Issue 57 Spring 2009

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...editorial What a relief that the snow is now over; the spring flowers seem even more beautiful this year and we can now enjoy the pleasant rural surroundings in which we are privileged to live. Do read the article on the River Mel, and consider joining one of the clean-up days. We must all thank the people who have given their time to remove the masses of rubbish from the river. See p.37. And as you see, we do have water voles in Melbourn, a sign of clean water. The cover photo reminds us of the fete, which was so successful last year, and from what we hear, will be even more exciting this year. If you have time please consider helping out with the many jobs which have to be done to make the day fun for everyone. The Primary School is going from strength to strength; and Melbourn Village College is having an exciting and rewarding time; read all about their accomplishments on p.23. There is also a very interesting essay p.35, which will make you think! We are very proud of our young people. The many and varied clubs and societies are all thriving; we are fortunate in having so many people willing to give up their time for the benefit of us all. The Thursday Luncheon Club is attended by over thirty of our older residents but now Mary Daynes, the cook for many years, is leaving, and at the time of writing there is no-one to replace her. If you know of anyone who would be willing to help. Then please contact Jayne White (220250). We had planned to profile members of the Parish Council in this issue, but have decided to postpone this to the next issue, when we have more information. Finally, after being a part of the Magazine Production Team from its beginning in January 1995, Mary Woodcock, proof reader, and Peter Dekkers, advertising manager, have decided that it is time to step down. Many thanks to them both for all the time and effort they have put in over the past fourteen years. Their places will be taken by Brenda Meliniotis as proof reader, and Roger Mellor as advertising manager. Village fete - Molly Dancers Photo supplied by Ian Baker

Village News Melbourn Village Fete The Melbourn Village College Spring Fair

Parish Council

5 5 10 13



Jacqui Dodds



St George’s Day



feature Candlemas Winter Flower Festival


Village information


Important numbers




feature Discrimination against British Teenagers

Nature River Mel Restoration Group (RMRG)

35 37

Church News


Family Links


Entertainment Thriplow Daffodil Weekend New Melbourn Singers

Sports & Clubs

49 49 51



Teddy Bear



Apart from printing, all work on the Melbourn Magazine, including layout and design is produced by volunteers. The cost of production comes entirely from advertising and sponsorship. No public money is used. melbournmagazine



Vicarage Close

Melbourn Village Fete

Meldreth Station Booking Office

Saturday 27th June 2009!

Melbourn and Meldreth Self Help Group

The preparation for this year’s Fete is well under way with the date already set for Saturday 27th June 2009 from 1pm till late. The Fete committee has taken the bold decision to move the Fete to a Saturday as in years gone by, so we can lay on a music event that will follow the Fete and continue into the evening. This will give an opportunity for some of our local bands to perform on-stage in front of an audience, which they may not experience very often, and also maximise the fund raising opportunity for all the clubs and societies within the village. With the success of last year’s fete the committee is keen to add new and worthwhile opportunities for all the villagers and hopefully with all the support of our sponsors and the dedication of all our volunteers this could become an annual event. The Fete should attract all the usual clubs and societies and help them raise much needed funds in this very difficult year ahead. We are always eager to encourage more local groups and societies to get involved to highlight their particular cause, so please come along and have a great day; it’s never too late to book (contact details below). We have already booked attractions like the Molly dancers as on the front cover, a barber’s shop quartet and a birds of prey display team for the central arena. We hope to add to them and make it a day for all the family. Other attractions will be a climbing wall and the bungee trampoline both from last year plus much, much more. We will also, after the success of last year, have the lawn mower racing back with hopefully a few other exciting new races for people to take part in, or as last year, just for you to watch and enjoy all the fun of the races. The music event already has acts from the well known Lipstick Torpedo to ‘BOB’ which includes some of the teachers from Melbourn Village College to name but a few. With plenty of time we are looking to book some of the local youth bands to make the event a truly village affair. The Fete committee is always looking to build on the success of the previous year and bring all the community together for one very special family fun day out for all ages that will be remembered and talked about all year. As you can imagine this takes a lot of organising and taking into consideration the size of this year’s event, if you can spare some time for a worthy and rewarding cause, whether it be a few hours or more please contact us as below. Melbourn Village Fete Committee Contact Details Jayne White (Fundraiser) 220250 or Brian Collingbourne (Chair) 263115 or Web site

Melbourn and Meldreth Women’s Group Melbourn, Meldreth & District Royal British Legion Royal British Legion Women’s Section Melbourn & District Childminders Lifeboats National Trust Royston Local history SIA – Spinal Injuries Association Melbourn History Group



Child and Family Nursing Team Well Baby Clinics Drop in clinics for parents and babies are held as follows: Melbourn clinic every Wednesday between 9.30 and 12 noon at: 35 Orchard Road, Melbourn Telephone 01763 262861 Cambourne clinic every Monday between 9.30 and 12 noon at: Room 12 (upstairs), Sackville House, Cambourne Telephone 01954 282830

The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning, and does not stop until you get into the office. Robert Frost


Vicarage Close After enjoying our Christmas activities and entering another New Year, we are pleased that we have lighter evenings and hopefully better weather. Our forthcoming events commence with a visit from Christopher South and his wife, (Christopher can be heard on Radio Cambridge) who are coming along to Vicarage Close to share some of their travel and life experiences. We also have a clothes sale in March and are planning some ‘special coffee’ mornings throughout the spring. There have also been some changes, we said ‘Goodbye’ to Amanda who was based at Meldreth but regularly covered Vicarage Close in Joy’s absence, and we all wish her much luck and happiness in the future. We hope a new officer, to be based at Meldreth,will have been appointed when you read this article. Joy will now be on duty five mornings a week rather than her previous 3 full days, which will bring more continuity to all concerned. We have to say a big thank you to the Melbourn Village Fete Committee for the donation to Vicarage Close, which was very much appreciated by the residents. As always our thanks too, to all who continually support our recycling so that we can continue to help boost funds for the Children’s Hospice. Ongoing thanks to all who help or support Vicarage Close in any way. Joy Hyde Lead Sheltered Housing Officer at Vicarage Close Mon to Fri 9am to 1.30pm 01763 263389 (Please leave a message if no reply and I will contact you as soon as possible)

Meldreth Station Booking Office Proposed reduction of opening hours By the time you read this you may be already by aware of the news that First Capital Connect is intending to reduce the opening hours of Meldreth Station Booking Office - eliminating Saturdays (possibly the station’s busiest day), and reducing hours at peak time Monday to Friday. As with the car park charges at Meldreth and Shepreth stations, this comes with no warning. It goes without saying that the personal service provided by Station Master David Piggott at Meldreth Station booking office must be second to none. Meldreth has the only manned local station between Royston and Cambridge, and residents from surrounding villages regularly use the station for that reason. Writing to First Capital Connect is urgently called for. You can send an email to Apparently Enfield Station fought successfully against the same initiative to cut back on its booking office opening hours. Susan van de Ven, District Councillor tel 261833 or www.susanvandeven. com David Piggott! You may recall that in 2007 David Piggott, who runs the railway station at Meldreth, received a Royston and District Business Award for outstanding customer service. David is a very popular figure in Melbourn and Meldreth. How many Station Masters will make regular customers a cup of tea if the train is late, or phone them at home if there is a significant delay? A ticket dispensing machine would be a very inferior substitute.

Melbourn and Meldreth Self Help Group Luncheon Club Lunch club had another really enjoyable December. We celebrated some birthdays, one of which was Mary Nelson’s 101st birthday, for which she supplied a beautiful birthday cake which was shared out during tea. We had a visit from the New Melbourn Singers, who came and sang a selection of Christmas music to us, and then some carols which we were all able to join in. Thank you all. We finished off with our Christmas party, where all enjoyed a traditional Christmas dinner. We had our usual visit from Father Christmas who handed out presents to all, including some of our drivers and representatives from Melbourn and Meldreth parish councils. As I write this article, it is uncertain how Lunch Club will continue. Mary Daynes, our cook of some years standing, is leaving us at the end of February to start a new life in New Zealand with her husband Peter, where their daughters already live. We wish them much happiness and many years of enjoyment with their family “down under”. That leaves us with a dilemma of finding someone to cook each week. Hopefully, by the time you read this, all will be sorted. We live in hope! As always, if any of you have a couple of hours to spare on a Thursday and would like to help “man” the kitchen, or join our rota of drivers, please call me for more information. For now though, thank you to all the ladies who regularly turn up at

WANTED WANTED Cook Cook wanted wanted for for Thursday Luncheon Club Thursday Luncheon Club Every Thursday at Every Thursday at Vicarage Vicarage Close, Melbourn. Close, melbourn. Catering for Catering for approximately approximately 30 people 30 people

Contact Jayne Jayne White White Contact Telephone 220250 220250 Telephone

Vicarage Close to help in the kitchen, and all those who help transport our elderly residents from Meldreth and Melbourn each week. Without you, we could not manage. Jayne White. 01763 220250

Melbourn and Meldreth Women’s Group With the 2009 programme the Women’s Group is once again meeting on alternate months in Melbourn, at All Saints Community Hall, and in Meldreth, at Holy Trinity Meeting Room. We have missed holding meetings in Melbourn whilst the hall was out of action and are

COFFEE STOP Every Saturday 10.30am to 12noon Rombouts coffee & biscuits for 70p at All Saints’ Community Hall melbournmagazine


glad to be able to live up to our name again. Our membership continues to increase and new members are always welcome. Our spring meetings are a mixture – Pot Lids, Dorothy Pepper talking about her long and varied life, and the annual Garden Party. At our meetings the business part is kept to a minimum so that we can enjoy our speaker. This is followed by a cup of tea or coffee and the opportunity to chat to friends, old and new. Our meetings normally end at around 9.30pm. Jane Stevens

Melbourn, Meldreth & District Royal British Legion The Poppy Appeal and Armistice Parades are over, and we go into 2009 with the hope that we shall be able to carry on doing the things that the Royal British Legion are noted for, that is, looking after those who gave and those who continue to give service to our country. The money we raise goes towards looking after our old and not so old comrades and maintaining the homes they live in, much more work goes on behind the scenes that we never get to hear about. Both age and infirmity take their toll on our membership. The bugler who can no longer blow The Last Post, the standard bearer who is no longer able to carry the standard and the parade marshall who can no longer take the parade, these three and other post holders are cherished by branches up and down the country. Sadly as time goes by these posts as well as others become vacant and filling them is a difficult job. My branch in Melbourn like others branches around the country, is always looking for new members to swell the ranks. Many people believe you need to be an ex or serving member of the armed forces to join us, but the only qualification you need is an interest in the Royal British Legion and the work we do. My own branch has a meeting the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm at the Community Centre in Vicarage Close, Melbourn. I am still waiting with anticipation to find out the final total raised by our area for the 2008 Poppy Appeal, 1 will let you know as soon as 1 hear. Last year, a decorated Christmas tree was exhibited at the Meldreth church Christmas Tree Festival, the theme being that of the women’s section of the Legion. Some of the decorations were made from items relating to the Poppy Appeal. Whilst at the church I noticed several laurel wreaths had been placed around The War Memorial, a kind and thoughtful gesture of respect. I’ll finish by wishing you all you would wish for yourselves in 2009, and don’t forget please our request for new members. Many thanks, Patrick Parkinson. Chairman & Secretary Melbourn, Meldreth & District Royal British Legion.

Royal British Legion Women’s Section

Dog Fouling in the village We have noticed that there has been an increase in dog fouling over recent months, both on the pavements and in the new Stockbridge Meadows Riverside Park. There is no excuse for this as the parish council has provided bins where bags of ‘dog poo’ may be safely deposited. Perhaps not everyone is aware that dog faeces carry disease, especially dangerous for small children who can be blinded if in contact with excrement containing Toxocaria canis. Apart from the danger of disease it is extremely unpleasant for everyone. The majority of dog owners are responsible people who clean up after their pets; so please be a responsible resident. If you find that the problem persists please contact the parish council.

Melbourn & District Childminders

No diet will remove all the fat from your body because the brain is entirely fat. Without a brain, you might look good, but all you could do is run for public office.

As childminders we aim to offer a good learning environment for the

George Bernard Shaw

Members are looking forward to another year as the entertainment diary is being arranged at present. Anyone wishing to join us at our monthly meetings (4th Wed, monthly except Dec), please contact either Mrs Neaves, Chairman (260110) or Mrs Murphy, Secretary (220841)



children in our care. We aim to have a positive impact on young children’s development to enable them to be ready for school and offer a relaxed home from home to older children after school and in the holidays. Childminders who are suitably qualified can join a childminding network and are able to offer Nursery Education Funded places. Some families choose to use this entitlement over 3–5 days with a childminder or split the entitlement of five sessions between a nursery and a childminder especially when a child is very young or finds large groups a daunting experience. We regularly access training to help enhance the way that we work with children and keep up with current educational thinking and any new legal requirements that come into force. Last year, local training included ‘supporting boys’ and ‘ICT with children in the home’. Soon we will be covering ‘managing children’s behaviour’ and more ‘reflective practice’ Some childminders also offer respite care for families who need this service and access specialised training to help them with this area of work. Childminders aspire to work in partnership with parents at all times to ensure that children gain the most from their time with the childminder, therefore meeting their individual needs in an inclusive and non biased environment. I have found childminding is very rewarding watching the children grow and then move on happily to school. I feel privileged to be a part of their lives. Information about childminding vacancies can be obtained from or phone 0845 04 05 014. Jenny Brett Childminder 01763 269674 Jane Astley Childminding Support


and Development Officer National Childminding Association 01763 268469 The National Childminding Association is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales. Registered Charity no: 295981 Limited Company no: 2060964 Head office: Royal Court, 81 Tweedy Road, Bromley, Kent BR1 1TG

Lifeboats Writing this in January, after some of the coldest weather for many years, it is quite difficult to imagine the warm, sunny weather which we will hopefully be seeing when this magazine reaches you. Local fundraising efforts for RNLI tend to slow down during the winter months, while we plan our events for the coming year, but regular activities go on, one of them being box-emptying. We have our collection of boxes all over the area, in shops, pubs and other places of work. This provides useful extra income for RNLI and of course ‘every little helps’. If you feel you could hold a collection box for us, do please contact me. As the season gets under way we have our regular attendance at Duxford Flying Days – some of you may have seen our souvenir stall – and of course our street collection or ‘Flag Day’, and Tesco collection days.

RNLI rescue activities also vary with the weather and seasons, but the dedication of the voluntary crews never changes. Whether the job involves saving an injured sailor in high seas, rescuing fishermen stranded on rocks, or even, last ‘summer’ helping people driven from their homes by flooding, RNLI specialist skills are always needed – your help in supporting all this is invaluable and much appreciated. In the RNLI Magazine I found a heart warming story from Cromer. Called to a little yellow rowing boat drifting offshore in a calm sea, with two people on board, Cromer inshore crew found themselves caught up in a cupid moment. Far from being in fear of their lives, the ‘casualties’ were lost in each other’s eyes, sipping champagne and feasting on strawberries and truffles. Moments earlier the dashing young man had handed his companion 30 red roses and a sparkling ring as he recited Shakespeare and asked ‘Will you marry me?’ Even as she said ‘Yes’, the love-struck duo had become the focus of concerned eyes on the shoreline as they drifted further out to sea – and someone called 999. The love boat ended its journey prematurely with an escort back to shore from the inshore lifeboat. After giving the couple advice on what safety equipment should be taken to sea, the lifeboat crew and coastguards showed their softer side and passed on their congratulations. Here’s wishing everyone a safe summer - and don’t forget the life-jackets! Jean Emes Secretary Royston Branch (01763 245958)

National Trust In common with all other National Trust properties, Wimpole Estate is revising its opening hours. From the start of the new visiting season the Hall will be open from 11.00 a.m. provided enough volunteers can be found to steward the various rooms and attractions. During the winter a concerted recruiting drive has been in action to obtain 100 new volunteers but if this is not successful then the morning sessions will only be guided tours by one or two staff or volunteers. At the time of writing this report there is no information available as to the success of the recruitment campaign but if you come along in the morning you can be guaranteed that you will be able to gain admission. The Hall will re-open on 28th February and remain open until 1st November but as last year it will close on Thursdays and Fridays except for school holidays.

The lambing season will cover the periods 21st-25th March, 28th March - 1st April and 4th April - 8th April when visitors will be able to see the newly born lambs at the Home Farm and in the fields. During the year there is a huge range of events and attractions and leaflets are available from the ticket office or shop. The local National Trust Association will end its programme of indoor events in April and then the summer outings to places of interest will start. All Trust members are welcome to join the Association and to take part in its lively and interesting programme and can find details from me at any time. Colin Limming 01763 260072

Royston Local history Our meetings are held in the Heritage Hall, Royston Town Hall starting at 8pm. It costs only £5 for an annual subscription (SeptAugust) Visitors are welcome £2. The next three meetings are shown below: Mar 5th Footpaths – Hertfordshire Heritage, illustrated with slides from Hertfordshire Way Bert Richardson; Apr 2nd The Life & Music of John Newton, the slave ship captain who became a clergyman and abolitionist Colin Simpson May 14th AGM 7.30pm followed



at 8pm by The History of the Slave Trade John Kelly The evening concludes with a buffet and drinks. Jun 13th Coach Outing to Greenwich; includes boat trip on the river Thames. Details from David Allard 01763 242677 The Royston Cave in Melbourn Street attributed to the Knights Templar is closed during the winter period. It will re-open on Easter Saturday, 11th April 2009 and will then be open on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays 2.30pm – 5pm until the end of September, also Wednesday afternoons in August. Our website has been considerably updated and, in particular, shows all the books we have for sale. Many of these result from the considerable work undertaken by our publications sub-committee. All these books may be bought at our monthly meetings. The books may also be purchased at the Royston & District Museum in Kneesworth Street, Royston. Contacts: Doreen Wood 01763 242230 or David Allard 01763 242677.

SIA – Spinal Injuries Association ‘Hold a Fish and Chip Supper to help spinal cord injured people live full and independent lives.’ Great British Fish and Chip Supper Friday 15th May 2009 Want to do something different? Want to raise money where you live or work? Want to eat fish and chips, while raising money for charity? Hold a fish and chip supper on Friday 15th May 2009 raising awareness of spinal cord injury and supporting SIA’s information and support services. You can hold a fish and chip supper in your own home, at work or hold a larger supper at your local community centre.


SIA will provide a fundraising pack containing hints and tips, recipes, invitations and donation envelopes. By inviting 7 friends and asking them to donate an additional £5.00 means you will raise at least £35.00 from your supper but we will also give you additional fundraising ideas to raise even more money for SIA. In 2009 SIA will celebrate its 35th Anniversary and since Friday 15th May 2009 is Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Day, what better way to raise funds than eating fish and chips and raise money for SIA. The money raised from the suppers will help the Spinal Injuries Association offer support to patients and their families when spinal injury results in paralysis by providing services by providing services and publications which enable and encourage paralysed people to lead independent lives. Every year in the UK over 1,000 people experience a spinal cord injury and there are an estimated 40,000 spinal cord injured people in the UK alone. Donor Development Officer, Elizabeth Wright, says, ‘The Fish and Chip Supper is a wonderful opportunity for a great evening with friends and family. We are also encouraging people who work to hold a fish and chip lunch in their work places or local community groups wanting to run a fun evening with your group. This is the year that SIA are running the suppers but we already envisage this to be one of our top fundraising initiatives in the SIA calendar in the coming years. Be a part of something special and make a real difference to help spinal cord injured people gain access to the information and support they need to enable them to live full and independent lives.’ For more information or request a fundraising pack call Elizabeth Wright on 0845 6786633 ext 229 or email or visit www.

Melbourn History Group It has been a quieter period for the group after our efforts in the Cambridgeshire ACRE Awards. We still get enquiries about ancestors and these have become so numerous we have now had to tell people that if we need to go out of the village to find out details e.g. a visit to Cambridgeshire Archives, then we will have to make a charge. Many people ask us “what about another book?” but having produced four so far we have had to call a halt because the Group members do have other lives! We have worked closely with both Meldreth Village History Book and the Cambridgeshire Association for Local History and we are always available to help if you think we can be useful. Colin Limming Chairman 01763 261144

MELBOURN PARISH COUNCIL 28 Station Road Melbourn Cambs SG8 6DX Telephone 262494 e-mail: Chairman Donald Mowatt 23, High Street SG8 6AL


Vice-Chairman Maureen Townsend 32 New Road SG8 6ER


Clerk & Office Avril Mellor, 28 Station Road, SG8 6DX


E-mail Website Councillors Val Barratt 2 Station Road SG8 6DX 261227 Irene Bloomfield 78 Russet Way SG8 6HF 222558 Colin Charter 58 Bramley Avenue SG8 6HG 262278 Janice Guest 1 Mortlock Street SG8 6DB 260894 Rosemary Gatward 94 High Street SG8 6AL 261225 Dean Hardingham 1 Portway SG8 6EU 232757 Michael Linette 11, Chapel Lane 262534 Donald Mowatt 23 High Street SG8 6AL 268388 Clive Purbrook Glebe House High Street SG8 6DZ 260899 Andy Qulina 77 Orchard Road SG8 6BB Jocelyn Robson 91 High Street 261633 Mike Sherwen 3 Hale Close SG8 6ET 260070 Christopher Stead 70 Russet Way 260743 pm Maureen Townsend 32 New Road SG8 6BY 260959 Richard Wakerley 32 Chalkhill Barrow SG8 6EQ 262247 Employees Handyman and Caretaker Peter Andrews Emergency mobile. 07778-682245 Village Ranger Keith Rudge, 4 Dolphin La, SG8 6AF Internal Auditor Peter Chilvers, 68A High Street, SG8 6AJ


221212 260742

County Councillor David Charles McCraith 104 North End, Bassingbourn (send agenda by e-mail) County Hall 01223-833555 District Councillors Janice Guest, 1 Mortlock Street, SG8 6DB Val Barrett, 2 Station Road

260894 261227

South Cambs M.P. Andrew Lansley

01954 212707

South Cambs M.E.P. Robert Sturdy

01954 211790

The Parish Office at 28 Station Road, is entered by the door at the front of the building directly opposite Sheene Mill. The Parish Office is now open on Mondays from 9 am to 1 pm, on Tuesdays from 2 pm from 4 pm, and on Thursday from 9 am to 1 pm. The office is not normally open on Wednesdays or Fridays. As the Clerk is sometimes out on Parish business it is better to ring 262494 to ensure that she is in the office. Meetings of the Planning Committee are normally held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month commencing at 7.15 pm. Council Meetings are normally held on the fourth Monday of each month at 7.15 pm at Vicarage Close Community Centre. The Press Royston & Buntingford Mercury Tom Ship, Media Centre 40 Ware Road, Hertford, SG13 7HU 01992 526639 Royston Crow Heath House, Princes Mews, Royston, SG8 6RT 245241 Fax 242231 Cambridge News David Williams, 3 Melbourn Street, Royston, SG8 7BP 249144 Fax 244502 BBC Radio Cambridge Reception Newsroom

From the Parish Clerk – Avril Mellor After a long cold winter, spring is now with us and soon we shall be seeing bulbs and plants coming to life. When times are hard for very many people it was nice to see over the Christmas period a little glow of light in the centre of the village as a result of the generosity of two local businesses. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Phillimore for donating the Christmas tree and Leech’s, who once again supplied the electricity for the running of the Christmas tree lights. Stored in the old Fire Engine House is a piano looking for a good home and, no doubt, tuning. The piano can be delivered free of charge within the village to anyone who is willing to take it in. Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested in this or just require more information. There is only one unreserved space left in Orchard Road cemetery and this is for cremated remains. This means that all new burial plots from now on will be in New Road cemetery. Two hand-carved oak seats have been placed in the cemetery and two more are waiting to be fixed in their designated places. More bulbs have been planted and beds are being constructed at the end of rows to take flowering shrubs. This spring, when bulbs are in flower and leaves are open on the trees, the cemetery will start to take on a character of its own and will be a very nice peaceful place. A lychgate is planned and will be placed in front of the main cemetery gates. At the present time negotiations are taking place with Mr Tyler who has very kindly offered to donate this extra piece of land to the parish council. The Council submitted its application to South Cambridgeshire District Council for the precept for 2009/10 in February. The payment is made in two parts by BACS transfer, one half in April and the other half in September. At the time of writing this article the police site in the village is in the process of being sold to a registered social landlord. This is likely to give rise to a planning application for the site at some time in the future. When this application is registered with South Cambridgeshire District Council, it will of course have to be submitted to the parish council’s planning committee for comment. As this site is in the centre of the village and in a conservation area, this will not be an easy application to deal with as I am sure that it will arouse a great deal of interest from concerned villagers.

01223 259696 01223 358510




Cllr. Mrs Val Barrett & Cllr. Mrs Janice Guest At the time of writing this, Val and I, together with the Parish Council are endeavouring to secure a suitable site for the young people of the Melbourn catchments area to construct a BMX trail. It has been unfortunate that the previous sites used by the bikers did not have the correct permission from the landowners and the council. South Cambs. District Council are keen to assist the young people in setting up this trail. The youth are themselves keen to have this facility and are willing to do some of the ground work involved in the setting up and managing of the trails with the help of the District and Parish Councils, together with their families. Councillor Dean Hardingham is leading the project on behalf of the Parish Council. We are sure that everyone will wish every success for this project for the youth of Melbourn. We seem to be getting somewhere with the matter of the yellow lines in Station Road, outside ESSE and the Parish Office, some of the road is in the Parish of Meldreth. It would seem that they understand the problem and have shown a willingness to assist in having the yellow lines installed. Of course, there is a greater fear of more parking in Station Road because First Capitol Connect is charging for car parking at the railway station. This being the case, it becomes even more important that these lines are put in for the safety of everyone concerned. It must be said that some parking will be retained. We are pleased to have achieved a good result for the residents of Haggers Close in as much as having the green open space cleared of most of the shrubs and the whole area set with grass seed. We are sure that this makes for a more pleasing outlook and a much safer environment especially for those residents living in the bungalows.

There are a number of important planning and development issues at the present time, which are giving rise for concern. Therefore, you must be assured that we are very much involved in the discussions to secure the best outcome for Melbourn. The kerbside collection of plastic bottles is a tremendous success and SCDC have a good rating nationally. So let’s continue to recycle. We are sure that you will have noticed that there has been an increase in the number of times our village streets are being swept. This is all part of the aims of SCDC to make our area a good place to live. At the time of writing this, SCDC had agreed at the full council meeting in November, to ask the tenants in council properties to vote on whether to accept or reject the proposal to transfer the housing stock to a housing association. All tenants have had the opportunity of being involved in the transfer; also they have been kept informed and have been invited to participate on many occasions by attending meetings at South Cambs Hall, Cambourne and in the local communities. It must be said that we support the transfer, mainly because, in our opinion, the benefits to the tenants far outweigh the prospects of the housing stock remaining with SCDC, especially when you consider that the budgeting restrictions together with the swingeing funding from central government would make it hard to maintain the stock to the standard the tenants deserve. You can be assured that we continue to help the Parish Council and residents with a variety of issues. Please remember that we can be contacted at any time and we will endeavour to assist you by directing you to the appropriate officer or take the matter up on your behalf. Cllr. Mrs Val Barrett - 01763 261227 Cllr. Mrs Janice Guest - 01763 260894

Spring Morning Where am I going? I don’t quite know. Down to the stream where the king-cups grow Up on the hill where the pine-trees blow Anywhere, anywhere. I don’t know.

Where am I going? The high rooks call: “It’s awful fun to be born at all.” Where am I going? The ring-doves coo: “We do have beautiful things to do.”

Where am I going? The clouds sail by, Little ones, baby ones, over the sky. Where am I going? The shadows pass, Little ones, baby ones, over the grass.

If you were a bird, and lived on high, You’d lean on the wind when the wind came by, You’d say to the wind when it took you away: “That’s where I wanted to go today!”

If you were a cloud, and sailed up there, You’d sail on water as blue as air, And you’d see me here in the fields and say: “Doesn’t the sky look green today?”

Where am I going? I don’t quite know. What does it matter where people go? Down to the wood where the blue-bells grow Anywhere, anywhere. I don’t know. by Alan Alexander (A.A.) Milne melbournmagazine


M&M BOOKS CASH PAID for Old and Modern Books Also Purchased Coins, Medals, Postcards, China, Cigarette Cards, Jewellery, Furniture, Old Toys & Cars, Stamps, Programmes, Glass, Comics, Collectables

Phone 01763 849789 Mobile 07761 911730


Profile Jacqui Dodds Living within the close confines of the village it is sometimes hard to remember that the parish extends far beyond the built up area we know as Melbourn. Places on the far flung boundaries of the parish tend to be forgotten, although the distributors of the Melbourn Magazine know these outposts only too well! Hillside Poultry Farm on the A505 is one of these places on the borders of Hertfordshire but is very definitely in Melbourn and is the home of Jacqui and Peter Dodds. Peter has lived and reared chickens here for some 39 years, Jacque has lived there for 26 years – it is a second marriage for both of them, with four children between them. Jacqui is now retired but all her life she has worked with figures. Denied the chance to go to university as a young girl after passing her A levels, initially she went to work in the Civil Service in London, but soon moved to working as a book keeper in an accountancy practice in Cheshunt. She thrived here and it wasn’t long before she was headhunted to move to another practice starting up in Ware. Here she was encouraged to study and qualify as a chartered accountant, which she did in 1976. She remained there for 14 years and became a partner – the first woman partner in this London based firm. We are talking about a time when it was quite unusual for a woman to succeed in

the predominantly male field of accountancy. It was during this time that she met and married Peter (who was one of her clients) and had a son Robert, now in turn about to pass his accountancy exams with Price, Waterhouse. He is living in Wimbledon. She started her own practice in 1983 in a Portakabin on the farm - eventually she was employing a staff of 4 She had always dealt with some farming clients which is quite a specialised branch of the business with all the tax and subsidy complications. On one very wet day she was sitting talking to a farmer about his tax problems but the farmer was gazing over her shoulder in a distracted fashion. ‘This weather isn’t doing my corn any good’ he said mournfully to which Jacqui replied ‘I should go and see a chiropodist!’ He, of course, was talking about his harvest! At this time she was very much involved in the Institute of Chartered Accountants who invited her to be the representative for small firms of General Practitioners. She served on the committee for some time before becoming President of the Beds, Bucks and Herts Society – the first lady president – at that time there was only one other lady ICA President in the whole of the country. This position involved a good deal of wining and dining and meeting other leaders in her field of expertise; Peter was at the same time deeply involved in the National Farmers Union so they led quite a busy life. After 17 years, Watts, Knowles (now WKH) approached her with a merger deal and Jacqui saw this as a step towards winding down towards retirement. She remained with WKH for 7 years, eventually retiring in December 2006 About 11 years ago she started playing bowls with Peter and became very active in the Melbourn Bowls Club – firstly as Treasurer, then Chairman and now she is Secretary and in charge of fixtures. A naturally warm, friendly and outgoing person she has enjoyed this involvement in the village and has also joined the U3A. An avid reader all her life, she started the Alternative U3A Book Club and also belongs to the monthly walking group. She enjoys cooking and entertaining and for many years has been a keen flower arranger. (I immediately tried to enrol her on the All Saints Flower Rota – you do not have to be a churchgoer!) She had been at a class the morning I intercontinued on page 18



viewed her and showed me a charming arrangement she had done, a winter arrangement making the most of a few flowers. Peter has always been a poultry farmer – in the old days it was battery farming for egg production but for many years now he has farmed in an RSPCA approved Freedom for Food method. He no longer produces eggs, but instead rears pullets from 0 to 16 weeks, and he may at any time have between 30 and 35 thousand chicks all running around as nature intended – although for their own protection they are housed under cover, safe from foxes and bird flu! At 16 weeks he sells them on – sometimes a sale of 10,000 chicks and sometimes a sale of ten as domestic keeping of chickens becomes more and more popular. They are always brown hens – because brown hens lay brown eggs ! His son David is also in the business and deals with the transport of the birds, in specially adapted lorries to cause the least possible trauma to the birds. The farm covers some 6 acres and is guarded by two large Alsatian dogs. The Dodds live in a charming bungalow with a nice garden (another of Jacqui’s hobbies) although she says that the invasion of


rabbits is beginning to change her mind about the delights of gardening. On a clear day they can see the windmill at Chishill and there is sometimes a badger’s sett down the field so it is a very rural situation. She confesses that living on the A505 is a bit of a pain especially if the M11 is blocked and traffic gets diverted, although they are double glazed and the view from the back windows is a great compensation. They have a time share in Fuerteventura in the Canaries and she now manages to persuade Peter to leave the farm long enough to enjoy holidays in places like New Zealand and Australia. Great theatre and film-goers, they frequently go to London to see a show and are also Friends of the Royal Academy, the National Portrait Gallery being a particular favourite. Jacqui is a great example of what women have achieved in the accountancy world despite the prejudices of her generation. So the next time you head out towards the A505 past the last house in New Road, just remember that Melbourn extends a lot further than you realise! Mavis Howard


St George’s Day April 23rd St George is, of course, the Patron Saint of England, but did you know that he is also the Patron Saint of Portugal, Greece, Russia, Serbia, Montenegro and Georgia, as well as Palestine, Ethiopia and Canada? He is the patron saint of soldiers, cavalry, saddlers, farmers, Boy Scouts and butchers, and sufferers from leprosy, plague and syphilis. He is also the patron saint of archers, hence the famous speech from Shakespeare’s Henry V, Act 3 at the Battle of Agincourt. ‘I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, Straining upon the start. The game’s afoot: Follow your spirit, and, upon this charge Cry God for Harry, England and St. George!’ Very little is known of the actual man, though according to versions of his story current in the Eastern Church from the 5th century, he was a tribune in the Roman army and was beheaded by Diocletian for protesting against the Emperor’s persecution of Christians. He was probably first known in England around the 8th century, when, according to the Apocryphal Acts of St George, translated into Anglo-Saxon, he visited Caerleon and Glastonbury while serving in the Roman army. George was adopted as the patron saint of soldiers after he was said to have appeared to the Crusader Army at the Battle of Antioch in 1098. When Richard I was campaigning in Palestine in 1191-92 he put the army under the protection of St George, and his banner, the red cross of a martyr on a white background, appeared on the uniforms and shields of the soldiers. This later became the flag of England and the White Ensign of the Royal Navy. On April 23rd 1222 the Synod of Oxford declared a holiday, and he was acknowledged as the Patron Saint of England by the end of the 14th century. In the year of Agincourt, 1415, Archbishop Chinchilla raised St George’s Day to a great feast to be observed like Christmas Day. By 1778 it had reverted to a simple day of devotion for Catholics. The legend of St George and the Dragon was popularised by the Legenda Aurea, (The Golden Legend), by Jacoba de Voragine in 1265. This was well received in England, as there is a similar story in Anglo-Saxon literature. The dragon made its nest in the spring of

water on which a community depended. To attract it away first sheep, then virgins, chosen by drawing lots, were fed to it. Eventually the princess was chosen. St George appeared, protected himself with the sign of the Cross, slew the dragon and rescued the princess. The grateful citizens converted to Christianity. St George became a stock figure in the secular miracle plays, derived from pagan sources, which were performed during the winter and early spring. In 1348 Edward III adopted George as the principal patron of his new order of chivalry, the Knights of the Garter. The objective of the Order , whose insignia depicts St George killing the Dragon, was probably to focus the efforts of England on further Crusades to conquer the Holy Land. Although the cult of St George was suppressed at the Reformation, St George’s Chapel at Windsor remains the official seat of the Order. In 1940 King George VI instituted the George Cross, a silver cross with St George slaying the dragon on one side, the highest civilian award for gallantry. 16th century painting - St George slaying the dragon




Community Education Val Tookey 260566 Little Hands Karen on 01763 260964 Melbourn Playgroup Jane Crawford 07842 151512 Notre Ecole Janet Whitton 261231 Primary School Headteacher Jacqueline Bell-Cook 223457 Toy Library Yasmin Croxford 220246 U3A (Univ. of Third Age)

Chairman John Stevens 261858 Village College Warden Elaine Stephenson 223400

Adult & Community Learning Melbourn Village College Tel: 01763 260566 Email: Look out for our New Summer Programme. Lots of new courses to help beat the credit crunch, or help you find a new job. Learn a new skill or simply find a new hobby. We have lots on offer! Contact us for more details

Melbourn Primary School The children at Melbourn Primary have been busy as always. We have extended our music provision to include a talented musician ensemble, hand chimes group, school choir as well as including the whole of Year 4 in learning the pocket trumpet and the whole of Year 3 learning recorder. We were able to showcase these musicians at our Christmas productions as well as having them visit Southwell Court where they entertained some of the more senior residents of Melbourn village. Year 5 & 6 pupils have also had the opportunity to work with students from Melbourn Village College on a “Between the Notes” performance which took place at All Saints Church. I received several letters from members of the local community saying how much they enjoyed this concert. The Dance department from the College has also been working with our students and our older boys have particularly enjoyed their “Street Dance” sessions. We continue to work towards raising standards at the school. Teachers have recently extended their repertoire to include multiple intelligence and multi-sensory approaches to teaching and learning, as well as the use of Brainbreaks to optimise the learning that takes place in lessons. These approaches have made the curriculum more interesting and have gone down very well with children. We have great plans to extend the use of our field and grounds as part of the daily curriculum. This includes a proposed outdoor classroom and reflective garden where children can go if they don’t feel like rushing around at playtime. We are also introducing cycle racks to encourage more children to cycle to school. Our Library has been updated and relocated too. With the generous contribution of funding from the locally based Trigg Trust we were able to install a fully automated Junior Librarian system for children and staff to use. Children are now receiving lessons in Library skills in our new facility. As part of our work in the community we plan to facilitate ICT sessions for Melbourn citizens using our older children as tutors. We are very excited about this and welcome approaches from local groups who may be interested in receiving this input. Most of our children are very skilled in computer work and look forward to sharing their expertise with members of the village. Our school website went live recently too. If you are interested in finding out more about our school, please visit Jacqueline Bell-Cook, Headteacher Melbourn Primary School



Little Foxes Baby & Toddler Group Little Foxes is a friendly, fun, good value, baby & toddler group. The baby & toddler group provides a great opportunity to meet other mums and for the children to play together. It is run by mums & child carers for babies and children up to 5 years old. There are a baby area, dressing up clothes, trikes, trampolines, duplo, cars, dolls, etc. There are creative activities, song & story time and refreshments for the adults & children. Foxton Village Hall Hardman Road Foxton Tuesday (term time only) 09.30 – 11.00

£1.50 per session

Meldreth Pre-School Reg.Charity no.1034965

Village Hall Meldreth High Street This friendly, non-profit making Pre-School now has spaces for September 2008. We offer Morning, Lunch Club and Afternoon sessions to children between the ages of 2 and 5 years. We offer a high staffing ratio, whilst maintaining competitive rates. £8.20 per session, £3.00 for Lunch Club We accept Government Vouchers (which makes sessions for the over 3’s free) For more information please Contact: Pre-School Leader, Jane Cable on 07952 295655 during Pre-School Hours (Mon/Tue 9-3, Wed/Thur/Fri 9-12.30) or telephone The Admissions Secretary, Yasmin Croxford on 01763 220246


News from Melbourn Village College It’s been another busy term at the College. Readers may be aware of the annual College production of the musical ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ which was presented just before the Christmas holidays. An ambitious project, it was highly entertaining and featured some extremely mature performances from some very talented performers.

they’ve ever done in the UK. It was a huge success and congratulations to all involved. Funding for ‘Inventors in Music’ was provided by the Clore Duffield Foundation through its Clore Performing Arts Award, Melbourn Village College and South Cambridgeshire District Council. If you are interested in taking part in a project like this or would like to see Melbourn host other Arts events then please contact Kirstin Bicknell, Arts Development Manager, StARTMelbourn, Melbourn Village College. Email, phone 07770 643165

New Window Celebrates Melbourn partnerships To celebrate Melbourn Village College’s 50th Anniversary a new piece of public art is being commissioned. Over the summer the front windows of the College will be replaced and the new windows will be fused with beautiful kiln formed glass designed by Juicy Glass’s Sarah McNicol. A preview of the design will be given to representatives from local community groups and Melbourn Village College partner organisations. They will have the opportunity to create their own glass tile with an artist from Juicy Glass inspired by the design. The finished tile will be presented to them when the window is unveiled in September. If you are interested in taking part in a project like this or have ideas for other local Arts events then please contact Kirstin Bicknell, Arts Development Manager, StARTMelbourn, Melbourn Village College. Email, phone 07770 643165

Melbourn Village College – Were you there? College production of the musical ‘Fiddler on the Roof’

Is Melbourn Village College part of your history? Did you go there as a student? Did your children go there? Did

Music Invented for Melbourn

Music Invented for Melbourn by Between the Notes

On November 30th All Saints Church was completely filled with an audience who heard the first ever performances of new work composed in Melbourn. Some of the music was composed by Between the Notes, an internationally acclaimed music ensemble, during their residency at Melbourn Village College. They performed 2 new pieces, one titled ‘Searchlight M3’ named after Melbourn Village College’s music room, which they will now go on and perform around the world! Between the Notes also worked with pupils from Melbourn Primary School, Melbourn Village College and the local community. Over 50 participants in total performed new work that they had composed. Feedback from participants and audience alike was very positive and the musicians dubbed the project one of the best melbournmagazine


Music Invented for Melbourn by Between the Notes

you work there, play sports or take a class there? Have you had a connection to MVC? If the answer to any of these is ‘Yes’ then we want to hear from you. To celebrate MVC’s golden anniversary year we want to find memories about what has made MVC special to you. It could be about friends made, teachers you remember or about the best experiences, excursions or events and any funny stories you have. We are interested in photos, written accounts and anyone who might like to be interviewed about their experiences. To contribute your memories of MVC over the last 50 years for a new archive project please contact Vanessa Mann, phone: 01223 871628 or email Vanessa.

Performing Arts at Melbourn Village College Although many of the staff and students at the college succumbed to various colds, coughs and stomach bugs, the Performing Arts Department remained stoic to the end and managed to create and perform a wonderful version of “Fiddler on the Roof”. Head of Drama and Director of the play Catharine Nicholls inspired students and staff to go out and give it their all during the three night run. Elliot Mepham took lead role as Tevye and his version of “If I were a Rich Man” gave you goose bumps it was so good. Now into the Spring Term and hopefully all recovered we are raring to go. Students will be taking part in a Spring Concert on Monday 23rd March and Tuesday 24th March. Rehearsals are already underway with such


great hits as ‘Ain’t no Sunshine’, ‘There must be an Angel’ and ‘Fly me to the Moon’ being performed. Large audiences are expected for this event so book your ticket early!! Tickets can be obtained by ringing the College Reception. This Department is not known for resting on its laurels so we also had a Rock Night on 11th February and will be having a Singers Soiree on 18th March! The Director of Music is also very busy not only with teaching but involving our local Primary Schools in the Music Department. Students from these schools are offered the chance to come along and use the excellent music technology facilities and the steel pans and will join in a Partner Schools Bigger Sing Festival in July. We are also looking forward to future drama events and dance evenings so keep your eyes open for further details.

The Grand Challenge in aid of the Papworth Trust As you may be aware, last term we had seven teams being sponsored by TTP taking part in ‘The Grand Challenge’ in aid of the Papworth Trust. This is a local charity supporting the equality, choice and independence of disabled people. I am delighted to announce that the teams raised £6000 for the charity. It was a steep learning curve for all involved, with all of the events initially planned having to be modified, scaled down or simply changed completely but it was testament to the students and their TTP men-



Child and Family Nursing Team 35 ORCHARD ROAD, MELBOURN “Little Hands” is a Private Nursery School specialising in quality Pre-School Education for 2 – 5 year Olds • • • • • • •

The Nursery School offers : High (1 : 4) staffing ratio Variety of session lengths Term time only booking Optional holiday clubs No minimum booking requirement No booking fee Categorised “OUTSTANDING” by Ofsted

Also FREE (NEF funded) afternoon (1.30-4.00) sessions for 3 & 4 year olds (NEF can also be used towards half or full day sessions) 01763 260964 (school hours) 01223503972 (office hours) e-mail : w w Little Hands Nursery Schools are also at Bourn, Linton and Newton


We are a team of 5 nurses, all with differing backgrounds, including paediatric/children’s nurses, practice nurses, health visitors and school nurses

Sandie Springall Sue Clarke

Lisa Hindle Becci Huchisson

Tricia Ward

We offer support and advice to children, young people and their families within this area. For further information telephone

01763 262861

tors that they persevered and managed to raise such an impressive amount of money. It certainly gave us all an insight into the business world of corporate entertaining, the pitfalls of fund-raising and the importance of contingency planning!

Village College Spring Fair Sunday 29th March 11a.m. - 3 p.m. We are the Melbourn Village College PTFA and we need participants for our upcoming Spring Fair! Can you help us? We’re looking for local craftspeople and specialty food producers who would like to sell their wares and maybe even demonstrate their particular skills. In addition we would like to invite local clubs and charities to have stalls in order to raise awareness of the many different activities and good causes that exist in our local area. During the fair we are aiming to hold displays and demonstrations of a variety of art, dance and music activities, many of which we hope will be connected with the students at the college. In summary we would like to make it a celebration of activities and skills in the local villages and beyond, not to mention the beginning of spring and an improvement in the weather (well we can hope!?) All profits made by the fair will support projects that benefit the students and environment of Melbourn Village College. There will therefore be a charge for stalls booked for

the purpose of selling items. Private/Commercial stalls @ £20 per pitch Stalls in aid of charitable causes @ 10% of sales made Informational stalls - no charge To take part in the fair in any way, or simply for more information, please contact Alwyn Whitaker by phone 01223 871162, or by email:

Notre Ecole During the second half of the autumn term children at our Wednesday after school club learnt the French words for fruit. We tasted the fruit while practising the words and played games around a fruit theme. Then, towards the end of term we learned a range of Christmas vocabulary and worked on some Christmas craft while eating chocolate Yule log.On Thursdays the children learnt the French words for different parts of the body. We practised the plural and played lots of games. On returning after the Christmas break both groups celebrated Epiphany with a ‘Galette des Rois’. Our beginner’s adult group have been practising the French needed at a railway station and to make a train journey. We have also been concentrating on the present tense. Our more advanced group have meanwhile been talking about city beaches in France, Marrakech, the American elections and Obama and they have been working on the difference between the two past tenses. On several occasions we have continued on page 30




feature Candlemas Winter Flower Festival at All Saints’

The second Winter Flower Festival, organized by Rebecca Gatward, was a huge success, and this year, as well as flowers, there was also music to be enjoyed. The event raised almost £2,000 for the Church.

Photographs by Mavis Howard and Mike Sherwen



joined together, for example to invent French soap opera characters, for a quiz about famous quotations and to celebrate Epiphany. At the end of November we very much enjoyed a ” Beaujolais Nouveau” evening at Marine’s house where we sampled the wine and were able to socialise with others who are learning French.If you or your child would like to join us, please call Marine on 01763 222876 or Janet on 01763 261231 for further details. We are a French native speaker and a graduate of European Studies with French and we would love to see you at one of our groups.

Notre Ecole Learn French in a friendly atmosphere *French for Children “Games, role-play, songs etc.” Every Wednesday from 3.45pm to 4.30pm Every Thursday from 4:15pm to 5:00pm Individual lessons also available.

*French for Adults All levels, Conversation” Every Wednesday from 8.00pm to 9.00pm by GCSE lessons available by arrangement.

Tel. Marine - 01763 222876 or Janet - 01763 261231 (We have both been CRB checked)

Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) The next courses run by Royston WEA will start in September 2009. Details nearer the date from Doreen Wood 01763 242230 or David Allard 01763 242677.

Melbourn & District University of the Third Age. We have had a great programme of speakers during the winter months at our monthly meetings at the Village College every third Wednesday in the month. There has been a wide variety of speakers and our audience total has held up very well despite some uncertain weather. The programme goes on now right through to November 2009 and we have even booked speakers as far ahead asJune 2010. The learning and active groups have also enjoyed their own programmes and we have now added Art & Drawing Classes, Local History, and Discussion to our lists. The Luncheon Club and the Garden Enthusiasts Groups are not now active but it is hoped they will start again in the near future. There are now some 420 members who have decided that they don’t want to watch daytime TV but would rather join a group and learn more about a particular subject. If you need to know more about us ring Arthur Alderton on 01763 260399. Colin Limming.


Relay for Life is a unique event which honours Cancer Survivors, remembers those lives taken away by cancer and educates the community into cancer prevention. We have Relays taking place in the local area this summer For more information please visit or telephone 01223 404195

Village information Household Waste and Recycling Centres Items that are accepted • Green waste • Hardcore (bricks, rubble) • Paper



Butt Lane, Milton Tel: 01223 860674 • 9am–8pm Monday to Friday • 9am–6pm Bank Holidays, Saturday & Sunday • 9am–4pm Monday to Sunday (1 October–31 March)

Gravel Pit Hill, Thriplow Tel: 01223 839001 • 8am–5pm Monday to Friday • 8am–5pm Bank Holidays, Saturday & Sunday (Summer) • 8am–4pm Monday to Sunday (1 October–31 March)

• Glass

Melbourn Bus Timetables

• Scrap metal • Waste oil

Note: These times have been taken from the companies website, but are subject to change, please telephone the company for updates.

• Fridges/freezers • Car batteries • Textiles • Cardboard • TVs and computers (incl. monitors) Please Note: the sites will only accept waste from household sources.

Bin collection

reminder for Melbourn Box. Box. Box.

Box. Box.

n For more informatio rge and collections of la phone household items tele 0845 0450 063

0940 0945 0951 0959 1005 1007 1011 1020 1026 1028

40 45 51 59 05 07 11 20 26 28

1440 1445 1451 1459 1505 1507 1511 1520 1526 1528

1540 1545 1551 1559 1605 1607 1611 1630 1621 1623

1640 LR 1656 1704 1710 1712 1716 1735 1726 1728

1740 1746 1751 1759 1805 1807 1811 1820

1840 1846 1851 1859 1905 1907 1911 1920





0840 0845 0851 0859 0905 0907 0911 0920 0926 0928



Cambridge Drummer Street bay 7 The Leys School Trumpington Maris Lane Harston village hall Foxton Memorial Shepreth garden centre Melbourn car park Royston bus station Royston Tesco Royston Burns Road

1548 1552 1554 1600 1608 1614 1620

1648 1652 1654 1700 1708 1714 1720

1748 1752 1754 1800 1808 1814 1820

Melbourn to Cambridge Melbourn car park Shepreth garden centre Foxton Memorial Harston village hall Trumpington Maris Lane The Leys School Cambridge Drummer Street

0708 0712 0714 0720 0728 0734 0740

0738 0742 0744 0750 0758 0804 0820

0918 0922 0924 0930 0938 0944 0950

0948 0952 0954 1000 1008 1014 1020

hourly at


DAYS (EXCEPT PUBLIC HOLIDAYS) Cambridge to Melbourn (Royston)




MONDAYS TO SATURDAYS (Except Public Holidays)

hourly at



20 February Black Bin. 27 February Green Bin and 6 March Black Bin. 13 March Green Bin and 20 March Black Bin. 27 March Green Bin and 3 April Black Bin. 10 April Green Bin and 17 April Black Bin. 24 April Green Bin and 1 May Black Bin. 8 May Green Bin and 15 May Black Bin. 22 May Green Bin and 29 May Black Bin. 5 March Green Bin and 12 June Black Bin. 19 June Green Bin and 26 June Black Bin. 3 July Green Bin and * Day late collection – Saturday

48 52 54 00 08 14 20

A on Saturdays and during school holidays may arrive at Drummer Street up to 10 minutes earlier

Local Bus companies Stagecoach in Cambridge 01223 423578 – Huntingdon & District 01480 453159 – Alans Bus & Coach 01763 245073



important numbers Police (non emergency) 0845 456 4564 Crimestoppers Freephone 0800 555111 Melbourn Police Station opening Hours Mon to Thu 10am-12 noon/7pm-9pm* This station is open to the public at times shown above, with trained Community Volunteers. Opening hours may vary, please see notices displayed at the station and around the village.

Neighbourhood Watch Steven Cambery CAB Royston Childline

08456 889897 0800 1111


08457 909090

Hospitals Addenbrooke’s Royston

01223 245151 01763 238020


Camdoc NHS Direct (queries 24hrs)

01223 464242 0845 4647

Services Anglian Water 08457 145 145 Gas emergency 0800 111 999 Electricity 08007 838838 South Cambs District Fire & Rescue Service 01223 376217 Transport British Rail Enquiries 08457 484950 Stagecoach Cambus 08706 082608 Melbourn Magazine Ann Dekkers Editor 261144 Mavis Howard Parish Profile 260686 Eric Johnston Distribution 220197 Peter Simmonett Design & Village website 220363 Anne Lambert Information Collection 261480 Brenda Meliniotis Village Diary & Proof reading 261154 Roger Mellor Advertising 220463 (For information on advertising please telephone 220363)


Vicarage Close Warden Sally Miller (Mon 9am to Wed 1pm)

Places of worship All Saints Church Rev Andrew O’Brien Melbourn Vicarage Curate Mary Price 261569 Churchwardens Christine van Vliet Colin Wilson Baptist Church Rev. Stuart Clarke Secretary Georgie Wilson United Reformed Church Minister Rev. Duncan Goldie Non-stripendary minister Rev. Carol Pearle Secretary Anne Field

260295 223063 261705 261650 261223 260747 220869

Education Melbourn Playgroup Jane Crawford 07842 151512 Childminding Group Sec. Vacancies Co-ordinator Heidi Hardwidge 221625 Community Education (activities from toddlers to adults) Val Tookey 260566 Library LAP Mike Stapleton 269956 Little Hands Nursery School 260964 Out of school times 01223 503972 Notre Ecole Janet Whitton 261231 Primary School Headmaster Jacqueline Bell-Cook 223457 Toy Library 261261 U3A (Univ. of Third Age) Chairman John Stevens 261858 Hon Sec Hilary Docwra 222486 Mem Sec Arthur Alderton 260399 Village College Warden Elaine Stephenson 223400 Health Age Concern 01223 506002 Blood Donors Sue Cane 262320 Chiropodist 263260 Citizen’s Advice Bureau 238020 Community Care Val Trueman 260191 Dentist 262034 District N s (Primary Care Trust) 261775 Home-Start Sarah Dixon 262262 S Cambs PCT 35 Orchard Road Child & Family Nurses 262861 Melbourn and Meldreth Self-Help Jayne White 220250 Car Scheme 245228 Orchard Surgery Appointments 260220 Dispensary 261246 For repeat prescriptions send email: Osteopath Kath Harry 261716 St John Ambulance Robert Jakubiak 220507 Warden & sheltered housing schemes Dial-A-Ride Mobile Warden Scheme 24 hr Emergency No. Val Trueman Neighbourhood Watch Scheme Stephen Cambery Safer Melbourn Initiative Val Trueman

We shall be pleased to receive contributions in any form, articles, poems, drawings, photographs, letters etc., pertaining to Melbourn. Please send any contributions to the Office of the Parish Clerk, Council Offices, 28 Station Rd, Melbourn SG8 6DX, marking them ‘MELBOURN MAGAZINE’ or you can email them to Apart from printing, all work on the Melbourn Magazine, including layout and design is produced by volunteers. The cost of production comes entirely from advertising and sponsorship. No public money is used.

01223 506335 220402 07403 251226 261520 220402

Sheltered Housing Officers on duty Mon, Tues – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. members of the South Team, Wed, Thu, Fri – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Joy Hyde (Lead Officer for Vicarage Close)

(Wed 1pm Fri 5pm) John Impey Way Jeanette Holland Southwell Court Moorlands

263389 269596 262121 260564

clubs Air Cadets 2484 (Bassingbourn) Squadron AJ Kelly Mon & Wed evenings 7 – 9.30 p.m. Army Cadets Ted Neathey 0775 1334 314 Tuesday evenings at The Moor 7.15 to 9.30pm Bellringers John Gipson 262846 1st Melbourn Rainbows Abigail Roberts 261505 Brownies Samantha Pascoe (Brown Owl) 261400 Brownies 1st Melbourn Stephanie Clifford 220272 Cambells (Handbells) Eira Martin 261221 Dramatic Society Kathy Wholley 223805 email

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Stuart Morris 208634 Gardening Helen Powell 245887 Guides Hilary Marsh 261443 Mothers’ Union Anne Harding 260759 Melbourn & District Mushroom Club Helene Davies 01954 789 947 or m.07903 456 628 Melbourn History Group Colin Limming 260072 Melbourn Pottery Club Maggie 01223 207307 National Trust Colin Limming 260072 New Melbourn Singers Adrian Jacobs 243224 Photography Joe Cox 01223 871258 Ramblers Dave Allard 242677 Royal British Legion Patrick Parkinson 262617 Royal British Legion Women Elizabeth Murphy 220841 Royal National Lifeboat Institution Jean Emes 245958 Royston and District Local History Society David Allard 242677 Royston and District Round Table 221398 RSPB Doug Radford 208978 SOAS (Supporters of All Saints’) Doreen Johnston 220197 Youth Club Amanda Bernard 223407 Women’s Group Jane Stevens 261858 sport Badminton Steve Jackson Bowls Elaine Cooke Croquet Janet Pope Football Club Andrew Edwards XMVC Dolphin FC Simon Gascoyne Judo Derek Coult Melbourn Community Sports Meldreth Tennis Club Sue Davies Swimming Club Jenny Brackley Squash Club Nick Sugden

248774 221571 248342 223109 261703 225004 263313 220174 244593 261064

If the code is NOT given before a telephone number it is 01763. This list will be updated in future issues on the basis of information received

Adverts are to be supplied as finished artwork and must be at the sizes below. Please send artwork via post or email to We print 2200 copies of the Melbourn Magazine which is delivered free to every house in the village four times a year. Note: colour advert space is limited, please contact us for further details. The current rates for advertising in the Magazine are as follows: Size per… Width x Height Issue Annum Colour 1/4 inside page (79 × 128 mm) £21 £76 £113 1/2 inside page (163 × 128 mm)




Full inside page (163 × 262 mm)




Adverts must be supplied as high resolution jpgs or 300dpi Tif or eps.

For further information on advertising please telephone 220363. Payments for an entire year are at a discount of 10%. Remittance or cheques should be made to Melbourn Parish Council.

The closing date for the next issue is 15th April which will appear in June, listing events in June, July and August

MARCH APRIL Tues 3rd Wed 4th

Thur 5th

Fri. 6th Sat 7th

Sun 8th Tues 10th

Wed 11th Fri 13th Sat 14th


Fri 20th

Sat 21st

Mon 23rd Tues 24th

Wed 25th

Fri 27th

Sat 28th Sun 29th

Photographic Club Baptist Church Hall Coffee Break 10.30-12 Royal British Legion WHERE? Royston & District Local History Society Royston Toewn Hall 8pm “Footpaths-Hertfordshire Heritage’ URC Coffee 10am Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30-12 noon ‘Bring and Buy Stall ‘ in aid of Hall Royston Choral Society Concert All Saints’ Church 7.30 pm, in aid of SOAS Meldreth Guided History Walk 2pm Baptist Church Communion 6pm Mother’s Union 2.30 pm Wendy Church Melbourn & District Gardening Club 7.30 pm All Saints’ Community Hall ‘Something Old, Something New’ Baptist Church Hall Coffee Break 10.30-12 URC Coffee 10 am Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30-12 . Women’s British Legion Cake Stall. Baptist Church Hall Coffee Break 10.30-12 Melbourn & District U3A 2.45 pm Melbourn Village College ‘Barry Kaufman-Wright ‘Wildlife of the Arctic’ URC Coffee 10 am ‘Black Sheep Band’ at Eternit Sports and Social Club’ Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30-12. ‘The Bookshelf’ Book Sale. River Mel Working Party 9.15 am at the Pavilion. Spring Concert MVC 7.30 pm Spring Concert MVC 7.30 pm Women’s Group All Saints’ Church Hall 7.30 pm ‘Pot Lids’ Baptist Church Hall Coffee Break 10.30-12 Royal British legion Women’s Section TIME?? URC Coffee 10 am Royston & Saffron Walden National Trust Association 7.30 pm AGM followed followed by a talk by the Trust’s Conservation Officer. Thriplow Daffodil Weekend 11am -5pm Thriplow Daffodil Weekend 11am -5pm MVC Spring Fair 11am – 3pm

Wed 1st Thur 2nd

Fri 3rd Sat 4th Sun 5th Tues 7th Wed 8th Thurs 9th

Fri 10th

Sat 11th Sun 12th Tues 14th

Wed 15th

Fri 17th Sat 18th Wed 22nd

Fri 24tth

Sat 25th Tues 28th

Wed 29th

Baptist Church Coffee Break 10.30-12.00 Royal British Legion Royston & District Local History Society. Royston Town Hall 8 pm ‘Life and Music of John Newton’ URC Coffee 10 am Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30-12 noon Meldreth Guided History Walk 2 pm Baptist Church Communion 6 pm Mother’s Union 2.30 pm Photographic Club AGM Baptist Church Hall Coffee Break 10.30-12 Maundy Thursday Evening Communion Baptist Church 8-9pm All Saints’ 8-9pm URC Coffee 10 am Good Friday Meditations Baptist Church 2-5 pm All Saints’ 2-5 pm Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30-12 noon All Saints’ Easter Day Celebration 0.30 12 noon Melbourn & District Gardening Club 7.30 pm All Saints’ Community Hall ‘Vegetable and Fruit Gardening” Baptist Church Hall Coffee Break 10.30- 12 Melbourn & District U3A MVC 2.45 pm “Aspects of Country Life’ Margaret Rogers URC Coffee 10 am Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30 -12 noon Baptist Church Hall Coffee Break 10.30 – 12 Royal British Legion Women’s Section URC Coffee 10 am Organ Recital All Saints’ Stephen Cleobury 7.30 pm Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30 – 12 noon Women;s Group at Meldreth 7.30 pm ‘What have I done with my Life in 87 years?’ Baptist Church Coffee Break 10.30 – 12

Melbourn Library

Open at the following times: Monday, Wednesday 2.30 to 4.30 pm and Friday 5.00 to 7.00 pm Thursday 10.00 to 12.00 am Saturday

MAY Fri 1st

Sat 2nd Wed 6th Fri 8th Sat 9th Tues 12th

Wed 13th Thurs 14th

Fri 15th Sat 16th Sun 17th

Wed 20th

Fri 22nd Sat 23rd Tues 26th Wed 27th Fri 29th

URC Coffee 10 Royston & Saffron Walden National Trust Assoc. SW County High Sports Centre 7.30 pm Audley End former Head Steward talks about his job and the his tory of the house. Coffee Stop All Saints’ Hall 10.30-12 noon Baptist Church Coffee Break 10.30-12 Royal British legion URC Coffee 10 am Coffee Stop All saints’ Hall 10.30-12 noon Mother’s Union Melbourn & District Gardening Club All Saints’ Community Hall 7.30pn Baptist Church Coffee Break 10.30–12 Royston & District Local History Society Royston Town Hall 8 pm AGM followed by ‘History of the Slave Trade’ URC Coffee 10 am Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30 – 12 noon Book and Plant Sale New Melbourn Singers with Cambridge Choral Society Summer Comcert 3 pm Comberton Village College “Songs from the Silver Screen” Baptist Church Coffee Break 10.30 – 12 Melbourn & District U3A MVC 2.4 pm. Royal Navy Presentation Team Road Show of life in today’s Royal Navy. URC Coffee 10 am Coffee Stop All Saints’ Hall 10.3-12 noon Women’s Group Garden Party at Meldreth British legion Women’s Section URC Coffee 10 am

Spring 2009

All copy for the June, ould July & August Issue sh be in before 15th April

Melbourn Village Fete Saturday 27th June

Village information continued Orchard Surgery – Dispensary Monday to Friday 8:30 – 1:30 and 2:00 – 6:00 Phone 01763 261246 Telephone requests are not accepted For repeat prescriptions you can: Fax 01763 262968 or email:

• •

Allow at least 48 hours (two working days – excluding weekends and bank holidays) for repeat prescriptions to be ready. Do not leave your request to the last minute. Prescription/medication depending on eligibility can be collected from the



Tesco in Royston

Please let the dispensary know where you wish your prescriptions to be sent. This will remain your choice until we are informed otherwise.

Prescriptions requested before 12pm Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

will be ready after 10am Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday

Prescriptions requested before 4pm Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

will be ready after 3pm Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday

Prescriptions requested after 4pm Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

will be ready after 10am Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

CAMSIGHT Sue Hempstead 8a Romsey Terrace, Cambridge. CB1 3NH Tel 01223 416141 Office Mon-Fri 9.30am-12.30pm.

A drop in advisory session is held at

MOORLANDS, THE MOOR, MELBOURN NO APPOINTMENT IS NECESSARY from 2pm to 4pm, 27th November 22 January 26 February 26 March 23 April 28 May 25 June

23 July 27 August 24 September 22 October 26 November There are no session in December

See the following website for more information Battery exchange and retubing. We do not do hearing tests


Cam Sight’s visually impaired group meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month every month except in August, at the Vicarage day centre, Melbourn from 2 until 4pm. We offer a warm welcome with speakers, outings, up to date information and equipment demonstrations. Come and see what’s on offer, join us for a cuppa and a chat. Call 01223 420033 for further information.


Discrimination against British Teenagers Ben Atkins Year 9 Melbourn Village College Are teenagers hard off in Britain? To most of you, this probably seems an obvious question. After all, British teenagers have free education, doting parents, and all the electronic perks of modern life. Indeed, I’m sure there is a viewpoint among our readers that modern teenagers are too well off, and have too much freedom, that teenagers have been allowed to run rampant, leading to the knife crime, bullying, and gang warfare that blights our society today. The entire history of humanity serves to show us that us humans are inherently hostile to that which we don’t understand, even when those things that we don’t understand are from within our own species. But over the last couple of centuries, we have, to most purposes, realised the error of our ways. Racism, sexism, homophobia and indeed ageism against the elderly have all been illegalised, and humanity is much the better for it. However, one form of discrimination is still going on unregulated in our society, and that is discrimination against teenagers. One needs look no further than the cartoons in the Daily Mail to see this. These cartoons show a brutally demonising stereotype of violent drunk teenagers, and go so far as to represent the teenager as some kind pf violent vermin, enemy of every nice, law-abiding person. Were this stereotype applied to any other demographic, it would be illegal, but discrimination against teenagers is not just legal, but goes on with the support of many major MPs. Surely by continuing this stereotype, we are only serving to make teenagers resentful toward those who have such unfair dislike of them. This resent then makes them more likely to become antisocial, fulfilling and aiding the stereotype. A recent YouGov poll of around 2,000 adults expressed their opinions of teenagers; 49% felt that young people were becoming increasingly dangerous, and 43% felt that society needed protection from said ‘dangerous’ youth. Furthermore, many adults felt it appropriate to describe modern teenagers using words such as ‘animal’ and ‘vermin’. A good portion of adults consider modern youth to be vermin. Think seriously about the implications of that for a second. It truly is a disturbing thought. But we need to move on from simple opinion. Opinion is one thing, but it’s when that opinion manifests itself as actual discrimination in everyday life that we really

have a problem. Discrimination against teenagers can be seen everywhere in society, if you only look closely. Teenagers are banned from some restaurants, based on the stereotype of teenagers being incapable of calm, polite behaviour. Recently, the Vue cinema chain has established 18+ only screenings of many major movies, and numerous shops, train stations and similar places have installed Mosquito devices, which are, quite literally, anti-teenager equipment, designed to dispel teenagers, vermin-like. I myself, age 13, was once denied unaccompanied access to a bowling alley. What possible explanation for this can there be besides pure, unadulterated discrimination? It’s all very well to moan about this, and play the victim, but we need to think seriously about how we can fix this problem. Just like with all the discriminations that humanity has fought before, this ageism is based on deeply ingrained stereotypes. Just passing laws against ageism, while a necessary part of the process, won’t target the source of the problem. What is really needed is work to raise awareness of the achievements of young people, through events such as, well, such as this article. Furthermore, while I would hate to sound like I endorse press censorship, I think it could also be a necessary step to take action against press actions that support the stereotypes, thus further ingraining those stereotypes into those who trust the press. Undoubtedly, some would call this censorship, but the bottom line is, if any other group of people were treated by newspapers in this way, it would breach the law. Why don’t teenagers deserve the same protection that any other demographic receive? I feel that awareness work is what we really need. The main difficulty with countering the ageism problem is much like the problem that the suffragists faced when campaigning for women’s votes; that the ones who are responsible for the original discrimination are the ones who hold all the power. Only the adults, of whom so many support the current hostility toward teenagers, are able to take the necessary action against that hostility. So please, do what you can to help us. There is only so much that we young people can do on our own. However, with your help, and the help of those around you, we may finally be able to put an end to the war of the generations. A true utopia of equality is within our grasp, we need only reach out for it. melbournmagazine


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Nature River Mel Restoration Group (RMRG) A big thank-you to all those who joined members of the River Mel Restoration Group for the successful litter-pick on Saturday 22nd November 2008. We were extremely fortunate with the weather and the enthusiastic participation of forty volunteers collected seventeen bags of rubbish from in and around the River Mel in Melbourn. Special thanks must go to Greg Hall from RiverCare (an organisation jointly funded by Anglian Water, ENCAMS and the Environment Agency) who helped with the organisation of the event and provided all the safety-gloves and litter-picking equipment. The litter pick was the first step towards launching a restoration project on the River Mel in Melbourn. The RMRG has already undertaken res-

toration work on the River Mel in Meldreth. The Group is now looking to recruit volunteers from Melbourn to help carry out similar improvements to the River Mel where it flows through the grounds of Melbourn Village College and the Parish Recreation Ground. Why is this work so important? The Mel is a chalk river that supports significant populations of wild brown trout, bull head and water crowfoot. It is also arguably one of the best areas in South Cambridgeshire to see water voles. Over the years its chalk bed has silted up, threatening the existence of the species that depend on it. The improvements planned for the river are designed to speed the flow and will clear away the accumulation of silt to reveal the chalk

Water vole pictured on the Mel picture by Maureen Brierley

river bed again. This will lead to improved habitat for all its associated wildlife. Plans for the improvement works have been drawn up following detailed consultation with Melbourn Village College, Melbourn Parish Council, local landowners and the Ecology Officer from South Cambridgeshire




Old Timers Disease Three older ladies were discussing the travails of getting older. One said, “Sometimes I catch myself with a jar of mayonnaise in my hand in front of the refrigerator and can’t remember whether I need to put it away, or start making a sandwich.” The second lady chimed in, “Yes, sometimes I find myself on the landing of the stairs and can’t remember whether I was on my way up or on my way down.” The third one responded,” Well, I’m glad I don’t have that problem, knock on wood,” as she rapped her knuckles on the table, then told them “That must be the door, I’ll get it!” A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain. Robert Frost

District Council. The necessary consents have been obtained from the Environment Agency and relevant landowners, so we can now start the work in the river. The first working party in Melbourn was on 24th January 2009. Subsequent working parties will be held approximately 6 weekly (see list below). We meet at the Pavilion on the recreational field at 9.15am for a 9.30am start and have a coffee break midway through the session. We aim to finish by 12.30pm. The group is very grateful to all those who have already shown an interest and have supported our work both directly and indirectly. This has been shown by joining our working parties, supporting fund raising events and by becoming members, thereby increasing our ability to gain grants to fund the buying of equipment, insurance and other essential items. In particular,

we are extremely grateful for the financial support the project has already received from the Cam Valley Forum, Melbourn Parish Council, the Melbourn Village Fete committee, and Wrights Mower Centre. You can help on an individual basis by joining one of our working parties or by becoming a member of the Group (membership £10 per household a year). For further details please contact Maureen Brierley on 01763 262752, or join us at any workparty. We always have a warm welcome for new members.

Working parties for 2009 9.15am for 9.30am start Meet at the Pavilion Melbourn Recreational field Saturday 21st March Saturday 25th April Saturday 6th June Saturday 18th July Saturday 5th September Saturday 21st November



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Melbourn’s Churches together

Melbourn Baptist Church:

All Saints’ Easter Services

Sunday Services are at 10.30 am (while children have a separate service in the Hall) with Evening Communion at 6.00pm on the first Sunday of the month. Everyone is welcome and most people stay for refreshments afterwards. ‘Toddler Plus’ weekly Tuesday sessions and ‘Craft Morning’ weekly Wednesday sessions , both at 9.30am, will run throughout the school term (but not during Easter holidays, Apr 5-19th). Both sessions are held in the Baptist Church Hall and anyone interested is welcome. More details can be found on our website:

5th April: Palm Sunday Procession with Noah from Village Hall Meldreth to Holy Trinity Church, Meldreth. Thursday 9th April: Maundy Thursday 8.00 p.m. Holy Communion and Washing of Feet. Friday 10th Good Friday 1.00p.m. - 3.00p.m. Led Devotion Saturday 11th April 8.00p.m. Service of Light Easter Day 9.45 a.m. Family Communion

MBC Easter Services and Events: 9th April 8-9pm: Maundy Thursday Communion 10th April 2-5pm : Church will be open for Good Friday meditations 12th April 10.30-12noon: Easter Day Celebration

Melbourn United Reformed Church Friday Morning Coffee The Church hall is open from 10.30 – 12.30pm for coffee and a chat. Our Fairtrade stall is also available. All welcome

Reflective Services These services are usually held on the second Wednesday of the month and are about an hour long giving a chance to forget the hustle and bustle of the day, a time for contemplation around a theme, music and readings. Service starts at 7pm in the parlour room at the back of the church, providing an informal atmosphere.

Homelessness Sunday On Sunday 25th Jan we again marked Homelessness Sunday with a collection of clothing and non-perishable goods for Jimmy’s Nightshelter in Cambridge. Over the Christmas period we also collected our pennies, which will also be donated to Jimmy’s.

Slide Evenings “I’ve finished surveying the ‘Wondrous Cross’ thought Thomas … “Now where do I send the invoice”

In Feb/March we will be hosting several slide evenings from various groups in the church and we also hope to show the recent film ‘Son of Man’ a contemporary retelling of the story of Christ set in modern-day Africa. in melbournmagazine


The Walkers Partnership Solicitors New Year’s Resolution

Is it your New Year’s Resolution to make a Will or revise your existing Will? If so, please take advantage of our reduced rate wills offer. Please note the reduced rate wills will be available every week day in March and April 2009 from 8.00 am until 6.00pm by appointment only. We will also be open on the following Saturday mornings for reduced rate wills, again by appointment only: 14th March and 25th April Reduced rates are: Double Wills – £150 plus VAT Single Will – £90 plus VAT For more information on forthcoming dates please contact our Lower King Street office: 1–3 Lower King Street,Royston, Herts. SG8 5AJ Tel: 01763 241121


the lead up to Easter, please look out for details on the church notice board.

Melbourn and Meldreth Churches Together The tradition of Melbourn and Meldreth Churches Together going carol singing in the community, has expanded over the last couple of years to include an evening at The Black Horse. A very enjoyable evening was had on Wed 10th December where we teamed up with their regular folk group and other customers who joined in the singing. On the afternoon of Sunday 14th December members of MMCT went carol singing as part of a short act of worship visiting both Moorlands Court (led by Rev Stuart Clarke) and Southwell Court (led by Revd Duncan Goldie). The carollers were accompanied by a member of the Baptist Church (on keyboard) and Duncan (on cornet). Mince pies were enjoyed at both venues after the service. On Saturday 20th December a group met outside the Co-op before moving on to sing outside Leech’s Butchers. The weather was kind to us this year and carol sheets remained dry. Our carol singing efforts raised £145 for Chernobyl’s Children. Thank you to all who attended these events and to Duncan for his cornet playing, it certainly helps the atmosphere when singing outside in the village.

SOAS 100 Club The November draw was made by Cllr. Val Barrett on 8th December. There were 63 members. First prize of £21 goes to Mavis Howard at The Carlings, Station Road and the second of £10.50 to W A Warden of 10 Thatcher Stanfords Close. The December draw was made by Cllr Val Barrett on 30th December. First prize of £21 goes to Sheila Cheetham of Woolpack Way, Meldreth and the second of £10.50 goes to Zena Hawkin of 21 Greenbanks. The January draw was made by Rev Andrew O’Brien on 30th January. First prize of £21 goes to Peter Chilvers of 63 High Street, Melbourn, and the second of £10.50 goes to John Hyde of 15 The Lawns, Melbourn. If you would like to buy a share in the 100 Club for an annual subscription of £12, please phone Kersti David was speeding along the road one fine day when the local policeman, a friend of his, pulled him over. “What’s wrong, Jim?” David asked. “Well didn’t you know, David, that your wife fell out of the car about five miles back?” said Jim. “Ah, praise God!” David replied with relief. “I thought I’d gone deaf!”

Llewellyn-Beard 0n 01763 220703. The profits go towards preserving the ‘bricks and mortar’ of our historic church in the centre of the village.

SOAS (Supporters of All Saints’) The membership of SOAS remains at about 105 households (each may cover one, two or more persons) and we are looking forward to another successful year which will include, a concert by the Royston Choral Society in All Saints church on Saturday 7th March. The programme will include Faure’s ‘Requiem’, Mendelssohn’s ‘Four Sacred Partsongs’ and some lighter pieces. Tickets at £8 (£7 concs) and £2 under 16 yrs, available from George Howard at 01760 260686 or An organ recital by Stephen Cleobury, with song, in All Saints on Friday 24th April - look out for details And our Melbourn Open Gardens on Sunday 7th June – again look out for details. Our constitution, which is recognised by the Charity Commision, allows us only to spend money on the


(Supporters of All Saints’ Melbourn)

What is SOAS SOAS is a nondenominational charity and aims to enlist the support of the Melbourn Community to preserve the village character and heritage. Funds raised by SOAS through membership contributions and cultural events are spent on the upkeep of All Saints’ Church building. Membership subscriptions are discretionary with a minimum of £3 per person or £5 per family per year. Application and/or Banker’s order forms can be obtained by telephoning Shaun Coles on 260327.

Funds Disbursment as at 1/8/2008

Roof Central heating Porch Piano Lady Chapel Repairs Total Cash in Hand

£3000 £11000 £376 £500 7684 £22560 £20000

Funds Raised




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all types of birds rabbits guinea pigs many other animals wide range of accessories and pet supplies Also stockists for CALOR GAS Ample parking facilities Open 7 days a week Mon to Sat 9.00am – 6.00pm Sunday 9.30am – 4.30pm Cambridge Road, Melbourn, Cambs. SG8 6EY Tel 01763 263342


News from NOAH Hallo, there, it is Noah, the Melbourn donkey! Did you see me at the Crib Service on Christmas Eve? I was very nervous - I know I had been in church before but I had never seen so many people – it was packed! And wasn’t the baby lovely? I was on my best behaviour and I am very proud of the fact that I didn’t have an accident on the carpet. When you are a little donkey that can happen. And I didn’t bite anyone. I thought only animals did biting, but Andrew the Vicar says that the credit crunch is biting. I don’t understand, but apparently it means that the stables where I live cannot afford to keep me and Andrew the Vicar has to pay for my food and vet bills. That is why he asked everyone at the Crib Service if they would think about sponsoring me. I like the idea of lots of boys and girls helping to keep me as the Melbourn Donkey. About 20 kind people took sponsorship forms, but only about 8 have been returned. Andrew the Vicar says that if you took a form but have mislaid it with all the Christmas cards and wrapping paper, he will be happy to give you another one. Perhaps two or three children could get together to sponsor me. We could get Andrew the Vicar to put up a list of all the people who are helping to feed me and they would all own a little bit of me. I am hoping to come to Church again on Palm Sunday but this time it will be to MELDRETH church. The plan is for us to start at Meldreth Village Hall at 9.45 a.m and walk along the High Street to the Church. Another new experience for me as I have not been in that Church but I do know that people in Meldreth have also sponsored me so they must all like donkeys too. Did you know that Jesus rode on a donkey when he went in to Jerusalem. The Bible doesn’t talk about Jesus having a hamster or a stick insect, but it does say he had a donkey and ever since that time donkeys have had a cross marked on their backs. You have a look at mine, it is really dark. So, children, please do think about sponsoring me so that I can stay with all the nice girls and boys in Melbourn – I don’t want to be sent away. If lots of people pay a bit it will all mount up to a lot of food for me for the year. Lots of donkey love, Noah The Word of God from David Burbridge These words spake Jesus; Father, the hour is come, glorify Thy Son, that Thy Son may glorify Thee. Now, O Father, glorify Thou Me with Thine own self, with the glory which I had with Thee before the world was. No more in the world, I come to Thee. John 17 verses 1, 5 and 11

maintenance of the All Saints Church building and its furniture, and following the church’s quinquennial report we are painfully aware of the demands which will shortly be made of our funds. Your support is appreciated.

Safari Supper After the success of the Safari Supper which I organised last year in aid of the new Community Hall, I am planning to hold another this summer on Saturday 20th June. It will be slightly different this time in that we shall not be meeting in the Hall first but will plunge straight in to the starter course in someone’s home. Just to remind you of the format - those who have volunteered to cook starter OR main course OR dessert will already know that they are catering for 6 or 8 people, but will not know the identity of their guests. You will open your envelope at 6 o’clock and the slip of paper inside will tell you where you are to go for your hors d’oeuvre. At the end of that course, your host will produce another envelope which will tell you where you are going for your main course and again after that you will all be told where to go for pudding. Then, if you still have the stamina, everyone back to the Community Hall for coffee and cheese. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Well, it worked like a dream last year so let’s hope it works again this year! So I am once more appealing for both hosts and for guests. People who do the hosting may apply for a contribution towards costs if they wish - £4 to the starter and pudding hosts and £10 to the main course hosts. I will supply the wine but all the hosts will choose their own menus. This event was greatly enjoyed last year and is for everyone who likes good food and good company. You do not have to be in pairs – singletons are welcome and if your spouse does not want to join in, leave him/ her at home with a take-away and you come along and join in the fun. Please note that this event is not being organised by SOAS as all their fund raising has to be in aid of the fabric of the church – and I am aiming to raise money for the Community Hall. Entrance forms may be obtained from my trusty aide Jane Brett or from me. Do please call either of us if you have any queries or want to know more about the evening. Tickets will be £12 each and only payment will secure a place – a 90% refund will be given if you have to cancel up to 48 hours beforehand. I am certain it will be a most enjoyable evening Mavis Howard 01763 260686 Jane Brett 01763 260306




FAMILY LINKS Michael Linnette – Hello, I see there is a Michael Linnette who works for your council, I know the surname Linnette is very uncommon, i wonder if we are related, and if there are any more Michael Linnettes in the country? Peter Smith – I believe some of my wife’s relations through her great uncle came from Cambridgeshire I have a William Worland 1844, from Melbourn. Father Joseph, 1817, from Meldreth. William moved to London and married in 1870 Duncan Wood – I’m trying to trace the Wood family. The family story was that they used to own the village, but lost it playing cards! William Wood was born in 1768 in Melbourne, and moved to Great Chishill, where he died on April 24th. 1863. He would have been my great great grandfather. All help greatly appreciated! Many thanks Duncan (Wood) M Vandepeer – I am looking for information about the following families- Greenhill, Stockbridge & King who all hail from Melbourn. I have traced back to Ellis King born 1805 who was married to Eliza?, John Greenhill (1811) married to Elizabeth Stockbridge (1809). David Beech – My Grandparents (Whitby) lived at 7 Meeting Lane. Grandfather was a LNER Platelayer working the line between Shepbreth and Royston.My Grandmother’s maiden name was Mulberry. Her father was a Master Butcher (also the village ratcatcher) who had a shop down by the turning to the Moor. It then became a Bakery. I was born in Cambridge but lived in Melbourn until the end of the second world war when my Mother returned to Portsmouth. We used to visit at Holiday times each year until the late 1950’s.

Link Murang’a Just over 10 years ago Bishop Julius Gachuche, from the Diocese of Mount Kenya Central, visited Meldreth. This resulted in the two parishes of Meldreth and Melbourn forming a group called Link Murang’a and they have been fund-raising and supporting community and development work in the Diocese ever since. Members of the two parishes have visited Kenya on four different occasions over the years, the last one being 2007. I was fortunate to be involved in this visit and it was a great experience; but not all rest and play! We had a tight timetable for the two weeks, visiting schools, churches and farms. Brick (stone) laying, planting trees and much more. Even singing in Mount Kenya’s Cathedral, which knocked the reserved English nature sideways! The people appreciated our visit and did everything possible to make us comfortable and well-fed, putting a great strain on their own resources. Now we have a chance to return some of the hospitality; as we are delighted to announce that the new Bishop, Bishop Isaac Nurang’a and his wife Annie are to visit the two parishes in April, during Holy Week. Please watch out for future fund-raising events in Meldreth and Melbourn. We are sometimes at the Saturday morning Coffee Stop in Melbourn. If you would like to help the charity or find out more, please phone either Karen Cook (01763 261144), David Hollamby (01763 261082) or Rev. Andrew O’Brien (01763 260295)

Tim Negus – I am looking to find out more information about Charles Negus (Born 1870) married to Susan Chapman. I would love to find out anything about him/them, which farm they work on etc. Craig B – Interested in sharing notes with anyone researching the following: James Harper (b.1841 Melbourn) and his wife Maria Adams Harper, James Harper (1811-1885 in Melbourn) and his wife Ann Baker (1809-1876 in Melbourn), or John Adams (d.1888 Melbourn) and his wife Ann Clark Adams (d.1879 Melbourn). Please send me an email. Thanks!





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Thriplow Daffodil Weekend

New Melbourn Singers

The Thriplow Daffodil Weekend is a traditional village fête-come flower festival, with open gardens, craft and home-produce stalls, music and rural entertainments and much, much more! Who would have believed in 1969 that opening a few gardens and making visitors cups of tea, would have grown to be the much loved family event that it has truly become. Our visitors come from all over the United Kingdom to visit this lovely rural South Cambridgeshire village. Visitors are unaware they are on a ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ the ‘Magic’ being the warm and friendly atmosphere of the event; the ‘Mystery’ being which daffodils will be out ‘Early Brides’, ‘Charlton‘, ‘Verger’ or ‘Burma’ (to name but a few of the varieties that have been planted over the years), and the ‘Tour’ is the journey you take as a visitor as you step back in time for a few ‘celebrity-free’ hours meandering around the beautiful traffic-free lanes, open gardens; craft barns; stalls and demonstrations. If there was a Thriplow soundtrack think: Ralph Vaughan Williams (Traditional Folk Songs & Lark Ascending) and George Butterworth’s (On the Banks of Green Willow) and you are immediately transported. Come and visit us, see what a village can do when it works as a team and experience the Thriplow ‘Magic’ for yourself. Our external charity for 2009 will be Cam-Mind. Cam-Mind is Cambridge’s oldest mental health charity, providing support to people with mental health problems since 1908. It is estimated that 1 in 4 will suffer from some sort of mental health condition at some point in their life. Cam-Mind will be on the ‘Green’ on Daffodil Weekend to give information, help and advice. This year’s festival includes displays and entertainment for all ages with birds of prey, working sheep dogs, heavy horse rides, may pole dancing and a whole range of live music. The arts marquee will allow families to do their bit for the village environment over the weekend by designing and printing their own festival cotton bag to keep, all covered by their entry price, with prizes for the best creations. On Saturday children can enjoy a free Academy Theatre taster and on Sunday PANIC steel band will be performing by popular demand. We hope to see you there! Thriplow Daffodil Festival is on 28th- 29th March 11am -5pm Adults: £5.50 Children: £2.50 (under school age free). For more details see www.

Summer Concert Sunday May 17th By the time you read this the New Melbourn Singers will have sung with the Cambridge Choral Society in a concert at the West Road Concert Hall in Cambridge, performing Mendelssohn’s St Paul. The Summer Concert now beckons, when once again we will be joining the C.C.S. to sing ‘Songs from the Silver Screen’. This year the concert is being held on at Comberton Village College on Sunday May 17th at 3.00pm. Andrew Parnell will be our conductor, and in the past this has been a very happy occasion. We look forward to local support for this concert as the music will be familiar to many of you. Patricia Vince President. Adrian Jacobs Conductor

James had no idea his wife was having an affair, so he was mad with grief when coming home early one day he surprised her and her lover in the act. He grabbed a pistol and pointed it at his head, which made his wife burst out laughing. “What do you think you’re laughing at,” he cried, “you’re next.”




Bowls Jacqui Dodds 243667 Brownies Samantha Pascoe 261400 Brownies 1st Melbourn Stephanie Clifford 220272 Cricket Martin Winter 262733 Croquet Janet Pope 248342 Football Club Andrew Edwards 223109 Judo Derek Coult 225004 McSplash Joanne Greene 263313 Melbourn Sports Centre Graham Johnson-Mack 263313 Ramblers Dave Allard 242677 Royston and District Round Table Michael Seymour 221398 Squash Club Nick Sugden 261064 Swimming Club Jenny Brackley 244593 Tennis (Meldreth) Sue Davies 220174

Melbourn Sports Centre The Winter Review The winter months have seen an influx of new members to our fitness suite here at Melbourn Sports Centre, all working hard toward their personal fitness goals or to lose the remnants of the Christmas season’s traditional over-indulgence. To help them achieve this, we’ve set up a number of gym challenges. These includes the ‘How Far Can You Go In 2009?’ challenge, which sees individuals choosing a destination to ‘travel’ to – for example, Melbourn to Edinburgh – and then trying to traverse the correct number of miles during the year by walking or running exercises alone. If the fitness suite is not for you, then why not try one of our exercise classes? We have recently added a ‘Legs, Bums & Tums’ workout to our programme, which takes place on Wednesday evenings from 7pm – 8pm. Our comprehensive lesson programme continues to go from strength to strength. Activities cur-

rently on offer include cricket, trampolining, Fun4Baby, gymnastics and Pilates. One new arrival is our Hatha Yoga class; if anyone is interested in giving this a go, it takes place on a Tuesday morning. We are proud to report that participants in our swimming lessons programme have achieved another bumper tally of high standard awards this season. Our autumn term’s Most Improved Swimmer certificate went to student Katie Tuffin. …And finally, MSC has continued its commitment towards further education and training in sport and fitness by running a G.P referral fitness course and a National Pool Lifeguard course during the February half term holiday.

Spring Into A New Season At MSC! This season sees the return of the Swimathon, being held at our pool in April 2009. The Swimathon is a charitable event, suitable for all ages and abilities. It’s a great way to get fit and raise some money for a great cause at the same time (this year’s charity is the Cancer Care Trust). Further details can be found on the Swimathon website – www. And look out for swim times at Melbourn pool in April. With the welcome return of the light evenings, why not make the most of them by hiring a tennis or badminton court? It’s a great way to get fit for the summer holidays as well as enjoy the lovely, longer days. For further details on this or any other activity, please drop in, call 01763 263313 or go online at www. Graham Johnson-Mack, Melbourn Sports Centre



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Melbourn Bowls Club The start of the season is nigh, woods are being polished, the lawn is being manicured and everybody is eagerly anticipating the club open day on Sunday 26th April 2009. Along with welcoming existing members back to the club it is a great opportunity to see for yourself how much enjoyment you can have playing bowls in great company. So, please come along for a pleasant afternoon at the Moor, Melbourn (next to Melbourn Village College) at 2pm and try out the gentle art of bowls!! There will be experienced club members on hand to guide you throughout the afternoon so if you are tempted, pop down, you will be most welcome! Regular club practise sessions are held on a Monday afternoon throughout the season with a 2pm start. Please feel free to come down to the club and see for yourself how enjoyable and relaxing a game of bowls can be. The start of the season will commence from the beginning of May with league competitions and friendlies taking place throughout the summer months with other local Bowling Clubs. If you would like more information about the Club please contact me on Royston 221571 and I would be happy to answer any questions. Happy bowling and a great 2009!! Elaine Cooke

they are heading for Canada, staying on university campus’ in Ottowa and Toronto. The team has set itself an ambitious fund raising total of £25,000 to add to their personal contributions. They have already raised nearly £8500 in a variety of ways - waiting tables at dinner events, raffles, a fantastic jazz night, a cake stall, selling refreshments at events, and bag packing at supermarkets in the run-up to Christmas. Our next fund raising event is on Saturday 14th March, when we will hold a fun Quiz Night at Shelford Rugby Club (opposite Scotsdales Nursery). Tickets are £5 per head, inclusive of a hot supper and teams can be a maximum of 8 people. Don’t worry if you don’t already belong to a team - we will introduce you to others in a similar position (but cannot guarantee their level of knowledge!). There will also be a bar and a raffle. Further information and bookings to: Clare Benton, 01763 261928, ca.benton@

Melbourn Judo Club Our youngsters kick-off the New Year in fine style After a long drive across the cold bleak Fens, ten Melbourn Judo

youngsters arrived at RAF Marham on Sunday 11th January which, for seven of them, their first ever competition. They all did themselves proud and brought back 2 golds and 8 bronze medals for Melbourn. The competition was divided into two groups: the under 8s and the 8 - 11 year olds. The event kicked off with the under 8s, pictured left: Miles Blackwell (7), Lucas Blackwell (5), Dina Parcell (7) and Katrina Scales (7). Miles and Lucas both won one fight and gained bronze medals. Both showed excellent fighting spirit and Miles in particular had some tough opponents. Dina and Katrina were in the same pool of three. Each girl in this pool won one fight each and so they had to start all over again. Dina came out on top on the second occasion winning the gold and Katrina had to settle for bronze. All 3 were well matched and it could have gone either way. However, a light seemed to go on for Dina after her first win when she really got the hang of this competition thing. Then it was the turn of the 8 to 11 year olds p.55. Pictured right: Leah Parcell (11), Peter Huskie (8), Sam McCracken (8), Lewis McCracken

Shelford Rugby Club Fund Raising Quiz Night Saturday 14th March. Four Melbourn lads, Lewis Cooper, Ben Cullen, Harry Norman and Alex Jefferies play for Shelford Rugby Club Under 16s team. Following their GCSEs this summer, the squad is planning a 2 week tour abroad. The initial plan was to link up with a former coach in South Africa, and also undertake charity work for his organisation, but the soaring costs of flights made this unviable. Instead, melbournmagazine


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(11), Ben Cooper (9) and Jarrod Attreides (9) Ben and Peter were together in the hardest pool of the day. They both earned their well deserved bronze medals. Sam was unstoppable, beating his two opponents by Ippon and winning gold. His brother Lewis was unlucky to lose against old club mate Alex Vasekin when he was a Waza-ari up. He lost to a far bigger player and then won his last fight for a bronze. Leah really only had one opponent whom she beat, but then had to fight two very experienced players including the current U12 National silver medallist. These contests were carried out in the true spirit of the sport and the experience was invaluable to Leah. Jarrod’s performance really was really impressive and even though he did not win a fight, all were extremely close and luck was not on his side. He showed some great attacking moves, both left and right handed. He just needs to learn how to convert these to winning throws. The squad have confirmed their

commitment to the club particularly following their beginners course and gradings in December. The club is holding two Club Championships in March and June, followed by an invitational tournament in July, when it is hoped that other local clubs will attend.

Melbourn and District Gardening Club Are you interested in gardening? Why not join the Melbourn and District Gardening Club on a regular or occasional basis. We meet at 7.30 on the second Tuesday each month, at our new venue, the Community Hall, behind All Saints Church (near traffic lights, path by telephone box) New members and visitors very welcome. 10 March 2009 Something Old Something New Andrew Tokely from Thompson & Morgan (Seed Company) 14 April 2009 Vegetables & Fruit Gardening Mark Elkin College of West Anglia

12 May 2009 Hanging Baskets (Practical Demonstration) Mill End Nursery 9 June 2009 Evening Visit to Nuns Manor Shepreth Saturday 13th June 2009 Coach Trip to Penshurst Place & Gardens, Set in the Weald of Kent 13th Century house. Seat of Sidney family since 1552 11 acre formal walled garden with records dating back to 1346. One of the oldest gardens in private ownership. Italian Garden, Union Flag Garden,Paved Garden: Rose Garden, Nut Garden and Orchard Trellis Tours of the house & garden. Garden Tea Room - Picnics in Venture Playground 2 Self-Guided Walking Trails around the Penshurst Estate - Parkland & Riverside Walk. Journey takes 1 hour 42 mins (according to AA routefinder) Pick up Melbourn and Royston – Visitors Welcome For more information

ring Helen - tel 01763 245887 or Angela 01763 262793

Ramblers’ Association Royston and District Our walks programme continues right through the year. For details visit our website: or contact David Allard (01763 242677). Email: or Lesley Abbiss (01763 273463). There is also a poster displaying walks for the current month in both Melbourn and Royston libraries. We have walks on Sundays, which are normally 5-7 miles in the morning and a similar or shorter walk in the afternoon. Some Sunday walks are Figures of Eight making it possible to do only the morning or only the afternoon. Half-day walks are held on Tuesday or Thursday mornings (or both). Our evening walks resume on Monday 27th April melbournmagazine


and will move on a day each week until 26th August. Prospective new members are always very welcome and may come on a few walks before deciding whether to join. We also have a coach outing to Brighton on Sunday 7th June Details from Hazel on 01763 848349.

1st Melbourn Guides Melbourn Guides returned to our spiritual home in September, recommencing our meetings at the new All Saints Community Hall with a flourishing unit of 30 girls. After settling in, we explored the subject of disabilities with a Paralympics competition, featuring seated boccia (boules), wheelchair racing, and blindfold ‘tandem’ racing. We followed this with a disability-awareness themed evening, during which the girls discussed and sampled deafness, blindness, physical disabilities, and total paralysis. Activities included miming, guiding a blind person, trying to do up zips with


only one hand, and being excluded from conversations by not being able to move or speak. On a sunny Sunday in September we got together with Guides from Orwell and Steeple Morden for an activity hike. The girls learnt how to use a map and compass and identify trees, and the highlight of the walk had to be the cute alpacas at Morden Hall farm. We are now working on the ‘Right Now’ project, which explores rights and responsibilities related to the UN Rights of the Child. Starting with the ‘Right to be Me’ section, we made badges illustrating the meaning of our names, thank -you cards for people who have influenced us, and debated our rights and responsibilities. Cooking is always a favourite activity; on one manic evening the girls enjoyed making (and eating!) leek and potato soup, with weird shaped bread rolls too. The half term finished with a Halloween

themed bin-bag fashion show and a pumpkin campfire. As usual we had a high turnout for the Remembrance Parade, and we also did ourselves proud at the All Saints Church Bazaar, where we made over £60 on our children’s tombola. As Christmas approached, craft skills came into play; each girl learned to sew a felt robin, which took pride of place on a Christmas log arrangement, complete with candle, pine cones, and a variety of sparkly bits and pieces. They also made 3-dimensional paper snowflakes, which we donated to Moorlands Residential Home when we visited the following week to sing Christmas carols. Again, a great turnout of girls and some lovely singing. The spring term will see us exploring our new charity, doing patrol activities, crafts, games, and going on a swimming and ice skating trip. continued on page 59

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Teddy Bear A bear, however hard he tries, Grows tubby without exercise. Our Teddy Bear is short and fat, Which is not to be wondered at; He gets what exercise he can By falling off the ottoman, But generally seems to lack The energy to clamber back. Now tubbiness is just the thing Which gets a fellow wondering; And Teddy worried lots about The fact that he was rather stout. He thought: “If only I were thin! But how does anyone begin?” He thought: “It really isn’t fair To grudge one exercise and air.” For many weeks he pressed in vain His nose against the window-pane, And envied those who walked about Reducing their unwanted stout. None of the people he could see “Is quite” (he said) “as fat as me!” Then, with a still more moving sigh, “I mean” (he said) “as fat as I!

Next morning (nose to window-pane) The doubt occurred to him again. One question hammered in his head: “Is he alive or is he dead?” Thus, nose to pane, he pondered; but The lattice window, loosely shut, Swung open. With one startled “Oh!” Our Teddy disappeared below. There happened to be passing by A plump man with a twinkling eye, Who, seeing Teddy in the street, Raised him politely to his feet, And murmured kindly in his ear Soft words of comfort and of cheer: “Well, well!” “Allow me!” “Not at all.” “Tut-tut! A very nasty fall.” Our Teddy answered not a word; It’s doubtful if he even heard. Our bear could only look and look: The stout man in the picture-book! That ‘handsome’ King - could this be he, This man of adiposity? “Impossible,” he thought. “But still, No harm in asking. Yes I will!”

Now Teddy, as was only right, Slept in the ottoman at night, And with him crowded in as well More animals than I can tell; Not only these, but books and things, Such as a kind relation brings Old tales of “Once upon a time,” And history retold in rhyme.

“Are you,” he said,”by any chance His Majesty the King of France?” The other answered, “I am that,” Bowed stiffly, and removed his hat; Then said, “Excuse me,” with an air, “But is it Mr Edward Bear?” And Teddy, bending very low, Replied politely, “Even so!”

One night it happened that he took A peep at an old picture-book, Wherein he came across by chance The picture of a King of France (A stoutish man) and, down below, These words: “King Louis So and So, Nicknamed ‘The Handsome!’” There he sat, And (think of it!) the man was fat! Our bear rejoiced like anything To read about this famous King, Nicknamed “The Handsome.” There he sat, And certainly the man was fat. Nicknamed “The Handsome.” Not a doubt The man was definitely stout. Why then, a bear (for all his tub ) Might yet be named “The Handsome Cub!” “Might yet be named.” Or did he mean That years ago he “might have been”? For now he felt a slight misgiving: “Is Louis So and So still living? Fashions in beauty have a way Of altering from day to day. Is ‘Handsome Louis’ with us yet? Unfortunately I forget.”

They stood beneath the window there, The King and Mr Edward Bear, And, handsome, if a trifle fat, Talked carelessly of this and that…. Then said His Majesty, “Well, well, I must get on,” and rang the bell. “Your bear, I think,” he smiled. “Good-day!” And turned, and went upon his way. A bear, however hard he tries, Grows tubby without exercise. Our Teddy Bear is short and fat, Which is not to be wondered at. But do you think it worries him To know that he is far from slim? No, just the other way about He’s proud of being short and stout. Furry Bear If I were a bear, And a big bear too, I shouldn’t much care If it froze or snew; I shouldn’t much mind If it snowed or friz-I’d be all fur-lined With a coat like his! For i’d have fur boots and a brown fur wrap, And brown fur knickers and a big fur cap. I’d have a fur muffle-ruff to cover my jaws. And brown fur mittens on my big brown paws. With a big brown furry-down up to my head, I’d sleep all the winter in a big fur bed. by Alan Alexander (A. A.) Milne


Urgent Appeal: Melbourn Guides need another leader! Here’s a great opportunity to meet new people, enjoy a wide variety of activities, and feel good about yourself. Perhaps you’re new to the area, and want to get involved in village life. If you were a Brownie or a Guide you will remember what fun you had; if not, now’s your chance! We really need another adult helper to join our thriving Girl Guide unit. No previous experience necessary – just a sense of fun, a bit of patience, and two hours to spare on a Thursday evening. If you would like to know more please contact me Hilary Marsh on: 01763 261443.

Brownies September saw 1st Melbourn All Saints Brownies move back to the new All Saints Community Hall after an enjoyable couple of years at the URC. We began a busy term by continuing our disability awareness badge with a night designing posters for the Paralympics. We also had evenings exploring deaf awareness and mobility awareness issues where the girls learnt sign language and experienced what it would be like to be a Brownie in a wheelchair. The badge was completed when we received information about our new guide dog puppy, Marco who we raised money to sponsor last term. We had a record turn out for Remembrance Sunday in November when 20 of our Brownies joined the parade through Melbourn and attended the ceremony at the War Memorial. We have also run coffee stop this term and run a stall at the All Saints Church Christmas Bazaar making personalised bracelets. It is great to have such an enthusiastic and dedicated group of girls who are a credit both to themselves and the unit. We had a lovely evening in

November when the girls composed their own ‘firework display’ using mime and glow bracelets. December saw us preparing for Christmas and this year we made salt dough wreathes. We attended a District Christmas Disco, where it was lovely for the Brownies to meet girls from other packs. Our New Year plans include participating in a Guiding initiative to ‘Change the World’ – and we look forward to updating you on our progress in the next magazine. If you would like any more information about becoming a Brownie – or, indeed, a leader, then please contact Stephanie Clifford on Melbourn 220 272.

Rainbows As we had moved our meeting place to the new All Saints Community Hall in September, we began our autumn term with a practice fire drill, and learnt the layout and rules of the new hall. Five new Rainbows also joined us in September. They made their promise during October in front of their family and friends, which was followed by a promise party whereby all our Rainbows show new games and songs which they have learnt followed by refreshments. However, two of our older Rainbows left us during the term to join Brownies and we all wish them well for the future. Using old plastic bottles and dry rice, we managed to make fish tanks along with fish to take home. A lot easier to take care of! All our Rainbows enjoy cooking and eating so an evening of making muffin pizzas was enjoyed by everyone including the leaders. November brought fireworks to our meeting. We made firework pictures using marbles and straws with some exciting and creative works of art being produced. Apple bobbing and hunting for foil shaped

hedgehogs with torches brought squeals of delight. We had many activities for Christmas tree decorations using salt dough, bread and felt, but our main focus was on a performance for the residents of Vicarage Close, family and friends. The girls all learnt carols, poems and actions over many weeks culminating in a wonderful performance which we were all proud off. Thank you to the parents for supplying mince pies for refreshments afterwards. To end our year we joined Orwell Rainbows for a Christmas Disco at Steeple Morden. We enjoyed a few party games, dancing and refreshments, but best of all receiving a Christmas gift to take home. We will be beginning our Spring Term with four new Rainbows and another new Young Leader, Rebecca O’Brien. We hope they enjoy their time with us. Lots of activities are planned for the new year including celebrating and finding out more about the Chinese New Year, our first birthday sleepover and many more opportunities for fun and games. We are all looking forward to an exciting new year. Although we do have quite a long waiting list, if your daughter wishes to become a Rainbow, please call Abigail Roberts, Unit Leader on 01763 261505.

Daffodowndilly She wore her yellow sun-bonnet, She wore her greenest gown; She turned to the south wind And curtsied up and down. She turned to the sunlight And shook her yellow head, And whispered to her neighbour: “Winter is dead.” by Alan Alexander (A.A.) Milne melbournmagazine


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