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Member : Indo-Canadian Media Club of Alberta

Vol. 6 No. 138 Tel: 780-2000-246, 27 November, 2015

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Non Machine Readable Indian Passports Phased Out Edmonton (ATB):All foreign governments may deny visa or entry into country on Nonmachine readable Indian passports’ with effect from 24.11.2015 because of the International Civil A v i a t i o n Organization’s (ICAO) decision to entirely phase out all ‘Nonmachine readable Indian passports’ effective 24.11.2015. Accordingly, Indian citizens residing in India and abroad with handwritten passports as well as 20 year validity passports, valid beyond

Canada to fly in 900 Syrian refugees a day

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Ottawa: Canada plans to fly in 900 Syrian refugees a day as of next month, according to media reports, as the defense minister said showing compassion for these people sends a message to Islamic State extremists. Canadian officials said details of a plan to take in 25,000 Syrian refugees by year’s end would be announced Tuesday. The Canadian media

reports come amid fears that IS jihadists could slip into the country posing as refugees, in the wake of last week’s attacks in Paris that killed at least 130 people. Citing a leaked document, local media said the

government was planning to fly in 900 Syrian refugees daily from Jordan to Montreal and Toronto, starting December 1. From there, they would be transported to two military bases in Ontario and Quebec, where they would be temporarily housed, according to the reports. They pegged the cost of the ongoing operation at Can$1.2 billion over six years.

2761 Hewes Way, Edmonton, AB T6L 6N5 Ph.: (780) 462-5000 Fax : (780) 463-0188

in order to obtain ‘Machine readable passports (MRPs) to avoid any inconveniences in obtaining foreign visa or immigration problem. This is very important news to all the concerned Indian nationals as it directly affects the smooth 24.11.2015 are authorities to apply for m o b i l i t y advised by Indian re-issue of passports Internationally.

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Issue 138 (2)(2) Issue 138

Asian Tribune Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

27November, November, 2015 2015 27

Punjabi/English Page

Issue 138 (3)

27 November, 2015

Asian Tribune

Wingate by Wyndham Edmonton International Airport! , Royal executive developer Inc., opening of its fifth hotel in Edmonton

Edmonton, (ATB) – Wingate by Wyndham Edmonton International Airport! , Royal executive developer Inc., proudly announced the opening of its fifth hotel in Edmonton by the Airport. This newest property is well set to cater to regions growing business travel and lei-

sure market. Furthermore, the launch of the new hotel is strategically important for the group’s development in the Alberta region. Located by the Edmonton International airport, the 106rooms Wingate by Wyndham International Airport hotel is designed to deliver a

Asian Tribune congratulate Sanjay Patel on his election as President of Press Council of Edmonton and look forward to quality journalism under his stewardship.

peaceful stay and a comfortable work environment. All guests have free access to Wifi in entire hotel, and rooms are equipped with 40 inches LED smart screens with an extensive selection of TV channels. Innovative design elements are featured in all aspects of the rooms, dedicated flexible workspaces with highspeed internet access and an in-room safe. Guests staying on the Executive floor can access LA Gastropub & taphouse which offers a host of additional benefits. Golf fanatics will be pleased to know that the hotel is close to RedTail Landing Golf course. The hotel provides a complimentary shuttle bus to YEG airport, home to many important industrial parks, just 15 minutes away. Downtown Edmonton with its numerous of attractions such as the Edmonton

Symphony, University of Alberta, Devonian Botanic Garden, Alberta Aviation Museum, Art Gallery of Alberta, Winspear Centre, Fort Edmonton Park, Fort Edmonton Park & Fort Edmonton Park, is in a short distance. All guests can stay connected with the hotel’s full service business centre. For conferences or meetings, the hotel offers a 2400 sqft pillar-free Ballroom flooded with natural light and two additional meeting rooms and latest sound and multimedia equipment. Alongside state-of-theart meeting facilities and the latest technology, Wingate’s innovative leisure services such as the fitness gym filled with the latest exercise equipment providing guests of the hotel spaces to unwind and work out. The LA Gastropub & Taphouse is the (Continued..Page 10)

English Page

27November, November, 2015 2015 27

Asian Tribune

Issue 138 (4)(4) Issue 138

$OEHUWD 3& 0/$ 0DQPHHW %KXOODU NLOOHG LQ FDU FUDVK EDMONTON Progressive Conservative MLA Manmeet Bhullar was killed in a car crash Monday afternoon. It’s believed Bhullar was killed in a collision on the QEII north of Red Deer at around 2:20 p.m. According to an RCMP release sent out shortly after 8 p.m., a 35-year-old Calgary man died of injuries he sustained while trying to help at the scene of a collision near the Blindman River Hill. RCMP said two vehicles stopped to help after another vehicle rolled into the median. At the same time, a northbound semi-

truck lost control and struck the back of the first vehicle that stopped to help. The semi continued into the median and stuck the driver of the second vehicle, who was outside his vehicle. The driver was identified by RCMP as a 35-yearold Calgary man. The driver was taken to hospital with serious injuries where he later died. Condolences quickly began pouring in for Bhullar Monday night, including a heartfelt statement from Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi. Earlier Monday, Bhullar was in

SLOJULPV ZRPDQ SLORW GLH LQ .DWUD FKRSSHU FUDVK UDHAMPUR A helicopter crash at Katra on Monday killed six Vaishno Devi pilgrims and a woman pilot flying to the cave shrine in Jammu and Kashmir’s Reasi district the first fatal aircraft accident in a long

time at the holy town. A bird hit in the tail rotor soon after takeoff around 1.05pm caught the 2010make private chopper of Himalayan Heli Service in flames mid-air. “The pilot crashed while trying to land in clear space Katra’s new bus stand, which is not operational yet,� Jammu’s inspector general of police (IGP)

Danish Rana told the media. Pilot Sumita Vijyan (from Hyderabad originally) is one of the three victims from Delhi besides Sachin Solanki (32) and his daughter, Akshita (6), of Rohini. The other four are from Jammu Arjun Chhib (25) and his wife, Vandana Chhib (22), from Ghoh Manasa; Maheshwer Singh (19) of Poorkhu Domana; and Aaranjit Singh (52). It was a routine sortie from the Katra base camp to the Sanjhi Chhat helipad in Trikuta hills, a kilometre from the 700yearold temple dedicated to Mother Goddess, a centre of Hindu faith at an altitude of 5,300 feet in the Shivalik range of the Himalayan foothills. Many pilgrims looking to avoid the 13km mountainous trek from Katra, 56 km north of Jammu, opt for the helicopter service to reach the cave shrine.

Calgary for the release of the results of the Alberta Men’s Survey. Bhullar, who previously served as Alberta’s Minister of Infrastructure, Minister of Human Services and Minister of Service Alberta, was first elected to the Alberta Legislature in March 2008. As Human Services Minister, Bhullar was heavily involved in getting changes made in Alberta that allow the publication of names and photos of children who die in government care. “It is the basic right of each and every one to express grief publicly or to protect privacy in a

period of tremendous stress,� Bhullar said in April 2014 when the changes were made. “This is not a decision for the government to make.� Bhullar was born in Calgary. He received a Bachelor of Arts from

Athabasca University, with stud ies at Mount Royal University. He also earned a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Windsor He was re-elected in the Calgary-Greenway riding in April’s provincial election.

'URQHV PRELOHV LQWHUQHW +RZ ,QGLDQ IDUPV DUH JRLQJ KL WHFK New Delhi When this year’s rabi or winter crop in Haryana’s Kurukshetra ripens, drones will circle them as part of a series of simultaneous experiments in three other states Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. The country’s vast and antiquated agriculture sector has largely been a stranger to such hightech, although it feeds a billion people. Yet, slowly, the country has realised that without technology, its farmers aren’t going anywhere beyond eking out a tough living. Frequent weather shocks push them back into poverty. Food-price spirals annoy consumers and hobble policymakers. From traditional handholding

measures, such as subsidies, farm solutions are now moving to the Internet, a vast rural mobile phone subscriber base and space-telecom technologies. The drones, for instance, will

scan two select districts in each of these four states. They will carry out special imaging with the help of one among a constellation of homegrown satellites. The images will be

transmitted back to scientists a the Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre in the Capital’s Pusa campus, a state-run farm science hub set up to harness space technology in agriculture The drones will give a wealth of information they could tel accurately if climate is impacting yield. Some innovations are a lo simpler. The country’s growing cell phone subscriber base projected to overtake the US next month is proving to be handy to tell farmers what to grow or actions to take in case of pest attacks in real time India’s Internet user base is expected to see a 49% jump ove the past year to reach 402 million in December. Of this, 153 million are rural subscribers.

Norwegian airline green, $XVWUDOLDQ FRXUW ILQHV -DSDQHVH ILUP RYHU ZKDOH NLOOV British Airways less clean PARIS orwegian low-cost airhas been dubbed a mpion of fuel efficiency new study released sday, in marked conto British Airways and hansa which have been lled as among the st. study by the Interna-

al Council for Clean nsportation (ICCT) d that three of the least efficient carriers were Lufthansa and Scanvian airline SAS, who ween them account for e 20 percent of the satlantic air travel marTop of the heap in the y of 20 major non-stop satlantic carriers was

Norwegian Air Shuttle which burned 51 percent less fuel per passenger kilometre than BA. Air Berlin and Ireland’s Aer Lingus came in second and third in the study, which the ICCT said was intended to provide greater insight into the fuel efficiency, and therefore car-

bon intensity, of international flights. The study, which comes ahead of a Paris conference on climate change due to start November 30, showed Norwegian Air Shuttle, the world’s seventh-largest low-cost airline, averaged 40 passenger kilometres per litre of fuel. By comparison, Germany’s sec-

ond-largest airline Air Berlin had a fuel efficiency of 35 passenger kilometres per litre. It was the USbased ICCT which helped to uncover the pollution cheating scandal at German auto giant Volkswagen in September after it tested actual emissions figures for diesel cars and found some Volkswagen models to be above permitted limits. Noting the fuel efficiency disparities between the carriers, ICCT said seat configuration was a key factor in the results and that the average fuel burn of the aircraft used was also significant. It also noted that first class and business class seats accounted for around a third of carbon emissions but only 14 percent of overall seats. “The very high fuel efficiency of Norwegian Air Shuttle demonstrates the central role of technology in reducing CO2 emissions from the aviation sector,� the ICCT concluded. “Airlines that invest in new, advanced aircraft are more fuel-efficient than airlines that use older, less efficient aircraft.�

SYDNEY A Sydney court fined a Japanese firm Aus$1 million (US$709,300) Wednesday for repeatedly killing Antarctic minke whales in an Australian Southern Ocean sanctuary. The Federal Court found that Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha harpooned the animals in contravention of parts of Australia’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act over four seasons between 2008 and 2013. Justice Jayne Jagot ordered Kyodo to pay fines of Aus$250,000 for each of the seasons, after finding it guilty of wilful contempt of a 2008 injunction against hunting the animals in the area. “Under Australian law, whales in the Australian Whale Sanctuary in Australian Antarctic waters are fully protected,� said Michael Kennedy, national director of Humane Society International (HSI), which initiated the case. Kennedy said that Jagot had found Kyodo’s conduct in breaching the 2008 injunction to be “deliberate, systematic and sustained�

and that she was satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that tens, if not hundreds, of whales had been killed during the whaling campaigns. Despite international disapproval, Japan has hunted whales in the

regulators for more evidence that the expeditions have a scientific purpose. It makes no secret of the fact that meat from the mammals killed ostensibly for research is processed into food, and says the

Southern Ocean for years under an exemption in the global whaling moratorium that allows for lethal research. It cancelled its 2014-2015 Antarctic hunt after the United Nations’ highest court, the International Court of Justice, ruled in 2014 that Japan was abusing a scientific exemption set out in the 1986 moratorium on whaling. Japan said in June that it intends to resume hunts in the Antarctic this year, despite a call by global

whale population in any case is big enough to allow sustainable whaling. HSI urged the Australian government to use the ruling to redouble diplomatic efforts to ensure Japan is aware the international community would condemn any resumption of whaling in the Southern Ocean. “We would also expect the Australian government to assess what further legal options are open to it under international law,� Kennedy said. Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

Yash Sharma Realtor Vol. 6 No. 138 Tel: 780-2000-246, 27 November, 2015



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English Page

Asian Star

NazSohni Uppal

Native village/Country, parent’s background My mother and father were both born in Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan. I was born in Montreal, Quebec. Your early education I attended elementary school in Winnipeg, Manitoba. I attended junior high and high school in St. Albert, Alberta. And I studied Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. When & why you came to Canada? My father came to Canada in 1966, and my mother came to Canada in 1972. Both my parents came to Canada because there were better opportunities to live here. My father left Gujrat, Pakistan to continue his studies in England. Then he came to Canada to find better opportunities to work. Your career advancement initiatives and present occupation I think it’s fun to list past jobs I’ve had before I talk about the present. My past jobs have included: Cineplex Odeon Movie Theatres; the Jubilee Auditorium; and Photography at Sears Portrait Studio. My present occupations have consisted of: Radio Producer/Host; Television Reporter; Magazine Journalist; and Children’s Fiction Writer. In the future, I would like my career to continue to focus on radio and television and print, but I would like to advance in these areas, particularly in the creative positions. And of course, I’d like to have a series of children’s books published too. Your regret in life I have absolutely no regrets in life. Pick any one of your the best achievements This is a hard one. I think one of my best achievements is that I grew into an adult who has an open-mind and a big heart. Were you ever discriminated? Absolutely not. I was never ever discriminated against. Canada is so multicultural and unique in that we all have a different understanding and a different interpretation of life and of our experiences and of how we perceive the world. I know and I was raised to believe that all people are naturally good. And I was raised to take on the challenges of life with that in mind. If something has ever been spoken to me that I may have an inclination to take offense to, I never do, because I understand where each individual is coming from. They are coming from a point of curiosity or experience or of a different interpretation of how they see the world. And sometimes, you just catch someone on a bad day. And I never ever make the mistake of judging someone on a bad day. It is my responsibility to understand what the person REALLY means by what they say. What you miss in Canada? My parents have spent over 40 years in Canada. Initially, when they first moved here, they missed a lot of things. Of course 40 years ago, there was no community at that time; there wasn’t a significant population of South Asians; there were no food stores and no connection to South Asian culture whatsoever. But fast forward to now, there is a huge population of South Asians not only in Edmonton but also in Canada. There is more connection to our culture, lifestyle, food, music, movies, etc that we don’t really miss anything back home anymore. And we can thank my parents generation, be it the entrepreneurs or the families, for all the hard work they put in to bringing that little taste of South Asia to Canada. And they worked really hard at that. Are you happy in Canada? Aren’t you happy in Canada? Yes, of course I am. I am very proud to be Canadian. Why? This is where I feel most comfortable. In Canada, we are free to practice any faith and any religion. We are free from interference, no one interferes in your life. We are free

a rent boy, he was always hanging out with that kind of crowd,’ Julien, the bartender of a club visited by Abdeslam, told the Sunday Times. After images of the terror suspects were released, bar owners in the area recognised Abdeslam and went to the police. Officials are now trawling through CCTV from the district, Brussels’ Saint Jacques quarter. This is a confusing



from social shame, no one judges you for past mistakes. We are free to truly live life and be whoever we choose to be. We are free to speak up for what we believe in. There’s a great deal of freedom here in Canada. And I like that. Any comments on Canada’s weather I think the default answer is always it’s cold! So cold! But I enjoy that we have 4 distinct seasons. It gives us hope to change, and to look forward to changes in our lives. My two favorite seasons are summer and winter. Summer because it’s beautiful. And winter, it’s also so beautiful. Sure a couple of months in the year are tough, but as long as you are prepared to dress warmly, it’s fun and there are so many cool winter activities to enjoy. Any comments on Canada’s culture We are so fortunate to live in a multicultural society. Each of us is different and special and we can learn a great deal from each other. As we learn and observe other cultures, we can make ourselves better. What brought you success in Canada? Hard work and trust in others brought me success in Canada. Are you willing to help new comers? Yes! How? As I already do with my work, I want to guide newcomers so they don’t go through many of the struggles my family went through when they first came to Canada. And I want to especially help the young people out there, the teenagers in our community, by letting them know we’ve been through what they are going through and it all comes out great in the end. So it’s ok to go through these things, and if you are struggling with anything, be it classes, at home, teenage issues, don’t be afraid to talk or to ask for help. Your message for Canadians of Asian origin Trust other Canadians. Canadians are good people.Your children will make a lot of mistakes in their lives. Let them make some of the less harsh ones on their own! This is their time to find out who they are. So let them solve their problems on their own, with some, but not too much, interference. Remember that saying - it takes a village? Well, immerse yourself in that village. Growing up in both St. Albert and Edmonton, we became part of a young community. These particular community members worked very hard to show us who we were, where we came from, and why we should be proud of that. Almost every weekend as a teen, we spent at someone’s home for dinner. The young girls were always in a separate room so we could openly talk about our lives, our problems, school, boys, etc. And in letting us do that and in letting us become the best of friends, we grew into stronger and better people, and more caring people. And we still to this day, are like family. I would like to say to the younger generation of immigrants, embrace that. Form that kind of bond with a few South Asian families and make them your real friends. You will turn out better for it. I promise.

Paris attacks fugitive ‘visited gay bars, flirted with men and took drugs’ One of the Paris gunmen was reportedly a regular at gay bars in Brussels, smoked cannabis, and spent most of his time playing Playstation. Salah Abdeslam has been on the run since the attacks in Paris last Friday, in which at least 130 people died. He is now believed to be in disguise in a wig and glasses, going by the name Yassine Baghli. But no one who saw the 26-year-old Belgian citizen on a night out could have guessed he would become a jihadist, and Europe’s most wanted man. ‘We had him down as

27November, November, 2015 2015 27

Asian Tribune

Issue 138 (6)(6) Issue 138

revelation, because Isis regards homosexuality as forbidden and regularly murders people it identifies as being gay. Other videos released by the terror group also show them flogging and beating people who have drunk alcohol or smoked. Abdeslam’s brother Ibrahim, who blew himself up outside the Comptoire Voltaire Cafe, ran a bar in Brussels’ now-

infamous Molenbeek district. Their friend Karim told the Sunday Times that the bar was closed down a week before the attacks because Ibrahim had used it as a den to sell drugs. ‘[Ibrahim] and Salah spent most of their days smoking hashish and playing on Playstation in the bar,’ he said. ‘There was nothing to suggest they were radicalised.’ Around 2,000 officers have now been tasked with hunting down Abdeslam. Belgium raised its terror threat level to the highest in the wake of the attack, warning of an ‘imminent’ threat.

Because Islamic State is weaker in Iraq, I would suggest that international and indigenous troops try to defeat it there before taking the fight to within Syria. So far, the Kurds have done well and a push towards IS’s Iraq stronghold of Mosul cannot be too far off. The Kurds’ efforts on the ground will be critical. We should also include the anti-IS vigilante groups around Mosul. Most importantly, we must persuade the local Sunni tribes to switch sides. Without their support, IS are stuffed – they’ve had it. It will take a lot of negotiation and money – that is the reality of this part of the world. While Special Forces should play a key role, regular British infantry should stay out of this fight; after the Iraq War there is too much baggage involved. Though President Assad is a butcherous dictator who barrelbombs his own people, we must negotiate with him and involve his military personnel. A military solution also requires Russian and Iranian involvement. The potential for civilian casualties is great and deeply concerning. But this must not be used as a reason for us not destroying IS. Sadly, we’ve flapped around and left it to the US, the French and the Russians to fight the aerial campaign. It is militarily nonsensical not to bomb IS in Syria when we’re doing it in Iraq. David Cameron must also play a leading role in the negotiations in Vienna. Thought must be given to what Syria is going to look like after

the war. Eventually, Assad has to go, but not yet. In the meantime, we should confront states such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey which have financed IS and bought its oil supplies on the black market. The Special Air Service has won a battle to keep a fleet of transport aircraft which were due to be scrapped – because the planes are playing a vital role in the war against Islamic State. The dozen C-130J Hercules planes, flown in secret missions over Iraq and Syria, will remain in service after

a U-turn by defence chiefs. The decision will be confirmed tomorrow by Defence Secretary Michael Fallon as part of the Government’s Strategic Defence and Security Review. An SAS source said: ‘We’re breathing a sigh of relief. To have retired such a reliable, versatile aircraft would have been a very stupid way for the Ministry of Defence to save money.’ The aircraft, flown by the RAF’s Squadron 47 at Brize Norton in Oxfordshire, are equipped with the latest countermeasures

against missiles fired from the ground and can carry 72 SAS troops to parachute them into a war zone. Defence expert Howard Wheeldon said saving them ‘removes a serious capability doubt’ from SAS operations.Mr Fallon is also expected to announce that the MoD will buy reconnaissance aircraft to protect Britain’s coastline. Royal Navy personnel are sailing into war against IS aboard the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, the MoD confirmed last night. Eight or nine officers will take part.

Pfizer to buy botox-maker Allergan in Rs 10.60 lakh crore largest-ever pharma deal Pfizer Inc on Monday said it would buy Botox maker Allergan Plc in a deal worth $160 billion (nearly Rs 10.60 lakh crore) to slash its US tax bill, rekindling a fierce political debate over the financial maneuver. The acquisition, which would create the world’s largest drugmaker and shift Pfizer’s headquarters to Ireland, would also be the biggest-ever instance of a US company re-incorporating overseas to lower its taxes. US President Barack Obama has called such inversion deals unpatriotic and has tried to crack down on the practice. Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton pledged to propose measures to prevent such deals. The merger was also slammed by her rival Senator Bernie Sanders as well as by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. “The fact that Pfizer is leaving our country with a tremendous loss of jobs is disgusting,” Trump said in a statement. It was not immediately known how many jobs would be lost as a result of the merger. Shares of Allergan fell 3.4% and Pfizer closed down 2.6% as investors learned the merger, under discussion since late October, would bring lower cost savings than they had hoped. Pfizer also disappointed some investors by delaying by two years a decision on whether to sell off its division consisting of products facing generic competition. To avoid potential restrictions, the transaction was structured as smaller, Dublin-based Allergan buying Pfizer, although the combined company will be known as Pfizer Plc and continue to be led by Chief Executive Officer Ian Read. The US Treasury, concerned about losing billions in tax revenue, has been taking steps to limit the benefits of tax inversion deals, but it admitted last week that it would take legislation from Congress to stop such moves. The deal enhances offerings from both Pfizer’s faster-growing branded products business, with additions like Botox, and its older established products unit. Still, investors had hoped Pfizer would sell off the lower-margin business in 2017, a move now put off by the time required to integrate Allergan. Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

“The only thing I’d really say I’m disappointed about is Pfizer’s postponing their break up,” said Gabelli Funds portfolio manager Jeff Jonas. He called the delay decision “pretty conservative and a little late.” Others were disappointed by other aspects of the deal, including the projected cost savings, and a lack of details on potentially increased share buybacks. “Synergies of $2 billion (Rs ?13,256 crore) plus in the third year are less than the $4 billion (Rs ?26,512 crore) we had estimated in year 1,” said Cowen and Co analyst Steve Scala. On a conference call with analysts, Pfizer said the merger would give it enhanced access to its tens of billions of dollars parked overseas and allow for more share buybacks, dividend payments and business development. The combined company would have annual sales of about $64 billion (Rs ?4.24 lakh crore). The deal is expected to close in the second half of 2016. TAX SAVINGS Allergan CEO Brent Saunders will become president and chief operating officer of the combined company, with oversight of all commercial businesses. Read, who has long sought to slash Pfizer’s US tax rate, said the deal would help put the company on “on a more competitive footing” with overseasbased rivals. The company had estimated it would pay about 25% in corporate taxes this year, compared with about 15% for Allergan. Pfizer Chief Financial Officer Frank D’Amelio said he expected a combined tax rate of 17% to 18% by 2017. The deal comes some 18 months after the failure of Read’s initial attempt at an inversion, a $118 billion (Rs ?7.82 lakh crore) bid to acquire Britainbased AstraZeneca Plc that ran into stiff opposition from that company’s management and UK politicians. Saunders said the combination would provide access to about 70 additional worldwide markets for Allergan products, such as Botox wrinkle treatment, Alzheimer’s drug Namenda and dry-eye medication Restasis.

Editorial Page

Issue 138 (7) Editorial

The Aamir storm: It’s futile arguing intolerance was worse in the past, government must provide a healing touch now Spluttering with rage because Bollywood actor Aamir Khan indicated his alarm at levels of intolerance in the country is beside the point, since it only lends credence to the fears he has expressed. It isn’t the first time that an Indian couple has discussed moving out of India. Many of those who excoriate Aamir today encourage their children to take the same step or contemplate it themselves; attacking him merely for voicing in a public forum what’s on people’s minds is hypocrisy of the worst order. Indeed, Prime Minister Narendra Modi routinely reaches out to and fetes Indian diasporas wherever he goes. It then boils down not to why anyone should say what Aamir has been saying; but more specifically why Aamir, as much feted Bollywood hero, should say so. The same controversy erupted when Shah Rukh Khan spoke recently about intolerance in India. The allegation against them is that India made Aamir (or Shah Rukh); hence their speaking their minds is black ingratitude. But it could equally be argued that it is Bollywood actors like Aamir and Shah Rukh who make India – love of Bollywood unites the country and gives it a soft power edge in a world where it lacks the hard power of, say, China. As Shah Rukh has argued, Bollywood is the finest example of ‘Make In India’. Bottomline: India cannot afford Aamir or Shah Rukh leaving. Has intolerance gone up in India in recent times? If one takes an objective criterion such as the incidence of communal riots, India is actually much safer than before. We’ve not had a major riot since Gujarat 2002. But equally, we live in a far more mediatised world than before. Gujarat 2002 was the first televised riot, and Indians do not like riots beamed into their drawing rooms. Saturation 24×7 news coverage may have made us safer, but it also means that incidents like beef lynchings or murders of rationalists, coupled with statements condoning hate crimes from people in government or close to the ruling party, send ripples of fear everywhere. They create an impression of intolerance in the public sphere and have caused a great deal of disquiet among the country’s artists and intellectuals, which cannot be brushed under the carpet. The times call for sensitivity to public opinion and a healing touch; there’s little point arguing earlier governments got away with less.

27 November, 2015

Asian Tribune

The lure of IS for young men essentially shut down completely, after Khalid Ben Larbi lived Belgium’s Prime a hedonistic lifestyle Minister Charles similar to other Michel warned that the European youths and rarely went to the mosque in Molenbeek, the mainly Muslim Moroccan immigrant area where he and three of the suspected Paris attackers grew up in Brussels. It was the same inner-city disenchantment that leads other youths to drugs and crime, not the preachings of a radical imam, that neighbors, local social workers and imams say changed Ben Larbi from raucous adolescent to Islamic State foot soldier, drawn by the promise threat of one or more of adventure and glory terror attacks in the The families in city was “serious and Molenbeek and other imminent.” The terror areas are often alert system was shocked to discover raised to its highest their children have level over reports of an been recruited by a “imminent threat” of a mix of back street gun and bomb attack preachers, social similar to the one seen media and a growing in Paris. The metro network of hometown system was shut jihadists spreading down, and all tales of derring-do in restaurants and cafés Syria. were closed by 6 pm. Ben Larbi was a Citizens were warned “regular guy”, liked the to avoid large movies, was gatherings, such as comfortably off. Then concerts, train stations one day last year, he and shopping malls. disappeared to fight in B e l g i u m - b a s e d Syria before returning jihadists are to Belgium in January increasingly at the when the 23-year-old heart of the was killed in a police investigation of last raid, Kalashnikov in week’s Paris attacks, hand. “His mother was since it’s been learned totally shocked. Even that three of the now, months later, she attackers have roots in doesn’t go out,” a local Brussels’ Molenbeek woman who knows the district which, as we family told reporters as described earlier, has police searched a large ethnic Brussels for Salah Moroccan population Abdeslam, a key and is a hotbed for suspect in the Nov. 13 radical Islamists. IS attacks in Paris. “He Brussels police have said he was going to intensified raids in see friends. Next thing Molenbeek and other they knew, he was immigrant districts, calling from Syria.” hoping to prevent a Ben Larbi’s family repeat of the Paris could not be contacted attacks. Belgium’s for comment. He interior minister is joined up in Syria with calling for house-toanother Molenbeek house checks for all man, Abdelhamid homes in Molenbeek. Abaaoud, the In particular, there is a suspected planner of big manhunt under the Paris attacks who way for Salah was killed by French Abdeslam, a 26 year police last week. They old French citizen, posted Internet videos, who is believed to be some gory, some one of the attackers, jokey. Abaaoud, 28, and is hiding out in who shocked his own Brussels. Abdeslam family by heading to traveled from Paris to Syria in 2013 Belgium on the according to interviews morning after the Paris with his family in the attacked and was Belgian media, stopped by police dubbed himself the officers for identity “tourist terrorist”. checks, but was For the past 10 days, permitted to continue the city of Brussels, to Belgium because he which is both the was not suspected at capital city of Belgium that time. Police have and the capital of the issued an international European Union, was arrest warrant for


Abdeslam, who is described as armed and dangerous. Friends of Abdeslam told ABC News they

thought he cared about religion. But, his elder brother Mohamed told Belgian television on Sunday,

had spoken to him on Skype and said he was hiding in Brussels and desperately trying to get to Syria, to link up with the so-called Islamic State (IS or ISIS or ISIL or Daesh). Having paid little attention to Muslim practices in the past, families often only realize their sons have changed when they take their relatives to task for lax observance, says Olivier Vanderhaegen, who works for a new service set up by Molenbeek borough this year to combat youth radicalization. “That is clearly a final phase of radicalization; and it’s usually only then that families realize there is a problem; and often almost too late,” he said at his office near Abdeslam’s home. With Brussels locked down for three days for fear Salah Abdeslam or others could mount new, Paris-style attacks, their story has put the spotlight on Molenbeek. On the wrong side of the city’s canal, the borough is afflicted by overcrowding and high youth unemployment, the same problems that are blamed for delinquency and ghettoization in other inner city communities. That is combined with a feeling among some of Moroccan descent that they belong neither in Morocco or Belgium. “The radicalization we see is essentially an identity crisis,” said Va n d e r h a e g e n . Abdeslam, 26, who ran a local bar in trouble with the drug squad, knew Abaaoud in prison, security officials say. Both men did time for petty larceny four or five years ago. Noone

he began to notice earlier this year that Salah and another brother, Brahim, started to pray and stopped drinking alcohol at social gatherings. Brahim, who owned the bar Salah ran, blew himself up outside the Comptoir Voltaire cafe in Paris. The brothers, like most of their neighbors, are the children and grandchildren of Moroccan migrants invited en masse by Belgium in the 1960s to plug labor shortages. “My grandfather worked for 25 years in the coal mines, my father died there, and people still look at me sideways,” said Fatima, 42, outside a mosque tucked away on the first floor of a residential building in Molenbeek, where

dozens of young men filed in for Friday prayers. As a child, Salah visited the Attadamoun Mosque in Molenbeek but then stopped going, Habbachich said. He said some imams are too steeped in tradition to talk over the everyday challenges the youths face. Only one in two of the borough’s imams even speak French, he said. “So they look e l s e w h e r e , ” Vanderhaegen said, lured by recruiters who speak the “language of the street” such as sharia4belgium, a social media savvy organization whose leader and dozens of members were convicted early this year in the Flemish city of Antwerp of enticing dozens to fight in Syria. Molenbeek Mayor Francoise Schepmans, who described her borough as a “breeding ground for radical violence”, admitted authorities have yet to come to grips with the problem. Since 2014, four officers are on the watch for extremism among the 220,000 inhabitants of the police district Molenbeek is part of. “It’s not enough,” Schepmans said. With at least 350 people from Belgium having gone to Syria to fight - the highest per capita number in Europe and becoming heroes to others, many feel more needs to be

It is very rare that terrorism and porn comes together. Such was the case in the February 21, 2013, Hyderabad blasts in Dilsukhnagar in which 17 people lost their lives and 120 people were injured. The blasts were carried out by the Indian Mujahideen under the command of Riyaz Bhatkal. Bhatkal had begun planning the February blasts in 2012 and had roped in his second-incommand Yasin Bhatkal and had charged him with the responsibility to execute the blasts. Riyaz was also accused of having arranged and delivered 35kg of explosives that were

used in the 7/11 Mumbai blasts and is said to have masterminded the blasts not just in Hyderabad but also in Jaipur, Ahmedabad and Delhi. Yasin Bhatkal in turn recruited three other IM members to help him plan and execute the blasts . Over the course of the planning and prepartion Riyaz instructed the four crack team members to communicate with him only via email or via the social networking site Nimbuzz. In order to facilitate smooth communication and not be tracked, fake email IDs were created which were changed every month. Late in 2012, Riyaz Bhatkal

Prof . Harjinder Walia, Ph.D (Journalism) Head of Journalism Punjabi Universty Patiala. (Punjab) India Patron

Yash Sharma,

Sat Paul Kaushal

(Editing by Anna Willard)

2013 Hyderabad blasts: Indian Mujahideen used gay porn novel to plan attack

Editorial Team

M.Sc (Hons), DMM Publisher & Editor in Chief 780-200-0246

d o n e . “Sharia4belgium walked our streets for years before the a u t h o r i t i e s intervened,” said Habbachich. Although the number of new departures has more than halved from 1012 per month in 20122013 to about 5 per month this summer, counter-terrorism expert Rik Coolsaet said, today’s new generation of wouldbe IS fighters are a less idealistic, more “hard-core” group of “sadism, adventure, thrill seekers. In this no-future atmosphere, it is a new outlet for deviant behavior,” he said. “One which gives them some kind of belonging.” In a correctional home for minors in Brussels, where Mohamed Azaitraoui works as a Muslim counsellor, four out of 80 of his charges have been picked up by the security services on suspicion of having IS ties. He recently spent months counselling a 17-year-old, whom he believes dealt directly online with a Syrian recruiter. Azaitraoui’s professional experience has made him particularly watchful even of his own teenage children. “Better not to wake up one day and find they’ve gone,” he said. “Teens think they are Rambos: invincible. They are told they’ll be offered salvation in Syria. It’s a delectable myth.”

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sent his four IM team members 10 pages of a male-on-male gay porn novel 'Stuff My Stocking'. The 2010 book is a compilation of "M/M romance stories that are nice and... naughty" says the description of the book.The drill was the each member would create an email ID on the basis of the first word of the page assigned to him. Over time, the email IDs would be changed every month depending on the page each member was assigned to read. Following this route, by the time the blasts were executed in February 2013, each operative had changed his email ID at least five times.

English Page

Asian Tribune

Issue 138 (8)

27 November, 2015

'DLV\ 6KDK UHYHDOV KHU UHODWLRQVKLS ZLWK 6DOPDQ .KDQ Daisy Shah’s entry to Bollywood happened alongside Salman Khan in the 2014 film Jai Ho. After her big Bollywood break, courtesy Dabangg Khan, Shah’s film scene hasn’t really seen much happening. Daisy has now got Vishal Pandya’s Hate Story 3 in her kitty. And ever since the steamy trailer of the film was released, the actor has had much discussion centering on her. There were rumours that Salman Khan had objected to Daisy working in Hate Story 3, given its high-on-erotica content, but the latter had refuted all of them. Speaking to IANS, the actor had said, “He liked it and was happy the way we are

moving forward with our career. He also mentioned that he has allowed us (Daisy and Zarine Khan, her co-star in the film) to work in this movie. So, whoever thinks that he advised me not to take the film, Salman made it clear for them.” Back when Jai Ho was being filmed, the grapevine had found its fodder in the Salman Khan-Daisy Shah equation. Several gossipmongers had also tried to dig out a romantic angle out of the friendship between the two, but both Salman and Daisy always stuck to their just-friends stance. Now, speaking to the Times of India, Daisy opened up about her relationship with Salman Khan. When asked if

Salman is her ‘2am friend’, Daisy said, “I am fortunate enough to have that kind of access to him, but I won’t take advantage of this fact. Salman can be a mentor, friend and Hitler, depending on the situation. He dons different roles for those he likes. But if I know he is sleeping


at 2am, I won’t call him (laughs).” Daisy, who is playing the role of a businesswoman in Hate Story 3, will be seen alongside Zareen Khan, Karan Singh Grover and Sharman Joshi in the film.

Ranbir Kapoor follows Aamir and Salman for Sanjay Dutt biopic As an actor, it’s my responsibility to make the audiences believe that it’s not me on screen but the characters we play.

Questions pertaining to Ranbir Kapoor’s marriage to Katrina Kaif have been the talk of the town but his ‘Tamasha’ co-star Deepika Padukone says the actor will not wed till the time she gives her nod. Ranbir, 33, who dated Deepika for a year, shares an amicable relationship with the actress post their split. “Ranbir can’t get married till I allow it...,” Deepika told PTI. To which

Ranbir, who has been dating Katrina for sometime, added, “It’s a very big question about my life. I completely believe in the institution of marriage. When I will get married, I will let the whole world know about it.” Imtiaz Ali’s ‘Tamasha’ is Ranbir and Deepika’s third film together after ‘Bachna Ae Haseeno’ and ‘Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani’. The co-stars took a train ride from

Mumbai to Delhi to promote their upcoming film, which is slated to hit the screens this Friday. Ranbir and the ‘Piku’ star started their career in 2008 with Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s ‘Saawariya’ and Shah Rukh Khan starter ‘Om Shanti Om’, respectively. “It feels just like yesterday. I saw Deepika outside ‘Saawariya’ sets walking across to ‘Om Shanti Om’ set.

Ranbir Kapoor is all set for his new project which is a biopic on Sanjay Dutt. The biopic on Dutt will be directed by filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani. The Bombay Velvet star will be seen doing a biopic for the first time and said physical transformation is very important for an actor. The Tamasha actor will go a step further to look like Sanjay Dutt. According to a report published in DNA, Ranbir Kapoor said, “When I do Raju Hirani’s film on Sanjay Dutt, I will try to look like him. Unka jo body type thin tha, then thode mote ho gaye the, ek samay par. As an actor, it’s my responsibility to make the audiences believe that it’s not me on screen but the characters we play. So the physical transformation will be an important part of the film.” When asked about how much weight he might have to gain for the film, Ranbir said, “I still don’t know how much I will have to pile on. When me and Raju sir sit down for discussion, maybe we will talk about it and I would know exactly how much weight I have to gain. Honestly, I have been trying to do this for the last 8 years but abhi tak kuch body nahi bana, main same single pasli hoon.” Ranbir Kapoor is currently busy with the promotions of his upcoming film Tamasha with Deepika Padukone and will also be seen in Karan Johar’s Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

English Page

27 November, 2015

Asian Tribune

Issue 138 (9)

)RU 'DQLHO &UDLJ¡V -DPHV %RQG WKH ZULWLQJ RQ WKH ZDOO LV HDV\ WR UHDG Cast: Daniel Craig, Lea Seydoux, Christoph Waltz, Ben Whishaw, Naomie Harris, Dave Bautista, Ralph Fiennes, Monica Bellucci Direction: Sam Mendes Ratings: 3 Stars When Daniel Craig was announced as James Bond after Pierce Brosnan, the Daily Mirror went to press with the headline ‘The Name’s Bland James Bland’ (April 14, 2006). Craig astounded the Mirror and the world with his debut Bond in Casino Royale stint.

dead. In a perfectlytailored tux and tie, Bond (Daniel Craig) observes his target from behind a mask. In a few minutes, he’s eliminated two people and brought an entire block down. A fight in a helicopter follows. Bond kills the person he’s been tailing, Marco Sciarra (Alessandro Cremona), after receiving a posthumous message of sorts from the exM (Judi Dench). Sciarra’s widow Lucia (Monica Bellucci) leads Bond to Spectre, a global criminal syndicate with a stylised octopus for a symbol, and its master-

Craig isn’t bland; not even in his fourth James Bond outing. Not sure if the same can be said about Sam Mendes’ Spectre. The film opens in Mexico City, on the Dia de Muertos (Day of the Dead). The entire city is out on the streets to celebrate the

mind Ernst Stavro Blofield/ Franz Oberhauser (Christoph Waltz). Back in London, the current M (Ralph Fiennes) is faced with orders from Max Denbigh (C, played by Andrew Scott) to shut down the ‘00’ programme. Power struggles continue

in the UK. But Bond is back in business, aided by Moneypenny (Naomie Harris) and Q (Ben Whishaw), and aided and distracted by Dr Madeleine Swann (Lea Seydoux). There are battles to be won, babes to be bedded, and Aston Martin prototypes to be driven. And Bond does it all spectacularly well. Craig plays his Bond to perfection, albeit with that slight hint of weariness. As Bond, he’s burnt himself out or something of the sort, it feels. Christoph Waltz, on the other hand, doesn’t really come across as very convincing as the villain. Even when he’s got a scar running right across his right eye, he’s hardly menacing. Comparisons with Skyfall creep in inevitably. So when Waltz’s Oberhauser is at his scariest, one misses Javier Bardem’s Silvo. Lea Seydoux is vulnerable when needed, but knows when to rise to the occasion and kick some butt. Fiennes, Scott, Whishaw, Harris, Bautista, Bellucci all slip into their characters effortlessly. The acting is among the strengths of Spectre. Hoyte van Hoytema’s camera captures Mexico, Morocco, London and Rome

in all their glory. The Jaguar C X75Aston Martin DB10 chase by the banks of the Tiber in Rome is one of Spectre’s most enjoyable sequences. The Day of the Dead celebrations

scene, again, deserves some loud applause. It is the story where the film loses steam. Like Thomas Newman’s title theme says, ‘The writing’s on the wall’; indeed, just that it is

too easily readable for all. There are no twists in the story, and even if you fall asleep for a bit in between, you can wake up and realise you haven’t missed much.


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English Page

Asian Tribune

Issue 138 (10)

Wingate by Wyndham Edmonton International Airport! , Royal executive developer Inc., opening of its fifth hotel in Edmonton (Continued... Page 3) restaurant offering international cuisines. “The opening of our first hotel by the Edmonton Airport an illustrates the strategic importance we attach to the Alberta. With 20 years of experience in Alberta, we have accumulated enriched experience to benefit hotels development in the Alberta market.” said Mr. Jessy Prihar, President of Royal Executive development Inc. & Revolution Auto Group. “We are delighted to unveil our brand new hotel, which offer guests an extremely comfortable yet entirely stylish home away from home, with all the personal services they require when travelling to Edmonton.” President Wingate by Wyndham Edmonton Airport, Dr. Parmar said. Wingate by Wyndham Edmonton International Airport is now offering an opening rate of $119+ from now on to 31 December 2015. For bookings, please contact our reservation hotline780-769-0079 or go to Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

27 November, 2015

English Page

27 November, 2015

Asian Tribune

Issue 138 (11)

The week begins with a focus on Scorpio and perhaps a desire to resolve an issue by doing some detective work. Neptune pushes ahead midweek, which could help illuminate your path ahead, particularly where a dream of yours is concerned. The focus then shifts as both Mercury and the Sun dance into Sagittarius.

You have the option to clear the decks and resolve an issue concerning a relationship or romantic association. However, if you're going to sort things out, you might need to get rid of excess baggage that has been holding back for some time in the course of a key partnership. The focus shifts to shared finances, encouraging you to take stock of your present situation.

As Saturn moves to aspect Neptune next week, it's important to keep your boundaries firm, particularly when handling business or professional matters. If you don't, someone may steal your thunder and undermine your efforts. However, the focus on relationships intensifies this week as Mercury and the Sun hike into Sagittarius, adding a lighter note to the coming weeks.

Should you or another dare to share your feelings, a romance could blossom early this week. Even so, you might wonder whether you should have waited a little longer. Saturn has been in your health sector for some time now, and this week it's joined by Mercury and the Sun. It could push you to examine wellness and lifestyle issues in greater depth.

Mars and Venus in Libra are perfect for charming the socks off of a business associate or love interest. Indeed, you might be willing to bend over backward in order to prove your suitability for a job, project, or romantic relationship. However, if such acrobatics begin to hurt, it might be because you aren't being completely true to yourself.

If you're plan ning to increase your income, cutting back on small but inessential luxuries could be the key to increasing your stash of cash. However, with Venus and Mars sauntering through your personal financial sector, the desire to shop could be stronger than ever. Set yourself a limit. It might help you feel more in control.

You could be busy arranging deals, contracts, or even a first date, as well as resolving situations in which you've been taken for granted. Mars in your sign encourages you to take action regarding circumstances that aren't fair. It's time to let others know that you're a force to be reckoned with. On Friday the focus shifts to your zone, so you could be busy with writing projects.

A decision made early in the week could set your mind at rest, as could a conversation you've been putting off for some time. Tuesday's alignment suggests that you'll benefit from taking rather than avoiding action. Neptune's forward motion midweek could see a new romance becoming more defined, particularly if it's been somewhat sporadic until now.

As Saturn in your sign gets closer to squaring off with Neptune, any feelings of insecurity may come down to changes occurring within you. Shifts in your spiritual awareness can be reflected in changes in or around your home and family situation. You may find that meditation or other spiritual activities steady inner turmoil and help you feel more confident about the future.

Priorities could shift and change early in the week, particularly if a dream or goal no longer holds your interest. However, switching to something that you're truly passionate about could act as a catalyst, encouraging you to start now. Once Mercury and the Sun dance into your spiritual sector, you'll enter that time of year when rest and relaxation are mandatory.

As the Sun and Mercury move through the last degrees of Scorpio, your feelings about one aspect of your job or career may leap to your attention. If something needs to be done, this is the time to take action. Neptune pushes forward in your personal financial sector midweek, so if you've suffered delays in this area, things should slowly get better.

Saturn, now in your career s e c t o r, p u ts your attention on the here and now, encouraging you to meet deadlines, define goals, and take action regarding your career plan. As Neptune pushes ahead in your sign from midweek you may find that you begin to get clarity on what you hope to accomplish, helping you to bring your dreams to life.

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Hindi Page

Issue 138 (12)

Asian Tribune Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

27 November, 2015

Punjabi Page

27 November, 2015

Asian Tribune

Issue 138 (13)

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27 November, 2015

Asian Tribune

Issue 138 (14)

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Hon. David Eggen, Alberta Minister of Education & Culture unveiled the mural of Nritya (Dancing) Ganapati Panchayatan at the entrance of Hindu Society of Alberta temple last week. Kartikeya, after receiving the Shakti from Devi, was instructed by Shiva to bow to his elder brother Ganesha. When Kartikeya prostrated To Ganesha, the elder was delighted and blessed him profusely; merrily danced in excitement. Hence dancing Ganesha. Lorne Dach & Denise Woollard, MLAs 0f Edmonton-McClung and Edmonton-Millcreek also graced the occasion. Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

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Issue 138 (19) Issue 138 (19)

27November, November, 2015 2015 27

Canada’s Indian-Chinese community basks in Chen’s electoral success Toronto While a record number of IndoCanadians were elected to Canada’s House of Commons in the elections this October, one name invariably did not figure in any list of MPs from the community. Shaun Chen was elected from the new riding, as Parliamentary constituencies are called in Canada, of Scarborough North in the Toronto region. The 35-year-old Toronto-born MP

belongs to a minuscule minority, that of the Chineseorigin diaspora that migrated to Canada from India. Chen occupies a very rare hyphenated space in the country, as he said, “I find myself in a very unique position as someone who was born in Canada of Chinese descent and with an Indian heritage through my parents.” His parents, mother Yueh Ming and father Kuo Tsai Chen, were both born and raised in India,

before they emigrated to Canada in the 1970s as their family business in Kolkata faltered. “My parents speak Hindi. When I was younger, they would speak Hindi to one another and I would not understand a single word,” Chen said. In fact, that also provided a sort of linguistic advantage during the campaign leading up to the October federal elections in Canada. As Chen said, “Certainly, my Dad, who speaks Hindi, had a great way to talk to

people. He was my any issues on the Chinese origin in best canvasser, he national stage, they Canada, with the vast went door-to-door and were asking me about majority from India and living in the Greater Toronto Area or GTA, especially in townships like Scarborough or Markham. Among them is another who has succeeded politically, Markham regional councillor Joe Li. Li said, “I cannot talked to many my background and deny I’m Indian by residents in Hindi and how that came about. birth, neither can I it was very fascinating It was a conversation deny I am Chinese by for a lot of piece.” There are descent. And I’m them.Residents that estimates of nearly Canadian by choice.” had read about my 20,000 of those of Li attended the background didn’t talk Hakka (guest people in Pravasi Bharatiya about the election or the original dialect) Diwas in Jaipur in 2012 where he met the then Gujarat CM and current PM Canadians hold so inspired us. We are Narendra Modi and dear,” Mr Yousefian truly privileged to have introduced himself, said. “We are certain had the opportunity to saying, “Mera dil Hindustani hai.” His that our initiative will use our wedding for a mother-in-law’s family inspire others, just as greater cause than our ran the Double the acts of others have own.” Happiness restaurant

Canadian couple cancels wedding to help Syrian refugees Ottawa A Canadian couple has decided to cancel their large wedding so they could help a Syrian refugee f a m i l y. S a m a n t h a Jackson and Farzin Yousefian had a civil ceremony instead and asked guests to support a Syrian family’s bid to live in Canada in lieu of gifts. The Toronto couple was planning their wedding when they saw a photo of Aylan Kurdi, a young refugee who died on the shores of Turkey.They realised then their wedding could be an opportunity for fundraising. Canada plans to release details on its pledge to take in 25,000 refugees from Syria by the end of the year next week.The couple told the BBC that Ms Jackson had been working on helping Canadians to become private refugee sponsors before deciding to forego their traditional wedding. “We could not stop thinking about the difficult decisions that many Syrian families are forced to make, immediately began redrawing our plans with the hope of helping a Syrian family start a new life in Toronto,” Mr Yousefian said. Family and friends were supportive of the couple’s decision, he said. They planned their wedding fundraiser in three weeks. The message was clear, said Mr Yousefian - that refugees are welcome in Canada. The couple has raised C$22,750 (£11,224) so far and hope to raise C$27,000 (£13,300), which is the cost to sponsor a Syrian family of four. “Our decision is a reflection of the very values that Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

in Kolkata and that tradition has been maintained in Toronto where his brother, Simon Li, established what may be the first Indo-Chinese restaurant in Canada, Federick’s, a quartercentury back in Scarborough. Somewhat fittingly, the second branch of that eatery is located on New Delhi Drive in Markham. At one point, the peak population of Hakka Chinese in India was approximately 30,000. That number has dwindled to a few thousand now and part of the reason for the large-scale migration from India was due to alienation as the 1962 war before India and China led to the internment of nearly 3,000 of them in a camp in Deoli,

Rajasthan. Even in Canada, as representatives of the Chinese government reached out to the community, Indian officialdom was mostly aloof. That changed recently. “The first one to call me Joebhai was Akhilesh Mishra,” Li said, referring to India’s current consul general in Toronto. That process of rapprochement may take another step forward as Li, joined by about another 100 members of the community, go to Kolkata in February next year to celebrate the Chinese New Year there. And Scarboroughnative Chen, who says he is “first and foremost a Canadian”, is proof that this tiny minority isn’t shy about its roots.

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