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Baptism By Evelyn Pointer

Saturday, April 28, 12

Baptism is one of the sacraments ordained by God. The act of baptism includes repentance and giving of ones hearts, minds and actions over to the will of God. It includes complete submission in the water with the minister baptizing them in the name of Christ Jesus for the remission of sin as in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Acts 2: 38, Matthew 28: 19-19. Baptism began with John the Baptist. There is no where in the bible that we see that baptism began before John. John was the forerunner of Christ. Baptism was a sign, it was a new thing that drew attention to the new thing that was coming which was the preaching of the gospel and the new covenant, Matthew 3: 1-6, 11. Jesus as we know was also baptized as an example of all of these acts of righteousness that we must do in the flesh. Baptism is an act of righteousness, Matthew 3: 13-15. Baptism symbolizes and points to several vital fundamental things pertaining to our salvation: 1. It symbolizes the death and resurrection of Jesus. This is not just an act portraying what Jesus did. When we are baptized we are baptized into Jesus. So that just as Christ was buried and our old lives would be buried and just as Christ was resurrected a new person, we would live a new life, a life of perfection, walking in the path of Jesus, Romans 6: 1-13. 2. Therefore, baptism symbolizes a new life wherein we walk in righteousness having been cleansed by the washing of the word of God, Ephesians 5: 25-27, Hebrews 10:22.

Saturday, April 28, 12

When a person is baptized, they must first regret. Repentance necessitates a conscience, awareness of sin, the true consequences of sin and the awareness of God and His will, Acts 3: 19, Acts 2: 38. The act of baptism does not confer a special protection to a person, neither does it make a person righteous. Baptism is a sign of a person’s faith and love of God and his intentions to walk in a new way, a Godly way. In other words, baptism does not make you righteous, love of God and obedience to God,having been converted and repenting of your sins leads you to Baptism. Baptism does not ensure salvation. It does not protect a wicked and common person form anything. However, to those who know God, in our time, from the baptism of John until Christ baptizes us with the Holy Ghost we are still commanded to repent and be baptized. The physical baptism is a symbol, a sign. But the spiritual baptism is what will save you. What is spiritual baptism? It is the act of a good conscience, a clean conscience towards God. I Peter 3:21. In I peter, Peter said it was a “figure” meaning a symbol, something that represents something. Jesus Christ spoke of baptism to Nicodemus when he said you must be born again to enter into the kingdom of heaven, John 3:3-6 &22. We must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven. How are we born again, by water and by the spirit. By water in Baptism--certainly not just the physical act-- what is important is that you have repented and you are living a life of righteousness, having sacrificed the things of this world. In other words you have converted--our heart is changed. The second part of being born again is being born of the spirit.. Here is the second baptism. Jesus himself is going to baptized us with fire and with the Holy Ghost. I

Saturday, April 28, 12

It is only in this condition that we can enter into the kingdom of heaven. When we have been converted we repent, se are baptized with water and then the Lord will pour out His spirit upon us during the time of the refreshing--we are born again. There are people all over the world who are baptized, even baptized in the name of Jesus, but it means nothing because they have not repented, they do not know God, they do not keep his laws. What if a person dies before he is baptized? Does that mean he is lost? There were many children of God prior to the works of John the Baptist. Also, many people in ignorance after the apostles died who could not read or obtain a bible. God is a God of mercy. He certainly understands the abilities and times of all men. He is not willing for men to die. He does not ever rejoice in the death of the wicked. He wants all men to repent and be saved. Here are certain times that God “winked� at the ignorance of the people. Meaning he did not hold it to their charge. Remember that even a sin in ignorance requires the blood of Jesus, Acts 17:29-31. We have to remember what the spiritual act of baptism is. If a person is converted, and loves God and repents and is unable to be baptized because they are physically unable to be submerged, perhaps their in the hospital or perhaps there is no once to baptize them in truth--do you think that God would reject them knowing their hearts? Now the question that has been softly batted is the baptism of young children and babies. Baptism does not confer righteousness in a child. Since the child is not converted, does not understand sin nor truly understand God, it is not the child’s choice, but the parents. When a young child is baptized it is a sign of the faith of the parents and not the child.

Saturday, April 28, 12

Salvation is, however, a very individual thing. It is a most profound baptism when baptism occurs at an age in which the person chosen for himself--because he has come into the knowledge of God and is lead by the Spirit. So, should children be baptized? If a parent wishes their child should be baptized as an act of faith by the parents--the parent’s righteousness. The book of Acts speaks of several occasions where a person and all of their household were baptized--very likely children were in the household--Acts 16: 14-15, Acts 16:25-33. If a person choses not to have their child baptized, we know that the power of baptism and the righteousness of baptism is the for those who are spiritually baptized, having repented and knowing God, and the consequences of sin.

Saturday, April 28, 12

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