Music as a Weapon

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Music As a

Weapon Written by Melissa C. Pointer Special thanks To Evelyn Pointer’s class on the mind Saturday, January 12, 13

A Peculiar Weapon Today we fight an enemy that does not use swords, guns, arrows or knives. Instead he preys upon our emotions and uses our own memories against us. He has no issue with weaponizing our own loved ones against us. What are our weapons: prayer, fasting, meditation, reading God’s word, the solemn assembly and praising God. The words and the melody in a song help our minds focus on things in a unique way. It can give us strength to face our enemies because it can bring to mind the promise of God: he said he would never leave us alone, for example. A song can convey a sermon in less than 3 minutes. Within songs we remember the reasons to fear God and trust in his will.

Saturday, January 12, 13

Our Fight

Songs are an excellent weapon against the fiery darts that satan sends to us. It acts like a protective shield for our mind.

Saturday, January 12, 13

Music’s Impact

Music has a significant impact on us and though we may not realize it is ubiquitous in our environment

Saturday, January 12, 13

Now you may ask what is the evidence for this? Well I will tell you that if you do not believe that music can have such an impact then you have never seen a movie, heard a song on the radio or watched a commercial. Why do you think they play the cheerful christmas music in the malls; to get people in the spirit of purchasing. The advertisers know that music can increase a person’s likelihood to buy certain items and will convey messages that stick with the target audience. In fact I had a special music play list for studying in school to help me focus. I would play an electronic piece and I felt like I could really focus on calculus.

A Unique Tool Music can help you focus on difficult tasks

At my current place of work the majority of pharmacists (when they are not on the phone) are listening to music while processing chemotherapy orders. In operating rooms surgeons complete intricate work on their patients while playing rock, country, or jazz. I cannot even exercise without music. If I need to run faster I play a song with a faster tempo and I refuse to go to a spinning class with an awful playlist.

Why does music have such a strong impact? Of the seven pathways that enter the battle place known as the mind music affects 5: memory, emotions, the pleasure center, perception or awareness through the senses, and communication. Yes words with a tune impact five of the seven. How is this possible? Saturday, January 12, 13

Music & Memory

Music has been used to memorize important facts and concepts

Saturday, January 12, 13

Memory is the power or process of recalling what has been learned or retained. One of the first common songs we learn is the alphabet song. In fact we often recall it when we need to remember that q comes before r. I still have the theme music from the green giant vegetables commercial planted firmly in my head and have found myself belting out spontaneously ho, ho, ho green giant from time to time. I also remember with accuracy the counting sequence of 1-12 from sesame street and can repeat it with ease because I liked the song when I was a little kid. Think about how powerful that is.

When you sing a song of God you recall things that may have gone from focus like God’s promise, how he will never leave us, how much he loves us and that he gave his life for us. Don’t believe me... let us review over this portion of the song It’s the call of the Lamb of God. Because he loves me so, he gave his life and now I can live with him Because he loves me so he called my name and now I live with him When you hear this and force yourself to listen you remember how much God loves you and because he values you; you have value and remember your purpose is to obey him in all things. The things of this world just pale and another barrier against fiery darts has been created. Now of course this works both ways. Remember me belting out the green giant song. Our world is inundated with songs because of their impact on us. This is part of the reason why we have to be careful about the music we listen to. Satan uses music to bring to mind carnal pleasures to have us forget God, who we are and what that our duty is to obey him.

Saturday, January 12, 13

Music and Emotions Music can make you feel brave, angry, scared, joyful and even sad. You only have to watch one movie in your life and notice the sound track. It changes so the viewer will have the appropriate response to the subject matter. They are not going to play angry heavy metal during a scene when characters are holding hands. Did you know when the Nazi’s had occupied Norway they would not allow certain music to be played. Why? The Norwegians love being Norwegians and their folk music increased their patriotic fervor and led them to protest.

Music has a significant impact on our emotions and can intensify or decrease behavior Saturday, January 12, 13

Spiritual Music Spiritual music evokes a powerful emotional response as well. When my sister wrote Every time I recorded it and played it over and over. I was going through such a difficult time and I played it before and after my appointments with the nurse practitioner. Other songs conveyed so much joy and hope. I remember when I found the song Here Comes the Sun I just grinned I loved that song and I just knew that everyone when they heard it would love it too. Music can uplift you when you are in the depths of sorrow or seeing red with anger. It can act like a shield around your mind from the fiery darts Satan sends to manipulate our emotions against us.

Saturday, January 12, 13

Music and our Temples

Emotions are not necessarily bad. God created us to have emotions. We would not be complete without them but they can lead to problems if they are not controlled within the bounds of God’s law. Certain types of common music are sinful. They may increase the likelihood for violence, fornication or depression. We are the temple of God and we cannot put things in our temples through our eyes, ears, mouths or hands that offend Him.

Saturday, January 12, 13

Music and Pleasure Music feels great! It starts when we are babies. No one tells a child they should enjoy music but they do. No one tells a baby they should dance when they hear a pleasing tempo but they do. They begin by trying to bend their knees and with time lift a leg up to move in time with the rhythm.

Saturday, January 12, 13

Music Protects It also feels good to sing and shout. That is why music is a must at weddings, birthdays, and other types of parties. It is a good thing to take pleasure in serving the Lord and music helps us do that. When I sing Victory is Mine I feel the need to tap my foot and move my head. Consider this to be a shield against the warping Satan can do with emotions and situations. Satan loves for us to delight in sin; so that we will reject the laws of God and become wearied in obeying him.

Saturday, January 12, 13

An Excellent Defense

The Devil uses negative emotions as fertile ground for malice, depression, wrath and desperation. However if you allow the rhythm of “Sing and Rejoice� take you over and you think about the words and sway to the music you are not think about a trespass that someone has committed against you. Saturday, January 12, 13

You are less likely to be consumed by your worries and cares in this life when you sing “I am going to the land of no pitfall�. Just like the runners high that enables you to embrace each stride toward the finish line, a song can help carry you through so that you obey God without fear or trepidation. It feels better to obey God than to satisfy your flesh. The pride of life dims in compared to the joy praising God brings. Unlike the lusts of the flesh the side effects is a stronger spirit and a closer relationship with God that enables you to move faster and farther. Psalms 40: 3 And he hath put a new song in my mouth, [even] praise unto our God: many shall see [it], and fear, and shall trust in the LORD. I Chronicles 16:9-10 Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk ye of all his wondrous works. Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD. Saturday, January 12, 13

Music and our Perception

We hear music with our ears and sometimes when it is loud enough we can actually feel it within us. Satan will try to use our ability to hear against us with corrupt conversation, wicked music and sinful television. Have there been times when someone has told you a story and you want to wash your brain in peroxide afterwards. I remember a coworker telling me such a story and afterwards I said tell me a funny story next time and not a scary one. Perhaps you saw a movie and you wish desperately you had not seen it afterwards because it became very unpleasant and it stuck with you. That is the thing our senses are pathways into the mind and Satan is keenly aware of that.

Saturday, January 12, 13

The Word of God in Song

When we listen to holy praises we have effectively blocked that pathway from Satan. He is unable to stuff corruption through our ears. Also remember how powerful it is to hear the words of our Savior. If hearing the Word of God can change the heart think about the impact of a song. A song can crash through boundaries and cut through a spiritual prison. Christ was able to heal and raise the dead with his voice. Holy music can also heal the spirit and it stays with you in a unique fashion.

Saturday, January 12, 13

Music and

Communication Music has been used through the centuries to communicate. In Israel of old trumpets were used to communicate with the thousands on when to travel, when to fast, when to assemble, time of war and the new moon. Song was used as a testimony and a witness during the time of Moses. Deut 31:19 Now therefore write ye this song for you, and teach it the children of Israel: put it in their mouths, that this song may be a witness for me against the children of Israel. Testimonies were given in song as well as prophesies in the bible. Why? So much can be communicated in words with a melody.

Saturday, January 12, 13

Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day. Psalms 81:3 Saturday, January 12, 13

A Message in Song Though they came to crucified he forgave his enemies, he forgave and he forgave...I know the Lord will come to see about man, I know the Lord he will come to judge mankind, he will come and save the men who forgave their enemies the men who hate will burn, burn, burn, burn

An excerpt from the song Oh Friend

Saturday, January 12, 13

A Peculiar Weapon This is a strong message about why we must forgive. First we must forgive because Christ forgave. Second Christ will come to judge this earth and those who hate will be burned in the lake of fire. We have to forgive like Jesus in order to be saved. You may have to forgive over and over again but it is worth it if you want to be with Jesus in the end. Now there are many scriptures in the bible that state that you must love your enemies and those who despitefully use you. There are scriptures about turning the cheek and not letting the sunset on your wrath. Ephesians 4: 19.

Saturday, January 12, 13

Music cuts through the fog Satan sends in an effective way Saturday, January 12, 13

Music is a true Defense Why? Because anger that is allowed to fester quickly turns to malice, rage or wrath. God is not found in this. Also with time that festering anger will turn to hate and Lord Jesus said that was the same as killing someone. What is wonderful about the song Oh Friend you can utilize it quickly. When you are angry you can start playing the song in your iPod. The song will help reduce your anger and resentment. Being the empirically minded person I tend to be I tried it. It helps quite a bit. With time the music cuts through the emotion and you begin to see and think more clearly. With a clearer head you can think about scriptures you have read and do what can feel at first to be unnatural. (Remember the flesh fights hard against the spirit). Sometimes it will take a few minutes and other times it may take a few hours but eventually the anger will flee and you will be able focus on your true purpose. You see music is a way for us to hear the Word of God and listen to the Holy Spirit speak to us. Now of course this cannot occur if you are not trying or being earnest but if you are sincere this communication will bring you closer to God. Saturday, January 12, 13

Sing unto the Lord Singing praises with your brethren is also a bonding experience. I know I love singing Let us break bread together with my sisters in the truth. It is a form of communing together as we serve God. Unfortunately Satan can use music to bond and communicate with people as well. Consider the evil that can occur during concerts or the wicked messages that can stick to you via a song. Though it has been said before it bears repeating we are the temple of God. It is important to not put anything within us that will offend or displease the Spirit of God.

Saturday, January 12, 13

A Peculiar Weapon During this season of Purim remember our greatest enemy is not in flesh and blood. Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]. Just like queen Ester we may not be able to use weapons like steel, sword or bows. However we can pray, fast, study and praise God. These are powerful weapons that will protect us and prevent Satan from establishing any strong holds within us. In fact they will us take back ground Satan has stolen and will cause him to flee.

Saturday, January 12, 13

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