Grace and Supplication

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Grace and Supplication By Gloria Henry

Friday, April 27, 12

What is grace and supplication and why is it important to us today? How does it affect our lives and when do we expect it? Grace and supplication is a rain that we receive prior to the atonement that causes us to mourn and be sorrowful according to the sins that we sinned against God. Zechariah 12: 10-14. Grace: the free and eternal love and favor of God which is the spring source of all the benefits which we receive from him. It is mercy or love of God that found redemption for mankind. It is a second chance for man to come in the heavenly family of God. Supplication: to make a humble request or petition especially in prayer; to keep in prayer unto God.You then bring your gift unto the altar of God and make vows by prayer unto him. When do we expect grace and supplication and why is this so important? Everyone must receive grace and supplication in order to be saved. Malachi 3: 1-4. Joel 2: 28-29. Christ is going to come suddenly as a thief in the night into his temple, (I Corinthians 3:16-17) the temple of God is in each and every one of his children individually Ezekiel 11:16. We will not know the day or the hour but we must look upon Christ who we have pierced. How did we pierce Christ? For every sin that we committed was a pierce unto Christ. We will mourn in bitterness because we caused Christ to suffer so for our sins. Matthew 24: 42-44, Zechariah 12: 10-14.

Friday, April 27, 12


else will be required of during grace and supplication? We must bring to God a clean offering and that offering must be ourselves. What is a clean offering? It is an offering that we must offer unto God with a pure heart, with mercy, the spirit of poorness, hunger and thirst.You cannot offer a clean offering if you are an adulterer or fornicator, liar, thief, if you have something against your brother, if you have idols or envy in your life. You will not be accepted of God. What will happen during grace and supplication? Christ will call us with the sound of the trumpets. Revelations 1: 9. As we know Christ has come to judge his churches and all of his children are divided into seven churches. Revelations 1:11. Christ is the High Priest Melchizedek and he will speak unto us with voice of many waters. He will tell us what we have done right and wrong and how we must change in order to be saved. We must see the crucifixion of Christ and through this process we will be punished, purged, refined and cleansed. We must go through this process in order to be atoned for our sins, in other words for our records to be cleansed with the blood of Jesus Christ. This is why we must see the crucifixion to know what it took in order for us to be saved! What else will be happening during grace and supplication? It is the time of healing. Malachi 4:2. “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and he shall go forth, and grow as calves of the stall." Hosea 6: 1-3. It was the flood of God's mercy from the throne of mercy that God has given unto his creation that he loves, John 3: 16. God the Father sent his only begotten son who he reduced to a seed and by the Holy Spirit placed within the womb of one his own creation (Mary).

Friday, April 27, 12

Christ's life and what he would suffer a behalf of man was in full agreement of the throne of God. The great Holy Spirit would bring us unto repentance and would be an intercessor for us. Romans 8: 26. Wisdom Knowledge and Understanding goes into the broad ways to rescue us and helps us out of our fall. She then justifies us before the Father. Matthew 11:19. Philippians 2:15. All the angles and heavenly host helped mankind because of the mercy and grace goes to us. What else is important about grace and supplication? Grace and supplication for some will be painful. Why? Because when God speaks to you every idol that you have will fall which will be painful for some who willingly place idols before God breaking the very first and second commandment. This is like pulling a bad tooth. Christ will bring the truth to us and all lies will fall which will be painful for some who willingly placed idols before God breaking the very first commandment, Ezekiel 11:17-20. Look at the apostle Paul and his conversion. Acts 9: 1-12. When God spoke to Saul he asked him, "What wilt thou have me to do." Paul's grace and supplication changed him forever. Christ did for him what he could not. All idols, lies, wickedness fell before Christ. We know that Paul was one of the greatest of the Apostles and he suffered for his sin. Paul always had a thorn in his side. Let us consider Job who was perfect and upright.Yet when God spoke to him out of a whirlwind he repented in dust and ashes Job 38: 1-2, Job 40: 3-4, Job 42: 1-6. Another person we must look at is Mary Magdalene was a sinner yet when he spoke she fell before him asking for forgiveness in tears. Mary was so thankful and grateful she was forgiven of her sins. Luke 7: 36-50.

Friday, April 27, 12

When we receive grace and supplication we will be so thankful for the grace that God has bestowed upon us. We will humble ourselves and bring to God in tears a clean offspring. Remember we ourselves are the temple of God a little sanctuary no matter where we are scattered. When God comes to us all idols and anything that separated us from God will fall. Christ will purge us, refine us, and we will be cleansed with fuller soap. All of this is done so we might be atoned for our sins, in other words our record books cleaned with the blood of Jesus Christ. We then will be ready for the next two rains. The former rains and the latter rain! What will happen to the foolish virgins Ezekiel 11:21, I Maccabees 4: 38-54.

Friday, April 27, 12

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