Purim and Mardi Gras

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Purim and Mardi Gras By G. Colleen Henry Illustrated by Melissa C. Pointer

Saturday, January 26, 13

Purim & Mardi Gras Purim and Mardi Gras, what do they have in common? Absolutely nothing, yet some Jewish people who celebrate Purim claim that Purim is like Mardi Gras. They wear masks, have parades, paint their faces, eat frolic and dance the same way they do for Mardi Gras and Carnival.

Saturday, January 26, 13

Here is a quote from a Jewish site about Purim. “It’s possible these ancient rituals of celebrating before times of restriction could be adopted to form a more perfect union between all faiths. A universal holiday celebrated for the pleasure and happiness of everyone in the entire world, with no importance on creed, race, or nationality.

n Saturday, January 26, 13

These days are beautiful now, but with the entire world in attendance it could be even more beautiful; donning masks, and beautiful attire, celebrating over good wine and drink; this is your month for that; so many holidays celebrating masquerade. So happy Purim, Carnival or Mardi Gras, whatever it is you’ll take part in this year. Or if none of the above, steal a mask and sneak into a crowd, remember no one knows you, and be someone you never thought you’d be�.

Carnival participants wearing masks

Children wearing Purim masks Saturday, January 26, 13

The belief of Mardi Gras and Carnival as we know has ancient origins in Babylon which was adopted and cultivated in Egypt, Greece and Roman. When Christianity came forth and began to spread, Constantine Emperor of Rome instituted these pagan rituals with the Jewish feast so that his kingdom could be one without giving up their beliefs as he thought. All holidays of Rome began with the birth of the Sun god (Christmas) because in ancient times it represented the rise of the Sun god, which pointed to the end of winter and the beginning of spring but we know much wickedness was done during this time.

Saturday, January 26, 13

Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday starts after Epiphany which supposed to be the revelation God the Son as a human being, Jesus Christ, and this falls on January 6 and culminating on the day before Ash Wednesday which is supposed to be the first day of Lent and 46 days before Easter. But the pagans put in a clause to continue with their reverie; Tuesday before Ash Wednesday you can do anything you want as far as eating, drinking and all types of immoral evils to your delight and desire; then go through so call fast of Lent for forgiveness.

n Saturday, January 26, 13

We know that the so call Jews always wanted acceptance of the so called Christians and since their holidays are close together they feel their celebration could be as one; Passover-Easter, Day of Dedication- Hanukah-Christmas. These are big holidays celebrated by the so call Christians and Jews. Now some Jews want Purim and Mardi Gras to be one in the same ritualistic celebration.

n Saturday, January 26, 13

As stated before Mardi Gras is a part of Christmas and it is celebrated with a king cake which is circular and colored with green, gold and purple and with the same colored beads with it. They put an idol of a baby inside the cake (supposing to be baby Jesus) and who ever get a piece of this cake with the baby in it has good luck throughout the year. The green, gold and purple beads are given to people for them to perform lurid acts as they hide their faces behind masks.

The bread eaten by so called Jews is similar to King cake that is eaten on Fat Tuesday Saturday, January 26, 13


This partying continues until Ash Wednesday where they put a sign of the cross on their foreheads to begin their so call fast Lenten fast; which only means to give up some pleasure for a forty day period until Easter.

Saturday, January 26, 13

Easter as we know celebrates the spring equinox but in order to lure Christians in this belief they added the crucifixion of Christ to draw them to this pagan ritual. In ancient times, Easter provided them with another ritual that the pagans did by copulating on their fields would make it fertile with better crops and by doing this they would worship their goddess of fertility. After the growing season it would continue until the autumn where they would worship their dead ancestors and ask for a blessing for a profitable harvest. When winter came around and if they survive Christmas would bring forth the rising of the Sun god and the rituals start all over again.

In every culture there were fertility idols: Ashtoreth, Ishtar, and Kali. Eostre was the fertility goddess of the Saxons. (The Saxons were originally from Germany.)

n Saturday, January 26, 13

What is Purim and the true meaning so that we will know the true differences? Purim was the victory over the enemies of the Jews led by Haman who thought that they could destroy the very name of the Jews that was scattered throughout the kingdom of King Ahasuerus especially the people of Mordecai and Esther, Esther 3:6 Satan put fear in the mind of Esther by the king not calling her for 30 days, and she knew if anyone came before the king not summoned could be their death even her.

Saturday, January 26, 13

But as we know God always prevail and Esther and Mordecai prevailed against Haman and his evil plot. The Jews picked up their weapons and destroyed their enemies with the king’s permission. But this story did not end here because it refrains to our day. We and all of God’s children will get the victory over Satan our enemy. We will pick up our sword which is the word of God and we shall prevail. This will be a great victory over sin and death.

Saturday, January 26, 13

The Word of God is sharper than any two edge sword. Reading and applying those

words will change you completely. You will overcome Satan just as Lord Jesus did.

Saturday, January 26, 13

Why should we dance in the streets hiding behind masks and painted faces as those Jews do who do not know the meaning of this feast day?


Did you know? That the supposed Jews read the book of Ester in a chant and when the name of Haman is heard they use noise makers to blot his name out.

The 15 century Italian Jews were influenced by carnival and began donning masks. While some authorities were concerned about the possible infringement of biblical law were men to don women's apparel, the accepted consensus was to permit all masquerade, as it was viewed as a form of merry-making.

Saturday, January 26, 13

In the Talmud which is simply a book based on their opinions. The drinking of wine features prominently in keeping with the jovial nature of the feast. This is based on the fact that the salvation of the Jews occurred through wine and the Sages of the Talmud stated that one should drink on Purim until he can "no longer distinguish between the phrases arur Haman ('Cursed is Haman') and baruch Mordechai ('Blessed is Mordecai')."

Saturday, January 26, 13

We will lift up our voices and sing praises unto the Lord for sparing our lives as he did in the days of Esther. Even though we are only a remnant of a great nation that was peeled and meted out and scattered to the four corners of the earth, God will make us victorious over all of our enemies. Amen.

Saturday, January 26, 13

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