15033 bid document

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We are.... CONTENTS: 1.0

INTRODUCTION About BrightSpace The People Our Experience




CONCEPT In Context The Scheme Layout Visual


DELIVERY The Project Team Programme and Resource

BrightSpace Architects


RISK MITIGATION Phasing Planning, deliverability and viability

We are passionate about helping our clients realise solu�ons that inspire, delight and deliver, by working together, openly and corrobora�vely. BrightSpace is a prac�ce of crea�ve and highly capable architects and design professionals, with a passion for realising high quality buildings, spaces and places. We enjoy the challenges that construc�on can bring and have signicant experience in delivering projects across a wide range of sectors, for both public and private clients, using various procurement routes. We strive to deliver buildings of the highest quality and our approach and processes, which are ISO 9001 accredited, ensure our projects are managed, monitored and reviewed at all stages. Fostering long-term rela�onships through a collabora�ve approach is at the core of our business. We believe that the success of any project relies upon the collec�ve strengths of the en�re project team, the true value of which can only be realised through the fostering of good rela�onships, effec�ve teamwork and open communica�on. This facilitates crossfer�lisa�on of ideas and creates tangible value when developing op�mum solu�ons to meet our client’s aspira�ons. We bring passion, enthusiasm, commitment and knowledge to every project we undertake because we enjoy what we do and seek to create the same experience for everyone we work with.

We are passionate about designing and delivering buildings and places that inspire, delight and create bespoke soluƟons for our clients by working together openly and collaboraƟvely.

About BrightSpace Our Approach Every project is unique, each having its own specific drivers. Strong and trusting relationships are at the core of our business. The directors of BrightSpace have worked together for 18 years and have grown our practice in excess of 20 staff.

To ensure we achieve the best possible solution for each project, we employ a simple and robust four stage approach on every project we undertake. This approach, which is highlighted opposite can be applied to each and every phase of the design and delivery process.

Practice Outline Was established in 2010 and is wholly owned by its Directors • The business has nil debt or borrowings and no medium or long term liabilities. • 2014 turnover of £1.05m and forecast £1.3m turnover for 2015* • The practice has 20 full time directly employed staff, with a mix of 10 Architectural to 8 Technical members of staff with skill sets to deliver projects from inception to completion. • Based in Fordingbridge with expansion within new premises for up to 35 staff • PII cover level of £10m • Core expertise in delivering residential, hotel, MSCP and commercial space in urban environments. • Extensive experience of working within Bournemouth, the authority and key stakeholders. • Proven reputation and track record of delivering planning approvals and completed buildings on time and on budget with Bournemouth Borough Council, Bournemouth Development Company and Morgan Sindall Construction.















the brief, the site and project drivers to the client, end users and stakeholders


from previous projects and team experience * BrightSpace accounts available on request


ideas, concepts and opƟons opƟons, preconcepƟons and the brief potenƟal soluƟons

soluƟons in concept and detail evaluate and discuss the way forward

the process and expectaƟons the programme and project output the project brief and client aspiraƟons

The People

Eric Sey

Martin Dobbs



A Chartered Architect with over 20 years’ experience, Eric has an established track record initiating, designing and delivering projects across a range of sectors and work stages for both public and private sector clients.

A Chartered Architectural Technologist and Building Engineer with over 25 years experience designing, detailing and delivering buildings across many sectors and ranging in value from £0.5m to £100m utilising various procurement routes. Martin has a passion for producing high quality well detailed buildings, and enjoys working closely with contractors to ensure delivery within budget and on programme.

Specific strengths and experience includes; Master planning, Urban Design, Mixed use, Residential and Commercial design to completion. Eric has also been instrumental in assisting the promotion of strategic land as well as delivering mixed use developments within sensitive urban environments including conservation areas and development set within the context of listed buildings.

Specific sector expertise includes : Master planning, Mixed-use, Residential, RSL/Affordable Housing, Hotels, Commercial, Education and Strategic Frameworks.

Mark Amey Director

Dave Evans Associate

David Hannaford Senior Architect

Alex Austin Architect

Chris Balston Senior Architectural Technician

David Martin Architectural Technician

Sarah Mitchell Architect

Gary Robson Architectural Technician

Arron Emmanuel Project Designer

Peter Churchill Technologist

Samuel Mitson Architect

Melinda Jin Part II Architectural Assistant

Jonathan Taylor Architect

Thora Arnardottir Part I Architectural Assistant

Tania Lugg Practice Manager

Emily Kenyon Administrative Assistant

Nathan Mundy Architectural Technician

Sam Hold Part I Architectural Assistant

Mark is a Chartered Architect with over 10 years experience designing, detailing and delivering projects in complex and sensitive environments ranging in value from £0.5m to £50m. He has experience in a wide range of sectors including Commercial, Mixed-use, Residential, Educational, Office, Retail, Leisure and MOD Projects. Mark has been responsible for a number of large commercial projects including a landmark 32-storey glass tower in the centre of Cardiff which was highly commended by the Design Commission for Wales; and the design and on site delivery of a portfolio of Rezidor and Hilton Hotel projects across the UK.

Our Experience

Mixed-Use Residential & Commercial Development


Hotel and Leisure

We have extensive experience in delivering a range of mixed-use commercial and residential projects and this enables us to carefully balance these differing demands and create successful accommodation for each use.

Our significant experience covers all facets of residential accommodation including:

The team at Brightspace Architects have considerable individual and collective experience in the design and delivery of hotel and associated leisure projects.

Delivering high levels of amenity, connectivity, views, outlook and orientation are essential in delivering high quality living environments.

• Master plans up to 1200 units. • Medium and high rise multi-storey apartments • Luxury properties for bespoke owner occupiers

We understand the value this experience brings to occupiers and users of a building and the operational and financial rewards that can be derived.

Many of our residential schemes form part of a mixed use development where the housing needs to integrate successfully with other uses.

Careful coordination is required throughout the design and construction stages to ensure that once completed and occupied, neither use adversely affects the other.

A high proportion of our work involves optimising land and development values through maximising land efficiency, land use and sector revenue.

Efficiencies can be gained, and costs minimised, by rationalising structural grids and location of services when placing residential accommodation above retail space.

The lessons learnt and knowledge gained has enable us to balance the need to create comfortable and pleasant living environments whilst identifying opportunities and efficiencies in design and construction. This experience ensures an optimum balance of time, cost and quality.

This has included new-build and refurbishment schemes on both brand-operated and boutique hotels, from feasibility studies at master planning stage to completion on site. Those projects have been delivered on a wide range of locations, including city centre sites, sensitive coastal locations and complex transport hubs.

Previous Project Experience: •

Berry Court Bournemouth

Madeira Road, Bournemouth

Bloc Hotel, Gatwick

Dolphin Quays, Poole

Seren Tower, Cardiff

Hinton Road, Bournemouth

Three Cups Hotel, Dorset

Key The Site Completed projects On going projects

Berry Court Bournemouth

The site is scheduled for redevelopment by Bournemouth Borough Council, as part of its Town Centre Master Vision, and we are working closely with the Bournemouth Development Company and the Authority currently, to bring forward proposals. The redevelopment includes the creation of 110 purpose built residential apartments for private rent, together with a new multi-level car park for the use by the public and to provide parking for residents. The scheme is currently out for public consultation, and lodging of a planning application is anticipated in June 2015. RIBA Stages A- D: ongoing

Madeira Road Bournemouth

This site was released for re-development by Bournemouth Borough Council, as part of its Town Centre Master Vision, BrightSpace worked close with the Bournemouth Development Company and Arts University of Bournemouth to provide a 400 space multi storey car park and a 378 student room halls of residence for the Arts University Bournemouth. BrightSpace were novated to Morgan Sindall Construction and worked closely with the contractor to provide the construction drawings and providing support during the build. RIBA Stages A–L; completed 2014

Bloc Hotel Gatwick

BrightSpace have worked closely with Bloc to develop a number of projects for new hotels across the south of England as well as develop a design for a reception area. With a focus on ensuring that the brand design is delivered throughout each hotel, innovative façade solutions and careful use of internal spaces contribute to the delivery of efficient and striking solutions.

RIBA Stages A–L; 2013—ongoing

Dolphin Quays Poole, Dorset

A waterside development located on the Quay in Poole Harbour. The scale, materials and proportion of the building makes a significant design impact by providing a contemporary landmark in the existing street scene and harbour edge fronting the new yacht haven. The scheme provides a mix of 105 one, two, three and four bed flats, 80,000sqft retail space and car parking.

RIBA Stages A-L; £30m; 1999-2004 * Projects designed or managed by Brightspace staff in previous employment.

Seren Tower Cardiff

Working with urban solutions, members of the Brightspace team delivered a planning approval for this mixed use residential scheme, comprising 248 apartments, 155 bed Hilton Doubletree Hotel, commercial space and associated car parking. The site, formerly council owned, is located on the Taff, a sensitive riverfront site adjoining the Millenium Stadium in Cardiff. The scheme consists of a 32 storey landmark residential tower with glazed wintergarden facade affording protected terraces to apartments and providing vistas across. The Hotel was accommodated within the lower medium rise buildings, with commercial space at street level with servicing and basement car parking below. The scheme was commended by the Design Commission for Wales. RIBA Stage A-D; £32m; 2009 - 2010 * Projects designed or managed by Brightspace staff in previous employment.

Hinton Road

Three Cups Hotel

BrightSpace are appointed to develop feasibility options for residential and commercial schemes for a key site in the Westover Road Conservation Area of Bournemouth.

Conversion of Grade II Listed former hotel to retail with apartments above, signature restaurant and boutique guest rooms with sea views to rear.

The initial design includes a 5 storey main block with a 10 storey element with views out across the town to the sea.

The bringing back to life of a long vacant, much loved local building, the back land of which has stunning views of the coast and historic Cobb walled harbour. Site topography, land stability, local sensitivity and the listed status of the building make this a challenging project.

RIBA Stages A–D; £15m; 2013—ongoing

RIBA Stages A–D; £4m; 2010—ongoing



Interpretation: The Brief Summary of BDC tender brief •

Provide approx. 27,000sq.m/ 400 residential units(studio, 1, 2, 3 bed and penthouses) for a combination of open market sale, Private rented, serviced apartments/apart-hotel. Height within the main body of the site up to 15 storeys but 5 – 6 storeys to the frontages.

Exeter Road frontage/ Priory Road Corner to have active frontage supported by 3000sq.m of commercial A1/A3 units (possible 1000sq.m supermarket). Height 5 – 6 storeys suggested. Possible residential units above.

Provide approx 850 car spaces within multi level car park, 450 for residential use and a further 400 for public use utilizing a one way access from Exeter Road with egress onto Cranbourne Road. Dedicated 30 – 40 car parking spaces desirable for supermarket.

Associated and considerable hard/soft landscaping and public/private realm to enhance the setting which will also include bank and tree stabilization and extensive cut and fill.

It is envisaged that given the setting and adjacent developments that this will be a premium residential/commercial address. Affordable housing provision is likely to be by way of an offsite commuted sum and/or potentially on a smaller site in the locality.

Aerial view from the North

View from BIC Roundabout

Aerial view from the South

View from Exeter Road

Interpretation: Design Principles

L a n d s c a p e , Tre e s a n d A m e n i t y :

To w n s c a p e

Retain valuable trees to the perimeter of the site as these provide screening and high amenity value both for the site and surrounding buildings/ frontages.

Derive an appropriate development envelope by utilizing the townscape model and employing the methodology used in The Tall Buildings Study, to understand the sites capacity for massing and height from key viewpoints.

Work with the natural levels and landscape within the northern section to create a public amenity space and garden walk along a meandering route that links through to Tregonwell Road.

Podium level landscape to be of reduced scale in the context of the extensive wooded perimeter.

Utilise this study to challenge the Tall buildings Policy by justifying an appropriate and considered architectural solution. The current presumption for this site is 6 storeys and the brief seeks to challenge this height by introducing buildings of 15 storeys. Create justification to go higher in appropriate circumstances

Interpretation: Design Principles

Residential Environment •

Utilize orientation, views towards the sea, attractive townscape views and screening provided to the site perimeter to create high quality internal and external spaces with a clear definition of public, semi private and private space. Create a mix with larger units located where amenity is highest and smaller units where amenity is limited. Provide units with balconies and terraces where there is valuable aspect and views. In all cases create well balanced, practical high quality accommodation. Facilitate efficient access from residents parking/ refuse and cycle spaces from each flat with lift access to all levels.

Site Zoning, public, semi public and private space •

Create distinct and legible zoning of uses with defined public, semi public and private spaces.

Endeavour to locate entrances to any residential foyers in a sympathetic way to avoid crossover with primary routes or through active frontage.

Ensure residential development has distinct, secure and defined private amenity space.

Interpretation: Design Principles

Exeter road frontage

Car Parking and movement

Create the opportunity for an attractive landscaped frontage along Exeter Road to create The Grand Garden Walk and soften any proposed new built edge to the development.

Energize the zone between the landscaped frontage along this wide pedestrian route with active frontage such as restaurants, bars and appropriate retail.

Utilize the sites topography to provide parking within the “bowl” via a mix of excavation to facilitate a near level access into the car park from Exeter Road, then build up decks to form a podium level, off which the residential development is built. By spacing the car park away from existing banks rather than cutting in, creates the opportunity for reduced retaining, natural ventilation and perimeter daylighting to the upper decks.

Utilize the softening qualities of trees and planting as foreground to the proposed built edge.

Provide screening of the car park using frontage development to Exeter Road (using deep single aspect commercial space).

Site the car park pedestrian access, off a public space off Exeter Road, zoned to allow pedestrian movement to Tregonwell Road, Priory Road and the proposed residential development.

Concept: in Context

^ Southeast aerial view v Long section

The Sea


Proposed Hotel

The Wintergardens Site

Concept: in Context

Northeast aerial view


Bournemouth Square

Richmond Hill

Concept: The Scheme


01 01 : Southeast aerial view 02 : Street view from Priory Road 03 : Street view from Exeter Road


Concept: The Scheme


04 04 : Northeast aerial view 05 : Elevated view from Priory Road 06 : Elevated view of public plaza at northeast corner of site


Concept: The Scheme


07 07 : Aerial view from north 08 : Elevated view looking southeast (towards Bournemouth Pier) 09 : Pedestrian view looking down proposed thoroughfare, from car park exit


Concept: The Scheme


10 10 : Southwest aerial view 11 : Pedestrian view towards Priory Road entrance 12 : Elevated view from Priory Road entrance


Concept: The Section East/West Site Section: Looking South Inc Proposals NTS

13 : Perspective section through site

Concept: Layout To w n s c a p e P l a n NTS

Concept: Layout Ground Floor Level




Commercial areas Decked car park

No. Units

Sales Area - Sqm

94 131 119 56

5908 8680 8120 3200


25908 3200 850 spaces

Concept: Layout First Floor Level NTS

Concept: Layout Basement Level -1 NTS

Basement level -2 NTS

Concept: Layout Basement level -3 NTS

Basement level -4 NTS


Delivery: The Project Team

Eric Sey

Design director

Dave Evans

Masterplannning and concept architect

David Hannaford Project Leader

Technical Team Leader

A Chartered Architect with over 20 years’ experience, Eric has an established track record initiating, Designing and delivering projects across a range of sectors and work stages for both public and private sector clients. Specific strengths and experience includes; Master planning, Urban Design, Mixed use, Residential and Commercial design to completion. Eric has also been instrumental in assisting the promotion of strategic land as well as delivering mixed use developments within sensitive urban environments including conservation areas and development set within the context of listed buildings.

A chartered Architect since 1997 with over 23 years of working for both private and public sectors, David has the experience and skills of a conceptual designer and project leader.

A chartered architect since 2008, with over 10 years working in architectural practice for both public and private sectors he is an experienced designer and project leader.

With over 10 years experience, Chris is an experienced technician and project leader with a proven track record of delivering projects.

Whilst David’s has a solid background in construction, David’s main area of expertise for the last 10 years has been in preparing early-stage feasibility studies, conceptual design and site master planning proposals, working with key stakeholders which, in addition to the clients, have included Local Planning Authorities, Design Review Panels, the end users and Community and local interest groups.

David has worked on a diverse range of projects including large scale urban development, residential and mixed use projects.

David has a track record of delivering successful planning approvals for developments with complex design briefs on challenging sites.

With a wealth of experience leading projects from inception through to delivery, David enjoys building positive relationships with clients, consultants and the site team.

Chris Balston

Chris has worked on a diverse range of projects including education, commercial, ecclesiastical, and mixed use. With an in depth knowledge Chris’ duties include leading design teams through the production of all tender and construction documentation. Other duties include attending and chairing design team and site meetings, along with liaising directly with contractors and authorities, to provide complete assistance within all aspects of the construction process.

Delivery: Programme and Resource RIBA SCALE


















MONTH 2016


Brief development masterplan and concept

Scheme development Pre-app Pre-app Public consultation

Scheme design Planning application

Eric Sey Dave Evans Architectural Team David Hannaford Chris Balston Technician Team

Planning determination

Contractors proposals

Contract award


Risk Mitigation: Phasing

Risk Mitigation: Planning, Deliverability and Viability Brightspace are experienced in the delivery of projects and understand the value and importance derived from understanding, exploring and mitigating development risk. We are in a position to assist the client, development and construction team, to identify, prioritise and contribute to the process of risk reduction through the life of the project. Here are our immediate thoughts on two examples and how their impact could be mitigated:

Risk: Achieving the Optimum Planning Consent

Risk: Deliverability and Viability

Planning and policy context

Early interaction with the contractor following first stage in 2 stage tender to evolve construction methodology, establish build ability, and budget cost for input into evolving viability study

Early engagement with the contractor following first stage in 2 stage tender to establish programme efficiencies and time savings in the lead up to contract award and during the construction phase to counter programme drift by enabling of systems and solutions as early as possible in the process

Explore opportunities to drive efficiencies and add value through intelligence, procurement strategy and phasing

Consider twinning of the design with two near identical buildings to increase the opportunity for reduced costs afforded through repetition and economies of scale

Policy allocation: Site allocated for residential development, as part of a mixed use scheme incorporating leisure and culture.

Bournemouth district wide Local plan

Bournemouth Town Centre Development Design Guide

Bournemouth Town Centre Area Action plan

Bournemouth Tall Buildings Study



Engage in early dialogue with the LPA as regards policy designation and scope of brief for the development in relation to quantum and provision of uses.

Utilize the Process of pre-app and consultation during the evolution of the design in lead up to planning application to ensure key stakeholders are engaged and any issues accounted for.

Create a pallete of standard componentry within the design to enable repetition, modularity and associated time and cost savings generated by economies of scale.

Phasing of construction, to stage costs and release of income generating sales or leases

Create opportunities for early revenue or capital receipts for more streamlined cash flow and reduced cost of finance

Understand the Town Centre Area Action Plan and Town Centre Development Design Guide and address the constraints and guidance within the solution proposed.

Undertake a Tall buildings study for the development of massing and design proposals for the site





B r i g h t S p a c e A r c h 1 5 G l a s s h o u s e S t F r y e r n C o u r t R F o r d i n g b r i d g H a m p s h i r e S P 6 1 Q X


i t e c t s u d i o s o a d e



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