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Peculiar Times

Increased violence and a drop in common sense Prior there was a veneer of belief in God. During the inauguration they used the Lincoln bible and Martin Luther King bible. However the people of the US don’t believe in anything. There are two groups of people: one that hates all good and the other loves all evil. This has led to confusion and dissension in this nation. For example you would think after recent events of extreme violence; that many could see that there was a problem with violence and guns. However these people still believe that these weapons can make them safe. They do not care about others being murdered because it is not them. Here we can see how these people break the 2nd great commandment. Unless it impacts them or someone they love they do not care. If they truly believed in Lord Jesus they would show love the way he did. Instead they say they believe in God but we know the truth they believe in what they can touch and what they think they can control. This is evident by

proposed legislation. In some states janitors and teachers may be armed. In Montana they want students to be able to carry a gun to school with greater ease if its locked in a locker. In Missouri they want a gun safety course to be mandatory for first graders. There are legislators in the US capital that say background checks for guns will decrease liberty and that 6 rounds of bullets are not enough. The people who want their guns so desperately have faith in guns and not God. The only safety we have is with God. These people seem to forget that the person who killed the children in Newtown used his mother’s gun. He used it to kill her first. Truly as common good is being removed so is common sense. The evils do not stop there. Even though this is difficult to see we must bear witness to it.

Living By Faith We must learn to live by faith. While others lose their confidence in the things of this earth we have to hold onto the true hope. To some praying, fasting and reading the bible seem futile in the face of danger but we know the truth. That God is stronger than any person, creature, storm, or mountain. He has also used small amounts of people to do great things. He has multiplied a little fish and five loaves to feed thousands. He enabled David to stand before Goliath with 5 smooth stones and a sling. He was with Moses when he stood before the great Pharaoh and heard Queen Esther’s pleas as she fasted. What do we have in common with those great people? They were once hidden or considered small and insignificant. Yet God used them to do great things. However they first believed in God and put him above all things and were not afraid to obey him instead of Satan and the sons of men. They also helped their brethren and knew that you must never blame God or charge him foolishly when in distress. Today we do not live in the land of our fathers but God has given us the gift to know the truth. He has taught us that if feast on his Word and yield to it we will overcome the greatest of our enemies...satan and death. Not only will we overcome these foes but we will conquer anything that stands in the way of our salvation: fear, lusts, or cares of this life. Romans 8: 35-39

A removal of divine good and mercy We take water for the most part for granted. We live in a well watered region that has abundant rivers and creeks. We also enjoy having one the great lakes on one of our borders. However even in the well watered state of Indiana drought came in the summer of 2012. What many people do not realize is that the drought has stretched into the winter. It is true most of Indiana has bounced back from the drought but this state was not the hardest hit during the summer. The Great Plains region is still in a drought and the Mississippi River has not recovered. Now there are worries about the lackluster (precipitation wise) winter is impacting the Great Lakes. No one is danger of losing their life due to thirst but it does have significant economic impacts: transportation of goods, agriculture and livestock. By itself this may seem like an isolated event. However there are reports that the summer in Australia has been in the triple digits in some places for 13-30 days in a row. In addition the polar ice caps have melted more than they have before. What does this mean? Well this world has gotten older and is not being healed as it was before. God is removing his mercy and goodness from this earth as well. We also know that God uses his creation to punish the wicked. He will also punish them with the very idols they trusted in. If they loved to do wickedness by the waters; he can dry the waters up or drown them in its waves. We know this is true because we know the story of Noah and how Israel was punished with drought.

A New Reality We have read the scriptures about the sons of men refusing to yield to God even though he is plaguing them in the end of the world. We have seen in print how God will remove his Spirit from the wicked. Yet in the United States many still profess or claim a form of godliness. They go to their churches or state how they are affiliated with the Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, or many others. This cannot be said about Europe. Which has become more secular and in some cases quite hostile to even religious symbols. Officials at a catholic university in Canada has decided to add an atheism course to their program. Why? They want atheists to know those who are religious are not naive or unintelligent. They also want those who believe in God to know that just because someone is an atheist does not mean they are immoral or a bad person. Why the need for this? Well apparently Atheism is on the rise. In the US alone it is believed

anywhere from 6-10% do not believe in a deity at all. It is also being noted that Atheists are becoming more aggressive and are actually trying to recruit members. They have always had conventions but now they are advertising on buses and on billboards. One of the goals is proving you do not need God to be good. That there are many just like you in your disbelief and you can have fellowship with them. They use misconstrued scriptures and the wickedness of Mystery Babylon to justify themselves. What they are incapable of understanding is that all good comes from God. However we know that this type of wickedness will be on the rise. It will be disgusting and grating but it will increase for God is truly removing his Spirit among the sons of men.

Household of Israel Temple of Jesus

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