato, 42 Villa Olmi Resort tel. 055.637710 - Via degli Olmi 4/8 Bagno a Ripoli


Villa San Michele tel. 055.5678200 - Via Doccia, 4 - Fiesole Villa tolomei tel. 055.220685 - Via S. Maria a Marignolle, 10b

 Adler Cavalieri tel. 055.277810 - Via della Scala, 40 Adriatico tel. 055.2381781 - Via Maso Finiguerra, 9 Albani tel. 055.26031 - Via Fiume, 12 Albergotto tel. 055.2396464 - Via Tornabuoni, 13 Alexander tel. 055.4378951 - Viale Guidoni, 101 Anglo-American Hotel Regina tel. 055.282114 - Via Garibaldi, 9 Aprile palazzo del borgo tel. 055.216237 - Via della Scala, 6 Athenaeum tel. 055.522688 - Via Cavour, 86 Baglioni tel. 055.23580 - Piazza Unità Italiana, 6 Berchielli tel. 055.264061 - Lungarno Acciaiuoli, 14 boscolo Astoria tel. 055.2398095 - Via del Giglio, 9 Brunelleschi tel. 055.27370 - Piazza S. Elizabetta Calzaiuoli tel. 055.212456- Via Calzaiuoli, 6




 1. Four Seasons 2. Villa San Michele 3. The Westin Excelsior 4. St. Regis



Cavour tel. 055.266271- Via del Proconsolo, 3 Continentale contemporary tel. 055.27262 - Lungarno Acciaiuoli, 2 Croce di Malta tel. 055.282600 - Via della Scala, 7 De la Ville tel. 055.2381806 - Piazza Antinori, 1 De Rose tel. 055.2396818 - Via Solferino, 5 Degli Orafi tel. 055.26622 - Lungarno Archibusieri, 4, Della Signoria tel. 055.214530 - Via delle Terme, 1 Diana Park tel. 055.575788 - Via G.Pascoli,10 Executive tel. 055.217451 - Via Curtatone, 5 Fenice Palace tel. 055.289942 - Via dei Martelli, 10 Gallery Hotel Art tel. 055.27263 - Vicolo dell’Oro, 5 Grand Hotel Minerva tel. 055.27230 - Piazza S. Maria Novella, 16 Hilton Garden Inn Florence Novoli tel. 055.42401 - Via Sandro Pertini, 2/9 Holiday Inn tel. 055.6531841 - Viale Europa, 205 J and J tel. 055.26312 - Via di Mezzo, 20


Jolly Carlton tel. 055.2770 - Piazza Vittorio Veneto, 4a Kraft tel. 055.284273 - Via Solferino, 2 Laurus tel. 055.2381752 - Via dei Cerretani, 8 Londra tel. 055.2382791 - Via Jacopo da Diacceto, 18/20 Lorenzo Il Magnifico tel. 055.4630878 - Via Lorenzo Il Magnifico, 25 Lungarno tel. 055.27261 - Borgo S. Jacopo, 14 Lungarno Suite tel. 055.27268000 - Lungarno Acciaiuoli, 4 Mediterraneo tel. 055.660241 - Lungarno del Tempio, 44 Michelangelo starhotels tel. 055.2784 - Viale Fratelli Rosselli, 2 Monna Lisa tel. 055.2479751 - Borgo Pinti, 27 nH Porta rossa tel. 055.2710911 - Via Porta Rossa 19 nilhotel tel. 055.795540 - Via Barsanti 27 Park Palace tel. 055.222431 - Piazzale Galileo, 5 Pierre tel. 055.216218 - Via Lamberti, 5 Plaza & Lucchesi tel. 055.26236 - Lungarno della Zecca Vecchia, 38

ď Ž


1. Monna Lisa 2. Hotel degli Orafi 3. Hotel Helvetia & Bristol 4. Plaza & Lucchesi





President tel. 055.587603 - Via della Piazzola, 36 bis Principe tel. 055.284848 - Lungarno Vespucci, 34 Residence Florence tel. 055.7310147 - Via della Pace Mondiale - Scandicci Ritz tel. 055.2340650 - Lungarno della Zecca Vecchia, 24 Rivoli tel. 055.282853 - Via della Scala, 33 Roma tel. 055.210366 - Piazza S. Maria Novella, 8 San Gallo Palace tel. 055.463871 - Via Lorenzo il Magnifico, 2 Santa Maria Novella tel. 055.271840 - Piazza Santa Maria Novella, 1 Sofitel tel. 055.2381301 - Via dei Cerretani, 10 Strozzi Palace tel. 055.283898 - Via de Vecchietti, 4 UNA hotel - palazzo mannaioni tel. 0571.69277 - Via Marconi, 2 Montaione UNA Poggio dei Medici tel. 055.84350 - Via S. Gavino, 27 Scarperia Una vittoria tel. 055.22771 - Via Pisana, 59 Villa Belvedere tel. 055.222501 - Via Castelli, 3 Villa Carlotta tel. 055.2336134 - Via M. di Lando, 3 Villa Stanley tel. 055.446121 - Viale XX Settembre, 200 Sesto F.no

 Balestri tel. 055.214743 - Piazza Mentana, 7 Benivieni tel. 055.2382133 - Via delle Oche, 5 Boccaccio tel. 055.282776 - Via della Scala, 59 Domus Florentiae tel. 055 2654645 - Via degli Avelli 2 Le Due Fontane tel. 055.210185 - Piazza SS. Annunziata, 14 Machiavelli palace tel. 055.216622 - Via Nazionale, 10 Paris tel. 055.280281- Via dei Banchi, 2 Pitti Palace tel. 055.2398711 - Borgo San Jacopo, 3r Privilege tel. 055.2478220 - Lungarno della Zecca Vecchia, 26 Tornabuoni Beacci tel. 055.212645 - Via Tornabuoni, 3 HISTORIC RESIDENCES & RESORTS Antica Torre di Via Tornabuoni 1 tel. 055.2658161 - Via Tornabuoni, 1 in piazza della signoria tel. 055.2399546 - Via Magazzini, 2 palazzo magnani feroni tel. 055.2399544 - Borgo San Frediano, 5 Residence Centanni tel. 055.630122 - Via di Centanni, 8 Bagno a Ripoli Firenze


degli HOTEL    ORAFI Right next to the Uffizi Gallery and overlooking the Ponte Vecchio, this Hotel became famous after James Ivory's film "Room with View" in 1985. It has 42 bedrooms and a Roof Garden Bar offering views of the Cathedral and Palazzo Vecchio

Lungarno Archibusieri, 4 - tel. 055.26622 www.hoteldegliorafi.it 96


gourmet | simply fish

Simply Fish

The best fish restaurants in Florence

• Fuor D'Acqua: Viale Pisana, 37r - Tel.055.222299 - www.fuordacqua.it • RISTORANTE FELLINI: Via Ghibellina, 134r - Tel. 055.2344810 - www.ristorantefellini.it • Trattoria Vittoria: Via della Fonderia, 52r - Tel.055.225657 - www.trattoriavittoriaristorantepesce.com

Fish dishes are always very popular, even in an inland city like Florence. The traditional Florentine dish is of course dried cod or “baccalà”, served up in a manner of ways, however the delicious seaside fish dishes are eaten more and more now, especially because today transport ensures freshness, and can be found in many excellent restaurants in Florence. The Italian genius for inventing new and exciting recipes guuarantees that eating fish is real adventure for the palate! Starters range from delicious lemon soaked raw fish (from salmon to tuna) to canapes with mouth-watering toppings. Pasta is served in an infinite variety of ways with baby clams, mussels and other shellfish, sea snails, baby octopus, monk fish, crab, lobster, cooked with anything from baby tomatoes to marrow flowers. In some seaside resorts, pasta is served with a delicious sauce made from fresh sea-urchin eggs. Ask for lemon flavoured rice if its going, absolutely divine with any fish dish. In fact, you name it, the Italians have invented it! Main courses are not just limited to barbecues or oven-cooked fish. Try the traditional Livorno-style “Cacciucco” fish soup made with practically every kind of fish available, plenty of tomato and pepper and then served on pieces of toast to soak up the sauce. There is an art to making this

Рыбные блюда всегда очень популярны, даже в городах, отдаленных от моря как Флоренция. Вкусные блюда из морской рыбы едят больше и больше сегодня, особенно потому, что быстрая доставка рыбы обеспечивает ее свежесть. Блюда из свежайшей рыбы можно продегустировать во многих ресторанах Флоренции. Итальянский кулинарный гений подарил миру много великолепных рыбных рецептов , в этой стране вы можете побаловать себя настоящими рыбными деликатесами! На закуску можно взять карпаччо из сырой рыбы , пропитанной лимонным соком на маленьком канапе. Есть бесконечное разнообразие способов приготовления пасты с рыбными продуктами :мидиями и другими моллюсками, морскими улитками, осьминожками, рыбой монахом, крабами, омарами, приправленные помидорами черри. Паста подается с вкусным соусом из икры морского ежа. Основные блюда не ограничиваются только барбекю или рыбой запеченной в духовке. Попробуйте традиционный рыбный суп "Cacciucco", кулинарный изыск из города Ливорно. Это много всяческой рыбы и морепродуктов тушеных в соусе из томата и перца и выложенного на поджаренные хлебцы, которые так вкусно макать в рыбный соус. Существует великое множество именно


gourmet | simply fish

complete, and very Tuscan recipe, which you can only discover by eating it! Otherwise fish can be served on skewers or baked in foil with potatoes, herbs and other ingredients, deep fried (try the baby fish, which should be eaten whole with plenty of lemon), or simply boiled and served with a delicate sauce, cooked in salt to bring out the pure flavour of the fish. Accompanied by a good white wine, fish is a perfect summer dish, while a lemon water ice gives a perfect finishing touch to the meal!


тосканских рецептов приготовления рыбных блюд. Вы сможете раскрыть всю изысканность кулинарного искусства пробуя эти блюда в различных ресторанах Флоренции! Рыба может быть подана на вертеле или запечена в фольге с картофелем, специями и другими ингредиентами, жареная во фритюре или просто отварной, подается с нежным соусом. Советуем попробовать рыбу, запеченную в соли, чтобы почувствовать чистый вкус свежей рыбы.

gourmet | restaurants

Restaurants in Florence

(Between the brackets)= days of closure

• boccanegra (Sundays) Via Ghibellina, 124r - 055.2001098 Classic interior. Tuscan Cuisine, WineBar, Pizzeria • boccanegra enoteca (Sundays) Via Verdi, 27r - 055.2001098 Traditional Wine Bar • borgo san jacopo - Hotel Lungarno (Always open) Borgo San Jacopo 62r - 055.281661 Elegant interior. Tuscan & Italian Cuisine • BUCA LAPI (Sundays) Via del Trebbio, 1r - 055.213768 Typical Tuscan Cuisine in the cellar of Palazzo Antinori • Buca Mario (Always open for dinner) Piazza Ottaviani, 16r - 055.214179 Characteristic Interior. Typical Tuscan Cuisine • Cammillo (Closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays) Borgo San Jacopo, 57r - 055.212427 Classic interior. Tuscan & fish Cuisine • Cantinetta Antinori (Saturdays and Sundays) Piazza Antinori, 3 - 055.292234 Classic interior. Typical Tuscan Cuisine

• coquinarius (Always open) Via dell'Oche, 11r - 055.2302153 Characteristic interior. Restaurant & Winebar • cucina torcicoda (Always open) Via Torta, 5r - 055.2654329 Characteristic interior. Restaurant, Pizzeria, Winebar • Enoteca Pinchiorri (Mondays & Sundays) Via Ghibellina, 87 - 055.242777 Elegant interior. Creative Tuscan haute Cuisine • Fellini (Closed on Mon. - Open for dinner only) Via Ghibellina, 134r - 055.2478898 Elegant interior. Fish specialities • florian (Mondays) Via del Parione, 28r - 055.284291 Elegant interior. Italian & Venetian Cuisine • fuor d'acqua (Always open) Via Pisana, 37r - 055.222299 Elegant interior. Fish specialities • Hard rock cafe (Always Open) Via Brunelleschi, 1 - 055.2670499 Authetinc American Cuisine in Rock 'n Roll environment


gourmet | restaurants

• Hostaria Bibendum - Hotel Helvetia & Bristol (Always Open) Via dei Pescioni, 2 - 055.2665620 Elegant environment. Mediterranean Cuisine • il bargello (Always Open) Piazza Signoria, 4r - 055.214071 Classic interior. Tuscan Cuisine • il palagio - hotel Four Seasons (Always open) Borgo Pinti, 99 - 055.2626450 Elegant interior. Italian haute Cuisine • La loggia - villa san michele (Always open) Via di Doccia, 4 - Fiesole - 055.5678200 Elegant interior. Italian and Tuscan Cuisine. • La Serra - Hotel plaza lucchesi (Always open) L.rno della Zecca Vecchia, 38 - 055.26236 Elegant interior. Italian and Typical Tuscan Cuisine. • La Martinicca (Sundays) Via del Sole, 27 - 055.218928 Informal interior -Traditional Tuscan Cuisine • Le Antiche Carrozze (Always open) Piazza S. Trinita - Borgo SS. Apostoli - 055.2658156 Trattoria & Pizzeria - Typical cuisine • Lungarno bistrot (Always open) P.zza Scarlatti, 1r (L.rno Guicciardini) - 055.2654541 Modern environment. Tuscan & original recipes

• parione (Always open) Via del Parione, 74 - 76r - 055.214005 Characteristic interior. Traditional Tuscan Cuisine • sabatini (Mondays) Via Panzani, 9a - 055.282802 Classic interior. Tuscan Cuisine • SE•STO on ARNo - Westin Excelsior (Always open) P.zza Ognissanti, 3 - 055. 27152783 ELegant interior. Mediterranean Cuisine • Trattoria 4 Leoni (Always Open) Piazza della Passera - 055.218562 Characteristic interior. Traditional Tuscan Cuisine • Trattoria omero (Always open) Via Pian dei Giullari, 47 - 055.220053 Classic interior. Traditional Tuscan Cuisine • Trattoria Sostanza - Troia (March: Saturdays & Sundays - April: Sundays) Via del Porcellana, 25r - 055.212691 Typical Tuscan Trattoria. Traditional local Cuisine • Trattoria vittoria (Always open for dinner - Sat/Sun & Hol. for lunch also) Via della Fonderia, 52r - 055.225657 Classic interior. Fish specialities • winter garden by caino - the st. regis (Always open) Piazza Ognissanti, 1 - 055.27163770 Elegant interior. Typical Tuscan Cuisine.


Santa Maria Novella 1 Buca Mario 055.214179 2 florian 055.284291 3 la Martinicca 055.218928 4 parione 055.214005 5 Sabatini 055.282802 6 winter garden by caino 055.27163770 7 se•sto on arno 055.27152783 8 trattoria sostanza - troia 055.212691


8 3 6 6






1 4

1 Cammillo 2 fuor d'acqua 3 lungarno bistrot 4 Trattoria 4 Leoni 5 Trattoria omero 6 Trattoria vittoria

055.212427 055.222299 055.2654541 055.218562 055.220053 055.225657


4 5




Duomo / Signoria 1 buca lapi 2 Cantinetta antinori 3 Coquinarius 4 hard rock cafe 5 hostaria bibendum 6 il bargello 7 il palagio 8 la loggia

055.213768 055.292234 055.2302153 055.2670499 055.2665620 055.214071 055.2626450 055.5678200

8 7



1 4



Santa Croce 1 boccanegra 2 cucina torcicoda 3 Fellini 4 enoteca pinchiorri

055.2001098 055.2654329 055.2478898 055.242777


gourmet | restaurants

Lungarno Bistrot

Бистро на Лунгарно В изумительном обрамлении набережной реки Арно, так называемого Лунгарно Гуиччардини, открылся новый ресторан «LUNGARNO BISTROT», с роскошной внешней верандой, сидя на которой можно любоваться великолепным видом набережной и фасадом дворца князей Корсини. У входа располагается барная стойка для заказа аперитивов или дижестивов, но настоящим центром притяжения заведения является его огромная открытая кухня, которая позволяет наблюдать за процессом приготовления фирменных блюд и домашней лапши. Использование продуктов местного или строго итальянского происхождения высшего качества отличает блюда, приготовленные руками наших шеф-поваров. В меню можно найти типичные блюда тосканской кухни, а также блюда, созданные фантазией наших мастеров (такие, как мусс из мяса трески, картофельная запеканка с лососем). Десерты тоже все выполнены в домашних условиях. На сладкое можно заказать: тирамису, mille-feuille со взбитыми сливками, яблочный пирог «Татен», шоколадное суфле и широкий ассортимент печень


The “LUNGARNO BISTROT” restaurant has just opened in a splendid setting on the Lungarno Guicciardini, right opposite historic Palazzo Corsini, and, with its large outside veranda giving onto a beautiful view of the Arno, ideal for a dinner in the warm evenings of the florentine spring, The lounge bar can be found in the entrance hall and is perfect for aperitifs and after dinner drinks, though the highlight of the restaurant is its large open-plan kitchen, where you can watch the chefs prepare all the dishes and home made pasta (it is one of the few restaurants in the city centre where the pasta is home produced as well as bread and desserts by the chefs). The first course includes handmade fresh pasta both stuffed like tortelli or ravioli or plain such as pici, tagliolini and tagliatelle, as well as special dishes every day with products of the season! Fresh products make up the principal raw materials for our cuisine. All the various dishes are characterised by carefully selected products, all of top quality, while our chefs’ love of simple and genuine cooking can be seen with the many plants of fresh herbs growing on the small balcony off the kitchen. The menu includes typical dishes of Tuscan tradition (Florentine T-bone steak, just to give an example), as well as other platters revisited by our chefs. The dessert course is also most important as it provides the perfect ending to any special meal. All the desserts are made right here in the kitchen and include tiramisu (made on order), mille-feuille with chantilly whipped cream, upside down apple tart, chocolate soufflé and a wide variety of fancy biscuits. P.zza Scarlatti, 1r - Tel. +39.055.2654541 www.lungarnobistrot.it

gourmet | restaurants

Cucina Torcicoda

Ресторан «Cucina Torcicoda» Большое патио овальной формы на Виа Торта ограничивает площадь, ранее занимаемую древнеримским амфитеатром, в период между 124 и 130-ым годом до нашей эры, а огибающая ее изогнутая дорога была прозвана Виа Торчикода (улица Изогнутого Хвоста). Ресторан «Cucina Torcicoda» родился здесь: огромная обновленная площадь, расположенная на более, чем тысяче квадратных метров с тремя различными залами, у каждого из которых свое оформление, своя атмосфера и меню, которые всегда отличаются высоким качеством, традициями и изысканностью. Ресторан основывается и специализируется на блюдах средиземноморской и тосканской кухни. Деревянные столы и неформальная атмосфера являются наиболее характерными чертами таверны. Последняя по счету, но не по качеству — пиццерия, в которой можно попробовать пиццы, приготовленные в настоящей печи на дровах.


The elliptical path of Via Torta, which runs through the heart of the city between Via Verdi, via dell'Anguillara, Borgo de ' Greci and Piazza Peruzzi and ends at the beginning of Via de ' Benci , delineates the area where once stood the Roman Amphitheatre between 124 and 130 a.d., a curved road once dubbed as Via Torcicoda. Cucina Torcicoda is born here, a new restaurant in Florence, a huge innovative concept space designed by architect Luigi Fragola - which stretches for more than a thousand square feet - with three different environments, each with its own vocation, menu and atmosphere, always characterized by high quality, authenticity and research. The restaurant is intimate, Chef Alessandro Fabbri is specialized in Mediterranean cuisine with a closeup on Tuscan flavors and a special attention to meat recipes thanks to the wonderful grill on view. Wooden tables, candles, bottles on the walls and a convivial atmosphere is what most characterizes the Osteria, always marked by attentive service and original gastronomic proposals. Last but not least comes the pizzeria making pizzas with exceptional raw materials in wood-burning oven, perfectly balanced between tradition and innovation. If you step down from the Osteria you will find a small privée where you can enjoy an aperitif before dinner or a drink at the end of the evening: Enjoy the wine list and the numerous cocktails. Via Torta, 5r Tel. +39.055.2654329 www.cucinatorcicoda.com

gourmet | restaurants

Trattoria 4 Leoni

Трактир 4 львов находится на площади делла Пассера рядом с Дворцом Питти и окунает вас в обстановку исконно тосканского стиля, простого но рафинированного. Хозяин, Стефано ди Пуччио, известен в городе как игрок в «Исторический Флорентийский Футбол» и благодаря высококачественной кухне, которая предлагает традиционные блюда тосканы, такие как курица в кляре, кролик с овощами, незабываемые бифштексы и знаменитый Пепозо из Импруньеты ( пиккантное жаркое). Все дессерты сделаны на кухне ресторана, вина можно дегустировать бокалами. В летнее время можно поесть на открытом воздухе.


A corner of the old Florence between Ponte Vecchio and Palazzo Pitti, just off the main tourist tracks, filled with craft shops and beloved by artists and intellectuals. This is Piazza della Passera, a street cross where in recent years many shops and restaurants have arisen: here is where you will find the Trattoria 4 Leoni, a Restaurant that offers the kind of hospitality that you would expect to find in the homes of old friends. Though not just a Tuscan trattoria, 4 Leoni is simple but elegant and tastefully furnished. The owner Stefano Di Puccio is held in high regard in the city for its sporting history as kicker in the Calcio Storico Fiorentino, but above all for his hospitality and the quality of his cuisine. Dishes are in the true Tuscan tradition, from the classic Huge FryUp (fried chicken, rabbit and vegetables) to the always excellent steak, the famous Peposo all'Imprunetina (peppery stew). But the choice of dishes, in addition to vary according to the season is enriched with new features according to the imagination of the chef, who looks at the "new Italian cuisine". So 4 Leoni is pasta dishes and second courses, grilled meat and fish, homemade desserts and wines of excellent quality that can also be ordered by the glass. In the summer months you can eat outside in the square. The quality of the food, the care for detail and service, together with the simple and genuine atmosphere, make of Trattoria 4 Leoni a symbol for all the Florentines and still frequented by an international clientele. Piazza della Passera - Tel. +39.055.218562 www.4leoni.com

gourmet | restaurants

Trattoria Omero Трактир Omero Трактир Omero является одним из исторических флорентийских ресторанов. Расположенный на холме, всего в пяти минутах от центра города , благодаря его дружественной и спокойной обстановке, трактир стал незаменимым местом встречи для тех, кто умеет наслаждаться жизнью. Его успех связан с качеством приготовления пищи, трактир предлагает традиционные тосканские блюда из сезонных продуктов , приготовленные с мудростью и страстью. Два больших столовых зала в традиционной стилистике с элементами элегантной моды, с большим окном на Флоренцию, придают ресторану особый свет ... летними вечерами можно пообедать на террасе и насладиться восхитительным видом на холмы. Винный погреб содержит свыше 300 отборных вин: классические итальянские и международные вина, и все знаменитые тосканские этикетки. Время, кажется, остановилось в Omero... оригинальный вкус и простота - вот его отличительные черты.

Trattoria Omero is one of the historic sites in Florentine catering. Its ideal position on the hill only five minutes from the city centre and its friendly and peaceful environment make it a meeting point for personalities of culture and the cinema. Its success is due to the quality of the cooking that offers traditional Tuscan dishes prepared with seasonal ingredients and cooked with wisdom and passion. The two large dining rooms are furnished in a traditional but elegant fashion with a large picture window over Florence that gives the restaurant a very special light... and on summer evenings it is possible to dine on the splendid terrace and enjoy an enchanting view over the hills. Trattoria Omero is a unique opportunity to enjoy moments of true pleasure at the table and enjoy excellently cooked but simple dishes. The menu follows the rhythm of the seasons, while the dishes are prepared using selected fresh produce of top quality and include fresh home made pasta, pappardelle with hare ragout, grilled meats, fried platters, Florentine steaks, specialities based on game, desserts, which are always home made, and many other delicacies. The Cantina houses over 300 selected wines: classic Italian and international wines and all the fines Tuscan labels. The service is attentive, friendly and never intrusive. Time seems to have stood still at Omero’s as, although the restaurant has stood here for decades, it still manages to keep its reputation and perhaps this is why its customers get attached to it and come back again and again, because they know they will always find original flavours and simplicity. Always open for lunch and dinner, gastronomy shop open 9.00-23.00. Via Pian dei Giullari 47 - Arcetri - Florence Tel. +39.055.220053 - Fax +39.055.2336183 www.ristoranteomero.it


Piazza della Signoria 4/r Tel. e Fax 055.214071 www.ilbargello.it - info@ilbargello.it

Come for a typical Florentine meal Originally the ancient “Locanda del Buco” XIII-XIV cent. Always open for Lunch & Dinner

The unique flavours of Tuscan creative cuisine lead you through a romantic and unique evening


Ristorante - Via Ghibellina, 124r - Enoteca - Via Verdi, 27r tel. 055.2001098 - www.boccanegra.com

gourmet | restaurants


Кокинариус Винный бар и ресторан «Coquinarius» был основан в 1999-ом году на Виа делле Оке, сразу за площадью, на которой находится Домский собор. Винный бар вскоре превратился в излюбленное место встречи в основном местных жителей и одиноких путешественников, которые желали провести час-другой в его стенах, в неформальной и располагающей обстановке. Меню начинается с закусок и списка вин на разлив, вдохновленное итальянской и французской кулинарной традицией. Блюда разделены на различные категории по вкусу: выбор карпаччо, мясо на гриле и т. д. Завершают меню десерты, среди которых один на все случаи жизни: чизкейк из свежего сыра и трех различных сортов шоколада: белый, молочный и черный. Винная карта предлагает выбор вин, поставленных напрямую от небольших итальянских производителей. Органические и биодинамические вина с севера и юга Италии.


The Wine-bar Restaurant Coquinarius was founded in 1999 in Via delle Oche just behind Piazza del Duomo. The winebar soon became a meeting place frequented mostly by residents of the district and solo travelers who find shelter within its walls for a moment of reflection and conviviality. The menu opens with appetizers and typical Wine on the glass. Inspired by the Italian and French culinary tradition, Caoquinarius cuisine offers a rich selection of cheese and sausages, toast and fried bread, rolls and pasties. The whole of these matched by mustards and jams, white and brown bread with raisins, hazelnuts, pistachios and bacon. Then you will find the pasta courses. Whether long or filled pasta, the focus goes on the seasonal products and the uniqueness of the dish. Recipes that you have never tasted. Dishes are divided into families according to different needs and tastes. The carpaccios offers rich and light carpaccio marinated meats or smoked fish accompanied by salads and steamed vegetables or oil. Find Roast Beef, Wild Boar stew or various recipes with pork, rabbit meat or crude Chianina meat such as the famous tartare, served with porcini mushrooms or artichokes, fruit or vegetables according to the availability and season. Finally the desserts. One for all : the not-cooked cheese cake of three different Chocolate qualities, white, milk and dark. The wine list offers a selection of wines directly from small Italian producers. Organic and biodynamic wines from north to south Italy. Manufacturers that you can often meet at the winebar. Wines grown without poisons. Wines created following phases of the moon and ancient sayings. Real dense wines. Live and complex. Wines that smell of early family histories and traditions. Via dell'Oche, 11 r Tel. +39.055.2302153 www.coquinarius.com

Trattoria Cammillo C u c i n a toscana e d i n t er n azionale • Tu s c an and i n t e r n ational c u i sine Borgo S. Jacopo 57r - Firenze Tel. (055) 212427 Fax (055) 212963 Closed Tuesdays & Wednesdays

gourmet | restaurants


Флориан Старинное Кафе Флориан, основанное в 1720-ом году на площади Сан-Марко в Венеции, сейчас нашло свой уголок во Флоренции, где открыло новый филиал с эксклюзивным кафетерием и новаторским рестораном, посвященными современному искусству. Элитная атмосфера и безупречный сервис выгодно отличают классический кафетерий и ресторан с традиционными блюдами венецианской и итальянской кухни. Шеф-повар черпает свое вдохновение в классических постных блюдах, известных десертах и венецианском мягком мороженом. Каждый вечер с 18-ти часов сервируется венецианский аперитив с традиционным коктейлем Сприц, Беллини или Негрони, в сопровождении вяленой трески, приготовленной в собственном соку либо в томатном соусе, мясного и сырного ассорти по-венециански, подаваемого с конфитюрами домашнего приготовления, а также прочими закусками, которые можно брать прямо руками


Historic Caffè Florian, founded in 1720 in Piazza S. Marco in Venice, has now found its natural outlet in Florence with the opening of this new and exclusive location, where a prestigious café and innovative catering blend together with Contemporary Art. The Florian Art Collection has organised a permanent display of works by Mimmo Rotella, Fabrizio Plessi, Gaetano Pesce and Bruno Ceccobelli, to mention just a few of the many artists who have created exclusive works for the Florian in Venice over the years. These art works are now here in Florence to pay tribute to the tradition in style, elegance and refinement that has made Florian a myth-like place throughout the world. Here clients can find a truly exclusive environment and an impeccable service in the classical Café and in the Restaurant, specialised in Venetian and Italian cuisine. Inspired by the classical light dishes and traditional desserts and parfaits, the Chef offers some really superlative platters created with top quality raw materials. The recipes are in fact all based on the finest Italian products and include really fresh fish, meat, first courses and starters, as well as the typical Venetian savoury croutons. The idea is to maintain all the flavour and natural taste of the best ingredients of the season and thus create excellent but traditional dishes that are however continuously renewed, with the addition of special touches that are both original and cosmopolitan. It is possible to enjoy an aperitif (spritz, delicious cocktails, special wines), a really good coffee, chocolate, the traditional and elegant afternoon tea, snacks, Venetian savoury croutons and exquisite pastries, all signed by Florian at any time of the day. Do not miss the special Venetian aperitif, every evening after 6pm, where you can enjoy faithful reproductions of the original Florian recipes for Spritz, Bellini and Negroni, accompanied by traditional salted cod, cod stew, a selection of Venetian dressed meats and cheeses served with home made jams prepared by the Chef and various types of fingerfood. Via del Parione, 28r - Tel. +39.055.284291 www.caffeflorian.com

useful info

Tourist Information


Tourist Info Points Via Cavour, 1r 055.290832 / 290833 Vespucci Airport (Florence) 055.315874 Piazza del Duomo 055.215440 Piazza Stazione, 4 055.212245 Emergencies Emergency ephone Number 113 Ambulance Service 118 Carabinieri - National Military Police 112 Environmental Emergency 1515 Fire Department 115 Health Services 24/7 Medical Service: En/De/Fr speaking doctors - No need to book Piazza Duomo 055.212221 Open Pharmacies 800.420707 Veterinary Services 055 7223683 Poison Center 24/7 055.7947819 On the Road Roadside Assistance for Foreigners 800.116800 Obstruction, theft and towed vehicles 055.4224142 Highways: route planning and traffic jams www.autostrade.it/en Law enforcement Railway Police 055.211012 Florence Municipal Police 055.3283333 Local National Police Force 055.49771 Fire and Rescue Service 055.24901 Airports “A. Vespucci” - Firenze Peretola www.aeroporto.firenze.it/en 055.3061300 • Lost & Found Office 055.3061302 “G. Galilei” - Pisa www.pisa-airport.com 050.849300 • Lost & Found Office 050.849400 Buses ATAF - Bus Info 6am/9pm 800424500 - from Mob. 199104245 Li-nea - Bus Info 055.7355742 (Buy your 90mins ticket for 1,20 € in bars, Tabacchis, news-stands) Coaches FSBustalia – SITA Nord - via Santa Caterina da Siena 15 www.fsbusitalia.it 800.373760/055.47821 Etruria Mobilità SCaRL (Arezzo) www.etruriamobilita.it 0575.39881 CAP (Prato) largo Frali Alinari 9 www.capautolinee.it 055.214637 COPIT/BLUBUS – from Largo F.lli Alinari www.copitspa.it 800.277.825/0573.3630 VAIBUS - Piazza Stazione/via Fiume, tickets at CAP ticket office www.vaibus.com 800.602525 Trains Trenitalia - Call Center (tickets, change, info) 89.20.21 • Interactive Voice Response System 06.3000 Italo - Call Center, 6am-11pm. 06.07.08 Taxis CO.TA.FI. 055.4390 SO.CO.TA. 055.4242 - 055.4798 Other services Protection of Tourist Rights 2760382 Animal Protection 055.213296 LOST PROPERTY City Council Lost Property Office, Via F. Veracini 5, int.5, 055.334802, including all properties handed in at Police Headquarters, Carabinieri and Railway Police Offices.

ALBANIA Via D. Manin 2 - tel 055.2340277 - 3473381882 AUSTRIA Lungarno Vespucci 58 - tel 055.2654222 BANGLADESH Via Pellicceria 6 - tel 055.217500 BELGIUM Via dei Servi 28 - tel 055.282094 BRAZIL Piazza Pitti 5 - tel 055.290948 - 055.222336 BULGARIA Via Orcagna 42 - tel 055.571055 BURKINA FASO Via Maggio 26 - tel 055.219571 CAMEROON Piazza Indipendenza 21 - tel 055.5047149 CAPE VERDE Via Tornabuoni 4 - tel 055.216689 CHILE Poggio Magherini 4, Fiesole - tel 055.597216 CHINA Via Della Robbia 89 - tel 055.573889 COLOMBIA Via Santo Spirito 11 - tel 055.289468 COSTA RICA Via Giambologna 10 - tel 055.573603 CROATIA Via Mattonaia 13 - tel 055.2639272 CZECH REPUBLIC Viale Spartaco Lavagnini 18 - tel 055.284454 DENMARK Via dei Servi 13 - tel 055.211007 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Via Marconi 30 - tel 055.5000777 ECUADOR Via Trieste 67 - tel 055.473151 EL SALVADOR Via Condotta 12 - tel 055.292256 ESTONIA Via Lamarmora 55 - tel 055.588313 FINLAND Borgo SS. Apostoli 27 - tel 055.3562838 FRANCE Piazza Ognissanti 2 - tel 055.2302556 GERMANY Corso dei Tintori 3 - tel 055.2343543 GREAT BRITAIN Lungarno Corsini 2 - tel 055.284133 GREECE Via Cavour 38 - tel 055.2381482 GRENADA Via dello Studio 8 - tel 055.0776222 - 055.290394 HONDURAS Via APoliziano 8 - tel 055.470122 - 055.470132 HUNGARY Via Belgio 2 - tel 055.6531817 IVORY COAST Piazza San Firenze 3 - tel 055.2777263 LATVIA Via Suor Maria Celeste 1 - tel 055.224597 LITHUANIA Viale Belfiore 33 - tel 055.363045 LUXEMBOURG Via Palestro 4 - tel 055.284232 MALTA Via Machiavelli 29 - tel 055.261961 MEXICO Via Arte della Lana 4 - tel 055.217831 MONACO (PRINCIPALITY) P.zza Repubblica 6 - tel 055.2670608 MONGOLIA Via Firenzuola, 18, Prato - tel 0574.606136 NETHERLANDS Via Cavour 81 - tel 055.475249 NICARAGUA Via Eugenio Barsanti 24, Prato - tel 0574.545957 NORWAY Lungarno Corsini 6 - tel 055.5370300 PANAMA Via Pico della Mirandola 8 - tel 055.587119 PERU Piazza S. Firenze 3 - tel 055.2608803 PHILIPPINES Via C. Ridolfi 2 - tel 055.4628848 PORTUGAL Via Bolognese 55 - tel 055.494787 ROMANIA Via dei Rondinelli 3 - tel 055.2645661 RUSSIAN FEDERATION Via Guicciardini 15 - tel 055.289873 SAN MARINO Via Roma 3 - tel 055.210864 SENEGAL Borgo S. Lorenzo 1 - tel 055.216999 SERBIA Via Masaccio 49 - tel 055.214950 SEYCHELLES Via Alfieri 19 - tel 0584.53466 SLOVAKIA Lungarno del Tempio 54 - tel 055.579531 SLOVENIA Borgo Pinti 82 rosso - tel 055.242022 SOUTH AFRICA Piazza de’ Salterelli 1 - tel 055.281863 SPAIN Via dei Servi 13 - tel 055.212207 SWEDEN Via Bonifacio Lupi 14 - tel 055.499536 SWITZERLAND Piazzale Galileo 5 - tel 055.222434 TUNISIA Piazza San Marco 12 - tel 055.215833 TURKEY Via Dante da Castiglione 8 - tel 055.2335945 UKRAINE Piazza Alberti 16 - tel 055.677064 U.S. OF AMERICA Lung. Vespucci 38 - tel 055.266951 VENEZUELA Via Giambologna 10 - tel 055.588082 YEMEN Via Maffia 10 - tel 055219588 – 055.2399328 ZAMBIA Via Alfieri 19 - tel 0584.53466


useful info

Connections with Pisa Airport Florence connections to Pisa Centrale via Train & from Pisa Centrale to Pisa Airport via Bus Service. PisaMover Bus has a timetable departure of every 10 minutes and a journey time of just 8 minutes to get to Pisa Airport and viceversa. The PisaMover Bus service starts at 6 a.m. and stops at 12 p.m, every day, including Sunday and Bank holidays, for each route (Pisa Airport – Pisa Central Station and Pisa Central Station- Pisa Airport). Ticket price is 1,30€ one way.

Firenze SMN 6:08 6:53 7:00 7:28 7:53 8:05 8:28 8:53 9:28 9:53 10:28 10:53 11:00 11:28 11:53 12:28 12:53 13:00 13:28 13:53 14:28

Pisa Centr. 7:32 8:06 7:49 8:34 9:03 9:22 9:28 10:10 10:28 11:03 11:28 12:03 11:49 12:26 13:04 13:28 14:03 13:49 14:28 15:03 15:28

Firenze SMN 14:53 15:00 15:28 15:53 16:28 16:53 17:00 17:28 17:53 18:16 18:28 18:53 19:00 19:38 19:53 20:28 20:53 21:28 21:57 22:25 23:07

Pisa Centr. 16:03 15:49 16:28 17:03 17:28 18:03 17:49 18:28 19:04 19:44 19:28 20:03 19:49 20:59 21:03 21:28 22:03 22:34 23:19 1:07 0:29

Principal Trains leaving Florence S.M.N FIRENZE ROMA FIRENZE ROMA FIRENZE MILANO FIRENZE 06:50 08:35 16:04 17:35 07:30 08:10 8:30 07:38 09:10 16:48 18:20 08:00 09:40 9:30 08:39 10:10 17:04 18:35 09:00 10:40 10:15 09:04 10:35 18:04 19:35 10:00 11:40 10:30 09:38 11:10 18:38 20:20 11:00 12:40 11:30 10:04 11:35 19:04 20:35 12:00 13:40 12:15 10:38 12:10 19:38 21:10 13:00 14:40 12:30 11:04 12:35 20:38 22:10 14:00 15:40 13:30 11:38 11:38 21:04 22:35 15.00 16:40 14:30 12:04 13:35 21:38 23:10 16:00 17:40 15:30 12:38 14:10 22:04 23:35 17:00 18:40 16:30 13:04 14:35 18:00 19:40 17:30 13:38 15:10 19:00 20:40 18:15 14:04 15:35 20:00 21:40 19:30 14:38 16:10 21:00 22:40 20:30 15:04 16:35 22:00 23:40 21:30 15:38 17:10


VENEZIA 10:35 11:35 12:20 12:35 13:30 14:20 14:35 15:35 16:35 17:35 18:35 19:35 20:20 21:35 21:35 23:35

useful info

Florence - Siena: Coach Service FIRENZE - SIENA (express service) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi)

F 6,45 8,00 L 10,10 11,25 L 14,40 15,55 H3 17,20 18,35

L 7,00 8,15 F 10,10 11,25 F 15,10 16,25 L6 17,20 18,40

L 7,15 8,30 L 10,30 11,45 L 15,40 16,55 S 17,20 18,35

L 7,45 9,00 F 11,10 12,25 F 16,10 17,25 L 17,30 18,45

L 7,45 9,00 F 12,10 13,25 L6 16,30 17,5 L 18,10 19,25

S 8,10 9,25 F 13,10 14,25 L5 16,45 18,05 L 18,10 19,25

L 8,10 9,25 L 13,30 14,45 L 17,00 18,15 G 19,10 20,25

L 8,50 10,05 L4 13,30 14,45 L 17,00 18,15 F 20,15 21,30

F 9,10 10,25 F2 14,10 15,25 L 17,10 18,25

S 9,10 10,25 F1,6 14,10 15,3 S 17,10 18,25

F 6,40 7,55 L 10,10 11,25 L 16,10 17,25 F 18,20 19,35

L9 6,45 8,15 S 10,10 11,25 S 16,10 17,25 L 18,50 20,05

F 6,50 8,05 L 11,10 12,25 F 17,10 18,25 G 19,10 20,25

L 7,10 8,25 L 11,50 13,05 L 17,10 18,25 L 20,15 21,30

L6 7,10 8,25 F 12,10 13,25 H 17,40 18,55 H3 20,15 21,30

F 8,00 9,15 S 13,10 14,25 L 17,40 18,55 L 20,45 22,00

L 8,10 9,25 L 13,10 14,25 L7 17,40 19,00

H 9,10 10,25 H 14,10 15,25 H 17,20 18,35

SIENA - FIRENZE (express service) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA)

L 6,20 7,35 S 8,10 9,25 G 14,10 15,25 G 17,50 19,05

F 6,30 7,45 L 8,50 10,05 L 14,50 16,05 L 18,00 19,15

L10 6,40 8,09 F 9,10 10,25 L 15,10 16,25 H 18,10 19,25

FIRENZE - SIENA (direct service) -Via Poggibonsi - Colle Val d’Elsa FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi)

F 6,10 7,45 F 11,40 13,15 G 15,40 17,15

H 6,30 8,05 H 12,10 13,45 L 16,40 18,15

G 7,10 8,45 H 12,15 F 17,10 -

L 8,15 G 12,40 14,15 L 17,40 19,15

S3 8,15 L 13,40 15,15 SH 17,40 19,15

L 8,40 10,15 S 13,40 15,15 L 18,20 19,55

F 9,40 11,15 L2 14,10 SH 18,40 20,15

H 10,10 11,45 L 14,40 16,15 L 18,40 20,15

F 10,40 12,15 S 14,40 16,15 G 19,50 21,4

F 7,15 8,50 L 12,40 14,15 G 20,30 22,05

L 8,35 F 13,40 15,15

H 8,10 9,45 H 13,50 15,25

G8 21,15 22,5

SIENA - FIRENZE (direct service) - Via Colle Val d’Elsa - Poggibonsi SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA)

F 7,30 F 8,40 10,15 F 14,40 16,15

L 7,45 F 9,40 11,15 G 15,40 17,15

F 6,20 7,55 H 9,40 11,15 F 16,40 18,15

H 6,20 7,55 L 10,40 12,15 G 17,40 19,15

F1 6,30 8,05 H 10,40 12,15 F 18,40 20,15

L2 6,30 8,05 G 11,40 13,15 L 19,40 21,15

LEGENDA / KEY TO SYMBOLS L From Monday to Friday - F Weekdays - S Saturday - H Festive - G Daily (1) Runs from 15/6 to 13/9 - (2) Runs from 14/9 to 14/6 - (3) Runs July and August - (4) Departs from Florence (P.za Tanucci at 1:10 pm) - Via Panciatichi - (5) Departs from Florence (Piazza Tanucci - Via Peretola) - (6) Stops at Salceto from Monday to Friday - (7) Passed by Poggibonsi (Borgaccio) - (8) Departs from via Alamanni - (9) Terminates at Piazza Puccini via Peretola - (10) Terminates at Piazza Dalmazia at 8:15 am

Info: BUSITALIA coach station - tel. 055.47821 - Siena Ticket Office tel. 0577.204111 Numero Verde: 800.922.984 - www.trainspa.it


useful info

World War II Military Cemeteries American Military Cemetery About 5 miles south of Florence on the way to Siena, near Falciani. Open daily 9am-5pm. Closed on Christmas Day and NewYears Day. - tel. 055.2020020. British Commonwealth Cemetery Situated about 4 miles east of Florence on the Arezzo road (Girone). Open daily from 8am to 4.30pm. Castiglione - South African Cemetery Nearly thirty miles from Florence at Castiglione dei Pepoli, on the Prato-Bologna road towards the Bisenzio River Valley. The cemetery is situated on the left, 250 metres outside Castiglione. Always open. German Military Cemetery Near the village of Traversa at the Passo della Futa tel. 055.815248 - Hours: daily 8.00-12am - 2-6pm.

Sunday Masses

Please telephone for confirmation of times given San Lorenzo Piazza S. Lorenzo - tel. 055.216634 - 9.30, 11, 18 San Marco Piazza S. Marco - tel. 055.2396950 - 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 18.30 Santa Maria del Fiore Pizza San Giovanni - tel. 055.2302885 - 7.30, 9, 10.30 cantata, 12, 18 Santa Maria Maggiore Via de’ Vecchietti - tel. 055.215914 - 9, 10.30, 12, 19, 21 Santa Maria Novella Piazza S.Maria Novella - tel. 055.210113 - 8.30, 10.30, 12, 18 Santa Maria de’ Ricci Via del Corso - tel. 055.215044 - 11, 18.30 San Salvatore in Ognissanti Borgo Ognissanti, 42 - tel. 055.2398700 - 10.30,12,18.30 Santissima Trinita e San Pancrazio Piazza S. Trinita - tel. 055.216912 - 7.30, 9.45, 11, 18.30 Santa Maria del Carmine Piazza del Carmine, 14 - tel. 055.212331 - 8, 10, 12, 17.30 (inv.), 18 (estivo) Santa Croce Piazza S. Croce, 16 - tel. 055.244619 - 8, 9.30, 11, 12, 18 San Giovannino Padri Scolopi Via San Gallo, 66 - tel. 055.470864 - 11.30 San Miniato al Monte Via Monte alle Croci, 34 - tel. 055.2342731 - 8.30, 10, 11.30, 17 (inv.), 17.30 (est.) Santo Spirito Piazza S. Spirito - tel. 055.210030 - 9, 10.30, 18 (est.) Santissima Annunziata Piazza SS. Annunziata - tel. 055.2398034 - 7,8.30,10,11.30,13,18,21

Masses in English & German Cathedral Mass in English - Cathedral of S. Maria del Fiore Every Saturday except 1st Saturday of month at 5pm - tel. 055.294514 Oratory of the Misericordia Mass in English - First Saturday of the month at 5pm. Church of S. Trinita Mass in German - Piazza S. Trinita - tel. 055.216912. Sundays at 9.45am. Church of SS. Michele e Gaetano Mass in German- Piazza Antinori- tel. 055.213610. Sundays at 10am.


useful info

Non-Catholic Churches

p.zza S. Jacopino




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Giardino Bardini

lungarno Ser

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Fiume Arno






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ie v. P

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as a

1. Anglican Church of St. Mark’s (Church of England) Via Maggio, 16 - tel. 055.294764 - Times of services: Sundays 9am (said mass) and 10.30 (sung mass), Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday 9.30am; Wednesday 10am / Friday 12.30pm. Contact - tel. 055.294764 for services at St. Peter’s - Siena.” 2. Christian Adventist Church Via Guelfa, 12 - tel. 055.287340 - Hours of services: Saturday, Bible Studies, 9.30am; Service, 10.30am - Via del Pergolino, 12 - tel. 055.412014 - Hours of services: Saturday School 9.30am - Service, 11am. 3. Church of Christ Via San Donato, 13-15 - tel. 055.2371389 - Bible Studies, Tuesday and Thursday evening. 4. Evangelical Baptist Church Borgo Ognissanti, 4 - tel. 055.210537 - Hours of services: Sunday Service 10.30am; Sunday School 10.30am. Saturday: Bible Studies 5pm; Youth group 6.30pm. 5. Evangelical Brethren Church Via Vigna Vecchia 15/17 - tel. 055.217236 - Hours of services: adoration and edification, Sunday 10.15am; Bible Studies and Youth Group: Wednesdays 7.45pm. 6. Evangelical Methodist Church Via de’ Benci, 9 - tel. 055.288143 - Services at 11am. 7. First Christian Scientist Church Via F. Baracca, 150 - tel. 055.432383 - Hours of services: Sunday Service 10am - Sunday School 10am - Wednesday meeting - Testimonies of healing 6.30pm - Reading room Wednesday and Friday 4.30-6.30pm. 8. Lutheran Evangelical Church Lungarno Torrigiani, 11 - tel. 055.2342775 - Hours of services: Sunday 10am. 9. Mosque Via Baccio Bandinelli, 11 - tel. 055.711648. 10. Russian Orthodox Church Via Leone 8di Castello, - tel.65 66055.490148 - Museo Hours of services: Parterre every Sunday and Aeroporto A1 / A 11 C X,Ville D 45 68 Rifredi B Stibbert A. Vespucci Autostrada Petraia e Corsini on all liturgical feast days, 10am. Divine Orthodox Mass in Russian. 11. Salvation Army Via Aretina, 91 - tel. 055.660445 - Services: Sunday 10.30am. 12. St. James American Episcopal Church Via B. Rucellai, 9 - tel. 055.294417 - All services in English - Sunday 9am, 11am. 13. Swiss Reformed Evangelical Church Lungarno Torrigiani, 11 - tel. 055.571787 - Hours of services: alternate Sundays with the Lutheran Church, in summer and winter 10.30am. 14. Synagogue Via L. Farini, 4 - tel. 055.245252-245253 9am-1.30pm for times of religious services. Tours of the Synagogue: Sunday-Thursday 10am-1pm / 2-5pm; Fridays 10am-1pm - Closed on Saturdays (Jewish Feast Day). 15. Waldensian Evangelical Church Services: Via Micheli, 26 corner Via Lamarmora - Sunday service 10.30am - Office and activities: Via Manzoni, 21 - tel. 055.2477800.

v. di S. Niccolò v. di S. Nic


Museo Casa Siviero

p.zza Poggi


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russian pages



Главные Музеи Капелла Медичей Старая Ризница, Новая Ризница с архитектурой и скульптурами Микеланджело и Капелла дей Принчипи, декорированная мрамором. Пьяцца Мадонна дей Альдобрандини 6 тел 055.294883. 8.15-13.50. Закрыто 2е и 4е воскресенье; 1й, 3й, 5й понедельник месяца Галлерея Академии известна шедеврами Микеланджело: Давид, Пленники. Скульптуры, живопись и наброски известных художников. Вия Риказоли 60 тел. 055.294883. 8.15-18.50. Закрыто по понедельникам Музей Барджелло скульптура, живопись изящные исскуства. Афрески школы Джотто в Капелле. Вия Проконсоло 4 - тел. 055.294883. 8.15-17.00 Закрыто 1е,3е,5е воскресенье; 2й,4й понедельник месяца. Галлерея Уффици С 1591 года одна из наиболее важных коллекций всех времен, античные скульптуры и живопись итальянской и мировых школ с XII по XVIII века. Лоджа Уффици тел. 055.294883. 8.15-18.50 закрыто по понедельникам Палаццо Веккио монументальный квартал Старинная представительская резиденция Медичей. Скульптуры живопись и предметы обстановки. Пьяцца Синьории тел. 055.2768224. 9.00-19.00. среда, выходные 9.00-14.00




Археологический музей. Исскуство и цивилизация этрусков помимо коллекций египта и греции. Вия делла Колонна 38 тел. 055.23575 - вторник, четверг 8.30-19.00 среда,пятница, суббота, воскресенье 8.30-14.00 - Закрыто по понедельникам

Музеи Дворца Питти Палатинская Галерея Палатинская Галерея была создана Лореана и представляет шедевры из коллекции Медичей, Королевские покои занимают четырнадцать залов, частные покои королей с оригинальной мебелью и предметами исскуства от шестнадцатого до восемнадцатого века. Площадь Питти тел.055.294883. 8.15-18.50. Закрыто в понедельник Галерея современного искусства Живопись и скульптуры фигуративного искусства в Тоскане с конца девятнадцатого века по период между двух мировых войн. Площадь Питти тел. 055.2388601-616. 8.15 -18.50. Закрыто 2е, 4е воскресенье ; 1й, 3й, 5й понедельник месяца Сад Боболино проэкт Триболо был начат в 1550 году после покупки Дворца Питти семьей Медичи. Площадь Питти - тел. 055.294883. 8.15 -16.30 Закрыто 1й и последний понедельник месяца Сад Бардиниэто парк с множеством редких растений и с итальянским и английским садом, лестница в стиле барокко, статуи, фонтаны и анфитеатр. Площадь Питти - тел. 055.294883. 8.15 -16.30. Закрыто 1й и последний понедельник месяцаЗакрыто 1й и последний понедельник месяца

russian pages



Галерея костюма Музей истории моды. Музей серебра хранит вазы из твердых камней Лоренцо Великолепного, коллекция ювелирных изделий Анны Марии Медичи. Музей Керамики Коллекция керамики королевских семей. Палаццина дел Кавальере, Сады Боболи, Дворец Питти1 тел.055-.294883. 8.15 -16.30. Закрыто 1й и последний понедельник месяца.

Афрески Капелла Бранкаччи Цикл афресок истории Святого Петра, шедевр Мазаччо. Площадь Кармине - тел 055.2768224 понедельник-суббота 10.00-17.00 - воскресенье 13.00-17.00 Закрыто во вторник. По записи Капелла дей Маги жи Беноццо Гоццоли Построена Микелоццо , там находятся знаменитые афрески Поход Волхвов в Ирусалим мастера Беноццо Гоццоли. Палаццо Медичи Риччарди, вия Кавур 3 тел. 055.2760340 - 9.00-18.00 Закрыто во вторник Тайная Вечеря Санто Спирито и в Фондационе Романо можно увидеть Распятие и Тайную Вечерь Андрея Орканья и колекцию античных скульптур. Площадь Санто Спирито 29 - тел. 055.287043 Суббота 10-16 Тайня Вечеря Андреа дел Сарто знаменитая афреска Тайной Вечери Андреа дел Сарто помимо картин и скульптур '400 и '500. Вия Сан Салви 16 - тел. 055.294883 - 8.30-13.50. Закрыто в понедельник



Музей Сан Марко содержит монастырь, кельи и крытую аркаду Приюта Пеллегринов. Афрески и картины Беато Анджелика и мастеров его школы. Площадь Сан Марко,1 - тел.055.294883 понедельник-пятница 8.15-13.50 - Субботавоскресенье 8.15-16.50. Закрыто 1е, 3е , 5е воскресенье ; 2й, 4й, понедельник месяца.

Античное Искусство Возрождения Баттистерий Святого Иоанна имский храм посвященный Иоанну Крестителю, покровителю города. Снаружи храма знаменитые ворота Гиберти. Площадь Сан Джованни - тел. 055.2302885 11.15-19.00 - воскресенье, 1я суббота месяца и праздничные дни 8.30-14.00 Дом Буонаротти Дом который Микеланджело построил для себя и своей семьи, но так и не жил в нем. Рисунки, картины, скульптуры. вия Гибеллина, 70 - тел. 055.241752. 10.00-17.00 Купол Брунеллески Поражающий воображение путь вдоль афрески Последнего Суда Федерико Цуккари внутри купола и вид с макушки купола на город. Площаль Площаль Домского Собора тел. 055.2302885 – 8.30-19.00 – суббота 8.30-17.40 закрыто в воскресенье и праздничные дни. Музей Санта Кроче Афрески Джотто,Распятие Чимабуе. Произведения Донателло, Орканья, Бронцино, Чимабуе. Капелла дей Пацци, шедевр Брунелески. Площадь Санта Кроче 16 - тел. 055.2466105 9.30-17.00 - воскресенье и праздничные дни 13.00-17.00


russian pages




Музей Санта Мария дель Фиоре Шедевры Домского Собора, Баттистерия и Колокольни. Скульптуры, модели, ювелирные изделия, редкие молитвенные книги. Площадь Домского Собора,9 - тел. 055.2302885 - 9.00-19.30 - воскресенье 9.00-13.45. Музей Хорне Резиденция знаменитого коллекционера произведений искусств. Картины,скульптуры, мебель. Вия де Бенчи 6 055.244661 - 9.00-13.00 закрыто в воскресенье и праздничные дни. Крытая аркада Санта Мария Новелла Аркада с афресками Паоло Учелло, Орканья и других. Испанская капелл, Аркада дей Морти. Площадь Санта Мария Новелла - тел. 055.282187 - 10.00-16.00 закрыто в пятницу. Музей Стибберт Коллекция оружия, скульптуры, картины, рисунки, костюмы и средневековое обмундирование европы и азиатских стран. Вия Стибберт,26 - тел. 055.475520 понедельник-среда 10.00-14.00 - пятницавоскресенье 10.00-18.00. Закрыто в четверг. Музей Стефано Бардини наиболее авторитетного итальянского антиквара прошлого век. Коллекция римской эпоха до '700. Вия дей Ренаи,37 - тел. 055.2342437 - суббота, воскресенье и понедельник 11.00-17.00


Монументальные Аппартаменты Дом-Музей Данте построенный в начале '900 в месте где предположительно жили Алигьери. Вия Санта Маргерита1(красный) - тел. 055.219416 - 10.00-17.00 Музей дворца Даванти Аристократическая резиденция эпохи возрождения. Оригинальная мебель той эпохи. Вия Порта Росса 13 - тел. 055.294883 - 8.1513.50. Закрыто в понедельник.

Мода, Дизайн и Ремесленное Дело Музей фабрики твердых камней. Колекция произведений и обстановки из твердых камней и флорентийской мозаики. Вия дей Алфани,78 - тел.055.294883 Понедельник-Суббота 8.15-14.00 - Воскресенье закрыто. Музей Сальваторе Феррагамо Kартины, патенты, фотографии, 10000 экземпляров обуви созданных Феррагамо. Дворец Спини Феррони - Вия Торнбуони,2 - тел. 055.3360456. 10.00-18.00. Закрыто во вторник.

Современное Искусство Монументы Музей Марино Марини представляет скульптуры, картины, рисунки и графику Марино Марини (1901-1980). Площадь Сан Панкацио - тел. 055.219432 10.00-17.00 закрыто во вторник и воскресенье.


Колокольня Джотто башня-колокольня, шедевр готической архитектуры Джотто, с верхушки открывается прекрасная панорама Флоренции. Площадь Домского Собора - тел. 055.2302885 8.30-19.30.

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Картезианский Монастырь в Галуццо Монастырский комплекс основанный в четырнадцатом веке. Картинная галлерея представляет афрески Понтормо, работы Перуджино и Гирландайо. Галуццо - тел.0552049226. 9.00-11.00 - 15.0016.00. Закрыто в понедельник. Русская Православная Церковь вия Леоне X, 8 - тел. 055.490148 - расписание служб: каждое воскресенье и в церковные праздники 10.00. Служба на русском языке. Синагога и музей еврейской культуры Здание в арабском стиле постороено между 1874 и 1882 годами. Музей ритуальных принадлежностей и истории евреев Флоренции. Воскресенье-Четверг 10.00-17.30 пятница 10.00-15.00. Закрыто в Субботу

Наука и Образование Музей Галлилео Коллекция научных инструментов и аппаратов, принадлежащих семье Медичи и Лотаргийским герцогам. Площадь Джудичи,1 - тед. 055.265311. Понедельник, среда, четверг, пятница 9.30-18.00, среда и суббота 9.30-13.00. Музей Флоренция какой она была Историческо-топографический музей богатый документами свидетельствами трансформации Флоренции со времен Возрождения до сегодняшних дней. Вия дел Ориоло, 24 - тел. 055.2616545. Понедельник,вторник и среда 9.00-14.00, суббота 9.00-19.00.



Зоологический музей Ла Спекола самый античный научный музей Европы с самой большой в мире коллекцией восковых анатомических снимком восемнадцатого века. Вия Романа 17 - тел. 055.2288251. 9.00-13.00, суббота 9.00-17.00. Закрыт в среду Зоосад Джардиной дей Семпличи основан в 1545 году и является самым большим Зоологическим садом в Италии. В нем хранятся исторические гербарии с XVI века и рисунки. Вия Микели, 3 - тел. 055.2757402. 9.00-13.00, суббота 9.00-17.00. Закрыто в среду.

1. Галлерея Академии Изящных Искусство: Давид Микеланджело 2. Галлерея Уффици: Венера Ботичелли 3. Палаццо Питти 4. Палаццо Веккио 5. Капелла Медичей: Капелла дей Принчипи 6. Площадь Сан Джиовани, Домский Собор и Баттистерий 7. Капелла Бранкаччи 8. Капелла дей Маги 9. Капелла дей Пацци крытая аркада Санта Кроче 10. Музей Ла Спекола: анатомические восковые слепки 11. Картезианский монастыть в Галуццо 12. Аркада Санта Мария Новелла 13. Колокольня Джотто 14. Музей Стибберт 15. Фабрика камней 16. Музей Галлилео: Сфера галлилео


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