Issue 64 Winter 2010

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MELBOURN PARISH COUNCIL 28 Station Road Melbourn Cambs SG8 6DX Telephone 262494 e-mail: Minutes of Parish Council Meetings and Planning Committee meetings are available on the village website Chairman Donald Mowatt 23, High Street SG8 6AL


Vice-Chairman Maureen Townsend 32 New Road SG8 6ER


Clerk & Office Avril Mellor, 28 Station Road, SG8 6DX


E-mail Website Councillors Val Barrett 2 Station Road, SG8 6DX Frank Benfield 2-4 Little Lane, SG8 6DX, Irene Bloomfield 78 Russet Way, SG8 6HF Alan Brett 44 High Street, SG8 6DXBB Rosemary Gatward 94 High Street, SG8 6AL Jose Hales 23 Elm Way, SG8 6UH Dean Hardingham 1 Portway, SG8 6EU Michael Linnette 11 Chapel Lane, SG8 6BN Andrew Mulcock 1 Lawns Close, SG8 6DR Donald Mowatt White Walls, 23 High Street Mike Sherwen 3 Hale Close, SG8 6ET Peter Simmonett 42 Greengage Rise SG8 6DS Christopher Stead 70 Russet Way pm only Maureen Townsend 32 New Road, SG8 6BY Richard Wakerley 32 Chalkhill Barrow, SG8 6EQ Employees Handyman and Caretaker Peter Andrews Emergency mobile. 07778-682245

261227 262421 222558 260306 261225 221058 232757 262534 222940 268388 260070 220363 260743 260959 262247 243312

Village Ranger Keith Rudge, 4 Dolphin La, SG8 6AF


Internal Auditor Bruce Huett, 20 Rose Lane SG8 6AD


County Councillor Susan van de Ven 95 North End, Meldreth


District Councillors Val Barrett, 2 Station Road Jose Hales, 23 Elm Way, SG8 6UH

261227 221058

South Cambs M.P. Andrew Lansley

01954 212707

South Cambs M.E.P. Robert Sturdy

01954 211790

The Parish Office at 28 Station Road, is entered by the door at the front of the building directly opposite Sheene Mill. The Parish Office is now open on Mondays from 9 am to 1 pm, on Tuesdays from 2 pm from 4 pm, and on Thursday from 9 am to 1 pm. The office is not normally open on Wednesdays or Fridays. As the Clerk is sometimes out on Parish business it is better to ring 262494 to ensure that she is in the office. Meetings of the Planning Committee are normally held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month commencing at 7.15 pm. Council Meetings are normally held on the fourth Monday of each month at 7.15 pm at All Saints’ Community Hall. The Press Royston & Buntingford Mercury Tom Ship, Media Centre 40 Ware Road, Hertford, SG13 7HU 01992 526639

From the Parish Clerk – Avril Mellor As the end of the year approaches it seems like a good time to look back at some of the important changes within the village that the Council has been involved with over the past 12 months. After a number of delays the yellow lines eventually went down in Station Road during September and hopefully these restrictions will reduce the traffic problems and improve safety by providing breaks in the line of parked vehicles. South Cambridgeshire District Council planned to dispose of all their rural car parks to eliminate maintenance costs. This meant that if the Parish Council did not take on the village car park it may have been sold to a private company which would then have imposed parking charges. To avoid this, the car park has been leased by the Council from SCDC on a 999 year lease and is already planning the introduction of hard and soft landscaping to improve the appearance of this area. It is intended that the Safer Route to School through the car park will continue and be enhanced to give clearer definition. At the time of writing the purchase of the Old Recreation Ground (opposite MVC) from the Church Commissioners has still to be finalised. This piece of land has been registered by the Church Commissioners as a village green. The council feels that having ownership under the same title would allow greater flexibility in the use of the land without repeated reference to the owners. The lease on the Parish Office comes to an end in February 2011 and the Council has been busy looking into various possibilities in the search for new premises. Hopefully by the time you read plans this will be in hand to move to a new location within the village. Please look out for information about the move on the website and on the parish noticeboard. Two new football teams are now using the Recreation Ground, a team from the Green Man and the 14/15 age group from Melbourn Dynamos, both of which play on a Sunday. The planned BMX site at Grinnel Hill is nearing completion and is an amazing feat of engineering by the lads who have built all the jumps by hand. I hope that this winter is not as severe as last year, as I know that many people, myself included, found it hard it stay upright. The Parish Council is arranging for four new salt bins to be placed at strategic points around the village, so please make use of them and if you find them empty, please report this matter to the Parish Office and I will arrange with Cambridgeshire County Council, Highways Department for them to be replenished. May I take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

Royston Crow Heath House, Princes Mews, Royston, SG8 6RT 245241 Fax 242231 Cambridge News David Williams, 3 Melbourn Street, Royston, SG8 7BP 249144 Fax 244502 BBC Radio Cambridge Reception Newsroom

01223 259696 01223 358510



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