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Dr Jatinder Parhar Dentist

780 450 6200

Member : Indo-Canadian Media Club of Alberta


Vol. 6 No. 142 Tel: 780-2000-246, 22 January, 2016

Alberta, Saskatchewan May Get $ 1 Billion Booster Dose Edmonton (ATB): The Trudeau government is considering to quickly allocate $1 billion for infrastructure projects in the two provinces — money earmarked by the previous government’s infrastructure fund but not yet delivered, two of the officials said. The move is part of a decision to prioritize new infrastructure in the two provinces because the impact of the oil-

price shock is strongest As the economic there, said three outlook deteriorates, t h e government has been resisting pressure to dramatically change its fiscal plans, worried it w o u l d government officials undermine a campaign who spoke on condition pledge to be fiscally of anonymity because prudent. Trudeau budget decisions aren’t campaigned in last fall’s yet final. federal election on a

deficit of no more than $10 billion in his first year, a pledge he and his ministers have since tacitly abandoned. They now say the country’s debt-to-GDP ratio will continue to decline. “We’re looking very, very hard at what needs to be done,” Trudeau told reporters Monday afternoon. “We’ve always said that being fiscally responsible while creating growth is at the heart of what the

Liberal Party is, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do.” Last week Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Chief Economist Avery Shenfeld said a deficit as deep as $30 billion was needed to revive growth, and this week former Bank of Canada Governor David Dodge urged Trudeau to ramp up fiscal stimulus to take the pressure off monetary policy.

780 475 4847 (North)

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English Page

Issue 142 (2)

UK’s crackdown on the burka Muslim women will have to remove face veil for officials London Muslim women should have to remove the burka when officials need to see their faces for security reasons, David Cameron said today as he announced new initiatives to help tackle extremism in the UK. The Prime Minister said it was reasonable for women to be asked to remove the veil in circumstances where facial identification was important - for example in court and during immigration checks. However he distanced himself from a French-style all-out ban on such coverings, which are worn by some Muslim women to protect their modesty. Mr Cameron told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “In our country people should be free to wear what they like.“When you are coming into contact either with different institutions or, for instance, you are in court or you need to see someone’s face at the border, then I would always back the authorities or the institutions that have put in place proper and sensible rules. Going for the French approach of banning an item of clothing, I do not think that’s the way we do things in this country, and I do not think that would help.” In 2013 Mr Cameron strongly backed the right of schools,

22 January, 2016

Asian Tribune

courts and immigration centres in Belgium. Mr Cameron has to ask Muslim women to also said Muslim women must learn basic English or risk being kicked out the country, arguing such a move will help c o m b a t extremism. Writing in the Times, the Prime Minister said more assertive action is needed remove the traditional Islamic to end the “passive tolerance” of head dress. He said that there practices which he says leave are certain places where many Muslim women facing women should not be allowed discrimination and isolation. to wear either the niqab, which There are 190,000 Muslim covers the face except for the women in England who speak eyes , or the full-length burka, little or no English, according to which includes a mesh over the Government estimates. As a eyes. Mr Cameron cited the result Mr Cameron today example of schooling, adding launched a £20 million initiative it was “very difficult to teach aimed at helping Muslim women unless you can look at your with their language skills in an pupils in the eye”. The issue attempt to integrate them into has been highly controversial the community. He said the lack in western Europe, with a of integration in some Muslim backlash in France and communities had helped to Belgium where the full-face veil foster extremism and allowed is banned. France was the first “appalling practices” such as country to ban the burka in female genital mutilation and public places in 2010, with forced marriage to take place. anyone leaving their home with The Prime Minister said he their face hidden behind a veil would not avoid telling the “hard running the risk of a fine. The truths” needed to confront a law was upheld by the minority of Muslim men whose European court of human “backward attitudes” led them to rights in 2014. three years after exert “damaging control” over a similar ban came into effect women in their families.

Activists challenge political parties for issue-based engagement CHANDIGARH At a time when established political parties in Punjab, as well as the new comer Aam Aadmi Party, are fast moving into electoral top gear, a number of intellectuals, academicians and activists today challenged the political players for a broadbased engagement and underlined the need for identifying issues, coming up with solutions and presenting a route map to the people of Punjab. “Intellectuals in Punjab, be they academicians, activists, trade unionists or other inspired people who want things to change, must actually discuss, thrash out and draft skeletal issues before 2017 Assembly elections in the state. We need a counteragenda since the politics pursued by political parties is increasingly issue-less, irrespective of their claims to be elected representatives,” Dr S S Johl, a leading expert on agro-economy, urged the state’s think tanks and all other stakeholders.Organised under the banner of Pind BachaoPunjab Bachao (Save VillageSave Punjab), speakers at the seminar, including Dr S S Gill, economist, CRRID; Dr Harshinder Kaur, women, health and child rights activist; Giani Kewal Singh, a former

Sikh cleric and now a social worker; Dr Piare Lal Garg, former registrar, Baba Farid University of Health Sciences and activist; and Gurmit Palahi, social activist working on rural development models underscored the need to engage with all political forces, while maintaining that it was all

the more important for new political players to address these issues. Dr Sucha Singh Gill said political parties must be forced to present complete truth about the state of the economy. He also spoke about the ingenious ways in which large scale tax evasion was happening in the corporate sector. Speaking about massive unemployment, he said the very fact that the Punjab government has now announced recruitment of 1.13 lakh government employees was proof enough of artificially suppressed job opportunities. “These unemployed then become grist for the mill for Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

unscrupulous politicians, and end up in a quagmire of drugs, liquor and muscle power wielded by the same politicians,” he said. Amid calls by many at the seminar to “do something practical” and popular exhortations that intellectuals must lead instead of politicians, it was left to senior journalist Hamir Singh to point out that the need was to r e d e f i n e politics, make it people centric, shift the focus back to village, and understand the issues of farming, dalits, women and other marginalised sections. “Notwithstanding the slogancentric imagery of Punjab being a prosperous state and Punjabis being the best people, the fact is that Punjab is facing a bankruptcy not just on economic and social fronts but also on intellectual and political fronts,” many speakers said at the seminar, held at Kisan Bhawan, Chandigarh. Samuel John, film and theater activist, and his life partner and fellow traveller Jaswinder, stressed the need to put dalit issues in the forefront.

English Page

Issue 142 (3)

Asian Tribune

22 January, 2016

JeM chief Masood Azhar not arrested, not under house arrest, says report Lahore Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Maulana Masood Azhar has reportedly neither been arrested not placed under house arrest by Pakistan. Even worse for India is this nugget: the three lower ranking JeM members who have been arrested in Pakistan have not been detained in connection with the Pathankot attack, reports The Indian Express. The newspaper reports that “no FIR had yet been lodged against Azhar. There have been media reports from Pakistan claiming a crackdown is under way against Jaish-e-Mohammed and its members. However, as yet, there

is no authentic and credible proof to suggest that such action has actually been taken by Pakistan. Till now, no FIR has been registered against Azhar for Pathankot attack,” a government official told The Indian Express. The chatter that is surfacing now is that though Pakistan claims it has detained a bunch of JeM people, it has not said under what law or sections they were detained. All India is hanging on to is a Pakistan PMO statement from 13 January which says “considerable progress has been made in the investigations being carried out against terrorist elements reportedly linked to the Pathankot incident. Based on initial investigations in Pakistan and the information provided, several individuals belonging to Jaish-eMohammed have been apprehended. The offices of the organisation are also being traced

and sealed. Further investigations are under way.” JeM taunts India, Pakistan Reports of Masood Azhar ‘not arrested, not under house arrest’ blend with the JeM’s online propaganda last week when the notionally banned Pakistan-based jihadist group countered claims that its leader Maulana Masood Azhar has been arrested for his alleged role in the terror strike on the India’s Pathankot airbase in the early hours of 1 January 2016. Azhar, chief of JeM, was reportedly in constant touch with the six terrorists who stormed an Indian Air Force base in Pathankot on 1 January and killed

saying but almost simultaneously, other top officials in Pakistan’s foreign ministry continued to deny knowledge of any such arrest, feeding into JeM’s online barbs. “Disbelievers and hypocrites across the world are celebrating our arrest,” a statement in Urdu said, “but the arrest never happened,” reports The Indian Express. In its online rant, JeM makes its displeasure of the IndoPak thaw very clear, calling out Pakistan’s government for its “friendship” with Modi, Advani and Vajpayee. “Even if they happen, what difference will it make? No difference, except one. Allah willing, there will be more enthusiasm and excitement among people of the faith, and the work of jihad will gather more strength and energy,” the statement, posted Thursday on a Facebook page, said. The Indian Express reports that MEA spokesperson, Vikas Swarup Jaish-e-Mohammed uses this online seven Indian soldiers. community to communicate with India and Pakistan have agreed to media and followers. reschedule talks between their Azhar warns Pakistan govt foreign secretaries, the Indian Even as news of his “arrest” broke foreign ministry said on Thursday, on local television channels while an investigation into the Wednesday night, JeM chief Azhar Pathankot Attack is carried out. wrote a piece under his pen name Pakistani media has reported that Saadi, warning the Pakistan JeM chief Maulana Masood Azhar, government about the “dangerous his brother and “several individuals” road” it is taking. “The road that the belonging to his dreaded outfit have Pakistan government is taking in its been arrested in connection with the crackdown against the JeM is very Pathankot terror attack. Pakistan dangerous for this country and its media said JeM offices were sealed steps against mosques, madrasas after India demanded action on the and jihad are a danger to the unity group linking it to the fate of Foreign and integrity of Pakistan,” Azhar Secretary-level talks. Some wrote in the Jaish mouthpiece Al semblance of officialese on the Qalam. arrest surfaced early on Thursday, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz with Lt Gen (retd) Abdul Qadir Sharif set up a committee of his top Baloch, minister of frontier regions, intelligence, army and government confirming the kingpin’s arrest. officers to investigate India’s “Azhar was taken in protective allegations after Prime Minister custody to probe the Pathankot Narendra Modi spoke to him last attack,” Geo TV quoted Baloch as week, asking for prompt and

decisive action on the basis of specific evidence. “Based on the initial investigations in Pakistan, and the information provided, several individuals belonging to Jaish-eMohammed, have been apprehended. The offices of the organization are also being traced and sealed. Further investigations are underway,” a statement from Sharif’s office said. India, Pakistan reschedule talks, no date yet India and Pakistan have agreed to reschedule talks between their foreign secretaries, the Indian foreign ministry said on Thursday, while an investigation into a deadly attack on a military base in Pathankot is carried out. India has demanded action against the Pakistanbased JeM that it suspects of carrying out the attack on the Pathankot air base. Islamabad has held Azhar and other members, sources say. Indian foreign ministry spokesman Vikas Swarup said New Delhi welcomed the steps taken by Pakistan against the militant group, which was also blamed for a 2001 parliament attack that nearly led to a war between the nucleararmed rivals. He said the foreign secretaries of the neighbours spoke on the telephone and decided to defer the talks that had been tentatively scheduled for Friday in Islamabad. The two diplomats agreed to hold the talks aimed at achieving a thaw in ties in the very near future but no date was announced. The Pakistani foreign office said a new date had not yet been decided. “We welcome the statement issued by the government of Pakistan yesterday on the investigations into the Pathankot terrorist attack,” Swarup told reporters. “The statement conveys that Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

considerable progress has been made in the investigations being carried out against terrorist elements linked to the Pathankot incident.” Seven Indian military personnel were killed in the Jan. 2 attack on the base in the northern state of Punjab, which was followed by a raid on an Indian consulate in Afghanistan that has also been linked to Jaish-e-Mohammad, or the Army of Mohammad. Pakistan, which India has long accused of backing Islamist militants, promised to investigate who was behind the assault on the air base after India handed over evidence that it said implicated Jaish-e-Mohammad. Who is Maulana Masood Azhar? Maulana Masood Azhar was the general secretary of another terror group Harkat-ul-Ansar (HuA) in 1994 and was on a ‘mission’ in Jammu and Kashmir when he was arrested on 11 February the same year. When he was released, the HuA had been included in the US list of Foreign Terrorist Organisations which had compelled the outfit to rename itself as the Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HuM). The Indian Express explains the re-emergence of JeM after years of staying low key. However, Masood Azhar decided to float the new outfit JeM rather than rejoin his old outfit. He was also reported to have received assistance in setting up the JeM from Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), the then Taliban regime in Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden and several Sunni sectarian outfits of Pakistan. JeM, like other terrorist outfits in J&K, claims to using violence to force a withdrawal of Indian security forces from the state. The outfit claims that each of its offices in Pakistan would serve as schools of jihad. In its fight against India, he boasted that the outfit would not only “liberate” Kashmir, but also would take control of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, Amritsar and Delhi. Masood Azhar, the amir (chief) of the outfit was arrested by Pakistani security forces on December 29, 2001, after pressure from India and other foreign countries following the December 13, 2001 attack on India’s Parliament. However, a three-member Review Board of Lahore High Court ordered on December 14, 2002, that Azhar be released.

English Page

Issue 142 (4)

Asian Tribune

22 January, 2016

Yash Sharma Campaign organized Cultural Delights event at Maharaja Banquet Hall last week. Around 350 voters and supporters attended the event. Various communities presented their folk culture. Naresh Bhardwaj, Ex Associate Minister, Peter Sandhu, Ex MLA, Sofia Khan, President, Pakistan Women Canada Association, Dory Santos Gonzales, President, Filipino Retirees Association, Rameshwar Adhikari, President, Nepali Canadian Association of Edmonton, Dhiru Ladwa, President, Council of India Societies of Edmonton, Dr Gurmeet Tuli, Manav Chadha and Manu Bajwa Gill applauded the contributions of Yash Sharma in media as well as public service. Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

Yash Sharma Realtor Vol. 6 No. 142 Tel: 780-2000-246, 22 January, 2015

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Issue 142 (6) Asian Star


Educational background and p r e s e n t occupation BDS, DDS, Dental Surgeon Status in Canada Citizen When & Why you came to Canada? 1999, Better prospects. What you did for initial survival? Pumped Gas at Gas Station. Were you ever discriminated? Yes. While pumping Gas people passed s a r c a s t i c comments. What you miss in Canada? Apna Pind [My Village], Village Kalra, District Jalandhar. Are you happy in Canada? Yes Why? It has provided us with really good opportunities to grow. Any comments on Canada’s weather Summers are enjoyable. However, winters are punishment. Any comments on Canada’s culture There is a great disparity in cultures and it has good as well as bad aspects.

What brought you success in Canada? Hard work and family support. Your advice to new immigrants Work hard and you will definitely be successful in achieving your goals down the line. Your message for Canadians of Asian Origin We should not forget our ancestral values and at the same time merge into main stream. We should shy away from patty politics and remain united.

Medical marijuana may help treat migraines Marijuana can be used to effectively treat people suffering from migraine headaches, new research has found. In the study, patients diagnosed with migraine headaches saw a significant drop in their frequency when treated with medical marijuana. The study, published in the journal Pharmacotherapy, examined patients diagnosed with migraines and treated with medical marijuana between 2010-2014. It found the frequency of migraines dropped from 10.4 to 4.6 headaches per month, a number

22 January, 2016

Asian Tribune

considered statistically and clinically significant. (Also read: Heavy marijuana use may alter brain structure and harm memory) Of the 121 patients studied, 103 reported a decrease in monthly migraines while 15 reported the same number and three saw an increase in migraines. “There was a substantial improvement for patients in their ability to function and feel better,” said the study’s senior author Laura Borgelt from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in the US.

“Like any drug, marijuana has potential benefits and potential risks. It is important for people to be aware that using medical marijuana can also have adverse effects,” Borgelt cautioned. (Also read: How marijuana shrinks cancerous tumours) Borgelt said cannabinoid receptors can be found throughout the body, including the brain, connective tissues and immune system. And they appear to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. Cannabinoids are a group of active com-

pounds found in marijuana. These cannabinoids also seem to affect critical neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. “We believe serotonin plays a role in migraine headaches, but we are still working to discover the exact role of cannabinoids in this condition,” Borgelt said. The study is one of the first to reveal a drop in migraine frequency due to medical marijuana. Borgelt said the results were quite remarkable but stressed the need for more controlled studies in the future.

NRIS, Multiculturalism, and Pathankot When NRIs from Canada arrive in India for various reasons: to avoid Canadian winter or family matters, they are sure they are leaving one seasoned democratic country to step into another one. In Canada, we have basic freedoms based on four fundamental principles: individual liberty, faith equality, gender equality and economic equity. Said differently, Canada is now a real multicultural democratic nation. That is our totemic reality, says Prime Minister Trudeau. India of to-day, says MJ Akbar, is another vibrant multicultural democratic society, embodying and practicing the four principles noted above. In fact, says Mr. Akbar, India is the most democratic, multicultural nation in the world.For instance, In Delhialone youarise at dawn with aazan, then the temple bells peal and the recitation of the Granth Sahibis heard, as wellasthe church music is audible. No such multicultural fare is available anywhere else in the world: London, Washington, Toronto, Moscow or Beijing. Of course, in the two hundred years of our subjugation during the Raj, economic huge exploitation was persistent. It is the hallmark of colonialism.Thus, in 1947, the British left India as one of the poorest nations in the world.Yet India is progressing fast: China, India and the US are nowrated the top economies. Inquisitive NRIs who talk to young Indian couples, saythat invariablythe young are highly educated, broad-minded, often employed, and say they would have much smaller families, unlike the previous

generation. These are portents of a modern democratic nation. But when this optimistic picture is getting familiar in the India, there comes the almost disaster, known as the Pathankot Episode. This had the potential of an armed contest with Pakistan.Luckily, that tragedy verging on a full-fledged war didn’t happen. MJ Akbar notes that anyone religionbased country, claiming to be a democracy, is a farce. An accepted democracy has to be multicultural!In the Middle East, only onereligionnationsexist. They can festoon themselves in wordy self-praising phrases, pretending to be democratic. But in reality, it is an autocracy everywhere, from Saudi Arabia to Turkey to Afghanistan, with some democratic content, ruled directly or with the blessings of the Mullah.Pakistan is a peculiar anomaly: It holds elections but only recognizes the Sharia. India, say MJ Akbar and Ms. J Singh, has to be at its guard perpetually about Pakistan. It is a nation ruled by the Colonels, laced with Islamic fanaticism, puffed up with a stockpile of atomic bombs, and a horde of fancy flying machines donated by the USA. It is one nation where the Middle Class, normally the mouth piece of the nation, is gaged and cowed down by the Army. All economic progress now happening in India will come to naught, if India fails to be vigilant along the Indo-Pak borders now and forever! PREM KUMAR IS A FREQUENT CONTRIBUTOR.

Gurmeet Ram Rahim in trouble for dressing up like Lord Vishnu Chandigarh Days after the controversial arrest of comedian Kiku Sharda for imitating Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh on a television show, the All India Hindu Federation has filed a complaint against the selfproclaimed godman for dressing up as Lord Vishnu in a video. “A day before yesterday, a video of Gurmeet Ram Rahim had come to my mobile through social media. In the video, he is seen dressing up

as Lord Vishnu. That hurt my feelings,” All India Hindu Federation chief Nishant Sharma told ANI.The complaint Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

has been registered in the Zirakpur Police Station and an investigation is underway. Nishant, however, said the

case has not yet been filed by the police.“We called a meeting. Today we are going to meet the DGP and if the complaint is still not filed then we will approach the court,” Nishant said. “We have always worked to carry forward the ideology of sanatan dharm and we will continue to do so,” he added. He also said they have requested that a case should be filed against the selfstyled godman for hurting religious sentiments.

Editorial Page

Issue 142 (7) Editorial

Silver lining: Commodity price crash presents India with an opportunity to transform its economy


Disruptions caused by China’s economic readjustment have showed up in India in the form of a battering in financial markets. Stock market indices plunged and the rupee breached the Rs 68 barrier against the dollar, coming


close to an all-time low recorded over two years ago. Turmoil in financial markets will continue. China in 2015 grew at 6.9%, its slowest pace in 25 years. While a slowdown is no surprise, risks to the global economy come from the possibility that it will be sharper than expected. This gloomy global scenario, however, opens up opportunities for India which should be seized. A fallout of China’s slowdown is that it marks the end of a commodity “super cycle”, a long-term demanddriven surge in prices. India is a net commodity importer and the ongoing crash in commodity prices eases pressure on our import bill. Benefits of this oil price crash have already shown up in the form of a slowdown in inflation, accompanied by an improvement in other key economic indicators such as the current account deficit. The overall impact has been such that India today is one of the most resilient emerging economies and the fastest growing large one. Actually the Modi government has been presented with an opportunity to push through important economic reforms. Reforms are accompanied by some adjustment pangs, which is why governments procrastinate. But a commodity crash lessens the pain of adjustments, thereby presenting India with an opportunity. To NDA’s credit, it chose to eliminate diesel subsidies when the oil price began to tumble and thus eased pressure on the government budget. Now that credible forecasts suggest that there’s unlikely to be an early reversal in the commodity price trend, other reforms must follow. Despite the fall in the rupee’s exchange rate, India’s exporters are struggling. This is not just on account of a slowdown in global demand, but also due to the Indian economy’s lack of competitiveness. Government’s savings from the commodity crash should be used to enhance India’s infrastructure, which will not just make the economy more competitive but also attract private investment. This can trigger a virtuous cycle which will partly offset the crisis in the agrarian economy. More productive government spending must be complemented by reforms in economic legislation spanning taxes to bankruptcy. More than a crisis, this is

22 January, 2016

Asian Tribune

GLOBALIZATION...The term is being discussed about everywhere from an expert to a layman. It may be talked about in terms of the changing weather, new trends, cultural influence, modernity, food, techsavvy generation, death of distance etc. This term doesn't cater to one single aspect but it's an amalgamation of many materialistic and abstract things. International brands, westernized songs, I-phones, modern set-up, domination of English language in all the fields, modern dresses, craze for spike hair among youngsters are creating rapid influence in the cities and through cities towards villages. Simran is an urban young lady and she's getting married to a boy, who hails from a village. She's happy and as well as bit disturbed as to how she'll adjust in rural set-up after staying in the city for so many years. The confusion was understandable but her friend Jessica told her that now things have changed a lot. Village houses are no more typical mud houses instead they are well constructed modern houses. If not all, majority of the

houses are of modern set-up, all kinds of facilities are available, four vehicles are seen in the houses which enhances connectivity. So, change is visible. Veronica drives car, enjoys kitties, attends parent teacher meetings, picks her children from school, spends time with her husband, visit gym if she feels like and socialize. Rural women hardly get's any time to spend with her family. She's so carried away with home duties that she's engrossed in her set routine. The surroundings of women who live in villages tell many things. Their exposure is limited. The modes of media exist within her surroundings, she has no time to enjoy it or she's not actually aware as to what is present around her. Or, she's not allowed. Majority lives in joint families. Pivotal decisions of the family are taken up by the males. Because of the conservative structure, when young girls go out to the cities and are exposed to the new 'city life', for once they get attracted towards that life. Neelam one of the friend from film background visited a pind(village) with her hostel friend and cordially asked one of the elderly lady about the films. The lady hid her face behind a veil on hearing the question. For the rural women, the question was so embarrassing as village people doesn't think visiting cinema as a strange thing. Rules

are different for both the genders. Boys are allowed to go to the cinema but parents are not comfortable with the concept of girls going to a theatre. Very rare families visit cinema with their female family members. When these girls come out in the cities and get "freedom", chances of them going astray becomes bright. Some 'smart' girls even go the extent of befooling their parents. Like... Mandeep (village), wears suit or put duppatta over her head when she knows her parents are coming from home (village). Otherwise, she's dressed up in modern, short attire in hostel. Parents, on the other hand are illiterate or not much aware of the changing trends and they believe what they see. These girls stay in hostels, become independent in wearing or eating, whatever they feel like, have the liberty to go and come at one's will which makes them all the more 'free'. Some young ladies remain faithful to their parents and some go hay-wire and in few cases, girls eloped with their boyfriend just because they lured them with gifts and promised them restriction free life. It's not that only rural youngster's go wrong, an urban female can also go wrong but the chances of girls from the villages are more because there exposure is limited. Things which are routine for a city girl of Chandigarh..Noida..Mumbai,

(to name few) may be new for rural women. There is no doubt that media, latest gadgets or technology have reached villages and mostly youngsters are making use of it but still there is a constraint for the ladies. Ladies are not much aware and neither they show any keen interest. Just few number of females are making actual use of mobiles, latest televisions, radio, computer or laptop with internet or any kind of electronic equipment at home. The males are acquainted about the presence of technology but are not fully aware about it and this might be the reason that many of the rural folk doesn't allow their sisters or wives to engage in media usage as they feel, she's misusing it or they are unsafe because of the connectivity with outside world. They don't have this concept in their mind that internet can also give reliable information. Villages have evolved and in this evolving phase, the young generation is pursuing education from cities but this is also true that not all elderly village women are educated. If compared with city life, females in urban side are more liberal. An urban woman is more updated. Their husbands are aware and are not very fussy about their wife's personal lives. NO doubt, change is apparent and girl belonging to villages are progressing but basic 'set up' of their homes is still con-

servative. Gradually, people are sending their daughters to cities for studying but atmosphere at home is not very liberal. An urban women dares to discuss about pregnancy or the child with her fiancée but rural household still doesn't give them much liberty. This is just one instance. Because of the increasing crimes like rape, people are scared to send their daughters out to cities, far off from their village for study purposes. Specially, when they have to travel by bus. For people sitting far off from the cities, the best proposal considered by them is matrimonial proposal from abroad. They are hesitant to send their daughter to a cinema hall or in letting her use internet, or a cream or a lotion but they are willing to marry their little girl to an NRI without being sure of his whereabouts. Actually, the difference in urban and rural setting is of the "ATTITUDE". Many rural women relent so much on the change of the culture and miss the traditional things like when girls used to sit together and weave 'charkha' and use to do embroidery on bed-sheets was a good time. Whereas, today's girl is so involved into her studies or prefer using media in her free time, that elderly ladies gets pissed off and feels it's because of the media that our culture has transformed. Earlier, girls or when

Your tandoori tadka makes Delhi air toxic Is it the beginning of the end for coal-fired tandoors in Delhi’s hotels and dhabas used for making rotis, naans, kulchey and tikkas the traditional way? Even as the Delhi government claims its odd-even car formula was a success and plans a “much improved” second phase, the smoke and ash-emitting tandoors have come under scanner for causing pollution. Close on the heels of an IIT-Kanpur report to the Supreme Court which termed the emissions from tandoors in nearly 9,000 hotels and eateries across the Capital as a major source of pollution and suggested to the Delhi government to ask them

to convert to electric or gas-based appliances, the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has also supported the

restaurants of sitting capacity more than 10 should not use coal and shift to electric or gasbased appliances”, said

idea.“There are approximately 9,000 hotels/restaurants in the city of Delhi, which use coal (mostly in tandoors). The Particulate Matter (PM) emission in the form of fly ash from this source is large and contributes to air pollution. It is proposed that all

the IIT study which had been commissioned by the Delhi government in 2012. Coal and fly ash together contribute the highest to PM10 and PM2.5 during summers3,493kg/day out of the total 37,171 kg/day of PM 10, and 1,758kg/ day out of 18,369 kg/

day of PM 2.5, says the IIT study. Anumita R o y c h o w d h u r y, executive director of the CSE says: “The idea is welcome and we support it. But it is possible only by improving access to clean fuel like liberalising grant of LPG licences and providing various other subsidies. Owners of most of the eateries like dhabas are poor and it is a question of their livelihood if tandoors are banned. So they should get assistance to convert their medium of cooking to gas or electricity.” Lawyer Gaurav Bansal, who specialises in environmental cases, said: “Ban on tandoors and conversion to electricity and gas stoves is a good idea.

But the big question is whether it is practicable given that both cooking gas and electricity are short in supply. The only solution is popularising the use of renewable energy like solar energy. The Delhi government has already said it will grant subsidy for those willing to install the solar apparatus.” The IIT-K report said under commercial activities, diesel generators and tandoors in restaurants are the most prevailing sources for air pollution in the city. “The details of the hotels and restaurants were obtained from the DPCC (Delhi Pollution Control Committee) and related websites. During the field survey, it was observed that

an opportunity. Editorial Team

Prof . Harjinder Walia, Ph.D (Journalism) Head of Journalism Punjabi Universty Patiala. (Punjab) India Patron

Yash Sharma, M.Sc (Hons), DMM Publisher & Editor in Chief 780-200-0246

Sat Paul Kaushal

they(elderly females) were young, they used to do lot of work—Embroidery, stitching, cooking and had not much of options. Now, media dominates. Very few of them think it's a positive thing. May be because of lack of knowledge, they don’t realize that there is so much competition. An urban and the rural women differ in their outlook. The city ladies are open to change and rural ladies are not at all open to change. For them, change or development are related to something negative. They keep on reminiscing the past. The point is we should 'move on' with time. Remember past but embrace present. New technologies or media is not bad. If media sensationalize, it gives knowledge also. With the help of media, we can know more about our culture. Rural women should become more empowered. Parents should give their daughters a chance to grow, excel and fly in her life. If her husband or brother stops her for anything, she should at least discuss things with them. Girls from villages are clearing civil services because they are intelligent, have caliber and the only thing they need is family's support. Parents should stand with their girls. If one girl goes wrong, that doesn't mean all girls will go wrong. Trust your girls and give them a chance to 'fly' in the right direction.

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hotels, restaurants, etc use coal as fuel in tandoors. The average consumption of coal in tandoor based on survey was 30 kg/day. The total number of hotel and restaurant enterprise was 36,099 (Delhi Statistical Hand Book, 2014). We assume that 25% of these enterprises use tandoor for food preparation,” the report stated. According to the report, coal and fly ash are the largest contributors to PM 10 and PM 2.5 in the summers. Of the 37,171 kg/day and 18,369 kg/day of PM 10 and PM 2.5, the report shows 3,493 kg/ day and 1,758 kg/day of the same particulate matter is from hotel and restaurant emissions.

English Page

Issue 142 (8)

Asian Tribune Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

22 January, 2016

English Page

Issue 142 (9)

Asian Tribune

22 January, 2016


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English Page

Issue 142 (10)

22 January, 2016

Asian Tribune

Questions you need to ask before finalising a gynaecologist!

Choosing a good gynaecologist is very important for a pregnant woman. A good doctor helps you deliver your baby smoothly and let you experience comfortable birthing. Often women end up having the worst gynaecologist during their pregnancy and delivery. So, one should always ask certain questions before finalising one. Here are some questions which you should ask your gynaecologist: What kind of complications often leads to a C-section? A normal delivery or C-section? Such questions might come in the mind of many women during their preg-

nancy. So, one needs to twist the question to know if your doctor is in support of normal delivery or not. Do you support breastfeeding? We all know the benefits of breastfeeding and breast crawl right after birth. But some doctors might not support it, if one undergoes Csection. So, try to find out whether your doctor is in support of the same. Are you present during labour and delivery? You don’t need your doctor during the time of labour but it is good if she/he believes in checking on her/his patient instead of leaving it fully to inexperienced staff.

What kind of pain management options are available? Don’t forget to discuss the important aspect of labour. Many hospitals are equipped with facilities like an epidural, some prefer to offer hypnobirthing or other medications to ease the pains. So, try to know what options you have so that you can choose your method of pain management effectively. Your opinion on stem cell banking? Try to know what is your doctor’s opinion regarding srem cell banking. Discuss more details of stem cell banking and why she recommends one.

Matrimonial Suitable Match for Canadian Citizen Sikh Tank Kashatriya clean shaven Boy 28 year 5’-11” working as software Engineer well settled & educated family (Caste No Bar) Please e-mail recent Pictures and bio-data to or call of 780-200-9163 and for what’s app number for text +91-708-741-7101 Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

English Page

Issue 142 (11)

Asian Tribune

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22 January, 2016

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Issue 142 (12)

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22 January, 2016

Punjabi Page

Issue 142 (13)

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22 January, 2016

Asian Tribune

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Editorial Page

Issue 142 (14)

22 January, 2016

Asian Tribune


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