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8th – 10th JANUARY 2014 DĂœSSELDORF


13.772 visitors at PSI 2013. Where else in Europe?

of the visitors to PSI are responsible for or involved in making purchasing decisions


78% Top exhibition segments* PSI 2013

299 Writing utensils 171 Custom-made products 166 Bags 114 Calendars 113

of the PSI exhibitors recommend the trade show to their colleagues and business partners

Textiles and fashion

* E x h ibit in g co m p an ies


of international visitors at PSI 2013. Where else in Europe?

2014 Immediately after PSI 2013,

87% of its exhibitors were planning to participate again in 2014.

PSI 2014


of all exhibitors are satisfied to very satisfied with the outcome of the trade show.

8th – 10th JANUARY 2014 DÜSSELDORF

“Small gifts – big business” m + a report 2012

“PSI: Innovations and inventors” Spielzeug International, 12/2011

POWER FOR PROFESSIONALS PSI WORLDWIDE LARGEST INDUSTRY PLATFORM No promotional products trade show in Europe plays in the same league as PSI, and only a few on the worldwide scene do. There is no need to prove this with statistics; it can be experienced year after year. 2014 will again see new highlights.


he PSI Trade Show, like any other trade show incidentally, is a mirror image of its market. However, as it is also the leading industry trade show for all of Europe, it has a very special mission: in addition to reflecting the markets, it must also provide them with new impulses. With many European markets weakened as a result of the overall economic situation, this is more important than ever. PSI 2014 will

therefore feel an even stronger obligation than before in this respect: It will re-enact the CATWALK theme and give even more encouragement to inventors to create promotional products. The topic “Premieres at the trade show” will be given new weight with PSI FIRST, and international attendance in Düsseldorf will be higher than ever. Therefore, being an exhibitor also means to seize good opportunities.

“Promotional products trade show celebrates anniversary with record exhibitor figures” Absatzwirtschaft, 3/2012

2014 INNOVATIONS AND TRENDS PSI – A FASHION SHOW The question “What’s the trend?” is among those asked most frequently at the PSI Trade Show. Yet, there can never be a single trend at this competitive exhibition of the promotional products industry. Given the immense variety of products and product groups, there are virtually countless novelties. Therefore, taking a closer look is essential. But what does that have to do with a fashion show? Is there a re-orientation? A new appearance? The colleagues of the PSI Journal asked Project Manager Silke Frank and Managing Director Michael Freter some critical questions. PSI – FORMERLY A PRODUCT SHOW, TODAY A FASHION SHOW? WHY THIS CHANGE? SILKE FRANK: It’s no change really. One should merely alter one’s position from time to time to gain a new perspective on things. Therefore we have taken a virtual look from above and asked ourselves: “What’s really happening down there at

even more attractive stands, even better products and even more stylish appearances year after year? To an increasing degree, even individual products are given their special enactment – that certainly has a lot to do with fashion. Even small products like, say, a ballpoint pen manage to achieve brand recognition through stylish design. Some full-range supplier’s products also

this trade show?” It made us more aware than we were before that this is a fashion show in the truest sense of the word. Yes, a fashion show. In the textile segment, that’s obvious anyway, but all other product groups are also undergoing a constant process of transformation – some faster, some more slowly, but always a great many things are changing. The product cycles of the “regular economy“ are also ours. MICHAEL FRETER: And only those who are that step ahead in this process of transformation will be in the best position with customers. There’s no way you’ll win with yesterday’s products.

clearly show the “inventor’s” signature. If you succeed in that, you have a brand – and only a trade show as large as PSI can help to shape brands.

THAT IS CERTAINLY IMPORTANT FOR DISTRIBUTORS AND CONSULTANTS. BUT AN EXHIBITOR WILL CERTAINLY HAVE DONE HIS HOMEWORK BEFORE THE START OF THE TRADE SHOW? MICHAEL FRETER: Of course. He has to master the art of recognising fashion trends for individual product groups well ahead of time and put together his product range accordingly. But for an exhibitor facing the competition at such a fashion show is also of enormous importance. That is a source of motivation, of inspiration, quite simply of improvement. If you opt out of that, you’ll find yourself at the tail end of the train very quickly. SILKE FRANK: Our exhibitors are also aware of that – or maybe we should say, most of them are. How else could we see

AND NOW PSI 2014 IS TO BE EVEN MORE DISTINCT AS A LIFESTYLE TRADE SHOW? SILKE FRANK: Yes, definitely. With the PSI FIRST “brand” we will also revitalise the nature of the trade show as a premiere. For exhibiting companies to contract for PSI FIRST, one of their products must be totally new and premiere at PSI. It must not be shown anywhere else before, not even at corporate events. In return, we will provide generous advertising support. WHY THAT AND WHY NOW? MICHAEL FRETER: Because the market needs impulses now and because the automotive industry does not present its new models at in-house shows and regional events either. We want to give greater support to exhibitors and visitors in these times, and bring them together in one place, and that’s PSI in Düsseldorf. That’s effective and efficient – and that’s what’s needed today.


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