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Member : Indo-Canadian Media Club of Alberta
Vol. 6 No. 139 Tel: 780-2000-246 www.asiantribune.ca, editor@asiantribune.ca 11 December, 2015
Distracted Driving ¡Ó∆’∆ ◊∞ Áπ ¡ ≈∂ ”⁄ ¡≈¬∆. Demerits is New Year Gift ¡Àµ√. «ıÒ≈¯ ȯÂ∆ È≈¡∂ «Ò÷∂ Edmonton (ATB): Effective Jan. 1, drivers will be hit with three demerit points if they are found violating the provincial distracted driving law by texting, using a hand-held phone, personal grooming or fiddling with GPS controls besides $287/ - penalty. “Traffic safety is critical and all drivers have to make sure that they’re paying attention to
their driving and that they’re obeying traffic laws, including distracted driving,” Transportation Minister Brian Mason
said Wednesday. “It’s a leading cause of accidents and the government certainly wants to do something about it.”
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He declined to provide more details, citing a pending government announcement scheduled soon. Last spring, the former P r o g r e s s i v e Conservative government passed a private members bill that increased the fine for distracted driving and laid the groundwork for ushering in demerit points. The law was proclaimed on March 30 but the New Democrat cabinet only approved the demerit penalties this week. (Continued Page..4)
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2761 Hewes Way, Edmonton, AB T6L 6N5 Ph.: (780) 462-5000 Fax : (780) 463-0188 lpadda08@gmail.com
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Issue 139 (2)(2) Issue 139
Asian Tribune
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Issue 139 (3)
11 December, 2015
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Ho ho no! Hungarian Santa busted in seasonal tax sting BUDAPEST A Hungarian Santa received a nasty surprise after tax inspectors posing as parents booked him for failing to invoice his seasonal giftgiving services. The Santa, who told his sad story to the TV2 channel Sunday, said he was invited to a Budapest apartment by parents who, as per local tradition, told him beforehand how the children behaved during the year. After singing, handing over presents, and smiling
for photographs, he would be fined for Santa, who not producing an invoice. “I only do this once a year, so I didn’t think there would be any problem,” the man told TV2, adding that he expects a fine of around 200,000 forints (640 euros, $700). traditionally visits Hungary’s tax office children in Hungary on told the broadcaster it couldn’t December 6, was in that on for a shock however comment while waiting for his individual cases but cash in the lobby. that they do indeed Called back into the check Advent and apartment the C h r i s t m a s - r e l a t e d “parents” showed him traders and service their tax inspector providers, without identity cards and said exception.
English Page
Grant Funding Announcement – Alberta Community Injury Control Fund A l b e r t a (ATB)- The Injury Prevention Centre is pleased to announce that the Alberta Community Injury Control Fund (ACICF) is now accepting applications. Funding has been provided from Alberta Health to provide grants in support of Alberta communities in the belief that community involvement, commitment, and action are some of the most powerful tools in tackling the injury
problem. The goal of the ACICF is to improve the wellbeing of individuals, increase individual and community safety, and reduce unintentional injuries by assisting communities with resources to undertake solutions to local injury problems. The ACICF is one component of alarger Alberta Community M o b i l i z a t i o n Initiative,which supports communities to create equitable
conditions for wellness, reduce health risks and injury, and improve quality of life for Albertans. Please visit the ACICF grant platform for more information, to register, and complete an eligibility assessment: https:// albertagrants.ca/acicf/ For more information, please contact the ACICF Grant Coordinator, Injury Prevention Centre @ 780-492-6019 or acicf@ualberta.ca
‘Eyes on the prize’ keeps one motivated to exercise A new study has suggested that when it comes to exercise, if people keep their ‘eyes on the prize,’ it could help them get to their target faster. The new research suggested that while walking, staying focused on a specific ta r g e t a h e a d c a n make the distance to it appear shorter and help people walk there faster, psychology researcher s have found. Their study, which compared the technique to walking while looking around
the environment naturally, offered a new strategy to improve the quality of exercise. New York University’s Emily Balcetis, one of the study’s co-authors said that people get less interested in exercise if physical activity seems daunting, which could happen when distances to be walked appear quite long. These findings indicated that narrowly focusing visual attention on a specific target, like a building a few
11December, December, 2015 2015 11
Asian Tribune
Issue 139 (4)(4) Issue 139
blocks ahead, rather than looking around your surroundings, makes that distance appear shorter, helps you walk faster, and also makes exercising seem easier, she added. The study focused on “attentional narrowing,” which affects perceptions of space. The researchers, hypothesized that narrowing attention on a finish line would lead it to appear closer, increase walking speed, and reduce feelings of physical exertion.
That’s what Xi said? China state media scolded for typo BEIJING A Chinese state news agency has suspended four employees, a report said, following a typographical slip that suggested President Xi Jinping was resigning. The error came in a Friday story about a speech Xi gave during a China-Africa summit in Johannesburg last week. Staff at the staterun China News Service switched two Chinese characters with similar sounds, accidentally changing the word in question to write that Xi’s remarks were a “resignation” not a “speech”, Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post reported Sunday. Some news sites published the report in its
cus of fawning adulation by state media, leading some experts to say that a nascent cult of personality may be developing around him. Last Friday, during his Africa trip, Xi’s name appeared in 11 out of 12 headlines on the front page of the Communist Party’s official newspaper, the People’s Daily. “Praise for the glorious leadership of Xi Jinping is marquee coverage,” David Bandurski, an expert on Chinese media at the University of Hong Kong, wrote in a recent post about the phenomenon, noting that the paper was mentioning original form before later head of the Communist the leader’s name at rates retracting it, the paper said. Party in 2012, he has in- unseen since the era of Mao Since Xi’s ascension to the creasingly become the fo- Zedong.
Distracted Driving Demerits is New Year Gift
(Continued Page.... 1)
Alberta’s police chiefs have lobbied the province to add demerits since at least 2012, saying a fine alone wasn’t enough to deter
drivers. Alberta has been the only province in the country that doesn’t hand out demerit points with distracted driving tickets. T h e
distracted driving law was first introduced in 2011 and came with an initial fine of $172. It applies to cars, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, truck tractors, farm
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vehicles and bicycles. Under the province’s demerit points system, fully licensed drivers who accumulate 15 or more points within a two-year period face a
suspension of one month. Asian Tribune wish you safe driving and look forward to your obedience to proposed legislation to ensure safety of all.
Yash Sharma Realtor Vol. 6 No. 139 Tel: 780-2000-246 www.asiantribune.ca, editor@asiantribune.ca 11 December, 2015
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English Page
Asian Star
11December, December, 2015 2015 11
Asian Tribune
Issue 139 (6)(6) Issue 139
Gurcharan Singh Bhatia
Native village/Country, parents’ background Mirpur, Jammu & Kashmir, India (Now part of Pakistan). Father served as Superintendent of Police, J & K Police and mother was stay home mom Your early education I am certified Charted Accountant and also completed Post Graduate Industrial Management from Scotland When & why you came to Canada? 1964. My quest to opt for peaceful country and civil society landed me in Canada How many dollars you brought in? I think I had eight dollars in my pocket What you did for initial survival? I joined as Financial Controller in a trucking company of Winnipeg and turned around this loss making company Your career advancement initiatives and present occupation I developed high rise buildings in Winnipeg as one of the partners. Besides, I also published monthly community newspaper for ten years on provincial as well as National level which was named as Alberta Link, Prairie Link and finally Canada Link. I served as member, Federal Human Rights Commission (8 years) and Judge, Court of Canadian Citizenship (12 years). I was bestowed Order of Canada, Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal & Salute to Excellence by City of Edmonton Your regret in life I lost my father in Indo-Pak partition war. I could not obtain his body to perform last rites Pick any one of your the best achievements My initiatives to promote Canadian values and connect diversified culture among communities are very dear to me Were you ever discriminated? Yes. In those days, whenever I mentioned that I am an Indian, I was mistaken as native and subjected to undue discrimination. However, my subsequent correction of “Indian� to “East Indian� provided me a lot of solace What you miss in Canada? Absolutely nothing Are you happy in Canada?
Very happy Why? Canada is the land of equal opportunities and human rights are governed to the best possible level Any comments on Canada’s weather I have not to bear the brunt of harsh winters now as I shift to warmer places during bone chilling weather Any comments on Canada’s culture Bridging the culture and heritage of 200 countries is a great challenge. Vibrant economy, sustainable resources, equal opportunities and gender equality are the essence of this wonderful country. I am President of International Association of Citizens for A Civil Society and we celebrate Daughters’ Day in Canada since 1st September, 2010. 40 NGOs support our initiative to serve the girl child cause. I am also founder of John Humphrey Centre for Peace & Human Rights and Mahatma Gandhi Canadian Foundation of World Peace. Norquest College, Edmonton offer “Judge Bhatia Citizenship Award� for the last 12 years which is a great honour for me What brought you success in Canada? I am the staunch believer of whatever you do, do it well Your message for Canadians of Asian origin Always believe in equality. Respect Human Rights and live and let live peaceful life.
ORBIT AL CAR GO SHIP BLASTS ORBITAL CARGO OFF TOWARD SP ACE ST ATION SPA STA MIAMI Orbital ATK has launched its Cygnus cargo ship to resupply astronauts at the International Space Station, one year after a sudden rocket accident delivered a setback to commercial
kilograms) of gear, including science experiments, readymade food, a jet pack for spacewalking astronauts and even a satellite made by elementary school students. In October 2014,
research lab over a series of supply trips are the only two US companies that can send spacecraft to the ISS. A Russian Progress ship was also lost after launch in April, but ISS program
Orbital at least $200 million in lost equipment and supplies. The liftoff Sunday atop the Atlas V rocket went smoothly, with no flaws or problems after a launch delay of several days due to
spaceflight. “Liftoff, on the shoulders of Atlas,� NASA spokesman Mike Curie said as the unmanned spacecraft blasted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida atop a white Atlas V rocket at 4:44 pm (2144 GMT). The launch marks Orbital’s fourth scheduled mission to the orbiting outpost, as part of a $1.9 billion contract with NASA to deliver necessities to the astronauts living in space. The spacecraft is carrying the most cargo ever packed onto a barrel-shaped Cygnus, with some 7,300 pounds (3,300
an Orbital Antares rocket packed with thousands of pounds of supplies exploded seconds after takeoff, marking the first catastrophic failure since private companies began resupplying the orbiting outpost in 2010.It was followed eight months later by a SpaceX rocket explosion, and the consecutive accidents effectively shut off the flow of US supplies to astronauts in orbit. Orbital ATK and SpaceX - which has a contract worth $1.6 billion to send food and equipment to the
managers said the astronauts were never in danger and still have several months of supplies in storage. Orbital ATK arranged to use United Launch Alliance’s Atlas V rocket while it upgrades its Antares rocket, which failed due to a problem with its reconditioned Ukrainian engine. The company said after the accident that a control operator detected a suspected rocket engine failure, and the rocket was p u r p o s e f u l l y detonated to prevent damage to people in the area.The blast cost
bad weather. “The countdown was exceptionally smooth. It was one of those countdowns that makes them look kind of boring,� said Vern Thorp, mission manager for United Launch Alliance. “We had a pretty clean flight, too, everything happened right on time... This is about as good as it gets.�The spacecraft should arrive at the space station on Wednesday. Astronauts will use the Canadian-made robotic arm to grapple the spacecraft at around 6:10 am (1110 GMT), NASA said.
Leaked Islamic State Document Reveals Blueprint For State-Building With Religious Fundamentalism A recently leaked document from the socalled Islamic State group reveals how the militants have set out to build a state in Iraq and Syria, focusing not just on military
expansion, but also on mundane matters like healthcare, commerce and job creation. The 24-page document, obtained by the Guardian, was published as a blueprint for state
administrators months after the militant group declared its own caliphate in June 2014. The document, as well as other internal documents that were initially obtained by
Aymenn al-Tamimi, an academic researcher, before being handed off to the Guardian, showed that the group planned to set up a state rooted in a fundamentalist religious
ideology. ISIS “is a project that strives to govern. It’s not just a case of their sole end being endless battle,� al-Tamimi said, the Guardian reported Monday. The group’s emphasis on state-building seems to set it apart from past terrorist groups, like alQaeda, which focused primarily on military strategy. The ISIS document includes plans for establishing foreign relations, centralized control over oil and other parts of the economy and creating food selfsufficiency. Specific details were not included and how well those ideas materialize on the ground is unknown, as refugees fleeing ISIS territory have frequently complained of over-taxation and poor management. The document,titled Principles in the administration of the Islamic State, also offers recommendations for building a strong military, including plans for administering military camps. They appear to show that ISIS intended from the start to train children in war, and says they will receive training with light arms. “Outstanding individuals� will be selected to serve at checkpoints and
patrols, the document stipulates. ISIS has frequently used child fighters in its propaganda. “Far from being an army of irrational, bloodthirsty fanatics, IS (ISIS) is a deeply calculating political organization with an extremely complex, wellplanned infrastructure behind it,â€? Charlie Winter, a senior researcher at Georgia State University, told the Guardian. Although ISIS has portrayed itself as a bloodthirsty militant movement, seeking expansion and confrontation, analysts have long speculated that behind the religious façade is a calculating leadership. While many of ISIS’ leaders are believed to draw from former alQaeda members, from which the group split, many are also thought to have been former officials in Iraq. The group has managed to expand its control across large swaths of Syria and Iraq over the last year and a half. Although the group has lost some of its grip in recent weeks, militants continue to administer large cities like Mosul and Raqqa, and have recently staged attacks outside their territory.
'RQDOG 7UXPS ,6 FKLHI %DJKGDGL LQ UDFH IRU 7LPH¡V 3HUVRQ RI WKH <HDU New York: Islamic State leader Abu Bakr AlBaghdadi and Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump were among the eight candidates shortlisted by Time magazine on Monday for its annual â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Person of the Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; title. Time magazine editors chose a shortlist of candidates for the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;2015 Person of the Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani and Googleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s India-born CEO Sundar Pichai were among the initial 58 global leaders, business chiefs and pop icons that Time had named as contenders for
its annual honour but the three did not make the final shortlist announced here. Modi was a contender for the honour last year
also and while he was not chosen the Person of the Year by Time editors, he was named winner of the readersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; poll, securing more than 16 per cent of
the almost five million votes cast. Among the final eight contenders are Al-Baghdadi, who Time said â&#x20AC;&#x153;as leader of ISIS has inspired followers to
both fight in his selfdeclared caliphate of Iraq and Syria, and also stage attacks in countries like Tunisia and Franceâ&#x20AC;?. The final list also includes â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Black Lives Matterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; activists, who have protested inequality towards African Americans, especially in their treatment by law enforcement. On Trump, Time said his populist rhetoric has made him the frontrunner in the race for the Republican presidential candidacy and stirred debate about the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s future. The global leaders on the list include German chancellor Angela
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Merkel, Iran president Hassan Rouhani and Russian president Vladimir Putin who â&#x20AC;&#x153;has defied Western sanctions over his countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s military activity in Ukraine to play a critical but precarious role in the war on ISISâ&#x20AC;?. Time said Rouhani is seeking to bring his country â&#x20AC;&#x153;out of pariah status and repair its sanctions-crippled economy by pursuing a nuclear deal with the Westâ&#x20AC;?. Transgender reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner, who transitioned from Olympic winner Bruce Jenner, and Uber CEO Travis Kalanick are also in the final eight.
Editorial Page
Salman verdict: Case full of twists, probe full of loopholes The Bombay High Court has been scathing in its comments on the police investigation while acquitting actor Salman Khan of the charge of drink driving and running his vehicle over people sleeping on the pavement not far from his house, killing one of them and injuring four on the night of September 27, 2002. In a damning indictment, the court said the police manufactured evidence and tutored witnesses to strengthen their case and did not bother to follow the duly laid-down principles of criminal jurisprudence. The criticism of the police should come as no surprise, given the twists and turns the case has taken as it dragged on for more than 13 years. There were delays from the beginning, most of them on the part of the police. Then their star witness, Salman’s police bodyguard, died of tuberculosis during the course of the trial; the high court has now trashed the manner in which his testimony was recorded and re-recorded to strengthen the prosecution case in blatant disregard of established practices. More bizarre was the way the case papers suddenly went missing for a while from the police station where they were kept. It was only after the trial court came down heavily on them that the police made the effort to find the file. Another curious omission was the way one of Salman’s friends, who was in the car with him, Kamal Khan, was never asked to make a deposition. Callous disregard for following procedures and processes that would withstand stringent judicial scrutiny marked the investigation from the start and this is what attracted the high court’s ire. The way blood samples were collected, statements of witnesses were recorded and key witnesses were not examined left too many loopholes, which the prosecution then sought to brush aside. If this is the way the police investigate a case that generated a lot of public interest and scrutiny, it can only give rise to conjecture. Questions will naturally be raised about their efficiency and integrity. But the custodians of the law have only themselves to blame for the ignominy and censure they face. Whatever turn the case now takes — if the prosecution goes in appeal to the Supreme Court the fact remains that the Mumbai police have added one more stain to their already tarnished reputation.
11 December, 2015
Asian Tribune
Issue 139 (7)
We can’t win if we don’t know the enemy! The second world war lasted six years. The war on terror is now in its 15th year. And yet things are demonstrably no better. Why? Because we still have no vision of what peace might look like. For instead of trying to figure out what the politics of a relatively settled Middle East might be, and then working towards that, we think first about dropping bombs from the sky – bombs that will inevitably destroy both Islamic State and its non-Isis neighbors, bombs that will inevitably recruit new forces of vengeance against the west. Carl von Clausewitz, the 17th century Prussian military general, famously said that war is politics by another means. And that puts its finger on the problem: we don’t have the politics sorted out. We don’t really know what we want to achieve other than to hear the sound of bombs falling on Raqqa, thus satisfying the need to do something. We can’t win if we don’t know what winning looks like. Remember the 2003 invasion of Iraq. It took only a few weeks for the US soldiers to reach Baghdad. Remember how they celebrated, tearing down statues of Saddam Hussein and forcing people who ran the country from the office. That was the easy bit. The war began on 19 March and by 1 May the famous “mission accomplished” banner was unfurled on the USS Abraham Lincoln. Yet more American lives would be lost in Iraq after that speech than were lost before it. Mission accomplished? That’s the myth that needs busting. Even today, what remains of Iraq is a basket case of blood and war and a school of festering hatred. A similar story could be told about Libya. In other words, retaliation is not a strategy for peace. And without a strategy for peace, we will continue forever on this deathly merry-goround. Western powers have pooled their formidable military resources to punish ISIS for its terrorism. But they may not succeed because they are themselves the Frankenstein’s who produced the monster
through the agency of Saudi Arabia. The founders of the Saudi dynasty began it all with policies of unspeakable cruelty justified in the name of religion. In the imperial games and oil politics that developed subsequently, Saudi Arabia became - and continues to be - an ally of the West and of countries that follow the Western model, such as India. Thus, the “civilized” world is trying to destroy ISIS while still remaining tied to the single biggest propagator of the basic ISIS premises. In a moment of history in the 18th century, Mohammed Ibn Saud, the emir (chief) of an agricultural settlement, met Mohammed Abd al-Wahab, an Islamic reformer, in Central Arabia. Wahab, whose puritanical ideas had invited antagonism from other leaders of Islam, wanted protection. Ibn Saud, an ambitious desert warrior, found in Wahabism a way to legitimize his plans to
conquer and expand. Wahab was intolerant enough to condemn as heretics all Muslims who did not follow him. But even he found Ibn Saud’s ideas extremist, for the warrior chief believed in military conquests of the merciless kind, killing prisoners of war and slaughtering all civilians, including women and children. This legacy was the guiding influence behind Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, the king who established Saudi Arabia formally in 1932 and was bewildered when unimaginable wealth started pouring into his pockets following the discovery of oil. He followed Wahabism with conviction and used as his chief instrument of domination the dreaded Bedouin (a nomadic Arabic tribe) army called Ikhwan (Brotherhood). T h o r o u g h l y brainwashed before they were enrolled in the National Guard, Ikhwan fighters were known for the masks they wore and for their special techniques of
ruthlessness such as slitting the throats of the male captives. Now we know the historical background to those savage scenes of the hooded IS men beheading the kneeling victims. Why did its Western allies not stop Saudi Arabia’s Wahabi evangelism in its early days? Lavishly funded programs turned tolerant and easygoing Muslim societies such as Malaysia and Indonesia into assertively religious entities. Even in India, funds flowed in freely and burqa-wearing became an identityflaunting practice that proclaimed a new attitude of defiance. Everyone knows that it was Saudi money and Wahabi radicalism that caused this ominous transformation, but the mighty West and liberal leaders of Asia’s liberal countries adopted an attitude of denial vis-à-vis Saudi Arabia. And then came George Bush and his evil genius Dick Cheney. The way they destroyed Iraq violated all norms of
civilization. They didn’t slit throats. They did worse. Remember the gut-wrenching prisoner abuse pictures from Baghdad’s Abu Ghraib jail - US-UK soldiers standing on the naked bodies of Arab prisoners, urinating on them, dragging them with chains round their necks and taunting them with dogs? This didn’t subjugate Iraqis. It infuriated them. It infuriated Muslims en masse. ISIS was the direct consequence of the Bush-Cheney war crimes in Iraq. That’s why it has grown beyond a political or military phenomenon. It is now a philosophy, a culture. It cannot be suppressed by French and Russian air forces or by American drones, which can at best deal with the symptoms, not the causes. Failure to address the root problems will only provide another reminder of how civilizations fall. Here I want to talk about the fall of the mighty Roman Empire. It occurred on August 24, 410. The city was attacked by the
FRENCH FAR RIGHT WINS RECORD VOTES IN POLLS Paris Sunday, Le Pen is here to stay. She has transformed the For the second politics of the Fifth Republic time in 18 months from a binary contest of the left Marine Le Pen versus Gaullism into a trickier and her Front and less stable three-party National have system. To call Sunday’s farwon a national right victory in France a wakepoll in France, up call for Europe’s leaders increasing her borders on the meaningless. share of the vote Through crisis after crisis since in the first round 2008 there have been too many of Sunday’s wake-up calls to mention. regional elections Europe’s traditional elites of the compared with centre-right and centre-left just last year ’s keep sleepwalking into the next E u r o p e a n disaster. It may be coming soon parliament ballot. in the form of David Cameron’s In a year bracketed in France by the Charlie Hebdo gamble on whether Britain stays in the EU. On Sunday and Bataclan terrorist atrocities, Le Pen has benefited evening Le Pen was quick to claim that the Front National from the national mood of fear and anger and the was now France’s political party number one. She is not craving for security. But her triumph is no flash in the alone. Next door in Belgium, Bart de Wever, the mayor of pan to be ascribed to jihadism. Regardless of how her Antwerp and leader of the Flemish nationalist, voiced party fares in the second round of voting this coming satisfaction with the outcome.
Editorial Team
Prof . Harjinder Walia, Ph.D (Journalism) Head of Journalism Punjabi Universty Patiala. (Punjab) India Patron
Yash Sharma, M.Sc (Hons), DMM Publisher & Editor in Chief 780-200-0246
Sat Paul Kaushal
Visigoths led by King Alaric. This was the first time in almost 800 years that Rome had fallen to a foreign enemy. Referring to the Goths’ sack of Rome in 410, Edward Gibbon wrote in his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: “In the hour of savage license, when every passion was inflamed and every restraint was removed, a cruel slaughter was made of the Romans ... Whenever the Barbarians were provoked by the opposition, they extended the p r o m i s c u o u s massacre to the feeble, the innocent and the helpless.” If we really thought destroying Isis would be the end of it, we would be sending in ground troops, rather than just poking them with a stick from the air. But we don’t have the stomach for ground troops because we don’t actually believe it would be worth the risk – we have lost confidence that it will achieve anything. It’s all about being seen to be doing something. And the stuff that makes for peace is just too dull for the cameras, too softlooking. The first rule has to be that we must stop making things worse. Let’s not call this a war and dignify Isis with the honorific status of being an enemy army. Still worse, let’s not imagine we can win some preposterously imagined third world war against a particular strain of Islamism. You can’t destroy a violent theology with greater violence – you just up the stakes and feed the beast.
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English Page
11 December, 2015
Asian Tribune
Issue 139 (8)
<RX ZRXOGQ¡W EHOLHYH 6XQQ\ /HRQH Marriage with Saif Ali Khan hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t changed anything, VWLOO GRHV WKLV RQ VHHLQJ VWDUV says Kareena Kapoor
Sunny Leone, Indo-Canadian porn star-turnedBollywood actor, stepped into the Hindi film industry in 2012 with Pooja Bhattâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Jism 2. The Indian audienceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s introduction to the former adult star happened when Leone was seen in the reality show Bigg Boss 5. Once in Bollywood, Leone had to face a lot of apprehensions from a certain section of the film industry, but the actor says that peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s perception towards her has changed over a period of time. The 34-year-old feels that people from the industry have become more open and welcoming towards her and her husband now. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve met some amazing, really nice people over the last few years, especially this year. I feel this year, we have not made any new friends, but have interacted with people a little bit differently. People are reacting to me and my husband differently when we walk into a room,â&#x20AC;? Leone told PTI. However, Sunny does not want to blame anyone, but herself for not being a social person. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to say that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s their fault that theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not being social. I think I like to blame myself. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go to a lot of parties, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go to a lot of social events, so itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard to meet people,â&#x20AC;? said the actor. After working in five films and making numerous public appearances, the Ek Paheli Leela star still has her fangirl moments when she sees Bollywood stars. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am really shy, I know it is hard to believe for everybody, but when I am sitting in a room and when I see these people whom I have seen on TV and in movies, most of the time I am like, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Wow thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s her, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s himâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;.
Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor, who is married to actor Saif Ali Khan, said that marriage hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t changed anything, and she likes it that way. Kareena, on Friday, participated in the 13th edition of Hindustan Times Leadership Summit. During the summit she was asked if her marriage with Saif Ali Khan has changed anything. The actor in response to the question said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I love marriage. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see any changes. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want anything to change...I never want my husband to change. As far as being reserved is concerned. I am still the same. I am the last person to be reserved.â&#x20AC;? The Jab We Met actress tied a knot with Saif in October 2012. The couple has shared screen space in films like Tashan, Kurbaan and Agent Vinod. Other celebrities like Kangana Ranaut and filmmaker Imtiaz Ali were also present at the summit. When asked who inspires her as actor, Kareena said that she finds the Tanu Weds Manu actor Kangana Ranaut inspirational. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everyone is doing such wonderful work...I think Kangana is very in-
spirational. She is one actor who inspires me,â&#x20AC;? she said. Kareena Kapoor will next be seen in R Balkiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ki and Ka. She will be paired opposite to Arjun Kapoor in the upcoming romantic film. Meanwhile, Ranaut, who is lauded for her versatile acting skills, believed that Indian audience is ready for cinema which comprises of both art and glamour. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Today we have everything coming together and I feel that the credit has to be given to the audience. So I would like to believe that our audience is ready for that kind of cinema where you can give art combined with a lot of glamour,â&#x20AC;? said Kangana. She is currently prepping herself for the upcoming film Rangoon. The two-day event, which flagged off on Friday are led by 30 Global leaders comprising senior politicians, corporate heads, entrepreneurs, artists, eminent sports personalities, intellectuals, policy makers, economists, industry thought leaders and influencers from all walks of life; under one roof to discuss Indiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s future as the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bright spot.
Parineeti Chopra puts rumours ] ',
to rest, says â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;not doing Sultanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 2 ]
Ever since the first teaser of Salman Khanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s next came out, the buzz around the leading lady has gripped the fans. While the Bajrangi Bhaijaan actor will essay the role of a wrestler in the film, his onscreen lady has still not been roped in by director Ali Abbas Zafar. But the rumours of Parineeti Chopra making the cut started doing the rounds some time ago. Speculations were rife that Parineeti will get to share screen space with Salman
in Sultan. However, the 27-year-old has put rumours to rest and said that she is not doing Sultan. The Kill Dill actor
took to Twitter to make the clarification and said that she will announce her next project when the time is right. Parineeti, who made
her Bollywood debut with 2011 film Ladies vs Ricky Bahl, was last seen on the silver screen in Kill Dil, which released in November 2014. Since then, the Shuddh Desi Romance actor, who also starred in the mini web-series Manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World, has been attached to various projects including Sultan. However, this is not the case after Parineetiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clarification. Salman has already begun shooting for the film which will be shot extensively in Punjab.
The birthday of Salman Khan is always a special one for his fans, but this time it is getting even better. The biography of the Bollywood star is going to be released on his 50th birthday which falls on December 27. Titled Being Salman, the book delves into the personal and professional life of Salman. Authored by Jasim Khan, the book also covers the series of controversies the actor was involved in. It is said that the book has details about his involvement in black buck poaching and
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hit-and-run case. The book will also delve into Salmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family lineage and his personal history to reveal interesting vignettes and unknown facts about the superstar.
English Page
Asian Tribune
Issue 139 (9)
11 December, 2015
“Relationships need work!” We hear this a lot. Often we confuse this to be work that has to do be done toge and we forget that there are two individuals involved here. But, what really makes for a lasting and happ relationship is the work that we have to do on ourselves. This is commonly called the “space in the relations Khalil Gibran put it beautifully when he wrote, “And stand together yet not too near together: For the pillars the temple stand apart.” So here are the common relationship mistakes to avoid:
It’s easy to get carried away when you’re first starting out. Your whole life revolves around this person, and you can’t imagine your life without them. You start dressing in the way your partner likes, listen to the kind of music he or she likes most of the time you’re together, you become a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian to bring in the feeling of togetherness.These might seem like benign adjustments that you are making to bond, but they really become the foundation of your relationship. Where even the bigger decisions become more about how your partner wants to do things and you begin to question your identity.
We often fall into this trap to avoid conflict and confrontation. Your partner does not like you hanging out with friends of the opposite sex. A few of them might be your closest pals, yet, you take the decision to cut them out of your life. Your job is too demanding, you need to cut down your responsibilities or worse, quit. There will be many occasions when you will need to find the middle ground but it should be clearly stated that some things will be sacrosanct, and you both need to figure out how to work around your own insecurities to make it a relationship of trust, respect, and equality.
(YHU\WKLQJ VKRXOG EH GRQH WRJHWKHU One of the best parts of being in a relationship is learning things about each other and doing things together. But, there’s no need to drag him to your girls night out, and there’s no need to make her sit through a cricket match. It’s great to carve out a little time for yourself, it will definitely work wonders for your relationship. It not only gives you time to grow as an individual but it also brings in a fresh breathe in your relationship. And, the fact that it allows you both to miss each other, only tells you how much you both are into each other.
7KLQNLQJ WKDW \RXU IULHQGV DUH DOVR KLV KHU IULHQGV DV ZHOO Your friends are an integral part of your life, and that’s great. But, assuming that your friends will become his/her friends is a big mistake. They have their own friends, and they’re definitely interested in meeting and hanging out with yours, but to expect to have a similar level of friendship is an ask that actually just does not make sense. In fact, you should not even ask questions like “do you like my friends?” or “why don’t you like my friends?” Always know that this relationship is between two people and there is no room for a third, even if you have children.
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English Page
11 December, 2015
Asian Tribune
Issue 139 (10)
6 ]
London The countdown has begun. In just nine daysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; time, Major Tim Peake, a mild-mannered father of two from Chichester, will strap himself into a capsule on a Soyuz FG rocket in Kazakhstan, and
of the sea off the Florida coast and learned Russian. Yet the biggest challenge facing Peake, 43, has been more extraordinary still - for an astronaut at least: overcoming his fear of heights. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I have dreamed of
become the first-ever British man to blast off into space. He is embarking on a historic 173-day space mission to the International Space Station the fulfilment of a childhood dream, and the culmination of an arduous training programme designed to test the human body to its limits. During his training, Peake has lived in a cave in Sardinia, spent 12 days on the bottom
being an astronaut since I was a little boy, even though my mum wanted me to go into something safe, like banking,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; he says. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;But my big problem was my absolute terror of heights. In the end, to overcome my fear, I took up rock climbing and thankfully that cured me.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Peake, a former Army Air Corps officer who flew Gazelle helicopters in Bosnia and Northern Ireland
and carried out test flights on Apaches in Afghanistan, beat more than 8,000 applicants to win his place. While much of the mission will centre on vital repairs to the space station, the astronauts will conduct medical experiments that could help develop vaccines for the hospital superbug MRSA and salmonellainduced diseases. Peake first heard of the space mission in 2008 when a friend spotted an advertisement for applicants to become Britainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first member of the European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut corps. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I knew immediately that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; he says. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I realised Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d be too old by the time the next mission came around. I had to go for it. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a big fan of sci-fi movies, the Star War series is my favourite, and now I feel I will be actually living the experience. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I went into the selection process believing my chances were slim. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The entire process, a combination of medicals, psychological tests and intensive interviews took a year.
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English Page
11 December, 2015
Asian Tribune
Issue 139 (11)
It's a mixed week that seems to flow along nicely. Monday brings a chance to earn extra cash with a bright idea or new enterprise. If you need to make a decision, meet a deadline, or research your options, midweek may be your best bet. Homey ideas and family matters come to the fore when Venus glides into Cancer on Thursday.
You'll be in your element and eager to forge ahead with your brightest and best ideas. You're more action oriented, too, and willing to do whatever is necessary to further your plans. Where finances are concerned, it's a good time to hunt for bargains, especially on any typically expensive items. Some research could save you a lot of money.
Don't ignore your dreams or i n t u i t i v e hunches, as you could benefit from valuable guidance if you pay attention. If you feel like retreating from the hustle and bustle of life, it's entirely natural. The Taurus Sun actively encourages you to take time out to relax and recharge. A focus on your money zone emphasizes your canny ability to spot a deal.
As Venus dances into your sign this week you'll become everyone's favorite. People will be attracted to what you have to offer. Your warm, cuddly persona could draw folks your way, for business or for romance, if you're looking for love. Things have eased since the frenetic pace you experienced earlier in the year, making this a good time to consolidate your gains.
A serious mood works to your advantage if you can make important decisions and stick to them. With a focus on job and career matters, you'll certainly benefit from a more action-oriented approach to getting r e s u l ts . H o w e v e r, y o u r s o c i a l l i f e continues to flourish, making this a good time to expand your network and move in new circles.
Work, communication, and home and family concerns keep you busy, but don't feel like you have to do it all. The wheels of commerce are turning in your favor, meaning you have every opportunity to get ahead if you're willing to network and get yourself known in all the right places. Your love life also gets a boost as Venus dances into Cancer on Thursday.
If someone opposes your idea, use a bit of charm and you'll be likelier to get your way. This is especially so when it comes to your job or an interview. The presence of Venus in Cancer hints that a capable yet courteous approach can win you Brownie points. When it comes to romance, there's still plenty of time to indulge your sensuous side.
Dealing with ongoing chores and other responsibilities early can clear the way for more fun later. Midweek could see you putting effort into resolving an issue that has caused frustration for some time. Yet your actions or approach to life may need to change in order for things to be different. Later, ask yourself if something you desire is worth the price.
To keep from getting swamped by too much work or everyday responsibilities, devise a plan and stick to it. You might even want to delegate some of your tasks where appropriate. Lifestyle issues might also be at the forefront of your mind, especially if you want to lose weight or get fitter in general. Romantic relationships continue to show a positive side.
Say yes to any unexpected invitation. This week it seems that you won't have to venture too far out of your local area to have fun. Once Venus edges into Cancer it lights up your relationship sector, bringing warmth and understanding to your interactions. Meanwhile, you're eager to research your options regarding health and wellness issues.
Yo u a n d y o u r friends are on the same wavelength and may join forces for a cause. Aligning yourself with like-minded people can give you a feeling of purpose and power. Good news could come in the form of a moneymaking idea, raise, or possibility for advancement. Information you learn could have the potential to enhance earnings.
While intuition and inspiration can be helpful, keep your feet on the ground and don't get carried away by a wild idea. If you need to make an important decision this week, it might be helpful to meet with a good friend who can to offer up ideas and suggestions that you haven't considered. When Venus edges into Cancer you'll enter a pleasure peak.
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Call: 780-660-2110 Email: sangeetbaithakedmonton@gmail.com www.asiantribune.ca. Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm
English Page
11 December, 2015
Asian Tribune
Issue 139 (12)
(PPD :DWVRQ UHYHDOV KHU GLOHPPDV DQG ZKDW JURZLQJ XS DV +HUPLRQH ZDV OLNH Four years after the last instalment of Harry Potter, Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 2, premiered worldwide, star Emma Watson has confessed that she has spent almost all her childhood figuring out who Hermione really is. After donning the role of the nerdy wizard Hermione Granger in the film adaptations of JK Rowling’s fantasy series, Emma has finally revealed the dilemma she often faced during her growing up years. Watson said that she spent so long working on her character Hermione Granger in the popular Harry Potter series that she didn’t get to figure out who she really was until now. “(I’ve) spent more than half of my life pretending to be someone else. While my contemporaries were dyeing their hair and figuring out who they were, I was figuring out who Hermione was and how best to portray her,” Watson told Porter
Magazine, reports femalefirst.co.uk. “Now at 25, for the first time in my life, I feel like I have a sense of self that I’m comfortable with,” she added. The Noah actor Emma Watson says she doesn’t want to draw a line between her public and her private life. Her idea is to just be herself. “(I am) my most authentic self. I don’t want there to be a big separation between the public and the private person. It’s definitely the harder road to tread but without a doubt, ultimately the most rewarding,” said Watson. “It sounds like a ridiculous thing to say, but I’m very interested in the truth, in finding ways to be messy and unsure and flawed and incredible and great and my fullest self, all wrapped into one. When you watch the work of someone like actress Emma Thompson, you feel like you’re seeing something true, and I aspire to that,” she added.
spouse Ned Rocknroll is pleased to be “terrible” with technology and places restrictions on the gadgets that her children are allowed to use, reports femalefirst.co.uk. She said, “I enjoy being terrible because it means I never have to get a computer. I don’t have one. We have no social media at home.” The concerned mother added, “My daughter has only just been given an iPhone, but there are big restrictions on that; she has to hand it in at night and it’s switched off.” Kate Winslet recently appeared in the Steve Jobs biopic, in the role of Joanna Hoffman in the film. The 2015 Steve Jobs stars Michael Fassbender in the titular role and Seth Rogen. Clearly, Kate comes across as a mother who believes her children should connect with nature and natural charms more often than their Facebook accounts.
Reality TV star Kim Kardashian has given birth to her second child with rapper Kanye West. “Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West welcomed the arrival of their son this morning. Mother and son are doing well,” an announcement on her official website said on Saturday, reports aceshobwiz.com. Kim’s due date was on Christmas but she seemingly started having her contractions on Friday night as she hinted at an early delivery with a selfie that showed her bare baby bump. “Ready whenever you are lol,” the reality TV star captioned the picture. Kim already has a daughter with Kanye named North West. No name is announced and no picture is shared of the newborn just yet, but the couple ruled out naming their son South. While Kim liked the name Easton, she was not sure
Though Kylie Jenner was not present at the time of Kim Kardashian’s second delivery, she is very happy and is eager to meet the new member of the family. An insider revealed that the 18-year-old TV personality, who is currently in Miami to attend the days-long Art Basel in America event, is very happy to learn about the news of Kardashian’s second
baby and is very eager to meet her nephew, E! Online reports. Notably, her sisters Kourtney Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian and mother Kris Jenner have headed to the hospital to see the 35-year-old reality star’s baby. Kim and Kanye announced the arrival of the newest member of the Kardashian clan on Twitter, saying, ‘KANYE AND I WELCOME OUR BABY BOY!’
Kate Winslet has got no computer.LP .DUGDVKLDQ JLYHV ELUWK WR EDE\ ER\ at home. Here’s why In the age of high-tech gadgets and social networking, Kate Winslet is an out-and-out old school mom. She prefers
not letting herself and her kids depend on gadgets and insists on ‘real’ interactions.
The Academy Award winner has admitted to not owning even a computer. The actor - who has
children Mia, 15, and Joe, 11, from her past marriages and the 23month-old Bear with
it would work with Kanye. This pregnancy was not easy for Kim. She had to undergo in vitro fertilization treatment because “conceiving on her own wasn’t possible” after she had “three surgeries to repair her uterus” follow-
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ing North West’s birth. When she delivered her first child, she had a condition called placenta accrete, which prompted her doctor to “stick his entire arm in me and detach the placenta with his hand, scraping it away from my uterus with his fingernails”. It’s unclear if it happened again, but if it did, she would need a hysterectomy. “They think I’ll have placenta accreta again, so if the placenta grows a little bit deeper than it did last time, then they are prepared to have my uterus removed, which is a little scary for me,” she said. Just a few days ago, she also underwent a painful medical procedure called an external cephalic version where doctors worked together to manually turn her baby from “breech” position. It worked and she felt relieved “not to have the stress of thinking I need a C-section.”
Punjabi Page
11 December, 2015
Asian Tribune
Issue 139 (13)
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11 December, 2015
Asian Tribune
Issue 139 (14) «¬≥‚∆¡È ¡À’√ÍzÀ√ Á∂ Ï≈È∆ ≈Ó È≈Ê ◊Ø«¬È’≈ Á∂ È≈Ó ¿∞  ∂ «Áº  ∂ ‹ªÁ∂ ͺ’≈∆ Á∂ √ÈÓ≈Ȫ √Ï≥Ë∆ ‘Ø ‘∂ «¬’ √Ó≈Ø‘ ÁΩ≈È Ì≈∆ «√È∂Ó≈ Á∂ ÓπºÁ∂ ”Â∂ ’∆Â∆ «‡ºÍ‰∆ È∂ Í»∂ Á∂Ù Á∂ Ó∆‚∆¡≈ «Úæ ⁄ ¿∞ Ï ≈Ò «Ò¡ªÁ≈Õ ¡Ó∆ ÷≈È Á≈ ’«‘‰≈ √∆ «’ ¿∞√Á∆ ÍÂÈ∆ «’È È∂ «’‘≈ «’ Ϻ«⁄¡ª Á∆ ⁄≥ ◊ ∆ ÍÚ«Ù Ò¬∆ ¿∞‘Ȫ ˘ «’√∂ ‘Ø Á∂Ù ⁄Ò∂ ‹≈‰≈ ⁄≈‘∆Á≈ ‘À Õ ¿∞ √ Á∂ Ò«‘‹∂ «Úæ⁄ ◊∞º√≈ È‘∆∫ √∆ «√¯ «¬’ ¿∞Á≈√∆ √∆Õ «¯
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Issue 139 (19) Issue 139 (19)
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Sex trafficking of children rises in US Sex trafficking of children is growing in many urban areas of the United States, according to a survey report Tuesday that underscored calls for more robust action. Forty percent of counties with populations higher than 250,000 reported an increase in sex trafficking of youngsters under 18 in the past two years, said the survey from the National Association of Counties. Fifty-one percent of like-sized counties said the problem has remained the same, while only 11 percent of smaller counties reported an increase over the same period, and 77 percent saw no change. For all age groups, human sex trafficking was deemed “a major problem” by authorities in 48 percent of all larger counties. “Sex trafficking is a problem across America, particularly for large urban counties,” Don Knabe, a member of the elected Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County, told reporters in Washington. In his own jurisdiction of 10 million, which includes the city of Los Angeles and its many sprawling suburbs, girls, some as young as 12 years old, have been “bought and sold on the streets ... for sex,” he said. The survey, based on interviews with sheriff’s departments in 400 counties earlier this month, also indicated a link between sex trafficking and minors who have been in foster care, group homes or involved in abuse cases. “Protecting young children and keeping them safe from their pimps is a huge challenge to us and something for which we need to find solutions and funding,” Knabe said. Ted Poe, a Republican congressman from Texas and former judge who introduced legislation in 2013 to toughen penalties for clients of prostitutes, denounced sex trafficking as “modern-day slavery.” According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, at least 100,000 minors, more often than not children, are victims of sexual exploitation in the United States every year.
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Issue 139 (20) Issue 139 (20)
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