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Member : Indo-Canadian Media Club of Alberta

Vol. 6 No. 137 Tel: 780-2000-246, 113 November, 2015

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ÚÒØ∫ Âı √≈«‘Ï≈È Á∂ Alberta families earning under ‹Ê∂√ϺÁ≈ªÂ ı≈Ò√≈ ˘ √∂Ú≈ ÂØ∫ ÒªÌ∂ ’È Á≈ ¡ÀÒ≈È $41K to get child benefit tax credit Ì≈¬∆ ‹◊Â≈ «√ßÿ ‘Ú≈≈ ˘ √z∆ ¡’≈Ò Âı √≈«‘Ï Á≈ ‹Ê∂Á≈ Ê≈«Í¡≈ Edmonton (ATB): Alberta is kicking in in two benefits to give more money to lowincome families. The new Alberta Child Benefit and enhanced Alberta Family Employment Tax Credit will impact families earning less than $41,220 per year, including those receiving Assured Income for the S e v e r e l y Handicapped and social assistance. The maximum annual benefit is $1,100 for families with one child, and up to $2,750 for families with four or more children. The maximum annual tax credit is $754 for families with one child,

Hon. Irfan Sabir, Alberta Human Services Minister and up to $1,987 for families with four children or more. “No child should grow up in poverty. Every child in Alberta deserves the chance to take part in their communities and reach their full potential,” said Human Services Minister Irfan Sabir.

“It is simply unacceptable that in a province as prosperous as ours that many hardworking Albertans struggle to make ends meet.” Both benefits will be sent out to parents starting in July 2016 and the child benefit will be sent out in four

payments, while the tax credit will be sent out twice a year. To be eligible, families must be residents of Alberta, file a tax return and have one or more children under 18. Finance Minister Joe Ceci said it made sense to implement the benefit next summer instead of right away. “There was the view that we could do it best if we took some time,” Ceci said. “We wanted to ensure that it came out when it was needed. It’s needed right across this province but we could get it organized and deliver it best.” Happy news in present scenario.

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Bihar election results 2015

World notes as Modi’s honeymoon ends!

International media presented the Bihar results as a referendum on Prime Minister and a setback to his government’s reforms. Many also mentioned the BJP’s divisive campaign and the perception of

deepening religious tension. Pakistan actually played a role in the election, as the BJP’s favourite rhetorical device - and Pakistani newspapers made sure to rub the loss in. Dawn headlined its front-page lead

‘Bihar steals Modi’s firecrackers’, with a prominent picture of Nitish and Lalu. The Daily Times said ‘Bihar voters put Modi out to pasture’, commenting that it was a “resounding verdict

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against “cow politics” and that it would “set the agenda for the opposition to regroup against his narrow nationalism”. Siasat Daily also said the Bihar election proved that the “cow gives

milk not votes”. The News International’s headline said ‘Modi’s BJP bites the dust for its extremism’. The BBC report minced no words and observed how the (Continued...Page 4)

Issue 137 (2)(2) Issue 137

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Punjabi/English Page

Issue 137 (3)

13 November, 2015

Asian Tribune

Where America’s immigrants come from?

Indian’s came top in 9 states, Asians are on pace to outnumber Mexicans by 2065 New York Asians are quickly becoming the largest immigrant group in America, census data reveals. More than a third of the 800,000 people granted citizen status in 2013 hailed from the eastern continent. While Mexicans remain the largest immigrant group in 24 states, others have taken the top spot in the remaining 26 and the District of Columbia. The data reflects a sharp and steady drop in the number of Mexican immigrants since the credit crash in 2007. Conversely, Asian settlers are on the rise. Many suggest the shift is the result of more Chinese students applying to American graduate schools, and an uptick in the number

of Indian tech workers granted visas to work in Silicon Valley. By 2065, analysts predict, Indian and Chinese settlers will far outnumber Mexicans. The latest data, released by the Department of Homeland Security earlier this year, shows the five largest immigrant groups to hail from Mexico, Indian, the Philippines, the Dominican Republic, and China. It also breaks down the numbers stateby-state, which MarketWatch compiled into a map. Mexicans formed a majority in the number of settlers in 24 states in 2013. California welcomed the most Mexicans in 2013 (40,238), followed by Texas (20,232), Arizona (5,813), Illinois (5,088), and Washington (2,031). Indian immigrants were

World notes as Modi’s honeymoon ends! (Continued Page..1) PM’s lustre has diminished and how the BJP campaign had “ramped up the rhetoric, asking voters protects terrorists’.” The Telegraph wrote of how this second successive defeat in a major provincial election dampened the mood ahead of Modi’s UK visit. The Economist blog declared that ‘Modi’s honeymoon is over’, and spoke of a possible bust-up in the BJP following this defeat. The Guardian suggested that BJP’s strategy of “simultaneously stressing both development at a national level and using more sectarian rhetoric at a local level may be becoming less effective”. It also spoke of BJP’s Rajya Sabha minority, which would enable the opposition to block Modi’s reforms. The Washington Post also underscored his challenges in Parliament. The LA Times flagged this “rebuke of BJP’s often divisive rhetoric and of Modi’s year-and-a-half in power, which critics say has failed to bring the economic reforms he promised”. The New York Times reported Bihar’s “overwhelming rejection” of BJP and detailed the backdrop, a “raging national debate over whether Mr Modi’s India is becoming increasingly intolerant of se-cularists, Muslims and political dissent in general”. The Wall Street Journal pondered the way forward for BJP whether it would push economic measures at the state level to get around an energised opposition, and whether it would curb the influence of Hindu nationalist organisations.

the largest group in nine states: Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia. And Dominicans came top in five states including New Jersey, where Chinese immigrants have formed the majority for at least 10 years. The other four are Massach-usetts, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and New York where for the first time Dominicans took over Puerto Ricans to be the city’s largest Hispanic group. Somalians were the largest group of settle in three states: Maine, Minnesota, and North Dakota. Philippinos were the largest group in Alaska and Hawaii; Ethiopians took the top spot in the District of Columbia and South Dakota; Cubans formed a majority in Florida and Kentucky. Missouri was the only state in America to welcome a notably large group of Europeans: its largest immigrant group in 2013 hailed from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Up until 50 years ago, America’s immi-gration system was geared towards Europeans. In 1910, Mexicans were the largest immigrant group in just three states: Texas, Nevada and Colorado. A map published by Pew Research Center last month shows how, at the time, Germans dominated: they were the largest group across the Midwest, as well as California, Alabama and the Carolinas. However, in 1965, the Immigration and Nationality Act was passed, placing a new emphasis on uniting

families. Since then, 51 per cent of immigrants have come from Latin America, and around 25 per cent from Asia. Indians biggest immigrant bloc For the longest time, Red states and Blue states in America have typically referred to Republican and Democratic leaning states in political and electoral terms. But in the world of immigration and demographics, it turns out they illustrate dominant Hispanic (mostly Mexican) and Asian (mostly Indian) populations. Amid reports that indicate India and China are now starting to send more legal immigrants to the United States than Mexico, new data from the US department of homeland security shows that Asian Indians form the biggest group of naturalized Americans in nine states, mostly in eastern US. Mexican-Americans still dominate the central and western half of the US, but the fact Indians have such a high concentration in so many states comes as much as a surprise as Chinese not being the top immigrant population even in a single state. Overall, Mexicans remain the single largest group of foreigners who were naturalized as citizens between 2003 and 2013, the decade for which DHS has released annualized data. But by state, Mexicans are the biggest group in only 24. Among the remaining 26 states plus the District of Columbia, 10 other nationalities claim the top spot, as the map on the front page shows.

English Page

Some people’s brains wired to want fat foods London Are you a slave to junk food, facing a seemingly endless struggle to curb your cravings? If so, new research could offer good news - you might be able to blame it on your genes. A new study has revealed some people’s brains are ‘hardwired’ to want high-fat foods. A team of researchers from the Imperial College London have discovered two genetic variants known as FTO and DRD2 - cause certain people to

experience more intense cravings for unhealthy foods. They believe these variants alter the levels of dopamine, a chemical in the brain that regulates the reward sensation. Dr Tony Goldstone, the consultant endocrinologist, who led the study, said: ’It means they may experience more cravings than the average person when presented with high-calorie foods - that is those high in fat and/or sugar leading them to eat more

13November, November, 2015 2015 13

Asian Tribune

Issue 137 (4)(4) Issue 137

of these foods.’ The team evaluated 45 European Caucasian males who had been fasting overnight for the study. The participants were asked to look at pictures of either high- or lowcalorie foods and rate how appealing they found the pictures. Meanwhile, researchers evaluated their brain activity using a brain scanning technique called functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The researchers also took a

sample of DNA from each participant. Researchers determined that the study participants with a variant near FTO gene - which predisposes a person to obesity - had more activity when looking at the highcalorie foods in the orbitofrontal cortex part of their brain. These people found the fatty foods to be more appealing than the low-calorie options. And researchers said they did not see the same level of brain activ-

ity when these participants looked at the pictures of healthy foods. ‘Interestingly, for the first time we also found that the activation in a part of the brain called the striatum was increased when those with the variant in the FTO looked at high-calorie foods, but this depended on which variant of the other gene DRD2 they possessed,’ Dr Gladstone said. ‘The DRD2 variant alters how the dopamine system works in the brain.’

“Asian Tribune” wishes Happy Birthday to Preetish son of Tanya Nagpal and Raja Nagpal of Pind Punjab Restaurant/Capilano Conference Center, Edmonton.

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Yash Sharma Realtor Vol. 6 No. 137 Tel: 780-2000-246, 13 November, 2015



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Asian Star

13November, November, 2015 2015 13

Asian Tribune

Issue 137 (6)(6) Issue 137


Native Village/ Country, parents’ background Karachi, Pakistan. Father was physician and mother was homemaker Your early education Bachelor of Arts from India When & why you came to Canada? 1972, Civil war in Bangladesh compelled us to move to Canada What you did for initial survival? Survival was not an issue for me as my husband was practising physician from Scotland Your career advancement initiatives and present occupation I completed teaching degree as well as diploma in Business Management. Presently, Executive Director of MWSSA (Multicultural Women & Seniors Services Association) Your regret in life I was not by the bedside of my beloved father when he breathed last Pick any one of your the best achievements Helping others and leading meaningful life has been my eternal goal Were you ever discriminated? I don’t think so What you miss in Canada? I always miss the warmth and support of extended families and the informal friendly ties which I tasted back home Are you happy in Canada? I am really happy. However, it took lot of time to attain this state Why? This is a wonderful country having peace, law and order and equality in place besides abundant self-advancement opportunities Any comments on Canada’s weather Harsh weather is a bane and I am not certain how I will cope with this with my growing age

9DWLFDQ 'LDORJXH &RXQFLO ZLVKHV +LQGXV MR\RXV 'LZDOL Vatican City The head of the Vaticans’ interfaith dialogue body has wished Hindus around the world a a joyous Diwali with a message highlighting care for environment. Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran,

Any comments on Canada’s culture It’s so hard to parent the Canadian youth. Teens are a confused lot because of isolation and less supportive system. I agree, there is price for everything What brought you success in Canada? My burning desire to serve our folks with sincerity and draw pleasure out of this really bore fruit Are you willing to help new immigrants? 100% How? Newcomers feel at home when they enter our centre’s corridor. Networking and guidance about the availability of various Govt services enable them to settle fast and become part of the mainstream Your message for Canadians of Asian origin Be proud of your rich heritage and culture. Contribute your bit as everybody has something to offer. One of the best ways to kill isolation is get involved. Be a good neighbour and good human being


86 RIILFHUV DUUHVWHG RYHU GHDWK RI \HDU ROG ER\ CHICAGO Two US law enforcement officers have been arrested on charges of murder and attempted murder over the fatal shooting of a six-year-

brutality in US police forces after several highprofile incidents over the last year. City marshals Norris Greenhouse, 23, and Der-

old boy in Louisiana, officials said. The death of Jeremy Mardis will add to growing criticism over perceived

rick Stafford, 32, were arrested yesterday following an incident in Marksville on November 3 in which they opened fire on a vehicle,

killing the boy and critically wounding his father, Chris Few, who was driving. The boy was reportedly hit by five bullets, in the head and the chest. Another two officers that were involved were also placed on administrative leave. Colonel Mike Edmonson of Louisiana State Police said the boy died while strapped into the front passenger seat. “He didn’t deserve to die like that,� he told reporters at a press conference late on Friday, saying the police badge had been “tarnished.� Citing police body-camera footage of the incident, he described it as “the most disturbing thing I’ve seen.�


London Judy Brown, from Massachusetts, went to Beverly Hospital complaining of severe abdominal pain, to then be told she was actu-

baby. When Judy noticed her stomach had started to grow, she assumed it was because she was getting older and most probably

ally in labour. An hour later, much to her surprise, she gave birth to an 8-pound

due to menopause. “It was a little bit scary getting into the hospital

thinking something was really bad was going on,� Brown told ABC News. “To understand and take in that was I pregnant and was about to go into was very overwhelming.� Brown and her husband, Jason, have been married 22 years and this is their first child. The couple were so ill prepared they had to borrow a car seat and a bassinet just to leave the hospital. The parents have named her Carolyn Rose after both of their mothers, and baby and mother are both doing well, according to a hospital spokesman.

the president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, in his Diwali message said, “May your celebrations across the globe lead you to an experience of happiness and harmony in your families and communities.� “His Holiness Pope Francis...Has recently addressed the environmental and human ecological crisis threatening our planet. Thus we deem it opportune to share, in keeping with our cherished tradition, some thoughts on the need to promote human ecology, and to

foster a rediscovery of the interconnectedness of creation,� Tauran said in a statement on Friday. “Human ecology points to the relationship and responsibility which humans have towards the earth and to the cultivation

of ecological virtues,� Vatican Radio reported, citing the statement. Human selfishness, as evidenced in consumerist and hedonistic tendencies in some individuals and groups, nurtures an insatiable desire to be “masters� and “conquerors� rather than “guardians� and “stewards� of nature, it said. “There is an inseparable link between our harmony with creation and our peace with one another. If peace is to prevail in the world, we must, together and as individuals, con-

sciously give ourselves to “protecting nature, defending the poor, and building networks of respect and fraternity. “United by our humanity and mutual responsibility, as well as our shared values and convictions, may we Hindus and Christians, together with people of all religious traditions and good will, always foster a culture which promotes human ecology,� the statement said. “With these sentiments, we wish you all a joyous Deepavali!� it added. “We had a meeting with a lot of writers, artistes, filmmakers and they also believe that there is no intolerance in the country... This march is a symbolic gesture on part of a lot of people over here who say India is one and free of intolerance,� the 60-year-old said. Many filmmakers and artistes from the fraternity including Madhur Bhandarkar, Ashoke Pandit, Priyadarshan, Manoj Joshi, Abhijeet Bhattacharya and writer Madhu Kishwar joined the march to hand over a memorandum signed by more than 40 personalities including actress Raveena Tandon.

MIAMI Two US astronauts successfully dodged hazardous ammonia flakes during a risky spacewalk Friday to complete the repair of a cooling system at the International Space Station. Highly toxic ammonia is used to cool electronics at the orbiting outpost, and the thermal system has been plagued by problems. Scott Kelly and Kjell Lindgren switched their spacesuits to battery power at 1122 GMT and floated outside the orbiting outpost moments later, according to a live broadcast on NASA television. The goal for Friday’s 6.5hour spacewalk was to complete the final repairs to a system that broke down about three years ago, by restoring the external ammonia cooling system to its original configuration, the space agency said. In 2012, NASA detected a major leak in the ammonia

cooling system. Astronauts replaced the ammonia pump on the station’s truss in May 2013. Early in the outing, the spacewalkers reported seeing flakes of ammonia when disconnecting some of the equipment, but the crew was not in any danger, said NASA commentator Rob Navias. Just after midway into the spacewalk, they finished topping off ammonia in the system with about 7.5 pounds (3.4 kilograms) each into a primary and a backup tank, NASA said. The operation was a “perfect fill,� Navias said. Later, the pair worked together to vent off residual ammonia from a plumbing line. After opening the valve, they moved out of the way and inspected each other’s suits for any signs of ammonia flakes. They found none. Had any of the ammonia made its way onto the astronauts’ spacesuits, they Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

would have had to stay outside the airlock longer than planned to allow it to bake off. In the past, following ammonia leaks outside the space station, astronauts have stayed in the sun for about an extra half hour to allow any frozen crystals to vaporize from their spacesuits so as not to bring the toxic substance inside the station. Friday’s spacewalk is the 190th in support of the International Space Station, which just marked 15 continuous years of human habitation. Kelly and Lindgren went on another spacewalk nine days ago to perform maintenance and upgrades outside the ISS. Kelly is more than halfway through a year-long mission at the space station that aims to help NASA study the effects of longterm space flight on the body and mind. He is scheduled to return to Earth in March 2016.

Editorial Page


Congress’s success in Bihar is a signal for Rahul to take over as party president His partymen are calling Rahul Gandhi the “sutradhar” (narrative link) of the spectacular victory of the mahagathbandhan in Bihar. That might be in the realm of hyperbole. However, it is afact that the Congress vice-president had a role in forging the alliance of RJD, JD(U) and his own party that trounced NDA in Bihar. This, together with the fact that Congress scooped up an astonishing 27 seats out of the 41 it contested in Bihar, must count as Rahul’s most significant achievement till date. Hence, calls for him to take over

PM Modi’s only option is to persuade the Sangh Parivar to drop divisive issues by Pyaralal Raghavan Now that the Bihar elections have delivered a clear-cut verdict on the likely impact of the BJP efforts to bring in more states under its fold the most important question is how Prime Minister Narendra Modi would respond to the setback. Would he stick to the business as usual scenario and proceed with the incremental changes he has been rolling out to improve governance and help revive the economy and broaden his appeal? Or would the prime minister make a more realistic

The two issues are strongly interlinked. If the prime minister is to conclude that his reforms programs to boost growth are moving too slow to deliver any substantial impact in the next few years and that he needs to push through more substantial legislative changes like the goods and services tax or improved land acquisition norms and labour reforms to accelerate the pace of growth he has no option but to take a call on improving the relations with his allies, other regional political outfits and the main opposition groups.

legislation are very unlikely to happen in the next few years. But unfortunately there is very little that the NDA can do to counter this development as any efforts to enlist the cooperation of more parties from outside the NDA alliance is unlikely to meet much headway in the current political scenario. With the BJP and its allied groups giving an almost unfettered license to the more fundamentalist leaders to continuously rake up divisive issues across the country and even the prime minister and the party president unable to restrain themselves

assessment of the political implications of the defeat on his ability to boost the strength of NDA in the Rajya Sabha and get important legislations passed over the next few years.

This is because the almost complete rout of the NDA in Bihar indicates that the chances of the alliance significantly adding to its headcount in the Rajya Sabha and improving its ability to push through

from repeatedly raising divisive issues during the Bihar polls it is unlikely that the opposition groups will be too eager to cooperate with the government without seeking commensurate assurances

as party president are ringing loud and clear once again. Though anointed Congress vicepresident in January 2013, Rahul has shied away from the top job since then. Circumstances did not favour him either. Congress was decimated in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections – reduced to a pitiful 44 seats in Parliament. Subsequently, it lost a series of state elections, including Delhi, where it was entirely wiped out. However, Bihar has been a game changer. Though Congress was definitely borne aloft by the Nitish-Lalu wave, Rahul gets credit for playing statesman and choosing the right friends. Congress is not going to give up the dynastic principle anytime soon, since party principals fear there is no other glue holding the party together. With Congress looking reinvigorated – party members in Punjab, Assam and Jharkhand are already planning to galvanise anti-BJP fronts similar to the mahagathbandhan in their states – it’s the perfect time for Sonia Gandhi to pass the baton to her son. To build on the Bihar verdict, Rahul needs to be both de facto and de jure leader of his party. A coronation has been on the cards for years. There’s no time like now to effect it.

13 November, 2015

Asian Tribune

Issue 137 (7)

against such moves. So such a rapprochement can only happen if the government does an about turn and clamp down on all efforts of its members and sympathisers to rake up divisive issues. This would require that the prime minister persuade the RSS and the leadership of the extended Sangh Parivar to drop all divisive issues for the time being if not for at least a decade as Modi has suggested in his last Independence Day speech. But would the RSS and the other Sangh Parivar outfits accommodate such a demand and ensure more space for the prime minister and his government to negotiate and accelerate reforms and deliver on their promises. That is a big question mark and an answer to this would depend very much on

the personal equations between the prime minister and the RSS top brass. While the larger Sangh Parivar wants the government to succeed and continue in office and help it extend its influence across the country it would also like to keep the prime ministers clout under check so that Narendra Modi would not attempt to once again side line their various front organisations as he had so successfully done in Gujarat. In fact there are many who believe that it was such motives that caused the RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat to call for a review of the reservation policy just in time of the Bihar elections and trip the NDA campaign right at the very start from which it never recovered. This one

Coloured diamonds to break records GENEVA Huge blue and pink diamonds, the star attractions at major jewel auctions in Geneva in the coming days, are expected to fetch tens of millions of dollars and possibly set new world records. The anticipated sales prices for the two stones are part of a trend that has seen the market for c o l o u r e d d i a m o n d s explode, with values more than doubling over the last two decades. “The biggest reason is the scarcity of these coloured diamonds,” explained Rahul Kadakia, the International Head of Jewellery at Christie’s. He said that 25 or 30 years

ago, extraordinary “there is a little bit of between $35-$55 million coloured gemstones often softness in the white (32-51 million euros). The earned strong prices at diamond market.” The flawless “Blue Moon” stone was discovered in South Africa in January last year, and is the largest cushion-shaped stone in that category ever to appear at auction. The head of S o t h e b y ’ s international jewellery division, David Bennett, has called the Blue Moon “a simply sensational stone of perfect colour and purity.” Sotheby’s is aiming to beat its own record, set in auction, “but they weren’t Sotheby’s “fancy vivid” November 2010 in quite making the prices blue diamond, which goes Geneva, when a 24.78 they have been achieving under the hammer on carat pink diamond sold for in recent years.” While Wednesday, has been $46 million. Sotheby’s rival classic white diamonds tipped as a possible world Christie’s puts its prized once made up the prize lot record beater, with the jewel up for sale on at jewel sales, now, auction house listing its Tuesday at the plush Four according to Kadakia, projected sale price at Seasons des Bergues

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Sat Paul Kaushal

single act reverted the focus of the elections away from development and pushed it back to divisive issues and ensured that it was delivered on a platter to the Nitish Lalu combine. However, now that the NDA has been routed in Bihar and the political clout of the prime minister sliced away sharply as sought by the RSS leadership Modi has a much better chance of persuading them to allow the party leadership to rein in the big mouths and give him more breathing space. But this can happen only if the prime minister reads the message of the electorate right and decide to refocus back on development and give up on all efforts to reap dividends by dividing the electorate as he unsuccessfully tried during the Bihar polls.

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hotel. The cushion-shaped stone, dubbed “In the Pink”, is estimated to sell for $23-28 million, but Kadakia told AFP the price could be even higher. He noted that the world record price per carat for a pink diamond was set in December 2009 by Christie’s in Hong Kong, when a five carat stone sold for more than $10 million. If In the Pink, owned by an American family for the past 15 years, matches that per carat mark, it could fetch more than $32 million he said, noting that the jewel has been priced “well below what it is actually worth.” Christie’s said that only three pink stones classified by the Gemological Institute of America as “fancy” and weighing more than 10 carats have been up for sale in 250 years. The causes that turn a diamond pink remain something of a mystery, but some experts attribute the colouration to a simultaneous exposure to both heat and pressure.

English Page

13 November, 2015

Asian Tribune

Issue 137 (8)

Technology E Mumbai With growing concerns over security of emails and mobile phones, technology giant Microsoft on Thursday said it is working on ways to rid tech users of their worries over passwords. “One of the biggest security issues is passwords. One of the things that we are working on is a world where passwords are not going to be the ones that you know can get hacked but you really have other biometrics that really help us secure our computing interfaces,� Microsoft Corporation chief executive Satya Nadella said here. He was delivering keynote address at ‘Future Unleashed: Accelerating India’, Microsoft’s largest ever customer conference here, celebrating 25 years of the Richmond-based company’s in the country. Hyderabad-born Nadella said the company has a sense of purpose that is about empowering every person and every

organisation on the planet to achieve more. “We had a mission of putting a personal computer PC on every desk in every home, but in retrospect that was a goal... Our mission was to empower every individual and organisation. That’s really what I look at as we go forward,� said Nadella, who has completed 25 years at Microsoft. Nadella, who runs an average of 5 km a day even today despite 16 hours of jetlag and reads 10 books on weekends, said that with changing world and technologies,

the company has more ambitions to reinvent productivity and business processes. “Our first ambition is about reinvention of productivity and business process. We want to make sure that work no longer is a place you go to. Work is about making things happen and getting things done wherever you are,� he noted, adding that the purpose of Microsoft is to to build an intelligent cloud. He unveiled the new cloud start-up initiative to empower the smart cities. Nadella also spoke about

the tools which he uses daily to make decision, to have discussion across his team and harness the information inside the company. Talking about one of his personal phones, an iPhone, he said, “this is not my phone, but it is an iPhone. I like to somehow refer to this as iPhone Pro because it has got all the Microsoft software on it...There is Word, Excel, Power Point.� He also added that he uses his own phone - a high-end Lumia. Nadella suggested that all leaders should use digital tools to augment judgement, ingenuity and productivity. Microsoft will bring the latest Surface Pro 4 here in January, which will be available for Rs 75,000 and above, he said. “We are not stopping at building a phone that can run apps. We are keen on creating a full PC experience from the phone. Windows Continuum is a great feature in a market like this.�

,QWURYHUWV VKRXOG VWD\ DZD\ IURP )DFHERRN London If you are an introvert, better stay away from Facebook as the social networking site suits extroverts more, suggests a new study. The study found that introverts with Facebook pages may feel aloof in their group of friends, possibly because they see their friends doing things that they feel excluded from, New Zealand Herald reported. “For introverts, those who have a Facebook profile have lower belonging than those who do not, because they do not use it actively enough. They are just kind of looking,� said lead researcher Samantha Stronge, a psychology doctoral student at Auckland University. In contrast, extroverts feel just as included in their friend groups whether they are on Facebook or not, and simply use Facebook as an extension of their already busy social lives. “Extroverts post more status updates and send

more messages to people,� Stronge said. The study was part of the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study of 6428 New Zealanders aged 18 and over in 2011. Extroverts, people with partners, and men, were most likely to feel they

belonged, while introverts, single people and women felt more excluded, the study found. Having a Facebook page made those who already felt excluded feel only slightly more excluded than they already were, but the effect was still significant. Stronge recommended that introverts should also limit Facebook’s psychological damage by only letting their closest friends in real life befriend them on social media.


New Delhi Are you a frequent Instagrammer? If yes, then do you often feel the pressure of clicking a perfect picture for the popular photo sharing site. One often feels that

high-end gadgets are needed to get a perfect picture. But it’s not true as there are plenty ways to do so. You can try different angles for your photo or even edit it. Nowadays, smartphones have come up with

various inbuilt filters or edit options to eliminate errors, making the picture beautiful. Here is a video by famous Instagrammer Connor Franta telling you how to get a perfect picture.

New York Did you come across the “secret sister gift exchange� on Facebook recently? The message claims you can buy a gift for $10 or more, add your name to a list and then receive a bounty of 36 gifts. People say it is the old pyramid scheme being run online now on the social network. “I’ve seen it on Facebook. This is a typical pyramid scheme. We are just seeing this on Facebook this time instead of the old way of using letters, and Facebook allows it to spread a lot faster,� University of South Florida mass communications

instructor Kelli Burns was quoted as saying by The biggest problem with the post is it’s illegal. the

“It’s against Facebook’s terms of agreement. So there’s the potential that Facebook, if they got wind of this, could block your

US Post Office regulations are very clear about pyramid schemes, and these gifts are being sent through the mail. It is also dicey because your personal information is posted on Facebook.

account,� Burns said. But people are being lured to it, especially when they see their friends doing it and being invited to join in. But in reality, the chances of your getting 36 gifts are very slim. Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

English Page

13 November, 2015

Asian Tribune

Issue 137 (9)


No matter where you start, a NorQuest education can lead to a rewarding career New Canadian Willy Poveda can now talk to his neighbours, ask his local grocer which isle the cereal is on, and order a meal without having to struggle to find the right words. But despite leaps and bounds in his grasp of English thanks to NorQuest College’s Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) and its English as a Second Language (ESL) training, Poveda credits the programming for helping him learn so much more. “What was such a great experience was that I started to learn about Canada,” says the 35-year-old Colombian national, who is now part of the Academic Upgrading program at NorQuest. “And not only that, but about things in Edmonton—the festivals, and about all the great things this city has to offer for newcomers. It wasn’t just about learning the language, it was about total integration.” Poveda arrived in Edmonton from Columbia in 2011 via Montreal. His wife and two children came a year later; it was a scary time. He had a few friends, but the littlest of tasks like asking for directions created a lot of anxiety and feelings of loneliness. “I heard from a friend

who told me to look at NorQuest,” he says. “They said it was very helpful.” It turned out to be lifechanging. “While I was there I felt so confident. The LINC teacher was always positive and told me that I had a higher than Level 3 understanding. She encouraged me and I moved to Level 5.” From there, he moved on to the college’s ESL programming, spending one year learning the language in even greater detail. “I remember my first day at NorQuest. I was so afraid to talk. Now, I have learned so much and I am still learning and I am not afraid to talk to people. As a student, I know I can count on the teachers. But

NorQuest is not only about the teachers. If you have troubles they have counsellors— people who can help you in many ways and that is so valuable, especially for people just coming to Canada. There is no judgement, just respect. You feel like the people there are your friends.” Poveda is now enrolled in NorQuest’s Academic Upgrading program where he continues to enjoy the college’s accepting and inclusive atmosphere. Once finished with his upgrading, he plans to move on to the Pharmacy Technician program where he hopes to learn the skills for a rewarding career. And NorQuest College

does provide students with program options that are directly linked to the needs of employers. This results in graduates who can begin work in the careers of their choice soon after graduation. NorQuest graduates have what employers want Like Poveda, T h e r a p e u t i c Recreation diploma graduate Kendra Bacso came to NorQuest with her eyes set on a career that would help her advance in life and in financial stability. She found what she was looking for and is now employed full time at Edmonton’s Laurel Heights Retirement Residence where she serves as recreation therapist.

And thanks to NorQuest’s excellent instructors, many of whom are awardwinning educators, Bacso was encouraged to think of new ways to enhance her profession. As a result, she has found a way to use her love of music to make her career more enjoyable for herself and her clients. “I sing in a glee group,” says the 25-year-old Metis woman who is originally from northern Alberta. “That’s what I do for my own recreation, and I think it is important to practice what you preach.” So, if Bacso is the preacher, then her clients can serve as the choir. “On Fridays, I bring in my guitar and we have sing-alongs.” It is that kind of graduate NorQuest produces: people who take what they learn in our small classrooms and produce ideas that help enhance their own lives and the lives of the people and communities they serve. “I saw my NorQuest instructors become so passionate about what they were teaching that I became passionate about it too,” she says. For more information on NorQuest College’s full time, part-time, distance learning, and regional programming visit

1.Katy Perry $135 million 2.Taylor Swift $80 million 3.Fleetwood Mac $59.5 million 4.Lady GaGa $59 million 5.Beyonce Knowles $54.5 million 6.Britney Spears $31 million 7.Jennifer Lopez $28.5 million 8.Miranda Lambert $28.5 million 9.Mariah Carey $27 million 10.Rihanna $26 million

Singer Katy Perry has been named the highest-earning female musician of 2015, according to Forbes magazine. The singer comes at the top of the Forbes list on Wednesday, after raking in $135 million this year, reports During the “Prismatic” world tour, which she launched in support of her 2013 album “Prism”, Perry played around 126 shows and grossed more than $2 million per city. Her income additionally came from her deals with CoverGirl, Coty and Claire’s. “I am proud of my position as a boss, as a person that runs my own company. I’m an entrepreneur... I don’t want to shy away from it. I actually want to kind of grab it by its balls,” the singer told Forbes earlier this year. Trailing behind Perry on the list is singer Taylor Swift, who nabbed the runnerup slot with $80 million, earned mostly from the “1989” tour that followed her 2014 album of the same title. Fleetwood Mac is placed third with $59.5 million. The band, which is eligible for the list for having Stevie Nicks and Christine McVie in the line-up, made over $1 million per city during their “On With the Show” tour. At number four is Lady Gaga, who earned $59 million from 66 shows she played during Forbes’ scoring period, her deals with Versace and MAC as well as her own “Fame” fragrance. Beyonce Knowles closes out the top five with $54.5. million.


International Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

English Page

Issue 137 (10)

Asian Tribune

Driverless automatic buses to soon operate in Switzerland Geneva In a first, electric-powered driverless public transport buses will soon be operating in Switzerland which will be able to ferry nine passengers at a time. The autonomous buses will launch in the canton of Valais, thanks to a collaboration between PostBus and a Swiss startup founded by graduates from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne. Two new driverless buses will be put in service in Sion during a two-year test period from early 2016, in what is a first for Switzerland’s public transport system. The electric-powered vehicles will be able to carry

nine passengers at a time and will be in service in tourist zones in Sion’s Old Town, ‘The Local’ reported.Installed with technology developed by Lausanne-based start-up BestMile, the distinctive vehicles will be able to navigate roads accurately, identify obstacles and read road signs. The project is the result of a two-year joint research project conducted by BestMile and EPFL to develop the mathe-matical algorithms that allow driverless vehicles to deal with different scenarios on the road and be operated remotely. The technology “offers a solution to control fleets of autonomous vehicles in the same way a control tower does in an airport,” BestMile said in a statement. Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

13 November, 2015

English Page

13 November, 2015

Asian Tribune

Issue 137 (11)

Get ready! Fun and fortune could be yours this week. A sassy alignment reveals that you’ll be eager to enjoy yourself and move outside your comfort zone, too. Your desire for something different could entice you to move in new circles midweek. The chance to meet with folks who are truly on your wavelength could be positively heartwarming.

Expect the unexpected, especially if you’ve been quietly hoping for a minor miracle. This week’s alignment may bring just that. In addition, your intuition and dreams could play an important part in making that happen. Pay attention to any vivid nighttime reveries, especially those that seem to have a haunting quality come morning.

Your social scene has plenty of snap, crackle, and pop. Key influences encourage you to be proactive about networking and exploring new social options. One encounter on Tuesday could bring news or information that makes a difference to your day. Don’t be tempted to jump too quickly into a sizzling romance on Wednesday, as it may not be what you think.

There could be good news concerning jobs and money, especially earlier in the week. A positive blend of energies hints that there’s an opportunity for a new contract, promotion, or perhaps small windfall. Grab it quickly whatever it is, as it may not be around for long. You’ll find you can’t please everyone, especially on Wednesday.

The more you’re willing try new things, the more doors will open for you. If you have a strong desire to travel or study, this is the time to do it. Your enthusiasm will help you succeed. A fortunate blend of energies on Tuesday could bring positive news that gives you the confidence to go for it. Even so, you’ll need to balance an urge for adventure with the willingness.

If you’re willing to act on an intuitive hunch, it could pay off financially. Where joint finances are concerned, you may need to make one or two big payments and keep things running smoothly. The temptation to spend impulsively could throw a wrench in the works, so think carefully before you do. Later, you’ll benefit by making a decision rather than hoping for the best.

Relationships sizzle whether you’re looking for new love or already involved. This week you may connect with someone a little bit special and know that there’s potential mileage here. If this is the case, it’s up to you to work your magic. At the same time, your emotional equilibrium could be upset by someone with a disruptive influence.

Yo u ’ r e in a prime position to make the most of a job opportunity or chance for greater exposure for your business. A delightful aspect early on could be the catalyst that sees you forging ahead, but grab it while you can. A midweek communication snafu at work might temporarily derail a project, needing patience to see things through.

Feelings of positivity can give you a boost this week, particularly when it comes to romance and leisure options. A spark of inspiration could ignite passions between you and another, and this meeting could have a quality that marks it as special. Even so, you’ll need your freedom and a chance to do your own thing even if it means someone’s temporarily put out as a result.

The temptation to splurge is apparent, so go easy if you notice an urge to spend impulsively. There’s plenty of activity at home as stirring energies encourage you to remove clutter, redecorate, or do some serious DIY. This can be a good time to invest in your place or a family project that will bring a return in cash or memories.

This could be a very conversational week. Shared information and opportunities could enhance your luck and that of others. Bright ideas sparkle with potential, so you might find yourself drawn to collaborate with a likeminded someone. There’s room for romance, too, as a special alignment can bring an upbeat encounter your way.

Money matters continue to be of interest. A positive alignment on Tuesday hints that you could get a small windfall, the chance of a pay raise, or even a lucrative contract. If you’re changing jobs, there’s a chance your income will go up as a result. Money could come in and go out just as quickly, so put the brakes on your spending.

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English Page


Actress Sonam Kapoor, who is romantically paired with Bollywood’s “Dabangg� star Salman Khan for the first time in “Prem Ratan Dhan Payo�, says the forthcoming family drama is the “biggest film of her career�. The actress is delighted over sharing screen space with Salman to being a part of Sooraj Barjatya’s film. “It (shooting for the film) was a beautiful experi-

13 November, 2015

Asian Tribune

Issue 137 (12)

ence and this is the biggest film of my career. I’m very lucky that I got this opportunity,� Sonam said during a promotional visit for the film here. She was accompanied by Salman at the event. The daughter of Anil Kapoor, who shares a close bond with Salman, described working with Salman as an “amazing� experience. “I’m very happy and grateful to the Barjatya’s

especially Sooraj ji. It’s quite amazing that I get to work with Salman Khan,� Sonam said. After foraying into showbiz with “Saawariya�, Sonam navigated her way to the fashion world, emerging as Bollywood’s fashionista. While the actress has faced several setbacks with flops like “Delhi-6�, “Aisha�, “Mausam�, “Players�,

“Bewakoofiyaan� and “Dolly Ki Doli�, Sonam is credited with critically acclaimed films like “Bhaag Milkha Bhaaga and “Raanjhanaa�. Now, she is awaiting release of “Prem Ratan Dhan Payo� and Sonam promises that the movie comes with the perfect dose of “action, romance and comedy�. The family drama will finds its place in cinemas on November 12.


The grapevine has always been abuzz with talks of Salman Khan and Romanian TV personality Iulia Vantur being in a relationship. And some time back, there was a rumour doing the rounds that Salman Khan is secretly engaged to Iulia. But later the actor rubbished all the rumours by saying, “There is a lot of buzz about a lot of things about me, which is never true. Yes, I read what is written, hear what is said, and my right answer to your question

would be that I am indifferent to all of it. The small things don’t bother me at all, but they bother my parents. And that really bothers me.� According to report in Pinkvilla, Salman was sleeping when the rumours about his engagement broke on the internet. When asked about it, he said, “Oh, I loved the rumour about my engagement.� He also explained how did all the confusion about the engagement ring happened.

When Katrina Kaif was stuck in a hotel for two hours



Nargis Fakhri, who works hard to maintain her fit frame, says she won’t gain weight even if a character requires it. “Gaining or losing weight is more to do with guys and not girls. I would like to be more fit, but I don’t think I will put on fat or gain weight for movie roles. I am not going to do that,� the actress told IANS on the sidelines of the opening of Reebok’s new store in the capital. The actress not only entertained the audience at the store with some combat training routine here on Wednesday, but also tore through a Reebok backdrop and revealed the new store to fans and fellow fitness enthusiasts gathered around. The “Rockstar� fame actress, who was also part of films like “Madras Cafe�, “Phata Poster Nikhla Hero� and Hollywood film “Spy�, is currently busy shooting for the biopic on former cricketer Mohammad Azharuddin titled “Azhar�. Nargis is playing the role of Sangeeta Bijlani, the second wife of Azharuddin. Asked if she has taken some tips from the former actress, Nargis said: “I’m just working on myself and shooting outdoors. I’m not sure about the tips.�

Katrina Kaif went through a harrowing time recently, reveal sources at the justconcluded 17th Mumbai Academy of Moving Images (MAMI) film festival. The actress, who attended the festival’s opening ceremony last week, had to check into a hotel for two hours waiting for her car to get out of the parking lot due to heavy security arrangements at the venue. A source says, “After attending the inaugural function, Katrina walked out along with her director-buddy Ayan Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

Mukerji. Since there were too many VIPs including Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis at the event, there was a thick security blanket around, which prevented her car from reaching her.� The actress, who is currently shooting in Thailand for ‘Baar Baar Dekho’, then checked into a hotel near the venue and waited there till the jam eased up. Katrina was unavailable for comment while a source close to her says, “Kat wanted to leave early, but got stuck.

Punjabi Page/English

13 November, 2015

Asian Tribune

Issue 137 (13)

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13 November, 2015

Asian Tribune

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Punjabi & Hindi Page

October, 2015 2015 13 30 November,

Asian Tribune

Issue 137 (15) Issue 136 (15)

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Hindu Society of Alberta, Edmonton organized Diwali Festival/Fundraiser at Capilano Conference Center last week. More than 700 people attended the event. Hon. Amarjeet Sohi, Federal Infrastructure & Communities Minister, His Worship Mayor of Edmonton, Don Iveson, MLAs Rod Loyala, Heather Sweet, Christina Gray and Councilor Mike Nickel graced the occasion Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

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11 Indians held in Kuwait for holding ‘noisy’ puja MANGALURU Holding a Sathyanarayana puja in a hall in Kuwait, around a fortnight ago, has landed eleven Indians in police custody there. The Indians - most of whom are from the coastal region - are members of the Navachethana Welfare Association, Kuwait. Members of the association, reports say, have been organizing the event for the past decade.This time, it is learnt, they did not apply for permission. Indian ambassador to Kuwait Sunil Jain told STOI over telephone on Saturday: “Eleven men who were conducting a puja were taken in for questioning by police after the neighbours complained. All... are still under detention.” Diplomatic sources said that loud noise during the puja had attracted the attention of neighbours, who in turn called police. Udupi-Chikkamagaluru MP Shobha Karandlaje, who is in touch with ambassador Jain in Kuwait, told STOI that according to his information, Kuwaiti authorities are not forthcoming with details of the incident. Kuwaiti authorities are not cooperating with the Indian embassy’s request for information on their detention,” she said, adding they were reportedly arrested for organizing a religious event without permission. Quoting her interaction with Jain, Karandlaje said as per Kuwaiti law, a person arrested for any offence has to be produced before a court within 10 days. “They have been detained for 13 or 14 days now.” They have not been produced in court yet.”Jain also has no word from local deportation authorities on the fate of those detained, and on whether they will be deported to India, as is the norm there.” The only question Kuwaiti authorities asked organizers of the event, led by association president Ashok Kumar, was if they had organized a puja, Shobha said. Those detained with Ashok Kumar are Yadav Poojary, Anil Kumar, Kumar Vamanjoor, Sathish Beluvai, Umesh Shetty , Arun Shetty , Prashanth Shetty and Purushottam Kukyan. “Their families are worried about their fate,” Karandlaje said. Dakshina Kannada MP Nalin Kumar Kateel said in addition to raising the issue with minister for external affairs Sushma Swaraj, he and Karandlaje have kept Union minister for chemicals and fertilizers Ananth Kumar in the loop. A nanth Kumar is monitoring the situation with Sushma,” Kateel told reporters on the sidelines of a meeting on railway issues on Saturday. “The arrest of Indians from this part of the state is a matter of concern.” Kateel recalled that Swaraj had recently managed to get seven Indians arrested in the Gulf released, and hoped the puja organizers, too, would be freed at the earliest.

13November, November, 2015 2015 13

Asian Tribune

Issue 137 (19) Issue 137 (19)

Hundreds of nude photos jolt Colorado school CANON CITY At least 100 students at a high school in Canon City traded naked pictures of themselves, the authorities said Friday, part of a large sexting ring. The revelation has left parents outraged, administrators searching for missed clues, and the police and the district attorney’s office debating whether to file child pornography charges including felony charges against some of the participants. George Welsh, the superintendent of the Canon City school system, said students at Canon City High School had been circulating 300 to 400

nude photographs, including images of “certainly over 100 different kids,” on their cellphones. “This is a lot of kids involved,”

eighth graders from the middle school. Members of the high school football team, the Canon City Tigers, were at the

he said, adding that the children in the pictures were believed to be students at the high school as well as

center of the sexting ring, Mr. Welsh said. On Thursday night, separate community meetings were held for parents of football

players and parents of other students to address the scandal, which has shocked this quiet, semirural community of 16,000. The team was forced to forfeit its final game of the season. Because it is a felony to possess or distribute c h i l d pornography, the charges could be serious. But because most of the people at fault are themselves minors and, in some cases, took pictures of themselves and sent them to others, law enforcement officials

are at a loss as to how to proceed. “Consenting adults can do this to their hearts’ content,” said Thom LeDoux, the district attorney, but “if the subject is under the age of 18, that’s a problem.” He added that he was not interested in arresting hundreds of children and would “use discretion” if he decided to file charges. Mr. Welsh said a significant percentage of the student body at Canon City High School had participated, with boys and girls involved in seemingly equal numbers. The photo-sharing, some of which took place in school, was done largely on cellphone applications Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

called “vault apps” that look innocent enough some look like calculators but are really secret troves of photographs accessible after entering a password. While sexting among children is a rampant problem, “I hope no other school has it at the level we have it at,” Bret Meuli, the principal of Canon City High School, said in an interview in his office. “But I fear we aren’t the only ones.” Students at the school described a competitive point system that classmates used to accrue photographs. Different point values were assigned to different students. Students who collected naked

photographs gained points by adding these desirable children to their collections. Isaac Stringer, a junior interviewed outside the high school who said he did not participate in the photo-sharing, called the boy with the largest collection “the pimp of pictures.” T h e repercussions are likely to resonate loudly over the days and weeks ahead in this small town, a tightly knit community ringed by correctional centers, where many people are employed, as well as tourist attractions such as Royal Gorge Bridge and Park, which claims to have “America’s highest suspension bridge.”

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