Community Education Val Tookey 260566 Little Hands Karen on 01763 260964 Melbourn Playgroup Jane Crawford 07842 151512 Notre Ecole Janet Whitton 261231 Primary School Headteacher Jacqueline Bell-Cook 223457 Toy Library Yasmin Croxford 220246 U3A (Univ. of Third Age)
Chairman John Stevens 261858 Village College Warden Elaine Stephenson 223400
Adult & Community Learning Melbourn Village College Tel: 01763 260566 Email: Look out for our New Summer Programme. Lots of new courses to help beat the credit crunch, or help you find a new job. Learn a new skill or simply find a new hobby. We have lots on offer! Contact us for more details
Melbourn Primary School The children at Melbourn Primary have been busy as always. We have extended our music provision to include a talented musician ensemble, hand chimes group, school choir as well as including the whole of Year 4 in learning the pocket trumpet and the whole of Year 3 learning recorder. We were able to showcase these musicians at our Christmas productions as well as having them visit Southwell Court where they entertained some of the more senior residents of Melbourn village. Year 5 & 6 pupils have also had the opportunity to work with students from Melbourn Village College on a “Between the Notes” performance which took place at All Saints Church. I received several letters from members of the local community saying how much they enjoyed this concert. The Dance department from the College has also been working with our students and our older boys have particularly enjoyed their “Street Dance” sessions. We continue to work towards raising standards at the school. Teachers have recently extended their repertoire to include multiple intelligence and multi-sensory approaches to teaching and learning, as well as the use of Brainbreaks to optimise the learning that takes place in lessons. These approaches have made the curriculum more interesting and have gone down very well with children. We have great plans to extend the use of our field and grounds as part of the daily curriculum. This includes a proposed outdoor classroom and reflective garden where children can go if they don’t feel like rushing around at playtime. We are also introducing cycle racks to encourage more children to cycle to school. Our Library has been updated and relocated too. With the generous contribution of funding from the locally based Trigg Trust we were able to install a fully automated Junior Librarian system for children and staff to use. Children are now receiving lessons in Library skills in our new facility. As part of our work in the community we plan to facilitate ICT sessions for Melbourn citizens using our older children as tutors. We are very excited about this and welcome approaches from local groups who may be interested in receiving this input. Most of our children are very skilled in computer work and look forward to sharing their expertise with members of the village. Our school website went live recently too. If you are interested in finding out more about our school, please visit Jacqueline Bell-Cook, Headteacher Melbourn Primary School